Parks Commission Agenda Packet 01-18-2001 . 1. 2. ,., _1. 4. . 5. 6. 7. . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, .January 18, 200t - 4:30 p.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room Members: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver and Nancy McCaffrey Council Liaison: Roger Carlson S tafT: Gregg Engle and Jeff O'Neill Call to order. Approval of the minutes of the regular 111eeting on Oecemher 14, 2000. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens rcquests. Review Mcadow Oaks and Pat'kside park plans. Discussion on Phase II planning ofRivcr Mill Park. Review plans It)}' Pioneer Park shelter - discussion on meeting held with the Lions on Tuesday, January 16,2001. 8. Discussion on idea of Community Centcr park - Kitty Baltos. 9. Discussion on year 2 of West Bridge Park plan. 10. East Bridge irrigation project plan. 11. Park maintenance items. 12. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Dccembcr 14,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Memhers present: Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Earl Smith. Mcmhers absent: Rick Travcr and Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Gregg Engle 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the mceting to order at 4:30 p.m. and dcclared a quorum present. 2. Approval of the minutes ofthe rcgular meetine on N ovcm ber 16, 2000. Minutes were not available. This item was deferred until such timc as minutes would be available. 3. Considcration of addine items to the al!enda. Larry Nolan asked for an update on the status of the pedestrian hridge for County Road 18. There was no additional infcml1ation on the pedestrian bridge project. Earl Smith stated that he had received several comments/complaints about the parking lot at the sliding hill at River Mill. The residents don't feel the parking lot enhances the park. 4. Citizcns Rcquests. None. 5. Review Finalized Budget. The hudget information relating to the parks which was approved by the City Council on Dccember II th was reviewed by the Park Conul1ission. The items in the capital outlay fund were reviewed and discussed. Park Superintendent Gregg Engle noted that much of the equipment on the list such as the tiller, aerator and seeder would be used for getting parks ready for seeding and for maintenance of the balllields. Thc bleachers for the Freeway Fields/4th Street parks would be thrce tiered bleachers and are easily moved. The Park Commission then discussed the various improvemcnts proposed for the parks. Cregg Engle noted that because of the topography of the area about the only things that could be done at the Parkside Park would be installation of picnic tables and grills. The Park Deparllnent is also proposing to add some additional pieces ofplaygrollnd equipment at thc Meadow Oaks Park. Park Commission Minutes - 12/14/00 . It was noted that there are runds set aside for soccer field improvements which will be used for the fields at the new high school. Earl Smith stated that he believed the property by T" Street which is available should be pursued as a site for additional soccer fields. It was asked that this item be placed on the next Parks Commission agenda. Other park improvements include replacing the sand around the playground structures with fiber turf and providing a play structure for the West Bridge Park. Gregg Engle will have concept plan and cost estimates f()r the Park Commission after the first of the year. It was noted that the $47.000 budget fc)r the Bridge Park Improvement is the second year of a five year plan for improvements to the parle The Park Commission noted that the Hans Hagen concept plan which was presented to the Park Commission at a previous meeting could impact Bridge Park because of its close proximity. llowever, since it is just a concept plan and may not materialize. the Park Commission felt it would he best to proceed with the plans fi.)r improvements to the West Bridge Park. Gregg Engle also discussed the plans for an irrigation system for the [~ast Bridge Park and will be working with contractors to come up with a design and costs. Gregg Engle, Nancy McCaffrey and Fran Fair will meet in January (tentatively January gth) to discllss the plantings for the East Bridge Parle . The Parks Commission discussed the funds set aside fc)r improvements to Pioneer Park. Gregg Engle is working with the Lions Club asLlr as a design for the shelter. There may also be changes requircd to the parking area. I t was noted that the $25,000 budgeted fi.lr the River Mill Park was for the parking lot. Earl Smith commented about the condition of the Pm-west Park. He suggested that the Park COl1lll1ission members view the site and then they could discuss possibilities for improving the park aesthetically. One option mentioned was to remove the ag lime fields and maybe move the play structures to a more central location. The Park Commission asked that the Parwest Park be covered as a future agenda item. Gregg Englc cxplained the e1Torts llsed to control the geese problem at Ellison Park. It was suggested that leaving ul1eut a two IClot strip li'om the river up the bank would act as a deterrent to the geese coming up the bank. The Park Commission felt that the practices that the Park Department used this past year, which included a fence and spraying, seemed to work well and should be continucd. Gregg Engle statcd that thcy experienced considerable vandalism to the fence and that was why he was looking at other ideas. Earl Slnith commented about the vandalism in the parks and in particular the vandalism to the trees at the Cardinal II i lis Park. I Ie was concerned that there seemed to be no concertcd effort to control this activity. The Park Commission felt it was their responsibility to go on record stating their concern about the vandalism in the parks. . I~ARL SMITll MOVED TO HAVE llIE ISSlJE OF VANDALISM OF TilE CARDINAL HILLS PARK PLACED ON 'fHE POLICE COMMISSION AGENDA SO llfAT TI-I1: ') . . . Park Commission Minutes - 12/14/00 POLICE COMMISSION CAN ADDRESS TIIIS WIllI THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT IN AN AITEMPT TO OBTAIN PROSECUTION FOR SUCl I ACTIVITIES. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. The Park Commission discussed the Mini Community 'free Planting. Gregg Engle will be meeting with John Simola, the Public Works Director, during the first pmi of the year to work on this. The planting is usually done in April or May. The Commission discussed where the trees would be planted. Some areas that were discussed wcre Cardinal Hills and the area of Marvin Elwood Drive. It was determincd that Rick Traver and Fran Fair will work with Gregg Engle on the tree planting day. 6, Prioritize Capital Imorovcment Projccts. Gregg Engle indicated that this did not have to be done at this time but could be included on the agenda for January or February. Earl Smith suggested that the Park Commission discuss the Th Street land for use as soccer fields with the Council Liaison to the Park Commission. 7. Goals for 20tH. Gregg Engle submitted sheets Cor the Park Commission members to list goals they would likc to sce accomplished for 2001. Thc Park Commission will bring this back at the next meeting for a discussion of the goals noted. 8. Park Maintcnance Items. Gregg Engle reported on the snow removal from thc rinks and flooding of the rinks and noted which parks had skating rinks and when they are open. The Park Commission complimented the Park Department on the removal of snow from the pathways. Gregg Engle reported that hc will be meeting with the DNR about cleaning up of some of the area along the river hank. Fran Fair asked iCtherc was any plans for clean up ofthc islands on the river. Grcgg Engle reported that he had attcnded a mecting dealing with grant progranls and he has scveral applications for grants that thc City is eligible Cor. There is $5.000,000 in grant monies available. Nancy McCaffrey and Cireg Engle will work on submitting of the applications. Grcgg Engle noted that thc skating rink in the Cardinalllills area was being Llsed extensivcly and suggested that a skating rink be considercd Cor Pioneer Park. He had a sketch of the area and point out possible locations Cor a rink. -rhe Park COl1llnission discussed Pioneer Park noting it will be a major park for the city. Earl Smith expressed his opinion that even though the l.ions Club is making plans f()r the sheltcr at Pionccr Park, the ultimate authority over what , .J . . . 10. Park COl1unission Minutes - 12/14/00 takes place at the park is the City. Cregg Fngle indicated that he will be meeting with the Lions and will be getting additional information on the proposed shelter which he will be presenting to the Park Commission. Adiourn NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:50 P.M. FRAN I.'AIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 4