Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-19-2001 . . . P ARKS COMMISSION / COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD JOINT MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 19,2001 4:30 p.m. WEST PRAIRIE CONFERENCE ROOM Parks Commission: Larry Nolan/Chair, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Nancy McCaffrey, Rick Traver, and Roger Carlson Advisory Board: Harvey Kendall/Chair, Wanda Kraemer/Vice Chair, ldella Ziegler, Bob Murray and Roger Belsaas City Staff: Jeff O'Neill/Deputy Administrator, Gregg Engle/Park Director, Kitty BaItos/Community Center Director, Kate Broman/MCC Assistant Director, and Dawn Grossinger 1. Call Meeting to order 2. Review meeting purpose 3. Site review ~ meeting moves out to location 4. Reconvene in West Prairie Conference Room - Discussion or ideas for land use 5. Adjourn . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 4:30 p.m. Monticello Cit), Hall. Acadcmy Room Members: Larry Nolan. Earl Smith. Fran Fair. Rick Traver and Nancy McCaffrey Council Liaison: Roger Carlson Stall: Ciregg Engle and Jeff O'Neill *Joint Meeting with Community Ccntcr Advisory Commission* 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular 111ecting on March 15. 200 I. 3. Consideration of adding itcms to the agenda. 4. Citi7.ens requests. ). City Water Issue - John Simola 6. Park Comprehensive Plan update - Gregg. 7. Field usage schedule - Gregg 8. Adopt-A-Park update. 9. Meado\v Oaks construction update. 10. East Bridge Park irrigation and landscape update. 11. West Bridge Park construction and playground update. 12. Pioneer Park shelter update. 13. River Mill Park update. 14. Clearwater to Monticello '['railway Plan. 15. Tree seminar/planting/inspections update. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 15,2001 - -1:30 p.m. Memhers Present: Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan. Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Mcmbers Absent: Fran Fair. Staff: Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Aoproval of the minutes ofthe regular meeting of Februarv 15,200t. Gregg Engle noted corrections for costs listed under Item #9 in the minutes for backstop and basketball court for the River Mill Park. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH THE CORRECTIONS TO THE COSTS LISTED FOR THE BACKSTOP AND BASKETBALL COURT FOR RIVER MILL PARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a!!enda. Pam Campbell's presentation on the application for adopt-a-park for East Bridge Park by the Monticello Community Partners was added to the agenda. Pam Campbell brid1y reviewed MCP's application fiJr the East Bridge Park and noted that with this application they were proposing a second area of plantings. They had met with Gregg Engle and reviewed the planting arca and the planting material that \\ould be used. It was noted that the area would have to bc terraced before the plantings could be done. Gregg Engle informed the Parks Commission that with existing work load for the park stall it is unlikely that thcy would be ahle to do the terracing work in this area. I-lovveveL he had obtained a cost estimate from a landscaping firm for the work. The estimate was $1,562.50 using the City's boulders or $2.125.00 with the landscaping firm providing the boulders. The company estimated the work vvould take ahout four d,rys. The work vvould tentatively he scheduled ft.)!' April 23rd-April 30th. EARL SrvllTH MOVED TO ACCEPT TI II.: PRICE QUOTE OF $2.125.00 FOR THE TERRACING WORK IN EAST BRIDGE PARK WIIICI-I WOULD INCLUDE TI-IE COMPANY PROVIDING TIlE BOULDERS. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/15/0 I The Parks Commission discussed where the funds for the terracing work would come from. Gregg Engle stated that there is $2.500 in the Adopt-A-Park Program w-hich could be used. These funds could also he used for Otter Creek and River Mill plantings and t'lw the master gardeners at Ellison Park. Pam Camphell stated that they estimated the cost for the plantings and other supplies for the East Bridge Park at $943.76-$983.76. EARL SMITH MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ADOPT-A-PARK APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY PAM CAMPBELL FOR MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL or $983.76 WHICI-IINCLUDES TilE SECOND PLANTING AREA. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI. Y. Earl Smith asked about the trees at the East Bridge Park. Gregg Engle responded that those trees would be brought over to West Bridge Park and planted in the area of the Walnut Street parking. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 5. Discussion on 'Vest Brid!!c Park Playground. At the last meeting, catalogs of playground equipment were distributed for the Parks Commission review with the idea of sekl:ting a playground structure that \vould be plcll:ed in the southwest corner of the West Bridge Park. Ciregg Engle was requesting a recommendation from the Park Commission members as to what kind of strudure they would I ike to see there so that he l:ould haw some layouts ready for the next meeting. The consensus of the Parks Commission was that they would like a nautical theme. perhaps a steamboat or river boat design. It is estimated that the structure \\ould cost about $25.000 and it is proposed that it would be installed in Ol:tober. Pam Campbell asked about power to the area. Gregg Engle stated that providing a pm\er SOUITe was part of the m'erall long term improvement plan. Gregg Engle also stated that the modifications to the existing play strueture would be (iLme by park staff and is noted on their work schedule. 