IEDC Agenda 03-04-2014 AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 - 7 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center ________________________________________________________________________________ Members: Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Luke Dahlheimer, Rich Harris, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Tim O’Connor, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tara Thurber Liaisons: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Mayor Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: a. January 7th, 2014 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry d. TAC 5. Consideration of application for Industrial & Economic Development Committee Membership. 6. March Table Topic - Market Matching InfoTracker and Greater MSP SalesForce Partnership. 7. Adjournment. (8:00am) MINUTES INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE(IEDC) Tuesday,January7th,2014-7:00a.m.,BridgeRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:JoniPawelk,PatThompson,BillTapper,DanOlson,JimJohnson,DonRoberts, TimO’Connor Absent:WayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,RichHarris,DickVanAllen,ZonaGutzwiller, MaryBarger,TaraThurber Others:JeffO’Neill,AngelaSchumann,MayorClintHerbst,GlenPosusta,Marcy Anderson 1.CalltoOrder JoniPawelkcalledthemeetingtoorderat7:00a.m. 2.Considerationofappointing2014IEDCOfficers DonRobertsnominatedcurrentViceChairWayneElamasChairfor2014.BillTapper hadnominatedDickVanAllenasViceChairbutlaterwithdrewthenomination.Dan OlsonnominatedPatThompsonasViceChair.AngelaSchumannindicatedthat, althoughbothPatThompsonandcurrentIEDCmemberTimO’Connorbothrepresent XcelEnergy,shedidnotbelievethattheordinancelimitedmembershiptoone representativeperbusiness.Sheaskedthatthemotionbecontingentuponconfirmation. DONROBERTSMOVEDTOAPPOINTWAYNEELAMASCHAIR,ADDPAT THOMPSONASAVOTINGMEMBERANDAPPOINTTHOMPSONASVICE CHAIR(CONTINGENTUPONREVIEWOFTHEORDINANCEANDAPPROVAL BYTHECITYCOUNCIL)ANDTOAPPOINTSTAFFASSECRETARYFORTHE 2014IEDC.BILLTAPPERSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED7-0. 3.AcceptanceofMinutes–December3,2013MeetingMinutes BILLTAPPERMOVEDTOACCEPTTHEDECEMBER3,2013MEETING MINUTESASPRESENTED.JIMJOHNSONSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTION CARRIED7-0. 4.Considerationofadditionalagendaitems None 5.Reports a.EconomicDevelopmentReport IEDCMinutes:01/07/14 2 reSTOREingDowntownmeeting–The reSTOREingDowntownLeadershipTeam willmeettoprovideanupdateonactivitiesandupcominginitiativesonJanuary16th at 7:00AMattheMonticelloCommunityCenter. WSBMarketMatchingReport–StaffwillemailtheMarketMatchingreporttothe membership. PlanningCommission–Staffoutlinedrecentandupcomingagendaitemsand providedinformationrelatedtothestatusoftheR-4recommendation,theeffortby FEMAandtheDNRtodeliniatethefloodplain,cityvideostobedevelopedbyCGI andcurrentGrowMN!activities. b.CityCouncil StaffandCouncilrepresentativesprovidedaFiberNetstatusupdateandrespondedto questions. c.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry FrostbiteChallengeactivitiesareunderwayandwillcontinuethroughJanuary12th. d.TAC TheTACmeeting,whichhadbeenscheduledforThursday,January9th at7:30a.m. hasbeencancelled. 6.Considerationof2014IEDCWorkplan Landuse,transportationandeconomicdevelopmentwereagainidentifiedasIEDC objectivesfor2014.Afterabriefreviewanddiscussion,theIEDCcametoageneral consensusabouttheworkplan. BILLTAPPERMOVEDTOADOPTTHE2014WORKPLANASDIRECTEDBY THEIEDC.TIMO’CONNORSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED7-0. 7.Adjournment BILLTAPPERMOVEDTOADJOURNTHEMEETINGAT8:05A.M.TIM O’CONNORSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED7-0. Recorder:KerryBurri___ Approved: Attest:____________________________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector IEDC Agenda: 03/04/14 1 5a. Economic Development Report Planning Commission Agenda The March 4th, 2014 Planning Commission agenda is attached for reference. There are items on the agenda on which the IEDC may wish to make comment and/or a motion for recommendation to the Planning Commission, including items 6 and 7. The staff reports for these two items can be viewed on the March 4th, 2014 Planning Commission agenda page on the City’s website. Staff will also discuss these items in more detail during the IEDC meeting on March 4th. I-94 Reconstruction Project A reminder that MnDOT will be holding a business and public open house on Monday, March 3rd. The meeting will include information on traffic changes, construction plans and details on the reconstruction of Interstate 94 between Wright County Road 18 and Highway 25 in Monticello. MnDOT will have information available on the project’s schedule and planned lane and ramp closures, noise wall, and preliminary layout of the project. The two open houses will be held at Monticello Community Center, 505 Walnut St., in the Mississippi Room.  