Planning Commission Minutes 06-07-2016MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Linda Buchmann, Sam Murdoff, John Falenschek, Marc Simpson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), John Rued 1. General Business A. Call to Order Chairman Fyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Special Meeting — April 5th, 2016 MARC SIMPSON MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 5th, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY SAM MURDOFF. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. b. Regular Meeting — April 5th, 2016 LINDA BUCHMANN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 5th, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY JOHN FALENSCHEK. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. c. Regular Meeting May 3rd, 2016 Council member Gabler requested the correction from "Commissioner" to "Council member" in those locations with references to Council member Gabler. LINDA BUCHMANN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 3rd, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY SAM MURDOFF. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. C. Citizen Comments NONE. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda NONE. 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Clear Creek Addition, a request for Conditional Use Permit for building height over 30', a request for Conditional Use Permit for cross parking and access, a request for Variance to required yard setbacks, and a request for Ordinance Amendment to allow bulk fuel storage /sales in an I -1 (Light Industrial) District as a permitted or conditional use, including a Conditional Use Permit as required. Applicant: Clear Creek Land Company, LLC Planning Case Number: 2016 -028 City Planner Steve Grittman provided an overview of the staff analysis for the requests. He explained that the requests are to facilitate an expansion of the current warehousing facility at the intersection of Chelsea Road and Dalton Avenue from the existing size of 55,000 square feet to a building of approximately to 151,000 square feet. The addition itself is over 97,000 square feet. Mr. Grittman explained that the applicant is seeking to acquire additional land from the City's Economic Development Authority to facilitate the expansion. The area to be acquired is proposed to be replatted with the existing building property. Mr. Grittman stated that the expansion land area to be platted has changed slightly in terms of lot configuration from the original submittal, which he would review in the plat analysis. Mr. Grittman noted that the Planning Commission would review the preliminary plat for recommendation to the Council with Council reviewing the recommendation and preliminary and final plat. Mr. Grittman stated that the first conditional use permit is related to the building height for the proposed expansion, at 32 feet. The ordinance requires a CUP for height in the district over 30 feet. The existing building is 32 feet in height and the applicants are seeking to match that height on the expansion. There is also a request for CUP for cross parking and access. The platting configuration proposed requires that the lots share access and parking. Given the property lines on the plat, there are also resulting variances to sideyard setbacks. The plat change requires three lots and therefore two variances to sideyard setbacks. Normally there would be a 15' setback requirement. As the proposed building will straddle the lot lines, there will be a zero lot line setback. As the Board of Adjustment and Appeal, the decision of the Planning Commission on the variances is final subject to appeal. Lastly, the applicant has proposed an amendment to add bulk fuel storage to the I- 1 District and a CUP if necessary to support the use, as they have proposed a bulk fuel storage facility on the west side of the site. The site plan was reviewed by Mr. Grittman, including the improvements being made as part of the proposal. Mr. Grittman then explained that the original plat proposed for review illustrated a two -lot configuration, with one lot for the existing building, the second for the building expansion. The lot configuration was due to financing and ownership requirements. However, in the Wright County Surveyor's review of the proposed plat, it was discovered that a portion of 2 the site exists in torrens property, while a portion is abstract property. The distinction is in the registration and recording of the land. As such, the amended plat presented to the Commission for hearing now illustrates three lots. The lots are divided by ownership and the lines between the abstract and torrens properties as required. This is due to the fact that torrens and abstract property cannot be platted together. The site plan itself does not change due to this plat change. Buildings on both sides of the new property lines require setback variance. Staff recommends approval of the plat as presented with three lots. This type of lot configuration is not uncommon for these types of large industrial buildings. In evaluating the setback variances, the Planning Commission is required to find that the property is being used reasonably and that there are practical difficulties from using the property without the setbacks. Without allowing the variances, the expansion could not move forward and the economic development objectives of the City for this area could not be achieved. Mr. Grittman stated that the plat meets the City's ordinance requirements. It is noted, however, that the City Engineer and the applicant continue to work through stormwater issues. Therefore, the staff recommendation for approval on the plat is contingent on resolution of those issues and compliance with the City Engineer's comments. In regard to the proposed bulk fuel facility, two actions are needed. First, as the use in not currently allowed as accessory in the 1 -1 District in which the site is located, the ordinance would require amendment. The amendment would include design standards for the proposed use. The applicant will then require a CUP for the use. The bulk fuel storage will be for the use of the applicant only; it will not be for sales to the general public. Again, these types of uses are not uncommon in industrial areas. Mr. Grittman stated that the staff recommendation is for approval of each of the applications, including the revised preliminary plat with three lots as presented. Mr. Grittman then reviewed the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. Chairman Fyle inquired whether the bulk fuel at the AVR site was considered an allowable use at the time constructed. Steve Grittman explained it was likely developed prior to the recent recodification of the zoning ordinance and was perhaps permitted at that time. Chairman Fyle stated that he believed the use to be appropriate for the area. Chairman Fyle inquired about fire code safety regarding the fuel station. He asked Marc Simpson to comment as the former fire marshal. Mr. Simpson agreed that the tanks appear to be compliant based on location and construction. Chairman Fyle inquired if the building can be sold separately based on the proposed lot lines. Mr. Grittman confirmed that the lots could be sold separately. As such, the condition for cross parking and access has been recommended given the building crosses the lot line. John Rued, Chief Building Official, explained that there are also building and fire code issues that the applicant will be required to meet as related to the building and the property lines. Council member Gabler inquired whether screening would be provided for the fuel tanks. Mr. Grittman confirmed that there is landscaping along that feature. She 3 also inquired about lighting of the site. Mr. Grittman confirmed a lighting plan was provided and has been reviewed for compliance. Council member Gabler also inquired whether the tanks are under or above ground. Mr. Grittman stated that they are above ground. Commissioner Murdoff noted that the "sales" component should be removed from the code language in all cases. Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Applicant and property owner Luke Dahlheimer addressed the Commission. Chairman Fyle asked the applicant to confirm that he had received the Exhibit Z for conditions of approval. He explained that Dahlheimer Distribution has been in the existing building for 10 years and they are seeking to expand and consolidate operations. They will also be able to store more vehicles inside. Mr. Dahlheimer reviewed the conditions and indicated no issues; it was noted that they are still working through the stormwater issues. Council member Gabler inquired about the west wall. Mr. Dahlheimer described the break -up of the building wall plane and landscaping treatment along the west side. Commissioner Murdoff inquired whether the building and proposed lot lines will create issues on construction in terms of mortgage or financing. Mr. Dahlheimer explained that the discussions with their financing and attorneys have indicated that the project will still be able to move forward. Hearing no further public comment, Chairman Fyle closed the public hearing. Mr. Grittman noted again that the plat presented is now three lots and therefore the resolution for variance now illustrates two side yard variances. If the Planning Commission wishes to study the revised preliminary plat further, Mr. Grittman stated that the Commission could act to table and continue the hearing on the preliminary plat. Commissioner Murdoff inquired about the specific purpose behind the lot line configuration. Mr. Grittman responded that the originally submitted two lot plat illustrated a lot line between the existing building and proposed expansion due to the financing arrangement for the expansion. The proposed three lot plat configuration presented during this hearing was related to the review from the Wright County Surveyor's office, which yielded the comment that abstract and torrens properties cannot be included in the same lot, although they can be within the same plat. As such, there is now a lot line between the existing and proposed building, as well as a lot line where the torrens property and abstract property divide, which then splits through the building. SAM MURDOFF MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2016- 017, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDING ACCESSORY BULK FUEL STORAGE AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE I -1 AND I -2 ZONING DISTRICTS BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. 11 MOTION SECONDED BY LINDA BUCHMANN. MOTION CARRIED, 5- 0. LINDA BUCHMANN MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2016- 018, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR BUILDING HEIGHT, CROSS PARKING AND ACCESS, AND FOR BULK FUEL STORAGE IN AN I -1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION AND SUBJECT TO THOSE CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT Z. MOTION SECONDED BY SAM MURDOFF. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow Bulk Fuel Storage; Conditional use permits to allow bulk fuel storage tanks, Joint Parking and Access, and Building Height; Variance to the side yard setback requirements, and Preliminary and Final plat of Clear Creek Addition. 3360 Chelsea Road Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1 st Addition, Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossing 1st Addition, and Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. PiDs: 155-181-001010,155-181-000010 and 155- 194 - 000030 1. Deferred Parking. The applicants provide a narrative on the number of parking spaces that are needed for their business. The applicants have shown on the site plan that the 52 spaces can easily be added if needed. 2. Cross parking and access agreement is applied and recorded against all three parcels. 3. An encroachment agreement is executed should it be necessary to accommodate storm water ponding design. 4. A development agreement is executed addressing all improvements to the site. 5. Curb Cut Width. The curb cut width shall be reviewed by the City Engineer. 6. The Landscaping Plan is modified to add or move plant materials that will enhance the screening of the view of the loading docks from Dalton Way. 7. The requirements of the City Engineer are addressed per the Engineer's letter dated June 1, 2016, and the applicants continue to work with the City regarding stormwater management requirements. 8. Bulk fuel dispensing on the site shall only be for the fueling of company delivery vehicles, and shall meet all other requirements of 5 the applicable zoning ordinance, along with required building and fire codes. 9. Any proposed signage changes shall be subject to the applicable sign ordinances and a separate permitting process. 10. The requirements of other City staff are complied with. SAM MURDOFF MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -019, APPROVING THE VARIANCE TO SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR CLEAR CREEK LAND COMPANY, LLC ACCOMMODATING A ZERO - LOT -LINE SETBACK FOR A BUILDING EXPANSION IN THE I -1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION AND SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT Z. MOTION SECONDED BY JOHN FALENSCHEK. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow Bulk Fuel Storage; Conditional use permits to allow bulk fuel storage tanks, Joint Parking and Access, and Building Height; Variance to the side yard setback requirements, and Preliminary and Final plat of Clear Creek Addition. 3360 Chelsea Road Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1St Addition, Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossing 1st Addition, and Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. PIDs: 155-181-001010,155-181-000010 and 155- 194 - 000030 1. Deferred Parking. The applicants provide a narrative on the number of parking spaces that are needed for their business. The applicants have shown on the site plan that the 52 spaces can easily be added if needed. 2. Cross parking and access agreement is applied and recorded against both parcels. 3. An encroachment agreement is executed should it be necessary to accommodate storm water ponding design. 4. A development agreement is executed addressing all improvements to the site. 5. Curb Cut Width. The curb cut width shall be reviewed by the City Engineer. 6. The Landscaping Plan is modified to add or move plant materials that will enhance the screening of the view of the loading docks from Dalton Way. 7. The requirements of the City Engineer are addressed per the Engineer's letter dated June 1, 2016, and the applicants continue to work with the City regarding stormwater management requirements. 8. Bulk fuel dispensing on the site shall only be for the fueling of company delivery vehicles, and shall meet all other requirements of the applicable zoning ordinance, along with required building and fire codes. IN 9. Any proposed signage changes shall be subject to the applicable sign ordinances and a separate permitting process. 10. The requirements of other City staff are complied with. LINDA BUCHMANN MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -020, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION AND CONDITIONS AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT Z. MOTION SECONDED BY SAM MURDOFF. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow Bulk Fuel Storage; Conditional use permits to allow bulk fuel storage tanks, Joint Parking and Access, and Building Height; Variance to the side yard setback requirements, and Preliminary and Final plat of Clear Creek Addition. 3360 Chelsea Road Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1St Addition, Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossing 1st Addition, and Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. PIDs: 155-181-001010,155-181-000010 and 155 -194- 000030 11. Deferred Parking. The applicants provide a narrative on the number of parking spaces that are needed for their business. The applicants have shown on the site plan that the 52 spaces can easily be added if needed. 12. Cross parking and access agreement is applied and recorded against both parcels. 13. An encroachment agreement is executed should it be necessary to accommodate storm water ponding design. 14. A development agreement is executed addressing all improvements to the site. 15. Curb Cut Width. The curb cut width shall be reviewed by the City Engineer. 16. The Landscaping Plan is modified to add or move plant materials that will enhance the screening of the view of the loading docks from Dalton Way. 17. The requirements of the City Engineer are addressed per the Engineer's letter dated June 1, 2016, and the applicants continue to work with the City regarding stormwater management requirements. 18. Bulk fuel dispensing on the site shall only be for the fueling of company delivery vehicles, and shall meet all other requirements of the applicable zoning ordinance, along with required building and fire codes. 19. Any proposed signage changes shall be subject to the applicable sign ordinances and a separate permitting process. 20. The requirements of other City staff are complied with. 7 Steve Grittman stated that the action on variances is final subject to any filed appeal. The plat, ordinance amendment and CUPS will go forward to the City Council on June 27th B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Monticello High School, a request for rezoning to Planned Unit Development including Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development, and a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for K- 12 Education Use for Monticello High School. Applicant: Wold Architects & Engineers. Planning Case Number: 2016 -029 City Planner Steve Grittman presented the staff report for the item, which is for development stage PUD for the proposed gymnasium in the northeast confer of the high school building, as well as for preliminary plat of the high school campus area. Mr. Grittman noted that the Planning Commission and City Council had met in a session prior to the regular meeting to discuss the concept for the proposed planned unit development, which includes the first phase of development proposed, as well as the series of future improvements proposed to the school campus overall. At this time, the school is seeking only the platting of the property and the approval of the first phase of development for the gymnastics gymnasium. Other than this improvement, no other changes are proposed to the site. There are no changes to parking or access proposed at this time. Future improvements proposed under the concept PUD submittal, such as the track and athletic facility, will come forward to the Planning Commission at a future date as an amendment to PUD for development and final stage consideration. Mr. Grittman stated that staff are recommending approval of the applications as proposed, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. Mr. Grittman reviewed the conditions in brief. Mr. Grittman noted that the plat as proposed would replat the existing parcels into a single lot and one outlot. The three existing school buildings are proposed to exist on a single lot and the baseball field on the outlot. One of the conditions in Exhibit Z requires the applicant to describe the purpose of platting the baseball field as an outlot. Chairman Fyle inquired about entrances on School Boulevard and Chelsea Road in terms of traffic impact. Mr. Grittman stated that when the school brings forward the second phase of improvements, including the athletic facility, that will be a consideration evaluated. Chairman Fyle also recommended consideration of parking demands and circulation at that time. Commissioner Murdoff inquired about trail connections for the proposed gymnastics facility. Mr. Grittman deferred to the applicant. N. Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Eric Linnear of Wold Architects indicated that during large events, the school will be open providing access, alleviating the need for additional pathways between parking lots. He confirmed that they would discuss with the school district how it proposes to handle multi -event days in terms of parking. Chairman Fyle inquired whether the applicant received and understood Exhibit Z. Mr. Linnear confirmed. Hearing no further public comment, Chain-nan Fyle closed the public hearing. SAM MURDOFF MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -021, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (ORDINANCE NO. 648), AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN FOR HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND THE CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO THIS STAFF REPORT AS EXHIBIT Z. MOTION SECONDED BY MARC SIMPSON. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. MARC SIMPSON MOTIONED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -022, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. MOTION SECONDED BY LINDA BUCHMANN. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. EXHIBIT Z Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat, Monticello High School Addition 5225 School Boulevard PID Nos. 155011000172, 15550013302, 155011000212 1. Verification of compliance with Lighting ordinance requirements on high school site. 2. Substitution of tree planting requirement with perennial plantings as shown in the approved landscaping plan. 3. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's letter dated June 1, 2016. 4. Compliance with the requirements of Wright County as related to the plat documents. 5. Conditions recommended by other City staff or the Planning Commission. 6 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann expressed her gratitude to Kerry Burri, who recently resigned her position as Community & Economic Development Technician. Commissioner Gabler also noted Building Department Technician Deb Koshiol's 17 years of service to the City of Monticello. 4. Added Items NONE. 5. Adjournment SAM MURDOFF MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:07 p.m. MOTION SECONDED BY LINDA BUCHMANN. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Recorder: Angela Schu Approved: June 7t",-201 Attest: Angela S**ank Community Development Director 10