IEDC Agenda 02-03-2009AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 3, 2009 7:00 a.m., Boom Island Room IEDC Mission Statement: To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage -level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment. MEMBERS: Chair Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Vice Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Don Tomami, Zona Gutzwiller, Patrick Thompson, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam, and Marshall Smith, Charlotte Gabler, Elaine DeWenter. 1. Call to Order 2. Vote to approve the January 6, 2008 IEDC minutes 3. Transportation Plan Presentation (by City Engineer Bruce Westby) & formal recommendation to the Planning Commission 4. Planning Groups (8:00am) 5. Economic Development Report (handout) 6. Adjournment. (8:30am) MEETING MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTE Tuesday, January 6, 2009 7:00am, Boom Island Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Vice Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Zona Gutzwiller, Dan Olson, Patrick Thompson, Rich Harris, Dick VanAllen, Elaine DeWenter, Charlotte Gabler, Clint Herbst MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Tomann, Marshall Smith, Wayne Elm LIAISONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Monticello Chamber CITY STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director, Megan Barnett Call to Order IEDC Chair Dahl- Fleming called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. IEDC members welcomed new member Elaine DeWenter, she is replacing Jim Johnson who represents the Monticello school district, and Charlotte Gabler, who also serves on the Planning Commission. Individual members introduced themselves. Vote to approve the December 2, 2008 IEDC minutes MOTION BY DICK VAN ALLEN TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 2, 2008 IEDC MINUTES WITH CORRECTION MADE TO THE NAME OF ZONA GUTZWILLER. SECONDED BY DON ROBERTS. MOTION CARRIED. 13 — 0. Economic Development Director Update Economic Development Director Barnett stated the update included in the packet was comprehensive and asked if anyone had any questions. Ms. Barnett asked if the IEDC would provide their view about John Chadwick's request for the City to purchase his property. Staff was contacted by John Chadwick who owns a 13 acre parcel immediately south of the City owned industrial park, Monticello Business Center, asking if the City would be interested in purchasing the property for future industrial development. Staff reviewed with the IEDC that the property is currently located in the Township and would require a comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, and an orderly annexation action. The general discussion of the IEDC was to begin initiating discussion with the property owner. The City should continue to look at purchasing industrial land at a fair price when opportunities arise. It was suggested that the IEDC send Barb Schweintek a letter thanking her for many years of service on the IEDC. Committee Reports Sandy Suchy reviewed the upcoming March Business Network event. The event is set for March 17, 2009 at the Community Center. Businesses will have the opportunity to sign up for a booth to showcase their business. City Staff and the Mayor will be the main speakers. Approve Elaine DeWenter as a new member of the IEDC MOTION BY LYNNE DAHL - FLEMING SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER TO APPROVE ELAINE DEWENTER AS AN IEDC MEMBER SERVING A THREE YEAR TERM. MOTION CARRIED 9 -0. Sub - Committee Policy Director Barnett went through the proposed sub - committee policy. The idea of adopting a policy is to implement term limits and number of total committee members for the Marketing Committee and Higher Education Committee. Staff is proposing to dissolve the Housing Committee at this point due to the fact the EDA now has HRA powers and can handle any topics or items directly. The committee revised the proposed policy to allow a total of five members on the Marketing Committee serving a two year term, with the option to serve another two year tern. The five members shall consist of 2 or 3 IEDC members and 2 or 3 EDA members to equal a total of five members. The IEDC generally approved the sub- committee policy. It was determined that the following three IEDC members shall serve on the marketing committee; Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Bill Tapper, and Wayne Elam. Don Tomann serves on the Higher Education Committee. IEDC Plannine Groups: The IEDC broke into small planning groups consisting of Land Use, Transportation, and Business Retention/Communication. Each group devised goals and objectives for 2009, which are as follows: Land Use: (Don Roberts, Zona Gutzwiller, Marshall Smith, Charlotte Gabler, Don Tomann) 1. Review current Economic Development section within the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Review current inventory of City owned industrial land and determine if efforts should begin to obtain additional industrial land for future use. 3. Review current zoning practices (participate in Zoning Code rewrite). 2 Transportation: (Dick Van Allen, Bill Tapper, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam) I. Review benefit /location of third I -94 interchange. 2. Participate in discussion and research related to mass transit within Wright County. 3. Assist in efforts to begin implementing strategies to alleviate traffic on Highway 25. 4. Begin grass roots efforts to begin planning for an additional River crossing. 5. Support and participate in efforts to expand I -94 corridor. Business Retention /Communication: (Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Sandy Suchy, Dan Olson, Elaine DeWenter, Patrick Thompson) 1. Complete a Business Survey. 2. Further define purpose and structure for joint IEDC /EDA events. 3. Continue to assist City staff in the IEDC section of the Monticello Business Insider The IEDC agreed in general that about a half hour per IEDC meeting (when possible) should be set aside to meet in the planning groups. Individual groups may elect to meet outside of this allotted time based on need. The committee regrouped and reviewed objectives established by each planning group. MOTION BY ZONA GUTZWILLER SECONDED BY RICH HARRIS TO ADJORN THE MEETING. MOTIONED CARRIED. 