IEDC Agenda 05-05-2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7:00 a.m., S. Mississippi Room
IEDC Mission Statement:
To increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage-level jobs in Monticello by promoting
industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment.
MEMBERS: Chair Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Vice Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don
Roberts, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Patrick Thompson, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam,
Marshall Smith, Charlotte Gabler, Elaine DeWenter
LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber
Clint Herbst, Mayor
Glen Posusta, City Council
1. Call to Order
2. a. Approve March 3, 2009 minutes
b. Note April 7, 2009 meeting notes (no quorum was present therefore approval is not required)
3. Economic Development Director Update
4. Reports:
a. City Council
b. Chamber
5. Discussion regarding future IEDC agenda items:
6. FiberNet presentation (7:30am)
a. Request to adopt a resolution supporting the expanded broadband project
7. IEDC Planning Groups (Time permitting. It is anticipated that due to the FiberNet presentation
and discussion regarding future IEDC topics/projects; planning groups may need to either schedule a
different time to meet or resume discussion at the June meeting, staff would be happy to coordinate
any planning group meetings)
a. Transportation
b. Business Retention/Communication
c. Land Use Planning
8. Adjournment. (8:30am)
April 28, 2009
Dear IEDC members,
After reviewing the content of the notes provided by Chairperson Dahl-Fleming of the IEDC
meeting held in April, I feel that I must respond.
The "City" wasn't seeking control of the April meeting of the IEDC. It was of the opinion of our
Economic Development Director that in light of the fact that she was required to attend
mandatory state training and the IEDC agenda did not contain any pressing items, cancelling the
regularly scheduled meeting seemed appropriate. She made arrangements freeing up alternative
dates to meet with any of the groups that felt they needed to meet before the May meeting. I
have sat on many committees and boards over the last 18 years. It is very common to cancel a
meeting when there is a very light agenda.
I see from the notes of the last meeting that ther e was no agenda item discussed other than trying
to point out how the city is trying to control this committee . What a shame. It was just recently
that I was talking with Councilme n Posusta about how the addition of Megan Barnett has made a
huge difference with the IEDC. I also like to point out that committee members have stated the
need to stop wasting everyone’s time by discussing past grudges and issues. It is time to generate
new ideas and a renewed positive relationship with City Staff and the City Council.
I truly believe that the IEDC has accomplished more in the last 6 months t han in previous
years. These efforts need to continue and I am encouraged by the support the IEDC shows along
with the Economic Development Director to continue on a positive and pro -active path.
I have to be honest with all of you. I am very disappointed in Ms. Dahl-Fleming's actions. As a
committee member and a Chairperson, she represents the City of Monticello. There is no doubt
that she is a valuable asset to all of us, she is committed and works very hard, but her day to day
actions towards Ms. Barnett and the City have been very unprofessional. A recent tie-raid at a
city council meeting has proved to me that she is incapable of performing the duties required to
fill the IEDC Chair position.
This committee has a lot to offer. I can't begin to express my appreciation to all of you for your
time and commitment to the City. We cannot allow one person to jeopardize the hard work and
input all of you bring to the table. I would like the committee to comment on this issue. I really
feel that we need to get this negative direction behind us and move forward in a positive
Thank you for all that you do for the Community.
Clint Herbst
Economic Development Director Updates:
a. General:
1. Sign Ordinance: The City Council adopted the revised sign ordinance at
their April 27, 2009 meeting.
2. City Council: It is anticipated that the City Council will review River Street
closing pilot project at the May 25th regular meeting. Staff also anticipates
bringing the Transportation Plan to the City Council at the end of May after
the requested regional meeting has been held.
The City Council authorized staff to apply for Federal High Priority Project
funding. The required application must be submitted to Congresswoman
Bachmann’s office by Thursday, April 30, 2009. The application will
request funding for two projects in Monticello: 1. Intersection and corridor
improvements along TH 25 between I-94 and Mississippi River 2. River
crossing study.
The City Council and the EDA approved revised Business Subsidy criteria
in early April. Staff will continue to promote and inform the business
community regarding these opportunities.
3. EDA: Rusty Fifield from Northland Securities presented the results from
the TIF Analysis and Management Plan study at the April 7, 2009 EDA
meeting. Due to a conflict in scheduling the Board of Reviews and the
EDA meeting, the City Council was not able to attend. Therefore staff is
working on scheduling a second presentation by Rusty Fifield sometime in
May. Staff will email the IEDC members in the event anyone is interested
in attending. The study is also posted on-line: City
Government/EDA/Agendas/April 7, 2009 worksho p.
4. Planning Commission: The Planning Commission will be reviewing RFP’s
to complete a rewrite of City Code.
5. Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grant (NSP): Staff was required to
attended mandatory state training in April in order for the City to distribute
funds awarded through the NSP grant. Central MN Housing Partnership
(CMHP) will be hosting an educational in take training for local lenders,
realtors, and possibly builders/developers on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at
8:30am. Staff anticipates signing the final contract with Minnesota
Housing Finance Agency by mid May and being able to actively market
the program after the “educational in-take” meeting occurs on May 14th.
