IEDC Agenda 12-03-2013AGENDA INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE(IEDC) Tuesday,December3rd -7a.m. BridgeRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Members:JoniPawelk,WayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,RichHarris,TimO’Connor,(Pat Thompson),BillTapper,DickVanAllen,DanOlson,ZonaGutzwiller,Jim Johnson,DonRoberts,MaryBarger,TaraThurber Liaisons:JeffO’Neill,AngelaSchumann,MayorClintHerbst,GlenPosusta,Marcy Anderson 1.CalltoOrder 2.ApprovalofMinutes–October11,2013Meeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Reports a.EconomicDevelopmentReport: i.DecemberPlanningCommission b.IEDCBusinessRetention&ExpansionReport: c.CityCouncil: d.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry: e.TAC: 5.Considerationofappointing2014IEDCmembers 6.Considerationtoreview2013Workplanandsettingofpreliminary2014Workplangoals 7.Addeditems 8.Adjournment MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Wayne Elam, Rich Harris, Pat Thompson for Tim O’Connor, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tara Thurber Absent: Joni Pawelk, Luke Dahlheimer, Tim O’Connor Others: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Wayne Elam called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes – September 10, 2013 Meeting JIM JOHNSON MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 MEETING MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 11-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report:  Market Matching Economic Development Services – WSB’s John Uphoff provided the City Council and the EDA a progress report of both tangible deliverable work and sales work completed through Market Matching efforts. He highlighted: 1) Unique selling proposition – Monticello as a high-tech community 2) Recent events connecting Monticello with brokers and national site selectors 3) Marketing materials – Sales sheets for all vacant properties & updated online info  R-4 District Consideration – The Planning Commission and the City Council will schedule a joint worksession to discuss the impacts of the addition of the R-4 (Medium to High Density) Residence District to the Zoning Ordinance. b. IEDC Membership/Business Retention and Report: None IEDC Meeting Minutes: 10/01/13 2 c. City Council: Staff and Council representatives provided the following updates:  Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) Vote - The MYSA membership will vote on November 2nd on a proposal to locate their regional headquarters at the Monticello biofields site.  Tower Update - The Council will be asked to approve a lease agreement with Verizon Wireless and accept bids and award a contract for a Wireless Telecommunications Monopole at the Public Works site.  Corridors of Commerce - The City Council will be asked to approve sending a letter in support of the I-94 West Coalition’s request to include a six lane I-94 expansion project as part of the Corridors of Commerce program. d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: The annual Chamber banquet has been scheduled for December 6th. Chamber staff will primarily focus on preparing for the Frostbite Challenge throughout the next few months. e. TAC: Staff provided a status update related to ongoing and upcoming transportation issues and projects. Wayne Elam will email the TAC regarding I-94 Coalition efforts and current land and funding issues related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass. 5. Consideration of awarding 2013 Industry of the Year The IEDC voted for 2013 Industry of the Year by secret ballot. Votes were tallied by Wayne Oberg and Angela Schumann. Suburban Manufacturing received the majority vote. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AWARD THE 2013 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR AWARD TO SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 11-0. The Industry of the Year Breakfast is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 23rd at the Monticello Community Center. 