IEDC Agenda 12-01-2009AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, December 1, 2009 7:00 a.m., Boom Island MEMBERS: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Patrick Thompson, Secretary Charlotte Gabler, Bill Tapper, Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Elaine DeWenter, and Chris Kruse LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 3. Approve Minutes: a. October 6, 2009 4. Economic Development Director Update 5. Reports: a. City Council b. Chamber 6. Re- appointment of IEDC Members with 2009 expiring terms 7. I -94 Coalition Presentation (7:30am) a. representative from the I -94 Coalition is anticipated to make a presentation 8. Adjournment. (8:30am) MEETING MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday October 6, 2009 7:00 a.m., Boom Island MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Chris louse. MEMBERS ABSENT: Charlotte Gabler, Rich Harris, Marshall Smith, Elaine DeWenter LIAISONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Glen Posusta, Clint Herbst CITY STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett, City Administrator Jeff O'Neil, Finance Director Tom Kelly. Call to Order IEDC Chair Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Approve Minutes MOTION BY TAPPER TO APPROVED JUNE 2, 2009, AUGUST 4, 2009, AND SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 MEETING MINUTES SECONDED BY PATRICK THOMPSON. MOTION CARRIED 9 -0. Economic Development Report: Economic Development Director Barnett provided a verbal update on the BR &E program, Petsmart construction update, great attendance at Dahlheimer Ribbon Cutting event, and request by Wright County Economic Development Partnership for a county wide EDA/business meeting. City Reports: Discussion ensued regarding the City's budget situation. Finance Director Kelly outlined the cuts the City was facing and direction staff received from the City Council to address the current financial challenges. IEDC members inquired about the continued purchase of the Bertram Chain of Lakes property. It was stated the City will be requesting funds to be obtained through various grant opportunities to assist in further purchases. Question was raised regarding how the City utilizes the electric franchise fee. City Staff and the City Council representatives responded the fees are required to be utilized for replacing and adding street lights. TIF Analysis and Management Plan: Finance Director Kelly and Economic Development Director Barnett reviewed the final TIF Analysis and Management Plan prepared by Rusty Fifield from Northland Securities, TIF Districts 1 -26, 1 -28, and 1 -33 have been decertified and obligations paid. Staff stated TIF Districts 1 -2, 1 -5, 1 -6, and 1 -22 require additional review and planning prior to decertifying. It is staff's intention to meet with the attorney and Rusty to further discuss the best method for addressing excess TIF and the fast approaching decertifying timelines. Adjournment: MOTION BY BILL TAPPER TO ADJOURN SECONDED BY LYNNE DAHL- FLEMING. MOTION CARRIED. 9 -0. Meeting adjourned at 8:35am. 2 Economic Development Director Updates: a. General: 1. EDA: The City Council and EDA will be holding a joint meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2009. The purpose of the meeting is to review follow up options related to TIF Districts 1 -2, 1 -5, 1 -6, and 1 -22. It is anticipated that through excess TIF funds various high priority studies and /or improvements projects could be initiated. In October the EDA decertified districts 1 -28, I -126, and 1 -33. 2. The City Council recently adopted a revised off - street parking ordinance. The adopted ordinance can be viewed on the City's website under the November 23, 2009 City Council Agenda. 3. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. 4. FiberNet Monticello: Since November 12, 2009, FiberNet Technicians have been connecting residents within Groveland neighborhood to live fiber optics. Residents in this area are now able to experience the superior speeds of FiberNet Monticello. 5. Industrial Conference: Staff recently attended one of the monthly Industrial Real Estate & Economic Development Conferences. The conference consisted of several commercial /industrial brokers discussing the existing marketing conditions and what they anticipate future markets to look like. Attorney's also presented on options for reduced lease /rents for owners of multi- tenant buildings. Several Cities and Counties presented on options they have implemented and are considering in order to assist in creating development activities again. Staff obtained valuable information and also connected with other cities, counties, and brokers. 