IEDC Agenda 10-01-2013 AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, October 1st- 7 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members: Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Rich Harris, Tim O’Connor, (Pat Thompson), Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tara Thurber Liaisons: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Mayor Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes – September 3rd, 2013 Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report: i. October Planning Commission b. IEDC Business Retention Report: c. City Council: d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: e. TAC: 5. Consideration of awarding 2013 Industry of the Year 7. Added items 8. Adjournment MINUTES INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE(IEDC) Tuesday,September10,2013-7:00a.m. BridgeRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:JoniPawelk,WayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,TimO’Connor,(PatThompson), BillTapper,DickVanAllen,DanOlson,ZonaGutzwiller,JimJohnson,Don Roberts,MaryBarger Absent:RichHarris,TaraThurber Others:JeffO’Neill,AngelaSchumann,ClintHerbst,GlenPosusta,MarcyAnderson 1.CalltoOrder JoniPawelkcalledthemeetingtoorderat7:00a.m. 2.ApprovalofMinutes–August6th,2013Meeting PATTHOMPSONMOVEDTOACCEPTTHEAUGUST6TH,2013MEETING MINUTES.BILLTAPPERSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED11-0. 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda None 4.Reports a.EconomicDevelopmentReport:Staffprovidedstatusupdatesrelatedtorecent PlanningCommissionagendaitemsandnoteditemstobeincludedaspartofthe followingmonth’sagenda.DiscussionincludedIEDCmemberfeedbackasrelated totheIRETPropertiesapplicationforcomprehensiveplanamendmentand rezoningrequest.ThePlanningCommission’srecommendationwastodenyboth applicationsasaresultofafailedmotiontoapprove.Noformalrecommendation ontheapplicationwasmadebytheIEDC. b.IEDCMembership/BusinessRetentionandReport:Staffandcommitteemembers sharedinformationrelatedtothecurrentnewsoffthestreet,businessexpansion plansonthehorizonandnetworkingthatmaybegoingoninthecommunity.This includedanupdateonafuturepotentialDahlheimerDistributionexpansion, locationoftheRunningsstoreattheformerKmartbuilding,andapplicationby ALDIforplatandconditionalusepermit. c.CityCouncil:StaffandCouncilrepresentativesprovidedprojectandissuestatus updatesandrespondedtocommitteequestions,includingtheproposedCity telecommunicationstower,whichwasrecommendedforapprovalbythePlanning CommissionandwillbereviewedbytheCityCouncilfordecision. IEDCMinutes:09/10/13 2 d.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry:MarcyAndersonreportedoncurrent Chamberevents,projectsandissues. e.TAC:Staffprovidedastatusupdateaboutongoingandupcomingtransportation issuesandprojects.TheTransportationAdvisoryCommittee(TAC)isscheduledto meetThursday,September12th,at7:30a.m.attheMonticelloCommunityCenter. 5.IEDCMeetingProcess Therewassomegeneraldiscussionrelatedtothecommittee’sevolvingmeetingprocess. Staffnotedthataninternaleffortisbeingmadetostreamlineandstandardizetheminutes forvariousCitycommissions,includingtheIEDC. 6.MinnesotaManufacturer’sWeek/IndustryoftheYear Therewassomeconsiderationoftheawardreviewprocessanddiscussionrelatedtothe selectionofaspeakerfortheeventbreakfastscheduledforWednesday,October23rd at 7:30a.m.attheMonticelloCommunityCenter.SuburbanManufacturingandXcelEnergy werenominatedforthe2013IndustryoftheYearaward.Votingfor2013Industryofthe YearwilloccurattheOctoberIEDCmeeting. 7.Adjournment WAYNEELAMMOVEDTOADJOURNTHEMEETINGAT8:15A.M.BILL TAPPERSECONDEDTHEMOTION.MOTIONCARRIED11-0. Recorder:KerryBurri__ Approved:October1,2013 Attest:_____________________________________________ CommunityDevelopmentDirector IEDC Agenda: 10/01/13 1 4. Economic Development Report Market Matching Economic Development Services The EDA and City Council had the opportunity to hear WBS Market Matching representative John Uphoff discuss progress to-date on Market Matching efforts. Mr. Uphoff described both tangible deliverable work and sales work completed on Monticello’s behalf. The Powerpoint presentation from that evening is included here for the IEDC’s reference. More detail will also be provided by staff in a verbal report at the IEDC meeting. Land Use Decisions At the last IEDC meeting, the group heard updates relative to items recommended for approval or denial by the Planning Commission, which were to be forwarded to the City Council for decision. To follow is a summary of action by the City Council: 1. Continued Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a change in land use designation from Places to Shop to Places to Live and a request for rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business) District to R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District. Applicant: IRET Properties Action: Denied 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus (CentraCare Health Monticello) for the relocation of an accessory use heliport. Applicant: CentraCare Health System Monticello Action: Approved 3. Public Hearing – Consideration of a zoning text amendment to Title 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13(E) adding Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures as accessory uses on publicly owned property by Conditional Use Permit, a request for Conditional Use Permit for Antenna Support Structure in a R-2 (Single and Two-Family Residential) District, and a request for Conditional Use Permit for Co-location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna. Applicant: City of Monticello and Verizon Wireless Action: Approved 4. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Amendment to CUP for Addition of Equipment for Co-Location of Wireless Communication Antennae. Applicant: Faulk & Foster for AT & T Mobility Action: Approved 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Official Zoning Map for the City of Monticello for rezoning from R-2 (Single and Two-Family Residential) to CCD (Central Community District), sub-district F-2 (Convenience and Services). Applicant: City of Monticello Action: Approved IEDC Agenda: 10/01/13 2 EDA Activities In October the EDA will be asked to take action to approve continued membership in the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. The WCEDP is membership-based economic development agency acting on behalf of the cities within Wright County. WCEDP is responsible for a coordinated distribution of business location/development leads distribution in partnership with Greater MSP, a 12-county metropolitan economic development initiative, as well as maintenance of available land and buildings database for all of Wright County. The partnership also continues to offer cooperative marketing for Wright County, and opportunities for networking and collaboration among its member cities, organizations, and businesses. The EDA will also be asked to consider a resolution modifying TIF District 1-6 to utilize available tax increment in that district for continued downtown acquisitions on strategic blocks, and to facilitate possible right of way acquisitions associated with the Fallon Avenue overpass. Planning Commission October agenda attached for reference. Xcel Energy Industry Breakfast Xcel Energy’s annual industry breakfast was held on September 25th, 2013. Representation included State legislators, City and County elected officials, law enforcement, city officials and community leaders. Xcel’s presentation included an update on both the Monticello and Becker power plant facilities, as well as a look into future energy projects on the horizon for Xcel. Our thanks to Xcel for hosting this event each year – an important opportunity to learn more about the operation and improvements made at both facilities. IEDC Agenda: 10/01/13 3 DRAFT REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting of August 6th, 2013 3. Citizen Comments 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Public Hearing –Consideration of a request for Variance to required side yard setbacks in the R-1 District, Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District and a request for Conditional Use Permit for detached accessory structure. Applicant: Walters, Charles 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of request for Conditional Use Permit for detached accessory structure. Applicant: Eiden, Karl 7. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Shared Access for a retail commercial use in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: ALDI, Inc. 8. Community Development Director’s Report 9. Adjourn. 5:00 PM – Special Planning Commission Workshop Native Landscaping & RA-Zoning Discussion Special Joint Meeting – Monticello City Council/EDA September 23, 2013 Update on Market Matching Program Market Data Report – Situation Analysis •Complete Data Review – Review the assets in the community to ensure they are well defined and accessible •Define Monticello’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) “Up to 90% of market research is conducted on a desktop.” – Mark Rossate, Site Selection Consultant speaking at the 2013 EDAM Conference in Duluth, MN Website Review •Main City of Monticello •Building Business landing page •ReSTOREing Downtown Monticello •WCEDP •MNDEED Shovel Ready •Positively MN (MNProspector) •CoStar Collateral Material Review •Site Flyers •Chamber Quarterly •Press Releases •News Articles •Social Media Market Studies & Recommended Priority for New Data Sets Reviewed •Comprehensive Plan •Retail Market Analysis •ReSTOREing Downtown Recommend •Update Building Business Landing Page with all commercial listings – Right now •General Market Data – Right now •Labor Shed Analysis & Labor Market Study – Winter •Housing Market Study – Winter/Spring New Data Sets •General Market Data (modeled after the International Economic Development Council Site Selector Data Standards – Deployable on City’s Webpage via PDF and XLS) •Demographic Characteristics •Leading Employers •New and Expanded Companies •Higher Education Resources •Vocational/Technical Center Resources •Last Year Available Payroll Costs by Industry •Average Salary by Selected Occupation •Workers Compensation & UI Insurance •Transportation •Taxation •Occupancy/Supply •Utilities •Quality of Life New Data Sets •Labor Shed Analysis and Labor Market Study –Labor shed is critical to display to site selectors. Labor sheds vary greatly in scope from one city to another. –Site Selectors need help understanding Monticello’s labor shed. –WSB uses ESRI BAO to assist in this effort. New Data Sets •Housing Market Study – A lot has changed in the residential market since the last time a housing market study was completed. –Need to make sure we are aligning our business development efforts with residential supply. Development of Monticello’s Unique Selling Proposition Discovery Key Features •High Speed Fiber Optic Internet •High Quality of Life –Parks and Pathways –Large Regional Park (unique attributes) –Mississippi River Access •Geographic Location –Access to Freeways –Access to Rail –Access to National Shippers? •Sara Burrows •Kevin McKinnon •Stacy Crakes •Gene Goddard •WSB Research •Angelos Angelou •Phil Schnieder •Tom Lambrecht •City Staff •Mark Pultusker •Shawn Weinand •Charlie Pfeffer •Wayne Elam •Ted LaFrance •Jim Gromberg •Patti Gartland Data Deployment •Responded to three specific RFIs –We have received notice that there is some early interest from one of our responses – stay tuned •Contacted Conlin’s Furniture RE: vacant cornerstone site •Met with Kevin McKinnon – Discussed technology firms & emerging small uav firms •Attended Site Selector Fam Tour –Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation –GreaterMSP –Positively MN Site Selector Familiarization Tour •Three days - September 10 – 12 •Five national site selection consultants came to check out Minnesota •WSB in partnership with Monticello & WCEDP played a central role representing our region Exclusivity – Only a handful of cities participated Regional Approach – Presented data on the region (Wright County) as well as the City of Monticello Site Selector Familiarization Tour Angelos Angelou Angelos was responsible for the recruitment of 400 technology companies and some 70,000 employees, including, IBM, Apple, Samsung, Motorola, AMD, Cypress Semiconductor, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, and Sematech. A highly visible leader in the field of economic development across the U.S., Angelos is widely regarded as the chief architect in the establishment of Austin as a high tech center. Site Selector Familiarization Tour Phil Schnieder Mr. Schneider conducted nearly 400 engagements for clients in heavy manufacturing, high technology, headquarters, R&D, call center, and shared services. He developed corporate location strategy and selection decision processes; screened and analyzed countries, states, and cities; developed operating costs and business condition benchmarking models; and led corporate negotiations for government incentives and real estate acquisition. Some of Mr. Schneider’s past clients are: Amgen, Apple Computer, Bosch, Bridgestone, Caterpillar, Concentrix Solar, Elkhem Solar, Gap, Genentech, HP, Hyundai, John Deere, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kimberly-Clark, Land's End, Mattel, Michelin, Morgan Stanley, Nestle, nVidia, Pratt & Whitney, Q- Cells Solar, Raflatac, Renewable Energy Corporation, Republic Steel, Soitec Semiconductor, Synthes, ThyssenKrupp, and Toyota. Site Selection Familiarization Tour Example of Data Deployed Site Selection Familiarization Tour Next Step –Re -connect with Angelos Angelou RE: Labor Shed Analysis and more information on available sites based on his feedback. –Continue conversations with Jim Gromberg and Kevin McKinnon to get Monticello front and center at a state level. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? IEDC Agenda – 10/01/13 1 5. Consideration of awarding 2013 Industry of the Year (AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: The IEDC is asked to consider action related to the award for 2013 Industry of the Year event. The IEDC has received two nominations for this year’s industry of th e year award. With only two nominations, it was unnecessary for the subcommittee to meet this year to narrow the field of industries. However, both nominated industries have provided information via a requested survey and tours of both industries were arranged for the IEDC membership. Nominations are attached for reference, along with survey information and award criteria. The IEDC is asked to consider the nominations and complete a vote on this year’s award. Voting will be completed by secret ballot, with votes tallied by the Acting Chair. Please note that the current criteria adopted by the IEDC makes no reference to whether IEDC member industries are allowed to vote if nominated. As such, staff’s recommendation at this time is to allow for both IEDC member/nominated businesses to vote in the secret balloting until such time as the IEDC provides additional clarification in the criteria on this matter. In regard to further detail on the event itself, the event date has been set for Wednesday, October 23rd from 7:30 – 9:00 AM. Bruce Peterson, Executive Dean of Academic Initiatives for St. Cloud Technical & Community College will be the featured keynote. Invitations and press release regarding this event and 2013 award winner will go out this week. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award the 2013 Industry of the Year Award to _______________________. 2. Motion to table for further discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Industry of the Year Criteria B. 2013 Nomination Forms C. 2013 Nominee Surveys