6. Adjournment DICK VAN ALLEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:59 A.M. DON ROBERTS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 11-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri __ Approved: Attest: _____________________________ Community Development Director IEDC Agenda: 12/03/13 1 4. Economic Development Report Building Permit Activity Residential Building Permits New construction house permit numbers through November 1st, 2013 are at 57 permits issued, with a valuation of $8,743,680.00 (average price per home is $153,398). In comparison, the City issued 18 new construction home permits over the same period in 2012. Commercial / Industrial Building Permits Through Nov. 1st, the total valuation of permits issued was approximately $3,000,000. The larger projects include Cornerstone Chevrolet, Dollar Tree and Marshall’s. Last year through the same time period, permit valuation was approximately $2,000,000. Total Building Permits through November 1st 2013 YTD 2012 YTD Total Permits: 632 621 Total Valuation: $14,417,792 $11,912,335 West 7th Street Extension Project – Construction Update West 7th Street is scheduled to open to traffic on November 26th or shortly thereafter, depending on when street lighting will be complete. Prior to the street being opened, Public Works will install signs noting “change in traffic control” on the Minnesota and Elm Street south bound approaches to 7th Street, as this will now be a stopped condition and 7th St will be the thru street. I-94 Reconstruction Project (CSAH 18 to West OF TH 25) MnDOT plans to complete a reconstruction of I-94 between CSAH 18 and TH 25, including full concrete replacement, addition of an acceleration lane in both directions, and installation of a concrete center barrier between eastbound and westbound inside lanes and along the eastbound loop on ramp. The project includes building shoulders on the inside lanes to set it up for a future full six-lane expansion as part of the I-94 West Expansion initiative from Rogers to St. Cloud. The project will be staged to keep one lane of traffic in each direction open at all times on I-94. In addition, full pavement replacement will be completed at the TH 25/I-94 interchange ramps. Pedestrian ramp improvements will be completed at the NE ramp and the TH 25/Oakwood Avenue intersection. A dedicated right turn lane to northbound TH 25 will be added at the NE off ramp. A noise analysis was also completed by MnDOT for the project, as acceleration lanes are being added. As a result of the analysis and neighborhood meeting with affect property owners, the project includes a 20-foot high noise wall 970 feet in length be constructed along the Bluffs Apartment complex. In the future, if I-94 is expanded to 6 lanes, another noise analysis will be IEDC Agenda: 12/03/13 2 completed and it is possible that additional noise walls will be needed for other residential properties along the corridor. Construction is scheduled to occur between April and October, 2014. TAC Update Draft meeting minutes from the last meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee are attached for reference. TIF 1-6 Update Modifications to Tax Increment Financing District 1-6 to facilitate accomplishment of Comprehensive Plan and Embracing Downtown objectives were approved by resolution of both the EDA and City Council in November. You can view the Council agenda item for additional background information by clicking here. Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park On November 12th, 2013, the City Council approved the last in a series of documents related to the Phase IV acquisition at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Phase IV includes a majority of Bertram Lake and its west and south shorelines. The purchase documents for the Phase IV acquisition also provide a framework for the operation of YMCA Camp Manitou within the larger regional park. A map of the phased acquisitions in progress is included for reference. You can also read more about Phase IV by clicking here. The closing on the property is scheduled for December 17th, 2013. R-4 (High Density) Residence District Workshop The Planning Commission and City Council met in a joint session on November 25th to discuss the R-4 (High Density) Residence District. The meeting served the following purposes: 1. Confirmed that both the current Planning Commission and City Council are committed to the inclusion of an R-4 District within the zoning ordinance, thereby creating the opportunity for multi-family housing within the community. 2. Established a draft set of criteria or factors which make a site a more likely candidate for R-4 zoning. 3. Outlined a preliminary understanding of which factors from above may be most important to rezoning decisions. 4. Reviewed a mix of sites (in various locations and with various current zoning designations) for discussion on whether they were potential R-4 sites and how the outlined criteria applied to each. 5. Confirmed that the consensus is not to rezone property by City application/action at this time. a. The group agreed that the ability to direct or provide applicants with criteria and possible locations is preferred. b. The group also agreed that rezoning requests should come from property owners and/or applicants. IEDC Agenda: 12/03/13 3 The next step will be for staff to review all of the information gathered from the above discussion and provide a summary report to both bodies, which may occur in another workshop setting. Planning Commission - December A copy of the December Planning Commission agenda is attached for reference. TAC–November14,2013Page 1 of 5 MINUTES MONTICELLOTRASNPORTATIONADVISORYCOMMITTEE Thursday,November14,2013–7:30a.m. AcademyRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter MembersPresent:LukeDahlheimer,RodDragsten,MayorClintHerbst,BillTapper, RichHarris,CharlotteGabler(conferencecall-in) MembersAbsent:CouncilMemberLloydHilgart,DonRoberts OtherAttendees:ChuckRickart,WSB&Associates BretWeiss,WSB&Associates JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator 1.CalltoOrder Themeetingwascalledtoorderat7:30a.m. 2.ConsiderationofapprovingminutesoftheSeptember12,2013TACmeeting BILLTAPPERMOVEDTOAPPROVETHEMINUTESOFTHESEPTEMBER12, 2013TACMEETING.MOTIONSECONDEDBYRODDRAGSTEN.MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY6-0. 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda A.MYSAUpdate:JeffO’NeillinformedtheTACthattheMYSAvotedagainst comingtoMonticello.Oneofthemainobjectionsfromtheassociationmembersin thesouthdistrictwasthedistanceandtheperceptionthatMonticelloisnotclose enoughtothebulkofthesoccercommunityinMinnesota.JeffsaidthatiftheI-94 corridorimprovementswerealreadyinplace,theperceptionmayhavebeendifferent andtheymayhavebeenmoreopentocomingtoMonticello. . 4.FallonAvenueOverpass A.Propertyappraisalreview:BretWeissstatedthatatthelastmeetinghehad receivedthedraftappraisal.Anaddendumwasaddedtotheappraisaltoincludewhat theamountwouldbeforjustthelandneededatthistimeandleavetheremaining landforthechurch.Thatcomesinataroundhalfthecostofpurchasingalltheland basedontheappraisal.Allofthepropertywilleventuallyneedtobepurchased. TAC–November14,2013Page 2 of 5 B.Nextsteps: CityAttorney:BretWeissandJeffO’NeillwillbemeetingwiththeCity Attorneytodiscusstheappraisalandoptionspriortobringingtocouncil. CityCouncil:TherewillbeaclosedmeetingwiththeCityCounciltodiscuss optionsandthedetailsofthecomprehensiveoffertothechurchboard. ChurchofSt.Henry’s:Presentacomprehensiveoffertothechurchboard. Therefore,itwouldbebeneficialtogettheleadersofthechurchengagedand onthesamepage.Bretsaidhewouldliketositdownwithacommitteeofthe churchtotalkaboutthedetailsandthestipulationsthatthechurchneedsto meetbaseduponthecomprehensiveagreement. TAC:Afterthediscussionswiththechurch,theoverpassdesignalternatives willbebroughtbacktotheTACfordiscussionandselection. 