6. Earth Day: Thank you to Cargill Kitchen Solutions for helping keep
Monticello clean. Employees from Cargill volunteered to pick-up trash and
debris along various ditches and surrounding ponds within the City. See
Business Insider for pictures.
b. Committees:
1. Higher Education Committee: SCSU students presented their Higher Education
needs assessment & resource map research project to the Higher Education
Committee on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. The students did a nice job presenting
their results. Their findings will allow the Higher Ed Committee to identify short
term and long term goals/work plan. Attached is the power point presentation. A
follow up meeting with the Higher Education Committee will be held the week of
2. Downtown Association: City Staff, Mayor Herbst, and the Monticello Downtown
Association meet on April 20, 2009. Great discussion and communication ensued
regarding the desires of the Downtown Association. Staff looks forward to
working with this group to help generate excitement and activity within
c. Business Communications:
1. Business Newsletter: The Spring 2009 Business Insider was distributed to the
business community the week of April 27, 2009.
2. The Commercial Broker Breakfast has been set for Wednesday June 3, 2009 at
8:00am. This is a very exciting event that is in the process of being coordinated.
We will be inviting key commercial brokers and realtors, serving a light breakfast,
showcasing Monticello in a very fun and vibrant manner, and possibly providing a
guided tour.
3. Business Retention & Expansio n Program: The IEDC Business Communication
Group direct staff to obtain additional information regarding the University of
Minnesota Extension Program’s Business Retention and Expansion Program. Staff
met with Claudia Cody from the University of Minnesota Extensio n Services to
discuss launching this program in Monticello. A leadership team is in the process
of being formed. Once this is completed and funding sources are identified, staff
will be providing detailed information and requesting the IEDC approve a
resolution supporting the program. It should be noted that staff anticipates the
IEDC will serve as the larger Taskforce overseeing the Business Retention &
Expansion program for the entire duration (i.e. 1- 2 year project).
d. Future Meeting Dates:
1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
IEDC 5.5.09
IEDC 5.5.09
5. Discussion regarding future IEDC agenda items/topics:
The past eight months, since the hiring of the new Economic Development Director, staff and the
IEDC have been working together to educate the new Director on the history of the IEDC, tie up
some lose ends, further define the planning groups, and establish the best for mat for the
meetings. Most of these tasks have been accomplished. The Economic Director began to look
analyze what future IEDC agendas may look like. City Staff realized that some of the upcoming
agendas appeared fairly “light” meaning the only item on the agenda would include planning
groups. Therefore, staff requested a meeting with the Chair and Vice Chair of the IEDC a couple
months ago to discuss what types of topics, items, and projects staff should include on future
IEDC agendas. The following ideas were generated:
1. Presentation on Business Subsidy Criteria
2. TIF Analysis & Management Plan presentation
3. SCSU Higher Education Study presentation
4. Possibly bring in speakers
Most importantly, t he Chair and Vice-Chair wanted to obtain information from the IEDC at
large. Therefore, staff is requesting input from the IEDC as to what type of future agenda items
the IEDC would like staff to bring forward. Staff is also kindly requesting further clarification on
situations where several consecutive meetings frame up to only include planning groups (besides
Director Report and Committee updates). Does the IEDC find value in meeting in planning
groups every month? Engineering, Planning, and Economic Development staff are diligently
trying to provide support to these p lanning groups, however there may be follow up items that
may take a given length of time. In these situations where additional information is not
completed the following month, does the IEDC st ill prefer to have staff dedicate planning group
time within t he IEDC agenda?
In order to assist the IEDC in possibly generating ideas for future topics, it may be helpful to
review the 2009 work plan for the IEDC:
The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the guidelines established in the
Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas
identified below as supporting actions and objectives:
Land Use:
1. Review current Economic Development section within the Comprehensive Plan.
2. Review current inventory of City owned industrial land and determine if efforts should
begin to obtain additional industrial land for future use. (held 1st meeting, continuing
3. Review current zoning practices (participate in Zoning Code rewrite). (currently assisting
in ad-hoc review committee to review RFP’s for zoning rewrite)
1. Review benefit/location of third I-94 interchange. (completed)
2. Participate in discussion and research related to mass transit within Wright County.
3. Assist in efforts to begin implementing strategies to alleviate traffic on Highway 25. (City
is applying for HPP through the federal government)
4. Begin grass roots efforts to begin planning for an additional River crossing. (City is
applying for HPP through federal government)
5. Support and participate in efforts to expand I-94 corridor.
Business Retention/Communication:
1. Complete a Business Survey.(in process of initiating Business Retention & Expansion
program through the U of M)
2. Further define purpose and structure for joint IEDC/EDA events. (completed)
3. Continue to assist City staff in the IEDC section of the Monticello Business Insider.
Higher Education:
1. Coordinate opportunities between the business community and the local schools (Career
Pathway model)
2. Initiate classes/training opportunities to the business community via surrounding colleges
(or other suitable higher education facilities)
Staff understands IEDC members are busy and on a daily basis have to decide how to spend their
time most effectively and efficiently. In an effort to be most respectful to the time and dedication
IEDC members contribute to the City, staff is requesting additional input regarding future IEDC
agenda content.
IEDC 5.5.09
FiberNet Monticello has the opportunity to apply for a federal grant to assist in financing
Monticello ’s fiber to premises project. City Staff and Don Patten, FiberNet Monticello General
Manager, will address this exciting opportunity with the IEDC. The IEDC will be asked to
approve a resolution supporting the City’s efforts in applying for the grant and moving forward
with the fiber to every address project footprint.
a. Proposed Resolution supporting the City Council in applying for a Broadband
Technologies Opportunities Grant Application through the National Telecommunications
and Informat ion Administration.