Parks Commission Agenda Packet 07-19-2001 . Members: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, July 19,2001 - 4:30 p.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver and Nancy McCaffrey Council Liaison: Staff: Roger Carlson Gregg Engle and Jeff O'Neill 1 . Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on June 21,2001 and approval of the minutes of the special meeting on July 9, 200 l. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests. 5. . Consideration of adding Gillard Ave. from East 39 to 95th Street to City Pathway System and consider making recommendation that Feasibility Study be ordered on installation of the pathway at said location. (.10) 6. Consideration of removing the trail section from the City Park/Outlot A, River Mill 6th Addition, from the Comprehensive Park and Trail System for the City of Monticello. (.TO) 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. . 14. 15. 16. Discussion on Park Tours Discussion on Preliminary Parks Budget 2002 W. Bridge Park Landscape Wall Update E. Bridge Park Construction/Irrigation update Parks Games Update Parks Discovery Program Update Pathway Update from Clearwater to Monticello Update Dutch Elm Report Maintenance Items Adjourn . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION July 9, 2001 - 2 p.m. Members Prcscnt: Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Earl Smith Members Absent: Nancy McCafTt'ey; COLlncil Liaison, Roger Carlson S tafT: Gregg Engle The Park Commission toured a nLlmber of parks beginning with Pioneer Park. A pathway has bccn cut into the grass/wetland area. It was discussed whether additional area should be mowed and thc consensus of the Parks Commission was to just keep the pathway area mowed. The Parks Commission also askcd about thc proposcd layout of the trail in the area. The Parks Commission discusscd the wooded area. It was felt that at some point a trail would be cut through the wooded area and possibly a few benches placcd in that arc a but other than that the area would be a passive park and not developed intensively. Gregg Engle pointed out the trail access points to thc park and it was noted that the park is well accessed from the various developments. Earl Smith suggcstcd that the City contact Wright County about partnering project that would put in cross country ski trails. He felt the cross country ski trails would be a good complement to thc skating rink that was also mentioned as a possibility. Mike Lundquist hom the Lions Club met with the Parks Commission at the Pionccr Park and updated them on the status of the proposed shelter. The architectural drawings are bcing prepared by Skip Sorenson but have not yet been completed. It is the intent of the Lions to gct thc shelter constructed yct this year. They are designing the shelter to be as vandal proof as possible and to complement the rustic thcme of Pioneer Park. One end ofthc sheltcr would be enclosed for storage purposes. Mikc Lundquist also discusscd possible locations for thc shelter. One of the initial sites selectcd was a knoll in the area ofthc gravel parking lot. Mike Lundquist felt it provided good visibility of the whole park. 'f'hc Parks Commission felt that was too centrally located and they didn't want thc shelter to be focus point of the park and have to develop around it. Thcy fclt the shelter would be better situatcd off to one side of the entrance. Mike Lundquist talked about financial support from the Lions and indicated that they would probably conduct at least onc fund raiser at the park with the proceeds going towards the park and also provide a $2,000 annual allotmcnt for thc park. Mike Lundquist cxplaincd that much of the labor for construction of thc shcltcr would be donated by Lion mcmbers. Mike Lundquist also noted that the Lions had considered lighting for the park. The lights would bc more of an old i~lshioned design that would go with the thcme of Pioneer Park. However at this point there is no electrical service to the park. The Parks Commission felt that the immediate goals for Pionccr Park should be to get the r ,ions shelter constructcd and then work on the parking lot area. Earl Smith fclt that grading of the parking lot area should be done at the same time work was donc on thc skating area so that fill matcrial could bc used. It was also felt that the wooded area would bc scparatc from the park only link cd to the park by the trail and not developed except for trails and perhaps a fcw bcnches. Park Commission Minutes - 7/9/0 I . The order of priority for Pioneer Park is: I . Construct the shelter. 2. Grade and install the parking lot area. 3. Trees/plantings for the parking lot area. 4. Skating area. 5. Possible basketball court by volleyball area. 6. Possible small bandshell. 