IEDC Agenda 01-06-2009AGENDA
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
7:00 a.m., Boom Island Room
IEDC Mission Statement:
To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage -level jobs in Monticello by promoting
industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment.
MEMBERS: Chair Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Vice Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don
Roberts, Dan Olson, Don Tomann, Zona Gutzwiller, Patrick Thompson, Rich Harris,
Wayne Elam, and Marshall Smith, Charlotte Gabler, Elaine DeWenter.
1. Call to Order
2. Vote to approve the December 2, 2008 IEDC minutes
3. Economic Development Director Update
4. Reports:
a. City Update
b. Fiber Optic
c. Chamber
5. Approve Elaine DeWenter as a new member of the IEDC
6. Sub - Committee Policy
7. IEDC Planning Groups
a. Establishing of Objectives for 2009
8. Adjournment. (8:30am)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 7:00 a.m.
Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN
To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at livable wage levels, and to maintain a
favorable and desirable industrial and economic environment in the City of Monticello.
1. Call to Order.
IEDC Vice -chair I
Vice Chair Bill Tapper, Secretary Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Zona
Gutzweiler, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Patrick Thompson.
Dick VanAllen, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Barb Schweintek
Rich Harris, Don Tomann
Sandy Suchy, Monticello Chamber
Economic Development Director, Megan Barnett
Sill Tapper called the meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. declaring a quorum
2. Vote to approve the November 5, 2008 IEDC minutes.
3. Election of Officers for 2009 and Reappointment of Members.
Nominations were made to appoint Lynne Dahl- Fleming as Chair, Don Roberts as Vice -
chair and Megan Barnett as Secretary. THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS PASSED
UNANIMOUSLY. The following IEDC member's three year terms ended in December
2008: Don Tomann, Patrick Thompson and Bill Tapper and all were seeking to continue
Member, Barb Schweintek announced that she will not continue with her IEDC
membership. Barnett reported that Jim Johnson would not continue his membership but
would be replaced with another school representative, Elaine DeWenter and that
previously approved new member Charlotte Gabler will begin her 3 year term beginning
with the January 2009 IEDC meeting.
4. Economic Development Director Report. Megan Barnett provided the report.
City Engineer, Bruce Westby will be attending this morning's IEDC meeting at 8 a.m. to
provide a transportation report.
Monticello Marketing Committee: This group met on November W. Review was
made of the 2009 Marketing Budget and was included in IEDC members agenda packets.
Don Roberts asked if many contacts had been made to the city for land or new business
inquiries given the current economic downturn in times. Barnett reported that site
selectors are making inquiries basically looking for information without disclosure of
actual business names. A couple of downtown development inquiries have come in,
mostly for leased buildings and smaller space use.
Don Roberts asked if the promotional efforts would continue for selling city -owned
industrial land for $1.00 per sq. ft.? Barnet reported that all reference to the $1.00 per sq.
ft. has been removed from the city's website and printed materials used. Barnet felt that
the city's industrial land is better advertised at the current market rate for land prices with
the opportunities that exist for financial packages that would assist in bringing the land
price and total cost down. The City of Big Lake is currently marketing their industrial
land for $1.60 per sq. ft. A consulting firm, Northland Securities, is reviewing the City of
Monticello's TIF (Tax Increment Financing) records and analyzing all of the TIF
Districts within the city limits to obtain an accurate record. This project should be
completed by the end of January 2009.
Higher Education Committee:. The Higher Education committee was formed to
address needs that came out of the Bioscience Park Study initiated by the IEDC and the
study conducted by St. Cloud State students in 2007.This committee will be completing a
needs assessment for the community to determine if Monticello is in need of a
establishing a Higher Education Center in order to provide additional training for the
area's workforce. This will serve as a place to bridge gaps between educational
stakeholders, community and business rather than duplicating existing programs and/or
workforce training currently provided. St. Cloud State students have offered to conduct
the study as a project and at no cost to the city in order to complete the needs assessment.
