IEDC Agenda 09-06-2011AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 6, 2011 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Rich Harris, Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Don Roberts, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. August 2, 2011 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council 1. FiberNet 2. Community Center building improvements c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry d. TAC 5. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator — Jeff Sell b. Site Visits: TSISSG —September 22, 2011 at 9am (201 Chelsea Road) Aroplax (October), Future - Precision Technologies c. Word on the Street? 6. Fallon Avenue Rezoning Presentation by Tim Zipoy — October 29`h State of Manufacturing Event 9. Adjournment. (8:30am) MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, August 2, 2011- 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Don Roberts, and Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: LIASIONS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: 1. Call to Order Chair Rich Harris, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse Sandy Suchy, Chamber Glen Posusta, City Council Clint Herbst, Mayor Economic Development Director Megan Barnett - Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill Luke Dahlheimer called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MONTH JUNE 7, 2011 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY WES OLSON. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Suburban Manufacturing: Suburban Manufacturing hopes to begin construction on a new facility in the City's industrial park in September and move in by year end. The EDA and City Council will hold a public hearing to authorize a TIF plan in August. TIFDistrict 1 -22: The EDA and City Council will hold a joint meeting August 10th to consider how to best utilize surplus TIF from District 1 -22 for projects related to the downtown study. Legislation extended the Jobs bill which provides the opportunity to assist in kick starting private development with less restriction until July 2012. Greater MSP: City staff was contacted by Greater MSP, a private /public organization recently established to promote economic growth statewide, in an effort to engage Wright County in this effort. Local business leaders met with Greater MSP to strategize about working together to market the Wright County area. Megan Barnett- Livgard and IEDC Minutes 08/02/11 Wayne Elam have indicated they will represent Wright County on the Partnership Board. Project Lead the Way: Staff met with Monticello School District representatives to discuss how a Project Lead the Way program might provide manufacturing job skills for the school age kids. There was some discussion as to whether or not the curriculum was the right fit for the district at this time. Staff agreed to work with the district to bring high school students, and possibly teachers, into local manufacturing companies for tours. District representatives plan to attend the October IEDC meeting. Staff was encouraged to brief the school board on this effort. Training for Existing Businesses: Staff has been working with St. Cloud Technical College to establish training opportunities for Monticello manufacturing companies. Local business owners suggested a number of technical courses but there was little initial response to implementing classes. Staff will consider offering a pilot class this fall. Zoning Code Rewrite Group: Staff asked that the zoning code rewrite group reconvene on September 6th after the IEDC meeting to begin discussing acceptable building materials in the industrial district. b. City Council FiberNet (FNM): FNMhas achieved 26% of the available local market and expects to capture additional market shares next year. Co- locations have become a revenue source. Ben Ranft has been hired as the new general manager. A new phone system is now in place throughout City offices. MCC Report Community Center building improvement: There was a brief overview of the natatorium repair project and some discussion about the option of expanding the fitness center while making improvements to the building. New Development: Jimmy Johns and Napa broke ground for new buildings in town. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Legislator Amy Koch will attend the Chamber Luncheon on August 16th to provide an update on this legislative session. There will be a new Chamber website in place by August 20th. The Chamber has established a downtown committee to help run events. Two local businesses are closing in August: Strategic Equipment and Paeonia. d. TAC The Transportation Advisory Committee met to consider statistics gathered during a IEDC Minutes 08/02/11 destination and origination study regarding Fallon Avenue and a potential second river crossing. Staff will email the report to the IEDC. 5. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator Site visits will resume in September. b. Word on the Street? This item was not specifically discussed. 6. 2011 Industry of the Year Event The event will be held in October to coincide with manufacturing month. a. Speaker Staff asked for recommendations for speakers for this event and several options were considered. b. Partnership with Monticello school This item was not specifically discussed. c. Award subcommittee Staff will meet with the subcommittee to begin to discuss this year's award. Lego League Staff recommended soliciting donations $5,000 from local businesses to fund necessary upgrades for the First Lego League (FLL) program in the Monticello schools. The FLL will provide hands on experience with computers and robotics among students in grades 4 -9. Participation in the FLL has dropped as equipment has aged. The IEDC agreed that it is important to support programs and initiatives that help foster a skilled future workforce. There was some discussion about perhaps conducting a demonstration of the project at a Chamber luncheon and utilizing the Chamber newsletter to solicit donations. Patrick Thompson agreed to contact the Xcel Energy Foundation about a donation. 8. Embracing Downtown The Embracing Downtown Plan has received a positive response from the business IEDC Minutes 08/02/11 community despite some concerns about timing and rent structure proposals. Staff will work to facilitate progressive redevelopment to enable them to continue to do business as the downtown plan takes shape. The preferred plan is a land use plan supported by a number of different concept plans which indicate where redevelopment could occur. There was considerable discussion about how the plan could be implemented and the importance of resolving traffic patterns in the downtown. The EDA authorized $5,000 for Jim McComb to work directly with several private entities looking at building in Minnesota. The EDA will continue to review opportunities to purchase property downtown in a strategic manner taking into consideration the availability of TIF funds, land price, location, and compliance with the Embracing Downtown concept plans with the goal of investing wisely to leverage private investment. Staff will meet with the McCombs Group on August 24`h to review a draft of the final plan and the steering committee will meeting the week of August 29th. The plan will be brought to the EDA, Planning Commission, and City Council in September /October for final adoption and initiation of implementation strategies. 9. Adjournment WES OLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:23AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri _ Approved: September 6, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Economic Development Director Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/11 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a reauest for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a Rezoning from I -1, Light Industrial to B -4, Regional Business District. Applicant: Riverwood Bank. (VAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5`s Addition Address: 9766 Fallon Avenue The subject site is located at the southeast quadrant of Fallon Avenue and Chelsea Road Planning Case Number: 2011 -023 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the future land use designation from "Places to Work" to "Places to Shop ", and Rezoning the subject parcel from I -1, Light Industrial to B -4, Regional Business. Deadline for Decision: October 11, 2011 Land Use Designation: Places to Work Zoning Designation: I -1, Light Industrial The purpose of the 1-1," light industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. Current Site Use: The 3.15 acre site is used as an office building with multiple tenants and a common parking lot. A portion of the property is available for an expansion of the office uses. Surrounding Land Uses: North: Suburban Manufacturing, zoned I -1, Light Industrial East: Vacant (future Mills Fleet Farm), zoned B -4, Regional Business South: Integrated Recycling Technology, zoned I -1, Light Industrial Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/11 West: Computer components remanufacturing, zoned I -2, Heavy Industrial Project Description: The applicants are seeking a re- guiding and rezoning of the property to match the existing and proposed tenant uses with the zoning designation. Existing tenants are a combination of administrative offices and commercial office - service businesses, many of which deal directly with "retail' clients and customers on- site. Requirements for Comprehensive Plan Amendments Chapter 2.4 A (5) Approval Criteria Recommendations and decisions on Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be based on consideration of the following criteria: (a) Whether the proposed amendment corrects an error or addresses the need resulting from some changing condition, trend, or fact arising since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan; (b) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the guiding principles of the Comprehensive Plan; (c) The extent to which the proposed amendment addresses a demonstrated community need; (d) Whether the proposed amendment will protect the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the public; (e) The impacts on the natural and built environments, including air, water, noise, stormwater management, wildlife habitat, water quality, vegetation, drainage, streets, and other engineering design or environmental factors; (t) Whether the proposed amendment is compatible with existing and proposed uses surrounding the subject property; whether the proposed design and land uses are appropriate for the land; and whether the proposed amendment will maintain or improve compatibility among uses and ensure efficient development within the City; (g) Whether the proposed amendment will result in a logical, orderly and predictable development pattern; (h) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the purpose of this ordinance. Of these criteria, the most relevant for this specific parcel are items (f) and (g) relating to existing and future land uses, and logical development patterns. With regard to these Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/11 criteria, the designation of this site for regional business reflects some of the current uses on the site, and more importantly, reflects the expected growth in commercial retail traffic that will be spawned by the eventual development of the Mills Fleet Farm site to the east. Moreover, Chelsea Road would be expected to handle an increasing amount of retail traffic as the primary connection between interchanges at County 18 and Highway 25. Finally, the City's Transportation Plan includes a freeway overpass at Fallon Avenue, with the expectation that traffic on Fallon will increase significantly. Over time, land uses along Chelsea Road to the east have transitioned from industrial to commercial designations. This transition reflects the impacts that traffic access has on undeveloped land near a freeway interchange. This impact is also reflected in the uses on the subject property, and a land use designation change to a more commercial orientation would be consistent with this natural transition. Requirements for Zoning Amendments Chapter 2.4 B (5) Approval Criteria Recommendations and decisions on zoning amendments shall be based on consideration of the following criteria: (a) Whether the proposed amendment corrects an error in the original text or map; or (b) Whether the proposed amendment addresses needs arising from a changing condition, trend, or fact affecting the subject property and surrounding area. (c) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the comprehensive plan. As with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, the primary element of this application relates to changing conditions and trends in the surrounding area. hi this regard, the comments in the previous section also apply to the rezoning analysis with regard to both past land use decisions and future growth due to patterns of ownership and transportation. Related Issues An amendment in land use designation on this lot stands on its own, based on the criteria outlined in the ordinance, along with the traffic and existing or future land uses of property in the area. Nonetheless, this change (and the rationale supporting it) raises the potential for discussion of similar changes on neighboring parcels. This current application relates primarily to existing uses and anticipated growth in the area. However, it is not unexpected that other parcels in the neighborhood will experience similar impacts. The Planning Commission may wish to take up, as a part of its annual Planning Commission Agenda— 09/06/11 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Review process in January, the long -term land use planning for this area on a more comprehensive basis. Changing land use designations apart from a specific request by a property owner can raise compatibility issues with existing uses. As such, the Planning Commission may choose to consider how a broader change in land use designation would affect current business operations. These options would be appropriate for discussion as a part of the annual review. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Resolution of Recommendation 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2011 -82 recommending the redesignation of the future land use for the subject parcel from "Places to Work" to "Places to Shop ", and recommending City Council adoption of a zoning ordinance amendment rezoning the property from I -1, Light Industrial to B -4, Regional Business, based on findings of fact in said Resolution. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2011 -82, based on preliminary findings of fact attached as Exhibit Z. 3. Motion to table action on the request for further study. STAFF RECOMMNDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. As noted in the report narrative, the conditions on the property and in the area are anticipated to change as commercial growth already planned for the area begins to take hold. This request is not the first change to commercial seen for the area, and is not likely to be the last. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2011 -82 B. Aerial Parcel Image C. Comprehensive Plan Long Range Land Use Map D. Official Monticello Zoning Map Z. Preliminary Findings of Fact for Denial Planning Commission Agenda— 09/06/11 Exhibit Z — Preliminary Findings of Fact for Denial 1. The property in question is designed for office uses, a permitted use within the I -1 Zoning District. 2. The properties to the north, west, and south are all industrial uses with no specific plans for change to more commercial activities. 3. Introduction of a commercial designation on the southeast comer of the Fallon/Chelsea intersection will put undue pressure on other parcels to seek changes in land use. 4. The City's industrial land supply in this area has already been reduced in volume through previous changes, and should be protected from further erosion. 