Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-20-2001 . 8. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1~. . AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION December 20,2001-4:30 p.m 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of November 15,2001 Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. ~. Citizens requests. 5. Presentation - Paul Klmgas, Landscape Architect. 6. Pioneer Park - Progress Report. a. Status of Construction b. Contact with Lions Club 7. Rink Maintenance - Report on agreement with hockey association and determination of what maintenance responsibilities the City will assume. Memorial Plan/Donation Acknowledgment - Parks Park Maintenance Items. Listing of permitted volunteer activities on park land Review of park land for development Park Superintendent Replacement - Update Park Commission Members Term Expiration: Earl Smith & Rick Traver Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November 15,2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair. Nancy McCaffrey and Earl Smith. Members Absent: Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Staff: Tom Grossnickle and John Simola 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of minutes of the October 18, 2001 re~u)ar meetin2;. 3. 4. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 18.2001 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. EARL SMITll SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of addin2 items to the agenda. None. Citizens Requests. Michelle Engle. representing Monticello Youth Hockey was present to discuss the 4th Street Hockey Rink and who will he responsible for flooding of the rink and maintenance. Public Works Director John Simola stated that they will be meeting with the hockey association and End out \\hat is expected and determine who should responsible for what items. Michelle Engle indicated that the hockey association does the painting of the boards. John Simola also noted that they have not been able to get rink attendants to work at the 41h Street site. The rink attendants returning from last year stated they did not want to work there because of problems with some of those individuals using the site. Gregg Engle will contact John Simola as far as meeting with the Executive Board of the hockey association. Initially the parents of the hockey players had flooded the rink but because the City had the appropriate equipment and also because of liability issues, the Parks Department took on the responsibility of flooding the rinks. The hockey association \vould like to see that continued. Earl Smith suggested that a subcommittee he set up on this and volunteered to serve on the committee. Larry Nolan will serve as well. The Parks Commission asked to see what written agreement, if any, the City had with the hockey association. Michelle Engle indicated that the Parks Commission will be receiving the newsletter ham the Monticello Youth Hockey Association and she urged that the lines of communication be kept Parks Commission Minutes - 11/15/01 open betw'een the City. the Park Department and the various organizations who use the City facili ties. 5. West Bridge Park - Progress Report. Tom Grossnickle reported that drain tile had heen installed at West Bridge Park. The old playground structure has been removed. Next spring the Park Department will either sod or seed the disrupted area. They would like to see some plantings for around the trees. Fran Fair and Nancy McCaffrey said they would see if their group could do something with that. The skating rink will be located in the same place as previous years but \\ill a little bit smaller. Larry Nolan suggested that l11aybe next year as part of Walk and Roll. they could feature the playground structure in some fashion like christening the ship or highlighting it in some way. Another suggestion \vas to have a flag with the City logo placed on the ship. 6. Pioneer Park - Pro~ress Report. John Simola reported on the progress of the Lions shelter at the park noting that three trees had to be removed and some additional work was needed in the area of the bui Iding pad. The roof structure is up and High Tech Roofing will be doing the roofing work. possibly starting next week. They are looking at using steel cupolas instead of cedar. The cupolas will be installed at the same time the roof is. John Simola stated that the park building was discussed at the budget workshop held by the City Council. Because of the addition of the restrooms to the structure, the cost of the facility would increase. The Council questioned whether it was necessary to have this used as a food preparation facility since that use required that restrooms be included. If the use changed and it was just an open air structure. the plans would need to be reviewed and revised if necessary. It was felt that this should come back to the Parks Commission for review. Earl Smith felt that the Parks Commissions had committed to the Lions Club that the facility would have food preparation done there. The Lions had discussed having not only Lion functions held out there but other events as well that would utilize the food preparation facilities. Larry Nolan suggested that the Parks Commission talk to the Lions Club and get their views. Earl Smith will contact the Lions. The Parks Commission discussed ow adding the restrooms will impact the cost of construction. John Simola indicated that it depends on the number of fixtures. He suggested that after talking to the Lions to see if they want to proceed with it. then the Park Department will get prices for the restrooms. Tom Grossnickle, who is also a Lion member, said the Lions had emphasized their desire to have some vending facilities as part of the building. If the restrooms are added the question is where will the funds needed for the restrool11s come from. John Simola notcd that the City had been budgeting for a backhoe and there \"-'as an oppol1unity to pursue getting a used backhoe. If that happened then some of the funds budgeted for that could be used towards the restrooms. It was also suggestcd that when Earl Smith talked to the Lions he ask if they could provide any financial support to help with the cost of the restrooms. The Lions had pledgcd $40,000 for the shelter but it was not clear whether this was all materials and labor 2 . . . . . . Parks Commission Minutes - II /15/0 1 donation or if any of it \vould be cash. Earl Smith will check this out with the Lions. John Simola also stated that the Parks Department was going to start opening up the restrooms again and see if they could be used instead of satellites. The City had gone to satellites because of problems with vandalism. In further discussion of the park budget. John Simola reported that the Council had deferred the 2002 expenditurc for the Community Center Park and that was the only change to the park budget. The Parks Commission felt the MCC park was not a priority for park development. John Simola presentcd a map which shov,'ed the residential dcvelopment around Pioneer Park and the easements in place to provide access to the park. The Park Commission felt that at least rough grading of any trails should be done immediately as this provides a visual landmark for the property owner so that they are aware there is a trail and v.,:]lcre it runs. There is some question on the easement for Lot 10. Block 8, Klein Farms 4th. John Simola v..;ill contact the property owner and make sure the property owner is aware of the trail easement. 