Business owners and managers are invited to a presentation and open house Monday, March 3 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  A public open house will follow the business meeting from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the same location. Staff from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Shafer Contracting and the city of Monticello will also be on hand to take comments and answer questions. For more information on the project visit mndot.gov/d3/monti/. To get advance notice of traffic changes and other important project information sent to your inbox, click “sign up for project email updates” in the left-hand column. Market Matching Mid-Contract Report John Uphoff of WSB & Associates’ Market Matching Team presented a mid-year report to the City Council on Monday, February 10th. A written summary is included with this report. Swan/Power-line Conflicts As reported recently in the Monticello Times, the east side of Monticello lost power for a brief period as a result of swan wings coming into contact with power lines. Staff is working with Xcel to develop strategies for reducing or eliminating such outages. A meeting was held IEDC Agenda: 03/04/14 2 on Thursday, January 30th to identify problem corridors and possible solutions to include and not limited to adding more bird deflectors, burying power lines or modifying the electric pole design. By changing the wire alignment pattern it is possible to reduce the chance of wings touching two wires at once if contact is made. This is an important issue that Xcel and the City take very seriously. Our manufacturing community has a special concern because they must have reliable power in order to operate efficiently. More information on this item will be provided as it develops. EDA Hospitality Study In December, the EDA authorized proceeding to contract with Economic Development Services for the purpose of coordinating and preparing a hospitality market study for Monticello. The IEDC may recall that while a detailed market study was completed as a component of the Embracing Downtown plan, that study was focused specifically on the potential development of retail uses (with limited information on office/professional uses) within the downtown. The market study did not include research on other intended uses in the downtown, including hospitality, river recreation and tourism industries, and possible residential market capacity. City staff has executed the letter of engagement for the project and has met with project consultants Economic Development Services and HCG to discuss project in detail and tour the project study area. HCG was also provided with a list of local businesses and industries to contact regarding their hospitality needs. HCG indicated that local business clientele serves as the “bread and butter” revenue for hotels. Information from leading employers on their needs will be a critical component of determining Monticello’s capacity for siting additional hospitality businesses. FiberNet Monticello Update Verbal update to be provided at the IEDC meeting. AGENDA MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION REGULARMEETING Tuesday,March4th,2014-6:00PM MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Commissioners:ChairmanBradFyle,SamBurvee,CharlotteGabler,Alan Heidemann,GrantSala CouncilLiaison:LloydHilgart Staff:AngelaSchumann,SteveGrittman-NAC,RonHackenmueller 1.Calltoorder. 2.CitizenComments. 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda. 4.ConsiderationtoapprovePlanningCommissionminutes. a.RegularMeeting–January7th,2014 b.SpecialMeeting–February4th,2014 c.RescheduledRegularMeeting–February11th,2014 5.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofarequestforConceptandDevelopmentStagePlanned UnitDevelopmentandRezoningtoPlannedUnitDevelopmentforaK-12Educational InstitutioninanR-3(MediumDensityResidence)DistrictandCCD(CentralCommunity District. Applicant:Miller,Eric 6.