5. Future changes to area land use and transportation systems, while planned, are still speculative. 6. The introduction of potential retail uses at this site will create compatibility issues with both light and heavy industrial users on adjoining property. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2011-82 Date: September 6th, 2011 Resolution No. 2011 -82 Motion By: Seconded By: A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO COMPRHENSIVE PLAN AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE REZONING FROM I -1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) TO B -4 (REGIONAL BUSINESS) FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER 5'" ADDITION. WHEREAS, Riverwood Bank has requested an Amendment to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan Long Range Land Use Plan for the redesignation from Places to Work to Places to Shop, and the Monticello Official Zoning Map for the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5b Addition as legally described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 6th, 2011 on the applications and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: (a) The amendment and rezoning address the need resulting from a trend toward commercial land uses in the area arising since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan; (b) The proposed amendment and rezoning accommodate commercial uses which are compatible with existing and proposed commercial uses surrounding the subject property; the proposed design and land use is appropriate for the land with adequate parking, green space, and expansion area for similar land uses; and the proposed amendment will maintain or improve compatibility among nearby existing and planned commercial uses and ensure efficient development within the City; (c) The proposed amendment and rezoning to a commercial land use designation and zoning is consistent with the guiding principles of the Comprehensive Plan; (d) The amendment and rezoning to a commercial land use designation and zoning will result in a logical, orderly and predictable development pattern; and (e) The proposed amendment and rezoning to a commercial land use designation and zoning with the purpose of the Monticello Zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §462.357, the application for Amendment to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, Long Range Land Use Plan and Amendment to the City of Monticello Official Zoning Map for the Rezoning from I -1 (Light Industrial) to B -4 (Regional Business) for Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5`s Addition is hereby recommended to the City Council for approval. ADOPTED this e day of September, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION LE ATTEST: Rod Dragsten, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director M�li:iilYll_1 North half of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, except the south 75 feet of the west 100 feet of the north half of Lot 1, Block 1, City of Monticello, Wright County �• � o t i 7 u t a • Ys o it" _ • • P h - o h J W N f. ` . errs; J e «} aN anV oo��ej` Figure 3.2: Land Use Plan Map 1 � 1 • C S 6 6 6 G � � 6 6� 6 L Y. W 6� 3� ' I �! � � 1 � 1 N � 1 J . 1 J , 4 1 7 o� 00 � N O � V � 1 I O1_ J ;mmmm� :m m0`111 °' 11� 4�'j 0 F G G i 'C U 0 v m t o a` gCg d 3 ° I 2i YOU'RE INVITED Statewide Tour of Manufacturing Saturday, October 29, 2011 Educate your local community about the important role manufacturing plays in our economyl Manufacturers across the state of Minnesota will have an opportunity on Saturday, October 29, 2011 to participate in an event intended to help build a pipeline of future workers for skilled jobs in the manufacturing sector. This year, Manufacturers' Week will conclude with a statewide Tour of Manufacturing; a day when the general public is invited to tour participating manufacturing businesses. Despite high unemployment rates, manufacturers are struggling to find qualified workers for many high skilled jobs. The Tour of Manufacturing allows the public to see for themselves that today's manufacturing jobs are not the dark, boring, dangerous jobs they have heard about. The modern -day manufacturing employee is highly skilled; uses complex, advanced technology and automated, computer - controlled equipment; and earns above - average wages with benefits. Specific regions in Minnesota - greater St Cloud, Alexandria and Mankato - have independently held successful Tour of Manufacturing events in the past couple of years and will do so again this year. In addition, organizers would like to try something new; the aforementioned statewide Tour of Manufacturing. ANY manufacturer located in any region of Minnesota is welcome and encouraged to open their facility to the public for a few hours on October 29. YOUR COMPANY IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE! Here are some additional details: • The date of the statewide tour is Saturday, October 29, 2011. Businesses can establish the hours they would like to be open. The suggested hours are 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Average attendance can range anywhere from 200 -500 visitors throughout the course of the day. • Manufacturers who register will be identified on an online, interactive map highlighting the locations of all participating manufacturers. The website www.tourofmanufacturingmn.com will include information about your business, the hours you'll be open for tours, and other pertinent information. • Safety is a primary concern. Tours are more interesting for visitors if at least a minimal amount of equipment can be in operation so that visitors get a sense of how work is done. It is especially helpful if businesses have high tech equipment running or being demonstrated during the tour. At previous events, businesses found ways to demonstrate products or processes or had something "fun" to see or do without putting anyone in danger. • You can conduct tours in whatever manner you think will work best at your company. Two methods have been most popular. • Guided Tours: Employees take a small group of people through the plant on a pre- determined route to both show and explain the business. • Self -Paced Tour: Rope or tape is used to mark a pathway that people can follow at their own pace with employees at key stations along the route to answer questions and see that visitors are staying within established boundaries. This second method will work with almost any number of visitors. • We will provide some statewide publicity for the event. As mentioned above, some regions will develop a local event within the larger statewide plan. These local groups will develop and fund independent promotion of the event in their region. (Past events featured magazine supplements that were distributed by local newspapers.) Keep in mind that any manufacturer can participate in the statewide event, even if there is no local event being developed. • Your company can be as creative as you wish to make the Tour of Manufacturing a fun event that will attract as many visitors as possible. Some businesses have offered hot dogs or cookies or something to drink. Some have had small door prizes. Others have demonstrated their products. Your business can do as much or little as you please. • The feedback from past events has been extremely positive. This is your chance to show off your company and to provide an informative and fun day for the public. • If your company is looking to fill open positions at the time of the event, you may certainly have applications and information about those positions available. • Whether or not you decide to host a tour, we would appreciate your help in promoting the statewide website to your community: www.tourofmanufacturinomn.com. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the statewide Tour of Manufacturing; we hope you'll join us in changing perceptions about manufacturing! To include your company as a tour host for the statewide event, contact Jaime, Sandy or Wayne. Jaime Nolan !aime(a)mpma.com 952 -564 -3041 Sandy Kashmark midwestanrunestone.net 800- 654 -5773 Wayne Anderson wavnertaamvwdo.com 320 - 253 -7953. Sponsored By: JA I 11 WAS I A T 1 O N Central Minnesota Manufacturers Association T RI- ST3QTE Association Page 1 of 1 Minnesota State -Wide Tour of Manufacturing October 29, 2011 Home Your cell phone * Your child's braces Map of Tour * The airplane you'll take on your next vacation Locations Have you ever wondered where common items like these are made? Information About The answer: right in your own back yard! Tour Facilities On Saturday, October 29 we invite you to tour a manufacturing Information for company (or two or three!) in your area. You drive by these buildings Manufacturers every day; here's your opportunity to see exactly what goes on inside. The answer may surprise you! About the Sponsors Modeled after the "Parade of Homes" concept, Minnesota's manufacturing companies will open their doors to the general public during the state -wide Minnesota Tour of Manufacturing. The public is invited to attend as many or as few manufacturing tours as they'd like on October 29 — FREE of charge! Visit our mao to find manufacturing companies in your area! All manufacturers that are interested in hosting a tour contact: Sandy Kashmark, midwesta- runestone.net, 800- 654 -5773 Jaime Nolan, iaime @mpma.com, 952 -564 -3041 Wayne Anderson, wavnerta(&nnywdo.com, 320 - 253 -7953 Liz Sharp, Isharp(cDoreatermankato.com, 507 - 385 -6641 Sponsors: MINNESOTA .� AMFA IrP�C1S1rinz T I T TE Manufacturine ftl% Ma nu nnaotaiYYi� bnurer:n : :oaacmn Manufacturers'ASiodation http: / /www.tourofinanufacturing=.com/ 8/31/2011 Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The EDA authorized Rod Dragsten to complete an appraisal of Landmark II property (Barry Fluth). It is anticipated the appraisal will be completed after Labor Day and the EDA and City Council will review appropriate next steps at their September meetings. The EDA and City Council held a joint workshop in August to discuss ways to utilize surplus TIF. The EDA and City Council discussed various catalyst projects in downtown, specifically related to purchasing the building at the south east corner of Highway 25/75 ( "dental building'). Another opportunity would be to assist ACE Hardware in expanding their facility to a more visible location in downtown. A public hearing was opened and continued for Suburban Manufacturing's request for a business subsidy at the August EDA meeting. The public hearing was continued to allow additional time to negotiate an appropriate business subsidy package. The EDA will continue the public hearing and review the TIF assistance at their September meeting. The goal is to begin construction by mid to end of September. The EDA will be holding a special meeting on September 7a' to review a business subsidy application for a local business. The EDA recommend and the City Council approved Bruce Hammond to fill the EDA open seat. Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: The BR &E Leadership team will be meeting on September 21, 2011. The meeting will serve as a status update and evaluation of how the community has benefited from completing a BR &Eprogram. Inquiries: Staff continues to work with local businesses to assist in any expansion plans. There appears to be interest in a few projects that have been on hold for a couple years. Staff will provide additional information as it becomes available. There is also interest from several restaurant entrepreneurs in utilizing the existing restaurant building located next to KFC. The downtown is also seeing additional activity with a new dance studio and women's consignment store. Marketing / Venues: Staff continues to attend applicable events to gain exposure for Monticello. Normal direct mailings and social media continue to be initiated. Greater MSP is hosting a meeting to unveil their economic development strategy and proposed regions brand on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 5:30. If you are interested in attending please contact Megan. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: City staff will be working with the Chamber to distribute the next Business Insider in either September or October. It will also be timely to complete another Business Insider to discuss new businesses coming into town, business expansions, available financing, and the embracing downtown project. Planning for the annual Industry of the Year event is underway. The IEDC award committee nominated six industries to consider. Staff contacted all six businesses and requested they fill out a short survey about their business. The surveys are due on Friday, September 2 "d. The committee will meet to review the surveys and determine the top three businesses for the IEDC to consider at their October meeting. Staff is still working on a key note speaker for the event. If anyone has any suggestions please forward them to Megan. Embracing Downtown: The Steering Committee will be meeting on September 1, 2011 to review general design guidelines, discuss implementation strategies, walnut street analysis, and overview of the final report. The Steering Committee will also meet on September 16a` to discuss in detail the design guidelines. A public open house for residents and businesses will be held at the end of the month or beginning of October. City staff received an email from Lynne Dahl - Fleming of the Monticello Downtown Business Association (MDBA) regarding the new direction of the association. The MDBA has decided to focus its time and financial resources on economic development. Attached to this item is a copy of the email. Representatives from the MDBA plan to attend a future FDA meeting to begin discussing how the two organizations could work together. It should also be noted that a new downtown association has been created. Under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce a downtown group called, Partners of Downtown, has been created. The focus of this group is to promote and initiate events that will bring people into the downtown. Zoning Rewrite Group: Angela Schumann will contact the zoning rewrite group in the future to determine an appropriate timeline to begin discussing acceptable building materials within the industrial district. Wright County Economic Development Partnership The annual Partnership golf tournament is scheduled for September 7, 2011. If you are interested in attending please see the attached registration form. IEDC September 6, 2011 Economic Development related articles: None at this time. Future Meeting Dates: 1. Embracing Downtown Steering: September 16`h at 9am 2. IEDC: October 4, 2011 3. EDA: September 14, 2011 IEDC September 6, 2011 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 6th, 2011 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of August 2nd, 2011. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7, Special Use Overlay District, including amendments to the official zoning map of the City of Monticello. Applicant: City of Monticello 6. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning from I -1 (Light Industrial) to B -4 (Regional Business) for Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5`s Addition. (9766 Fallon Avenue). Applicant: Riverwood Bank 7. Consideration of a request for extension of Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for a multi -tenant commercial development in a B -3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Cornerstone /DOJO LLC 8. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Drive - Through Facility, Joint Parking and Joint Access. Applicant: SA Group Properties, Inc 9. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive - through facility in the Central Community District and to allow joint parking and drives. Applicant: Masters 5a' Avenue 10. Consideration of a request for amendment to Final Stage PUD for Quad Development. Applicant: Monticello -Big Lake Pet Hospital 11. Tabled Item - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13 - Telecommunications Towers and Antennas, Chapter 5, Section 1- Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 — Use Specific Standards and Chapter 5, Section 3 - Accessory Uses Applicant: City of Monticello 12. Community Development Director's Report 13. Adjourn. Meaan Barnett From: Lynne Dahl- Fleming I DESIGN for PRINT & WEB [Lynne @DesignforPrint.com] Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:12 PM To: Bill Demeules; billt @westlunddistributing.com; thinz @cmmhc.com; mfrie2009 @gmail.com; Tom Perrault; Brian Stumpf; Megan Barnett Subject: Monticello Downtown Business Association Notice From MDBA (Monticello Downtown Business Association) July 25, 2011 The MDBA is now in its third year of operation as a Minnesota Non - profit Corporation. Our membership remains strong however we wanted the Monticello EDA Members to be aware of our new direction which is a priority focus on: Economic Development for Downtown Monticello. The MDBA Board of Directors has been mentoring with Peg Gustafson, the Executive Director of the Downtown St. Cloud Council which has been operating for 22 years. They prioritize their efforts on economic development and effective partnerships to achieve their goals and objectives for membership. The MDBA Board of Directors surveyed our members asking them what their priority was for the organization and why they joined. The majority of membership told us that having thriving businesses occupy the downtown was the priority. That in addition to staying on top of local city government issues that affect downtown business and property owners. St. Cloud's Downtown Council has told us that while events bring people to downtown and create visibility they also require a lot of effort and volunteers to pull it off and this task is best achieved with organization directly from the businesses themselves while a downtown association can assist with promoting the event. We also have found this to be true. Our MDBA organization is still young and growing. We have limited resources and volunteers so we have chosen to focus on what the majority of our members have told us is most important and what has been confirmed to us by St. Cloud's Downtown Council - and that is "economic development." Our association, over a year ago, made public comment to the City of Monticello EDA (Economic Development Association) to encourage and request that the the City utilize TIF funds to develop a Study and Plan for Downtown Monticello. We felt the McComb Group was most qualified consultant for the task and the EDA and the City Council selected them and invested a significant amount of money to complete the task. The final plan has been presented at a recent June 29 community meeting held by the city. The next steps are to ensure that implementation and financing components of the McComb plan are completed as indicated by the contract the City signed with McComb Group. The MDBA believes that these two components are critical to the success of the plan. It's one thing to have drawings and plans for what the Downtown could possibly develop into but actually being able to pull it off and make it happen require ongoing implementation, marketing, promotion and financial incentives and /or options to assist development if it is to occur. As a Monticello Downtown Business Association, we believe that developing effective partnerships with the downtown businesses, the EDA, and City staff will allow us to work in harmony and to be effective for the greater good of improving the business conditions of Downtown Monticello. Our Board of Directors has recently approved a set amount of financial 1 allocations from our current budget to be used towards economic development projects for downtown. It is our desire to begin discussion with our membership and the City to see how we can best utilize those funds for downtown businesses. It is our desire for the MDBA to continue dialogue with the EDA as they work through the process of implementation and financing for the Embracing Downtown Study by the McComb Group to see how we can create an effective partnership to form successful results to that end. We felt it was important to send you this notice rgearding the MDBA's priority as "Economic Development." Please feel free to provide us with any feedback or comment you have in regard to improving the business conditions of Downtown Monticello. Sincerely, MDBA Board of Directors Josh Dickinson, Chair 1 763 -245 -2348 1 JoshODowntownMonticello.com Dean Rasmussen 1 763 -639- 8329 1 Dean (@DowntownMonticello.com Lynne Dahl- Fleming 1 763 - 300 -8118 1 Lynne (@DowntownMonticello.com Doug Schneider 1 763 - 670 -5324 1 Doug @DowntownMonticello.com Angie Krautbauer 1 763 - 370 -6388 1 Angie (@DowntownMonticello.com z Phone Address Total Fees (Pay before you play) Yes, I am interested in Sponsorship: (must respond & pay before Aug. 14th) Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Tee Box Sponsor Names of Foursome: (if registering individually you will be assigned a team) Mail Checks to: Wright County EDP PO Box 525, Rockford MN 55373 Contact: Jeanene at (763) 477 -3035 or email jstrum @whe.org for more details. Please return by Aug. 24th Paid early bird entries will be eligible fora chance to win 18 holes of golf for two!