7. Park Maintenance Items. Tom Grossnickle submitted a list of the work completed by the park staff in October. Earl Smith asked about the cemetery. It was noted that maintenance of Hillside Cemetery is included in the Park Department budget and Riverside Cemetery is an enterprise fund which is meant to be self supporting. The Parks Commission discussed the cleanup of debris from the fence and hedge around Hillside Cemetery. Since much of the debris comes from nearby restaurants it was questioned v/hat could be done so that those who generate the debris help defray the cost of cleaning it up. The contractor has not yet removed the trees on the east side of the trail by Otter Creek. The tree rel1111\al \\"as contracted out because of the power line and the proximity to the roadway. Tom Grossnickle will contact the firm to see how soon they will be able to remove the trces. Earl Smith asked about the gates by the bridge at Otter Creek and whether it wouldn't be possible to leave them open at least until it snows otherwise it is difficult to maneuver across on a bike. The Parks Commission also asked whether all the trails had been signed as far a snowmobile use including the new completcd trail in Meadow Oaks. John Simola stated that the new pathway is in the City's Snow Plowing and Removal Policy so it will be cleared. 8. Review of park and trailway system for Groveland Addition. A map showing the proposed trails and park land for the Groveland development was submitted to the Parks Commission. Jeff O'NEILL stated that there was no cash park dedication since the development would bc dedicating 10% of the land area. The map showed a 5+ acre park and then linear area around the various wetlands. Again the Parks Commission requested that the trail he rough graded in at this point so that those buying lots know where the trail is going to run. Therc was some discussion on what portions of the trail were actually constructed and 3 Parks Commission Minutes - I 1/15/01 whether the trail had been signed. Larry Nolan felt thc Parks Commission should look at the UrO\eland area and make a determination on how the park land should be developed. Earl Smith statcd that there are a number of new developmcnts and the Parks Commission needs to prioritize the ordcr thesc parks \vill be dcveloped. When the Parks Commission considers the Grovcland Park area. John Simola will bring in a grading plan so they can see thc topography they have to deal with. "The Parks Commission 3sked that a listing of the parks for new developments he placed on the next agenda. . 9. Park Supcrintendent Replacemcnt - Update. A copy or the revised job description for the Park Superintcndent position was sent to the Parks Commission members. John Simola wcnt over the changes in the job description. Most of the changes \\Tre minor and did not change the scope or nature of the position. One area that was discusscd was inspection ofthc parks. Currently inspections are donc and documentcd but the frequcncy of inspections and followup on items noted in inspections needs to be looked at. It \vas felt that weckly inspections should be done. Larry Nolan asked if maintenance manuals were supplied with each nev..' play structure. Tom Grossnickle indicatcd generally they are. Tom Grossnickle will provide an inspection rep0l1 form with next agenda so that the Parks Commission sees what is being covcred in the inspections. Another item that the parks staff will give attention to is the wood chips by the structures making sure they are in sufficient quantity and periodically fluffed. Also changed in the job description was that a basic knowledge of . computers was included. John Simola also reported that a half'-time person is going to be hircd by the Public Works Department to assist the Public Works Secretary and work with the ballfield scheduling. The Parks Commission discussed thc use of the ballfields. how thc scheduling was handled, use of the fields for football and what field maintenancc should be done by the park staff and what should be done by the groups using the field. The Parks Department will look at the agreements with the various groups and re-assess what has been done. They will also look at the use of the fields for football. Earl Smith felt that it was the Parks Commission's responsibility to make their existing j~lCilities as good as possible but not create facilities in order to meet a perceived need. The deadline for submitting applications for the Park Superintendent position is Dccember 7th. It is anticipated that a week or two will be needed to review the applications and interview the candidates. It is hoped to have someone in place around the first of the year. Earl Smith stated he hoped thc applicant hircd had compassion and sensitivity towards park. Nancy McCaffrey would like to see an individual with organizational skills and the ability to keep the ball rolling on various projects and Larry Nolan felt that long range planning ability was imp0l1ant in this position. During the interim until a new Park Superintendent is hired, Tom Grossnickle was designated as acting superintended by John Simola. Puhlic Works Director. John Simola felt this provided better continuity than rotating the supervisory duties among the staff . 4 . . . 10. Parks Commission Minutes - 11/15/01 Report on Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Conference. Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey had attended this conference in Duluth and reportcd back on the sessions they attended. Nancy MeCaffrey attended a session on grant writing and brought back some information will be copied for each of the Parks Commission members and a copy will also be given to John Glomski who is working on grant applications for the City. The Parks Commission asked if John Glomski could attend a meeting to discuss the grant applications. The Parks Commission would also like to review grant applications prior to submittal. John Simola indicated that he will also have various members of the park staff attend a meeting. Nancy I'v1cCatTrey at one of the sessions talked with a Paul Kangas, a landscape architect who works with entrance signs design. He indicated he would be willing to meet with the Parks Commission and discuss what is available. It was noted that there are certain regulations governing signage on state highways that would have to be considered in selecting entrance signs. The Chamber of Commerce has information on what other communities have done. Nancy McCaffrey will have Mr. Kangas attend the next meeting or whatever mceting date works into his schedule. Another session dealt \vith birdwatching and the interest in that. Since Monticello has a good number of species. including trumpeter swans and suitable habitat for watching, was it possible for something to be done to promote this. Larry Nolan attended session on ADA requirements for playground structures. He noted that the City of Duluth set up revitalization program that scheduled replacement of old equipment. Another session dealt with a walking program implemented by the Hennepin County Parks system. It was suggested that this could be a joint venture with the hospital district. Another session dealt \vith bicycle communities where pedestrian and bicycle travel were the main forms of transportation. The Parks Commission discussed the trail system in Monticello and also options for the trail scgment from Gillard to County Road 39. They also discussed the use of sidewalks by bicycles. Although sidewalks are generally meant for pedestrian traffic. moving the bicycles off the roadv,ay offered some advantages as far as safety. Earl Smith questioned how much of the Battle Rapids area was the City going to maintain and also whether there weren't limitations on what individuals could do on park land. He felt thc clearing of the area was rather extensive and questioned whether the City would be able to maintain that area. John Simola suggested putting together a document that would spell out what individuals could do in the Battlc Rapids area. If these individuals wanted to adopt that park thcn they should follow the procedures of the adopt a park program. There was also concern that removal of so much of the natural vegetation in this area could create an erosion problem. 5 Parks Commission Minutes - 11/15/01 ] 1. Adjourn. . EARL SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P,M, NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . . 6 . . . NOTES TO PARK COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 20, 200] ITEM # 5. Paul Kangas will make a presentation at this meeting. Nancy McCaffrey distributed a brochure, "Beginning Guide to Exterior Sign Design" to you earlier. I was trying to track down whether there was a layout that showed specific locations where entrance signs to the City would be placed. There was nothing in the files at city hall and since John Simola has been on vacation, I was not able to get any information from him. I f there is anything on record designating specific locations, we will try to have it for you for the meeting. 7. Park statTwas going to schedule a meeting with representatives of the Hockey Association and make some determination as to who will be responsible for what in maintaining and operating the rinks. 8. At the Council meeting on December 10th, the Mayor brought up an item relating to a park bench that was donated to the park on l'vlississippi Drive in memory of an individual. "rIle question vvas does the park department have in place a policy or procedure for acknowledging these types of donation by tagging or some other means. In looking through the minutes. I found the attached reference to a policy for benches but there was no other reference in the minutes or in the files. I n light of the recently adopted memorial plan for Riverside Cemetery, the thought is that maybe the park system should have some type of plan similar to that. It is possible that this was discussed by the Parks Commission but there is no documentation on it. Also the concern with this specific bench was that the donor was under the impression that somewhere it would be designated that this bench was donated in memory of a certain individual and this never was done. So not only are we looking for an "official" policy governing donations but also whether there arc any other donations to the parks thus far have not been acknowledged. 10. At the last meeting in the discussion of the clearing work being done at Battle Rapids park. the question was raised about imposing restrictions on volunteer activities in the park. Again. because John Simola was on vacation and the Park Superintendent position is still vacant. I do not know whether stalT vviII have something in place for this meeting. 11. At a previous meeting, the Parks Commission received information on the park land in the Groveland development and the Klein Farms development. Attached is a brief report that shows other developments where there is currently undeveloped park lands. Also listed are current development projects, their location and park dedication fces or land being collected. 13. The terms of Earl Smith and Rick Traver are up. The City Council at their first meeting in January makes the appointmcnts for the various boards and commissions. If these members would like to serve another three year term, the Parks Commission can make that recommendation to the Council. . . . Park Commission Minutes - 12/18/97 Kraemer would call other cities and have price information available for the subcommittee meeting. C. Wanda KraemeF, DST, requested a policy for benches along the pathway be written. Kraemer explained requests to place benches along the pathway have been made. Kraemer had some concem over the quality and appearance of the benches being requested. This item was added to the subcommittee meeting that would be reviewing park fees. Roger Mack would bring examples of benches that could be ordered. D. The commission discussed the adopt-a-park policy. It was decided to also review this on a subcommittee level. Chairman Nolan, on behalf of the Parks Commission, thanked Robbie Smith for his work with the Parks Commission and congratulatwished him luck in his new venture on the Planning Commission. 9. Adjoum EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. U) 1111/iL; r//1le4"I'fA- Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician ---;C+ Q.flI\ ~ <(s' Page 4