IEDC Agenda 06-10-2014AGENDA INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE(IEDC) Tuesday,June10th,2014–7:30a.m. BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark ________________________________________________________________________________ Members:JoniPawelk,WayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,RichHarris,PatThompson,BillTapper, DickVanAllen,DanOlson,ZonaGutzwiller,JimJohnson,DonRoberts,MaryBarger, TaraThurber,TimO’Connor,SteveJohnson Liaisons:JeffO’Neill,AngelaSchumann,MayorClintHerbst,GlenPosusta,MarcyAnderson 1.CalltoOrder 2.ApproveMinutes: a.May6th,2014 3.ConsiderationofaddingitemstotheAgenda 4.Reports: a.EconomicDevelopmentReport b.CityCouncil c.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry d.TAC 5.JuneTableTopic–BertramChainofLakesUpdateandTour 6.Adjournment.(8:00am) MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 - 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Luke Dahlheimer, Tim O’Connor, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Tara Thurber, Steve Johnson Absent: Rich Harris, Mary Barger Others: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Wayne Elam called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes – April 1st, 2014 Meeting BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 1ST, 2014 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. PAT THOMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 13-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report: Angela Schumann summarized the ongoing economic development projects and activities, including the Monticello-Worth the Stop project, and Market Matching program, as noted in the IEDC agenda packet provided. Schumann also highlighted requests included on the upcoming Planning Commission agenda, including the proposed Goodwill development and amendments to the Planned Unit Development ordinance. b. City Council: Jeff O’Neill provided background information related to several issues to be brought forward for City Council for consideration. O’Neill referenced that staff and the Council were working with businesses in the vicinity of Walnut Street north of Broadway regarding parking demand issues. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Marcy Anderson reported on upcoming Chamber events. d. TAC:  June 24th, 2014 - Notice to IEDC  ADA compliance signage - Walnut lot IEDC Minutes: 05/06/14 2 5. Consideration of application for Industrial & Economic Development Committee membership Wayne Elam and Pat Thompson will interview the applicant on behalf of the IEDC. 6. May Table Topic – Coalition Update St. Michael City Administrator and I-94 Corridor Coalition Chair Steve Bot provided an overview of I-94 Coalition efforts and responded to IEDC questions.  $46 million Corridors of Commerce project  Begins July 2014 for section of 1-94 from 101 to 241  (3x ED multiple) scores on ED factors 7. Next Meeting June – Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) 8. Adjournment PAT THOMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:14 A.M. TIM O’CONNOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 13-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri __ Approved: Attest: _____________________________________________ IEDC Liaison The mission of Wright County and the City of Monticello is to acquire, develop, operate, and maintain the Bertram Chain of Lakes as a regional park and recreation area which enriches the quality of life for our residents and visitors alike, and preserves a natural resource for future generations. Building a Legacy at Bertram Park The City of Monticello and Wright County have partnered in an effort to acquire 1,200 acres of open space in Wright County, known as the Bertram Chain of Lakes. The City and County partnership was formed with the goal of improving the community’s quality of life by preserving this irreplaceable natural area and creating a regional park for public enjoyment and recreation. The 1,200 acres of the Bertram Chain of Lakes property represents 4 lakes, acres of undisturbed shoreline, natural habitat, and oak forest. The property is located directly west of the city limits of Monticello along County Road 39 and 90th Street. Currently, Wright County and the City of Monticello have acquired 496 acres of the property (with another acquisition scheduled for 2012). The balance of the land is owned privately, by the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities. Since 2005, when the YMCA approached the City and County with the idea of selling the property, Wright County and the City of Monticello have been gradually acquiring parkland at Bertram through grants made available through the State of Minnesota’s Clean Water, Land, Legacy and Culture Amendment, as well as the Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund and other Department of Natural Resource grant programs. The YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities is also a project partner. The YMCA will continue to lease land at the Bertram Chain of Lakes to run their summer day camp, Camp Manitou. Camp Manitou has created a lifetime of memories for youth throughout Minnesota, and the City and County welcome the opportunity to create new memories through this partnership. Today, the public parkland offers opportunities for canoeing, kayaking, hiking, nature-watching and picnicking, with more activities and facilities planned for the future. Wright County Parks 1901 Highway 25 N Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: 763-682-7693 www.co.wright.mn.us marc.mattice@ co.wright.mn.us City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Ste. 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-295-2711 www.ci.monticello.mn.us info@ci.monticello.mn.us Bertram Chain of Lakes by the Numbers THE LAND 1,200 acres 5.75 miles of lake shore 1.5 miles of streams 615 acres of woodlands 245 acres of wetlands and open space 211 acres of lake surface THE PARK TODAY 496 acres of public parkland 3.7 miles of groomed hiking trails 2 canoe launches 2 picnic sites THE FUTURE PARK PLAN 10 miles of groomed hiking trails 5+ miles of cross-county trails 1 public amphitheatre 150’ of public swimming beach 2 public fishing piers 6 primitive campsites 8 semi-modern campsites 50 modern campsites 110 acres of athletic and recreational facilities, including: 10 soccer fields 8 softball fields 1 tournament baseball field Canoeing & Kayaking There are two canoe/kayak launches available at the park, located at the south end of Bertram and Long Lakes. Portage to both launch points is approximately 300’. Picnicking Two picnic sites are available at the park. One picnic area is located on the south side of the lakes and the second is located on the east side of Long Lake. Long Lake Hiking Over 3.7 miles of hiking trails are open to the public. The trails loop between Bertram and Long Lakes and the south and east shorelines of Long Lake. Trails are marked in yellow on the map below and are marked in the park. Fishing Drop a line from the south shore of either Bertram or Long Lake. Current Park Boundary Pending Currently Unacquired Building a Legacy at Bertram Park—FAQs  Overview: The opportunity to turn the YMCA property into a park arose in 2006, when the YMCA of Minneapolis approached Wright County and the City of Monticello. At that time, the YMCA owned the 1,200 acres known as “Camp Manitou” in its entirety. The YMCA was interested in the possibility of selling the property to development in order to invest in other YMCA facilities.  Memorandum of Understanding: With Council approval, the City and County began working in cooperation with the YMCA to purchase the property for long-term preservation and park use. In 2008, the County, City and the YMCA entered into an agreement which allows the County/City to make incremental purchases of the property through 2013. as funding is secured through grants and local matches. A shared operations and maintenance agreement is in place between the City and County. At this time, the primary focus is on acquisition of the park, with only limited resources being allocated to park maintenance and development.  The Land: The 1,200 acres of the Bertram Chain of Lakes property represents 4 lakes, acres of undisturbed shoreline, natural habitat, and oak forest.  5.75 miles of lake shore  1.5 miles of streams  615 acres of woodlands  245 acres of mixed vegetation and wetlands  211 acres of lake surface At this time, Wright County and the City of Monticello have acquired 626 acres of the property (with another grant in place for additional future acquisition). The 626 acres are open to the public. Today, the public parkland offers opportu- nities for canoeing, kayaking, hiking, nature-watching and picnicking, with more activities and facilities in planning. The balance of the land is owned privately, by the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities. Since 2005, Wright County and the City of Monticello have been gradually acquiring parkland at Bertram through grants made available through the State of Minnesota’s Clean Water, Land, Legacy and Culture Amendment, as well as the Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund and other Department of Natural Resource grant programs.  Acquisition Costs: Total acquisition, agreed to by the three parties in 2008, is $20.5 million. Due to grant and LCCMR funding, the State contribution is higher than originally anticipated. Phased acquisition is occurring by parcel, in an order agreed to by the YMCA.  Acquisition Information: Phase Parcels Acres City Share Park Dedication Other Sources County Share State Share State Source Legacy Funds Phase I 5A, 6, 11 279.31 $1,200,000.00 $1,200,000.00 $1,200,000.00 $1,200,000.00 LCCMR/Metro Greenways Phase II 5B 40.66 $274,814.00 $274,814.00 $274,814.00 $549,628.00 DNR Metro Greenways Phase III 7A 80.88 $599,263.00 $424,306.29 $178,692.71 $599,263.00 $1,076,974.00 DNR Non-Metro Regional/Legacy $476,000.00 Phase IV 9,10,12 61.25 $204,000.00 $204,000.00 $204,000.00 $833,333.00 DNR Non-Metro Regional/Legacy $500,000.00 Phase V 1A, 8A 40.17 $317,268.50 $317,268.50 $317,268.50 $369,713.00 (Awarded ‘12) LAWCON (Federal) Phase VI 5C, 7B, 8B 124.13 $472,372.00 $472,372.00 $472,372.00 1,862,258. Legacy/DNR Non -Metro Regional $1,862,258.00 TOTALS TO DATE 626.40 (Land) $3,067,719.50 $1,899,120.20 $1,172,333.20 $3,067,719.50 $5,891,906.00 $2,838,258  YMCA: The YMCA will continue to lease land at the Bertram Chain of Lakes to run their summer day camp, Camp Manitou. Wright County approved the needed permit for the camp in 2012, which will allow YMCA to begin construction of the new Camp Manitou in fall 2014 on northwest shores of Long Lake. The area for Camp Manitou will encompass an area just over 11 acres.  Advisory Council: Planning for the park is led by a 12 member recommending body made up of City, County, and Town- ship elected officials, as well as representatives for the school board, MCC, both parks boards and at -large citizens from City and County. Recommendations by this group require ratification by the City Council and County Board of Commis- sioners. This group meets monthly and has developed outreach and strategic planning for the park and is responsible for communicating to their respective bodies. The Advisory Council also includes subcommittees responsible for various components of the overall project.  Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)— Focuses on the natural resources, including geology (esker), flora, fauna, restoration, conservation, integration of active and passive uses  Athletic— Developed athletic field needs assessment, reviews and refines north end design, provides a link between the Parks Commission and School District for Bertram planning  Programming—Planning for facilities, activities and events at the park  Park Concept Plans: From 2008-2011, the City and County held a series of public meetings, workshops and open houses aimed at gathering County resident feedback on what the new park should include in terms of activities and amenities. A user survey specifically designed to gather input on activities and amenities was distributed at these events and through numerous digital outlets. After results were tabulated, a concept plan for both the full park and the north end active use area was developed. These concept plans have been adopted by both the City and County into their park plans. Connections to City and County trail systems are also included in the park plans. The concept plan today includes the following proposed facilities:  10 miles of planned groomed hiking trails  10 miles of mountain biking trails  5+ miles of planned cross-county trails  1 public amphitheatre  150’ of public swimming beach  2 public fishing piers  8 planned primitive campsites  10 planned modern campsites  110 acres of planned athletic and recreational facilities—13 baseball/softball, 10 soccer/lacrosse fields  Shared Use Agreement: A shared use agreement is currently in place with the YMCA, which allows the YMCA the ability to continue their horse camp through 2015, as well as use of current camp buildings until the new Camp Manitou facilities are complete. YMCA is also able to utilize Bertram beach, based on terms in the Ground Lease applicable to Camp Manitou. Building a Legacy at Bertram Park—FAQs  Why now? Why parkland?: Four reasons:  Need:  There is a need for additional athletic field space. At the current time, the School District has 4 soccer fields, 4 baseball fields, and 6 softball fields, while City facilities include 8 softball fields, 1 baseball and 2 soccer fields.  The Monticello School District currently serves 26 youth teams for softball, baseball and soccer. Community Education runs 9 summer youth athletic programs for the same sports.  The City of Monticello currently serves 21 adult softball teams. The youth baseball organization serves 30 teams.  Baseball and softball teams alone, without other summer athletic organization programs, represent over 1100 people, including 700 youth. These teams are competing for space on 14 softball fields and 5 baseball fields.  The Monticello River Eagles soccer association serves 19 competitive teams, plus recreational and developmental programs. These teams, along with District and Community Ed programs are competing for 6 soccer fields.  