Monday, April 25, 2016 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum
present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
B. Approval of Meeting Minutes
• Regular Meeting Minutes from April 11, 2016.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the minutes as amended. Tom
Perrault seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda
• None.
D. Citizen Comments
• None.
E. Public Service Announcements
• Recycling Day — Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, provided
information on the event. In addition, she mentioned that the commuter
parking lot will be closed for this event.
• Shibani Bisson gave an update on TH 25/CSAH 75 Construction project
schedule. She touched on two items. 1) The traffic lights were off this
weekend. She addressed the issue and it is being corrected. 2) Ms. Bisson
described the improvements that were currently being made. Brian
Stumpf brought up the issue that pedestrian traffic was being directed to
cross TH 25 at 3"d Street. Ms. Bisson responded that this is not
encouraged and direction signs with that information will be removed.
Staff prefers that people cross at a controlled intersection, preferably 7"'
• Brian Stumpf introduced Jim Thares, the new Economic Development
F. Council Liaison Updates
• FiberNet Advisory Board — the meeting was cancelled.
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• EDA — Lloyd Hilgart noted that Block 34 and associated issues were
discussed. The issues related to soils and any possible contamination.
The EDA approved funding for additional testing.
• MCC Advisory Board — Brian Stumpf noted that a majority of the
meeting was spent on discussion on Friendship Island.
• Personnel Committee — Brian Stumpf stated that the Committee
discussed future training opportunities.
• MOAA — the next meeting will be on May 11, 2016. The meeting agenda
will include discussion on solar. Wright County has put a six month
moratorium on solar.
• Safety Committee — Tom Perrault noted that the City is in the process of
updating their Safety manual.
G. Department Updates
• Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, gave a presentation relating to an
overview of the Street Department.
• City Administrator Update:
1. Jeff O'Neill noted that CTC and Arvig both submitted their
responses to the City's inquiries in regard to Fibernet Management.
The City is reviewing their responses from a legal standpoint and
checking their lists of references. The plan is to schedule a City
Council workshop the week of May 16.
2. Mr. O'Neill updated on the Highway 25 Coalition. The group is
meeting on Friday, April 29. All entities noted preliminary approval
of the draft. The document needs final approval from some of the
entities. Both the City of Monticello and Sherburne County have
signed the document.
3. League of MN Cities Annual Conference registration is still open
and Mr. O'Neill encouraged attendance.
4. There will be a volunteer appreciation picnic on June 23. All
board/commission members and volunteers are invited to attend.
2. Consent Agenda
Tom Perrault moved to approve consent agenda excluding F, 1, J, and K. Charlotte
Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved
the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $577,696.10.
B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved
the hires for MCC, Streets, and Parks and the terminations for Streets and
City Council Minutes —April 25, 2016 Page 2 17
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property.
Recommendation: No report this cycle.
D. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-027 authorizing conveyance of City
property to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority by Quit
Claim Deed for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossings 1St Addition and Outlot C, Otter
Creek Crossings Yd Addition. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016-
027 authorizing Conveyance of City Property to the EDA by Quit Claim
Deed for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossings 1St Addition and Outlot C, Otter
Creek Crossings 3rd Addition.
E. Consideration to approve applications for temporary on -sale liquor licenses for
the Monticello Lions Club for Riverfest Community Celebration events on July
16 and 17, 2016. Recommendation: Approved the three temporary on -sale
liquor license application for the Riverfest Community Celebration events on
July 16 and 17, 2016.
F. Consideration to approve changes and Ordinance amendments to certain City
Board and Commissions. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM
G. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 638 amendment the Therapeutic
Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists ordinance by amending Section 3-
18-2: Definitions. Recommendation: Approved Ordinance 638 amending the
Therapeutic Enterprises and Massage Therapists Ordinance.
H. Consideration to approve a Special Event Permit for a 5K Run/Walk on
September 24, 2016, sponsored by Party for a Purpose to benefit the Monticello
Cancer Center. Recommendation: Approved the Special Event Permit for
Party for a Purpose 5K run on September 24, 2016.
Consideration to approve a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit
(CUP) for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and
approval of development agreement for Jerry Hartung Addition for a single lot
development in the B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Retail Partners
Monticello, LLC. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE
Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-022 authorizing the application for
MnDOT Stand -Alone Noise Barrier Program. Recommendation: ITEM WAS
K. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-023 to Advance Municipal State Aid
funds for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15CO01 and
TH 25/7t" Street Project, City Project No. 15C004. Recommendation: ITEM
City Council Minutes —April 25, 2016 Page 3 17
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion.
F. Consideration to approve changes and Ordinance amendments to certain City
Board and Commissions.
Torn Perrault pulled the item. He expressed concern over the elimination of
certain boards or commissions and the lack of Council representation on certain
boards or commissions.
Glen Posusta moved approval of Ordinance 636 amending the City Code by
eliminating Title II, Chapter 7 — Police Advisory Commission and Ordinance
637 amending Section 2-10-3, Industrial and Economic Development
Committee: Membership. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion
carried 4-1; Tom Perrault voted against for reason listed above.
I. Consideration to approve a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit
(CUP) for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and
approval of development agreement for Jerry Hartung Additionn for a single lot
development in the B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Retail Partners
Monticello, LLC.
