Parks Commission Agenda Packet 10-19-2001 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. 9. . to. . AGENDA DRAFT PARKS COMMISSION October t9, 200t Call to Order Approve Minutes of September 20, 2001 Parks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens requests. West Bridge Park - Update Pioneer Park - Shelter Update Discussion of Gillard Avenue/CR 39 Pathway Loop Update, if any Park Maintenance Items Resignation of Park Superintendent Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Rick Traver Council Liaison, Roger Carlson Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey Stall: Gregg Engle and Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Annroval of minutcs of the AU1!ust 23. 200t re1!ular meetin1!. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 2001 REGULAR MEETING. LARRY NOLAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Fran Fair asked that discussion of the fall plantings for East Bridge Park bc added to the agenda. 4. Citizens Reuuests. Nonc. 5. Soccer Budget Exnenditure - Recreation Prn1!ram Kick-Back -Goals. JelT O'Neill representing the Monticello Soccer Club submitted a written proposal for the use of $ 15,000 that was in the 2001 Park Budget for soccer. The Monticello Soccer Club is proposing the funds be used as follows: 1. $5,000 - '1'0 be credited to the soccer budget deficit 01'2000. 7 $3,600 - To be used to purchase 18 (5' x 10') aluminum kick-back goals. These would be used to replace the existing portables goals which arc showing their age. 3. $2.000 - To be used to purchase two sets of 6' x 18' goals to be used by 5\h and 61h grade divisions. 4. $4,400 - This could be used to install small goals at 2 local parks as determined by the Parks Commission. This would allow for "pick-up" type soccer games. The Parks Commission talked about possible sites fiJr the small goals. Fran Fair noted there is considerable open area at St. I lenry's if the soccer league would consider using that. Gregg . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/20/01 Engle suggested Meadow Oak Park. Jeff O' Neill thought the area by freeway Fields might be a possibility but he didn't know if it was big enough. Gregg Engle also suggested the open area at Pioneer Park. ./eff O'Neill noted that this would be kind of experimental and it was unknown how much use these fields would get. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST Of THE MONTICELLO SOCCER CLUB ON THE PROPOSED USE OF 2001 BUDGETED SOCCER FUNDS. RICK TRAVER SI':C'ONDED THE MOTION. MUf'ION CARRIED Wnll EARL SMrn-( ABSTAINING. I':arl Smith stated that the reason he abstained from voting was that he would like to see a financial statement from the soccer organization to see what funds they generate through their fund raising efforts. JcffO'Neill indicated that they did not do fund raising. Earl Smith stated that other organizations do fund raising and a portion of the funds raised go back into the program but he didn't see the soccer club doing that. 6. West Bridee Park - Play Structure. Grcgg Engle reported that work has started on the landscape area by the wall. Rocks are being hauled in to be placed on the back side of the landscaping. The play structure is coming on Septcmbcr 251h. Park staff will be doing some site preparation for that. Greg Engle is getting prices for thc curbing for around the play structure. He would also like a 5' concrete walk around it but if that is too costly then they will just blacktop it. Gregg Engle explained that the play structure needed to be relocated because of the location of utilities. The retaining wall should be done at the end of this week. Fran Fair asked about plantings for West Bridge Park. Gregg Engle stated he would talk to MCP or Women of Today to see if they would be interested in doing something in the park 7. Pioneer Park - Shelter Update. Gregg Engle prcscntcd the plans submitted by the Lions Club for thc park shelter. He stated that he has forwarded these plans to various firms to get prices and materials list. llc hopes to get this information back next week. Gregg Engle will be meeting with Mike Lundquist and Skip Sorcnson next Tuesday at 7:30. Construction is planned to start the second wcck in Octobcr. The price for the cement work came in at $8,290. The Parks Department will do the excavation and base and the contractor will pour the slab. Gregg Engle is still looking into a metal roof and is in the process of getting prices fi:x that as well as the electrical work and other items. 8. Discussion of Gillard A venue/CR 39 Pathway Loon The City Council held a public hearing on the pathway for Gillard Avenue. While the Council did approvc ordcring plans and spccifications for a pathway from 9Th Strcet to River Forcst Drive. thcy also dirccted thc Parks Commission to rcvicw thc pathway for thc area and how it should be looped. The Council was reluctant to extend the pathway all the way to County Road 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/20/01 39 if there was no future plans to continue thc trail. The Parks Commission discussed the options thc Council had looked and agreed that the option of the 5' concrete sidewalk and ifthere was sufficient room this would be extended to 8' was the most feasible. In discussing how the Gillard pathway would be connected to other segments on the city's system various options were considered. One suggestion was to run a tunnel under CR 39 to the south side of the road where the Battle Rapids Park is located and run the trail through the park and through the adjoining DNR land up to Mississippi Drive. Eventually the path would run along Hart Boulevard through the Bondhus property and past the wastewater treatment plant and at some point connect to Ellison Park. Earl Slnith stated thathe was undcr the imprcssion that the County would not allow any crosswalks and if that was the case how would the pathway be routed then. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City is in the process of checking out grants for this type of project. In addition a map is being prepared that would show the various trail options and hopefully this should be available at the next meeting. There was discussion whether this could be tied in somehow with thc trail proposal by the Clearwatcr group. Earl Slnith asked about a connection fi'om O'Ryans and the Glorious Church. There will be furthcr information for discussion at the next meeting. 9. Park Maintenance Items. Gregg Engle reported that Lisa McCannon had donated three trces to Ellison Park which have been planted. Eighteen trecs have been planted at the River Mill Park and the area has been sccded. The Park Department has been doing some clearing in the Battle Rapids Park. At the Cardinalllills Park some elm trees were removed as well as a large pine. Grcgg Engle noted that the ballfields were in full swing and that SuperAmerica had donated a cappuccino machine for usc at the concession stand. Otter Creek Park - Trees were markcd for removal there and along the trail. Thosc that the stafl could remove have been taken down and a contractor will rcmovc the rest. The areas where herbicide is used have been done and acration has bccn done. Thc youth baseball group is still planning to put up a 12' x 14' building at the ballfields. Thc Parks Department staff will do the prep work for (he building. The wheat at the Wildwood Ridge Park was cut and Gregg Engle indicated he would have a concept plan for this park ready for Parks Commission rcview in November. The Parks Commission was also updated about the mowing along the pathway in the Grovcland Development. There was SOlne discussion on the park land in that dcvclopment, its exact location and how it would be developcd. Added Item: Fran Fair indicatcd that thcy would like to do somc plantings yet this fall at East Bridge Park in the corner where all thc mcehanieal boxes are located and wondered ifthcre was any money available in Adopt a Park to put in shrubs. Gregg Engle indicatcd that there werc some funds available. Fran Fair also asked ir there was any section or fencing available that could be placed at each corner to thc entrance. Therc will bc a clcan up day at thc park scheduled fiJr either October 6th or October 20th. ,., -) . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/20/01 The Parks COlnmission discussed the progress being made on the CR 18 bridge and pathway. Roger Carlson also updated the Parks Commission on a recent joint meeting of the Planning Commission alld the City Council dealing with various land use issues including transportation. lie noted that a full interchange was being proposed for CR 18 for the year 2006. 12. Adjourn. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:45 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MUT'[ON. MOT[ON CARR[ED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 4