13 -0. Adjourned at 8:27am IEDC 2.3.09 Economic Development Director Updates: a. General: 1. Sign Ordinance: The City scheduled a public meeting for February 17, 2009 at S:OOpm. City Staff will have a revised sign ordinance available and published to the website the week of February 9, 2009. If you are interested in providing feedback on the draft sign ordinance please plan to attend the public meeting. 2. Staff and Lynne Dahl - Fleming sent a letter to Barb Schweintek thanking her for her years of service on the IEDC. 3. 2009 Work Plan: Attached is the 2009 Work Plan for the IEDC. 4. City Council: a. The City Council approved adopting a resolution supporting efforts by the I -94 Chamber and surrounding Cities requesting funding and re- prioritizing the expansion of the I -94 corridor. Cities and businesses from Maple Grove to Monticello have adopted resolutions supporting these efforts. The City was not asked for any monetary support at this point in time, it is anticipated that in the future funding may be requested. b. The City Council agendas for the month of January are attached. 5. Neighborhood Stabilization Plan Grant: The City submitted the required grant application requesting $523,923 dollars to help facilitate foreclosure recovery in Monticello. Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) anticipates announcing grant recipients in mid February. 6. TIF Analysis Project: Rusty Fifield attended the January EDA meeting to report on information Northland Securities has collected so far in the TIF Analysis project. Mr. Fifield will be attending the March EDA meeting to report on the results and providing recommendations to further ensure healthy districts. b. Committees: (see attached for list of members) 1. Marketing Committee: The Marketing Committee meet on Thursday, January 29, 2009. The committee recommended entering into an agreement with Nelson Realty to list City owned industrial land. The recommendation will be forwarded to the EDA at their February meeting. The committee also discussed at length what type of conferences would yield the most benefit for the City to get involved. Conferences such as medical manufacturing, land development, hotel were all discussed. Staff is to research on exact costs, date and location of conferences, and what target audience is trying to be reached at the conferences. Staff is also in the process of updating the website, continue updating marketing pieces, distributing the new marketing postcard, and determining print ad viability. The Committee also preliminary discussed the fall joint IEDC /EDA social event. Wine and beer tasting with appetizers seemed to be a popular setting choice for the event. 2. Higher Education Committee: Committee members and City Staff will be meeting with Barry Kirchoff and his St. Cloud State student group on Tuesday, February 3, 2009. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss launching the educational survey and needs assessment project. It is anticipated that this student project will take place from February to May. Many businesses will be contacted in order to obtain an idea of what Monticello workforce looks like now and what will be needed in the future. c. Business Communications: 1. Business Newsletter: Staff will be asking for a volunteer from the IEDC to write a short article for the March business newsletter publication. 2. Related newsletters /articles: None are included. d. Future Meeting Dates: 1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 2. Planning Commission: February 3, 2009 — public hearing on Draft Transportation Plan INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2009 WORKPLAN Mission Statement: To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage -level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business enviromnent. 2009 Objectives: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro- active in following the guidelines established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: Land Use: 1. Review current Economic Development section within the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Review current inventory of City owned industrial land and determine if efforts should begin to obtain additional industrial land for future use. 3. Review current zoning practices (participate in Zoning Code rewrite). Transportation: 1. Review benefit/location of third I -94 interchange. 2. Participate in discussion and research related to mass transit within Wright County. 3. Assist in efforts to begin implementing strategies to alleviate traffic on Highway 25. 4. Begin grass roots efforts to begin planning for an additional River crossing. 5. Support and participate in efforts to expand I -94 corridor. Business Retention /Communication: 1. Complete a Business Survey. 2. Further define purpose and structure for joint IEDC /EDA events. 3. Continue to assist City staff in the IEDC section of the Monticello Business Insider. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2009-3 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING I -94 CORRIDOR EXPANSION FUNDING WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is committed to the business and residential growth and expansion along the I -94 corridor from the 494/694 intersection in Maple Grove through Monticello (hereinafter the I -94 corridor); and WHEREAS, the I -94 Corridor has been one of the fastest growth corridors in the State of Minnesota and the Nation; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello believes the continued growth and economic expansion along the I -94 corridor is dependent upon its continued viability as an uncongested major transportation corridor serving businesses and residents of the northwestern Metro area as well as the State of Minnesota as a whole; and WHEREAS, the I -94 Corridor functions as a major transportation route for access to Northern and Northwestern Minnesota recreation areas; and WHEREAS, the I -94 Corridor is routinely congested, particularly in morning and afternoon rush hours, and due to its role as a major transportation route to access Northern and Northwestern Minnesota recreation areas, congestion on the I -94 Corridor has expanded to weekends in the summer and holidays, as well as fishing and hunting seasons; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO fully supports increased capacity in the I -94 Corridor as a transportation priority for the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Monticello along with cities, counties and the I -94 West Chamber of Commerce business members along the I -94 Corridor from Maple Grove to Monticello agree to work with congressional and legislative leaders, along with other Chambers of Commerce and business leaders throughout the state to help secure support from congressional and legislative leaders to advance the I -94 corridor improvement as a priority for the State of Minnesota. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 12`1' day of January, 2009. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 12, 2009 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. LA Administer oath of office to newly elected officials. 2A. Approve minutes of December 1, 2008 Special Meeting — YMCA 2B. Approve minutes of December 8, 2008 Regular Meeting. 3. Approve minutes of December 19, 2008 Special Meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. A. Kathleen Poate: I -94 West Chamber of Commerce Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures Public Works, MCC, Liquor, Building, Streets and Parks. B. Consideration of approving contract for garbage hauling and recycling with Veolia. C. Consideration of acceptance of donation for Fire Department. D. Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration services. E. Consideration of approving apportionment of special assessments for 1) Amax Addition; 2) Union Crossings 3d Addition; 3) First Federal Savings Bank. F. Consideration of adopting updated City Ordinance Chapter 8 -1 -11 regarding removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks. G. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the Fiber Optics Head -end Building. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on adoption of an ordinance setting the fee schedule for 2009. 8. Consideration of approving appointments for 2009. 9. Consideration of approving sale of City property to Mn/DOT for I -94 twin bridge replacement project over CSAH 75. City of Monticello Council Agenda January 12, 2009 Page 2 10. Consideration to enter into a contract between the City of Monticello, Central MN Housing Partnership and the City of Otsego to obtain funds to establish a Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Monticello. 11. Update on FiberNet Monticello and Fiber Loop Project. 12. Consideration of approving purchase of data router for fiber optic loop. 13. Consideration of amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to the re- assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown Revitalization Plan 14. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2009. 15. Adjourn AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 26, 2009 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of January 6, 2009 Joint Meeting — Sign Ordinance 2B. Approve minutes of January 12, 2009 Regular Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. A. Presentation by River Rider 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for Parks Department. B. Consideration of amendments to City Ordinance Title 8, Chapter 3, as related to diseased trees. C. Consideration of approving preliminary 4s' quarter financial reports. D. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for the Vehicle Storage Building at the Monticello, WWTP, City Project No. 2007 -19C. E. Consideration of revised special assessment agreement and adopting special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition, F. Consideration to adopt a position statement regarding Clean Watpr Land and Legacy Amendment Funding. G. Consideration of amendment to City Ordinance Title 6, Chapter 2 relating to fee charged for commercial kennels. H. Consideration of approving 2008 operating transfers. I. Consideration of approving a reduction in retainage for Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project, City Project no. 2006 -31C. Consideration of approving request for extension of Kjellberg Estates conditional use permit for PUD (Planned Unit Development). Agenda Monticello City Council January 26, 2009 Page Two K. Consideration of awarding bid for fiber -to -the -user (FTTTU) equipment for the Fiber Optic Loop. L. Consideration of awarding bid for DC power supply, battery backup systems, cabinets and racking for the Fiber Optic Loop. M. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on the MnDOT Twin Bridge Replacement Project. N. Consideration to approve the replacement of Community Center Romp N Stomp Carpet. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on delinquent utility accounts and certification to County Auditor. 8. Public Hearing on vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. - Lundsten 9. Consideration of approving 2009 Parks Department Tree Program. 10. Consideration of approving purchase of automatic transfer switch for fiber optic head end building. 11. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2009. 12. Adjourn d E E U c 0 a LU W d r Ol N d ` V �N ! t =r c 0 rn 0 c O. E 0 cc Y 0 HE�0 d 0'�D m 3 d'c c Q) a'C OaaoU'i= a� £ 'a 0 K H W N It co rn ° E E U X N P 0 O C N N E 0 0 E _p E V O O U U 4 U E U C E m a co C E ca ... E 6 , 0 d � Y 0 O ' E � U m y o= a W o a 0Y c c 0 rn 0 c O. E 0 cc Y 0 HE�0 d 0'�D m 3 d'c c Q) a'C OaaoU'i= a� £ 'a 0 K H W N It co rn N (9 I LO N P CD rn n C N N 0 M M m m IL c 0 rn 0 c O. E 0 cc Y 0 HE�0 d 0'�D m 3 d'c c Q) a'C OaaoU'i= a� £ 'a 0 K H W L L 0) 01 O) 0 c E E E E `y E E E U Q Q uW UQ UQ Q O W W W w d " 'Q N x F- W rn 0 c E E E N a) v J N r L N O M O) CD m E (D a CU E 0 O) O 22 =m O C_ o > m C U O 0 E d L n o a s m c a co E. d s _mac a w � > > U N N 3E 3 aEi -tea. E a w m y d E E V O OD N 00 N rn N 00 't p� 0) r� W W -LO OD V 00 d. O iO 0) O r Y c N N N M r- 1tl t coo(D roro� a r'. r'. nom d " 'Q N x F- W rn c E N a) E u. J N r L 7 N M O) CD m E (D a CU E 0 > c 22 =m J o > m d " 'Q N x F- W