The student project could be launched in early January and competed in May
5. IEDC Sub - committee Planning:
A small amount of time (15 minutes) was available prior to the arrival of the City
Engineer's Transportation report, so IEDC members broke into small groups based on the
following sub - committees: Transportation, Land Use, and Business Retention/
Communciations. Members were asked to assign themselves to a sub - committee they are
interested in to briefly discuss how to proceed in 2009 with the goals and objectives
discussed during planning workgroups earlier this year. Planning groups will meet again
next month due to the brief amount of time available today.
6. City Transportation Study Update: Update provided by City Engineer Brice Westby.
Prior to Westby's report John Simola, Public Works Director for 30 years in the City of
Monticello (who will be retiring as of December 26, 2008) introduced the recently hired
replacement for his position, Bob Paschke and introduced him to the group.
Rather than transcribe the entire report that Westby provided, members will find a copy
of the Transportation Study outline from the November 19 public meeting included with
these minutes which was provided by Westby with his update.
Questions and comments from IEDC members following Westby's update included:
Q: When was the last time the City's Transportation Plan was updated?
A: The last draft of the plan was started in 1999 and worked on again in February 2005.
With changes constantly occurring in the area of transportation issues in the city, the plan
was never completed until now with the most current study now in its final stages.
Q: What's preventing the city from getting the Transportation Study completed or
A: In the past the city was attempting to get as much input as possible from a variety of
different sources, getting everyone's input sometimes delays the process and it should
just be completed so it gets done. The study can always be amended if necessary.
Q: Who ultimately approves the Transportation Plan?
A: The City Council will ultimately approve the plan. With the current plan the city has
also taken into consideration the transportation needs of surrounding areas such as across
the river and into Big Lake and Sherburne County. A Transportation committee has also
formed jointly between Monticello City, Big Lake Township and Big Lake City officials
to determine best use of areas for example just across the Mississippi River bridge on
County Road 11 and 14 since most of Big Lake's development seems to be moving south
of Highway 10. Looking at the City's Transportation Plan from a regional perspective
and working with other entities assures it will all fit together.
Q: Has an analysis been done of exactly where the traffic is going to that crosses from
Monticello via the river bridge and into Sherburne County?
A: Every 5 years, MnDOT does conduct such a study and the report is available online
with the volume numbers listed. From MnDOT's perspective much of the traffic comes
across from Highway 10 to 25 and then onto I -94.
Next IEDC meetine -Tuesday, January 6, 2008 at 7 a.m.
Lynne Dahl - Fleming, IEDC Secretary
IEDC 1.6.09
3. Economic Development Director Updates:
a. General:
1. Bertram Chain of Lakes: The City completed the purchase of the first phase of
the Bertram Chain of Lakes property on Tuesday, December 30, 2009. The
City and the County are now owners of approximately 300 acres. A task force
will be formed and begin working on strategic planning for the obtained
property and overall Bertram Chain of Lakes property.
2. Otter Creek Crossing: Staff was asked to solicit the IEDC's opinion regarding
purchasing a 13 acre piece of property from Chadwick located immediately
south of Monticello Business Center (See attached map). As a point of
reference, the City has approximately 30.5 acres of developable property
remaining within the business park. The City also has approximately 34 acres
under contract for deed located immediately adjacent to said industrial park.
Specific pricing for the 13 acre parcel has not been discussed. Staff is
interested in obtaining feedback regarding whether or not the City should begin
discussions regarding purchasing the property at a fair and reasonable market
b. EDA: The EDA is currently working on revising the Greater Monticello Enterprises
Fund Guidelines. This is a revolving loan fund specifically set up to help the local
business community with the purchase of equipment or real property. The guidelines
are a little difficult to understand and therefore the EDA directed staff to look at the
document in conjunction with two members from the EDA. A proposed revised
document will be presented to the EDA at their January meeting.
c. Planning Commission (See attached agenda): The Planning Commission and City
Council will be holding a joint meeting on January 6, 2009 at 5pm to discuss the
proposed new sign ordinance. It should be noted that the Government Affairs group
received a presentation from Steve Grittman, from NAC, regarding the proposed
changes. The discussion was beneficial and comments are being brought forwarded to
the Planning Commission and City Council.