6. DNR Grant. Cregg Engle reported that the City was not able to submit the Outdoor Recreation Grant application because the needed permits from the DNR and Corp of Engineers t'l)r the fishing pier o\erlook \\ould not be prol:essed by those agencies in time to meet the grant application deadline. (;n~gg Engle \\ill continued to \vnrk on the grant application and get everything in plaee so that the applieation can be submitted fi.Jr funding in 2002. It had been proposed that the grant funds \\ould have helped fund the playground structure, bituminous trail and the fishing pier overlook. ! . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/15/0 I Nancy McCaffrey repol1ed she had attended a grant \'-'Titing workshop and they had emphasized that with grant programs you sllould keep applying and to get the grant application submit ahead of the deadline if possible. Gregg Engle stated that in the application for 2001 funding they would be focusing on the trail and fishing pier overlook. Nancy McCaffrey suggested \vhen they do the park tour they should spend a little more time looking at the area that \vill be the focus of the grant application. 7. Pionccr Park Shelter Review. Gregg Engle had not yet received the drawings for the shelter from the Lions. A '.Pioneer Day" has been scheduled for May 2. In conjunction witll other activities, the Lions will work with stall on tlh.' clean up of the park. Gregg Engle also noted that the week ofJuly 2],J had tentatively been scheduled for the start of the shelter construction. 8. Budgct Review. Gregg Engle reviewed the park expenditures as of March 1 st. He noted that they purchased a combined seeder. tiller and aerator rather than going with separate pieces of equipment. He also reported that Flanagan Sales submitted the low bid on the Meadow Oak play structure. The play structure has been ordercd and work on the Mcadow Oak park improvements is scheduled fiJr July. The Parks Commission rcquested that City stall furnish a report on the park dedication/pathwa)' fund_ Jeff O"Neill stated he \\ould provide a report shO\ving what developments are collecting the path\\a) fecs and the estimated re\-enue from each development. Gregg Engle also bruught up the line item in tile Parks Department budgcl for Community Celebration. I Ie questioned \\hether the city stall and city equipment couldn't be used to pn\\ide cleanup after the Riverfest celebration and that cost be taken li'om the $5.000 budgeted under Community Celebrations. (Jregg Engle will discuss this with John Simola. the Public Works Director. 9. Parks Departmcnt Tree Workshop and Distribution Dav. Gregg Engle rcponcd tllat tile Tree Workshops have been scheduled for April 4th and April Th. The trees have been ordercd and pcople have been lined up to assist with the registration and thc trce distribution. 10. City Ballfield Li2hts .--\!!recmcnt. Agreements for funding costs ofthc ballfield lights have been submitted to the Polecats. the I\tlol1ticcllo Baseball Association and the Monticello Softball Association. .... j Parks Commission Minutes - 3/15/01 . 11. East Bridl!e Park Irrigation and Landscape Design Review. Gregg Engle will be getting design information from Nelson. Toro and Rainbird. It is hoped to start installation of the irrigation system around April 20th. 12. Parks Department 20t)} Goals Review. Gregg Engle presented a listing of the goals and projects for the various parks and submitted it to the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission brietly discussed development of park lands obtained in recent subdivision developments and the ability of the park stan' to handle the current work load and also take on added tasks relating to development of new parks. LaITY Nolan asked about thc status ofISTEA Pathway/Bridge Project. Rick Traver reported on the meeting of the Cemetery Committee. He expressed his concern about the long range funding for the cemetery maintenance. 13. Maintenance Items. Gregg Engle reported: a) The rinks v,'-ere closed on Fehruary 26th. . b) Hennepin County Parks and the DNR have been monitoring the swan situation on Mississippi Drive. c) Boy Scouts have some trees they would likc to donate to the city. d) Sign fl)r CarclinallIills park has heen started. Other signs left to be completed arc the East and West Bridge Park. Fallon Park and Battle Rapids Park. e) Field 111arkings signs lor the ballfielcls have been completed. Earl Smith asked irthe Park Department was planning on doing some burning this year. Gregg Engle indicated that they \vere and it would likely be done some time during April lyh - April 30th. if weather pcrmits. Gregg Engle also reported that they are going to \vork in thc Battle Rapids area so that they can get it mowed se\eral times so that the native grasses have a hetter chance to come back. It was suggested that the parks tour be done over t\VO nights \vith one night heing given to the new park land acquisition in the arcas of Rolling Woods. Wilchvood Ridge and Groveland. . 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/15/01 u. Adiourn. EARL SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOLJSL Y. Recording Secretary 5