5.SecondRiverCrossingplanningprogress A.Agencymeetingsrecap: WrightCounty:ChuckRickartstatedthattheyhavemetwithWrightCounty andthemeetingwentverywell.WrightCountyisonboardwiththeideaof anagencytaskforceandwe’lljustneedtogetthemtheplanforthat. SherburneCounty/BigLakeTownship:ThejointmeetinginSherburne Countydidnotgoaswell,andtheyhadmanyconcerns,withthemainworry beingcondemnation.Chucksaidthateverythingwaslaidoutandexplained tothemabouttheoptionsbetweenCSAH18vs.WashingtonStreetandhow thecrossingatWashingtonwouldhavetheleastimpactontheirside.The conclusionofthemeetingseemedgoodwiththeirquestionsanswered. BigLakeTownshipresponseletter:ChucksaidthatMonticelloreceiveda letterfromBigLakeTownshiprequestingdocumentsandinsinuatingthat Monticellomaybewithholdinginformation.Chuckdistributedaresponse lettertoBigLakeTownshipfortheTACtoreview.Inthisletter,itis explainedthatnothinghasbeenwithheldandafullstudyfortherivercrossing hasnotyetbeencompleted.AtthispointMonticelloisexploringvery preliminaryoptionsforpotentialcrossinglocations.Itwasalsoexplainedin theletterthatitistheintentofMonticellotoformataskforcewithBigLake Townshipandvariousotheragenciestoexplorethisplan. B.AgencyTaskForce: 1.Participants:TaskforceagencyshouldincludetheCityofMonticello,Wright County,SherburneCounty,BigLake,BigLakeTownship,Mn/DOT,Becker TownshipandpossiblytheCityofBecker(Bretwilltalktothem).Bret Weisssaidthathewillalsoreachouttosomeoftheelectedofficialsandstate representativesforthisarea. TAC–November14,2013Page 3 of 5 2.Schedule:Chuckwillputtogetheraletterfortheproposedtaskforce participantswiththegoaltohavethefirstmeetinginJanuary2014.Thetask forcecanthendecidehowmanymeetingstohave.Bretsaidthatweneedto getthegroupgoingandonboardsothatwecandeterminehowwe’regoing tomoveforwardandsharecosts.Chuckagreedthatifyoucanshowthatyou canworktogetherasacoalitionthatwillgoalongwayinhelpingtoget funding. C.Backgrounddata/analysisbinder:Bretsuggestedputtingtogetherabinderofall thestudiesthathavebeendonetodateonthispotentialcrossing.Thebindershould alsoincludetrafficstudiesandthecoststhatMonticellohasspenttodateonthe study.Bretsaiditwillbeimportanttokeeptrackofthecostsbecausewhenit becomesaprojectinthefutureitcanbeincorporatedintothewholeproject. 6.TH25atCSAH75 A.RevisedlayoutsNWquadparking:ChuckRickartdistributedandreviewedthe currentplanforTH25atCSAH75Intersection.Chucksaidthatinmeetingswith WrightCountytheywouldnotapprovethecurrentplan,whichistheplanthatwas includedwiththefundingapplication.ThatplanbringsCSAH75downtoasingle lanewestboundandthecountywillnotapprovethatastheysaiditwouldnegatively affecttrafficflowgoingfromtwolanesdowntoonelane. B.ConceptAlternatives:Chuckdistributedandreviewedtherevisedplanwhich includes4lanesonCSAH75(asrequestedbyWrightCounty),butitexcludes parkingonportionsofBroadway,specificallyonthesouthside.Thenorthside wouldofferaccesstoatemporaryparkinglot.What’sdrivingthisnoparkingisthe needfordualleftturnlanesgoingfromBroadwayontoTH25.Thisdualleftturnis afutureneedandnotanissueneededtoday.Discussedremovingtheleftturnfrom Westbound75ontoWalnutStreet.Chucksaiditcouldcauseasafetyissueby eliminatingthatturnlanebuthewilllookintoit.Discussedtheneedoftalkingtothe propertyownerandobtainingthevacantlotonthesouthsideof75toaccessparking tothebackofthebusinesses.Thiswouldbeatemporarylotwhichwouldgiveyou parkingoffthestreetsimilartothetemporaryparkinglotproposedonthenorthside of75.BretWeisssaidhewouldliketofindawaytofinishthewholeproject becausegettingpeopleinandoutisgoingtobethesuccessoftheentiredowntown areainMonticello.Chucksaidthathewillrevisetheconceptlayouttoincludethe temporaryparkingareaonthesouthsideof75aswellasthenorthside.Theconcept layoutshouldbefinalizedbyFebruary2014. C.MeetingwithWrightCountyTransportationCommittee:Bretsaidthattheyhave askedtoattendtheWrightCountyTACMeeting.Bretsaidtheycanstillpitcha singlelanegoingthroughtomaintaintheparkingonBroadway.Willbemeeting withWrightCountyinDecemberorJanuary. TAC–November14,2013Page 4 of 5 D.Schedule:Chuckdistributedthepreliminaryschedulefortheprojectwithpotential completionbyOctober2015. 