IEDC Agenda 12-02-2014 AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 - 7 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members: Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Rich Harris, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tara Thurber, Tim O’Connor, Steve Johnson Liaisons: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Mayor Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes –October 7th, 2014 Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report: b. City Council: d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: e. TAC: 5. Consideration of recommending appointment of 2015 IEDC members 6. Consideration to review 2014 Workplan and setting of preliminary 2015 Action Statement 7. Added items 8. Adjournment MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 - 7 a.m. - Monticello Community Center Present: Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Luke Dahlheimer, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Jim Johnson, Tara Thurber, Steve Johnson Absent: Rich Harris, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tim O’Connor Others: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson, Duane Northagen (WCEDP) 1. Call to Order Wayne Elam called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes – September 2nd, 2014 Meeting BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2014 MEETING MINUTES. PATRICK THOMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 9-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report: Angela Schumann noted the status of several projects summarized in the report provided to the IEDC. The discussion included updates related to Block 34, the Bertram Chain of Lakes Request for Proposal, Market Matching, the City/EDA Land Tour follow-up as well as issues recently considered by the Planning Commission. b. City Council: Staff and Council representatives provided project and issue updates and responded to questions. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Marcy Anderson noted the Chamber’s involvement in the upcoming events such as the Business Expo, the Candidate Forum, the Bowl-a-Rama and the Halloween Parade and trick or treat activities. d. TAC: Jeff O’Neill briefly explained that the City Council had approved a two- year contract with A+ Taxi to provide transit service within the city. O’Neill also pointed to efforts to preserve parking as part of TH 25/CSAH 75 intersection improvements, noted the status of the Fallon Avenue overpass project and suggested that establishing an organizational structure is the next step for the regional transportation group. IEDC Minutes: 10/07/14 2 5. Consideration of 2014 Industry of the Year Selection and Award IEDC members were asked to vote on the three nominations received for the 2014 Industry of the Year award. The vote counts were: Xcel Energy – 4, WSI – 3, and Bondhus – 2. The Industry of the Year breakfast event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22nd from 7:30 – 9:00 AM. 6. Consideration of a FiberNet Monticello Upgrades & Enhancements for Businesses Jeff O’Neill summarized that FiberNet Monticello is pursuing a preferred partnership with Paragon, a company that specializes in advanced IP/IT services. Bill Tapper described how his business might potentially use these services. 7. Consideration to reschedule the November IEDC regular meeting Angela Schumann asked that the IEDC reschedule its regular November meeting to avoid conflict with the November 4th general election. Schumann also noted that FiberNet Monticello would like to host a breakfast event for IEDC members in November. JONI PAWELK MOVED TO RESCHEDULE THE REGULAR NOVEMBER IEDC MEETING TO A NOVEMBER DATE TO BE DETERMINED CONTINGENT UPON THE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOUR DATE. DICK VAN ALLEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 9-0. Duane Northagen shared that the Wright County Economic Development Partnership would be exploring a CEO class concept involving high school juniors and seniors that may be of interest to the IEDC. 8. Adjournment PATRICK THOMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:03 A.