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofarequestforConditionalUsePermitforanIndustrial ServicesuseinanI-1(LightIndustrial)District,arequestforVariancetoMonticello ZoningOrdinancesection4.3,FencesandWallsasrelatedtofenceappearance,anda requestforVariancetoMonticelloZoningOrdinancesection5.3,AccessoryUsesas relatedtoareaandextentofoutdoorstorage. Applicant:AllElements,Inc. 7.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofarequestforanamendmenttotheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Section5.2,UseTableand5.3,UseStandardstoallowTemporaryPublic InfrastructureConstructionFacilitiesbyInterimUsePermitandrequestforanInterim UsePermitforTemporaryPublicInfrastructureConstructionFacilities. Applicant:ShaferContractingCo.,Inc. 8.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofarequestforPreliminaryPlatforPineView2nd Addition,a3unitresidentialplatinanR-1(Single-FamilyResidence)District. Applicant:Kjellberg,Kent 9.CommunityDevelopmentDirector’sReport 10.Adjourn. MonticelloEconomicDevelopmentServiceUpdate 12/13/2013to2/10/2014 MarketMatching TargetedProspectOutreach AssociationNetworking 10/17/2013–MidwestCleanTechOpen’sInnovationSummit 10/24/2013–MNCARCommercialRealEstateExpo 10/28/2013–GreaterMSPAnnualMeeting 10/30/2013–SLUCRoundtablesofKnowledge 11/13/2013–UrbanLandInstituteMinnesotaEconomicOutlook:AheadoftheCurve2014– 2017 11/21/2013–GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporation–InnovationCorpMeeting 11/21/2013–LeagueofMNCities-BusinessLeadershipCouncilMeeting 11/22/2013–GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporation–AnnualInvestorMeeting 12/05/2013–LifeScienceAlley–MN’sGrowingMedicalTechnologySupplyChainand OpportunitiesforEconomicDevelopment 12/20/2014–GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporation–InnovationCorps 1/16/2014–GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporation–InnovationCorps 1/17/2014–WCEDPAnnualMeeting 1/23/2014–1/24/2014–EconomicDevelopmentAssociationofMNWinterConference 1/29/2014–SLUCWhoDecideswhattheRegionLooksLike 1/30/2014–InitiativeFoundationMeeting–ExploringGrantOpportunities 1/31/2014–GreaterSt.CloudDevelopmentCorporation–DestinationSt.Cloud 2/5/2014–WrightCountycollaborationmeetingwithGreaterMSPandGrowMN 2/6/2014–2/7/2014–EhlersPublicFinanceConference CustomerResourceManagement(CRM) 70+Contacts GreaterMSPSalesForceCommunityPartnerPortal WSBwillleverageourrelationshipswithGreaterMSP,MNDEED&theMNChamberof Commerce[GrowMN]throughtheuseoftheCommunityPartnerPortal.Allcurrent contactswillbeuploadedintotheSalesForceCRMCommunityPartnerPortalwhenthe systemgoesliveinMarch2014.Fromthatpointforwardallcontactinformationand potentialleadswillbeexclusivelyinputintotheSalesForceCommunityPartnerPortal. TheCitywillretainownershipandcontrolofthedatathatisentered. FeaturedPropertyCampaign Oneemailperweektoalldeveloper/buildercontactswithafeaturedpropertylisting.The propertiesfeaturedinthiscampaignareallEDA/CCownedproperties.TheEDA/CCLandSale andAcquisitionteamwillprovideguidanceandinformationrelatedtotheseproperties.WSBis currentlyupdatingMonticello’sGIStoreflectallavailableEDA/CCownedproperties. LocalBroker,Developer,andLandOwnerContacts 10/25/2013–MeetingwithMerrillBusch RandHouseProperty –Wearetargetingprospectsforthesaleandredevelopmentofthe property. ProgressMN2014PresentedbyFinance&Commerce–Finance&Commerceisaddinga MunicipalcategorytotheirProgressMNReportfor2014.MerrillsuggestedMonticelloasakey prospectforitsinvestmentinamunicipalfibernetwork.Submittednominationform highlightingtheCity’sinvestmentandcommitmenttobeingatech-investedcommunity. 11/06/2013–MeetingwithWayneElam SiteFlyer–Assistedwithmarketinformationforaprospect. Incubator/AcceleratorSpace–WorkingwithWayneontheoptionofusingtheoldWalgreens building. BriefingonQualifiedLead–Discussedinformationrelatedtobusinessrelocationlead. 11/20/2013–MeetingwithSteveJohnson DowntownDevelopment–WorkingwithSteveashisgrouplooksintotheformationofa communitydevelopmentcorporation. 12/19/2013–MeetingwithBruceHallbasch,VPCorporateDevelopmentRJMConstruction DevelopmentOpportunities–RJMisactivewithCentraCare.Theyareinterestedintheregion fordevelopmentopportunities.Followupisongoing. 12/20/2013–MeetingwithBillTapper DevelopmentResources–GainadeeperunderstandingofavailablespaceinMonticello. Possibleconsiderationforsharedspaceforincubator/acceleratorconcept. 