The Planning Commission will also be completing an annual review of the 2008
Monticello Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use planning group should review the
Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan. This group should begin
to evaluate, on a broad scope, if the City is progressing according to the statements
included in the Comprehensive Plan, or if it is believed the City should move in a
different direction. It should be noted that an annual review of the Comprehensive
Plan is not meant to review grammar statements, but rather to reflect if the City,
overall, is compiling with the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, an annual review ist
the time to determine if the statements included in the plan accurately reflect the City
direction should be moving or if a major Comprehensive Plan Amendment should be
d. Committees:
Marketing Committee: The new marketing post card is finally complete and will
be printed the first of the year. The marketing piece will be distributed to identified
target groups and contacts to hopefully result in additional interest in Monticello.
The marketing committee will meet hopefully later in January and discuss the
opportunity to list City owned land with a commercial broker.
2. Higher Education Committee: nothing new to report.
e. Business Communications:
1. Business Newsletter: See attached copy. Distribution will occur within the first
two weeks in January.
2. Related newsletters /articles: None are included.
f. Future Meeting Dates:
1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
2. Joint IEDC/EDA meeting: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 7:00am
Tuesday, January 6th, 2009
6:00 PM
Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and
Barry Voight
Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski
Staff. Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Steve Grithnan — NAC
5:00 PM
Joint City Coune"lanning Commission workshop review of Chapter 3A, Signs.
1. Call to order.
2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of November 5th, 2008 and December
6'h, 2008.
3. Citizen Comments
4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
5. Consideration of a request for approval of the final plat of St. Henry's Catholic Church 1" Addition.
6. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit
Development for Kjellberg Estates.
Applicant: Ocello, LLC
7. Consideration of amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning
Ordinance as related to the re- assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown
Revitalization Plan.
Applicant: City of Monticello
8. Consideration of amendment to Chapter 6 of the Monticello Subdivision Code as related to Parks,
Open Space and Public Use.
Applicant: City of Monticello
9. Consideration to review and recommend appointments for expiring Planning Commission Terms.
10. Consideration to complete an annual review of the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan.
11. Transportation Plan Update
12. Adjourn.
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5. New Member Request:
Staff received a resignation letter from Jim Johnson. Mr. Johnson's resignation leaves a gap in
representation from the Monticello school district. Elaine DeWenter, the Business Manager
for the school district expressed an interest in serving on the IEDC.
According to the IEDC Organizational and Membership guidelines, membership should not
exceeded the established limit (16 -18 members). As of January 1, 2009, the IEDC consists of
12 voting members, one City Council representative, and one Chamber liaison.
Alternate Actions:
1. Recommend that the City Council approve the appointment of Elaine DeWenter.
2. Recommend that the City Council deny the appointment of Elaine DeWenter
3. Table item for further information
Staff Recommendation:
It is staffs opinion that the IEDC should consist of representation from the local school
district and therefore is recommending the appointment of Elaine DeWenter.
Upon the appointment of Elaine DeWenter, the IEDC will consist of 13 voting members.
While this is a good number and great leadership currently serves on the committee, it appears
the group could use additional representation from another industrial /manufacturing company.
Staff emailed representatives from Karlsburger Foods requesting an opportunity to meet with
them to discuss any interest in serving on the IEDC. Staff is requesting additional
industrial /manufacturing contacts from the committee members. If anyone is aware of an
individual that would be a good candidate for the IEDC, please contact Megan with
appropriate information.
IEDC 1.6.09
6. Sub - committee Policy:
It staffs understanding that the following committees currently exist: Marketing, Higher
Education, and Housing. To date the Marketing and Higher Education committee's have met on
a fairly regular basis. It appears that the Housing Committee has not meet since April of 2008.
hi order to get a better handle on the committees, staff is proposing to adopt the attached sub-
committee policy. The policy is intended to generally formalize a few sub - committee's existence
and scope.
