IEDC Agenda 02-05-2013AGENDA MONTICELLOINDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE Tuesday,February5th,2013 7:00a.m.,MississippiRoom MEMBERS:ChairLukeDahlheimer,ViceChairJoniPawelk,RichHarris,PatrickThompson,BillTapper, DickVanAllen,DanOlson,ZonaGutzwiller,WayneElam,JimJohnson,DonRoberts, LIASIONS:SandySuchy,Chamber ClintHerbst,Mayor GlenPosusta,CityCouncil 1.CalltoOrder 2.ApproveMinutes: a.January15,2013(tobemadeavailable) 3.ConsiderationofaddingitemstotheAgenda 4.Reports: a.EconomicDevelopmentReport b.CityCouncil c.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry d.TAC 5.ConsiderationtoreviewdraftIEDCMissionStatement 6.Considerationof2013IEDCWorkplan 7.IEDCMembershipUpdate 8.EconomicDevelopmentPosition 9.Adjournment.(8:30am) IEDC Agenda: 02/05/13 1 4. Economic Development Report/TAC Report Cornerstone Auto Cornerstone has closed on the former Ford dealership site and has submitted an application for building permit for their building improvements. Interim Temporary Sign Ordinance Council adopted an extension of the Interim Sign Ordinance at its December 10th, 2012 meeting. Ordinance attached. Economic Development Chapter – Comp Plan City staff met with HKGi to review the preliminary data gathered for updating Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. HKGI has used a variety of resources to update the chapter’s information on population, age, income, employment, etc. They have also developed a strategy for incorporation of relevant data from the Business Retention & Expansion study and McCombs downtown market study. HKGi will present the data and discuss its relationship to the Economic Development Chapter with the small group of EDA, IEDC and Planning Commission members in February. A packet of materials, including the draft revision of Chapter 2 and current Chapter 4 with discussion points, will be sent next week. IEDC’s representatives to that committee are Wayne Elam and Don Roberts. The date for the meeting has been set for Thursday, February 14th. Staff is looking for a recommended meeting time. Embracing Downtown & reStoreing Downtown Relocation of tenants continues to progress on Block 34. Three tenants remain in the building and staff and the City’s relocation expert, Wilson Development Services, continue to work toward their relocation. The City has learned that the State of Minnesota will contribute $450,000 to the CSAH 75/TH 25 intersection improvements. This funding would be required to be utilized on or before FY2015. Wright County has also indicated that they would be willing to contribute an amount of funding equal to the cost of a street overlay for CSAH 75 in the project area. In addition, the City will find out in February whether it was successful in its third attempt at federal grant funding for the project. The need to complete improvements at the intersection will impact how quickly the Montgomery Farms buildings are demolished. This in turn, impacts the tools and resources available for private redevelopment projects. IEDC Agenda: 02/05/13 2 The EDA will be holding a 2013-2014 workplan session in February and the redevelopment of Block 34 and timing of intersection improvements will be a priority topic for discussion. The reSTOREing downtown effort continues to push forward. The group launched its website in January. Planning Commission can follow the group’s efforts at www.reSTOREingdtmonticello.org Planning Commission Agenda The Planning Commission’s February agenda is attached for reference. The first rezoning request relates to the ability for an existing Monticello chiropractic clinic to relocate and expand into the former pet hospital building. The second rezoning request involves the rezoning of the former Dodge site to allow office uses as permitted rather than conditional. This would support the acquisition of the property by Xcel Energy for a permanent training location. The last request is for Conditional Use Permits for cross parking and access as required to allow the retail development of the small lot directly