7.Otherprojectupdates A.Trafficsignalupgrades(flashingyellowarrows,batterybackups):ChuckRickart distributedaerialmapsidentifyingthe13signallightsintheCityofMonticello. Chuckexplainedthatthereisapushtoconvertasmanyofthoseaspossibletothe flashingyellowleftturnarrows.Chucksaidthetrafficflowimprovementwiththe yellowflashingarrowswillbeseenmostlyduringoffpeaktimes.Chucksaidthat CSAH18wouldbenefitfromtheflashingyellowleftturnarrows.Hehasbeenin contactwithMn/DOTandtheysaidifallpartieswouldagree(city/county/state)it wouldbea1/3-1/3-1/3split.Theestimatedcostis$60,000butChucksaidthathe needstoclarifythatamountasitseemstoohigh.Othersignalswerediscussedas seeingabenefitfromtheflashingyellowarrows.Chucksaidthenextstepistoget moredetailedcostestimatesandtalkaboutcostsharing.Ifthereisanidentified safetyconcernthenWrightCountymayparticipate.Chucksaidoncewegetcosts andprioritiesthenwecanapproachthecountyandbusinessestoassistwithcost sharing. B.West7th StreetExtension:Thefirstlifthasbeencompletedandthestreetlightswill beinstallednextweek;willbeopentotraffictheweekofNovember25th. C.TH25expansiontoCR106(2015construction):Projectisscheduledfor2015 construction. D.I-94–TH25toCSAH18(2014construction):Projectscheduledtocommence nextsummerwithaplanneddetourfromoneramptothenextramp(rampsatTH25 andCSAH18)duringconstruction.Therampswillnotbeclosedatthesametime butwillrotatewiththeconstruction.Asoundwallisalsoplannedtobeinstalledon thebacksideoftheapartmentsalong7th Street. E.I-94thirdlanefrom101to241(CorridorsofCommerce):Thefundingwillbe announcedatapressconferencetodaybyGovernorDayton. 8.Approvenextmeetingdateandtime ThenextTACmeetingisscheduledforThursday,January9,2014at7:30a.m.inthe AcademyRoomattheMonticelloCommunityCenter. TAC–November14,2013Page 5 of 5 9.Adjournment Meetingadjournedat9:15a.m. Recorder:BethGreen AdministrativeAssistant Approved: Attest: JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Monday, December 3rd, 2013 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting - September 3rd, 2013 (to be posted) b. Regular Meeting - October 1st, 2013 c. Regular Meeting – November 4th, 2013 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Consideration to call for a public hearing for an Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 1 - Landscaping & Screening for adoption of regulations pertaining to native landscaping requirements and Chapter 3, Section 4(D) – RA (Residential Amenities) District. Applicant: City of Monticello 6. Consideration to review and recommend for the expiring terms of Planning Commissioners and to recommend appointment of Chair and Vice Chair. 7. Consideration to review for discussion the Land Use Application Process. 8. Community Development Director’s Report. 9. Adjourn. IEDC Agenda – 12/03/13 5. Consideration of appointing 2014 IEDC members. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The IEDC is asked to review for recommendation the schedule of 2013 Industrial & Economic Development Committee appointments. IEDC members are appointed by the City Council for three year terms. The City Clerk’s records indicate the IEDC’s current member terms as follows: IEDC: Bill Tapper 3 yr 2014 (3-year staggered terms) Jim Johnson 3 yr 2014 Tim O'Connor* 3 yr 2014 Rich Harris 3 yr 2015 Dick Van Allen 3 yr 2015 Dan Olson 3 yr 2015 Luke Dahlheimer 3 yr 2015 Mary Barger 3 yr 2015 Tara Thurber 3 yr 2015 Joni Pawelk 3 yr 2013 Zona Gutzwiller 3 yr 2013 Wayne Elam 3 yr 2013 Don Roberts 3 yr 2013 Glen Posusta Council Clint Herbst Council IEDC members Joni Pawelk, Zona Gutzwiller, Don Roberts and Wayne Elam expire in December, 2013. At the time of this report, members Gutzwiller, Roberts and Elam have agreed to serve another 3 year term. Staff