1/8/2014–MeetingwithMartyKjellberg DevelopmentResources–GainadeeperunderstandingofavailablespaceinMonticello. 1/8/2014–MeetingwithMonticelloEDA/CCLandSale&AcquisitionTeam DevelopmentResources–UnderstandlandavailabilityandgoalsoftheTeam 1/16/2014–ReSTOREingDowntownMonticellomeeting DevelopmentResources–Remainup-to-dateondowntowndevelopmentefforts 2/10/2014–PhonemeetingwithCBRE DevelopmentOpportunities–discussingpotentialleadforacallcenterandwarehouse. Leads 10/22/2013–Metwithbusinessowner(precisionmanufacturingindustry)lookingtorelocate withinthearea.HeisinhiscurrentleaseuntilApril2014.Followupisongoing. 10/24/2013–MetwithChiefOperationsOfficerforAndersonCompanies.Heisinterestedin Monticelloforretailopportunity.Followupisongoing. 12/05/2013–MetwithVicePresidentofCorporateDevelopmentfromRJMConstruction.He hasaskedforinformationontheRandHouseProperty.Followupisongoing. 1/8/2014–Fred’sAutoSite–AninquirywasmadeintotheavailabilityoftheFred’sAutosite toredevelopthepropertyforuseasamicrobrewery/taproom. 1/8/2014–CBREBrokerageServices–WorkingwithclientservicescoordinatorfromCBREon aleadforacallcenter.Contactmade2/10/2014.ClientislookingforaNovemberoccupancy timeframe.Thefirmiscurrentlyinaholdingpatternduetotheuncertaintyrelatedtothenew MNWarehouseTax.Followupisongoing. 2/10/2014–Spokewithprecisionmanufacturerlookingtorelocatewithinthearea.Project hasbeenmovedbackbutisstillactive.Followupisongoing.Possiblecandidateforthenew MNJobCreationFund. BusinessDevelopment Incubator/Accelerator–Contactedafirmspecializinginmatchingearlystageandstart-up companieswithavailablespace.TheyarewillingtoworkwiththeCityofMonticelloatno chargetorepurposeunutilizedspaceforanincubator/accelerator.Therearecurrentlytwo prospectivestart-upandearlystagefirmsIamtargetingforrelocationtoMonticello.Thespace originallyunderconsiderationfortheIncubator/Acceleratorspacehasbeensoldsincethelast update.Wearecurrentlytargetingothersuitablespacesforthisconcept. DataCollection NewDataSets IEDCTables GeneralMarketData–Createdtwelvetablesindicatingvariousmarketdata.Deployablevia website.MeetingwithCommunicationsstafftogetthedatadeployedviatheCityWebsite. CommercialPropertyListings SiteFlyers–CreatedSiteflyersdeployableviaweb GISMaps–DataforavailableCC/EDASites LaborMarketStudy TalkingPointsMemo–Begancollectingdataforuseinalabormarkettalkingpointsmemo. DraftwillbeavailableatnextupdateinApril. HousingMarketStudy DataCollection–Begancollectingdataforuseinahousingmarketstudy.Draftwillbeavailable atnextupdateinApril. IEDC Agenda – 03/04/14 5. Consideration of application for Industrial & Economic Development Committee Membership. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The IEDC is asked to review for recommendation an application for membership on the IEDC. An application for membership has been received from Steve Johnson. Mr. Johnson is applying to serve as a representative for reSTOREing Downtown, an organization serving to support the redevelopment efforts of the Embracing Downtown Plan. The IEDC’s Organizational and Membership Guidelines indicate that while the committee has no set size requirement, the group shall generally consist of 16-18 members. At the present time, the IEDC has 13 voting members. As such, the IEDC does have the ability to consider the current application. IEDC members are appointed by the City Council for three year terms. The current IEDC roster is as follows. It should be noted that the City Clerk’s roster does not show the voting representative for the Chamber of Commerce (Tara Thurber as the Chamber President) to the IEDC and as such, regardless of a recommendation for appointment on this item, that appointment will be confirmed as part of the official roster on March 10th, 2014. Bill Tapper 3 yr 2014 Jim Johnson 3 yr 2014 Tim O'Connor 3 yr 2014 Rich Harris 3 yr 2015 Dick Van Allen 3 yr 2015 Dan Olson 3 yr 2015 Luke Dahlheimer 3 yr 2015 Mary Barger 3 yr 2015 Joni Pawelk 3 yr 2016 Zona Gutzwiller 3 yr 2016 Wayne Elam 3 yr 2016 Don Roberts 3 yr 2016 Pat Thompson 3 yr 2016 Tara Thurber Chamber Chamber cycle Glen Posusta Council non-voting Clint Herbst Council non-voting Marcy Anderson Chamber non-voting IEDC Agenda – 03/04/14 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend to the City Council the appointment of ______________ to serve a three year term on the Monticello Industrial & Economic Development Committee. 2. Motion of no action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff defers to the IEDC on matters of appointment consideration. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Volunteer Application B. IEDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines C. IEDC Ordinance MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 1 TITLE 2 - CHAPTER 10 INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SECTION: 2-10-1: Name of Committee 2-10-2: Authorization 2-10-3: Membership 2-10-4: Term of Office 2-10-5: Attendance 2-10-6: Vacancy 2-10-7: Officers 2-10-8: Meetings 2-10-9: Quorum 2-10-10: Duties of the Committee 2-10-11: Amendments 2-10-1: NAME OF THE COMMITTEE: The name of the organization shall be the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC). 2-10-2: AUTHORIZATION: Duties are delegated to the IEDC by the City Council of Monticello by this ordinance dated June 28, 2010, and by Resolution No. 2008-44 approved the 27th day of May, 2008. 2-10-3: MEMBERSHIP: The Monticello IEDC shall consist of sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) regular members to be appointed by the City Council of Monticello. Said Committee members shall consist of Monticello business representatives or residents of the City of Monticello. Two Council members shall be appointed annually to serve on the IEDC. The Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall be an ex-officio member of the IEDC. 2-10-4: TERM OF OFFICE: The term of the regular members shall be for three (3) years and shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in a given year. All regular terms shall expire at the first City Council meeting of the new calendar year. 2-10-5: ATTENDANCE: It is the City Council’s intention to encourage IEDC members to attend all IEDC meetings. It is desired that IEDC members attend at least 75% of meetings in a calendar year. Members may be subject to replacement by the City Council in the event attendance does not meet this standard. 2-10-6: VACANCY: Any vacancy in the regular or at large membership shall be filled by the City Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 2 2-10-7: OFFICERS: (A) Elections. The Monticello IEDC shall elect at its Annual meeting from its membership a chair, vice chair, and a secretary who shall serve for a term of one year and shall have such powers as may be prescribed in the rules of said Committee. (B) Duties of Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the IEDC and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (C) Duties of Vice Chair. The vice chair shall act for the chair in his absence. (D) Duties of Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Committee with the assistance of City Staff. 2-10-8: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings shall be held on a date established by the IEDC. In the event of a conflict with a holiday or special events, a majority at any meeting may change the date and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be open to the general public. 2-10-9: QUORUM: A majority of the total IEDC members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2-10-10: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Committee, with staff assistance, to advocate and make recommendations to the Economic Development Authority and City Council, relative to and including influencing industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, with an emphasis on industrial land, increase tax base and number of livable wage-level jobs by promoting industrial and economic growth, and working to maintain a desirable business environment. 2-10-11: AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommend by the majority vote of the existing membership of the IEDC and only after majority vote of the City Council. (#519, 8/23/10) IEDC Agenda – 03/04/14 6. March Table Topic - Market Matching InfoTracker and Greater MSP SalesForce Partnership. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB Market Matching representative John Uphoff will be on hand on Tuesday to present the InfoTracker tool and additional information on the Monticello EDA’s partnership with the GreaterMSP for use of their new SalesForce tool. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Not applicable. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None.