in front of Walmart. TAC/Transportation Updates The City is completing the feasibility report for the completion of 7th Street West from Minnesota to Elm Street. The project is tentatively scheduled for summer 2013, pending Council approvals and agreements with adjacent property owners. MnDOT will be completing an expansion of TH25 top four lanes south of Kjellberg’s Mobile Home Park in 2014. The expansion will include a reconfiguration of access points along the highway from Kjellberg’s to Cty. 106. In addition, MnDOT will be signalizing the TH25 and 106 intersection with the project. More information on this project can be found by viewing the Council agenda item online from the January 28th meeting. In 2014, MnDOT will also be working on I-94 to complete an additional lane between CSAH 18 and TH 25 exits to accommodate exiting and entering interstate traffic between the two interchanges, as well as an acceleration land onto eastbound i-94 from the TH 25 ramp. REGULAR MEETING MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman 1. Call to order 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting of December 4th, 2012 b. Regular Meeting of January 8th, 2013 (to be provided when available) 3. Citizen Comments 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Monticello for rezoning from a B-3 (Highway Business) District to a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Mickle, Bill 6. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Monticello for rezoning from a B-3 (Highway Business) District to a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Northern States Power 7. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permits for cross-parking and cross-access for a retail use in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Monticello Development Group, LLC 8. Consideration to approve the Official Zoning Map for the City of Monticello Applicant: City of Monticello 9. Consideration to approve Community Development Director’s Report 10. Adjourn. IEDC Agenda – 02/05/13 5. Consideration to review and revise as necessary the IEDC Mission Statement (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At its January meeting, the IEDC membership conducted an in-depth discussion regarding the benefits and purpose of the IEDC. Through discussion, the group reached a consensus that the IEDC served primarily as an advocate for the business community. The IEDC serves a valuable role in the opportunity for a cross-section of business to exchange ideas and information which supports business development and retention within the community. After reviewing three proposed mission statements, each with a different focus, the IEDC directed staff to prepare a mission statement focused on advocacy and including reference to the group’s involvement with business communications. A draft statement has been prepared accordingly and is presented for the IEDC’s consideration below. Current IEDC Mission Statement: To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage-level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment. Draft IEDC Mission Statement: Focus: Advocacy The Monticello IEDC will advocate for industrial and economic growth and assist in maintaining a desirable business environment within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Alternate, abbreviated: The Monticello IEDC will advocate for industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a revised mission statement as directed by the IEDC and to direct staff to prepare an amendment to the IEDC’s Enabling Resolution. 2. Motion of no action. IEDC Agenda – 02/05/13 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff will defer to the IEDC’s discussion on the proposed mission statement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. IEDC Enabling Resolution IEDCAgenda–02/05/13 6.Considerationof2013IEDCWorkplan.