EDA Minutes 10-12-2011 (Special Meeting)MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) SPECIAL MEETING — EMBRACING DOWNTOWN WORI {SHOP WITH MDBA Wednesday, October 12, 2011- 6:30 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Bruce Hamond, and Council Members Tom Perrault, and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett - Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill Monticello Downtown Business Association: Doug Schneider, Josh Dickinson, Lynne Dahl- Fleming - Monticello, Angie Krautbauer, and Dean Rasmussen- Downtown. 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and invited participants to introduce themselves. 2. Discuss Embracing Downtown study with the Monticello Downtown Business Association (MDBA) The EDA met with the MDBA to hear feedback regarding the concepts, design guidelines and the Embracing Downtown project in general. Megan Barnett - Livgard noted that the Embracing Downtown Monticello Open House, scheduled for October 24`x' at 5:30 pm in the Monticello Community Center, would be another opportunity to present the plan to the public and obtain further input. There will be a formal public hearing to adopt the Embracing Downtown Plan as a Comprehensive Plan amendment with both the Planning Commission and City Council. Design guidelines will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan early next year. The McComb Group is working with staff to obtain catalyst projects, assist with negotiations, and apply for redevelopment grants. Josh Dickinson stated his concern that the EDA, City staff, and McComb Group do not share the same vision for the downtown as the MDBA. He noted that downtown business owners and landowners are not willing to sell their property at the tax assessed value and that business owners will not be able to afford the cost of the square footage of new buildings should they be relocated. He summarized the fear, anger, frustration and helplessness felt by the MDBA members which inhibits project buy -in. The main concerns seem to be that the MDBA is not being heard and will not be supported. Lynne Dahl - Fleming asked how the plan presented would transition into the implementation phase. Staff pointed out that it is difficult to lay out how each stage of the plan will be implemented as the plan hasn't even been approved yet. The implementation Special EDA Workshop Minutes 10/12/11 section of the plan will be presented as part of the open house. Bruce Hamond stated that there needs to be a common vision and specific rules of engagement established as implementation proceeds. He suggested that it may be useful to establish a subcommittee to address the concerns of existing businesses. There was also concern that that it will be cost prohibitive for new small businesses to establish in the downtown. Those issues will be dealt with on a case by case basis. One of the main priorities of the plan is to retain current as well as draw in new businesses. City staff underlined that the plan has the same language and focus in terns of encouraging a viable, walkable, and vibrant downtown as has been recommended by the MDBA. It became clear that providing elevation renderings would help everyone get a sense as to how the right designs might look and feel. Staff noted that design guidelines in place would ensure that the plan would make sense. The plan must incorporate the right amount of square footage in downtown based on the actual Monticello trade market. The boxes on the drawing may not reflect the exact configuration of the proposed corridor. Bill Demeules pointed out that process will be developer driven. Bill Tapper agreed that Monticello needs an anchor store that can draw traffic to the downtown to succeed. There was significant discussion about finding a suitable design for an anchor tenant and associated parking that would fit in with the design of the downtown. Jeff O'Neill stated that the plan will create opportunities to bring more commerce into the community. He noted that the City took on this effort in response to a request to do something to help the downtown succeed. Megan Barnett - Livgard restated that the City, the EDA and the McComb Group will continue to work to find solutions for implementation of the plan. 3. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Recorder: Approved: Attest: