EDA Agenda 04-13-2016AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 131h, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING 5:00 p.m. Academy Room WSB — Environmental Study Updates Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Council members Tom Perrault and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg Guest: Jim Gromberg — WSB & Associates 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Special Meeting — March 9th, 2016 (to be provided) b. Regular Meeting — March 9th, 2016 (to be provided) 4. Consideration of additional agenda items 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills 6. Consideration of marketing partnership with Monticello Times for 2016 Manufacturing Magazine 7. Consideration to adopt Resolution EDA- 2016 -002 approving an Assignment and Assumption of Contract for Private Development between Masters 5th Avenue and the Monticello EDA for Tax Increment Financing District 1 -22 as related to the Landmark I proj ect 8. Consideration to direct preparation of an Amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters 5th Avenue and the Monticello EDA and modification of Tan Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35 9. Consideration of contract notice for Market Matching services 10. Consideration of Director's Report 11. Adjourn EDA Agenda: 4/13/16 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through March 2016. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through March 2016 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 91. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Accounts Payable Summary Statements Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account 0 User: Debbie.Davidson Monti effo Printed: 03/09/2016 - 2:12PM Batch: 00203.03.2016 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46301 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA Matters through 1/31/16 03/15/2016 115522 398.90 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 398.90 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC BLK034 - Fred's Auto ARM Survey - . 03/15/2016 0 294.00 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Economic Development & Market Ma 03/15/2016 0 4,000.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 4,294.00 213-46301-431990 HARRY LANTTO EDA Meeting Recording 2/10/16 03/15/2016 0 60.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 60.00 213 - 46301 - 443990 ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA C Job Posting on Website - EDA Mgr 03/15/2016 115493 50.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 50.00 213 - 46535 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] TIE 1 -35 -General EDA Matters throu 03/15/2016 115522 1,235.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46535 1,235.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 6,037.90 AP- Transactions by Account (03/09/2016 - 2:12 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 4/13/2016 Approved by Steve Johnson - Treasurer GL Date Check No Report Total: Amount PO No 6,037.90 AP- Transactions by Account (03/09/2016 - 2:12 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account 0 User: Julie.Cheney Monti effo Printed: 03/23/2016 - 1:39PM Batch: 00206.03.2016 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC EDA - Manufacturing Expansion Projc 03/29/2016 115593 850.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 850.00 213 - 46301 - 433100 KERRY BURRI Mileage (2.1 miles) EDA Agenda Pack 03/29/2016 0 1.13 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 1.13 213 - 46301 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS R155- 171 - 000060 1st & 2nd Half Pay 03/29/2016 115615 1,318.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 1,318.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS R155- 010 - 067010 1st & 2nd Half Pay 03/29/2016 115615 1,126.02 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 1,126.02 Subtotal for Fund: 213 3,295.15 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Report Total: 3,295.15 Date: 4/13/16 Approved by Steve Johnson - Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (03/23/2016 - 1:39 PM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 04/01/2016 - 9:15AM Batch: 00215.03.2016 Account Number Vendor Description Monticello GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46522 - 438100 XCEL ENERGY ZCULPS 510623082 -8 03/31/2016 0 17.95 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 17.95 The preceding list of bills payable was reveiwed and approved for payment. Date: 4/13/16 Approved by Steve Johnson - Treasurer Subtotal for Fund: 213 17.95 Report Total: 17.95 AP- Transactions by Account (04/01/2016 - 9:15 AM) Page 1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 6. Consideration of marketing partnership with Monticello Times for 2016 Manufacturing Magazine (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In February and March, the EDA heard from the Monticello Times regarding a proposed publication focusing on Monticello's manufacturing sector. The Times presented an initial outline on the piece. The item was tabled for additional review and information. The Times intends the approximately 20 -page publication to provide community information pertinent to attracting and retaining manufacturing and to highlight numerous industries within the community. Staff have had the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Times regarding cost, distribution and the ability to use the piece as a cross - purpose marketing tool for the city. The Times has indicated that City staff would have a great deal of creative control, assisting in development of the piece's layout and content. The product would be owned by the City of Monticello and can be updated and printed on an as- needed basis after the initial run of copies. The initial run will include pockets on front and back cover, into which the City can place customized financial package information, sales sheets and other community information produced through Market Matching efforts. The piece will also be produced in digital format, with interactive links and video. The product will be launched on the migrated EDA website. The Monticello Times has provided a revised outline for the project and will be present at the meeting to provide additional information and answer questions. Al. Budget Impact: The Times has requested the commitment of $3,000 from the EDA for a run of 1,000 pieces (with folder pockets on front and back), as well as a fully interactive digital piece. The EDA's 2016 marketing budget is $5,000. A2. Staff Impact: If the EDA elects to move forward, staff will work with the Monticello Times, as well as local brokers and manufacturers to develop content and focus. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this expense. Staff believes a piece can be developed, distributed and utilized in a manner supportive of the cost investment. In working with a number of business leads over the past several months, this type of product would be a valuable tool in representing a professional look and in telling the community's story to potential businesses. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve development of a 2016 Monticello Times manufacturing publication and to authorize an expenditure of $3,000 toward the publication. 2. Motion to table action for further research and discussion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Monticello Times Proposal Monticello Industry /Manufacturing Magazine Format This magazine can go strictly digital with the ability to print copies as needed. The City and EDA would determine the content and would have say over the layout /design /looks. Participating industries would have their websites linked to this magazine. We also have the ability to produce business videos. We currently have a full staff of videographers who are schooled and experienced and who can help you create your own "commercial." Industries can use the video in this magazine but also anywhere else they would like. It's theirs to keep, including Facebook, the background of a booth at a trade show or convention, or motivating workers or honoring them for special accomplishments. Goal The purpose of this piece is to be a recruiting tool for potential commercial manufacturing /industrial businesses as well as a tool to encourage and recruit skilled workers. This will be a "Must See" link for anyone thinking of starting a business in Monticello. We would like to have this piece completed and printed in time to hand out at the Annual Industrial Breakfast in October. We need to have this ready for print by Sept. 2 and we would ask for 4 months to create and sell the product which means ideally we need to know this month if the city is able to provide financial support. Distribution To be determined by City /EDA. Ideas include all digital, part digital or part print. We feel this would be a great marketing piece for the city's new economic development manager. The digital file is yours to keep and use as much or as little as you choose. The Monticello Times would like to be considered for handling future updates /changes /deletes for a fee. How do we make this happen? We would work closely with the City and EDA for content. We are asking the EDA for $3,000 which would include a digital version and 1,000 print copies (20 pages full color, with pockets in front and back covers). Monticello Times would ask local manufacturers to support this piece by purchasing a full page spot (at a reduced rate) highlighting their business and why they like Monticello. The Monticello Times will compile all of the information, do design and layout and format for online and print use. The City will ultimately have the final say in its design. We believe that this piece can have the potential of bringing in area manufacturers generating additional tax revenue. New industry also may mean new residents as workers look to move into a Star City community such as Monticello to be closer to their work, shortening their commute time. We also believe that Monticello and the county have excellent opportunities for unskilled workers to learn machining and other trades and give them a job opportunity with above average wages. All of these things benefit the industries, the housing market, our school system and local businesses. I can't estimate what that all means in dollars and cents but I do know that it far outweighs the $3,000 investment we are asking of the EDA. If for any reason the Monticello Times determines that cost are higher than projected, that we have the right to cancel this project. This includes cancelling sales, editorial and layout. I appreciate your time and willingness to consider this joint project. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully, Terri Sweet EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 7. Consideration to adopt Resolution EDA- 2016 -002 approving an Assignment and Assumption of Contract for Private Development Between Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and Laxmi Hotel, Inc., as related to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -22, Landmark Square L (AS) Masters Fifth Avenue, developer of the Landmark Square I project, has requested that the EDA adopt a resolution consenting to an Assignment and Assumption Agreement relating to the tax increment for the project, which is within TIF District 1 -22. In 2001, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Masters Fifth Avenue. entered into a Contract for Private Development for the Landmark Square I development project. Under the Contract, the HRA agreed to reimburse Masters Fifth Avenue for a portion of the costs of acquisition of the development site and site improvements through tax increment generated in the district. Masters Fifth Avenue has requested that the contract now be assigned to Laxmi Hotel, Inc. Upon approval and execution of the assignment and assumption, Laxmi Hotel, Inc. will receive the available tax increment and will assume the continuing rights and obligations of the contract. The TIF note is set to terminate in 2023. Staff has verified that a certificate of completion for required development improvements is on file. The assignment and assumption is not an amendment of any of the other terms of the contract. Under the contract, the developer is not required to obtain the EDA's approval of any assignment after completion of the required improvements. However, since the developer is requesting execution by the EDA of a consent to the assignment, it is recommended that the EDA approve the assignment and execution of the consent by resolution. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution EDA- 2016 -002 approving an Assignment and Assumption Agreement Between Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and Laxmi Hotel, Inc. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the resolution and the corresponding execution of the assignment and assumption agreement consent. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution EDA- 2016 -002 B. Assignment and Assumption Agreement and Consent C. Excerpt, TIF Management Plan 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. EDA- 2015 -002 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN MASTER'S FIFTH AVENUE, INC. AND LAXMI HOTEL, INC. BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners ('Board ") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ( "Authority ") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA and Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. (the "Assignor ") entered into a Contract for Private Development dated as of September 18, 2001, as amended (the "Contract "). 1.02. Pursuant to the Contract, the HRA agreed to reimburse Assignor for a portion of Assignor's costs of acquisition, demolition, and parking improvements on the Development Property through Available Tax Increment. 1.03. In 2007, the HRA and the Authority consolidated operations, and the Contract was assigned by the HRA to the Authority. 1.04. The Assignor completed construction of the required improvements on the Development Property and received a Certificate of Completion on June 19, 2003. 1.05. Assignor now wishes to assign its rights and obligations under the Contract to Laxmi Hotel, Inc. (the "Assignee "), and to assign the right to receive Available Tax Increment to Assignee, and Assignee wishes to assume such rights and obligations under the Contract and accept the assignment of the Available Tan Increment, and to that end the Assignor and Assignee have proposed to enter into an Assignment and Assumption Agreement (the "Assignment "). 1.06. The Board has reviewed the Assignment and finds that the approval and execution of the Authority's consent thereto are in the best interest of the City and its residents. Section 2. AuthoritApproval, Other Proceedings. 2.01. The Assignment, including the attached Consent of the Authority related thereto, as presented to the Board is hereby in all respects approved. 2.02. The President and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority the Consent attached to the Assignment and any other documents requiring execution by the Authority in order to carry out the transaction described in the Assignment. 2.03. Authority staff and consultants are authorized to take any actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. 477887vI MNIMN190 -95 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13th day of April, 2016. President ATTEST: Secretary 477887vI MNIMN190 -95 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT is executed as of the day of April, 2016, by and between Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ( "Assignor ") and Laxmi Hotel, Inc., an Iowa corporation. ( "Assignee ") RECITALS: 1. Assignor has on the date hereof sold to Assignee ( "Sale ") all of its right, title and interest in and to real property described as Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 36, Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota ( "Premises "). 2. Assignor and the Premises are subject and party to that certain Contract for Private Development with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello dated the 18' day of September, 2001, and amended by the First Amendment to Contract for Private Development dated the 6' day of February, 2002 (collectively "Development Agreement "), 3. Assignor desires to assign all of its interest in the Development Agreement to Assignee in connection with the Sale. 4. Assignee desires to acquire Assignor's interest in the Development Agreement and to assume, perform and undertake all of the remaining obligations and covenants of Assignor thereunder from and after the date hereof. 5. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello has been dissolved and has transferred all of its rights and obligations under existing development agreements, including the Development Agreement to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ( "EDA ") pursuant to Resolution 2007 -86 adopted by the Monticello City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Assignor hereby warrants and represents that it has performed all obligations of under the Development Agreement through the date hereof, and that it has received no notice from the EDA of the existence of any default thereunder, and hereby grants, assigns, transfers and sets over to Assignee all right, title and interest which it has as Developer. Assignor shall indemnify and hold Assignee harmless of any and all obligations under the Development Agreement accruing prior to the date hereof. 2. Assignee hereby accepts the foregoing Assignment of Development Agreement and hereby assumes and agrees to perform all obligations of Developer in regard to the Development Agreement described therein from and after the date hereof, and agrees to indemnify and hold Assignor harmless of any and all liabilities, obligations, claims and debts which may arise or be asserted against Assignor under the Development Agreement, whenever arising or asserted that accrue after the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Assignor has caused this instrument to be executed this day of April, 2016 Page 1 of 2 ASSIGNOR: ASSIGNEE: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. Laxmi Hotel, Inc. By: By: Its: Its: Consent of EDA Upon due deliberation and consideration, and in accordance with the authorization of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ( "EDA ") by resolution duly adopted on the 13th day of April, 2016, the undersigned does hereby consent to and accept the assignment of the Contract for Private Development, dated the 18' day of September, 2001, as amended by the First Amendment to Contract for Private Development dated the 6' day of February, 2002 (collectively "Development Agreement "), described in the foregoing Assignment and Assumption of Contract for Private Development by Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., as Assignor, to Laxmi Hotel, Inc., as Assignee, and the assumption of all obligations of the Developer thereunder by said Assignee. Further the EDA hereby releases Assignor under the Development Agreement from any and all obligations, liabilities and responsibilities for the performance of the obligations and duties of the developer thereunder from and after the date hereof, City of Monticello Economic Development Authority By: Its: Page 2 of 2 A L E EP N u H 'A ®® cc D N rq V C D\ m m ON O C) N 00 O Ln +'O V\1 O O O _ M 00 N N M M M M IQ^ 00 CL Ln O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O _O 00 M ^ O d' ^ O O0 O C O O O O O O ui Vl O O NO O OLn N to t0 N M t0 O O O M OO OM MO 0 M OM O O 9 O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 o o o M o M o:$ o o o 0 30 m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 7 o 7 o 7 o 0 Ln LA in U, LA LA L� A L� L� vi vi ui UA Ui 0 Lm 0 Ui Ln in vi Ln Ln in Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln in in Ln Ln Ln Ln in in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M \D N 10 V1 M O 10 O M O l0 N 10 to V W O O O O O OO M O 10 O _O O _O O O_ �D 1l, N V O 00 �D M E/1 O Ln Ln O O N O M O M O M O M 4 O O 9 O O O O O O O 4 O O O O O O O O O Cc? 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V N NO w � N o N w N O w0 CC O N m Q N du a, .w oA a, oA p a, o ,s, oA v .5 t1. 9 v �+bo N v O sN `� N O N V V .., �1, O O aX, U U) C A. O a M y r-4C� aJ s pip 0° Q V waj ca v v 0 0 Q. V x 9 x g V N District 1 -20 is a redevelopment TIF district established for the construction of 10 single - family housing units. The tax increment from the District is used to support two obligations. The first obligation is a $65,000 in- ternal fund loan. Fifty -four percent (54 %) of the tax increment is used to repay this loan from the EDA. The balance outstanding on the loan as of 12/31/2011 is $10,957. The second obligation is a note to reimburse the developer for land acquisition expense. The note is currently held by Riverwood Bank. The $65,000 note is paid with 36% of the annual tax increment ending no later than 8/1/2018. The balance outstanding on the note as of 12/31/2011 is $76,723 (including interest ac- crual). The District will be decertified no later than December 31, 2024. Actions Taken Since 2009 Annual payments on the outstanding interfund loan and note have continued. Administrative Tasks The TIF plan estimates on file with the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) for this district needs review to confirm the OSA has the correct authorized expendi- tures amounts. Management Strategy Option 1- Discharge Obligations The focus of this District will be the repayment of the loan and note. Under the assumptions used in this report, the District has sufficient tax increment fund balance to pay both the loan and the note. The EDA could act to discharge the loan and the note with exist- ing fund balance. Projections suggest that future years tax increment col- lections will not be sufficient to fully pay the developer CityNumber ...................................................................... ...........................1 -20 CountyNumber ................................ ............................... ............................620 Name................................................................. ............................... Prairie West Type.......................................................... ............................... Redevelopment Established.............................................................. ............................... 6/24/96 Certification Requested .................................. ............................... 12/20/96 Certified................................................................ ............................... 12/23/96 Year of First Increment ................... ............................... ...........................1999 4 -Year Knockdown ............................................ ............................... 12/23/00 5 -Year Rule ........................................................... ............................... 12/23/01 Decertification .................................................... ............................... 12/31/24 Original Tax Rate .......................... ............................... .....................110.581% Original Tax Capacity Value .......... ............................... ..........................3,000 Current Base Tax Capacity Value ............................... ..........................1,672 Current (Pay 2012) Tax Capacity .............................. .........................18,323 Parcels.................................................................................... .............................12 155-104-001010 155-104-001020 155-104-001030 155-104-001040 155-104-001130 155-104-001140 155-104-001150 155-104-001160 155-104-001170 155-104-001180 155-104-001190 155-104-001200 note prior to its ending date of 8/1/2018. Rather than discharge the note with existing fund balance, the EDA could decide to increase the share of annual increment applied to the note after the loan is paid in 2012. The District can be decertified once the loan and note are fully paid. The timing of decertification will de- pend on decisions made about use of fund balance for payments. Under either of these scenarios, use of fund balance or no use of fund balance for payments, the District Summary District 1 -20 (Prairie West) Redevelopment 1.20 24 EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 8. Consideration to direct preparation of an Amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA and modification of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Masters Fifth Avenue has requested that the EDA consider amendment of the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA, and modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District 1 -35. At this time, the developer is not requesting additional tax increment, but rather a modification to allow for language revisions accommodating an "11,000 square foot of more commercial, residential or multi -use building ". At present, the TIF Plan and contract for development specify development of an "11,000 square foot retail center" in the TIF District. TIF District 1 -35 was certified in 2006, and was created to fund $170,000 in costs associated with the development of a proposed 11,000 square foot retail commercial project known as "Landmark Square II ". The project area is a single parcel located at the northeast corner of Yd and Locust Streets. The tax increment generated in the district was intended to reimburse the developer for land acquisition through "pay -as- you -go" TIF assistance. The EDA approved an extension of the contract between the EDA and the developer in October of 2015 as related to TIF District 1 -35. At that time, the developer indicated there was the potential for an exclusively residential project on the TIF district parcel. As the EDA is aware, the developer has submitted a land use application (CCD Residential Overlay rezoning request), as well as a Development Stage Planned Unit Development application through the City's Community Development Department. The applications submitted illustrate a 23 -unit residential project on the parcel. If the EDA is willing to consider the amendment and modification of the district as proposed, staff will have the EDA's attorney prepare the required documents for EDA decision in May. The City Council must also approve the TIF Plan Modification. However, no public hearing or other public notifications are required for this type of modification. Al. Budget Impact: Per the contract with the developer, the developer will be required to cover all costs associated with the modification. A2. Staff Workload Impact: An estimated 4 hours of staff and consulting time has been spent to -date in reviewing and responding to this most recent request. 1 EDA Agenda: 03/09/16 B. STAFF RECOMMWNDATION: As noted, the amendment of the contract and modification of the TIF District is a policy question for the EDA. When the TIF district was created, it was intended to spur and support private commercial redevelopment. If the EDA supports the proposed amendment and modification, Alternative 91 is recommended. If the EDA wishes to proceed under the original TIF Plan and contract as recently amended, Alternative 92 is appropriate. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to direct preparation of an Amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters 5t' Avenue and the Monticello EDA and modification of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35. 2. Motion of no action. Motion to table this item for additional information. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Developer Request, March 18th, 2016 B. TIF Plan 1 -35, excerpt C. TIF Management Plan, excerpt for TIF 1 -35 D. Third Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelopment Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 19 577 180th Ave NW Big Lake, MN 55309 763 - 390 -0393 March 18, 2016 TO: Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 March 18, 2016 Attention: Angela Schumann We request consideration at your meeting of April 13th to consider an administrative change to the TIF District 1 -35 by amending the contract and TIF plan with Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. to add the words "11,000 square foot or more commercial, residential or multi -use building" in place of the words "11,000 square foot retail center" in both documents. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. Barry D. Fluth, president Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Talc Increment Financing District Overview City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No, 1 -35 The following summary contains an overview of the basic elements of the Tax increment Financing PIan for TIF District No. 1 -35. More detailed information on each of these topics can be found in the complete TIF Plan. Proposed action: Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 (District) and the adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan (TIF Plan). Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan Modification for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. (The Modification is to include the project activities anticipated in the District.) Type of TIF District: A redevelopment district Parcel Numbers *: 155- 010 - 036011 ** 155- 010 -036010 ** 155 -010- 036030 ** *These parcels will be combined via an administrative lot combination by the City of Monticello **These parcels are "Knocked Down" parcels that are being removed from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -22 to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35. Proposed Development: The District is being created to facilitate construction of 11,000 s.£ of commercial space consisting of a restaurant, office and other uses in the City of Monticello. This project is being proposed by a local developer. The value of the new development is estimated to be $70 per s.f. plus land costs of approximately $230,000 for an esimated value of $1,000,000. The building will be completed in 2006 and the assistance of land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation, streets and sidewalks and utility costs will be funded on a pay- as -you- go basis at a rate of 6.5% TIF District Overview Maximum duration: The duration of the District will be 25 years from the date of receipt of the first increment (26 years of increment). The date of receipt of the first tax increment will be approximately 2008. Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications of the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2033, or when the TIF Plan is satisfied. Estimated annual tax Up to $17,014 increment: Proposed uses: The TIF Plan contains a budget that authorizes the maximum amount that may be expended: Land/Building Acquisition ............................................... $ 100,000 Site Improvements /Preparation ................... $35,000 ....................... Public Utilities .................................... ............................... $35,000 Parking Facilities ........... :................................................... $35,000 Streets and Sidewalks ......................... ............................... $10,000 Interest.............................................. ............................... $190,000 Administrative Costs (up to 10 %) .............. ........................ $45,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ............... .............................45 See Subsection 2 -10, page 2 -6 of the TIF Plan for the full budget authorization. Additional uses of funds are authorized which include inter -fund loans and transfers and bonded indebtedness. Form of financing: Financing will be primarily by a pay -as- you -go (PAYG) note. Administrative fee: Up to 10% of annual increment, if costs are justified. Interfund Loan Requirement: If the City wants to pay for administrative expenditures from a tax increment fund, it is recommended that a resolution authorizing a loan from another fund must be passed PRIOR to the issuance of the check. 4 Year Activity Rule After four years from the date of certification of the District one of the (§ 469.176 Subd b) following activities must have been commenced on each parcel in the District: • Demolition Rehabilitation • Renovation • Other site preparation (not including utility services such as sewer and water) • If the activity has not been started by the approximately September, 2009, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel until the commencement of a qualifying activity. Page 2 TIF District Overview 5 Year Rule Within 5 years of certification revenues derived from tax increments ff 469.1763 Sub 3) must be expended or obligated to be expended. Tax increments are considered to have been expended on an activity within the District if one of the following occurs: • The revenues are actually paid to a third party with respect to the activity • Bonds, the proceeds of which must be used to finance the activity, are issued and sold to a third party, the revenues are spent to repay the bonds, and the proceeds of the bonds either are reasonably expected to be spent before the end of the later of (i) the five year period, or (ii) a reasonable temporary period within the meaning of the use of that term under §. 148(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund • Binding contracts with a third party are entered into for performance of the activity and the revenues are spent under the contractual obligation • Costs with respect to the activity are paid and the revenues are spent to reimburse for payment of the costs, including interest on unreimbursed costs. Any obligations in the Tax Increment District made after approximately September, 2010, will not be eligible for repayment from tax increments. The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the TIF Plan for the District, as required pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd 3, are included in Exhibit A of the City Council Adopting Resolution. Page 3 TiF District Overview MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-35 Page 4 .Mt-M A. Proposed Tax Incren...c Financing District No Central Monticello Redevelopment Project N City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota Proposed Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 District 1 -35 is a redevelopment TIF district. The Dis- trict was established to assist with the construction of 11,000 square foot commercial building. The District was created from parcels removed from District 1 -22. This approach established new time limits that con- strain use of increments in District 1 -22. The tax incre- ment from District 1 -35 is obligated to repay a $170,000 developer note at an interest rate of 6 %. The note will end at a date no later than 2/1/2023. Ninety percent (90 %) of annual tax increment is used to make pay- ment on the note. The District will be decertified no later than December 31, 2033. The development planned for District 1 -35 has not happened. Actions Taken Since 2009 Funds have been transferred into TIF District 1 -35 from TIF District 1 -22 to cover administrative expenses incurred for TIF 1 -35. Administrative Steps There are no outstanding administrative items Management Strategy The strategy for District 1 -35 focuses on using the ex- isting district to undertake redevelopment on this par- cel. The factors that allow the creation of a new re- development district have been removed. A new TIF district is not an option. Clearance of the site satisfied the criteria of the 4 -year knock down requirements. Management of this District benefits from 2009 amend- ments to the TTF Act. The limitations of the five -year rule are extended to ten years for the District. Obli- gations for the use of tax increments must now be in CityNumber .......... ............................... ............ ........................................... 1 -35 CountyNumber ............................................... ............... ........................... 635 Name ........................... ............................... .......................Landmark Square 11 Type.......................................................... ............................... Redevelopment Established...................................... ............................... ........................9 /12/05 Certification Requested .................................... .............................12 /29/05 Certified..................................................................... ............................... 8/1/06 Year of First Increment ................... ............................... ...........................2008 4-Year Knockdown 8/1/12 5-Year Rule ................................................................. ..............................8 /1/16 Decertification .......................... ............................... ..........................12 /31 /33 Original Tax Rate ....................... ............................... ........................110.297% Original Tax Capacity Value .......... ............................... ..........................3,409 Current Base Tax Capacity Value ............................... ..........................6,068 Current (Pay 2012) Tax Capacity . ............................... ..........................2,962 Parcels.................................................................................... ............................... l 155- 010 - 036030 place by August 1, 2016. The financial implications and options for this District cannot be fully analyzed until development occurs. District Summary District 1 -35 (Landmark Square II) Redevelopment 43 THIRD AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT This agreement is made as of December _9, 2015, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate (the "EDA ") and MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer "). WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ( "HRA ") and Developer entered into that certain Contract for Private Development dated September 7, 2005, as amended by an Amendment thereto dated as of June 7, 2006 and a Second Amendment thereto dated as of December 18, 2007 (as so amended, the "Contract ") providing, among other things, for the construction of an approximately 11,000 square foot retail center, with associated parking, known as Landmark Square II (the "Minimum Improvements ") on the property legally described within the Contract (the "Development Property ") within the City of Monticello (the "City "); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has taken the necessary steps to allocate all powers and projects of the HRA to the EDA, and the HRA, by its Resolution No. 2007 -085, dated October 22nd, 2008, has transferred and assigned to the EDA all outstanding contracts to which the HRA_ is a party, including the Contract; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested and the EDA has determined to extend the dates of commencement and completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements described in the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: Section 3.4(a) of the Contract is amended as follows: (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed to the Developer with simple interest thereon 6.50% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the Developer complies with the cost certification requirement described in paragraph (f) of this Section. The Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed by the Authority to the Developer in semi - annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ( "Payment Dates ") commencing August 1, 2022 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made from Available Tax Increment as defined in this Section 3.4 and from no other source. 2. Section 4.3 of the Contract is amended as follows: (c) Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by November 1, 2020. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 2021. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. 471894A MNIMN190 -115 3. Miscellaneous. Except as amended by this Amendment, the Contract shall remain in full force and effect. Upon execution, the Developer shall reimburse the EDA for all out -of pocket - costs incurred by the EDA in connection with negotiating, drafting and approval of this Amendment. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 4718941 MNI MN 190 -115 Dated this 9th day of December, 2015. Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. City of Monticello Economic Development Authority By: B. 3 0 . Its Its President By: Its E Director 4718940 MNI MN 190-115 EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 9. Consideration of contract notice for Market Matching Services. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to provide a 30 -day notice to WSB & Associates stating its intent to terminate the current contract for Market Matching services effective May 13th, 2016. The EDA approved a month -to -month contract extension for Market Matching in June of 2016. The contract for month -to -month services will expire in July, 2016. WSB has indicated that 30 -day notice to end services is required. Over the last several months, the EDA has been asked to consider a variety of marketing tools and options, including broker services, print pieces, and other marketing partnerships. The City /EDA will also soon have the benefit of a dedicated Economic Development Manager, and as such, staff capabilities should become a larger part of the evaluation for marketing workload. Further, it was noted by the EDA that prior to additional decisions on marketing initiatives, a more defined marketing plan is needed. In short, the EDA must understand its product, market, message, best methods for outreach, and measurement of results. To establish this strategic marketing plan, staff would propose that the EDA and City hold a strategic planning meeting to establish marketing goals, initiatives and resources for the City /EDA. The meeting will incorporate the objectives set within the EDA's 2016 Work Plan, as well as the recent discussion of the EDA marketing sub - committee. Over the next month, staff and WSB's Market Matching team will work to prepare for the strategic planning meeting with EDA and City Council. WSB & Associates will also be completing the following tasks: 1. Update of all current collateral materials (included with this packet) 2. Update of Monticello information on MNDEED The above services are included within the $4,000 /month rate. After the strategic planning session for marketing, the EDA will be able to more clearly define any continuation of services with WSB & Associates for Market Matching. Al. Budget Impact: The EDA's budget for Market Matching services in 2016 is $12,000. Information on costs for a modified contract for services will be provided with a future recommendation on staffing and marketing services. A2. Staff Impact: Staff will prepare for the upcoming strategic planning meeting with WSB support. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to direct staff to send a letter to WSB & Associates terminating the current contract for Market Matching services, effective May 13, 2016. 2. Motion of other. EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 C. STAFF RECOMMWNDATION At this time, staff recommends sending the letter of notice and continuing strategic marketing discussions to determine establishment of a new scope of services with WSB & Associates. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. 2015 -2016 Market Matching Contract B. Market Matching Marketing Materials, sample 2 W B & Aawwlates. Inc. engineering • planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel; 763 -6414800 Fax 763 -541 -1700 July 1, 2015 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 56069 Re: Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello Dear Mr. O'Neill: Thank you for providing WSB R-- Associates the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello. Provided below is a summary of the proposed Scope of Services and Fee: SCONE OF SERVICES: Task 1: Deliverable Development & Data Collection • Deliverable 1: Market Data Revision /completion of the original contract's remaining tangible deliverables within the first 45 days of the new contract. To include the following: c Housing market demand analysis report Deployment of completed market matching materials Update site maps every two months Deliverable 2: Data Deployment Dedicated focus on news release and development of economic development/business features for City communication outlets. • WSB will coordinate press releases as needed • WSB will ensure consistent integration of USP throughout all marketing efforts • WSB will provide content and copy for the City's economic development website • Deliverable 3: Data Management Manage and report on SalesForce CRM Community Partner Portal o WSB will include the CRM report at July EDA meeting. Business Retention & Expansion Deliverable 4: Economic Development Opportunities WSB will identify and assist in identifying potential economic development opportunities: including the following: • Land Acquisition • Financial Incentive Opportunities Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng,com F:lC. —Wty Devdopmeat D1re to Ecoo &DeMel p.,.IUkaeds\EDAlEDAAGEND\ 201 S3dy 20Mhem &Mevket MattWng12015 Er000dc Page 2 - Task 2: Market Engagement • Deliverable 5: Profile of Targeted Prospects EDA/staff discussion regarding targeted industries and potential market entrants as it relates to City -held properties o Coordinate EDAJCity Negotiations Team work on City -held properties to determine sale disposition and representation; produce sale pieces; develop and present recommended sales strategy • Produce sales pieces • Develop and present sales strategy - Coordination of Tour for Prospective Leads c WSB will coordinate tours for prospective leads as necessary. Deliverable 6: Deliver Leads /Assist in Closing - Act as a conduit for information and resource for market entrant and the City staff (on- going) o WSB will take a lead role in providing detailed development related information to all qualified leads including: • Assistance with financial package preparation in consultation with City staff, policy makers, and financial consultant • Attendance at pre - design meetings associated with Market Matching leads. Deliverable 7: Active networking with potential market entrants (on- going) • External Organization and level of participation (on- going) • Greater MSP — WSB retains membership and acts as representative • DEED — City retains memberships and WSB acts as representative • EDAM — WSB retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation — City retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Minnesota Chamber of Commerce — WSB retains membership and acts as representative • Broadband Properties — City retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Wright County Economic Development Partnership — membership by both City and WSB and WSB acts as primary representative with City support • Minnesota High Tech Association — WSB acts as representative • Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership — WSB acts as representative • Central MN Manufacturer's Association — WSB acts as representative • Conference and Association Trade Shows — TBD • Sensible Land Use Coalition — WSB acts as representative • League of Minnesota Cities — WSB acts as representative • NAIOP — WSB acts as representative • CoreNet Global — WSB acts as representative • Urban Land Use Institute — WSB acts as representative Maintain current understanding of existing Grant programs for potential use in conjunction with Market Matching efforts. o Monthly report to staff on opportunities and corresponding project fit Task 3: Project Management Deliverable 8: Provide consistent and effective communication with City Staff, EDA, and City Council. (see communications plan) o WSB will provide Weekly Email Updates to City Staff o WSB will attend Bi- Weekly Staff Update Meetings o WSB will provide Written Monthly Memo to City Staff of Market Matching efforts, including ED e- newsletter P;Ifvmmnnily Dwdcgnnail Du'(durE.L ,ie Deer]rgment\Be dFlEDA \EDAAGENDN2015UJWy2015VJim&Muka MaldringM15 Economic Dedt Page 3 - o WSB will provide Monthly Presentation to the EDA meetings on a monthly basis. o WSB will prepare website information o WSB will deploy the City Economic Development Flyer o WSB will prepare Property Site Flyers on an as needed basis o WSB will coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Market Matching efforts and property map updates. FEE FOR SERVICES As outlined in the Economic Development Services contract, the City has the option to retain WSB & Associates on a month to month basis for an additional 12 months at the fee of $4,000 per month, starting July 1, 2015. Travel expenses incurred by WSB within the State of MN as part of the Economic Development Services offering are still included in the monthly fee stated above. Travel expenses incurred by WSB for travel outside of the State of MN that is directed by the City of Monticello shall be paid for according to a negotiated price. Additionally, fees for services outside of the above described scope that may be required from time to time shall be completed at an additional hourly rate. Types of services could include the following: Grant/Funding Support FiberNet Monticello Marketing Support Website Management The above described services will be provided in accordance with WSB's in -place Professional Services Agreement. If you are in agreement with the proposed project Scope of Services and FEE, please sign below and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact either one of us at {763} 541 -4800. Sincerely, WSB & Associates John Uphoff Brian J. Bourassa, PE Economic Development Specialist Principal Approval Signature By: Title: e L4Y Muni h ii 6' y-ot v rJ Exec ti r . Date: *7- 1 `T - ids FAConunu my Dwdoluuml Divaa Pmnomk DevdopmwABwdi EDA%DAAGEND120 Maly 20 Mi m B.Markd Muldnng=] 5 Economic DwOc CITY OF IiN Monticello o� r, Cpl, -t" WELCOMES �� Destination for Innoyti� 0 TMon Community Snapshot Destination for Innovation 1 of the Few Cities in U.S. 1217 5 9 fififf With Multiple Fiber O tic Providers 32 years to Home and Business Monticello !!!!!' Population Median Age ------------------------------- - - - - -; ---------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- $192,500 10,370 A 29 City Parks 4,693 Households Median Home Value Acres of Regional Parkland $69,647 17 Median Household Miles of Tra'ii Source: ESRI Business Analyst Online ; Income Mississippi River Access Taxes: The Cost of Doing Business in... *Based on 1 Million Dollar Industrial Property Valuation $40,000 000 00000 $39,000 $38,000 $37,000 $36,000 $35,000 $34,000 $33,000 $32,000 $31,000 $30,000 How to Get Here S %. Air: Located 51 miles north west of the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport or 23 miles from the St. Cloud Regional Airport. Passenger Rail /Light Rail: Connected to the North Star passenger rail line that runs to the Twin Cities and connecting LRT lines. =� Interstate /Highway: Monticello is located -ETA off of Interstate Highway 94 and Highway 25, and 2 miles from Highway 10. Rail: The BNSF rail line is a class 1 freight railroad that connects north to St. Cloud and South to the Twin Cities. Education ■ Associates degree Some College ■ High school graduate ■ Bachelor's degree Post graduate degree 2040 Source: American Community Survey (2007 -2011) Population Growth Projections for Wright County Total Population Percent Change 2010 2020 2030 2040 2010 -2020 2010 -2040 124,700 147,422 171,416 193,679 18.2% 55.3% Wright County had the fastest growing labor force in Minnesota from 2002 to 2012 at +22.6 %. Neighboring Sherburne County was the 4th fastest labor force growth at + 18.5% Source: Positively Minnesota To St. Cloud - 30 Miles To Minneapolis - 38 Miles Destination for Innovation Wright County Employment Profile Percent of Population Employed Civilian Employed Population (16+ yrs) 64,309 employed Construction 19% Manufacturing 17% Wholesale Trade 13% Retail Trade 9.2% Transportation Warehousing 9% Information 7.6 % Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 6% Professional, Scientific, Management 4.5 % Educational Services, Health Care, Social Services 4.4% Arts, Entertainment, Recreation 4% Public Administration 1.5 % Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Mining 1.4% Other 1.5% Source: American Community Survey (2007-20115 yr Estimates) vie ( -4 CITY OF �.� Monticello Certified Shovel R Development Site Monticello Destination for Innovation ,�j Assistance may include: • Acquisition of land • Preparation of sites for development • Construction or reconstruction of public improvements • Removal of polluted lands as needed • Tax increment financing, tax abatement, or other financial tools available to the city • Fiber subsidy available • Site preparation (platting) • Revolving loan Mims r I' 11 �M­r. Helpful Links: Local Assistance Programs Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Assistance for land write -down and or site improvements for qualified businesses. Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Below Prime Interest Rate Loan. Regional Assistance Programs Wright County Enterprise Fund A county funding course to assist industrial businesses with financing real property acquisition and development, machinery and equipment or working capital. Minnesota Investment Fund Low interest loans to industrial, manufacturing and technology businesses. Small Business Development Loan Program This loan is through the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board who issues industrial development bonds. Small Business Administration (SBA) Assistance with SBA loans. Building Business in Monticello - http: / /www. buildingbusinessinmonticello. com Greater MSP- http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?feature= player embedded &v= JDH5il6FFiM The City of Monticello's Economic Development Authority provides comprehensive services to prospective and existing businesses by assisting with site and building information, financial assistance, and guidance through the regulatory and development process. 1111 �� monticello Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Census 2000 medians are computed from reported data distributions. The "1990 -2000 Annual Rate" is an annual compund rate. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 1 of 5 1990 Census 2000 1990 -2000 Number Percent Number Percent Annual Rate Total Population 5,137 - 7,868 - 4.36% Total Households 1,858 100.0% 2,944 100.0% 4.71% Average Household Size 2.72 - 2.64 - -0.30% Total Families 1,419 76.4% 2,066 70.2% 3.83% Average Family Size 3.14 - 3.13 - -0.03% Per Capita Income $12,189 - $19,229 - 4.66% Total Housing Units 1,990 - 3,030 - 4.29% Population by Sex Male 2,487 48.4% 3,793 48.2% 4.31% Female 2,649 51.6% 4,075 51.8% 4.40% Population by Age Total 5,136 100.0% 7,868 100.0% 4.36% Age 0 - 4 521 10.1% 799 10.2% 4.37% Age 5- 9 525 10.2% 725 9.2% 3.28% Age 10- 14 458 8.9% 610 7.8% 2.91% Age 15 - 19 399 7.8% 511 6.5% 2.50% Age 20 - 24 392 7.6% 547 7.0% 3.39% Age 25 - 29 527 10.3% 779 9.9% 3.99% Age 30 - 34 452 8.8% 792 10.1% 5.77% Age 35 - 39 390 7.6% 694 8.8% 5.93% Age 40 - 44 319 6.2% 521 6.6% 5.03% Age 45 - 49 273 5.3% 411 5.2% 4.18% Age 50 - 54 172 3.3% 308 3.9% 6.00% Age 55 - 59 142 2.8% 271 3.4% 6.68% Age 60 - 64 121 2.4% 202 2.6% 5.26% Age 65 - 69 112 2.2% 176 2.2% 4.62% Age 70 - 74 107 2.1% 140 1.8% 2.72% Age 75 - 79 100 1.9% 155 2.0% 4.48% Age 80 - 84 59 1.1% 105 1.3% 5.93% Age 85+ 67 1.3% 122 1.6% 6.18% Median Age 27.6 29.8 0.77% Age 18+ 3,374 65.7% 5,394 68.6% 4.80% Age 65+ 445 8.7% 698 8.9% 4.60% Households by Household Income Household Income Base 1,865 100.0% 2,977 100.0% 4.79% < $15,000 438 23.5% 283 9.5% -4.27% $15,000 - $24,999 252 13.5% 317 10.6% 2.32% $25,000 - $34,999 350 18.8% 449 15.1% 2.52% $35,000 - $49,999 437 23.4% 592 19.9% 3.08% $50,000 - $74,999 280 15.0% 739 24.8% 10.19% $75,000 - $99,999 73 3.9% 382 12.8% 18.00% $100,000 - $149,999 20 1.1% 195 6.6% 25.57% $150,000+ 15 0.8% 20 0.7% 2.92% Median Household Income $31,908 $45,465 3.60% Average Household Income $35,385 $50,889 3.70% Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Census 2000 medians are computed from reported data distributions. The "1990 -2000 Annual Rate" is an annual compund rate. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 1 of 5 1111 �� monticello Households by Poverty Status and Household Total 1990 100.0% Census 2000 100.0% 1990 -2000 Families by Family Income Number Percent Number Percent Annual Rate Family Income Base 1,447 100.0% 2,122 100.0% 3.90% < $15,000 236 16.3% 104 4.9% -7.87% $15,000 - $24,999 210 14.5% 187 8.8% -1.15% $25,000 - $34,999 282 19.5% 299 14.1% 0.59% $35,000 - $49,999 353 24.4% 356 16.8% 0.08% $50,000 - $74,999 258 17.8% 635 29.9% 9.42% $75,000 - $99,999 73 5.0% 353 16.6% 17.07% $100,000 - $149,999 20 1.4% 168 7.9% 23.72% $150,000+ 15 1.0% 20 0.9% 2.92% Median Family Income $34,844 $53,315 4.35% Average Family Income $38,444 $57,009 4.02% Households by Poverty Status and Household Total 1,865 100.0% 2,977 100.0% 4.79% Below Poverty Level 175 9.4% 154 5.2% -1.27% Married - Couple Family 39 2.1% 46 1.5% 1.66% Other Family - Male householder, No Wife 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00% Other Family - Female householder, No Husband 83 4.5% 43 1.4% -6.36% Nonfamily Households 53 2.8% 65 2.2% 2.06% At or Above Poverty Level 1,690 90.6% 2,823 94.8% 5.26% Married - Couple Family 1,132 60.7% 1,584 53.2% 3.42% Other Family - Male householder, No Wife 49 2.6% 164 5.5% 12.84% Other Family - Female householder, No Husband 117 6.3% 285 9.6% 9.31% Nonfamily Households 392 21.0% 790 26.5% 7.26% Households by Type Total 1,858 100.0% 2,944 100.0% 4.71% Family Households 1,419 76.4% 2,066 70.2% 3.83% Married - couple Families 1,138 61.2% 1,550 52.6% 3.14% With Related Children 702 37.8% 883 30.0% 2.32% Other Family (No Spouse Present) 281 15.1% 516 17.5% 6.27% With Related Children 225 12.1% 420 14.3% 6.44% Nonfamily Households 438 23.6% 878 29.8% 7.20% Householder Living Alone 346 18.6% 698 23.7% 7.27% Householder not Living Alone 92 5.0% 180 6.1% 6.94% Households with Related Children 927 49.9% 1,303 44.3% 3.46% Households by Vehicles Available Total 1,859 100% 2,927 100% 4.64% None 87 4.7% 172 5.9% 7.05% 1 566 30.4% 902 30.8% 4.77% 2 791 42.5% 1,430 48.9% 6.10% 3 246 13.2% 338 11.5% 3.23% 4 115 6.2% 85 2.9% -2.98% 5+ 54 2.9% 0 0.0% - 100.00% Average Number of Vehicles Available 2.0 1.7 -1.61% Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 2 of 5 1111 �� Monticello Housing Units by Units in Structure Total 1990 100.0% Census 2000 100.0% 1990 -2000 Housing Units by Occupancy Number Percent Number Percent Annual Rate Total 1,992 100.0% 3,030 100.0% 4.28% Occupied Housing Units 1,858 93.3% 2,944 97.2% 4.71% Owner Occupied Housing Units 1,264 63.5% 2,122 70.0% 5.32% Renter Occupied Housing Units 594 29.8% 822 27.1% 3.30% Vacant Housing Units 134 6.7% 86 2.8% -4.34% For Rent 77 3.9% 24 0.8% - 11.00% For Sale Only 19 1.0% 30 1.0% 4.67% Rented or Sold, Not Occupied 18 0.9% 8 0.3% -7.79% For Seasonal /Recreational /Occasional Use 5 0.3% 10 0.3% 7.18% For Migrant Workers 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00% Other Vacant 15 0.8% 14 0.5% -0.69% Housing Units by Units in Structure Total 1,989 100.0% 3,005 100.0% 4.21% 1, Detached 1,050 52.8% 1,771 58.9% 5.37% 1, Attached 110 5.5% 347 11.5% 12.17% 2 44 2.2% 33 1.1% -2.84% 3 or 4 60 3.0% 112 3.7% 6.44% 5 to 9 74 3.7% 53 1.8% -3.28% 10 to 19 141 7.1% 185 6.2% 2.75% 20+ 218 11.0% 294 9.8% 3.04% Mobile Home 275 13.8% 210 7.0% -2.66% Other 17 0.9% 0 0.0% - 100.00% Specified Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 918 100.0% 1,810 100.0% 7.02% < $50,000 52 5.7% 6 0.3% - 19.42% $50,000 - $99,999 728 79.3% 262 14.5% -9.71% $100,000 - $149,999 119 13.0% 1,026 56.7% 24.04% $150,000 - $199,999 17 1.9% 370 20.4% 36.07% $200,000 - $299,999 2 0.2% 121 6.7% 50.72% $300,000 - $499,999 0 0.0% 16 0.9% 0.00% $500,000 + 0 0.0% 9 0.5% 0.00% Median Home Value $79,047 $130,234 5.12% Average Home Value $82,194 $143,265 5.71% Specified Renter Occupied Housing Units by Rent Total 581 100.0% 821 100.0% 3.52% With Cash Rent 566 97.4% 802 97.7% 3.55% < $200 92 15.8% 83 10.1% -1.02% $200 -$499 441 75.9% 240 29.2% -5.90% $500 -$749 33 5.7% 441 53.7% 29.60% $750 -$999 0 0.0% 14 1.7% 0.00% $1000 + 0 0.0% 24 2.9% 0.00% No Cash Rent 15 2.6% 19 2.3% 2.39% Median Rent $386 $527 3.16% Average Rent $352 $502 3.61% Data Note: Specified owner occupied Housing Units include only single family units on less than 10 acres, with no business or medical office on site. Specified renter occupied HUs exclude single family units on 10+ acres. Average Rent excludes units paying no cash rent. Rent, Home Value and Units in Structure data are complete counts in 1990 and sample counts in 2000, so changes in enumeration can affect comparability. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 3 of 5 1111 �� Monticello Workers 16+ by Place of Work Total 1990 100.0% Census 2000 100.0% 1990 -2000 Population 16+ by Employment Status Number Percent Number Percent Annual Rate Total 3,600 100.0% 5,727 100.0% 4.75% In Labor Force 2,631 73.1% 4,498 78.5% 5.51% Civilian Employed 2,498 69.4% 4,359 76.1% 5.73% Civilian Unemployed 133 3.7% 139 2.4% 0.44% In Armed Forces 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00% Not in Labor Force 969 26.9% 1,229 21.5% 2.41% Workers 16+ by Place of Work Total 2,414 100.0% 4,262 100.0% 5.85% Worked in State of Residence 2,401 99.5% 4,262 100.0% 5.91% Worked in County of Residence 1,275 52.8% 1,944 45.6% 4.31% Worked outside County of Residence 1,126 46.6% 2,318 54.4% 7.49% Worked outside State of Residence 13 0.5% 0 0.0% - 100.00% Workers 16+ by Transportation to Work 137 5.7% 287 6.7% 7.68% Total 2,414 100.0% 4,262 100.0% 5.85% Drove Alone - Car, Truck or Van 1,961 81.2% 3,521 82.6% 6.03% Carpooled - Car, Truck or Van 313 13.0% 524 12.3% 5.29% Public Transportation 13 0.5% 13 0.3% 0.00% Walked 78 3.2% 48 1.1% -4.74% Other Means 20 0.8% 28 0.7% 3.42% Worked at Home 29 1.2% 128 3.0% 16.01% Workers 16+ by Travel Time to Work Total 2,413 100.0% 4,262 100.0% 5.85% Did not Work at Home 2,384 98.8% 4,134 97.0% 5.66% Less than 5 minutes 149 6.2% 238 5.6% 4.79% 5 to 9 minutes 536 22.2% 656 15.4% 2.04% 10 to 19 minutes 521 21.6% 907 21.3% 5.70% 20 to 24 minutes 137 5.7% 287 6.7% 7.68% 25 to 34 minutes 338 14.0% 620 14.5% 6.25% 35 to 44 minutes 287 11.9% 512 12.0% 5.96% 45 to 59 minutes 271 11.2% 653 15.3% 9.19% 60 to 89 minutes 102 4.2% 192 4.5% 6.53% 90 or more minutes 43 1.8% 69 1.6% 4.84% Worked at Home 29 1.2% 128 3.0% 16.01% Average Travel Time to Work (in minutes) 23.6 0.9% 26.0 0.5% 0.97% Population 15+ by Sex and Marital Status Total 3,631 100.0% 5,776 100.0% 4.75% Females 1,905 52.5% 3,027 52.4% 4.74% Never Married 429 11.8% 615 10.6% 3.67% Married, not Separated 1,086 29.9% 1,693 29.3% 4.54% Married, Separated 37 1.0% 59 1.0% 4.78% Widowed 181 5.0% 312 5.4% 5.60% Divorced 172 4.7% 348 6.0% 7.30% Males 1,726 47.5% 2,749 47.6% 4.76% Never Married 448 12.3% 764 13.2% 5.48% Married, not Separated 1,102 30.3% 1,680 29.1% 4.31% Married, Separated 19 0.5% 42 0.7% 8.26% Widowed 33 0.9% 27 0.5% -1.99% Divorced 124 3.4% 236 4.1% 6.65% Data Note: Marital status data are complete counts in 1990 and sample counts in 2000, so changes in enumeration can affect comparability. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 4 of 5 1111 �� Monticello Diversity Index 6.2 9.7 4.58% Hispanic Population by Race Total 1990 100.0% Census 2000 100.0% 1990 -2000 Population by Race Number Percent Number Percent Annual Rate Total 5,137 100.0% 7,868 100.0% 4.36% White Alone 5,008 97.5% 7,629 97.0% 4.30% Black or African American Alone 13 0.3% 26 0.3% 7.18% American Indian or Alaskan Native Alone 14 0.3% 16 0.2% 1.34% Asian Alone 26 0.5% 43 0.5% 5.16% Pacific Islander Alone 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0.00% Some Other Race Alone 11 0.2% 50 0.6% 16.35% Two or More Races 64 1.2% 103 1.3% 4.87% Diversity Index 6.2 9.7 4.58% Hispanic Population by Race Total 34 100.0% 160 100.0% 16.75% White Alone 25 73.5% 94 58.8% 14.16% Black or African American Alone 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.00% American Indian or Alaskan Native Alone 0 0.0% 1 0.6% 0.00% Asian or Pacific Islander Alone 1 2.9% 2 1.3% 7.18% Some Other Race Alone 8 23.5% 47 29.4% 19.37% Two or More Races 0 0.0% 16 10.0% 0.00% Population 3+ by School Enrollment Total 4,905 100.0% 7,497 100.0% 4.33% Enrolled in Public Preschool /Kindergarten 141 2.9% 310 4.1% 8.20% Enrolled in Private Preschool /Kindergarten 33 0.7% 23 0.3% -3.55% Enrolled in Public Elementary /High School 1,136 23.2% 1,506 20.1% 2.86% Enrolled in Private Elementary /High School 39 0.8% 37 0.5% -0.53% Enrolled in Public College 179 3.6% 206 2.7% 1.41% Enrolled in Private College 51 1.0% 20 0.3% -8.94% Not Enrolled in School 3,326 67.8% 5,395 72.0% 4.96% Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Total 2,894 100.0% 4,771 100.0% 5.13% Less than 9th Grade 237 8.2% 222 4.7% -0.65% 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma 303 10.5% 534 11.2% 5.83% High School Graduate 1,243 43.0% 1,381 28.9% 1.06% Some College, No Degree 442 15.3% 1,124 23.6% 9.78% Associate Degree 196 6.8% 498 10.4% 9.77% Bachelor's Degree 350 12.1% 746 15.6% 7.86% Master's /Professional /Doctorate Degree 123 4.3% 266 5.6% 8.02% Data Note: The 1990 Census reported population by single races only. Esri estimates the multiracial population from 1990 Census data for the total population. In the 1990 Census, "Asian" and "Pacific Islander" were not reported separately for the Hispanic Origin population. To compare the data, "Asian" and "Pacific Islander" are combined in 2000. The Diversity Index summarizes racial and ethnic diversity. The index shows the likelihood that 2 persons, chosen at random from the same area, belong to different race or ethnic groups. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Population and Housing. Page 5 of 5 CITY ( )I Monticello Destination for Innovation Updated: 8/2015 I f n ' Legend > f Public Parking Facilities f Privatey Owned Parcels - Guided Downtown ' > EDA Owned Properties - Guided Downtown City Owned Properties - Guided Downtown PID Owner Size (Acres) 2013 Taxes Zoning 1. 155- 010 - 017011 City of Monticello 0.47 $0.00 B -3 2. 155- 010 - 050011 Monticello EDA 0.19 $0.00 B -3 3, 155- 010 - 054011 Monticello EDA 0.25 $0.00 B -3 4. 155- 010 - 052071 Monticello EDA 0.22 $0.00 B -3 5. 155- 010 - 035061 Monticello EDA 0.06 $0.00 B -3 6. 155- 010 - 034130 Monticello EDA 0.36 $0.00 B -3 7. 155- 010 - 034020 City of Monticello 1.34 $0.00 B -3 8. 155- 010 - 067010 Monticello EDA 1.11 $0.00 B -3 9. 155- 010 - 036030 BBE Properties 0.76 $2,814.00 B -3 Public Parking Facilities PID Owner Size (Acres) 2013 Taxes Zoning 10. 155- 010 - 052140 City of Monticello 0.18 $0.00 B -3 11. 155-010-052132 City of Monticello 0.10 $0.00 B-3 12. 155-010-035011 City of Monticello 0.70 $0.00 B -3 13. 155-010-035011 City of Monticello 0.70 $0.00 B -3 j Monticello Destination for Innovation ti Updated 8/2015 PID Owner Size (Acres) 2013 Taxes Zoning 1. 155-171-000030 _ J X Bowers LLC 19.09 $841.00 B-4 2. 155-171-000040 John Chadwick Farms LLC 19.09 $878.00 B-4 3. 155-125-000040 Ocello LLC 11.85 $6,452.00 B-3 4. 155-125-004110 Wells Fargo Bank NA 6.28 $6,042.00 B-3 5. 155-125-000070 Ocello LLC 12.96 $7,055.00 B-3 6. 155-500-142210 City of Monticello 4.11 $0.00 B-3 7. 155-151-003010 Bradley & Sharon Larson 1.78 $2,950.00_ B-4 8. 155-157-001010 Chana Properties Family LP 1.55 $6,368.00 B-4 9. 155-157-001020 Arma Property LLC 1.67 $9,424.00 B-4 10. 155-171-001021 4134 Deegan Avenue NE LLC 1.16 $6,304.00 B-4 11. 155-174-001010 Ohana Properties Family LP 0.90 $4,482.00 B-4 12. 155-151-004010 Ohana Properties Family LP 0.57 $2,476.00 B-4 1 13. 155-193-001020 Highland Bank 7.02 $7,984.00_ B-4 1 4' 14. 155-164-000030 City of Monticello 7.20 $0.00 B-4 15. 155-164-000050 City of Monticello 2.14 $0.00 B-4 ' 2 \ » 3'' 16. 155-164-000040 City of Monticello 6.14 $0.00 B-4 '� •� 3= 17. 155-176-002011 City of Monticello 1.29 $0.00 B-4 37 3 +2. 18. 155-176-001020 City of Monticello 2.70 $0.00 B-4 r' 38• '. 3. 31. 19. 155-164-000020 _ City of Monticello 2.83 $0.00 B-4 3. 3 20. 155-210-001010 Klembank 1.80 $6,160.00 B-3 4. 21. 155-221-000010 Quad Development LLC 3.80 $6,474.00 B-4 39. 29 22. 155-227-000010 Ocello LLC 43.15 $0.00 B-4 5. 40..E 46. 23. 155-500-142400 John & Mary Lundsten 38.87 $1,628.00 B-3 _ 28 "TM` = " 42. 43. 24. 155-213-001010 Glen & Lois Posusta 1.79 $9,800.00 B-3 6. 27 25. 155-500-142303 City of Monticello 3.07 $0.00 B-3 26. 155-500-142300 City of Monticello 3.20 $0.00 B-3 25. 27. 155-500-142104 Premier Bank Minnesota 18.31 $29,934.00 B-4 28. 155-018-001020 City of Monticello 5.11 $0.00 B-2 29. 155- 037- 001010 Kean of Monticello, Inc 1.92 $4,938.00 B -2 13 49 30. 155-050-000020 Joseph Lofromboise Trust 3.13 $3,340.00 IBC 15 14. 1 22. 31. 155-029-002130 G &E Properties LLC 4.18 $5,302.00 IBC 32. 155-029-002120 G &E Properties LLC 2.03 $2,940.00 IBC 17 19' 33. 155-029-002110 G &E Properties LLC 2.11 $3,054.00 IBC 21. +_ 34. 155-029-002100 ernes LL„ G &E Prop, C 2.20 $3,186.00 IBC 35. 155-029-002090 G &E Properties LLC 2.28 $3,300.00 I,BC 36. 155-029-002050 Kenneth Maus 5.40 $3,230.00 IBC 37. 155-068-001010 Riverwood Bank 19.35 $30,286.00 B-3 38. 155-185-001010 State of Minnesota 1.58 $0.00 B-3 39. 155-202-001060 IRET Properties 0.51 $0.00 B-3 �d 40. 155-079-001010 Jyoti R Patel 0.79 $0.00 B-3 ° 41. 155- 011 - 000171 Monticello Industrial Park 40.83 $0.00 B2 /IBC 42. 155-212-001010 Ryan Companies US INC 1.54 $0.00 B-4 Legend 43. 155-212-001030 Kean of Monticello, Inc 1.09 $0.00 B-4 44. 155-178-002030 Ryan Companies US INC 1.27 $0.00 B-4 Privately Owned Properties - Guided Commercial 45. 155-205-001020 Ryan Companies US INC 1.87 $0.00 B-4 City Owned Properties - Guided Commercial 46. 155-117-002010 MMC Land Company LLC 5.04 $0.00 B-4 _,, k 47. 155-117-001030 MMC Land Company LLC _ 2.24 $0.00 B-4 48. 155-086-000010 SPO LLC 0.95 $0.00 B-2 49. 155-196-000020 Monticello Industrial Park, Inc 1.43 $263.00 R PUD j Monticello Destination for Innovation Updated: 8/2015 Legend Privately Owned Properties - Guided Industrial - City Owned Properties - Guided Industrial PID Owner Size (Acres) 2013 Taxes Zoning 1. 155- 194 - 000 -010 City of Monticello 10.87 $0.00 I -1 2. 155- 191 - 000020 City of Monticello 1.83 $0.00 I -1 3. 155- 223 - 000010 City of Monticello 5.28 $0.00 I -1 4. 155- 194 - 000010 City of Monticello 4.99 $0.00 I -1 5. 155- 194 - 000020 City of Monticello 6.67 $0.00 I -1 6. 155- 171- 000050 City of Monticello 16.1 Dev $0.00 I -1 7• 155- 194 - 000040 City of Monticello 5.01 $0.00 I -1 8• 155 -185- 000010 City of Monticello 2.32 $0.00 I -1 9. 155- 171- 000060 City of Monticello 13.67 $0.00 A -0 10. 155- 018 - 003020 Kenneth & Teresa Spaeth 4.39 $4,452.00 I -2 11. 155- 143 - 001020 Monticello Industrial Park Inc 7.25 $4,164.00 IBC 12. 155- 038 - 001060 Schultz & Schupp LLC 1.18 $3,302.00 I -1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/16 10. Consideration of Director's Report (JO /AS) Economic Development Manager Position Mr. Jim Thares has been offered and has accepted the position of Monticello Economic Development Manager. Mr. Thares has a significant amount of experience in economic development and will bring a great deal of knowledge and expertise to the position. He will begin with the City on April 20a', 2016. Landmark Square II — Planning Commission Update On April 5t', 2016 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Development Stage Planned Unit Development application submitted by Masters 5t' Avenue. The item will go forward to the City Council for consideration on April 25t', 2016. FNM Management Services Arvig and CTC have submitted proposals for FNM management services. The two firms have each met with a City sub - committee including Council members Glen Posusta and Lloyd Hilgart as well as City Administrator Jeff O'Neill and Finance Director Wayne Oberg regarding their initial proposals. These proposals are now being refined for presentation to the full City Council for consideration. IEDC Action Statement The IEDC has adopted their 2016 action statement, which is attached for EDA's reference. 1 INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2016 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro- active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting objectives and actions. Objective: Retaining Jobs 1. Encourage business retention within Monticello. a. Business retention visits by IEDC members to long standing business in the community to help grow stronger relationships between our businesses and City Hall. b. Discuss the needs of businesses for development of a Retention Action Plan. c. Market and present various programs available via the city and EDA. 2. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry - related events. a. Continue Industry of the Year Breakfast. b. Assist in development and promotion of a tour of Monticello Industrial Businesses. c. Focus on Manufacturing week 2016 and tour. 3. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organizations and agencies. a. Stronger participation with the Monticello School District in growing their initiative to bring businesses into the classrooms. b. Based on the need of the businesses, partner with key leaders of our local businesses, educators and others to develop and execute a Workforce Development Plan. c. Explore ways business can bring relevance to educational classes & programs. 4. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects a. Create and host a Monticello business round table event which will offer businesses a platform for discussion. b. Facilitate "Industrial Round Tables ". Objective: Creating Jobs & Expanding the Tax Base 1. Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. a. Assess the current marketing materials and plan. b. Assist in execution or development of a new Marketing Plan. c. Respond in a timely manner to inbound communications. 2. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. a. Participate in the Transportation Day through the Minnesota Chamber and lobby on behalf of the Monticello community to help city staff bring attention to our local transportation needs. b. Develop a needs based transportation priority statement for lobbying/support purposes. c. Encourage key transportation projects which improve product delivery for businesses, such as interchange, freeway, and bridge crossing projects. d. Identify specific benefits of a 3rd interchange to businesses and/or community. 3. Evaluate and provide recommendations to the City regarding industrial land supply and availability. a. More frequently evaluate current property inventory and uses for these properties as a group with the objective to better market these properties. b. Assess Industrial Land availability for jobs with income levels to support families; 1. Total acreage with developed infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase and the maximum acreage of a contiguous, buildable lot. 2. Total acreage with undeveloped infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase. Owner contact information. 3. Total acreage preserved in Land Use Plan for future development. c. Assess accessibility to Interstate 94 and State Highway 25 and utility capabilities 4. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. a. Support and encourage the development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and recommend the development of a pathway connection to Monticello Businesses. b. Promote CentraCare Health Monticello to industrial businesses. c. Develop a visioning worksheet to get IEDC members views on residential, commercial and industrial needs and challenges to bring to light needed future planning and ordinance changes. d. Identify needed priorities such as hotels and restaurants. e. Review and coordinate public and private actions with parks and trails. 5. Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. a. Provide comments on the NW Monticello Interchange Land Use Study. b. Keep informed on the status of the Monticello Nuclear Plant as it relates to the NW Interchange Land Use Study. c. Think outside the box on current plan. d. Sponsor networking individually and in small groups for input. 6. Facilitate regional development initiatives. CITY OF L Monticello FRED'S AUTO BODY 349 BROADWAY WEST I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 FEBRUARY 12, 2016 Prepared for City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street I Monticello, MN 55109 WSB PROJECT NO. 02596 -170 A WCB Limited Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55362 February 12, 2016 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Inspection .................................................................................................. ............................... 1 2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ ..............................1 2.2 Asbestos Sampling and Results ............................................................. ..............................1 2.3 Lead -Based Paint Sampling and Results .......................................... ............................... 2 2.4 Regulated Materials Assessment ......................................................... ............................... 3 3. Methodology ............................................................................................. ............................... 3 3.1 Asbestos Sampling and Analysis ......................................................... ............................... 3 3.2 Lead -Based Paint Sampling and Analysis ......................................... ..............................4 4. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 4 4.1 Asbestos Concerns ..................................................................................... ..............................4 4.2 Other Concerns ............................................................................................ ..............................5 4.3 Future Considerations .............................................................................. ..............................6 5. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Property Aerial Figure 2 - Asbestos Sample Locations Figure 3 - Lead -Based Paint Sample Locations LIST OF TABLES Table 1- Asbestos Sample Results Table 2 - Lead -Based Paint Sample Results Table 3 - Regulated Materials Inventory LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Asbestos Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix B - Lead -Based Paint Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix C - Certifications 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a limited asbestos and regulated materials inspection for Fred's Auto Body, a former auto repair shop located at 349 Broadway West in Monticello, Minnesota (the Property). The City recently acquired the building and plans to resell the facility for commercial reuse or development. No mechanical plans, as -built drawings or other construction related documents were available for review by WSB as part of this inspection. This inspection was completed to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) and hazardous and /or regulated materials. Due to the buildings status, WSB used non- destructive sampling techniques to identify suspect building materials. Additional sampling may be necessary to identify materials located inside wall cavities, under floors, above ceilings or in other areas where destructive techniques are required to visually assess construction materials. Further, WSB did not assess below grade materials, which may include water - proofing materials, utilities, and service lines or fill materials. Any materials not identified in this report should be assumed to contain asbestos unless proven otherwise by sampling. 2. Inspection 2.1 Overview The Property consists of a vacant one - story, slab -on -grade former auto body repair shop. The building is constructed of concrete block, contains a rolled asphalt shingle roof, and is heated by both baseboard and hanging radiant heaters. The building was not occupied at the time of the inspection. A Property location map is included as Figure 1. On February 9, 2015, WSB inspected the building for ACM, lead -based paint (LBP), and other regulated materials. WSB was provided full access to the building with the exception of a sub -grade catch -basin that was not accessible. 2.2 Asbestos Sampling and Results Per current state and federal regulations, an asbestos - containing material (ACM) is defined as any material containing greater than one percent asbestos by volume. The inspection identified 18 homogeneous materials at the Property. A total of 22 samples were collected during the inspection and analyzed for asbestos content. The following materials were identified as ACM: Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Page 1 • Interior 12 "x12" tan floor tile. The material is category I non - friable and in good condition (Sample 7). • Exterior gray putty. The material is category I non - friable and in good condition (Sample 19). • Exterior black and silver roof tar. The material is category I non - friable and in good condition (Sample 22). Asbestos sample locations are depicted on Figure 2. Sample results and estimated material quantities are summarized in Table 1, and laboratory analytical results are included as Appendix A. 2.3 Lead -Based Paint Sampling and Results A limited assessment was conducted to determine lead content for predominant painted and coated surfaces at the Property. Untested, painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or recycled for use as aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. The scope for this project was not to sample all paint types at the facility or to satisfy Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) assessment requirements or Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines. Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cm2 when using a X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or 0.5 percent (0.5 %) lead by weight using accepted laboratory analytical methods. Six paint chip samples were collected and analyzed for lead content. It was determined that one sample (P -1) was lead -based paint; however, a detectable concentration of lead was identified in three of the five remaining samples. The following paint samples were collected: • White /green wall paint on the lower six feet of the garage walls (Sample P- 1). The sample was determined to be lead -based and had a lead concentration of 1.0 %. • White /gray wall paint on the upper six feet of the garage walls (Sample P -2). The sample was determined to contain a lead concentration of 0.079 %. • Gray /light green paint on plaster walls and ceilings (Sample P -3). The sample was determined to contain a lead concentration of 0.17 %. • Black exterior paint on wood and metal surfaces (Sample P -4). The sample was not detected above the reporting limit of 0.0016 %. Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Page 2 • White exterior paint on wood and metal surfaces (Sample P -5). The sample was not detected above the reporting limit of 0.0029 %. • White exterior paint on concrete surfaces (Sample P -6). The sample was determined to contain a lead concentration of 0.16 %. Paint sample locations are identified on Figure 3. Sample results are summarized in Table 2, and a copy of the laboratory analytical report is included as Appendix B. 2.4 Regulated Materials Assessment A walk - through reconnaissance of the Property was conducted to identify and inventory regulated materials or materials with special handling or disposal requirements that should be removed prior to renovation and /or demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. Regulated materials and other potential environmental concerns identified at the Property are included in Table 3. 3. Methodology 3.1 Asbestos Sampling and Analysis Sample collection and building materials assessment was conducted by a Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) certified asbestos inspector, who has completed the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved training courses and subsequent yearly refresher courses for the inspection of asbestos. Copies of the certifications are included in Appendix C. A visual assessment was conducted to identify building materials suspected of containing asbestos. The suspect ACM was then categorized into homogeneous - material types. A homogeneous - material type is defined as a suspect ACM that has the same visual appearance (same color, texture, and pattern) and appears to have been applied or constructed during the same general period of time. Materials were also categorized as friable or non - friable, where friable materials are those that when dry can be crushed, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Samples of homogeneous - material types were collected at random locations and sealed in polyethylene bags. Materials were wetted prior to sampling to minimize fiber /dust release to the environment. Samples from each homogeneous material type were analyzed until positive. That is, once a sample in a set was found to meet Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Page 3 the EPA definition for ACM of greater than one percent asbestos, the homogeneous - material type is assumed to contain asbestos and other samples in the set are not analyzed. Asbestos samples were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with the EPA analytical protocol Method (EPA 600/R -93 -116, July 1993) by Reservoirs Environmental Services, Inc. (Reservoirs), Denver, Colorado. Reservoirs is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Laboratory Code 101896 -0 and participates in the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Bulk Asbestos Quality Assurance Program, Laboratory ID 101533. Additional details regarding the laboratory methodologies are provided in the laboratory report in Appendix A. 3.2 Lead -Based Paint Sampling and Analysis A visual assessment and sampling of painted surfaces was conducted at the Property. Samples were collected using hand -held tools to scrape bulk paint material from its substrate into airtight polyethylene bags. The bags were labeled with a sample identification number and the sample information (sample ID, location, color, sample time and date) was recorded on a chain -of- custody document that accompanied the samples to the testing laboratory. Samples were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by Reservoirs in Denver, Colorado. Reservoirs is accredited for the analysis of environmental lead by the AIHA (LAB ID No. 101533) and participates in the Environmental Lead Laboratory Analytical Program (ELLAP). Paint chip samples collected were analyzed utilizing the Environmental Protection Agency Method SW- 846 3005A /Flame AA (7420 4. Conclusions and Recommendations 4.1 Asbestos Concerns The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and state regulatory agencies require the proper removal and disposal of all friable ACM and all non - friable ACM, which could become friable, prior to renovation and/ or demolition. Friable ACM is defined as any material that can be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder using hand pressure. The NESHAP has subdivided non - friable ACM into two categories, Category I non - friable and Category II non - friable. Category I materials include asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing greater than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable materials can remain in place during normal demolition activities under most circumstances. However, if the Category I non - friable material will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, abrading, Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Page 4 or other acts that may render it friable, proper removal prior to demolition will be required. Also, Category I non - friable materials must be removed prior to demolition if the ACM is in poor condition, becomes friable or if the building will be demolished by burning. Category II non - friable materials include any material that is not a friable ACM or Category I non - friable ACM and according to the EPA, have a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder during demolition activities. The EPA requires that Category II materials are removed from a facility prior to demolition, unless they have a low probability of becoming friable. WSB identified the following ACM at the Property: Friable ACM • None Category I Non - Friable ACM • 36 square feet of interior 12 "x12" tan floor tile (Sample 7) • 2 square feet of exterior gray putty (Sample 19) • 170 square feet of exterior black and silver roof tar (Sample 22) Category II Non - Friable ACM • None *The above listed quantities are approximate. Material quantities estimates were obtained through visual observations of accessible materials at the time of the survey. The demolition /renovation contractor and all other personnel conducting work at the Property should be notified as to the presence of ACM and other potentially hazardous materials identified in this report. Any materials suspected of containing asbestos that are not identified in this report should be assumed to contain asbestos unless proven otherwise by sampling. 4.2 Other Concerns OSHA regulates the demolition, salvage, removal, encapsulation and other activities which can potentially expose workers to lead paint or lead - containing coatings (29 CFR 1910.1025 and 29 CFR 1926.62). The OSHA standards apply to all paint and other coatings containing lead in any detectable concentration. These standards, including exposure monitoring, will apply to any employees conducting work activities in the facility that will impact any paint that contains lead. In general, it is the owner's and /or managing contractor's responsibility to communicate the presence of lead in paint to any person or contractor who may impact it. Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Page 5 Handling, recycling and /or disposal of special wastes /hazardous materials should be conducted according to the requirements specific to each waste material. 4.3 Future Considerations Destructive sampling methods to identify suspect ACMs were not used in the scope of this this inspection. If the building is to be demolished, WSB recommends that destructive sampling be conducted at the Property prior to the building's demolition. If additional suspect materials are identified during construction activities, additional sampling will need to be performed to determine asbestos content. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or recycled for use as aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. Two oil water separators /waste traps were observed in the Property building garage, but WSB could not access them to determine their contents due to a City vehicle being parked on top of them. These items should be further investigated to determine their contents for future development. 5. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. This report was prepared by WSB and Associates, Inc., and the results and opinions presented are for the benefit of the City of Monticello. We appreciate the opportunity to provide services for this project. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Dan Rangitsch Environmental Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No. AI11414 Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Ryan Spencer Senior Environmental Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No. AI10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No. LR3148 Page 6 FIGURES Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Figures Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 ■ WSB & Associates. Inc. [i1r o� � Monticello Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West, Monticello, MN Figure 1- Property Location fi VI 11, 12 Note: Not to scale Restroom Must be printed in color ■ WSB & Associates. Inc. [i1r o� � Monticello 14, 15, 16 Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West, Monticello, MN N 20, 21 (ROOF) Figure 2- Asbestos Sample Locations O - Non -ACM Sample Location ( <1% Asbestos) 0 -ACM Sample Location ( >1% Asbestos) P -3 Note: Not to scale P -6 \ P -2 Must be printed in color ■ WSB & Associates. Inc. [i1r o� � Monticello P -4, P -5 Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West, Monticello, MN Figure 3- Lead Sample Locations P -1 A- Non -Lead Based Paint Sample Location ( <O.S% Lead) A- Lead-Based Paint Sample Location ( >O.S %Lead) TABLES Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Tables Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 A WSB do Associates, Inc. Table #1 Asbestos Summary Table Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West Monticello, MN 55362 Sample Identification 1 Description White caulk Location Exterior restroom wall, around door Result ND - -- N/A 219,17 White plaster Restroom, storage, and entrance ceiling and walls ND - -- N/A 3 Brown plaster felt Restroom ceiling ND - -- N/A 4111,12 White /gray plaster coating Restroom and entrance ceiling ND - -- N/A 5 Brown vinyl flooring with yellow adhesive Restroom floor ND ND - -- N/A 6 White caulk Restroom sink ND - -- N/A 7 12 "x12" tan floor tile With black adhesive Storage /water heater room 18% Chrysotile ND 36 SF Cat. I non - friable 8 Red /brown caulk Storage room wall ND - -- N/A 10 Yellow panel adhesive Restroom walls ND - -- N/A 13 2'x4' pinhole ceiling tile Entrance ceiling ND - -- N/A 14 White vinyl flooring Entrance floor ND - -- N/A 15 Tan and yellow vinyl Entrance floor ND - -- N/A 16 Black mastic Entrance floor ND - -- N/A 18 Gray caulk Exterior metal seams ND - -- N/A 19 Gray putty Exterior 10% Chrysotile 2 SF Cat. I non - friable 20 Black rolled shingle Roof ND - -- N/A 21 Black seam tar Roof ND - -- N/A 22 Black and silver roof tar Perimeter of roof 25% Chrysotile 170 SF Cat. I non - friable Samples in Bold were determined to be asbestos - containing by laboratory analysis. ND = None Detected NA = Not Applicable LF = Linear Feet SF = Square Feet Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Tables Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 A WSB & Associates, Inc. Table #2 Lead -Based Paint Summary Table Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West Monticello, MN 55362 Sample Pa ►• Result Quantity Notes Identification P -1 White /green paint Bottom 6' of garage 1.0% 750 SF N/A on concrete P -2 White /gray paint Top 6' of garage and 0.079% - -- N/A storage P -3 Gray /light green paint Plaster wall and 0.17% - -- N/A ceiling P -4 Black paint Exterior on wood <0.0016% - -- N/A and metal P -5 White paint Exterior on wood <0.0029% - -- N/A P -6 White paint Exterior on concrete 0.16% - -- N/A Samples in Bold were determined to be lead -based by laboratory analysis. NA = Not Applicable LF = Linear Feet SF = Square Feet Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Tables Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 ■ Table #3 Regulated Materials Inventory WSB Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway West ��5so�la,es,lnc. Monticello, MN 55362 Restroom • None Entrance • 4', 4 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 4 each • 4', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 6 each • Hydraulic door arm- 1 each Storage • 4', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 2 each • 8', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 1 each • Water heater - 1 each • Water meter - 1 each • Circuit board - 1 each • Motor for heater - 1 each Garage • 4', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 5 each • 8', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 5 each • Garage door opener - 2 each • Garage heater - 2 each • Hydraulic door arm - 1 each • Mercury thermostat - 1 each • Oil water separator/ waste trap (unknown contents) - 2 each Exterior • Gas meter - 1 each • Electric meter - 1 each • 8', 2 -bulb fluorescent light fixture - 12 each Note: All quantities are approximate. Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Tables Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 APPENDIX A Asbestos Laboratory Analytical Report Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Appendices Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Effective January 1, 2015 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual T: \QAQC \Lab \Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc REI LAB Reservainq Environmental, Inc_ T February 11, 2016 Subcontract Number: NA Laboratory Report: RES 342451 -1 Project # / P.O. # 2596 -170 Project Description: Fred's Auto Body WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis MN 55416 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program ( NVLAP), Lab Code 101896 -0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 342451 -1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303 - 964 -1986. Sincerely, Nicole Castillo for Jeanne Spencer President P: 303 - 964 -1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 1- 866 -RESI -ENV F: 303 - 477 -4275 www.reilab.com Page 1 of 1 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TABLE: PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: Client: Client Project Number / P.O. Client Project Description: Date Samples Received: Method: Turnaround: Date Samples Analyzed: RES 342451 -1 WSB & Associates, Inc. 2596 -170 Fred's Auto Body February 10, 2016 EPA 600 /R- 93/116 - Short Report, Bulk 3 -5 Day February 11, 2016 Effective January 1, 2016 Q: \QAQC \LAB \Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc ND =None Detected TR= Trace, <1% Visual Estimate Tre m/Act=Trem ol ite/Acti no lite Client Sample Number Lab ID Number L A Sub Y Physical Part E Description R ( %) Asbestos Content Mineral Visual Estimate Non Asbestos Fibrous Components Non - Fibrous Components #1 EM 1569598 A White caulk 100 ND 6 94 #2 EM 1569599 A White plaster 100 ND 0 100 #3 EM 1569600 A Brown felt 100 ND 98 2 #4 EM 1569601 A White granular plaster w/ off white paint 100 ND 0 100 #5 EM 1569602 A Yellow mastic 10 ND 0 100 B Gray /multi - colored sheet vinyl w/ tan fibrous backing 90 ND 15 85 material #6 EM 1569603 A White caulk 100 ND 2 98 #7 EM 1569604 A Black/orange mastic 20 ND 0 100 B Tan floor tile 80 Chrysotile 18 0 82 #8 EM 1569605 A Red /brown caulk 100 ND 0 100 #9 EM 1569606 A White granular plaster 100 ND 0 100 #10 EM 1569607 A Yellow adhesive 100 ND 0 100 #11 EM 1569608 1 A White granular plaster w/ green paint 100 ND 0 100 TEM Analysis recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) if PLM results are <1 %. P: 303 - 964 -1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216 1- 866 -RESI -ENV F: 303 - 477 -4275 vwwv. rei lab. com Page 1 of 2 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TABLE: PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: Client: Client Project Number / P.O. Client Project Description: Date Samples Received: Method: Turnaround: Date Samples Analyzed: RES 342451 -1 WSB & Associates, Inc. 2596 -170 Fred's Auto Body February 10, 2016 EPA 600 /R- 93/116 - Short Report, Bulk 3 -5 Day February 11, 2016 Effective January 1, 2016 Q: \QAQC \LAB \Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc ND =None Detected 7 TR= Trace, <1% Visual Estimate Tre m/Act=Trem ol ite/Acti no lite Client Sample Number Lab ID Number L A Sub Y Physical Part E Description R ( %) Asbestos Content Mineral Visual Estimate Non Asbestos Fibrous Components Non - Fibrous Components #12 EM 1569609 A White granular plaster w/ brown paint 100 ND 0 100 #13 EM 1569610 A Tan /white perlitic ceiling tile 100 ND 60 40 #14 EM 1569611 A White /off white sheet vinyl w/ tan fibrous backing material 100 ND 20 80 #15 EM 1569612 A Tan /yellow sheet vinyl w/ tan fibrous backing material 100 ND 10 90 #16 EM 1569613 A Black mastic 100 ND 0 100 #17 EM 1569614 A White granular plaster 100 ND 0 100 #18 EM 1569615 A Gray caulk 100 ND 0 100 #19 EM 1569616 A Gray resinous material 100 Chrysotile 10 0 90 #20 EM 1569617 A Black shingle 100 ND 40 60 #21 EM 1569618 A Black tar 100 ND 0 100 #22 EM 1569619 1 A Black granular fibrous tar 100 Chrysotile 25 0 75 TEM Analysis recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) if PLM results are <1 %. O� SPaige Terry Analyst / Data QA P: 303 - 964 -1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216 1- 866 -RESI -ENV F: 303 - 477 -4275 vwwv. rei lab. com Page 2 of 2 Due Date: ` 7 t Due Time: W Z RES -^as ff?d>- 5@r1L/oirs Env %ro17me17ta►, Inc. 5601 Logan St Denver, C 802145 - Ph 363 964 -1986 • Fax 303-47 7-4275 • Toll Free .886 RES[ -ENV After Hours Cell Phone: 720.339 -9228 SUBMITTED BY* INVOICE TO: (IF DIFFERENT ) CONTACT INFORMATION: RES 342451 Page 1 of com4wny WSB & Associates, Inc. 'ny: Fed Ex Tikkng #: 7756 1145 0522 DateMme: - Sample Condition- Temp. (F° contact Jeff Rice Laboratory Use Only _ f Hand 1 fedEx I UPS I LISPS I Received By OatelTime: 3 t �= Lf �t Carrier: D Sax I Courier Data Entry Contact ne Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact. Phone Email Fax Date Adds..:- 7p1 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 6s: Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Phone- 783- 5414800 Time Initials Phone Minneapolis MN 55418 - - - — rte; F °`: - -- - -- - - — -� ceillpagar CeWpager PrgedNemeerand•or P.°. t 25595.170 � Final Data Deliverable Email Address: ProiaciarscripeonlLO ftW FredrsAuto Body - -rice. rs enter. dran itsch & dmuller ben .com ASBESTOS LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays: lam - 7pm & Sat Barn - 5pm REQUESTED ANALYSIS VALID MATRIX CODES LAB NOTES: PLM 1 PCM I TEM —RUSH (Same Day) _ PRIORITY (Next Day) l[ STANDARD (3 -$ Day) ` Air = A_ Bulk = B (Rush PCM = 2hr, TEM w 6hr.) g a o ti o s g ts i b � @ � a Dust = ❑ Paint = P Soil = S Wipe = W Swab = SW F =Food CHEMISTRY LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays: Sam - Spm Metal(s) I Dust' _ RUSH, 24 hr. _3.5 Day "Prior notification is RCRA 8 1 Metals & Welding ' Y w z a 3 n a ; �¢ m Drinking Water =DWI Waste Water WW RUSH (3 Day )_5 Day _10 Day required for RUSH Fume Scan 1 TCLP'" — m a ❑ c m ! a D Other ___ turnarounds." 24 hr. 3 day 5 Da Organics _ y y :➢ _ w y w e `a + y = m ? S c , W m c m i " „ u, + r ••ASTM E1792 roved wi media onl pe Y° MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays, gam - 5pm E.coli andlor Collforms' _ 24.48 Hour Other: Pathogens' 24 -48 Hour c� $ _ V + w _ 'TAT dependent on speed of y Microbial Growth' _ 5 -10 Day microbial growth.* = w ❑ Y p' ¢ o ¢ Legionella _ 10 Day as m o Mold _ RUSH _24 Hr _48 Hr 3 Day _5 Day $ C W a ? d d: _s. w a ¢ n U o -- # I !z a – Q) w ` "Turnaround times establish a laboratory priority, subject to laboratory volume and are not EM Number guaranteed. Additional fees apply for afterhours. weekends and holidays." z w m 8 s c a m ff �' `� z L m 3 c m 1% Date Time Special Instructions: 2 m ' o f m o 4 � MICRBIDLOGY * b a U Collected Collected hfumm a P (I W"atbry Use On ly) Client sample ID number (Sample ID's must be une) 7 #1 X -� I #3 — x 3 _..... 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(F° On Ice Yes 1 No Sealed ct Yes/No (Yes /,No Laboratory Use Only _ f Hand 1 fedEx I UPS I LISPS I Received By OatelTime: 3 t �= Lf �t Carrier: D Sax I Courier Data Entry Contact ne Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials 4-2014-version 1 Rol L-AL ReHorvainff En vlrw7mi n tal Inc- T $901 Logan SI Demmer• CO 90296 - Ph: 30.3 964 -19&6 • Fax 303477 -4275 • Tall Free 856 RESI -ENV RES Job # `t Page 2 of r Submitted by: WS6 81 Associates, Inc. REQUESTED ANALYSIS VALID MATRIX CODES LAS NOTES: CQ c y 'L w d �y 1• m 4 m ¢ a) a a o ui o m w a m _ 1n ~ V A s a f it F m °ot s � j 3 C p •- Q m o u u} s MICROBIOLOGY _ 5 c `o 5 o m s M f mj ❑ J x W d Air = A Bulk = 8 Dust = D 1 Paint = P Soil S Wipe = W Swab SW F = Food Drirtkinp Water = pW waste Water = WW D k other "ASTM E1792 approved wipe media only- E Cate Time m Collected Collected a¢ u �c I mrvddyy nn.n,n, ua 1z 01 A V M EM Number ILaboratory Use Only) Client sample ID number (Sample ID's must be unique) 11 #11 - 12 .._ ...... .. . . .. .......... ........... . #13 #14 #15 x -- -- x ...... x x x x - - - - -- - -- - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- I %. _... .. 1 c r' - -- 1 12 13 14 15 16 i� #16 I 17 #17 x 19 20 x x #19 ({j #20 t 21 - #21 x x 1 I -- - - - - - -- - -- Y_ . - - - - - -- • - -- -- -------------------------------- i - - - -- -- - - -- - - -• -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - _ 22 #22 23 25 25 - - 27 28 - - ----- .. - .... - - - -- ----- -- -- -- - - - ------ •--- - - - - -• - - 29 - 30 31 - -- _ ............. ...... °__,_ _.. ....r ---- - -- - ....... I - -- _ - - — - - -- - -.. _ 32 - - - -... - - -- ............. r__. ..�.......__...........__...... - -- - - - --- - - - - -- 34 35 36 3T 38 39 40 41 4-2014-version 1 WSB and Associates, Inc. (WSB) 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Phone (763) 541 -4800 Fax (763) 541 -1700 Asbestos Sample Chain of Custody form WSB Project Number. 2.5% -17 Project Name: Fn I AVI& -%4,, — Date Sampled: ALIT l� Number of Samples:• Samplers Signatures:_ Laboratory Instructions: Analyze for percent asbestos by PLM. Test samples until Mater than I% asbestos o ressive ty layer. Please e-mail results t , rspencer @wsbeng.com, and drangitsch@wsbeng.com. Laboratory Turnaround Time: 6to S Da Samples Shipped By: Fed -Ex Relinquished _S Date: a Time: p." Received By: _fir --�' Date: Time: Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: St. Cloud • Mlnneapolk ■ St. Paul • Rochester •Northfield *Bismarck Equal Oppxpnlly Employer wsbeng.ow ■ WSB vt7S ..:�14 -�,qS� Project Number �)M1` -170 Address 3x19 Zcmduah_ w DateZigl G Page I of Sample Number Code Material Description Sample Location Friable YIN YIN * Condition Potential Damage 1 ;M _ �t F w N D SD N b SD 2 1 wier`.ie re'C r i �& Q Cenn N N SD N D SD 3 � ❑ SD N 13 SD M� � r 4 Q � ./ SD N D SD w c' C r m• _ xti �. N SD N b 5D 6 �1i L- ll WT` 5' trA�l S 4.fr Fit D" SID N D SE) 7 I� F1sxk w bLu Tk (; " :7 N t D SD N D SD LN" D 5D N D SD 9 -3 N r N(�p SD N D SD t I0 Mt N D SD N D SD 11 e.+is Y N 5 SD N ❑ SD 12 L A, N Y* N SD N D SD 13 M, c �.x�` � �/ SD N D SD 14 r i t! r vn- +ti D SD N D SD 15 7 D SD N D SD 16 D SD N D SD 17 FA N N SD N D SD w 18 w w1civi e_ _lc f� N D SD N D SD J J FT = Floor tile G B = Gypsum Board CTM = Ceiling Tile Mastic CA = Carpet Adhesive P = Plaster TP = Troweled Plaster SVF =Sheet Vinyl Flooring AS = Acoustical Spray ST = Stucco CL = Caulking RFL = Roof Flashing RFF = Roofing Felt BC = Base Cove TSI = Thermal Systems Insulation G13JT&JC = GB wj tape and joint compound * = Friable during demolition f . Project Number 7 996 _ y7 G WS8 `[ 2 , f I Address �.. T `t I Date p &�■� Page _� of — —_ Sample Code Material Description Sample Location Friable Condition Potential Number YIN YIN * Damage 19 N S❑ N D SD &emtt Air- CATrwr zo j - S bw r i f Q DSO N ❑SD 21 f'^ c -4i bsp* f., D SD D N SD Z2 t 4W [1�t�f s tl D SD N D 5D 23 N D SD N ❑ SD 24 N D SD N ❑ S❑ 25 N D SD N D SD 26 N D SD N D SD 27 N ❑ SD N D SD 28 N D SD N D SD 29 - -N D SD N D SD 30 N D SD N D SD 31 N D SD N D S❑ 32 N D SD N D SD 33 N D SD N D SD 34 N ❑ SD N D SD 35 N D SD N D SD 35 N D SO N D SD FT = Floor the GB = Gypsum Board CTM = Ceiling Tile Mastic CA = Carpet Adhesive P = Plaster TP = Troweled Plaster SVF = Sheet Vinyl Flooring AS = Acoustical Spray ST = Stucco CL = Caulking RFL = hoof Flashing RFF = Roofing Felt BC = Base Cove TSl = Thermal Systems Insulation GB/T8&JC = GB w/ tape and joint compound * = Friable during demolition /. W R. a P. i a. x GE 547 � ry p F 8B16 BA RA SEAjFL] 61S A M8NEi37 30 tNVU SOUTH, SUE 300 NUN+iEFWOLIS "N 55416 BILL THIRD PARTY . UNTE4 STATES US To RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 5801 LOGAN STREET #100 DENVER CO 80216 [303] 984.1988 r�F DEPT III IIIIlIIil91N1iElll Ililllll 11 111 lll111111111lIII f IIl1111l11111lIIlIIII II! Ill 't FecFE,-s. nE� 1 y WED -10 FEB 3:OOP STANDARD OVERNIGHT 1756 1145 0522 84215 �0�5 DEN NA DENA a � e poll €F a� fr • APPENDIX B Lead -Based Paint Laboratory Analytical Report Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Appendices Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Effective January 1, 2015 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual T: \QAQC \Lab \Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc REI LAB RE3sE3rvo►rs Envjrorlmental, 117C_ February 11, 2016 Ryan Spencer WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis MN 55416 Dear Customer, Laboratory Code: Subcontract Number: Laboratory Report: Project # / PO #: Project Description: RES NA RES 342460 -1 02596 -170 Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway W Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480. The laboratory is currently proficient in both IHPAT & ELPAT programs respectively. Reservoirs has analyzed the following sample(s) using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) / Atomic Emission Spectroscopy - Inductively Coupled Plasma (AES -ICP) per your request. Reported sample results were not blank corrected. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the analysis table. Results have been sent to your office. RES 342460 -1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those authorized by the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you should have any questions about this report, please feel free to call me at 303 - 964 -1986. Sincerely, Jeanne Spencer President P:303- 964 -1986 F:303- 477 -4275 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 Page 1 of 2 1- 866 - RESI -EN V vmw.reilab.com Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual TABLE Effective January 1, 2015 T: \QAQC \Lab \Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 5801 Logan St., Suite 100 Denver CO 80216 ANALYSIS: RES Job Number: Client: Client Project Number / P.O Client Project Description: Date Samples Received: Analysis Type: Turnaround: Date Samples Analyzed: LEAD IN PAINT RES 342460 -1 WSB & Associates, Inc. 02596 -170 Fred's Auto Body 349 Broadway W February 10, 2016 USEPA SW846 3050B / AA (7420) 3 -5 Day February 11, 2016 Client ID Number Lab ID Number Reporting Limit ( %) LEAD CONCENTRATION ( %) P -1 EM 1569579 0.0027 1.0 P -2 EM 1569580 0.0017 0.079 P -3 EM 1569581 0.0017 0.17 P -4 EM 1569582 0.0016 BRL P -5 EM 1569583 0.0029 BRL P -6 EM 1569584 0.0039 0.16 * Unless otherwise noted all quality control samples performed within specifications established by the laboratory. BRL = Below Reporting Limit P:303- 964 -1986 1 =:303- 477 -4275 Analyst / Data QA: 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 Page 2 of 2 Renee A. Cortez 1- 866 -RESI -ENV www.reilab.com Due Date. Due Time'. � SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY; �ay. WSB & Associat_es, his. �^ 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapdis, MN 55416 a—,- -, N—ib " andlor P.Q. ■! r -.�, e K t _ 17l-, Reservoirs E nvi r Urns I Inc. � RES 342466 2059 Bryant St. Denver, CO 80211 Page ai (303} 954 -1986 Fax(303)477-4275 Tolt Free (866) RESI -ENV — INVOICE TO: (IF DIFFERENT) CONTACT INFORMATION: - - -- - — - - - -- Phow„ E�honc: Fax 763.541.17017 Fa - PCMIPLmrrEM _ RUSH _ 24 hr. ,L3.5 day (Rush PGWPLM = 2hr, TEAL • 6hr.) CHEMISTRY l tkQFY'�HE3l]RS: I-4 - Metal(s) RUSH 24 hr. -&3-5 Day RCRA 8A10als Scan RUSH 10 day "PriorwMfication IS 5 day Y f required iar RUSH TCLPI Welding Fume Scan turnarounds." RUSH 24 hr. 5 Day Dust _ �3 'Organics 24 hr. 3 day `S flay - ...YuuwllE I - ssc i.ii.. de y�am^•-� yy�� }.,,. �j.�g�_ __,„may.• _ F "Ail &IyB�G'Eu MAfCUyr}!4 �y$'�ils!4'-�•�' ,y��,R'(1 ` +'R���}}S �y, .. : s tYPerc :t -_tt lfir' fWldysaidikloiralTf{yTpEr1f� fl(Ir!4rl�rl"�9ls specie! Instructions: -1D rnmun fill nt :sample IL - 4d t! �a r N N C7 �` v; N W F 1 Numberof samples received: NOTE:. REI VAN ana" incaming a fees 0,et subm65sion of the Oak Relinqu €shed BY: LaSoratory Use Only Received By: Results: Contact Nl v t Contact —1 Final t . Air = A Bulk = B Duet = D Faint = P 50� -S I wipe W Drinking Water = DW Waste Water = WW Other -0 "ASTM 617962 approved wipe media only'• m In d 0 Date *me x Collected Collected 5,% wY g n^^�ll Cs^ !i55 y. T '� 'y:7 'C `' •4} .fix. s s.s lil . 5 s�•..�i s• � s. $ "c-�. 's s• iii .t:. -: .�,. r- w I (Addititonal samples shall be 111 sled on attached long form •] representative sed upa inforrnatlon received a,)d roil not toe responsible lar errors or omissions in ca�ulatfons reaulti from the lrteecursaY of orl Inal data. By slgnirtg cient'cornPar 5 P is For re and •s as indlcamd an this Chain 01 u shell Cpns ULl an 8rra iCal 5$NICe" a 1 e e en<tefT5 Ot NET da pateJTims pate/Time: �.� € `z Vim` `� ~ Carrier S Phone Email Fax Date T1me Initials Con ant Pa Phone Emall Fax Date itme Intgais Contact Page arr. Sample Condl ion: On Ice Temp. (F° YIN Phone Email Fax Date Phone Email Fax Date Sealed YIN Time Time intact V Initials Initials O IL - 4d t! �a r N N C7 �` v; N W F IL 1,-w C t . Air = A Bulk = B Duet = D Faint = P 50� -S I wipe W Drinking Water = DW Waste Water = WW Other -0 "ASTM 617962 approved wipe media only'• m In d 0 Date *me x Collected Collected 5,% wY g n^^�ll Cs^ !i55 y. T '� 'y:7 'C `' •4} .fix. s s.s lil . 5 s�•..�i s• � s. $ "c-�. 's s• iii .t:. -: .�,. r- w I (Addititonal samples shall be 111 sled on attached long form •] representative sed upa inforrnatlon received a,)d roil not toe responsible lar errors or omissions in ca�ulatfons reaulti from the lrteecursaY of orl Inal data. By slgnirtg cient'cornPar 5 P is For re and •s as indlcamd an this Chain 01 u shell Cpns ULl an 8rra iCal 5$NICe" a 1 e e en<tefT5 Ot NET da pateJTims pate/Time: �.� € `z Vim` `� ~ Carrier S Phone Email Fax Date T1me Initials Con ant Pa Phone Emall Fax Date itme Intgais Contact Page arr. Sample Condl ion: On Ice Temp. (F° YIN Phone Email Fax Date Phone Email Fax Date Sealed YIN Time Time intact V Initials Initials APPENDIX C Certifications Asbestos and Regulated Materials Inspection Appendices Fred's Auto Body WSB Project No. 02596 -170 Certificate No: 5LM11101505IR Expiration Date: November 10, 2016 This is to certify that Daniel Rangitsch has attended and successfully completed an ASBESTOS INSPECTOR REFRESHER TRAINING COURSE permitted by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Rules 4620.3702 to 4620.3722 and meets the requirements of Section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) conducted by Lake States Environmental, Ltd. in Hudson, Wl on November 90, 2095 Examination Date: November 10, 2095 Lake States Environmental, Ltd P. O. Box 645, Rice Lake, WI 54868 (800) 254 -9811 Training ns uctor o w. v m 0500 � p y3 a a 2 Q-Z: gam: m M s y.. CD N � fA N0:...; M O 0 4 O Certificate No: 5LM06081502SR Expiration Date: June 8, 2016 This is to certify that Ryan Spencer has attended and successfully completed an ASBESTOS SUPER VISOR REFRESHER TRAINING COURSE permitted by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Rules 4620.3702 to 4620.3722 and meets the requirements of Section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) conducted by Lake States Environmental, Ltd. in White Bear Lake, MN on June S, 2015 Examination Date: June S, 20 15 t - -2- - P4 -r - - - - - - -- - - - °']- . l .. . ASBESTOS .d...E.,,...,. SITE Certifiers by: SUPERVISOR Stat�ot Minnesota De pdmento# Flealth Explres:-*01,08f 07.6 a Ryan G Spencer 180: Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No. A810800 Issued: 06 /15/2015 �,, � Training Ins ctor Certificate No: 5LM02031508IR Expiration Date: February 3, 2016 This is to certify that Ryan G. Spencer has attended and successfully completed an ASBESTOS INSPECTOR REFRESHER TRAINING COURSE permitted by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Rules 4620.3702 to 4620.3722 and meets the requirements of Section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control. Act (TSCA) conducted by Lake States Environmental, Ltd. in White Bear Lake, MN on February 3, 2095 Examination Date: February 3, 2015 Lake States Environmental, Ltd P. O. Box 645, Rir (800) 254 -9811 ASBESTOS Certified by`. State of Minnesota Department of Health r% Expires: 02103/201&:=. F�fan G Spencer 1NI Pennsylvania Ave S Y Sttouis Park, MN 55436 Na. A1108OG Issued: 02/10/2015 Training Inst ctor Certificate No: 5LM05211509PbRAR LEAD Risk A Issue Date: May 21, 2015 This diploma is awarded to Ryan G. Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park MN 55426 for successfully completing and passing the examination for the LEAD (Pb) RISK ASSESSOR REFRESHER TRAINING COURSE This training course is Approved by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Rules, parts 4761.2000 to 4761.2700 and meets the requirements of 40 CFR 745.225, and Title X of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) conducted by Lake States Environmental, Ltd. in White Bear Lake, MN on May 21, 2015 ,Examination Date: May 21, 2015 ssessor 168 v Licensed by: !gal state of Minnesota Bob a - Train' nurse Manager Department of Health License No. 1-113`148 Expires 05121!2016 Ryan G Spencer Ave S • .. ,; : ro�jr��:i'r �; ;��C:��`�: :., �� :.. :. f•� ''r4i� „i��'ia`a:�.; : ;. ; _1 _` 'J� ►��i i §; «i �i��ia ,':; -` `- .�,,;,..,,a`a.a,. . ,, , .. :.. ' ' %•i'•i�i�: �d�a�ii +ia�': "s�ii'i.S: 't�'i ;' ,•:::::,.,,,r:::•• �` '-.:;y.•r,,y 1801 Pennsylvania ,'`.•=�:'' %:..,::::��' ;:; % %..;�:• %'�':;�?�::`�, :;�::'s's St Louis Park, MN 65436 ' %::'t'_:< ';;.::.'�;:, %s`: t::?d;; ►.�'' ''.;.L.'s� %:;;::::3:•, •; %::�s��;,::'i.�:::�;�:' �' ' i:::':'.: ?� ,,,\ItI ut,%4 AIHA �' � �ratory Accreditation Programs, LLC ' ti i l n1a AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC acknowledges that LEGEND Technical Services, Inc. 88 Empire Drive, St. Paul, MN 55103 Laboratory ID: 101095 along with all premises from which key activities are performed, as listed above, has fulfilled the requirements of the AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA -LAP), LLC accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 international standard, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories in the following: LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAMS ✓ INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Accreditation Expires: 07/01/2017 ✓ ENVIRONMENTAL LEAD Accreditation Expires: 07/01/2017 ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Accreditation Expires: ❑ FOOD Accreditation Expires: ❑ UNIQUE SCOPES Accreditation Expires: Specific Field(s) of Testing (FoT)/Method(s) within each Accreditation Program for which the above named laboratory maintains accreditation is outlined on the attached Scope of Accreditation. Continued accreditation is contingent upon successful on -going compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and AIHA -LAP, LLC requirements. This certificate is not valid without the attached Scope of Accreditation. Please review the AIHA - LAP, LLC website (www.aihaaccreditedlabs.org) for the most current Scope. Gerald Schultz, CIH Chairperson, Analytical Accreditation Board U, a�4� Cheryl O. Morton Managing Director, AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC Revision 14: 03/26/2014 Date Issued: 06/30/2015 T Of Ck �47ES OF July 01st, 2015 Jeanne Spencer Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 Dear Ms. Spencer, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 NVLAP Lab Code: 101896 -0 Thank you for continuing your accreditation for Asbestos Fiber Analysis under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). This accreditation is effective until June 30, 2016, provided that your laboratory continues to comply with the accreditation requirements contained in the NVLAP Procedures. Your updated accreditation documents are enclosed. You may reproduce these documents in their entirety and use the NVLAP symbol and /or term to reference your accredited status in accordance with the requirements published in NIST Handbook 150, 1.8. Accreditation does not relieve your laboratory from observing and complying with any applicable existing laws and /or regulations. We are pleased to have you participate in NVLAP and look forward to your continued association with this program. If you have any questions concerning your NVLAP accreditation, please direct them to Hazel Richmond, Program Manager, Laboratory Accreditation Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Dr. Stop 2140, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 -2140; (301) 975 -3024. Sincerely, Warren R. Merkel, Chief National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program KIST /NVLAP • 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2140 • Gaithersburg, MD 20899 -2140 KWda http://www.nist.gov/nvlap OF Cp1-41cc National Voluntary Q 9m Laboratory Accreditation Program y "° SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION TO ISOJEC 17025:2005 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 Ms. Jeanne Spencer Phone: 303-964-1986 Fax: 303-477-4275 Email: jeanne@reilab.com http://www.reilab.com ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS NVLAP LAB CODE 101896 -0 Bulk Asbestos Analysis Code Description 181A01 EPA 600/M4 -82 -020: Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples 181A03 EPA 6001R- 931116: Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials Airborne Asbestos Analysis Code Description 18/A02 U.S. EPA's "Interim Transmission Electron Microscopy Analytical Methods - Mandatory and Nonmandatory -and Mandatory Section to Determine Completion of Response Actions" as found in 40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix A. 1�/aw— y the Natrona Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program Effective 2015 -06 -29 through 2016 -06 -30 Page I of 1 United States Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Nv�Q� Certificate of Accreditation to ISO /IEC 17025:2005 NVLAP LAB CODE: 101896 -0 Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Denver, CO is accredited by the National Voluntary ,Laboratory Accreditation Program for specific services, listed on the Scope of Accreditation, for. Asbestos Fiber Analysis This laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized Intemational Standard IS011EC 97025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer to joint ISO - ILAC -IAF Communique dated January 2009). 2015 -06 -29 through 2016 -06 -30 Effective Dates sw OF cogs For the Natio al Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program p`�4TE'S Of pt!