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thisdiscussionwastabledfromthepreviousmeeting. TheIEDCadoptsaworkplanatthebeginningofeachyear,outlininggoalsand objectivesfortheorganizationandstaffforthenextyear.Staffisrecommendingthat theIEDCconsidera2013workplandirectedataccomplishingthemissionasdeveloped underItem5ofthisagenda. Withthegoalofprovidingastartingpointfordiscussion,staffhasbrokenoutpossible objectivesfor2013intothreeareasoffocus–on-goingefforts,projectsand communications.Thespecificworkitemswhichcomeundertheseareasshouldbe tailoredtothemissionoftheIEDC. Duringthemeeting,staffwillcovereachofthefollowingandobviouslywelcomesthe inputofmembersonotherideasandprojectsforconsideration. (1)OngoingEfforts (a)ConciergeProgram (b)GrowMN–reportprovidedbySandySuchy (c)BusinessRecognition (2)FocusedProjects (a)IEDCNetworking/Prospecting (b)ComprehensivePlanUpdate (c)TransportationAdvisoryCommittee (d)SupportingEfforts:RestoreingDowntown,BertramChainofLakes (e)Other (3)Communications (a)EconomicDevelopmentWebsite (b)Enews (c)Cityresources IEDCAgenda–02/05/13 (d)CityAdmin/CommunityDevelopmentE-requests (e)MayorandCityAdministratorBreakfastMeetingswithIndustryandBusiness Representatives B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoadopta2013workplanasdirectedbytheIEDC. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: None. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.2012IEDCWorkplan B.GrowMNOverview INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2012 WORKPLAN Mission Statement: To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage-level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment. Objective: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro-active in following the guidelines established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: Land Use: a. Review Economic Development section of Comprehensive Plan b. Revaluate best location for a 2nd industrial park (large lot development approach) *Provide a recommendation for appropriate location of second industrial park to the EDA by fall of 2012 Quality of Life: a. Continue to support and participate in the progress of the Bertram Chain of Lakes project. b. Lead a City wide effort to define the City’s brand and implement the brand *Request the EDA and CC authorize an RFP process to engage advertising firms *Submit RFP by March of 2012 c. Support implementing the Embracing Downtown Plan *Participate in the creation of a new downtown leadership team Transportation: a. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects including but not limited to: *Second River Crossing, Fallon Avenue, and the expansion of I-94 *Through the TAC assist in determining the best location for a second River crossing and Fallon Avenue overpass *Meet with legislators *Determine best method to be placed on MNDOT’s list of priorities *Work with local business groups in surrounding communities Economic Development: BR&E: a. Follow up BR&E survey *Determine objective of survey *Electronic Survey *Send out survey by March of 2012 *Set up in order to allow issuance on a yearly basis b. Implement a monthly IEDC e-news update for the business community, written by the Chair and/or Vice Chair *Educate and inform the manufacturing community about the IEDC Training / Leadership Courses for local Businesses: a. Work with colleges and local manufactures to assist in establishing effective training and educational programs *Evaluate if appropriate and applicable to bring such courses to Monticello *Work with Monticello School District to implement Project Lead the Way or a similar STEM program. *Facilitate more frequent events between manufacturers and students. WhatisGrowMinnesota! GrowMinnesota!isanon-going businessretention,expansionandassistanceprogram ofthe MinnesotaAreaChamberofCommerce.Minnesota!'sstatewidepartnershipvisitscompanies aroundthestatetothankthemforinvestinginMinnesotaandemployingMinnesotans,tolearn moreaboutwhattheydo,andtoprovidedirectassistance,ifrequested.Visitsidentifyareas wherestateandlocalpolicy-makerscanworktoimprovetheoverallbusinessenvironmentand helpcompaniessucceedinMinnesota. Face-to-facevisitswerecompletedby57localGrowMinnesota!partnersaswellasthe MinnesotaAreaChamberofCommerce.Localpartnersincludechambersofcommerceand private-sectorledeconomicdevelopmentorganizations.Theprogramvisitedcloseto1,000 companiesthispastyear. TheprimarypurposeistostrengthenthebondamongMinnesota'sbusinessesandthe communitieswheretheyarelocated.23percentofvisitscompletedin2010-2011wererevisits. (Revisitscontinuetobeapriority.) UseofData-Valuableinformationisobtainedstatewideonbusinessconditionsandthesteps thatcanbetakenatlocalandstatelevelstoencouragebusinessretentionandgrowth.The majorityofGrowMNvisitshavebeentypicallybeeninthemanufacturingfieldwithlessthan50 employees. GrowMinnesota!pridesitselfasaproblem-solverforyoureconomicdevelopmentneeds.Onein sevenvisitsresultsinsomefollow-upassistance.Witheveryconversationandcall,weare buildingimportantbondsbetweenabusinessandourcommunityandstate.Wealsoare increasingtheutilizationofourstate’sgreatnetworkofpeopleandprogramsdesignedtohelp businessessucceedinMinnesota.Wearedoingeverythingwecantohelppreparebusinessesto grow. GrowMinnesota!continuestoprovideone-on-oneassistancetobusinessesacrossthestate. Assistanceisprovidedinthreeways:direct,financial,andonline.Themajorityofourassistance isprovidedbyour57localchamberorprivate-sectoreconomicdevelopmentpartnersandisa directresultofretentionvisits.Inaddition,assistanceisavailabletocompaniesthatGrow Minnesota!isnotabletovisitviaBusinessConnection. OneofeveryeightGrowMinnesota!visitstriggersafollow-uprequest.Theassistancewe providehasbecomeakeystoneintheprogram.ThisyearGrowMinnesota!provideddirect assistanceto125companies,protecting4,900Minnesotajobs. GrowMinnesota!furthereditsdirectassistanceeffortsin2012byinitiatingasmallbusiness lendingand/orloanparticipationprogram.Worktohelpsmallbusinessesfinancetheir operationsisadirectresultofthe2009"GetReadyToGrow"program.ThePohladFamily FoundationinspiredandfinancedGetReadyToGrowwitha$5.25Milliongranttothe MinnesotaChamberFoundationandGrowMinnesota! GrowMinnesota!continuestooperatetheBusinessConnectionwebsite (www.mnbizconnect.com)andtoll-freenumber(888-MINN-BIZ).BusinessConnectionisafree, onlinetoolforentrepreneursandbusinessowners.Thesiteprovidesaccesstoresourcesand personalizedassistance.In2010-2011programyear,theBusinessConnectionwebsitereceived 50e-mailrequestsforassistance,morethan50phonecalls,and940keywordsearches.All requestsreceivedaresponsewithin48hours. Retentionvisitsshowthat,relativetolastyear,moreMinnesotacompaniesareplanning expansions.Greatnews,butjustasgreat:justover80percentofthesecompaniessaytheir expansionswillbeintheircurrentcommunitiesorelsewhereinMinnesota,andalmosttwo- thirdsofthemsaytheirexpansionswillincreaseemployment.One-on-onemeetingsare designed,firstandforemost,tobuildaworkingrelationshipbetweenthecompanyandthe communityinwhichitislocatedandMinnesotaingeneral.Ineverycase,GrowMinnesota! offeredtoassistcompanieswiththeirexpansionplans.Allappreciatedtheoffer;however,most willcompletetheirexpansionswithoutanyspecialassistancefromGrowMinnesota!oranother economicdevelopmentorganization. Monticello’sCommitmentLevel –Survey5%ofBusinessCommunity;AttendSpring/Fall GrowMN!Meetings Training –ProvidedbyGrowMNTeamasneeded Customization –GrowMinnesota!providesseveraltoolstobesuccessful.Asapartner,we havetheflexibilitytousethesamplesprovidedordeveloptoolsofourown.Datafromsurveys areenteredintooneonlinedatabase.ManyofthesurveyscompletedduringtheBR&Eproject wereenteredintothisdatabasebychamberstaff.Asummaryofbusinessvisitsfollowsthis report.GrowMinnesotastaffcancustomizereportsforourneeds. GrowMinnesota! www.growminnesota.com BusinessConnection www.mnbizconnect.com 1October2010 SUB:GROWMINNESOTA!PARTICIPATIONTIERS Tier1–SomeLocalandRegionalChambersofCommerce Retentionvisits:Visitorrevisittheequivalentof5%ofmembership.HavealocalGrowMinnesota Committeemadeupofprivatesectorbusinessownersand/ormanagerswhoseresponsibilityistoselect andhelpvisitlocalcompanies. BusinessExpansionLeads:RespondtoleadsgeneratedthroughtheGrowMinnesota!statewide networkand/ortheMinnesotaChamber. Reporting:Completeareportoneachvisitandothercompany-specificretentioneffortswithin5daysofa