6. Wright County Economic Development Partnership: The Partnership held a county wide EDA /IEDC meeting in November. The event format was round table discussion between all attendees. Monticello was well represented by the Finance Director and members from the IEDC, EDA, and City Council. Noel will be distributing notes to everyone in the near future recapping pertinent discussions. 7. Chamber Banquet: The Annual Chamber Banquet will be held on Monday, December 7, 2009. This is a can't miss event!! Please contact Sandy at the Chamber asap if you plan to attend. 2010 Street Reconstruction Project: A feasibility study for reconstruction of west River Street from Chestnut to Hwy 25, associated side streets, and Walnut Street Parking lot is anticipated to be presented to the City Council in January. Staff will begin holding public meetings and communication efforts to affected businesses and residents in early January. 9. BR &E Kick Off Meeting: The first BR &E Task Force and Leadership Team meeting was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Claudia Cody from the U of MN Extension Services went through the nuts and bolts of BR &E program and outlined the anticipated schedule for the next 2 years. Subsequent to the meeting, staff applied for a $5,000 dollar grant through the Initiative Foundation to assist in covering the program fee required by the University. Staff is happy to announce the grant request was approved. An outstanding balance of $8,000 dollars will need to be obtained by late 2010. City Staff is in the process of meeting and submitting letters to local businesses requesting financial participation in the program. It should be noted that the IEDC will be instrumental in moving the Monticello BR &E program forward. Assistance from the IEDC in obtaining funds from businesses would be greatly appreciated. b. Business Communications: 1. Business Newsletter: The newsletter will resume quarterly publication starting in 2010. 2. Related newsletters /articles: The following link is a publication created by the University of MN related to Business Retention & Expansion programs. htti)://www.extension.timn.edLi/BusinessRoteiition/ c. Future Meeting Dates: Next Meeting: It is anticipated the January IEDC meeting will be held on its regular meeting date (January 5, 2010). However, the agenda will consist of a presentation by MFRA to review the zoning code rewrite process and progress. In the event MFRA is unable to attend during the regularly scheduled IEDC meeting, staff will request a change in meeting date. It should also be noted that the EDA will be asked to join the IEDC at this meeting. 2. EDA: December 9, 2009 joint EDA /City Council at 6:30pm. IEDC 12.1.09 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION — SPECIAL MEETING December 1st, 2009 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman — NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of August 4tt' and September 1st September 22 "d, October 6tt", and November 4t', 2009. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Consideration to review 2010 Planning Commission appointments. 6. Community Development Director's Report. 7. Adjourn. 6:30 PM Zoning Ordinance Revision Steering Committee Meeting m 0 w I NjG` II� KENNETy q° !q. €uE Gam~ -T OD 0 BUNK ER 0 CIR. ng r° CENTER CIR. EAGLE 5 y o qti OTTER CRE EK s P L CIR. "?� CI o �ANDTRA wI< -P IV" Rp�r n g f S � n,,. RJNe / FSO ST Osr SIN 0� �oSTST/ a$ ST m3 0 v� IST ! r IV/ C ri g C n G .S ? o� � PQ 6. RE- APPOINTMENT OF IEDC MEMBERS WITH 2009 EXPIRING TERMS. Background: The IEDC terms for Dick VanAllen, Rich Harris, and Marshall Smith expire on December 31, 2009. The IEDC has the ability to reappoint these three members to another term (term has been established as 3 years). Alternate Actions: 1. Recommend that the City Council approve the appointment of Dick VanAllen, Rich Harris, and Marshall Smith to another IEDC term. 2. Recommend that the City Council deny the appointment of Dick VanAllen, Rich Harris, and Marshall Smith. 3. Table item for further information Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the IEDC approve the reappointment of Dick VanAllen, Rich Harris, and Marshall Smith. All three gentleman offer great insights, attend regularly, and are involved in the community at large. IEDC 12.1.09