Planning Commission Agenda 02-03-2010
5:00 PM
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz,
and Barry Voight
Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski
Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman – NAC
1. Call to order.
2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of December 1st, 2009 and
January 5th, 2010.
3. Citizen Comments.
4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
5. Housing Analysis Update
6. Consideration to review a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept
Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates
Applicant: Ocello, LLC
7. Agenda Cable Posting Update
8. Community Development Director’s Report.
9. Adjourn.
5:45 PM – Monticello Zoning Ordinance Steering Committee Meeting
Hilgart inquired in the City has inventoried how many homes are left that have hail
damage and notified the owners that they need to repair the damage. Schumann indicated
that the Building Department is in the process of closing out the remaining 700 open
permits from the storm. After that, they will deal with the properties that present
property maintenance problems and those that may have done work without permit. That
last item may or may not be a priority for the City Council. However, whenever the City
receives a complaint, the Department is immediately responding. Hilgart recommended
going after the property maintenance properties first.
Hilgart inquired for an update on Carlisle Village. Schumann explained that she had a
conference call with Central Bank. Central Bank is the bank that has taken over the
assets of Main Street Bank, which was shut down by the FDIC earlier in the year. The
City has been informed that per FDIC requirements, all of its Main Street Bank letters of
credit are no longer invalid. However, Central Bank representatives have indicated that it
is their intent to meet the terms of the development agreements in place, which run with
the land. She noted that all of the public infrastructure for the finally platted areas is in
and performing. In terms of compliance with the tree preservation program, the original
developer was up to date with requirements as of fall 2006. Since that time, very few
permits have been pulled, so the bank has a relatively clean slate. That being said, she
indicated that all of the requirements of the development agreement still apply to future
developers and property owners. Schumann stated that if the Commissioners have
additional concerns, she would be happy to include them with the other notations that she
will provide to the bank.
Hilgart inquired who is responsible for maintaining the cul-de-sac island. Schumann
explained that in this case, once the landscaping is installed per development plans, the
surrounding property owner, by development agreement, own an equal, undivided
interest in the island and are responsible to maintain it.
7. Adjourn.
Planning Commission Agenda – 02/03/10
6. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Conditional
Use Permit for a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates, a 372-
unit mixed-residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC (AS)
A request for a one-year extension has been made by the applicant for the Conditional
Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD for Kjellberg Estates.
On September 6th, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval
of a concept stage planned unit development request for the proposed Kjellberg Estates
project, submitted by Ocello, LLC. The City Council approved the concept stage PUD
on September 12th, 2005. Subsequently, Planning Commission last approved a one-year
extension of the CUP in January, 2009.
The Concept Stage PUD approved for the Kjellberg Estates project is a 372-unit mixed
residential development project adjacent to the Kjellberg West homes property and the
Jefferson Commons commercial district. The project is proposed to consist of both
single-family uses and a mix of townhome styles.
The Planning Commission and City Council’s approval of the request was conditioned on
a number of items, which were required to be addressed with any development stage
The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to
non-use after one year.
The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. In considering
the request for extension in 2009, the Commission did note that the configuration and
density of development represented by the concept plan was generally acceptable,
although the Commission indicated that greater detail on the style and amenities would
require a detailed review with the development stage application.
1. Motion to recommend extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use
Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates to a
date to be specified by the Commission, with the condition that all previously
approved conditions be assigned to the extension.
2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the September 12th, 2005
Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for
Kjellberg Estates, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission.
3. Motion of other.
Planning Commission Agenda – 02/03/10
Staff recommends approval of the extension to CUP for Concept Stage PUD. While a
conceptual stage approval grants no development rights, it does infer that the general
pattern of development is acceptable. As was noted, the Commission’s previous
discussion indicated general support of the concept as proposed.
If the Commission chooses to recommend denial of the extension, and the Council
concurs, the applicant has the opportunity to immediately re-apply with a new concept
Exhibit A: Applicant Extension Request
Exhibit B: Concept Stage PUD Plan documents
Exhibit C: Staff Report for September 6th, 2005
Exhibit D: Planning Commission minutes of September 6th, 2005
Exhibit E: City Council minutes of September 12th, 2005
December 28, 2009 THE LAND 5FECIAL15T50
Ms. Angela Schumann
City of Monticello
505 Walnut Street
Suite 1
Monticello, MN 55362-8831
Sent Certified/Return Receipt
RE Ocello, LLC,
Request for Extension,
Concept Stage Planned Unit Development,
Kjellberg Estates Housing Development,
Monticello, Minnesota
Dear Ms. Schumann:
On behalf of Ocello, LLC, we respectfully request another extension of subject
Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, a housing development known as
Kjellberg Estates.