7. Trail development in the wooded area. There was some discussion on the cost of constructing the trails. Gregg Engle noted that he got an estimate of $4,500 to replace the section of trai I in the Meadow Oaks Park and he felt the trails fix Pioneer Park would be around $20,000. Fran Fair stated that the MCP had some funds and asked if the Lions, Rotary or other civic organizations would have an interest in going together to get some signs installed at Bridge Park. Mike Lundquist thought the Lions Club would be open to that and suggested that a cost estimate be prepared so that there is something specific that can be presented to the various organizations. Oregg Engle indicated that the signs would probably run about $2,000 each but he would come back with a firmer cost estimate. Mike Lundquist also suggested that Lions might be able to help out with some of the labor on the signs. . The Parks Commission then reviewed the park land in the Wildwood Addition. There is only access to the park from the street. The Parks Commission felt the park needed trees and also felt a play structure should be included and possibly a small shelter but did not see other development for the park. It was also noted that there are strips of wooded area that were set aside for tree preservation and there is no expectation that the Park Department will have to do anything with the tree preservation area. The park land by the water tower was also visited and basically the Park Department will be working on clearing and grubbing out the area. The Parks Commission viewed the Meadow Oak Park and the recently completed play area. They also saw the segment of trail that is in need of replacement. After that they reviewed the Battle Rapids area. The Park Departmcnt has begun some clearing of the area and the question was how much area should be c1earcd. 'fhe Parks Commission felt that the area bctween the two light poles should be cleared but they also cautioned about doing too much in the area. Basically all they wanted to do is to provide a better view of the river for the properties on the other side of County Road 39. The Parks Commission also discussed the trail system for this area. The Parks Commission also checked on thc park locatcd on Mississippi Drive. The Parks Commission concluded their meeting at 4: 15 p.m. . Recording Secretary 2 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, .June 21, 2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCafTrey, Rick Traver and Council Liaison Roger Carlson. Members Absent: Staff: Earl Smith Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent. I. Call to Order. 2. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Approval of minutes of the re1!ular meetin1! of May 17.2001 and approval of minutes of the special meetinl! of June 11. 2001. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TilE REGULAR MEE'fING OF MA Y 17,2001 WITH THE CLARIFICATION TIIAT ALL OF THE POSITIONS FILLED BY TIlE PARKS DEPARTMENT' EXCEPT ONE HAD PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE WITH THE CITY. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE MINlJfES OF THE JUNE 11,2001 SPECIAL MEETING AS PRESF~NTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED l)NANIMOUSL Y. 3. Con~ideration of adding items to thc agenda. 4. Larry Nolan asked for an update of the ISTEA project and Fran Fair asked that Gregg Engle report on the park activity at West Bridge Park on June 20, 200 I. Citizen ReQuests. A number of residents from the River Mill development were present at the meeting to voice their concerns about problems created by the poor access to the River Mill Park. These problems include trespassing, vandalism to their property and threats to the property owners. The residents had contacted the Sheriff's Department and were told that unless the property was fenced and signed there was very little the Sheriffs Department could do. The residents were requesting that the City install a fenee and provide the signage, The residents stated the current improvements being rnade to the park would only aggravate the existing problems, Parks Superintendent, Gregg Engle stated that the City doesn't make it a practice to fence around parks. The residents responded that most of the other parks are bordered by streets while this one is pretty much surrounded by homes and because the access is to the park is so Parks Commission Minutes - 6/21/0 I . poor, people are cutting across private property to get to the park.Tom Kenyon indicated that thcy had paid extra for thcir lot because of the view of the river. They like their privacy and don't want to look out into their yard and see kids crossing through it. Gregg Engle recommended to the Parks Commission that there were materials on hand to construct a split rail fence and the City could also provide signs similar to those currently in the parks. Gregg Engle indicated that he had 30 trees to be placed in the park. Because they didn't want to lose their view of the ri veL the residents requested that the trees be planted higher up in the park. It was discussed whether the fence would be placed in thc front or back yards and whethcr it would bc on private property or on the park property. If a fence is constructed by the Parks Department it would be on park property and would abut the back yard of the residents. The Parks Commission members had concerns that by constructing a fence they would be setting a precedent. While the members were sympathetic to the problems experienced by the residents they were not comI<)[table with the idca of fencing around the park nor were they certain that this would eliminate the problern . One resident stated that he didn't feel he should be denied use of his property and be forced to endure the problems created because of poor planning by the Parks Department in locating and accessing this park. The Parks Commission discussed ifthere were any other areas that were suitable for a possible park access. Most of the sites considered were eithcr built up or the topography was such to make it unfeasible for siting an access there. Residents also questioned what improvements were planned ji)r the park and whether the improvements being implemented were what the residents actually wanted. Gregg Engle responded that in 1998 a notice was sent to the residents in the area asking for input on the development of the park. The Parks Commission incorporated the ideas generated by the residents at that meeting into the development of the park. The Parks Commission did have concerns about setting a precedent and also legal questions about installing the fence. Gregg Engle was directed to discuss this matter with the City Administrator and City Attorney or other appropriate staff. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO HAVE THE CITY INSTALl, THE SIGNAGE FOR '1'1 IE RIVER MILL PARK AS REQUESTED BY THE RESIDENTS. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO STUDY THE FEASIBIIXfY OF PROVIDING FENCINCi MA'fERIALS AT A NOMINAL PRICE TO THE RESIDEN'!",S FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SPLIT RAIL FENCE. RICK TRAVER SECONDL';D TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRII':D UNANIMOUSLY. . Gregg Engle stated that he would get back to the residents saIne time during the week of June 25-29 after he has had an opportunity to discLlss this with the City Administrator. ') . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 6/21!O I 5. River Mill Park Construction Review. Gregg Engle reported that the basketball court is completed and soil work is being done in the area. Construction of thc park shcltcr is about two wccks out. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the construction ofthc parking lot for the River Mill sincc the residents who were present at this meeting seemed to feel that construction of the parking lot will be necessary because of the increased use of the facility. 6. West Bridge Park Playground Equipment Update. Gregg Engle has the specifications written up so that all firms can bid thc projcct. The specifications are being typed and will come before the Parks Commission at their ncxt meeting. It is planned that the bids will be received in August with construction, hopcfully to start in September. 7. East Brid2:e Park Irrieation Update. Grcgg Engle reportcd they tappcd into thc watcr main and bids will be opened on Friday tl.n the project. X-cel Energy is lined up and ready to move on their part of the project. 8. Meadow ParklParkside Park Update. Gregg Engle stated that the work is completcd at Mcadow Oaks Park. 'fhe playground equipment is in and the border is in. There arc some trees that remain to be planted in both the Meadow Oaks and Parkside parks. 9. Pioneer Park Update. Gregg Engle is still working with Lions on the shelter plans and is hopeful that it can be constructed yet this year. 10. Work Proiects Update. Gregg Engle reported that John Glomski has been working on thc grant application fl.)!' next year Jl.H" improvements to West Bridge Park. The application would request funding for pathway improvements, playground structurc and construction or the scenic overview. 1'his wi II be rcviewed by the Parks COlnlllission as the application submittal timc ncars. A quote of $1 ,500 was rcccived to remove the security light in the park. There was son1e discussion on the work that would havc to bc donc as hlr as rewiring. Gregg J':nglc stated that this was not an item the Parks Commission had budgeted fix but he thought there would be funds available if the Parks Commission decided to proceed with this. ., -) Parks Commission Minutes - 6/21/0 I . NANCY MCCAffREY MOVED TO HAVE GREGO ENOLE WORK TIlE CONTRACTOR ON (JETTING TIlE L1GIIT REMOVED. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MO'fION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Because of the many days ofrain during June, the Parks Department is hehind on their schedule. Gregg Engle did get an individual from Sentence to Serve who is doing the weed whipping. Gregg Engle worked with a numher of gth graders on Tuesday and Thursday doing pre-River Fest clean up of Ellison Park and also 4th Street Park. A numher of park benches have been installed at various parks. Gregg Engle stated the haskethall pole at the Par West park has been damaged. The Parks Department hesides preparing 1'01' River Fest will also he working on the hall field since they will be the site of the state baseball tournamcnt. Fran Fair asked about sweeping thc parking lot at Bridge Parle Items Added to the Agenda. Gregg Engle reported that there was a good turn out for the joint Community Center/Parks Department introduction to the parks held at West Bridge Park on June 20th. The Parks Commission was inrormed that the City Council had approved the plans and specifications for the ISTEA project and that the bids would be opened at 10 a.m. on July 3, 200 I. . Rick Traver updated the Parks Commission on the June 20, 2001 Cemetery Committee meeting. He noted that there is a push 1()r the Parks Department to take over the maintenance of the cemetery in the vcry near future. He also summarized the discussion about the rules and regulations proposed for the cemetery. The next meeting of the Parks Commission is scheduled for July 9, 2001 at 2 p.m. The Commission will meet at City Hall and then inspect Piolleer Park and Wildwood Ridge Park. The Park Commission also had a question on the amount of funds in the pathway/park dedication fund. The stafI will check with the City Administrator to get this information. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:10 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary . 4