is awaiting word from Commissioner Pawelk. The IEDC’s Organizational and Membership Guidelines indicate that while the committee has no set size requirement, the group shall generally consist of 16-18 members. As such, IEDC members are welcome to recommend additional business candidates for representatives. The IEDC’s make-up also includes two non-voting representatives from the City Council and one voting representative from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. The City Council will formally ratify appointments as recommended by the IEDC on December 9th, 2013. The IEDC will elect officers in January, 2014. IEDC Agenda – 12/03/13 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend to the City Council the appointment of IEDC Committee members __________________ to a new 3-year term on the IEDC. 2. Motion of no action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend that the IEDC appoint those members who have agreed to serve an additional three year term at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. IEDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines IEDC Agenda: 12/03/13 1 6. Consideration to review 2013 Workplan and setting of preliminary 2014 Workplan goals. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The IEDC adopts a workplan at the beginning of each year, outlining goals and objectives for the organization and staff for the next year. Staff would like to review with the IEDC its 2013 activities as related to the adopted workplan, and then open the floor for discussion on 2014 workplan goals and objectives. A copy of the IEDC’s 2013 workplan (with notations on project status) is included for reference. Staff will also meet with the out-going and incoming IEDC chairpersons in January to further refine the 2014 workplan prior to formal adoption. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No action necessary at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA 2013 Workplan and Notations INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE 2013WORKPLAN December2013UPDATE MissionStatement:TheMonticelloIEDCwilladvocateforindustrialandeconomicgrowth withintheCityofMonticellobypromotingawarenessandcommunicationeffortsonbehalfof thebusinesscommunity. Objective: TheIEDCisdedicatedtobeingpro-activeinfollowingtheguidelinesestablishedinthe MonticelloComprehensivePlan.ItistheintentionoftheIEDCtoworkwithintheareas identifiedbelowassupportingactionsandobjectives: LandUse: a.ProvideassistanceintheupdatingoftheEconomicDevelopmentsectionof ComprehensivePlan COMPLETED-JULY,2013 Transportation: a.ContinuetoleadtheCityinmovingforwardkeytransportationprojectsby participatingintheTransportationAdvisoryCommittee. ON-GOING–2013effortsofnote: LobbyingandcommunicationrelatedtoI-94Coalitioneffortsleadingto successfulCorridorsofCommercefundingfor6lanestoSt.Michael FallonAvenue–Appraisal,fundingprogramdevelopmentin2013 TH25/CSAH75–100%constructionfundingforimprovementssecured RiverCrossing–Outreachtoneighboringpartnersin2013,plandeveloped forfurthercommunicationsandplanning EconomicDevelopment: a.OngoingEfforts i.ConciergeProgram–Breakfastw/Mayor&Administrator ON-GOING –InSeptember,IEDCrequestedrenewedfocusonthiscomponent COMPLETE– CornerstoneChevrolet CentraCareHealthMonticello Cargill(December,2013) ii.BusinessRecognition–IndustryoftheYear COMPLETE–Attendanceup30%over2012 Formalizedprocessfornominationsandpublicrelations b.FocusedProjects i.IEDCNetworking/Prospecting IncorporatedmonthlyreportfromIEDCmembersaspartofregularagenda ii.SupportreSTOREingDowntown(EmbracingDowntown) iii.SupportBertramChainofLakes Nodirectaction.Considerrecommendationsofsupportin2014asrelatedto downtownredevelopmentandBCOLprojects c.Communications i.EconomicDevelopmentWebsite WaitingforrecommendedrevisionsperMarketMatching ii.Enews CommunicationsCoordinator/CDDtodeveloppostsforeachmonthlyenews iii.CityAdmin/CommunityDevelopmentE-correspondence Noaction