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 9-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri __ Approved: Attest: ____________________________ Community Development Director IEDCAgenda:12/02/14 1 4.EconomicDevelopmentReport (JO/AS) TH25/CSAH75IntersectionImprovement OnOctober27th,2014,theCityCouncilapprovedtheFinalIntersectionConceptPlanforthe proposedTH25/CSAH75Improvements.PleasevisittheCityCouncilpageoftheCity’s websiteforadditional informationonthisitem. Block34Update AstheIEDCmayrecall,theEDAengagedthreeconsultingfirmstoevaluateCity/EDA ownedpropertiesonBlock34.MeyerBorgmanJohnson,astructuralengineeringfirm,was engagedtoassistinevaluatingbuildingsforpotentialdemolition,WSB&Associateswas engagedtocompleteaPhaseIEnvironmentalanalysisandHazardousMaterialssurvey,and LHBwasengagedtohelpprovidebackgroundfortaxincrementfinancingpotentialshould theEDAwishtoestablisharedevelopmentTIFdistrictatsomefuturepoint.Atthetimeof thisreport,eachofthethreeconsultantsengagedtoevaluateCityorEDAownedpropertyon Block34hadvisitedthesitesandareintheprocessofcompletingtheirevaluations. Staffexpectstohavereceiveddraftsofallevaluations/reportsbytheendofNovemberor earlyDecember.Atthattime,eachwillbeevaluatedforfurtherrecommendationtotheEDA. InterimOrdinance OnNovember24th,theCityCouncilactedtoadoptaninterimordinanceprohibitingsolar energysystemsasaprincipalusewithintheCity.Staffrequestedtheordinanceinorderto studytheissuesassociatedwiththistypeoflanduseandtomakerecommendationson potentialzoningordinanceamendmentsaccordingly.Staffwillbeconsultingwithvarious resources(whichmayincludesomeIEDCmembers)aspartofthisprocess. MarketMatching AcopyoftheSeptemberandOctoberMarketMatchingreportsareattachedforreference. DecemberPlanningCommissionAgenda December’sPlanningCommissionagendaisattachedfortheIEDC’sreference.Additional informationonanyoftheitemscanbefoundbyvisitingthePlanningCommission’s “Agendas”page. engineeringplanningenvironmentalconstruction 701XeniaAvenueSouth Suite300 Minneapolis,MN55416 Tel:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 EqualOpportunityEmployer wsbeng.com 10/27/2014 CityofMonticello 505WalnutStreet Monticello,MN55362 Re:OctoberMonticelloMarketMatchingUpdate DearMr.O’Neill: Perourcommunicationplan,theaimofthisreportistoprovideyouwithanupdate onactivitiesthatoccurredduringthemonthofOctoberasitrelatestotheMarket Matchingservicecontract.ThisreportwillbedistributedtoCityStaff,aswellas theCity’sEDAandCityCouncil. MeetingsWSBHeld/Attended: EDA/City-OwnedPropertyTour–Block34WorkSession RegularCityCouncilMeeting St.CloudChamberConnectionmeeting GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporationBusinessDevelopment UrbanLandInstitute–InsidetheLeadershipStudio Bi-WeeklyMeetingswithCityStaff ReSTOREingDowntownMeeting SiteTour&MeetingwithOwenGossett–ProspectforFred’sAutosite SensibleLandUseCoalitionmonthlymeeting MNCAR8th annualCommercialRealEstateExpo WSBMarketMatchingEfforts: WSBupdatedtheSiteFlyersforFred’sAutoSite,PropertiesonNorth Cedar,andOtterCreekIndustrialPark WSBbegancreatingsitesignsforFred’sAutoSiteandPropertiesonNorth Cedar ScheduledmeetingwithExeter–EDA/CityOwnedpropertyredevelopment prospect Page2 FollowedupwithAngelosAngelou–CorporateSiteSelectionConsultant– MeetingScheduledforNovember Sincerely, JohnUphoff WSB&Associates,Inc. engineeringplanningenvironmentalconstruction 701XeniaAvenueSouth Suite300 Minneapolis,MN55416 Tel:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 EqualOpportunityEmployer wsbeng.com 9/29/14 CityofMonticello 505WalnutStreet Monticello,MN55362 Re:SeptemberMonticelloMarketMatchingUpdate DearMr.O’Neill: Perourcommunicationplan,theaimofthisreportistoprovideyouwithanupdateonactivities thatoccurredduringthemonthofSeptemberasitrelatestotheMarketMatchingservice contract.ThisreportwillbedistributedtoCityStaff,aswellastheCity’sEDAandCity Council. MeetingsWSBHeld/Attended: EDA/City-OwnedPropertyTour RegularEDAMeeting ACECPACMeeting WCEDPStateoftheCitiesMeeting EDAMFallForum Block34RFEIkick-offmeeting Bi-WeeklyMeetingswithCityStaff MeetingwithTOLDDevelopment MeetingwithBurkePropertyManagement WSBMarketMatchingEfforts: WSBfollowedupwithbakeryprospect. WSBfollowedupwithprospectforFred’sAutosite. WSBmetwithTOLDDevelopmenttohavepreliminarydiscussionsrelatedtotheBlock 34RFEI.Thedeveloperhasinterestandiswillingtoconductapersonalsitevisitthisfall. Followupisongoing. WSBmetwithBurkePropertyManagementtoexploreprospectsfordevelopmentof seniorlivingfacility. Page2 WSBbeganupdatingtheSiteFlyerstomarketFred’sAutositeandthepropertieson NorthCedar. WSBbeganworkoncollectingandorganizingindustrialsitedatabasedontheproject AxelRFI. WSBupdatedtheCitySiteMaps. WSBhascontinuedworkonthehousingdemandanalysisandwillprovideadrafttoCity staffforreview.FinalHousingDemandAnalysisisslatedtobepresentedtoCityCouncil andEDAbyendofOctober. WSBrefinedthelistofdevelopersinpreparationforthedowntownredevelopmentRFP. AlldeveloperswillreceiveacommunityflyerhighlightingBlock34aswellastheother threeblocksattheintersectionofCSAH75/Hwy25. Sincerely, JohnUphoff WSB&Associates,Inc. AGENDA MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION REGULARMEETING Tuesday,December2nd,2014-6:00PM MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Commissioners:ChairmanBradFyle,SamBurvee,CharlotteGabler,Alan Heidemann CouncilLiaison:LloydHilgart Staff:AngelaSchumann,SteveGrittman-NAC,RonHackenmueller 1.Calltoorder. 