IEDC Agenda 02-07-2012STEM in the Monticello School District IEDC Presentation February 7, 2012 We are preparing our students for a very different world…. People will have multiple careers in their lifetime Learning will be a continual part of life Doubling Time for Knowledge 1900 –Every Century 1945 –Every 25 Years Today –Every 1.5 Years 2020 –Predicting every 11 hours Traditional Education Will Not Work Learners are interactive and expect interaction Learning cannot be knowledge based Learners have the world at their fingertips We Focus on Career and College Ready All students will need some type of training Tech Colleges Traditional 4-year programs Extended Programs S.T.E.M. STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering and Math It is as much about the way you need to think as it is about the content What we do with STEM Standards are set by the State of Minnesota We embed these standards throughout the curriculum Science Standard Placement Nature of Science and Engineering is placed at all grade levels K-12 Other standards are also placed at each grade level Beginning in 2014-2015 all students will have Chemistry and/or Physics Math Standards Minnesota has some of the highest expectations in the country There are 4 strands Beginning in 2015 all students must pass the Minnesota Math Graduation Test to earn a diploma Middle School Math Acceleration 2 levels of Math in Grade 6 4 levels of Math in Grades 7 and 8 Grade 7 Basic Pre-Algebra, Pre-Algebra, Linear Algebra and Algebra I Grade 8 Basic Linear Algebra, Linear Algebra, Algebra I and Geometry High School Math 4 Different Tracks Informal Algebra, Informal Geometry, Intermediate Algebra and Algebra II Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Elective Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus A/B Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus A/B, AP Calculus B/C There area also numerous electives Middle School IT Course History of Technology How has technology changed Exponential rate of growth Inventions and Innovations –21st Century Engineering –Research and Design Transportation, Power and Energy Design and Production High School IT Courses (STEM) Vehicles and Power Computer Engineering Advanced Computer Engineering Welding and Metal Fabrication CAD Advanced CAD Introduction to Engineering (PLTW) Partnerships The High School works closely with UMC and Production Stamping We continue to try to build these connections It has been difficult in getting students internships and/or job shadowing Restrictions for people under 18 Future Planning Middle School –Next Year Adding a semester course specific to STEM Looking at Project Lead the Way Looking at other STEM Programming High School Robotics