visitorotheractivity.Use‘ReportonVisit’formforreportingandmanagingaccounts.UsetheGrow Minnesota!designatedonlinetoolforvisitreporting. Partners’Semi-AnnualMeetingsandTrainingSessions:Participationbythelocalchamber’sCEOis expected.Localcommitteevolunteersareencouragedtoattendsessions.Expensesforsemi-annual meetingsmealsandaccommodations(onenight,oneperson)areincludedintheprogramfee. BusinessAssistance:Localchamberisresponsibleforassistancetriggeredbybusinessretentionvisits andisthelocalcontactforbusinessassistanceinquiriesthatcomethroughtheGrowMinnesota! BusinessConnectionwebsiteand/or800number.Respondwithin24hourstoeveryinquiry. Recognition:IdentifiedinallGrowMinnesota!printedmaterialsandonthewebsiteasaGrow Minnesota!Leader. AdvisoryCommittee:EligibletoserveontheGrowMinnesota!Advisorycommittee.Thecommitteee setstheoverallgoalsanddirectivesofthestatewideprogram. AnnualReport:PriorityconsiderationforcoverphotofortheGrowMinnesota!AnnualReport. Fee:$1,000peryear Tier2–LocalEconomicDevelopmentCorporations SameasTier1,exceptthelocalsponsoringorganizationisalocaleconomicdevelopmentcorporationor similarorganization.AllGrowMinnesota!responsibilitiesanddutiesarecarriedoutbythelocal sponsoringorganization.Forexample,thesponsoringorganization’sCEOorthestaffpersonresponsible forGrowMinnesota!wouldattendthepartnershipmeetings. ThecorporationmusthavethefollowingcharacteristicstobeeligibletobeaGrowMinnesota!local partner: Itsprimarymissionmustbethegrowthanddevelopmentoftheeconomyofthecityorregioninwhich itislocated; Itsboardofdirectorsmustincludeasignificantnumberofleadersfromprivatefor-profitbusinesses. Thecorporationmustshowthatitsprivatesectorboardmembersareactiveandplayacentralrolein settingpolicy. ThestaffmemberwithleadresponsibilityforthelocalGrowMinnesota!programmustbean employeeofthecorporation;and Thecorporation’sGrowMinnesota!committeemustbechairedbyaprivatesectorbusinessleader. Fee:$1,000peryear MonticelloChamberBusinessesvisited2009-2012 FiscalYearEmployerName:AccountName 2011-2012SuburbanManufacturingInc 2011-2012BondhusCorp 2011-2012IndustrialMoldedRubberProducts 2011-2012WalkerIn-StoreInc 2011-2012WalkerIn-StoreInc 2011-2012AroplaxCorp 2011-2012StandardIron 2010-2011SimonsonLumberCo-Monticello 2010-2011KaltecofMinnesotaInc 2010-2011SMAElevatorConstructionCo 2010-2011BeldeChiropractic 2010-2011HoglundBusCo 2009-2010Gartner'sHallmark-Monticello 2009-2010TDSTelecom-Monticello 2009-2010MAJIRS!Advertising&Design 2009-2010CornerstoneCafe&CateringCo 2009-2010BullseyeProperties 2009-2010FirstMinnesotaBank-Monticello 2009-2010FosterCarlson&White 2009-2010FirstMinnesotaBank-Monticello 2009-2010PremierBank-Monticello 2009-2010AGloriousChurch 2009-2010ElectroIndustriesInc 2009-2010BondhusCorp 2009-2010CaribouCoffee-Monticello 2009-2010LochJewelers 2009-2010MonticelloCountryClub 2009-2010SchlennerWenner&Co-Monticello 2009-2010MidwestPrecisionManufacturing 2009-2010WashburnComputerGroup 2009-2010UltraMachiningCorp 2009-2010MNNorthlandRealEstateInc 2009-2010TwinCityDieCastingsInc-Monticello 2009-2010Martie'sFarmService 2009-2010AgostoLawOffice 2009-2010 StandardIron&WireWorksInc- Alexandria 2009-2010DragstenDevelopmentCorporation 2009-2010KwikTrip-Monticello 2009-2010ConroyLawOffice 2009-2010DahlheimerDistributingCo 2009-2010BestWestern-Monticello 2009-2010GenereuxFineWoodProducts 2009-2010SMAElevatorConstructionCo 2009-2010 CentralMinnesotaJobs&Training Services 2009-2010VonHanson'sMeats-Monticello 2009-2010SuburbanManufacturingInc 2009-2010SchluenderConstructionCo 2009-2010KarlsburgerFoodsInc 2009-2010CubFoods-Monticello 2009-2010BeldeChiropractic IEDC Agenda – 02/05/13 7. IEDC Membership Update. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The IEDC reviewed its current membership during its January meeting, which is as follows. Bill Tapper 3 yr 2014 Jim Johnson 3 yr 2014 Tim O'Connor 3 yr 2014 Rich Harris 3 yr 2015 Dick Van Allen 3 yr 2015 Dan Olson 3 yr 2015 Luke Dahlheimer 3 yr 2015 Joni Pawelk 3 yr 2013 Zona Gutzwiller 3 yr 2013 Wayne Elam 3 yr 2013 Don Roberts 3 yr 2013 Chamber President 2013 Glen Posusta Council Clint Herbst Council The IEDC’s Organizational and Membership Guidelines indicate that while the committee has no set size requirement, the group shall generally consist of 16-18 members. To fill the remaining 2-4 positions, staff was directed to make contact with a number of businesses to discuss the opportunity to serve. Staff has made contact with Aroplax, UMC, Bondhus Corporation, Electro Industries and Suburban Manufacturing. At this time, staff is awaiting responses from each of the above on their desire to serve on the IEDC. A follow-up email will be sent on Friday, February 1st to encourage a reply from each prior to the meeting. During the January meeting, it was noted that the group’s Membership Guidelines stipulate that there shall be one voting representative from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Chamber Executive Director Sandy Suchy indicated that the Chamber’s current President would serve that role, as noted above. Sandy Suchy will continue to serve as a Chamber resource to the IEDC. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Updated Membership Roster B. Membership Guidelines Voting Members Genereux Fine Wood Products Bill Tapper (763) 295-4222 (work)billt@westlunddistributing.com 212 Chelsea Road Monticello MN 55362 Monticello Public Schools #882 Jim Johnson (753) 272-2000 Jim.Johnson@monticello.k12.mn.us 302 Washington Street Monticello MN 55362 Xcel Energy (Monticello Nuclear Plant)Patrick Thompson/Tim O'Connor (763) 493-1631 (work)Patrick.Thompson@xenuclear.com/timothy.oconnor@xenuclear.com MN 55369 Midwest Precision Machining Richard Harris (763) 295-1100 (work)rharris@mpmminnesota.com 108 Chelsea Rd Monticello MN 55362 State Farm Insurance Dan Olson (763) 295-2199 (work)dan.olson.b5ai@statefarm.com 207 W. 3rd Street PO Box 265 Monticello MN 55362 Dahlheimer Beverage LLC Luke Dahlheimer (763) 295-3347 (work)luked@dahlh.com 3360 Chelsea Road PO Box 336 Monticello MN 55362 New River Medical Center Joni Pawelk (763) 271-2385 (work)joni.pawelk@newrivermedical.com 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Schlenner Wenner & Co.Zona Gutzwiller (763) 295-5070 (work)zgutzwiller@swcocpas.com 202 W 3rd St PO Box 755 Monticello MN 55362 Commercial Realty Solutions Wayne Elam (763) 682-2400 (work)welam@commrealtysolutions.com 3 Highway 55 West Buffalo MN 55313 Cargill Kitchen Solutions Theresa Wagner (763) 271-5600 (work)theresa_wagner@cargill.com 206 West 4th Street Monticello MN 55362 Van Allen, Dick Dick Van Allen (763) 295-5553 (work)vanallen1@fnmmail.com Monticello MN 55362 All Elements Inc.Tara Thurber (763) 314-0234 (work)tara@allelementsinc.net (763) 314-0233 1347 Dundas Circle Monticello MN 55362 Non-Voting/Liaisons Monticello Chamber of Commerce Sandy Suchy (763) 295-2700 sandy@monticellocci.com 205 Pine St PO Box 192 Monticello MN 55362 Monticello City Council Mayor Clint Herbst (612) 810-0840 diherbst@yahoo.com 505 Walnut S Monticello MN 55362 Monticello City Council Glen Posusta (763) 295-0099 (work)amaxstorage@fnmmail.com 36 Dundas Road Monticello MN 55362 2013 IEDC ROSTER - Current 1/31/13 IEDC Agenda – 02/05/13 8. Economic Development Position Update. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council and EDA met in a joint workshop on January 28th to discuss the next steps in hiring for an economic development position for the City. The City Administrator and Community Development Director have proposed re- focusing the position towards external sales and marketing for the City. The intent would be to put a strong emphasis on lead development and prospecting outside the community with the intent of attracting business and jobs to the community. The EDA and Council indicated general support for the idea, but requested that staff prepare and bring back for review the following information: 1. Job description – other cities or entities with similar positions 2. Impact on budget – pay range, potential expenses, etc. 3. Performance measures – how to determine success? What combination of factors? Under this plan, the City Administrator, Community Development Director and Finance Director would continue to support the internal economic development functions of the City. IEDC Chair Joni Pawelk and Vice Chair Wayne Elam were invited and did attend the workshop. A copy of the workshop agenda is also attached for reference. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTORITY Monday, January 28, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Community Center, Monticello MN Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf EDA Commissioners: Bill Demeules, Rod Dragsten, Matt Frie, Tracy Hinz, Bill Tapper Other: Jeff O’Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Purpose of Workshop: Economic Development Objectives Staff and Consultant Support for EDA Status of EDA Projects and Properties 3. Review Economic Development objectives a. Comprehensive Plan Update – Economic Development Chapter o Industrial Land Inventory o Market Study Data o Census Data o Permit Data o Establish new objectives and strategies for Economic Development b. Overall Goals  Attracting new businesses and industry - diversifying tax base and fostering living wage job development  Support growth of existing business and industry base  Downtown Redevelopment – Embracing Downtown 4. Discuss Staff and Consultant Support necessary to achieve objectives a. Proposing a New Direction for the position – Looking for feedback a. Why something new? i. Changing circumstances – Monticello has changed – job needs to fit changing circumstances. ii. Consulted with Greater MSP iii. Input from Focus Wayne Elam  New Focus – outreach  Sales & Marketing outside of Monticello o Prospect and lead driven position – outside of Monticello o Internal Monticello networking for lead generation and prospect purposes o Capitalizing on and working with FiberNet o Lead development and prospecting supporting downtown efforts o Leveraging partnerships with WCEDP & Greater MSP, Chamber o Building connections and relationships with brokers o Identifies resources, strengths and weaknesses needed to bring prospects to community o Reports to City Administrator/Executive Director of EDA  Provides status updates to EDA and IEDC b. Review and discuss skills and abilities required for position  Salaried  Self-motivated  Aggressive  Experience with private side project financing  Understanding of City/EDA subsidy programs and limits  Will incur expenses for outreach efforts (travel, etc.)  Verbal and written communication skills  Knowledge of government operations a plus c. Identify roles and responsibilities for City Administrator, Community Development Director and Finance Director, FiberNet General Manager relative to Economic Development Position  Negotiations Team  Budgeting Format  City Admin/Comm Dev/Finance Director Absorb the following: o Administration and recommendations for TIF Districts o Administration and recommendations for EDA budget o Administration of subsidy programs (GMEF, Small Cities, etc.) o Embracing Downtown/ReSTOREing downtown support and administration o Deal and land negotiations o Internal Monticello business retention and expansion and business relations – new position contacts existing businesses for the purpose of developing leads d. Identify relationship of new hire to City Committee Structure i. IEDC 1. Reports on marketing strategies and activities 2. Organizes and coordinates ambassador outreach to prospects ii. EDA 1. Reports on marketing strategies and outreach a. Industrial b. Business c. Redevelopment 5. Review status of various EDA Projects and Properties a. TIF 1-22 Management Plan – Management Direction Discussion a. Staff recommendation is Scenario A b. Review of EDA Workshop Topics  Block 34 and Anchor Block Work Products i. Understand costs ii. Understand opportunities  Marketing EDA Properties i. Review map  Housing Projects and Increment i. Tax Credit status – Autumn Ridge ii. Housing Increment 6. Adjournment