Efficiencies of Scale: The City Council has directed the Parks Department to look for opportunities to consolidate athletic space due to the maintenance demands that separate it from other park facilities. Bertram represents an opportunity to consolidate field space, maximizing efficiencies for maintenance in terms of land, labor, and material costs. In adopting the 2011 City Park & Pathway Plan, the City Council made this direction a policy. Bertram is intend- ed to serve the needs for athletic field development for the current excess demand, as well as the population growth over the next 20 years. This is the reason the City utilized park dedication funds for acquisition at the park.  Intrinsic Value: The 2011 Parks & Pathway plan included a park user survey. Over 71% of survey respondents stated that parks are essential to our community for a better quality of life. The Bertram Lakes facility was strongly supported by the survey respondents, who encouraged continued acquisition and development at the park. Specific support for the Bertram Chain of Lakes was also identified in the City’s Business Retention & Expansion Study. In addition, interest and support for the park was clearly demonstrated by attendance at organized events at the park. Attendance at the Family Fun Days held previously at the park reached over 1400 people. In addition to public support, a recent economic study of home values in Hennepin County indicated that over 81% of the single-family residences in the studied communities have greater value due to the presence of open space. The overall open space impact on property values was just over $3.5 billion, resulting in approximately $36 million/year in increased property tax revenues. Homes within a quarter-mile of large open spaces are worth almost 4.8% more; those beyond a quarter mile but within half a mile are worth 3% more.  Environmental: In addition to basic public support, 4,550 acres (6.9 sq miles) of area, including all of Bertram Park, flows into Otter Creek and deposits into the Mississippi River. Protection of the Bertram Chain of Lakes area will promote infiltration of water run-off, benefiting both the lakes at the park and the Mississippi River. The parks also supports the City and County’s water resource protection efforts. And of course, conservation and restoration of species and open space at the park is a priority in a primary growth corridor between St. Cloud and the Twin Cities. Building a Legacy at Bertram Park—FAQs  Lake Info:  Bertram Lake - 42 feet deep, 137 acres, overall TSI #54 on a scale of 20 being the best and 80 being the worst.  Long - 33 feet deep, 160 acres, overall TSI #49  Mud and First - 37 feet, 29 acres, overall TSI# 53  Comparison to other lakes - Pulaski = 87 feet deep, Big Lake 48 feet deep The Trophic State Index (TSI) is a classification system designed to "rate" individual lakes, ponds and reservoirs based on the amount of biological productivity.  Master planning/CIP: The City and County continue to work on a full master plan for the park, which goes far beyond the conceptual plan already developed. To be considered:  Historical Analysis - Cultural and Natural  Technical Evaluation - Natural Resources  Program and Activities  Park Facility Development  Sustainability Integration & Practice  Accessibility Compliance  Operations & Maintenance  Fiscal Impact  Funding Structure and Capital Improvement Planning Building a Legacy at Bertram Park—FAQs WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS 1901 HIGHWAY 25 NORTH BUFFALO, MN 55313 (763) 682-7693 PREPARED BY: BE R T R A M C H A I N O F L A K E S R E G I O N A L P A R K WR I G H T C O U N T Y P A R K S / M O N T I C E L L O P A R K S / B E R T R A M C H A I N O F L A K E S A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L SHEET: OF: 1 1 MO N T I C E L L O A T H L E T I C C O M P L E X C O N C E P T P L A N DATE: 0'50'100'200' Graphic Scale: NO R T H May 22, 2014 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 COMMISSIONED BY: YB YB YB YB CO PK 188 PK 55 SP Baseball/ Softball PK 45 SF SFSF BC/CO/ST Grandstand PK 170 PK 324 PE - North SH/ST CO CO/ST SO SO SH/ST Water City of Monticello (Owner) Br i a r w o o d A v e n u e N . E . Monticello City Athletic Fields Development YB - Youth Ball Field (6) PE - Park Entrance (2) PL - Play Equipment (2) SF - Softball Field (8) OE - Overflow Exit (2) CE - Ceremonial Space BC - Baseball Complex CO - Concessions (4) SH - Shelter (2) SP - Sports Pavillion (2) ST - Storage (3) SO - Soccer Field (11) PK - Parking (972) SO SO SO SF SO SO SO SO SF SF SF SF SP Soccer PE - Central OE OE YMCA Camp Manitou Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park CE PL Private Property YB YB PK 100 PK 35 PL PK 55 SO SO 1409 WILLOW STREET, SUITE 110 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 (612) 353-6460