Current market conditions have still not improved, and thus, there is still no
established date for moving forward with the development at this time. Market
conditions need to improve to a degree that would indicate absorption of the
proposed product types at an acceptable rate of absorption. It is intended that
then the development would move forward proportionately.
It is our understanding that the City is handling the acquisition of the necessary right-
of-way for Redford Lane as required, from the land owner, in order to facilitate the
required access to the proposed development.
Thank you for handling this requested extension.
Very tr ly yours,
harles C. Pfeffer, Jr.
cc: Shawn Weinand
Pfeffer Company, Inc. 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 101 • Maple Grove, MN 55369-5587
763.425.2930 • FAX 763.425.2823 • • www.pfefferco.coin
www TheLandSpecialists. com
Planning Commission Agenda – 2/3/10
8. Community Development Director’s Update. (AS)
Bertram Chain of Lakes Legacy Grant Award
Wright County and the City of Monticello have received official word that the Bertram
Chain of Lakes project has been awarded one of the first grants made under the new
Minnesota Clean Water, Land & Legacy fund.
The Legacy Park Grant Committee is recommending that the Bertram Chain of Lakes
Project receive a grant in the amount of $400,000. This grant funding, awarded under the
2009 cycle, is in addition to 2009 DNR Regional Park Grant the project received, which
was in the amount of $266,249. These two grant awards brings the City and County one
step closer to the ability to purchase additional property at Bertram Lakes. As the
Council is aware, the City and County currently own 318 acres of the 1200 acre property.
The Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council has been notified of this grant award and
will provide a recommendation for Council’s review and decision as related to the
potential use of grant funds and the grant match requirement in the near future.
2009 Building Permits Issued
During 2009, there were 879 building permits that were issued, with a total valuation
equaling $11,630,271.00. Nine of those building permits were for new construction
single family homes. There has been one building permit issued for a new construction
single family home already this year.
Live Wright
The Wright County Public Health Department has contracted with the Minnesota
Institute of Public Health (MIPH) to collect information from community residents and
leaders in an effort to understand what types of resources and improvements can be
implemented for promoting better health. The project has been branded as Live Wright.
This initiative is focused specifically in the cities of Buffalo and Monticello.
Involvement in this project now may lead to grant funding opportunities for the city in
the future. Representatives from Monticello schools, the Hospital District and the Senior
Center have also been asked to participate. For more information on this effort, please
contact Angela Schumann.
2010 Development Fee Policy Follow-Up
Please find attached for the Planning Commission’s reference a staff report prepared for
Council’s information regarding Development Fees and Policies for 2010.
Off-Street Parking Ordinance Update
To-date, no inquires have been received regarding the City’s offer to utilize the old
bowling alley site for large commercial vehicle parking. Letters were sent directly to
properties for which the City has received complaints regarding large commercial vehicle
Planning Commission Agenda – 2/3/10
A flyer describing the ordinance amendment will be inserted into this past weekend’s
Shopper and has also been posted online. It can be accessed directly from the Home
Front-Desk Staff News
Cathy Kasper, one of our part-time City Hall receptionists, has decided to retire in the
very near future. Cathy has said that she is looking forward to spending more time with
family and friends and enjoying life after Monticello.
Cathy’s retirement is also a wonderful opportunity for Kerry Burri, our second part-time
receptionist. Kerry will transition to full-time hours beginning on February 8th.
Please congratulate both Cathy and Kerry when you see them!
TIF Management Plan
The EDA and City Council held a joint workshop on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 to
discuss follow-up steps to the approved TIF Management Plan. In general, members in
attendance desired to utilize available funds for the purchase of downtown buildings from
willing sellers. Further research will need to be completed in order to verify how much of
the TIF budgets allow for purchasing of buildings. Staff will meet internally to discuss
the various components and work with EDA attorneys and financial consultants to bring
options and discussion points to the EDA at a future meeting.
State of the City Event
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 16, 2010 to attend the State of the City
Event at the monthly Chamber Lunch. City Staff, MFRA, and the U of M will be
presenting. The whole business community is invited to this event. Staff would like as
many elected officials in attendance as possible. Please contact Megan at (763) 271-3208
or if you will be able to attend.
Think Spring – Think Spring Tree Sale
This year’s Spring Tree Program is already in full swing. View this year's selection and
download an order form at the City’s website. Orders are due March 26, 2010.
Now Taking Reservation for the Community Garden
The Monticello Community Center will be taking reservations the Community Garden
plots beginning the morning of February 1st, 2010. Plots are only available to Monticello
residents at this time. For 2010, there are approximately 12 plots available. To reserve a
plot, please contact the MCC at 763-295-2954.