2.CitizenComments. 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda. 4.ConsiderationtoapprovePlanningCommissionminutes. a.SpecialMeeting–October27th,2014 b.SpecialJointMeeting–October27th,2014 c.RegularMeeting–November5th,2014 5.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofAmendmentstoTitle10ofMonticelloCityCode- ZoningOrdinanceandTitle11ofMonticelloCityCode–SubdivisionOrdinance, chaptersandsectionsasfollows. Applicant:CityofMonticello a.MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter2,Section4(M)–Grading,Drainageand ErosionControlPermit b.MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4,Section10–Grading,Drainageand ErosionControl c.MonticelloSubdivisionOrdinance,Chapter5–DesignStandards 6.ConsiderationofarequestforappealofAdministrativeDecisionasrelatedtoapplication ofMonticelloZoningOrdinanceChapter4,Section2-TreeProtection. 7.Considerationofarecommendationregarding2015PlanningCommissionAppointments. 8.CommunityDevelopmentDirector’sReport 9.Adjourn. SPECIALMEETING PlanningCommissionVacancyInterviews 4:30PM–AcademyRoom IEDCAgenda–12/02/14 5.Considerationofrecommendingappointmentof2015IEDCmembers.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheIEDCisaskedtoreviewforrecommendationthescheduleof2015Industrial& EconomicDevelopmentCommitteeappointments. IEDCmembersareappointedbytheCityCouncilforthreeyearterms.TheCityClerk’s recordsindicatetheIEDC’scurrentmembertermsasfollows: IEDC:BillTapper 3yr 2014 (3-yearstaggered terms)JimJohnson3yr2014 TimO'Connor 3yr 2014 RichHarris3yr2015 DickVanAllen3yr2015 DanOlson3yr2015 LukeDahlheimer3yr2015 JoniPawelk3yr2016 ZonaGutzwiller3yr2016 WayneElam3yr2016 DonRoberts3yr2016 PatThompson3yr2016 approved1/13/14 SteveJohnson3yr2016 approved3/10/14 GlenPosustaCouncilliaison ClintHerbst Councilliaison TaraThurber(voting)ChamberPresident approved3/10/14 ChamberDirectorex-officio IEDCmembersBillTapper,TimO’ConnorandJimJohnson’stermsexpirein December,2014. Atthetimeofthisreport,allthreehaveagreedtoserveanother3yearterm. TheCityCouncilwillformallyratifyappointmentsasrecommendedbytheIEDCon January12th,2015. Asanote,theIEDCwillelectofficersatitsannualmeetinginJanuary,2015. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontorecommendtotheCityCounciltheappointmentofIEDCCommittee membersTapper,O’ConnorandJohnsontoanew3-yeartermontheIEDC. IEDCAgenda–12/02/14 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffdeferstothecommitteeonthematterofrecommendationforappointment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.IEDCOrganizationalandMembershipGuidelines IEDC Agenda: 12/02/14 1 6. Consideration to review 2014 Workplan and setting of preliminary 2015 Action Statement objectives. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In January of 2014, the IEDC adopted a workplan which outlined goals and objectives for the committee and staff for the year. The IEDC Membership & Organization Guidelines require that the IEDC adopt such a plan, terming the document an “Action Statement”. Staff would therefore like to review with the IEDC its 2014 activities as related to the adopted workplan, and then open the floor for discussion on 2015 Action Statement goals and objectives. A copy of the IEDC’s 2014 workplan (with notations on project status) is included for reference. Staff included some notations on possible goals for 2015 where applicable, as well. Staff will also meet with the out-going and incoming IEDC chairpersons in January to further refine the 2015 Action Statement prior to formal adoption. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No action necessary at this time. Staff is seeking feedback and direction from IEDC members in preliminary form for the 2015 Action Statement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA 2014 Workplan, Action Summary INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2014 WORKPLAN – ACTION REVIEW (NOTE: FOR 2015 “ACTION STATEMENT”) Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate for industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Objective: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro-active in following the guidelines established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: Land Use: a. Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. ACTION: The IEDC took action to recommend in support of one land use application in 2014 (All Elements). The IEDC has also monitored the Planning Commission agenda for other items of note and provided general feedback to staff as needed. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION: Continue as needed. b. Establish a work group for evaluation of industrial land availability and opportunity ACTION: See attached map prepared by Market Matching for industrial land availability. No work group established. SUGHESTED 2015 ACTION: Discussion item. c. Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest Planning Area) ACTION: This effort has been the subject of renewed discussion as a budget item for 2015. Proactive planning on this topic also discussed in relationship to the recent success of I-94 Coalition efforts for I-94 expansion planning and construction projects. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION: Monitor Council action/consideration. Possible IEDC/TAC liaison representation should planning proceed in 2015. Transportation: a. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development by participating in the Transportation Advisory Committee.  IEDC member representatives to rotate verbal reports on TAC meeting and projects, including: o TH 25/CSAH 75 o Fallon Avenue o Second River Crossing  IEDC to provide recommendations to TAC as necessary  Staff and member liaisons to continue to provide information from I-94 Coalition and opportunities to support Coalition efforts as needed ACTION: Current TAC member representation from IEDC: Don Roberts, Rich Harris, Luke Dahlheimer (Bill Tapper also serves on the TAC representing the EDA).  A Regional Transportation Planning organization has been developed and engaged to plan and respond to regional transportation issues, including river crossing.  TAC instrumental in assisting in TH 25/CSAH 75 concept planning. IEDC feedback related to truck turning, parking and turn lanes forwarded to TAC for consideration.  Progress on Fallon Avenue to appraisal step. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION:  Assign designated TAC liaison to report back to IEDC.  Provide Regional Transportation Planning summaries and TAC minutes in IEDC agenda packets. Economic Development: a. Business Recognition – Industry of the Year 1. Build attendance – slightly down for 2014; discuss 2. Build sponsorships – added one additional sponsor in 2014 3. Speaker suggestions to be taken from members throughout year – Speaker suggestions for 2015 event (through Chamber and Workforce Center) b. IEDC Networking/Prospecting 1. Breakfast w/Mayor & Administrator ACTION: Staff placed multiple calls to businesses slated for visit. No interest on part of industry in 2014. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION: Review program with in-coming mayor; determine feasibility for continuation. Evaluate more informal staff BR & E efforts per below in lieu of monthly breakfasts. a. Short business profile to be taken during breakfast (Product/service focus and reach; employment; growth, little known interesting company facts) ACTION: Form completed. b. Summary will serve multiple purposes:  Prepared as a media release for City website, facebook, enews and IEDC E-news  Basis of report at next IEDC meeting  Serve as potential Industry of Year candidate nomination background c. Close the loop - continued conversation opportunities via email 2. Addition of IEDC “table topics” to agenda – IEDC member or organization guest to verbally address IEDC-relevant topic, examples: a. Health care b. STEM program at MHS c. I-94 Coalition 2014 platform d. Market Matching efforts e. Bertram Chain of Lakes tour and discussion f. reSTOREing Downtown g. FiberNet Monticello 2.0 ACTION: IEDC held health care, I-94 coalition, Market Matching (including lead tracking format), Bertram and Wright County Economic Development Partnership table topic sessions. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION: Continue for 2015, including those not held from above and new (DEED programs, City incentives, etc.). 3. Prospecting Objectives ACTION: Prospecting occurring through Market Matching. SUGGESTED 2015 ACTION: Provide monthly Market Matching reports to IEDC in Econ Director’s reports. c. Communications 1. Economic Development Website a. Revisions per Market Matching ACTION: Completed upload of Market Matching items; on-going. 2. Enews a. Monthly e-news report to industries; assistance from City communications coordinator. ACTION: Not completed due to time constraints for communications coordinator.