Glen Posusta pulled the item. His concern was the appearance of the rear
elevation. His concern was that is lacked aesthetics. Steve Grittman, Northwest
Associated Consultants (NAC), responded that the building is consistent with the
PUD that was originally approved.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the amendment to CUP for Development
and Final Stage PUD and approval of development agreement for Jerry
Hartung Addition for a single lot development in the B-4 District. Charlotte
Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Glen Posusta voted against
for reason listed above.
J. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-022 authorizing the application for
MnDOT Stand -Alone Noise Barrier Program.
Tom Perrault pulled the item and questioned how the program will be funded.
Shibani Bisson responded that the program calls for 90% being paid by MnDOT
and 10% being paid by the City. It was also mentioned that there is the possibility
of the City being reimbursed the 10% at the time MnDOT decides to expand 194
to three lanes which would then qualify for the noise barrier.
Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternative I to adopt Resolution 2016-022
authorizing the submittal of a Greater Minnesota Stand -Alone Noise Barrier
Program. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
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K. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-023 to Advance Municipal State Aid
funds for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15C001 and
TH 2517`h Street Project, City Project No. 15C004.
Lloyd Hilgart pulled the item and questioned the dollar amount of State Aid funds
the City is allocated each year and how many years will need to be advanced.
Shibani Bisson commented that the City receives approximately $400,000 per
year and can borrow up to five tunes the amount. For the project the City needs
to be advanced approximately $1.5 million, so the City would be advanced
approximately four years of funds. She also mentioned that the amount is based
on actually amounts and these numbers are estimates.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of Resolution 2016-023 to Advance Municipal
State Aid Funds for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project. Glen Posusta
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearings
A. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-024 accepting Part 2 of the City of
Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan for submission to the Minnesota Department
of Health.
Shibani Bisson presented the item and identified the sections of the plan which
include: the goals, the plan of action, and a comment period. She noted that the
Water Superintendent will need to document their actions in regard to the plan,
followed by comments and approval. The final action is the plan being submitted
to the Department of Health. In general, Part 2 consists of an inventory of the
potential contaminant sources within the Drinking Water Supply Management
Area (DWSMA) and a plan to address these potential contaminant sources and
reporting requirements.
Brian Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Brian Stumpf closed
the public hearing.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of Resolution 2016-024 accepting Part 2 of the
Wellhead Protection Plan. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
4. Regular Agenda
A. Consideration to accept the Northwest Monticello Interchange Land Use Stud
for inclusion in the Northwest Interchange Study
Steve Grittman, NAC, provided an update on the interchange options that were
studied. He then reviewed a summary of comparisons of the potential four
options. He added that the study, after being accepted, is to be utilized by WSB
& Associates and incorporated into the full interchange study. Some of the areas
City Council Minutes —April 25, 2016 Page 5 17
addressed were: land use issues; infrastructure issues; environmental issues; and
public policy issues such as economic development.
Mr. Grittman reviewed four possible concepts for the possible future interchange.
These included: Orchard Road; County Road 39; interchanges at both Orchard
Road; and County Road 39; or neither location as a possible interchange. There
was some discussion amount the Council in regard to budget and the preferred
Charlotte Gabler moved to accept the Northwest Monticello Interchange
Land Use Study. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1;
Glen Posusta voted against. His concern is that Xcel Energy will not allow an
interchange at Orchard Road.
B. Consideration of a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development
(PUD) for a multiple family attached housing project in the Central Community
District CCD). Applicant: Masters Fifth Avenue
Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the rezoning request of the property located at
Lots 1-3, Block 36, to a Planned Unit Development District and PUD
Development Stage approval that would accommodate the development of a 23 -
unit multiple family residential building in the CCD. It was noted that the
Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request
pending conditions recommended by staff.
Glen Posusta questioned the minimal level of on -street parking and the
appearance of the garage building including the roof and the siding. Lloyd
Hilgart also commented on the appearance of the garage building. Some of the
concerns was the appearance of the roof and the fact that is should be flat to
match the building and the lack of detail on the front exterior. There was also
discussion among the City Council on the extension of the sidewalks. Tom
Perrault asked who would pay for the remaining sidewalk extension continuing
from this property. Steve Grittman responded that this could funded with Park
Dedication fees.
Brian Stumpf is concerned about the density and that fact that this proposal
doesn't fit with the "Embracing Downtown" plan. Angela Schumann responded
that the Economic Development Authority is addressing the "Embracing
Downtown" plan in their work plan and that, although the plan still has validity,
there are needed changes.
Barry Fluth, the Developer, and Brad and Lisa Hiltz, the applicants, addressed the
City Council and some of the concerns raised. Barry Fluth is confident that such
a proposal is a good buffer between retail and residential and will jump start
redevelopment. Brad and Lisa Hiltz discussed the types of materials that will be
used and the cost factor associated. They mentioned that the front of the garage
City Council Minutes — April 25, 2016 Page 6 17
exterior could be given some detail to snatch the exterior of the building. There
was continued discussion on the appearance of building. Steve Grittman
reminded the City Council that they will have the opportunity to approve the final
Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternative 1 to adopt Resolution 2016-026
approving the Development Stage PUD based on the findings in said
resolution, and contingent on compliance with the conditions as presented in
Exhibit Z and with the comments made by the City Council and that they
will be presented the final PUD for approval. Charlotte Gabler seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-1; Brian Stumpf voted against for the reason that
the proposal doesn't fit within the "Embracing Downtown" plan.
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreibe
Attest: 1. '
Cit " l�inistrator
City Council Minutes —April 25, 2016 Page 7 17