IEDC Agenda 10-06-2015AGENDA INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE(IEDC) Tuesday,October6th,2015–7:00a.m. BoomIslandRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter ________________________________________________________________________________ Members:PatThompson,JoniPawelk,WayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,BillTapper,DickVan Allen,ZonaGutzwiller,JimJohnson,DonRoberts,MaryBarger,TimO’Connor,Steve Johnson,TimLaitinen,DarekVetsch Liaisons:JeffO’Neill,AngelaSchumann,MayorBrianStumpf,LloydHilgart,MarcyAnderson Guest:MarkLee,WrightTechnicalCenter 1.CalltoOrder 2.ApproveMinutes: a.September1st,2015 3.ConsiderationofaddingitemstotheAgenda 4.Reports: a.EconomicDevelopmentReport b.TAC c.CityCouncil d.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry 5.Considerationof2015IndustryoftheYearSelectionandAward. 6.ConsiderationofarecommendationforappointmentofIEDCmemberrepresentative. 7.ConsiderationtorescheduletheNovemberIEDCregularmeeting. 8.TableTopic–WrightTechnicalCenterApprenticeProgram 9.Adjournment.(8:00am) MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, September 1st, 2015, Monticello Community Center Present: Pat Thompson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Zona Gutzwiller, Don Roberts, Steve Johnson, Tim Laitinen, Luke Dahlheimer, Council Liaison Lloyd Hilgart (non-voting) Absent: Jim Johnson, Mary Barger, Tim O’Connor, Mayor Brian Stumpf (non-voting) Other: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Pat Thompson called the meeting to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 4TH, 2015 IEDC MEETING. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 10-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report - Angela Schumann reviewed information related to the following topics:  Economic Development Authority (EDA) Update o Economic Development Position o EDA/HRA Levy  Industry of the Year Update  UMC/Workforce Education Event  September Planning Commission Agenda b. Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) - Staff provided the following transportation updates:  TH 25/CSAH 75 Project  Interchange Study c. City Council - Jeff O’Neill reported on the status of the following issue:  Solar Energy Update o Sunrise Solar’s petition to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) o Meeting with Sunrise this week IEDC Minutes: 9/01/15 2 d. Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Marcy Anderson reported on Chamber events, projects, and issues. Joni Pawelk discussed the October 20, 2015 Resiliency Project. Staff asked that Pawelk provide additional information. 5. Consideration of appointment of a Vice Chair and recommendation of appointment of Chamber IEDC representative DECISION 1: IEDC Chamber Representative DON ROBERTS MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPOINTMENT OF DAREK VETSCH AS CHAMBER REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MONTICELLO IEDC. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 10-0. DECISION 2: Vice Chair BILL TAPPER MOVED TO NOMINATE IEDC MEMBER STEVE JOHNSON AS VICE CHAIR OF THE IEDC. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 10-0. 6. Table Topic - City of Monticello Economic Development Incentive Programs Angela Schumann provided an overview of the City’s Economic Development Incentive Programs. It was suggested that staff send this information to banks and Industry of the Year nominees. 7. Adjournment DICK VAN ALLEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. DON ROBERTS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 10-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: Attest: _______________________________________________________ Angela Schumann, Community & Economic Development Director IEDCAgenda:10/06/15 1 4.EconomicDevelopmentReport (JO/AS) EconomicDevelopmentAuthorityUpdate EDA/HRALevy OnSeptember14th,theCityCounciladoptedaresolutionauthorizingaspecialbenefitlevy (HRAlevy)andapprovingabudgetforfiscalyear2016. OctoberPlanningCommissionAgenda October’sPlanningCommissionagendaisattachedfortheIEDC’sreference. Staffreportsforitemsarepostedtothe PlanningCommission’s2015Agenda page. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Linda Buchmann, Sam Murdoff, John Falenschek, Marc Simpson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), John Rued 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes – August 4th, 2015 b. Regular Meeting Minutes – September 1st, 2015 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Sunset Ponds, for setback variance for attached accessory structure decks in the R-2 (Single and Two-Family Residence) District, as per Chapter 2.4(O)(10) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Fedder Homes B. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for an Accessory Building in a Manufactured Home Park (M-H) District, as per Chapter 5.3(D) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Kjellberg’s Inc./Kjellberg, Kent C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Taco Bell, for building addition in the Central Community District (CCD), as per Chapter 2.4(O)(10) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Applicant: Border Foods 3. Regular Agenda A. Update – November Hearing for Amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to Brew Pubs, Brewer Taprooms and Microdistilleries 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment IEDCAgenda–10/06/15 1 5.Considerationof2015IndustryoftheYearSelectionandAward.(AS) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: TheIEDCisaskedtoconsideractionrelatedtotheawardfor2015IndustryoftheYearevent. TheIEDChasreceivedtwonominationsforthisyear’sindustryoftheyearaward.Withtwo nominations,itwasunnecessaryforthesubcommitteetomeetthisyeartonarrowthefieldof industries.However,allnominatedindustrieshaveprovidedinformationviaarequested surveyandtoursofeachofthetwoindustrieswerearrangedfortheIEDCmembership. Nominationsareattachedforreference,alongwithsurveyinformationandawardcriteria. TheIEDCisaskedtoconsiderthenominationsandcompleteavoteonthisyear’saward. Votingwillbecompletedbysecretballot,withvotestalliedbytheChair. Inregardtofurtherdetailontheeventitself,theeventdatehasbeensetforWednesday, October21stfrom7:00–8:30AM.Eachofthenominatedindustries,aswellastheevent itself,havebeenpromotedontheCity’swebsite,throughemailandmail,andaCityCouncil meeting.Eachnomineewillhaveareservedtableattheevent.Mr.DavidFitzSimmons, ChiefofstaffforUSRepresentativeTomEmmerisscheduledtoasthefeaturedkeynote. Invitationsandapressreleaseregardingthiseventand2015awardwinnerwillgooutthis week. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoawardthe2015IndustryoftheYearAwardto_______________________. 2.Motiontotableforfurtherdiscussion. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: None. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.IndustryoftheYearCriteria B.2015NominationForms C.2015NomineeSurveys 2015 Industry of the Year Nomination Form (Feel free to nominate more than one qualified industry – please use one form for each nomination) NOMINATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 1st, 2015 Selection Criteria  Must be classified as Industry. Industry shall be defined as: a business that performs a majority of their commercial activity with other businesses and a minority of their commercial activity directly with the public consumer.  The Business has been established for at least (5) five years.  The Business has not received this award in the past five (5) years.  Business Excellence: Successful business practices, i.e., marketing and promotion of business ethics; promotion of employee growth and development; contribution to its industry; and research and development  Staff training, motivation, and employee engagement: Philosophy of engaging and empowering employees. Empowered employees are proactive and persistent, and make decisions that are consistent with the company’s strategic goals and objectives. Organizations benefit greatly from having an engaged workforce. Research shows strong connections between employee engagement and turnover, productivity, customer service, loyalty and corporate financial performance.  Innovation: Creativity, entrepreneurial, and implementing innovation in business operations, products and services. Strides to continually distinguish itself from other businesses in their industry.  Community Involvement: A demonstrated interest in the welfare of the community through financial contribution, service, and civic leaderships. Actively supports the community through participating in volunteer programs and/or events  Customer Relations: A high level of customer confidence and excellence in customer services and relations.  Economic Growth: Continual increase in tax base and creation of liveable wage jobs. NominationforIndustryoftheYear BONDHUS A50+yearoldmanufacturingcompany…thatisquitealongtimetoseethechangesintheeconomy,consumerneeds& wants,aswellasbeinginMonticelloalltheseyears.AtsomepointeveryhouseholdhassomeBondhusrelatedL- wrench,screwdrivers,socketbits,andtheymaynothaverealizeditwasmaderighthereintheirbackyard.Alifetime warrantyisrareandshowsprideintheproducttheyproduceandstandby. Bondhusisstillinthetop15employersinMonticello. NominationforIndustryoftheYear VECTORTOOL&MANUFACTURING Intheeverchangingmarketplace,VectorTool&Manufacturinghasbeenaprivatelyheldcompanyfor20years.Per theirwebsite“AtVectorToolandManufacturing,ourmissionistoprovideourcustomersprecisionmachinedpartswith outstandingqualityandworldclassservice.” Machiningisnotasimpleastaskasmanywouldthink.Precisemeasurements,printreading,math calculations…Machinist,toolmakers,qualitycontrol,materialsmanagementarejustafewfolkswithinthecompany thatplaykeyrolesintoproducingpartsinatimelymannersotheirpartsgoouttobeplacedwithinanotherproduct. VectorTool&Manufacturingisencouragingstudentstoenterthefieldofmanufacturingdesign&manufacturingdesign thrutheirscholarshipoffering. IEDCAgenda–10/06/15 6.ConsiderationofrecommendationforappointmentofanIEDCmember representative.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheIEDCisaskedtoprovidearecommendationregardingthelastopenpositioninthe IEDCmembership. TheIEDCinterviewcommitteeofDonRobertsandJoniPawelkinterviewedMr.Don TomannofUMConSeptember17th.ChairmanPatThompsonwasunabletoattendthe interview.TheinterviewsubcommitteerecommendstheappointmentofMr.Tomannto theIEDC. ThefullIEDC’srecommendationonthispositionwillbeforwardedtotheCityCouncil forratification.TheIEDCwillhave18votingmembersinOctoberwiththeappointment ofthenewrepresentative. CurrentIEDCroster: IEDC:1 BillTapper3yr2017 (3-yearstaggeredterms)2 JimJohnson3yr2017 3 TimO'Connor3yr2017 4 MaryBarger3yr2015 5 DickVanAllen3yr2015 6 LukeDahlheimer3yr2015 7 JoniPawelk3yr2016 8 ZonaGutzwiller3yr2016 9 WayneElam3yr2016 10 DonRoberts3yr2016 11 PatThompson3yr2016 12 SteveJohnson3yr2016 13 TimLaitinen3yr2015 appointed3/9/15 14 BrianStumpfCouncilliaison 15 LloydHilgartCouncilliaison 16 VACANT 17DarekVetsch– CHAMBER REPRESENTATIVE (voting)ChamberRep appointed9/14/15 18 ChamberDirectorex-officio B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontorecommendtotheCityCounciltheappointmentofDonTomannof UMCtotheMonticelloIEDC. IEDCAgenda–10/06/15 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffdeferstothecommitteemattersofappointment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.IEDCOrganizationalandMembershipGuidelines 2015IDCORG&GUIDELINES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES I. Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Bridge Room. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. II. Objective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-up of the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: The City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IDC as non-voting members. The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry shall appoint a voting member to the IEDC. These members shall be considered in Committee Size. City Staff Members: Non-voting. Administrator of the City of Monticello. Economic Development Director of the City of Monticello Community Development Coordinator of the City of Monticello. V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director. VI. Length of Membership Term: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the Industrial Development Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. 2015IDCORG&GUDELINES IEDC ORGANIZATIONAL/MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES PAGE 2 VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority vote. VIII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1st of January and ending the 31th of December. Amended: 01/06/15 IEDC Agenda – 10/06/15 7. Consideration to reschedule the November IEDC regular meeting. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It is the past practice of the IEDC to reschedule or cancel their regular November meeting, given that the Industry of the Year event occurs late during the month of October. For this November, there is also a conflict with elections occurring on the November 2nd date. At this time, staff is requesting IEDC direction on the item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to cancel the regular IEDC meeting on November 2nd, 2015. 2. Motion to reschedule the regular IEDC meeting of November 2nd, 2015 to _______. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. IEDC Agenda – 10/06/15 8. Table Topic – Wright Technical Center Apprentice Program. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mark Lee, Work-Based Learning Coordinator at Wright Technical Center, will be present to provide information on Wright Technical’s workforce development concept. The program connects high schools, technical centers/colleges and businesses to build skills for a career in the manufacturing industry B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None.