EDA Minutes 10-13-2010Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6:00 p.m. Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Commissioners Absent: Vice President Dan Frie, Tracy Hinz Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett Call to Order President Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: A. August 18, 2010 MOTION MADE BY FAIR TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 18, 2010 REGULAR EDA MINUTES WITH A CORRECTION TO ITEM 8 NOTING THAT THE MOTION CARRIED 6 -1 WITH PERRAULT OPPOSED. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: Tapper asked to discuss the EDA role of participating in events and activities geared toward promoting business for Monticello. 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Stumpf asked when the McComb Group Embracing Downtown meetings would begin. Barnett indicated that the first downtown stakeholder meeting would be held the following week and that business and landowners would participate in completing a survey to outline the challenges and opportunities in the downtown area. Tapper asked how funds would be disbursed between EDA and the City budget to pay for the McComb Group project. Barnett summarized that EDA funds would be utilized for 2010 and in 2011 a determined percentage would be applied between City and EDA funds. 1 Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 Perrault noted that the City portion for the project is part of the 2011 levy. Tapper also noted that he had discussed the W SB bill with Barnett and found it to be appropriate. MOTION WAS MADE BY TAPPER TO APPROVE THE INVOICES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STUMPF WITH A COMMENT RELATED TO THE NEED FOR COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL EXPENDITURES. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Stumpf noted that the City Council had expressed concern that the EDA approved expenditure of the staff marketing trip to the CoreNet Global conference should have also come before Council for a vote because it involved out -of -state travel. Barnett pointed out that Council had been provided a green sheet update summary documenting the cost, funding for, and value of the trip in advance of the expenditure. 5. Presentation by the I -94 Corridor Coalition Barnett reported that Kathy Poates from the I -94 Coalition was unable to attend the meeting due to a family emergency. Tapper noted that Poates had previously presented to the IEDC and that the general consensus at that meeting was strong support for the Coalition's continued efforts. He also pointed out that there was nearly unanimous support for the importance of transportation as an issue among those involved in the BR &E. Barnett indicated that funding for Coalition support would be in the 2011 EDA budget. 6. Review proposed development plan modification for Landmark Square II, TIF District 1 -35 Barnett introduced this agenda item as property owner Barry Fluth was not present at the meeting. She indicated that the City approved an 11,000 square foot commercial building development known as Landmark II in 2005. However, due to the economy the project was never built. The developer desires to develop the property, however lending institutions will not issue loans for purely commercial projects. Mr. Fluth is now exploring higher end apartment complex. Barnett pointed out that if the developer's construction numbers shift, the EDA could do a budget amendment but, if there were a significant change to the plan a TIF amendment would be required. There was some discussion about the question of ample parking. Planning Commissioner Rod Dragsten was in attendance and commented briefly. The EDA generally stated they would support the Planning Commission and City Council in a change in development plan. Authorize demolition work to be completed for structures located on the property at 413 4th Street Barnett summarized that an environmental study had determined that there were no hazardous materials on site. Staff contacted three contractors and received the lowest quote for demolition from Carlson Construction of Buffalo in the amount of $5,600. There was some discussion about the value of obtaining services from local businesses "within reason." There were also some Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 questions about options for use and marketing the property which is zoned R -1 or single - family residential. MOTION WAS MADE BY PERRAULT TO AMEND THE MOTION FOR DEMOLITION WORK AT 413 4' STREET TO INCLUDE THE PROVISION THAT THE SELECTED QUOTE INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF TOPSOIL AND SEEDING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY FAIR. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. MOTION WAS MADE BY FAIR TO APPROVE CARLSON CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLETE DEMOLITION WORK AT 413 4TH STREET PER SUBMITTED QUOTE WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR ADD TOPSOIL AND SEEDING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0 8. Marketing Update (verbal) A. Conferences Barnett noted that she had attended the first of four of her National Development Council (NDC) trainings which was required as part of her role as Economic Development Director with the City. She summarized her experience at the CoreNet Global conference by saying that she had made many contacts from across the country through her participation in roundtables which included end users, economic developers, manufacturers and general managers. She indicated that she would be sending along City marketing materials to these contacts as a follow up. She noted that the cost of the conference nearly covered the cost of a full year of access to CoreNet membership benefits. She pointed out that she'd been part of the Medical Manufacturing conference in Minneapolis and that both the upcoming MNCAR and Life Science Alley conferences were additional opportunities for networking. B. Website Barnett noted that the site selector website had been was launched and that she would spend some time working to enhance it. 9. Director Report (verbal) Barnett reported that the BR &E retreat was well attended and well received. She noted that transportation was determined to be the number one priority as congestion on the freeway significantly affects businesses. The group also stated that it is important to focus on the recreational aspects of the river as well as the success of the downtown area. The study indicated 3 Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 that businesses would be interested in opportunities for roundtable meetings and site visits with the Mayor and Council. Barnett pointed out that, although the City has knowledge of many useful resources for business, it lacks a marketing and communications link and/or person to provide the business community access to those resources. She indicated that it might be useful to establish an information task force at some point to address this need. She noted that businesses would be invited to a meeting in November to get an update as to the plan for implementing the BR &E findings. Tapper stated that he thought that the study had indicated that businesses would like more of an opportunity to network among themselves around particular topics. Barnett stated that she would get clarification on that point. There was some discussion about the value of marketing the community as a whole. Barnett pointed out that six promotional videos had been created and would be utilized and distributed soon for that purpose. Tapper outlined the need for the EDA to be out in front of co- sponsoring and supporting events which promote business for Monticello. There was discussion about an upcoming ice fishing tournament which had been considering Monticello as a potential site. After some consideration it was determined that it would be within the scope of the EDA to more actively seek out ways to support opportunities to draw events to town. 10. Adjournment MOTION WAS MADE BY TAPPER TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri jo Approved: November 10, 2010 EDA Meeting `• 16ill Derneules, President