Alternate Actions:
1. Adopt and recommend the EDA approve the Sub - Committee Policy.
2. Deny and recommend that the EDA deny the Sub - Committee Policy.
3. Table action on the proposed Sub - Committee Policy.
Supporting Data:
1. Proposed Sub - Committee Policy
Staff Recommendation:
It would seem appropriate to provide some guidance as to the existence and functionality of a
few committees that have been formed from members serving on the IEDC and EDA. It is
difficult for staff to address appointment of members to committees, frequency of meetings, and
scope of work, when guidelines have not been established.
The attached propose Sub - Committee Policy is not trying to cover all aspect of a committee's
structure and functions. The policy is simply trying to set a frame work of organization while
allowing flexibility.
Staff is recommending that the Housing Committee dissolve at this point. It would seem quite
appropriate that since the EDA acts as the HRA, the EDA as a whole should handle housing
issues and topics directly. It should be noted that several realtors, bankers, title companies, and
staff have formed a working group to address the foreclosure issue. Partnerships and desired
objectives will be formed from this group and will offer any insight directly to the EDA.
Sub - Committee Policy
The City of Monticello contains the Economic Development Authority (EDA) and the Industrial
and Economic Development Committee (IEDC). Within these two organizations, several sub-
committees have been created. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and attempt to
formalize the tasks, committee members, and purpose of each sub - committee.
Marketing Committee:
Purpose: The marketing committee is charged with effectively and efficiently marketing City
owned land. Marketing efforts shall strive to result in development of businesses that will create
additional jobs, increase tax base, and provide an overall enhancement to Monticello's economic
vitality. The Marketing Committee will work in coordination with the broader City of Monticello
marketing strategies.
Members: Committee members shall consist of two representatives serving on the IEDC and two
representatives serving on the EDA, for a maximum of four members. It is strongly encouraged
that the IEDC Chair and EDA President serve on the Marketing Committee. City Staff will serve
as a City liaison.
Terms: Committee members shall serve a two year term. New committee members shall be
appointed at the end of the year (December) upon term expiration.
Meetings: At a minimum the committee will meet once a quarter.
Higher Education Committee:
Purpose: The Higher Education Committee established a vision statement "To promote higher
education to better develop our economy, community, and people" and a mission statement "The
Higher Education Committee will listen to and meet the needs of our stakeholders, adapt to the
changing environment, and strengthen the bonds between our economy and its people. We will
create learning opportunities by building partnerships and be right sized."
Members: Membership should consist of between six to eight voting members. Membership
representation should attempt to be obtained from the local hospital, local school district,
surrounding educational facilities, at least two members from the business community, and one
member from the EDA and one member from the IEDC. The committee may also find it
appropriate to appoint a member at large or request student representation. City Staff will serve
as a City liaison.
Members shall serve a two year term. Vacancies shall be filled by the recommendation of the
committee and ratified by the City Council.
Officers: The committee shall elect a chairperson who will serve a two year term. Appointment
of the chairperson shall be determined in December of each year for the following year.
Meetings: The Higher Education Committee shall hold a monthly meeting as long as it is
determined by the committee that there is a need. At a minimum the committee will hold a
quarterly meeting.
IEDC 1.6.09
7. Planning Groups:
The IEDC consists of several planning groups including; Transportation, Land Use, and Business
Retention/Communication. During the January IEDC meeting, time will be set aside for each planning
group to meet. During this time, each group will be asked to clearly identify the group's objectives (see
attached form). Questions such as what are our goals? What issues /challenges do we want to address?
How can we as a group be effective? What are our 2009 objectives and our long range objectives? Each
planning group will also be asked to identify a group recorder to keep notes to submit to City staff,
discuss how frequent each group would like meet, and provide staff with an idea of what kind of
information would be valuable to your planning group.
