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Planning Commission Agenda 04-07-2009
AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION April 7th, 2009 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman – NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of March 10th, 2009. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Dan Mielke 6. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of amendment to Chapter 6 of the Monticello Subdivision Code as related to Parks, Open Space and Public Use. Applicant: City of Monticello 7. Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update Request for Proposals –Consideration of Next Steps 8. Community Development Director’s Update. 9. Adjourn. Planning Commission Agenda – 04/07/09 1 5. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Dan Mielke (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On June 5th, 2007, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. The City Council approved the amendment to PUD on June 11th, 2007. Subsequently, the applicant was granted an extension to the approval on June 9th, 2008. The project proposal is a 9,590 square foot commercial center with multiple tenants, which is to be located in the northeast portion of the Monticello Travel Center site. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit for PUD would have expired on June 9th, 2009. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non-use after one year. However, the application has made a second request for extension of the conditional use permit. The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. In considering the request for extension, Commission should consider the surrounding land use context of the proposed plan, and the objectives outlined within the recently approved 2008 Comprehensive Plan. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend extension of the June 11th, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition, to June 11th, 2010, with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. 2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the of the June 11th, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends extension of the conditional use permit. This action is also consistent with other recent extension approvals made by the City. Planning Commission Agenda—04/07/09 SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Applicant Extension Request Exhibit B: June 5th, 2007 Staff Report and PUD Plan documents Exhibit C: City Council Staff Report of June 11th, 2007 Exhibit D: City Council Staff Report for June 9th, 2008 Exhibit E: City Council Minutes of June 9th 2008 2 5A n•ela Schumann From: Dan and Linda Mielke [dnlmielke@tds.net] Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 10:57 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Landmark Center project extension request To: City of Monticello, MN 3/27/09 Mielke Development LLC hereby requests a one (1) year extension of our approved Landmark Center project. With the current state of economy and commercial environment the project is not prudent at this time. Appreciate your understanding, Dan Mielke City Council Agenda—06/09/0 8 5C. Consideration to approve a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Mielke Bros., LLC (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the extension during rd their June 3 , 2008 meeting. On June 5th, 2007, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of an amendment to Planned Unit Development request for the proposed Landmark Center project, submitted by Mielke Bros., LLC. The City Council subsequently approved the requests on June 11th, 2007. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit for amendment to PUD will expire on June 11th, 2008. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non-use after one year. The extension request sent by the applicant requests a one-year extension period. 41111) The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve a one-year extension of the June 11th, 2007, Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. 2. Motion to deny an extension of the June 11th, 2007, Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition,based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends extension of the amendment to Conditional Use Permit for PUD. This recommendation is consistent with the Council's recent one-year extensions for other conditional use projects. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Applicant Extension Request Exhibit B: Staff Report - June 11th, 2007 Exhibit C: City Council minutes of June 11th, 2007 Exhibit E: Site Plans 1 An•ela Schumann Subject: FW: Request for Conditional Use Permit ext. Original Message From: Dan Mielke [mailto:Dan.Mielke@monticello.k12.mn.US] Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 2:48 PM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Request for Conditional Use Permit ext. To whom it concerns, 5/23/08 I hereby request a one year extension of our Landmark Center Conditional Use Permit for parcel 5, Monticello Travel Center, 2nd edition. Dan Mielke Mielke Development LLC 10 1 110 Consideration of a request for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Dan 41111111 f Mielke. (NAC) BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item on June 5th. The Commission expressed some concern as related to the stacking space for the drive-through facilities. The Commission discussed various alternatives,choosing to condition their recommendation in such a way as to allow the developer maximum flexibility,while still allowing for a review should intensity of use require further study. As such,the Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit for drive-through as noted below. The Commission also recommended approval of the Planned Unit Development with the conditions as noted. In relationship to the PUD,the Commission noted the quality of the building design. The Commission did discuss parking as related to tenant mix,but determined that due to existing cross easements and the total number of stalls on site,the parking shown is adequate for the proposed project. The applicant indicated that they were willing to waive temporary sign permits for this specific site in relationship to flexibility granted for other portions of the PUD,including the modifications to the Jiffy Lube sign. As noted in the report, the applicant will be making changes to the existing Jiffy Lube sign to accommodate both that existing project and this proposed project. It will be the only pylon sign for this project. As such,a condition waving temporary sign rights ahs been added to the conditions for PUD approval. Mielke Development, LLC is seeking an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of a shopping center, and a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane, located at Lot 5 of Monticello Travel Center Second Addition. The applicant is proposing a 9,590 square foot commercial center with multiple tenants to be located in the northeast portion of the site. The underlying zoning is B- 4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. The existing Planned Unit Development contains a Subway restaurant with a drive through, a Jiffy Lube, a Holiday convenience store and motor fuel station, a Dairy Queen restaurant with a drive through, and a second multi-tenant commercial center. The subject site is located in the center of the development, fronting on Cedar Street. The site relies on PUD for shared parking, shared access, and setback flexibility. Comprehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial use. Zoning: The subject site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3, highway business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. 1 .• ...-..7+_.._-._._..--.....r.__....::_.L:. ........s..a.-........,.Y2_.........rk.. -..,.+.�- x_ —•,s^h-` -Z tid • CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher g p standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. Parking. The proposed building is 9,590 square feet in area. The proposed uses for the structure have not been provided. Drive through lanes are proposed for the northernmost unit and easternmost units of the building. The drive through indicates that these unit will be reserved for restaurant uses. One restaurant unit is shown at 1,499 square feet, and one is shown at 1,566 square feet. The total kitchen and dining areas for these tenants have not been provided. Staff has therefore estimated the area of the kitchen at 1/3 of the units. Tenants for the remainder of the site are assumed to be various retail services. Restrooms and refuse rooms have also been illustrated on the plan. As such, the estimated parking requirement is as follows: Tenant Area q Re uirement Stalls Restaurant 1 1,049.3 square feet 1 space/40 sf of dining area 27 spaces 1,499 sf total 449.7 square feet 1 space/80 sf of kitchen area 6 spaces Restaurant 2 1,096.2 square feet 1 space/40 sf of dining area 28 spaces 1,566 sf total 469.8 square feet 1 space/80 sf of kitchen area 6 spaces Retail 1,324 square feet 1 space/200 sf of floor area 7 spaces Retail 1,143 square feet 1 space/200 sf of floor area 6 spaces Retail 1,161 square feet 1 space/200 sf of floor area 6 spaces Total Required 86 spaces The site plan illustrates 59 parking stalls, 27 short of the minimum requirement. The remaining Planned Unit Development area contains approximately 272 parking stalls, 15 of which are directly adjacent to the site. Some overlap in uses is expected, and therefore a cross parking arrangement may be accommodated by PUD to reduce the number of stalls required. Due to the need for cross parking to accommodate the shortage, staff recommends that the applicant provide a leasing arrangement whenever available so that the overlap in uses may be evaluated more effectively. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing two drive through lanes circulating around the site. One drive through lane is located on the east side of the building, with traffic circulating from south to north. The second drive through is on the north side of the building, with traffic circulating from east to west. As designed, vehicles exiting the east drive through lane will meet vehicles entering the north drive through lane. Thick striping is proposed to delineate the two drive through lanes and ease • traffic circulation. The City recommends using epoxy or poly-preformed striping for longevity and reduced maintenance. Loi 2 • Drive through establishments are allowed in the B-4 District by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance contains the following provisions for such uses: • The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of lot. • At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. • Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. • Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. • Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade. • Vehicular access points shall be limited shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. • The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • The entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. As proposed, each drive through lane is 12 feet in width. The north drive through lane appears to approximately 75 feet of stacking space, enough for up to six vehicles behind the pick-up window, and two vehicles behind the order board. The east drive through lane appears to have approximately 58 feet for stacking space, enough for up to five vehicles behind the pick-up window and two behind the order board. For the north drive through lane, overflow stacking may be accommodated internally by the existing parking lot drive lane. However, staff is concerned with any overflow stacking for the east drive through lane. An existing drive through lane for Chelsea Commons exits directly adjacent to the entrance to the east drive through lane. As such, any overflow stacking may prevent patrons from circulating through the Chelsea Commons drive through. • The applicant has not indicated potential users for the site, making it difficult to evaluate the potential volume of the drive through lanes. A low volume drive through would typically accommodate a business such as a coffee shop. The existing Caribou 3 _ --. .-..-, _ -...r __-_.-•'..f-t-.--v. _.....-._..:i 4- ‘,- Coffee `''. -._ .'S^.Nh.-_"•. ..S. drive through has an average of five to six cars in the drive lane at one time, with more duringpeak periods. Therefore, the proposed stacking space would be appropriate for a low-volume use. However, a higher intensity fast-food use may p cause congestion problems with the proposed drive through configuration. As noted, g staff recommends that the applicant provide more detail on the potential drive through p users through submittal of a leasing plan, so that a more thorough analysis of the situation may be performed. The consultingengineer has reviewed the drive through design and provides the following comments: 1. There does not appear to be enough room for stacking cars at the drive through window located at the northeast entrance. 2. Replace the proposed concrete bollards with a concrete island. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 822.53 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 17 overstory trees, as opposed to the 10 that would be required g under the floor area calculation. 111 The applicant has provided one of the required 17 overstory trees, as well as six pp ornamental trees. The ornamental trees are proposed along the east property line. also proposing three irrigated lanters on a concrete island on the The applicant is p p gp north side of the site, adjacent to the drive through lane. A fourth planter is proposed on a concrete island in the southeast corner of the site. Additional shrubs are also proposed for the north side of the site, and in the southeast corner. No foundation landscaping is illustrated on the plan and no grass is proposed with the exception of p g the landscaped strip along the east property line. . A g Li htin lighting plan has been submitted for the site, indicating full cutoff Lighting. � g lighting throughout the parking lot. The photometric plan indicates readings as high � g � as 2.8 footcandles at the property line adjacent to Cedar Street. Per ordinance, the lighting plan shall be required to be revised prior to Final Stage PUD, illustrating � n g readings under one footcandle at the property line. Signage.e. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by � generallyunderstood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of � the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes of • determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building as 4 viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). Several existing pylon signs are located throughout the Planned Unit Development. The front façade is approximately 2,124 square feet in area. The building will also be visible from Oakwood Drive, with a silhouette area of 2,283 square feet. The total silhouette area for the site is 4,407 square feet. Therefore, the total allowable area for wall signage is 221 square feet. The applicant is proposing ten, 26 square foot wall signs, for a total of 260 square feet. Two wall signs are proposed on the east elevation, three on the south elevation, four on the west elevation, and one on the north elevation. The location of signage on all sides is acceptable. However, staff recommends that the applicant reduce the amount of wall signage proposed to not exceed 221 square feet. The applicant is also proposing a multi-tenant pylon sign at a height of 26 feet near the Jiffy Lube site adjacent to Highway 25. The face area of this sign has not been provided, but has been calculated by staff at approximately 143 square feet. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall be required to provide the square footage of the tenant panels on this sign. 110 For properties on Highway 25, 3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of lineal frontage with the following exceptions: • All properties may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of 50 regardless of front footage abutting Highway 25, and • The maximum pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25. The overall PUD has approximately 850 feet of frontage on Highway 25 and is therefore allowed a pylon sign up to 100 square feet. A second monument sign is also proposed in the southeast corner of the site, at the entrance adjacent to Cedar Street. This sign is 90 square feet in area and contains nine identification placards. Cedar Street is a collector street with a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. As such, a monument sign 25 feet in area and 16 feet in height is allowed. Although this proposed sign exceeds the maximum requirement, staff encouraged the applicant to propose a monument sign in lieu of a pylon sign in this location. Due to the size of the overall PUD, and the number of tenants, the proposed monument sign may be appropriate. Access and Circulation. Access to the site is provided by two existing curb cuts off Cedar Street, one on the north side of the site and one on the south side of the site. Cross access is possible to the north and south. Internal drive lanes on the west side • of the site are proposed at 24 feet in width, wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. The internal drive lane on the east side of the site is proposed at 16.24 feet, and is striped as a one-way drive. Cars exiting the site on the east side will have the option of exiting to the north only, into the drive lane between the subject site and the 5 _. t__ -. � «..,.,, - r .,..-- ,i' ..- .. a t, -.r. . .x .•.. _ .. ., k. `.. .�-.:-...as4_-�7.:ra3r.�` s''S." .,.���z 'k�'f.. a',� .--`$i ,,rcv ,. -,.. -..»._±_.• - -,: �< .. -a .,>, _., rlt._-.. - -._ ......_ -x .,... .. .... .."R#...... -t_ m- -t.:_... ...uf.!"u^"$p':t�iseb✓d:�'u»..'u, ...�'" _ x�s� s.u: .ca..�a.. proposed Wendy's site. This drive will serve as a passing lane for the adjacent drive y through lane. Two "ENTER ONLY" signs, one on each side of the entrance, shall be required at the entrance of this one-way drive aisle on the east side of the site. The applicant shall also be required to provide a"DO NOT ENTER" sign east of the exit lane at the northeast corner of the site. Nop assing is proposed adjacent to the north drive lane, prohibiting cars from circulating around waiting vehicles. A"DRIVE THRU ONLY" sign shall be required at the entrance to this drive through lane to communicate that no pass through lane is provided. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the south and west sides of the building. A sidewalk connection is also provided to the Subway site to the west. The width of the sidewalk in front of the building is at eight feet. Staff recommends that the applicant provide a crosswalk at proposed the sidewalk separation extending west to the Subway site. An existing sidewalk is also located on the east side of the site, within the Cedar Street right-of-way. Building Design. The building is proposed to be constructed mainly of EIFS block with masonry wall base and pre-finished metal coping. The front of each unit will contain a great deal of glass, each with a fabric awning. Some variation to the roofline is also proposed, to break up the long façade. All sides of the building contain windows, vertical elements, and roofline variation. The only side without fabric awnings is the east side, as no entrances are proposed. The proposed trash enclosure will be incorporatedbuilding into the and be sectioned off by a steel door. The color elevations provided illustrate warm earth tones with gray tinted glass and green awnings. The proposed colors appear to blend well with the existing buildings on the Monticello Travel Center site. Grading Drainage.Draina e. The City Engineer and the consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the grading and drainage plans and provided the following comments: 1. If not connecting to storm sewer stub on south end of site either remove stub back to the manhole or install a water-tight plug in upstream end of stub. 2. Revise directional arrows for storm sewer on south end of site. Currently shown going in two directions from manhole. 3. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. 4. Provide a detail of the curb section on the west property boundary. 5. The applicant needs to provide a drainage map detailing the drainage areas for p each proposed catch basin and the locations of existing catch basins are not identified on the plan. 6. Provide details of how the drainage directed off site is managed specifically, • the northwest entrance, north parking spaces and the south parking spaces. 6 Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer and consulting engineer have provided the following comments: 411411 1. Provide utility profiles at each utility crossing location to check for conflicts. Information incomplete at present. 2. Provide insulation at storm sewer and watermain crossings per City Standard Detail Plates 2005 and 2006. 3. Provide easements for sanitary manhole and downstream pipe near northeast corner of site. Extend easement to Cedar Street right-of-way. 4. All unused sanitary sewer and watermain service lines must be removed back to the main, otherwise the developer will be responsible for maintaining all abandoned lines in the future. 5. Construct sanitary sewer manhole as standard sampling manhole near northeast corner of site per City Standard Detail Plate 3007. 6. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. 7. Show an overall site detail of the location of fire hydrants and access to the hydrants per the fire department expectations. 8. Include details of how the sanitary sewer clean out will be protected from traffic loads. 9. It appears that there are a number of sanitary and storm sewer stubs which will not be used with this project. Include a plan to abandon or remove these lines. Stormwater. The City Engineer has reviewed the stormwater plans and provided the following comment: 1. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Regarding the request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a strip center with retail and commercial, and restaurant uses, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-3 District, subject to the condition outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-3 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. 7 -• .:: fi ,.. -_ �< /.- - .* ...k _ - � f - 1....Y:sv,..... vr: ..... _.. . .... ... ........k�S_......, ..,.. . -.:. • Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Mielke Development, LLC is requesting an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development to allow for commercial strip center containing a variety of retail and commercial uses, as well as two restaurant uses with drive through lanes. The site is part of the existing Monticello Travel Center Planned Unit Development, which contains a mix of retail, restaurant, and service uses. The proposed use appears to be generally consistent with the intent of the B-3 District and the existing PUD. Staff has highlighted concerns with the proposed development, which may be found listed in Exhibit Z. Regarding Decision 1, staff recommends approval of the amended CUP for Planned Unit Development, subject to }i these conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Based on discussion held at the Planning Commission meeting, staff has also included an additional condition regarding temporary signage. Regarding Decision 2, staff recommends approval of the CUP for a drive through facility, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. The site has adequate room for stacking space for low-volume drive through uses. The Planning Commission recommended condition 2 as related to the drive-through in order to provide some ability to control potential stacking problems with any high-volume user. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Site Plan Exhibit B: Grading/Erosion Control Plan Exhibit C: Utility Plan Exhibit D: SWPP Plan Exhibit E: Architectural Site Plan Exhibit F: Landscape Plan- Revised Exhibit G: Signage Plan-Revised Exhibit H: Signage Narrative 8 • Exhibit I: Floor Plan Exhibit J: Exterior Elevations - Revised Exhibit K: Photometric Plan Exhibit L: Plan Review Comments from Bruce Westby, dated 05/21/07 Exhibit M: Plan Review Comments from WSB, dated 05/22/07 Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Development Stage PUD for Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition, Lot 5, Block 1 1. The photometric plan shall be revised to reduce the footcandle reading at the property line adjacent to Cedar Street to not exceed one footcandle. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised signage plan, illustrating wall signage not to exceed 221 square feet total. The applicant shall also be required to provide square footage of the proposed pylon sign. 3. A crosswalk shall be provided at the sidewalk separation extending west to Subway. 4. The applicant shall use epoxy or poly-preformed striping for longevity and reduced maintenance. 5. The applicant shall waive any use of temporary signs as related to Lot 5, Block 1. 6. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer as outlined in the May 21st memo prepared by Bruce Westby and the May 22nd memo prepared by WSB. Conditions of Approval CUP for Drive Through Lanes 1. A"drive-thru only" sign shall be required at the entrance to the north drive through lane. 2. The use of the either or both drive-through lanes for any high-volume tenant, such as those equal to a fast food user similar to a McDonald's or Burger King, are subject to a staff review and approval. 9 .r.- ...�. __ ._. -: • �;k�. �.. ._ '9.-. .::'• a.::.:".:_5 _. _ fes- _ _ <-. �;__._ �:� _ _ _ _ _ ._ xR: v+ 7: ..r, � _ a. ,n � x.. -:.. ..ren �__ .x..:.. .r...-.. - .�. ti.• :'.3•Y. _ - 0 • - 11110 Council Minutes: 6/1 1/07 IIIThe trade-in value of the 1988 truck is approximately$7,500 but staff felt if it was sold on the open market it may go as high as $10,000. John Simola said the people who bid on the City's used equipment know that it is well maintained. Clint Herbst said if the vehicle is good enough to sell to someone else it is good enough for the City to use. John Simola explained the vehicle replacement policy that Public Works uses and how this allows them to budget for these major purchases as well as replace vehicles before they require major repairs. Wayne Mayer felt if you are going to spend the money it might be better to go with the hook truck at this time rather than come back in another year with a request to replace another truck. John Simola stated the Sterling truck was supposed to be replaced three years ago but was delayed. In evaluating their equipment needs they felt going with another Sterling truck at this time and adding the hook truck 2-3 years down the road better met the needs of the City. Tom Moores stated that the people who would buy the old truck would be using it to plow parking lots. He felt that for emergency type vehicles that are the first ones out to clear streets, a reliable vehicle is needed. The Public Works Department will again evaluate their equipment needs in July when the budget process starts so that the appropriate amounts can be budgeted. Tom Moores added that emission costs for trucks have jumped up as well as the cost of steel. He noted that within five years they would plan to replace or add a street sweeper. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A STERLING L-8500 SINGLE AXLE TRUCK FROM BOYER TRUCKS OF ROGERS EQUIPPED III WITH A DUMP BODY AND PLOW EQUIPMENT FROM J-CRAFT EQUIPMENT OF LAKE CRYSTAL UNDER STATE BID CONTRACT WITH THE OPTION OF ADVERTISING THE 1988 FORD L-8000 ON SEALED BIDS PRIOR TO THE TRADE IN DATE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU S LY. #5G Amendment to Development Contract for Carlisle Village 5th Addition: Clint Herbst had a concern about what is happening in the development as far as the trees. He also wondered if everything is in place as far as the letter of credit to make sure that everything is cleared up and trees are replaced. Jeff O'Neill said there is $46,000 in security available for this. Although the trees in the development that are dying must be replaced other trees may be planted outside the plat at the discretion of the Council. Clint Herbst asked Tom Scott, legal counsel, if he felt if this was the time to table the item in order to make sure the City has enough funds to take care of tree preservation. Tom Scott felt if that was a Council concern, then the item should be tabled. CLINT HERB ST MOVED TO TABLE UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING ACTION ON APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR CARLISLE VILLAGE 5TH ADDITION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU S LY. #5HAmendment to Planned Unit Development for retail commercial development t 110 Monticello Travel Center Yuf Addition: Clint Herbst pulled this item because of the condition on Exhibit Z stating that the"use of either or both drive-through lanes for any high volume tenant, such as those equal to a fast food user similar to a McDonald's or Burger King, are subject to staff review and approval." He didn't feel city staff was more qualified to determine this than any consultants utilized by the applicant or tenant. Clint Herbst felt 4 a'.u#..a.'�ur�.�3�s: ._�1..�s.� _ Council Minutes: 6/11/07 , because they have their investment to protect, the tenant would not put in something that would be detrimental to the business. The drive-through lanes were either okay or they were not. The drive through lanes should not have to come back to staff. Brian Stumpf said the r concern with stacking is to make sure that it does not come back on the public street. Jeff O'Neill said there is concern that there might be occasions where it creates a visibility problem. Clint Herbst felt since it only affects the property owner, the property owner would be concerned that whatever they do works. Clint Herbst reiterated his belief that if the drive-through was okay it should okay for whatever tenant was using it. Susie Wojchouski questioned the building name of Landmark Center since there is already a Landmark Square. She felt it might create confusion not only for shoppers but emergency vehicles as well. Tom Scott stated the City and County have certain controls with naming a plat but he didn't feel they could require the owner to change a building name. Wayne Mayer asked about#3 on Exhibit Z stating that a crosswalk shall be provided at the sidewalk separation extending west to Subway. Dan Mielke addressed this item stating that while he didn't object to this item at the meetings, he did question why he is responsible to provide marking to direct Subway patrons. It is an internal sidewalk. Staff wants them to stripe the area sopedestrians could safelyget over to Subway. It was noted that Subway is p part of the planned unit development. Dan Mielke felt if people were going to park there to go to Subway they would go straight across and not follow the striping. Wayne Mayer said he couldn't see making this requirement for an interior property and questioned why the crosswalk had to be there. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS UNIT DEVELOPMENT BASED �., . ..r CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING PUD AND THE B-3 DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z WHICH WERE REVISED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1) THE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SHALL BE REVISED TO REDUCE THE FOOT CANDLE READING AT THE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO CEDAR STREET TO NOT EXCEED ONE FOOT CANDLE; 2) THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A REVISED SIGNAGE PLAN, ILLUSTRATING WALL SIGNAGE NOT TO EXCEED 221 SQUARE FEET TOTAL. THE APPLICANT SHALL ALSO BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE PROPOSED PYLON SIGN; 3) THE APPLICANT SHALL USE EPDXY OR POLY-PREFORMED STRIPING FOR LONGEVITY AND REDUCED MAINTENANCE; 4) THE APPLICANT SHALLWAIVE ANY USE OF TEMPORARY SIGNS AS RELATED TO LOT 5, BLOCK 1 AND 5)THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AS OUTLINED IN THE MAY 21, 2007 MEMO PREPARED BY BRUCE WESTBY AND THE MAY 22, 2007 MEMO PREPARED BY WSB AND TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TWO DRIVE THROUGH FACILITIES,BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE PUD AND THE USE SATISIFES THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WHICH INCLUDES: 1)A "DRIVE-THRU ONLY" SIGN SHALL BE REQUIRED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE NORTH DRIVE THROUGH LANE, TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 0 4.,1 ¶-4 N M CO 0 t C.:-a E - v In .,-1N I.: .; EIM:1tL • L' , 1 , a) .▪ tru EE;I'S .4. co *.Lj .1:,D, 0 i=ti' 7c) ul . _, f.1 ~'"•,:Fa:.] . b— �t 1 = Nr++,.+fy - 41.• . .. .7 ... fitt v' .,.a y'/..,�hp ZS,'�,. yxx. 7 `S 1 *t`s'„i -.% ',-_ � .---4..N4 • 3311 y� �5++1l.K. ,.minof``v �'v.1:. i*F.tt".4�:Sft`' _�:n.. .tS'•fti" a .:,PGt', - ett5 :'iV fe��..���t�n�. rv't 143U4�Swe+a.�s�[i+�+�is► :���v�Y'P. 4.'"'G�:P�N • �i��J i C1.1 , T-71 i6tih 'IF� t"1�� ! it{.i•i 'Pt S,r, : t,•.i yiy p�3r�v'r5`. ,i c.ti. t. `S` '*alI=1 I4�rer� ;Ls+kr �)4 t r C44311 Kff'1.Ji4ifi 4�pr�haJS ;j �.5�7 w _ ��'Sj� ``1��S�i:yswam Ii0 = 1.`. i w„L '� .qPM ::,' I 1 -To •r 1�•..i;: ,,,�Jt��1h-y?;'c n` `jf�' �. .�a ,+ti'w^"SYt11 ;1 ” '1' ,fir t� . )1*`4t 0..M' x I>ac4kE° i� a!''�r=a'"-i7141, 431E S': y '�,'tds.. "ti I,•'-�'�• T •i�V�. # d it 11fTr%•S 3sf ryt��lr.!i.141 �lis. 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DRAINAGE, °' { AND EROSION T.. , CENTER 5 $$ t . �411 I I NGYER-ROHLIN,INC. _ ,... _�.laet>� f `5 S r !�Rq swrtr�.-��lo.++�r+orr �, r"�wnaa�t�,eA6cA i $ R k ,m r+•a•�a++r..rrseta - y „_K. ., -:. -..PLAN �., K T 4 .1 1 ,1 , A lti: 1.1. ::. tY.�••,"„t - . . �... : MONTICEI�LO M: < ,,, L -t ItlLlit�7 r l r CO Q A� i to b 2 Dimon bmt,9.001•'db.1Qt3S3L7•1,1 713.141111•.}6341124053.. .:2i,...:;:,,,,e,f.:,'a-',''''',--'7-,,,,'.''''':,'-t'''":::'::,--F,TE,',ii-kzi,4'.i,-:i-; --,S=- q„iika;4ia-iirtk,.Z.'aA',,,,',-..........itAiL,.... :4.212S1414-: -.4.-ir'el.111... .......,,,-,',-2. ,U;1111-,--:',Y':'-',,,,,,rr.:4=,-..', ..af ",'''''';`,,,',.•-vrr",,-... -1,,,,k,li.,..,,,iik,--:-.,iikailikialle,,,,,tatili& t, 7 , :.• P1 • • 5560 Al; 4 ii Eig fE il 1 I ' . i 1111i iii 11,1 ig 3'4P' 1 ril'i 1/!iii iiii i i iiqp illg, 11 . .) il ir 8' g' 6 1 8 ' iI 11 _ Pir.k 4i$g 2A it D' 18 5 77:7777177 ••• 1 - l'il 111 ig 3 i2RS111 lib iriN g',1 i E 111111 P1t 1 - li d ; g 1 ''_.- '''''l 1 4' ---c 0 . A • • . 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ME'EA-ROHUN,INC. y ''ti..1:" '` t • a Q � � � � �ter-LAIIo/fA�T1R1'tTiM <�c' _ ��.... --. � t P we""4 PREVENTION ,E,.., �ONTICEr iJo,MN < g 1-' "� 3DE.�aM.,. RE Ir..QlStIU.F •iihritt zr.- - ...i.-- - '�i7r3Q7 i[1!`EYa7S1fi1JpS3 T16-�a x047 . a Q 11 D ... , ;.,,-. . ,--,.-,:•::e::,.i,,, . ; i ii i ; fif po 11 Iii) cro ... •D I 1 0- 1011E11 ' 2 I g 1 tiA 1 I ii OA* , I rff I i lir a 111 .1 1 ' 1, 11 1. 1 I i 2 i i 1 i it I i .1 : ii , i I 1 t si ; 44, :OKI I ii i ' 111 iiii illi 1 AVM 1010.‘ ist.u_ ,01 *TIL, Et lo, ., ...I i \It ittliktitte , IMP ;;t11 ""Tail NA "1.,.. ..---...;.„-0. li ill ill 1 5 5 AO 0 Ai 1 I I i Fr I 11.! 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LANDMARK 'rli i i l ii 14n ° d ` 1 i (1,A.. - BIGIVAGE PLAN " r� g� ¢ �. �-.�.- ;� Y'S" t'" tom$ . . u [�� i tt g '� >..ii `� riarcusoic MONTIQEI.IA,MN R ,6,, r,s 10.40 '7'.g'_,_.:.- ` , 1 7l �.q' r a M..IN..lift 3m.1...Rat1111.111124122' as P6-3�bD'7 ` r R R l ! i f R 7 �R . ... --..- ",>• .;• . -. - _z_ < .4 �... .. c .�. rt .:. > ...i ._3r. .a. a ...._k t. K -. ..-., z.. -e •+T.:.- . -..h. _.. .,. _._ . .. >. . A.r r 0 / ti T.,= I +• 1 / ,., / / _ :,r : , �/ /it 7,,, tcz--\, ' 0 , / / /...._i. !`i ,, -/ -it/ / ',, _ I , • "..- -''t--,:,...-eff/ * /#/ f„...... I 1* .!/ tt V/ ''/l / +i J ,,' 'i., , At A..:(1)J / L..,/ 1 it ,...., i f,;--------:-. fi ' .-7' 7 ./—./ /5) c . '' n ' - i i • .ft- --- \\r-- ; -4111'- ii,- ,it 411 i . , i ir ', i ,w ..• <=.3.----„:....;:„.... 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El 1110 ii ____ / / ..d......../ isitt..,/..........711,... ... ...... { I/\ \--,.. ----4 \k10,...,,,,..,_.. ..__ ii ' t / i ``+ l I 1 -I /. ' '-------7:: -..., 1 ------: /..7 x_,10` � . / 0 ECZ , , —----- ,f 1101toi 4110 p,ip ft) ----Aiiimili "pp- ni, 0 / .,:--:-.-.-.,..:41..449.:. -. . . .... ._....„ . .,,-,....... i '.,.•:.:!f_:filt; •t r1G..litSl i• i-,i, �V¢i'e�' L- b\.�...y(\:�i_i - _ '+ r,._...s _...1 / Y O w r, '' --—___- ,... i . :. wrAff.,., t ,,,„.....4,,..,,71,., ,...,,,,....:74,.._,_.. 0 r�rsr ip a . - 04,,,,._ It L l _ t.'.S�iIl."�•7j�CiJj��-c- ,j� • v) ,I /AA\ • LANDMARK CENTER SIGNAGE PROPOSAL 5/14/07 Building signage Standard code multi-tenant building signage for each suite as illustrated on the elevations. Due to the fact this building will be surrounded by drives and the building front architecture is carried around all four sides of the building, city staff has suggested the addition of appropriate building signage as illustrated. Tenant Pylon We propose combining the Landmark Center tenant pylon with the existing Jiffy Lube pylon as illustrated. The Jiffy capsule will remain at the top. The old style reader board will be replaced by an electronic reader board with seven Landmark Center tenant identification panels below. Landmark Center will waive tenant's rights to the city permitted temporary signs. We want to keep the area uncluttered. Cedar Street entrance monument Decorative low profile entrance marker monument sign. Drive Thru entrance markers One low profile entrance marker for each drive thru lane. • • 1N7 Kvi Py z 0A/ SY/ 7/0, 7 (71- FF y ELT=LC -1,)oNic REA E /lif /1) FA iv 1 . - , iipizuut) IIan tvileme - . .pL.ii • ---,- • 1 REC:'r- 1\, — i 7: 7,_L.) 0 ••------.3t: :1... , .:..?..? II ;'... .‘,114...._ r iP ti 1 ( , -,_ / 1 .-- id ..,------- e. ----., . •.i.i.,-.i, ,..... ...,,JoIr=3-A•4—, OMINIIISCIM ._______ ,, ;___._____/ ...f., , ...-..:-. . i , . ,,4 14----",. i''•• . **. .top ti , • . ,..„•. .-0, IMINIIII ''. 4.... 1::4 , -, - .. - :, , _. ..,,... .......ot ._. .. t. a NI 'rn ----1 -'-'1 4 m --1,--.1i--•,-. ••r 4 m i , Fc ••• *. - 10= 0 IT I -1-1' ,• '.- 'i / I ,:.,,;:...-... / :z21 411111E. • ii, I'•.. - -.... .... =HE r...- E1 1111 i 1....., *....:...'*:.''' . Sj 4 ,..1__ • _ is. ., .t. 2 1 111111111111 .. . ., i ft.. —ot=Mg 1 NM.' • MIMI irmit. i ' ' '• • . to 01 7::...1 0 a • .. . L - i i. 1 t ..•.......... ) ), F.v.,,, 1111iii .1 I:•.,'...* *1°•,.'\:/:= D -,...:•..,.......:.Pvi,\ . ill11111.-in ,• ..• ,. ,i m * ..H .F4ii,1 ....... .....io ,..::• • .. .. :.- •40=...ti 111111.,), ..•,...„- • . la='3'0 i *... -.,- •Illfgl.,,.: . 1:, ^ el .mmo .,- . •-.. 0=-I E IM . .. .. . . ... NI-11- r • .--• • .... r..°41, 1111011.• —.:. si.. -. -, • .-. -.• 1 El.. ; iniNfrom .- : ..-...; .. 1 ..:...- ..• -.• • -7 411 ..:..•..... •.•. ...• . ... I 111: .. ., • . q • • " .' •-• ....-•-: •10=, 11 .. .„ .. . . . . ... — .-••0= L 0 k i.,....-...;.10=3..*- _ 7":1• .:-- • , _ _ . : 1 .____, 1;,... ..,-....1...:. \ . . .. . , i .. . , ,40 ,...._...„ -...\\\...._iv iiI !--, • ....-, , .1 I....1 I • . . • l' t ........, ,-:. •..: I ,. 1 r—F4 ,.. • : , .11 I:.1 \9. k' -. \ 1 1.. . .- ;... ., .. , . •, . 1 1. .•.;..,. '•- ..1 0=I ••i.. •'. .",' 01 r:=. ^ —7"-'''" I"..0.. .(A•, I - \. •.. 0. I j LI/ li 'It ,P t•"3' ' Z' 6 (J.: C. -.., —•.) • CITY SUB1VIITTAT, 05-14-07 -1.,..=.. -••:-— gov—;14,-, ,,,, , i. iiivii --- --....,g,...., .,...f: itx1EL:101: 1.,_'%-NDIAltli. 0;101111 , 1 1 tfilti ._4( *. tOJCVATIONS CENTER ii tiPlll• .Te 111:9. .1f.t.../ . . A if.!iiii . U 1 nit ..-....— ...tux.it Dirrellopramat Jarc. MON-1'10E3AM.MN "0111111 I i /1.1111 l' :*" 2 1...........lat.-,.1.7.,:t.::::,:;:,:.%,,,,,044.IC I•fs.1....,111: •••1•1...011, i e . . , ............. • _ *440 Council Minutes:6/9/08 p 11). 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Liquor Store and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for MCC, Liquor Store and Parks as identified. B. Consideration of approving an increase in the amount of the change fund for the Liquor Store. Recommendation: Approve an increase to the liquor store change fund on a temporary basis for only those instances where the liquor store is open on a holiday weekend but the banks are not. 9k C. Consideration to approve a request for extension of a conditional use permit for an amendment to a Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Mielke Bros., LLC. Recommendation: Approve a one year extension of the June 11, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for an Amendment to a Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. D. Consideration to approve extension of a conditional use permit for concept stage and development stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant shopping center, a conditional use permit for outdoor storage, a conditional use permit for a car wash, a conditional use permit for a motor fuel station/convenience store, a conditional use ermit for minor auto repair and preliminary plat approval. Applicant: Mills Fleet p p Farm. Recommendation: Approve the extension of the June 25, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for Concept and Development Stage Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat for the proposed Mills Fleet Farm for one year from the date of Council approval of the extension with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing on vacation of a portion of Dundas Road right-of-way as related to the Amax Addition plat and vacation of a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25 right-of-way. Bret Weiss, consulting engineer, provided background information noted that the vacation of the Dundas Road right of way was identified as part of the platting of the Amax Addition. The vacation of that portion of the Old.Trunk Highway 25 right of way was thought to have been taken care of previously but had not. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. John Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane, Buffalo indicated he hadq uestions about the vacation of the Old Trunk Highway 25 right of way. He stated he was curious as to why this was proposed for vacation now. Five years ago the City had deeded the property to him and his wife. He had not requested any vacation of the right of way. He stated the 3 Planning Commission Agenda – 04/07/09 6. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of amendment to Chapter 6 of the Monticello Subdivision Code as related to Parks, Open Space and Public Use. Applicant: City of Monticello This item was reviewed previously by the Planning Commission and was also reviewed on March 26th with the Parks Commission. Further discussion on the proposed calculation method and amendment is proposed to be held during the regular meeting as requested by the Planning Commission. NAC NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS , INC . • 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 783.23 1 .2555 Facsimile: 763.23 1=2561 planners@nacplanning.corn MEMORANDUM TO: Angela Schumann FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: March 4, 2009 RE: Monticello — Park Dedication Analysis NAC FILE: 191.06 — 08.41 Background This memo summarizes the City's Park Dedication requirements, based on data you sent to me relating to park and trail areas, current and future development areas, and the City's acquisition of a portion of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. To start off, it is important to remember a couple of basic principles. First, general "exactions" law requires that the City can exact property based on the proportionate share of demand placed on a system by the development in question. That is, if a development project constitutes 1% of the overall demand on a public service, the City may expect to recoup 1% of its costs from that development. Second, the state law permits the City to take some of its exactions in cash, but it is important that cash takings are generally equivalent to the value of land takings. Finally, it is important to apportion the costs of a system to both future and existing development — a City cannot ascribe all of its costs of a public service to future development when some of the demand for that service is attributable to current property owners. Land Dedication 41111 Based on the numbers provided, the current City population creates a demand for park land at a rate of 9.0% of total land use. That is to say, to satisfy current demand, 9.0% of the City's land is occupied by park and open space uses. For the purposes of this analysis, I will assume that reasonable estimate of the appropriate level of park service. With this assumption, we can then estimate the park area necessary to serve future population, as well as a reasonable apportionment of the Bertram Lake acquisition. The current City boundaries encompass approximately 4,900 acres, about 29.3% of the area of the future boundary including the orderly annexation area of 11,800 acres for a total of 16,700 acres. Current park and trail acreage is approximately 437 acres. Assuming that the future growth area will also require 9% of its land area to provide local and community parks, this will add about 1 ,060 acres to the City's park system, resulting in a local and community park supply of about 1,500 acres, rounded. Adding the City's share of Bertram Chain of Lakes to the mix, an additional 400 acres is being acquired by the City. This regional park acquisition is above and beyond the local park needs discussed above. As such, it needs to be added to the 9.0% park dedication requirement to permit the City to recoup dedication funds adequate to provide for both local and regional park needs. As noted above, the existing developed area of the City is 29.3% of the future park service territory. As such, that percentage of Bertram Chain of Lakes is the responsibility of existing property owners. The remaining 70.7% can be attributed to future development. This means that 283 acres of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Park is being acquired for future growth. Adding that to the 1,060 acres necessary for local • park use results in a total acquisition of 1,343 acres of park land to be acquired for new development. Spreading that over the 11,800 acres of future development results in a park dedication amount of 11 .4%. This is to say, by requiring every developer to provide 11.4% of their land for park dedication, you would acquire, through dedication, the number of acres expected for local and regional purposes. Fee in lieu — cash per acre Of course, most development will not occur in precisely the right location to provide for the park system you are seeking. As such, the City is able to require a cash fee lieu of land dedication to use for purchase of land that is located according to the City's plan, such as Bertram Chain of Lakes. Under Minnesota statutes, the City may set this fee to be equal to the value of raw land no later than at the time of final plat — this is the value of raw land that is immediately developable, but is not yet actually developed. An example of such land would be land that has utilities, streets, and all other services extended right up the edge of the property, but which has not yet been actually developed. You have estimated the value of this land at $28,000 per acre, based on data from the Bertram Lakes acquisition. We should pause here to recap. If a developer is proposing a subdivision, the City can require a dedication of 11.4% of the land as the proportionate share of park land owed 2 by the developer as a result of his development project. For an imaginary 88 acre parcel, the park dedication share would be 10 acres. In lieu of that acreage, the City may require that the developer provide a cash payment instead -- in this case, $280,000 (the value of 10 acres of land). The result that comes from this on a per acre basis is $3,182 of cash payment in lieu of each acre of the development area. The City may also choose to split the dedication. Perhaps you would want half of the land area, and half of the cash — 5 acres and $140,000. Any similar requirement would be appropriate. Fee in lieu — cash per unit Requiring a payment from the developer at the time of final plat (or allowing by development contract a pro-rated payment schedule) is the simplest formula, and it is most consistent with the language of the statute. However, Monticello has been in the practice of permitting the park dedication fee to be paid at the time of house construction. This fee commonly is added to the cost of a building permit, meaning that a builder pays the fee and adds that to the cost of the house sale. Obviously, if the developer pays the fee up front, is added to the cost of the lot price required from the builder- the only difference here is the timing. II) The difficulty with this approach can be tracking split land-fee dedication requirements. If the City takes some land — thus reducing the amount fee to be paid — somebody will need to track the fee payment as building permits are issued, rather than having a contract with the developer for a fixed sum. So, the question comes down to how to apportion the fee if you are not going to charge it to the developer on a per-acre basis. We have talked about population calculations, but a per-unit fee base provides a pretty reliable basis. This approach best approximates the impact of a development on the park system, since a denser project would create a greater park usage. We have estimated the net density of residential development to be 2.25 units per acre. This estimate accounts for road right of way, wetlands, and other deductions from the gross developable land area. For the 88 acre development discussed above, this would translate to an expected unit count of 198 units. Thus, rather than the $280,000 in lump sum cash, the City would pro-rate that over the unit count, resulting in a per-unit park dedication fee of $1 ,414 per unit. Summary This memo calculates the land dedication for parks that can be assigned to new 10 development, and the commensurate fee that can be charged in lieu of land dedication. These are as follows: 3 11.4% of gross land area dedication $3,182 of cash payment per gross acre of development area $1,414 of cash payment per unit The per unit charge has the advantage (as noted above) of increasing the payment required when the City approves a residential project at a density higher than 2.25 units per acre. This should be fair, given the greater demand placed on the park system by higher density development. 4 O cz cb L z O >C cuz ot— z g o E L. co CQ 6 o L. cn a) M U Cfl r-- a� ,- a. o 0 co C.) , --(-.2 , -itz ct3 U � cE I - o co 1--- tflo � 0000 N N CO c) c) o ©' C)o �' c)ti 0 • 000°o `-r coots) O , . © O N 7t' �' a) N '1 ti M LU _ LU ltd, N cr) �--, CO Y- CO - 4r r. 4111 . ❑ ❑ ❑ ,_ ❑ ❑' UC CJ Cr) 0() (..) 0 UI) V) - U") U "'-) Qi ^ , [ MS RS 0 2 2 z RS V7 ,o 0 0 0 v U W [l. 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CZ ._ C ,- c. 1— a) a y 73 -a w 03 , . 00 L. zz o 0 0 i' a) 0 0 0 c c as ca ca co mm Planning Commission Agenda—04/07/09 • 7. Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update Request for Proposals—Consideration of Next Steps (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission and the City Council previously authorized moving forward with the Request for Proposal for the Comprehensive Update of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. This decision was made with the understanding that moving the project forward would be based on the quality of the proposals and budget considerations. A copy of the final RFP for the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update follows this cover, for the Commission's reference. RFPs were due April 1st, 2009. Ten (10)proposals were submitted in response to the RFP, which was posted to the national American Planning Association website and League of Minnesota website. RFP's were also sent directly to MnAPA planning firms. Staff will provide copies of the ten proposals at the April meeting. The proposed structure for the proposal review allows for an Ad-Hoc Selection Committee to narrow proposals to three firms or less. (This is similar to the Natural Resource Inventory& Assessment process.) After the initial paring of candidate firms, a • joint Planning Commission/City Council session would be held for firm presentations and final project recommendation. Again, it should be noted that Council does have the option to delay this project due to budget and other project priority considerations. Ad-Hoc Selection Committee: Proposed Composition 5 2 Planning Commissioners City Council representatives (including Council liaison) 1 Economic Development Authority representative 1 Industrial & Economic Development Committee representative ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Staff would propose that Commission set a date for the Ad-Hoc Selection Committee meeting. It is hoped that a final recommendation could be forwarded to the City Council on April 27th SUPPORTING DATA A. Request for Proposal B. Proposals (to be provided on April 7th) C. Candidate Ranking Form 1 • Planning Commission Agenda—04/07/09 • 7. Zoning Ordinance Request for Proposals—Consideration of Next Steps A copy of the final RFP for the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance rewrite follows this cover. RFPs were due April 1st, 2009. Staff will provide a verbal update at the meeting and will solicit feedback from the Commission on moving this project forward. i • 1 Planning Commission Agenda—04/07/09 111 8. Community Development Director's Update. Sign Ordinance • The Sign Ordinance amendment, as recommended for approval by the Planning will be brought forward to the CityCouncil on April 27th I hope Planning Commission, g Commissioners will attend that meeting to support the ordinance. Public Nuisance Ordinance The amendment top ublic nuisance ordinance included in the Commission's last packet of information was approved on March 23, 2009. Development Listening Sessions Recently, the Community Development department has had a number of conversations with commercial and residential developers owning vacant property/parcels (or those parcels subject to possible redevelopment) within the community. The developers have � shared some very valuable insights regarding their perceptions on future growth. In light of these conversations, Community Development has arranged a series of informal listening sessions between policymakers, staff and individual developers. The conversations will be aimed at identifying options for assisting Monticello's development community in the near term. We'll also discuss their perspective on possible trends over the long-term for development and their views on how this may impact Monticello. The listening sessions will help develop strategies to support development community at present and into the future. I am looking for Commissioners to RSVP their ability to attend these sessions. I am hoping to have at least two commissioners commit to all time slots. Your commitment to helping support these sessions will be appreciated. Listening Sessions Dates/Times: Tuesday, April 14th from 9:00 AM -12:00 and from 1:00 - 3:00 PM Thursday, April 16th from 11:00 AM— 12:00 and 1:00—4:00 PM If you have any questions regarding these sessions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Consultant Fee Review The City Council chose not to appoint a City Planner at this time. The Council will review options as part of a larger review of fin-ns submitting for the Zoning RFP. Foreclosure Information The City continues to work cooperatively with Wright County Community Action to promote free foreclosure prevention counseling opportunities and other home ownership resources. Also, the month of April will be a critical time for getting the NSP grant program off the ground and under implementation. 1