Staff will be asking the IEDC as a whole to establish objectives for 2009. Prior to this exercise,
establishing objectives by each individual planning group will help define overall goals and objectives
for the IEDC. Furthermore, this exercise will be important due to the fact that the IEDC and the EDA
will be meeting together on January 20, 2009 to discuss each organizations goals and objectives for
1. Planning Group worksheet
Alternate Action:
1. Establish objectives for each Planning Group
2. Establish objectives for the IEDC for 2009
3. Establish how frequent the Planning Groups should meet
(Dick Van Allen, Bill Tapper, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam)
Third Interchange for City of Monticello.
• Provide input to staff and City Council for development of interchange and its location. An
interchange needs to be completed to enhance the Monticello business community as an
interchange is a key driver for a business location, especially for manufacturing and industry.
• Key transportation routes in the City of Monticello.
• Second Mississippi River crossing needs to be looked at. Local jurisdiction will most likely have
to initiate this effort and take it to the next level. Consideration of a way to jointly fund
transportation issues on a more regional level especially since once you cross the Mississippi
River form Monticello City limits you enter into Big Lake Township, Becker Township and the
City of Big Lake. Perhaps they should be included in the planning. Currently there is a joint
transportation group that the City of Monticello participates in along with Big Lake. How can
IEDC have input with this?
• A Capital Improvement Fund could also be developed by the city for funding future
transportation needs in order to establish a community commitment towards these efforts.
• Take into consideration that Big Lake will soon have train transport along Highway 10 via the
Northstar Commuter Rail. How do we take advantage of this and facilitate bus /van transport if
needed between Monticello and Big Lake.
• The Chamber is passing resolution to work with a group of other Chambers and communities to
support expansion of 8 to 10 lanes along I -94 including areas between Maple Grove and
Monticello. How can the city and IEDC take advantage of this (ie. bus /van from Monticello to
Maple Grove ?)
• Market the fact that our community has the advantage of being located within driving distance to
the St. Cloud Airport.
• What is the fimeframe for completion of access for Seventh Street? This route needs
consideration as it is becoming a major route within the city because of Interchange
Land Use:
(Don Roberts, Zona Gutzweiller, Marshall Smith)
"Review Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff will provide a copy at
the meeting.
IEDC Input:
Identify industrial land available within the city limits currently and
provide input and planning ideas for what will be needed in the future.
• Identify what types of business are suitable to these areas and will provide livable wage jobs in
Monticello. Evaluation to include business that is a compliment to industrial (ie. conference
center, higher end hotels and dining experiences, etc.)
• Determine if the city should purchase additional land for its own development and/or designate
additional areas for industrial zoned land which could be purchased by developers.
• Define how infrastructure relates to land use
• Identify what types of infrastructure are necessary for successful economic growth and
development (ie. fiber optics, roads, sewer, water, etc.) and identify funding for infrastructure.
• Evaluate the possibility of a joint infrastructure plan on a more regional level (ie. sharing
wastewater treatment plant or transportation costs.)
Business Retention/Communication:
(Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Patrick Thompson, Sandy Suchy)
IEDC Input:
1. Business Survey priority for 2009.
— Q's asked by SCSU students survey for higher ed, don't duplicate
— To be determined: type of questions IEDC will ask, priority of which businesses to include and how
many surveys should be done, who will be conducting the survey (initial personal contacts face -to -face
or by phone followed by written replies or a combination), timeline for completion,
2. IEDC /EDA Gatherings with updates from City Staff for business community (more discussion needed
to define)
— Spring luncheon joint effort with Chamber in March (date ?)
— Summer breakfast meeting (set a date) with more focus on IEDC /EDA (no Chamber involvement)
— Fall Banquet (set a date in October) with more focus on IEDC /EDA (no Chamber involvement)
3. Ongoing Business Newsletter with articles from IEDC
— To be determined who writes next two articles for 2009. Incoming 2009 IEDC chair wrote January
issue article.
Group Recorder:
Resources desired from Staff:
Meeting Frequency:
Group Recorder:
Resources desired from Staff:
Meeting Frequency:
Group Recorder:
Resources desired from Staff:
Meeting Frequency: