EDA Agenda Packet 04-14-2010EDA MEETING Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:00 P.M. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN SPECIAL MEETING TO REVIEW EDA OPEN SEAT APPLICANTS 5:00PM — 5:50PM Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Erie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes (none provided at this time) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of approving EDA representation on the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee 6. Discuss preliminary agreement terns for the purchase of Outlot C and Outlot A, Otter Creek 7. Consideration of authorizing submission of a Shovel Ready Application to the State of MN and completing the required environmental and survey work 8. Review submitted downtown real estate acquisition inquiry forms 9. Review and recommend to the City Council a candidate for the open EDA seat 1.0. Marketing Update (verbal) 11. Director Report 12. Adjournment 4. Approval of FDA Invoices. a. Ehlers and Associates 380.00 *Analysis TIF 1 -22 O z 0 a a O u ' t V ' A a V O V N L O C Y i L a E 0 G A V a wiw h T rn O NN W h O � a ro n N o v Q N N V iQ] F u V O Q 9p N F W P rn M N 0 N O 0 7 ti 0 O F 0 a v a I v N O O d' O O Q P 0 0.F /y b VJ �H N Ni �AI O FY `' N O N Q Ni O Y ®y r (S3 0 � U O z 0 a a O u ' t V ' A a V O V N L O C Y i L a E 0 G A V a wiw h T rn O NN W h O � a ro n N o v Q N N V iQ] F u V O Q 9p N F W P rn M N 0 N O 0 7 ti 0 O F 0 a v a I v N O O d' O O Q P 0 0.F /y VJ �H N Ni O FY ^fl N O N Ni O �1 f„ L r`J W ip O z 0 a a O u ' t V ' A a V O V N L O C Y i L a E 0 G A V a wiw h T rn O NN W h O � a ro n N o v Q N N V iQ] F u V O Q 9p N F W P rn M N 0 N O 0 7 ti 0 O F 0 a v a I v N O O d' O O Q P 0 0.F maw SuLgLIF Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8822 A—W3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697 -8500 Invoice #: 341139 Invoice Date: March 10, 2010 Project: TIF District 1 -22 Analysis For financial advisory services provided to update performance and identify any changes in the TIF district related to the above project. Date Worked By Description of Services Hours Amount 02 -24 -2010 BKi Meeting at City to discuss TIF 1 -22 options .75 142.50 D2 -25 -2010 BKi Analysis 1.00 190.00 02 -26 -2010 BKi Analysis .25 47.50 2.00 $380.00 Amount Due This Invoice 83an.nn Monticello Economic Development Authority, MN sad W Invoice #: 341139 Invoice Date: March 10, 2010 Amount Due This Invoice $380.00 Please remit payment to: Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Attn: Accounts Receivable Due upon Receipt 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING EDA REPRESENTATION ON THE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA and CC recently approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) to create a Downtown Redevelopment & Revitalization Guide (Embracing Downtown). The RFP was released on Thursday, April 1, 2010 and the submission deadline is Friday, April 30, 2010. The approved REP references the need for a Steering Committee to assist in guiding the process and providing critical input. The CC and EDA approved the following representation from each commission/board to serve on the Committee: EDA: 2 members Planning Commission: 2 members City Council: 2 members Park Commission: 1 member IEDC: 1 member Downtown Business /Land owners: 2 representatives (1 business owner / 1 land owner) City Staff: as required Larry Nolan will serve as the Parks representative, Chris Kruse for the IEDC (Wes Olson will be an alternate), and Charlotte Gabler and Bill Spartz from the Planning Commission. City Council representation will be determined on Monday, April 12, 2010. Staff is hosting a downtown informational meeting on Wednesday, April 28`x'. The purpose of the meeting is to review; scope of work, anticipated process, public input opportunities, and answer any questions. Staff will ask for two downtown representatives at this meeting. Once all members have been appointed, staff will ask the group to determine an agreeable regular meeting day and time. It is anticipated a few meetings will be necessary in May to select the consultant or team of consultants. And at least one meeting in June to determine final scope and provide necessary input for the consultant(s). Staff anticipates July and August will be pretty low key for required meetings in order to allow the consultants time to work through gathering baseline data. Starting in September, staff would anticipate at least one or two meetings per month would be needed for the remainder of the project (could take between 9 to 12 months). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to appoint EDA Members and to serve on the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends appointing two EDA Members to serve on the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None EDA April 14, 2010 6. DISCUSS PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT TERMS FOR THE PURCHASE OF OUTLOT C OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION AND OUTLOT A OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1sT ADDITION. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Dahlheimer Distribution is currently located at 3360 Chelsea Road (Otter Creek Crossing). They constructed a 50,000 square foot building in 2006. As part of their initial development they entered into a TIF Agreement with the EDA. Basically the EDA approved the following terms: 1. .95 for 5 acres 2. 2.15 for 3.65 acres 3. $52,080 trunk fee write down 4. $27,300 advance payment for dirt removal The Applicant was still required to pay SAC /WAC and applicable building permit fees. Adding up all the fees and average land cost. Dahlheimer's paid about a 1.77 per square foot land price. Dahlheimer's recently contacted the City desiring to expand their current facility. They are looking to build a 60,000 square foot addition and are requesting to purchase 6.19 acres from the FDA. Dahlheimer's are requesting the EDA offer the same land and City fee write down structure that was previously provided. Basically they would like to achieve close to a 1.77 psf net price. Staff is still in the process of negotiating with the Dahlheimers and working with Ehlers and Kennedy and Graven to figure out a way to make the numbers work. Staff will present various options and ideas at the EDA meeting. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff will be requesting the EDA provide direction on how to continue negotiating with the existing business (i.e. how much of a write down is the EDA willing to offer). It is Staffs opinion that the EDA should encourage existing business to expand and take as many measures as possible to keep businesses in Monticello. Dahlheimer's Distribution is very active in the community, they have created many jobs, and continue to increase tax base in Monticello. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Direct Staff to continue negotiating with Dahlheimer's and establish baseline acceptable terms. The EDA should direct Staff, Kennedy & Graven, and Ehlers to draft a preliminary Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement. 2. Direct staff to authorize WSB to begin re- platting the property based on the determined configuration outlined in the preliminary agreement. 3. Table action and direct staff accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Previous terms of TIF Agreement EDA April 14, 2010 incurred by the Authority to undertake General Grading exceeds $45,000, such excess cost is the Redeveloper's responsibility and must be paid to the Authority at Closing. The Authority must provide to Redeveloper invoices due or payable or other reasonable evidence of the total General Grading cost. (c) Concurrent with General Grading, Redeveloper may transport "Sand" from a City -owned site adjacent to the Redevelopment Property, for use as additional fill material for the Redevelopment Property. The term "Sand" means any amount of sand not needed by the City for other purposes, as determined by WSB, but in any event not less than up to approximately 40,000 cubic yards of Sand. Redeveloper must pay all costs of transporting the Sand, but will not be charged any other fee for the purchase of the Sand. (d) The Redeveloper acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Redevelopment Property or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Redeveloper may make use of such property. The Redeveloper further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority, the City, and their governing body members, officers, and employees, from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Redevelopment Property. Section 3.7. Advance of Land and other Costs; Tax Increment Interfund Loan. (a) The Authority has determined that the fair market price of the Redevelopment Property is $998,933, or $2.65 per square foot. This price represents the total invested or to be invested by the Authority or City in malting the Redevelopment Property available for commercial development, including the value of the raw land and all costs of special assessments for infrastructure, City trunk fees (except those paid by Redeveloper under Section 3.3), general grading, platting, administrative and holding costs. As described in Section 3.2 hereof, the purchase price for conveyance of the Redevelopment Property represents a reduction from the fair market price from $2.65 per square foot to $.95 per square foot for a five -acre portion of the Redevelopment Property, and a reduction from $2.65 per square foot to $2.15 per square foot for a 3.65 acre portion of the Redevelopment Property. Therefore, at Closing the Authority will forgo receipt the full market price of the Redevelopment Property, which represents an advance of Authority funds in the amount of $449,838, less the amount paid by Redeveloper for City trunk fees in the amount of $37,914, for a net advance of $411,924. In addition, the Authority will pay an estimated amount of $27,300 to remove the dirt stockpile on the Redevelopment Property under Section 16(c), which amount represents an additional advance of funds for the benefit of Redeveloper. (b) The Authority will treat the advance described in paragraph (a) as an interfund loan (the " Interfund Loan ") within the meaning of Section 469.178, Subdivision 7 of the TIP Act. The total original principal amount of the Interfund Loan is $439,224. The terms of the Interfund Loan are describedlin the resolution attached as Schedule C (the "Loan Resolution "). The Authority will pledge Available Tax Increment, as defined in the Loan Resolution, to payment of the hJterfund Loan. The Redeveloper has no rights or interest in any Tax Increment. Section 3.8. Business Subsidy greera . The provisions of this Section constitute the "business subsidy agreement" for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act, SJB- 266308v4 MN 190 -121 10 7. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A SHOVEL READY APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF MN AND COMPLETING THE REQUIRED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SURVEY WORK. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Positively MN (a branch of DEED) offers a Shovel Ready Site Certification Program. The State is realizing there is a growing demand among site selectors to have quick and easy access to parcels that are ready to build on immediately. Attached is information from DEED answering questions pertaining to "What is a Shovel Ready Site" and "Benefits of a Shovel Ready Site." Staff is proposing to certify the Monticello Business Center as a Shovel Ready Site. According to the application we would be required to complete a Phase 1 Environmental and complete an ALTA Survey. The anticipated cost to complete these two items is $9,700. One of the most notable benefits of being a certified shovel ready site is the national exposure Monticello will obtain. It is being said that users do not have the luxury of spending 6 to 12 months on a site search and obtaining government approvals. Shovel Ready Sites are becoming the new attractive trend. The application fee is $2,950. The fee includes the cost of review, on -site inspection (includes full day of access to consultant provided by the State to review the site with Staff and offer any suggestions to get more traction), final certification, marketing and annual maintenance of the Shovel Ready program. Budget: Between the application fee and required engineering work, the total anticipated cost to become Shovel Ready is $12,650. WSB is willing to work with the City on a two year take down of the fees. In essence, we would pay $4,850 in 2010 and $4,850 in 2011. These fees can be collected at the time the individual properties are developed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve submitting a Shovel Ready application and authorizing WSB to complete the engineering and environmental work. 2. Motion to deny submitting a Shovel Ready application. 3. Motion to table item and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends moving forward with the Shovel Ready application. The State will be attending between 4 -6 National conferences this year focusing on renewable energy and data center businesses. This is a great opportunity for Monticello to be recognized on a broader State and National level. Also, when the City sells a parcel to a private company, a survey and Phase 1 Environmental is required to be completed. Since the work has to be completed at some point in order to complete a land sale, it makes sense to complete the work now, get on the State register, and within our own marketing offer businesses a shovel ready site. The fees the City would be required to pay now to complete the Shovel Ready application can be repaid by future TIF agreements when development occurs. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Proposal from WSB for completion of an ALTA Survey b. Proposal from WSB for completion of Phase 1 Environmental work c. Shovel Ready application EDA April 14, 2010 Benefits of a Shovel Ready Site POSITIVELY €?opartmant of Employment and Eeonomte Davatapmont Benefits of a Shovel Ready Site Shovel ready sites are a benefit to companies and site selectors because they take much of the time, expense, unpredictability and risk out of development. Page 1 of 1 Because the sites are more likely to catch the eye of corporate site selectors or site selection consultants, they're also a distinct competitive advantage for site owners and communities. Benefits for Companies Certified shovel ready sites are extremely attractive to companies looking to expand, relocate or start up. The reasons are simple: Global economic forces are pushing companies to make market decisions faster than ever before. They no longer have the luxury of spending six to 12 months on a site search. Shovel ready sites can be purchased quickly. Companies need sites that are ready for development and can match the construction completion date with customer product delivery demands. Shovel ready sites simplify the development process and greatly reduce risk by eliminating most of the unknowns from the site selection decision and increasing the predictability of getting the land developed, the building constructed and the business up and running. Finally, shovel ready sites lower development costs, a very important factor at a time when all companies are more cost conscious. Benefits for Minnesota Communities and Site Owners Certification offers several benefits for communities and site owners, but let's start with the most important: increased visibility in a very crowded marketplace. Minnesota's Certified Shovel Ready sites will be heavily marketed at national conferences and trade shows as well as on the property search tool we provide for site selectors. The result is improved visibility for both the community and the site. Certified shovel ready status is fast becoming a standard for sites being marketed throughout Minnesota. Having certified sites demonstrates that communities are progressive, business - oriented, and prepared for new development. For communities serious about taking their efforts to attract new commercial and industrial growth to a whole new level, our Shovel Ready Certified sites are the natural next step. © 2009 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Privacy Policy Accessibility Site Map Webmaster Contact Us http: / /www.positivelyminnesota. com/ Government / Shovel- Ready_SitesIShovel_Ready_Ove... 4/7/2010 What is a Shovel Ready Site? POSITIVELY '..'.00000ye Department of Employment and Economic Development What is a Shovel Ready Site? Page 1 of 2 Shovel -ready sites are in growing demand among companies and site selection consultants, and they are an increasingly popular tool for communities to attract new business and industry. While definitions vary from state to state, the term 'Shovel Ready' generally refers to commercial and industrial sites that: • Have had all of the planning, zoning, surveys, title work, environmental studies, soils analysis and public infrastructure engineering completed prior to putting the site up for sale. • Are under the legal control of a community or other third party. Our Shovel Ready Certified Site program takes into consideration the factors that are most important to site selectors and includes the criteria listed below. Ownership Status It is important for prospective buyers to know that sites can be purchased without undue complications. Ownership status documentation must include: A description of the current owner Documentation of title to the property General Site Information Site selectors need a wide variety of information to determine whether a location is suitable. General site information must include: • A description of all parcels that make up the site. • A site map and schedule for site plan approvals and permits. • A zoning description of the site plus current and future planned zoning of adjacent sites. Land use maps must be provided. • Information about whether the site or adjacent sites fall within the boundaries of special Economic Development Zones. • Aerial photos noting site boundaries. • The current price offering for land. • Current real estate taxes and special assessments on all parcels that make up the site. • Identification of current and former land use of the site and adjacent sites. Specific Tests and Assessments Site selectors need to know whether the ground on a particular site is suitable for specific structures or uses. Certain tests and site assessments must be completed and documented, including: Geotechnical soil tests. Phase I Environmental Assessment and Phase II (if required). Utility Services The availability of utilities is an extremely important factor that site selectors consider. The types of services available at the site and the names of the providers must be documented, including: • Electric power • Sanitary sewer • Natural gas • Telecommunications • Water and wastewater treatment • Municipal storm sewer http:// www. positivelyininnesota .com /GovermnentI Shovel- Ready_Sites /Shovel_ Ready_Ove... 4/7/2010 What is a Shovel Ready Site? Page 2 of 2 Transportation Access The ability to receive raw materials and components and move finished products to market is crucial to manufacturers. Transportation access documentation includes: • Distances to major state highways and Interstates • Access to navigable river, inland or sea ports • Rail access to site © 2009 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Privacy Policy Accessibility Site Mao Webmaster Contact Us http: / /Www.positivelyminnesota. com /Goveriunent`/ Shovel- Ready_Sites /Shovel_Ready_Ove... 4/7/2010 Site Certification Schedule POSITIVELY Department of Employment and Economic Development Site Certification Schedule Page 1 of 1 Site Certifl cation Schedule for 2010 There will be two site certification sessions in 2010. Eight to 10 site certiflcatlon applications will be accepted during each session. Session I Application deadline: February 28. Field visit the first or second week of May Certification issued early July Session II Application deadline June 1 Field visit the first or second week of September Certification issued early October © 2009 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Privacy Policy Accessibility Site Man Webmaster Contact Us http:// www. positivelyininnesota. com /GovenunenUShovel- Ready_Sites /How to-Get-Your... 3/13/2010 A WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction To: Megan Barnett Economic Development Director City of Monticello From: Andi Moffatt, WSB Shibani Bison, WSB Date: March 25, 2010 Re: Phase I Site Assessment for Outlots A, B, and C Monticello Business Center 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763- 541 -4800 Fax: 763. 541.1700 As requested, we have prepared a scope of work to complete a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for Outlots A, B, and C (38 acres) for the Monticello Business Center. The ESA for the site will be performed in general compliance with the ASTM Standard E1527 -05. This study will include the following: Task 1: Complete Site History and Records Review WSB will request that a national regulatory information vendor, such as Environmental FirstSearch, conduct a limited file evaluation of the site. The following records will be reviewed where available to meet the objectives of ASTM: • Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps • Historic Aerial Photography • City Directories • Historic Topographic Maps • Federal EPA listed sites including NPL, CERCLIS, RCRA, and ERNS. • State MPCA listed sites including UST, LUST, spills, landfills and other state listed sites. We will review and summarize this information and evaluate this information for potential environmental hazards that may have an impact on the site. This work does not include a detailed review of the file information of identified facilities listed on the regulatory databases. This task will also include obtaining threatened and endangered species information for the site from the DNR Natural Heritage Database. Task 2: Conduct Interviews ASTM standards require that interviews be conducted with site representatives regarding past and current land -use activities. This requires interviewing the cturent owners, recent past owner, and City Staff including the fire chief, public works director, and other public officials with Minneapolis ■ St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer C \UpLYSW yan.Wmidi.CM13000Ix\ Inca \Mia�.Il\WinOOwa' \T<ngwnvy Inlm�tl FiIalCOnImIDUI1w4W9NXGVFNWiF .MO- FliosvI- 032310.d1 March 23, 2010 Page 2 knowledge of the subject property, as necessary. We recognize that we have significant knowledge of the site and this task should not involve an extensive amount of time because of that. Task 3: Complete Site Reconnaissance A direct visual inspection will be made of the site. This site reconnaissance will include noting vegetation and its condition, exposed soils, excavations, and site topography. Readily visible indication of above or below ground storage tanks, dumping sites, chemical or petroleum spills, or other obvious sources of potential contamination will also be noted. Photographs of the site to document findings will also be taken. Task 4: Prepare and Submit Report WSB will summarize our findings in a Phase I ESA report and provide two copies to the city. This report shall follow the recommended report format described in ASTM El 527-05 and shall at a minimum include the following: • Supporting documentation upon which the findings and opinions are based • Scope of Services performed • A "Findings" section which will include any Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC) as well as any Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions (HREC) • The opinion of the Environmental Professional • Any conclusions drawn from the assessment This task does not include those items considered non -scope by ASTM Standard E1527 -05 such as asbestos- containing building materials (ACBM), radon, lead -based paint, lead in drinking water, wetlands, regulatory compliance, cultural and historic resources, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, biological agents, or mold. The cost estimate to complete a Phase 1 study for all three lots (38 acres) is $5,500. The final report can be submitted to the City within 4 -5 weeks of authorization. If you have any questions or wish to authorize this work, please call us at (763)541 -4800. C:\ UauslMCgnn. AnmtlLCMppOnlnLLac nllMi cmmll \WinN+ws \Tempnrm'ylnlancl + ilp\ COnIaILOnllmk \L9NXGVENVNEMO- PI- 1- 032110.drc A WS & Associates, Llc. Infrastructure ■ Engineering . Planning ■ Construction To: Megan Barnett Economic Development Director. City of Monticello From: Steve Ische, WSB Shibani Bison, WSB Date: March 31, 2010 Re: Proposal to provide ALTA/ACSMLand Title Surveys Outlot A Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition Outlot C Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition Outlot B Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition Outlot C Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763.541 -1700 WSB & Associates, Inc. is very pleased to respond to your request for land surveying services for the above - mentioned Outlots. We have extensive experience preparing ALTA /AGSM Land Title Surveys and we are confident that we will prepare these surveys in a manner that will meet and exceed your expectations. It is our understanding that four (4) separate ALTA Surveys need to be prepared for these Outlets. These surveys will be prepared in accordance with the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA /AGSM Land Title Surveys and they will include Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11 a, l lb, and 13 of the Table A Optional Survey Responsibilities and Specifications, a copy of which has been included in this proposal for your reference. Please review the attached Table A and notify us if you would like to make any changes to the items that we have identified. We have already completed the topographic survey, platting and construction plans associated with the grading, street and utility improvements constructed on and adjacent to the Outlets. Additional field work will include verifying that all property corners in accordance with the ALTA requirements. Drafting and preparing paper copies of the surveys will also be provided in accordance with the ALTA requirements. WSB & Associates, Inc. will prepare these ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys for a lump sum fee of $1,050.00 for each survey, or $4,200.00 for all four surveys. This does not include the cost for the title commitments that we will need in the preparation of the surveys. The City may furnish the title commitments to us or we can use an abstractor to provide them, with no mark up. They typically range in price from $500 -$750 per parcel. Minneapolis . St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer C:\US... ynitUmntlLCINpPOnln\ Cowl \MiuneolllWintbxn \TwywrJry hktno Pl ¢ \COnIn6OullooML9NXGVNMMCMO -Am ntc- 093110., March 30, 2010 Page 2 We are available to start on this work immediately. The surveys would be completed, and signed hard copies delivered to you within two weeks after we receive the title commitments with supporting documents such as easements of record or other encumbrances identified in Schedule B of the title commitment. If you are in agreement with the terms as outlined above please sign where indicated below and return one copy to our office. Thank you for considering WSB for you surveying needs. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions or wish to authorize this work, please call us at (763)541 -4800. C:Wsax%Icgon,3nn iCMp0Dnl11U .Ornl%llcrson1Windows \Tanpormy RI nld Fil1Cmpa�I.O:p1ooNL9NXOVON \MEMO -ALTA wn - 033114, M J Departmenopoyment ena Eponamin Ueralop.ent 121'lef&&.r MN SHOVEL READY CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT SITE APPLICATION I. CONTACT INFORMATION "`i/�K1;iY1NY Page 1 of 4 II. SITEXOMMUNITY INFORMATION AND SITE OWNERSHIP Site Name and Address Site Name/Designation Submitting Organization* Local Economic Development Or anization If Different Contact Name Legal Description miles Organization City Address Count City / State / Zip site location /major highways Count Schedule and required submittals for Phone Updated Community Profile as FAX reported in MNPRO's database E -Mail site requirements? *Note T e of Organization (Owner, Broker, Representative, etc.) II. SITEXOMMUNITY INFORMATION AND SITE OWNERSHIP Site Name and Address Site Name/Designation acres Primary PIN Number (s) Name Legal Description miles Address City City / State / Zip Count Site Information Total developable land acres Number of Parcels Name Distance to major state /U.S. highway miles Directions from Interstate or Major Highway: Attach following schedules for parcel and lot: -List of parcels /lots and designation within each site. -Market price for each parcel or lot in $ /SF, $/acre and $ /lot. -Any special assessments and the amount due for each lot in $ /year and current balance ($) for each lot. -Real estate taxes payable in the current year by lot or parcel. Identify All Current Property Owners for This Site Required Documentation Please enter "yes" in box to the right if the document is attached Title Commitment using 2006 ALTA Owner # 1 Commitment Form Name ALTA Survey ASC 2005 If site not owned, attach copy of option or purchase agreement City / State / Zip Copy of site layout Copy of aerial photo(s) identifying site location /major highways E -Mail Schedule and required submittals for site plan approval /permits Updated Community Profile as reported in MNPRO's database Will site comply with LEED Certified site requirements? (Refer to instructions for more details Owner # 1 Owner #2 Name Address City / State / Zip Phone E -Mail MN SHOVEL READY CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT SITE APPLICATION III. SITE AND SURROUNDING PARCEL LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION Land Use Information /�PYAYY a Paae 2 of 4 Provide brief description of previous Yes or No and current land uses of site . Yes or No Identify current and previous uses of Yes or No adjacent parcels . Yes or No Current and Planned Zoning Current and planned zoning designation for the site. Yes or No Current and planned zoning Yes or No designation for land within 500 feet of Yes or No the site. Yes or No Identify Municipal jurisdiction for Yes or No adjacent land (Town/City/County Yes or No IV. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONES Identify whether the site is currently located within any of the following economic development zone designations: JOBZ - Job Opportunity Building Zone Yes or No Enterprise Zone Yes or No Foreign Trade Zone Yes or No Transit Development Zone Yes or No Tax Increment Financing TIF) Yes or No New Market Tax Credits Yes or No V. ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Identify whether parcels adjacent to the site are currently located within any of the following economic development zone designations: JOBZ - Job Opportunity Building Zone Yes or No Enterprise Zone Yes or No Foreign Trade Zone Yes or No Transit Development Zone Yes or No Tax Increment Financing TIF) Yes or No New Market Tax Credits Yes or No Date Com oleted Has a Phase I Environmental Assessment been completed in accordance with Yes or No Distance to closest port ASTM Standard E 1527 -05? (Report should include record of historical use of interstate highway miles site, as well as an archeological and endangered species assessment) Yes or No Distance to closest east /west Include a copy of the report with the application. Navigational Aids miles Was a Phase II Environmental Study required? If so, attach a copy. Yes or No -Identify interstate route number VI. TRANSPORTATION Interstate Highway Distance to closest north /south Yes or No Distance to closest port miles interstate highway miles -identify interstate route number miles Distance to closest east /west feet Navigational Aids miles interstate highway Nearest Intermodal Facility: -Identify interstate route number Rail Access Contact Information and Service Description River /inland /Sea Port /Airport Does the site have access to a navigable river, inland or sea port? Yes or No Distance to closest port miles Distance to closest International Airport miles Distance to local /regional airport miles Runway length feet Navigational Aids Name of Contact Company Address City / State / Zip Phone E -Mail Description: Nearest Intermodal Facility: miles MN SHOVEL READY CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT SITE APPLICATION VII. UTILITY SERVICES F_lertric Power Providers and Service Description we ^i °unn9+ Pn9�i:^°i I l Page 3 of 4 Contact Name Yes or No Company kV Address Overhead or Underground City / State / Zip Yes or No Phone miles E -Mail Yes or No Is three -phase electric service currently at or within the boundary of this site? Yes or No If yes, what voltages are available? kV Is existing service overhead or underground? Overhead or Underground Is a loop (underground loop with two different delivery points) available at site? Yes or No What is the approximate distance to the nearest substation servicing this site? miles Is there a potential for dual feed to the site from two different substations? Yes or No What is the largest demand that can be served at this site using existing s stem? kW Natural Gas Providers and Service D Contact Name Yes or No Company inches Address MCF /hour City / State / Zip PSI Phone E -Mail Is there natural gas service currently available at the site? Yes or No If yes, what is the natural gas line size to the site? inches Line Capacity MCF /hour Pressure PSI PSI Municipal Water Provider and Service Description Contact Name PSI Municipality Address GPM City / State / Zip Yes or No Phone E -Mail Contact Name Municipality Head pressure at closest PSI hydrant Flow rate at nearest hydrant GPM Attach chemical profile of Yes or No water Is water from surface or round water source? Is water source part of looped system with feed from two Yes or No sources? Any planned upgrades, if so, when? What will be the incremental GPM capacity? Will redundancy or loop be Yes or No added? MN SHOVEL READY CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT SITE APPLICATION Municipal Sanitary Sewer Provider and Service Description R�f0VR1�,aN —�j Page 4 of 4 Contact Name Sewer line in place near /at site? Yes or No Municipality Diameter of line at site inches Address City / State / Zip Size of sewer main in public inches City / State / Zip right -of -way? Phone City / State / Zip E -Mail Depth of sewer in public feet Yes or No If yes, describe treatment /control required: right-of-way? Phone Mbps Any special pretreatment Yes or No E -Mail Any incremental treatment capacity If service not available, how soon could it be installed? planned? If yes, note additional Yes or No capacity GPD Municipal Storm Sewer Service Description /Requirements Based on City Engineer input: Contact Name Capacity of sewer during 5- year storm event CFS Municipality Capacity of sewer during 10- year storm event CFS Address City / State / Zip Capacity of sewer during 20- year storm event CFS City / State / Zip control? (Attach copy of plan) Phone E -Mail Is there telecommunications service currently available at the site? Any additional storm water treatment or rate of discharge control required for this site? Yes or No If yes, describe treatment /control required: MPCA MS4 (Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) program compliance: Are you required to obtain permit coverage for storm water discharges? If yes, attach copy of MPCA letter on permit application. Yes or No Have you satisfied the MS4 permit conditions to develop /implement storm mgmt. program and report on status /effectiveness? Yes or No Are you required to obtain a NPDES (Nat'l Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit for storm water City / State / Zip during construction? Yes or No If yes, have you prepared a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for erosion prevention /sediment control? (Attach copy of plan) Yes or No Telecommunications Providers and Service Description Contact Name Company Address City / State / Zip Phone E -Mail Is there telecommunications service currently available at the site? Yes or No Does the site have broadband service? Yes or No If there is broadband service, what is the upstream band width? Mbps What is the downstream band width? Mbps What is the type of delivery medium (copper, fiber optics, etc.) If service not available, how soon could it be installed? Weeks VIII. VERIFICATION AND ASSURANCE I agree that the information is valid and accurate on a best effort basis, that the site can be listed on the MNPRO web site, and that the site information and communitv profile will be updated every 120 days. Signature: Name: Title: Organization: Date: Download the MN Shovel Ready Site Application (Excel format). Complete the application and save to your computer. You will need to submit both electronic and paper copies of the application. Examples of the required documents that must accompany your completed application appear at the end of each section. I. Contact Information Economic development organizations need only complete only the right side of this section. All other applicants should complete both sides. Example Document for Section / Community Profile II. Site /Community Information and Site Ownership • Primary PIN number: property identification number assigned by the state, refer to web site: http: / /www.Imic. state .mn.us /chouse /SPMI /Reporting/ • ALTA Commitment Form and ALTA Survey (ACS 2005): Obtain American Land Title Association (ALTA) information from: http: / /www.acsm.net /alta.htm] and http: / /www.alta.org /. The site survey must be prepared by a licensed professional surveyor. • American Society of Testing (ASTM) information is available at htti): / /www.astm.org /Standard /index.shtml. Registered engineers must complete the onsite soils analysis using the ASTM D420 - 98(2003) Standard Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering, Design, and Construction Purposes. • Definition of Terms • Site: The entire land area being considered for the Shovel Ready Site application. • Parcel: If the site comprises multiple land purchases, each purchase would be a parcel. • Lot: A site that has been laid out will be divided into lots and the parcel designations eliminated. • LEED Certification: General information on LEED certification is outlined our Site Evaluation Guide and on the U.S. Green Building Council Site for new building construction: http: / /www.usgbc.org It is important for potential buyers who want to file for a LEED certification that certain site selection and site development requirements have been met. Example Documents for Section 11 Site Matrix Site Map Title Sheet Proof of Ownership Control Title Commitment Alta Survey — text version Alta Survey — map graphic 111. Site and Surrounding Parcel Land Use and Zoning Information This section identifies any past or current land uses that may make the site unfit for certain uses or that have resulted in contamination that may need further investigation. Zoning designations will determine the site's permitted uses and the zoning of adjacent land will identify any potential incompatibility issues in the future. Example Documents for Section /11 Site Map Title Sheet Site Map Aerial Photos Site Plan Approval Process Building Permit Approval Process IV. Economic Development Zones Information about Minnesota's Job Opportunity Building Zones is available online at http://www.deed.state.mn.us/bizdev/aobz.htm V. Environmental Site Assessment American Society of Testing (ASTM) information is available online at http: / /www.astm.org /Standard /index.shtml. Registered engineers must use the ASTM El 527 - 05 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process to complete the initial environmental assessment. Example Documents for Section IV Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Geotechnical Soil Tests VI. Transportation Rail and port access are not required, but sites with access will be more attractive to certain industries. Example Documents for Section VI Rail Survey Street Map Aerial Photo Community Profile VII. Utility Services • Definition of Terms • kV: kilovolts • kW: kilowatts • MCF: million cubic feet • PSI: pounds per square feet • GPM: gallons per minute • CFS: cubic feet per minute • GPD: gallons per day • Mbps: megabits per second • Not all utility services have to be at the site in order to submit an application. However, a determination of current proximity to the site along with the technical requirements, cost/funding and time required to extend service to the site must be completed to receive certification. • Information on storm water management requirements is available online at http: / /www.pca.state.mn.us /water /stormwater /I ndex.html. Example Documents for Section Vll Water Supply Consumer Confidence Report MPCA MS4 Storm Water Prevention Plan Community Profile VIII. Verification and Assurance A senior member of the economic development organization or other submitting organization must sign the application. IX. Submitting the Application First, submit electronic copies of the completed application and supporting documentation by e -mail to gene.goddard(o)state.mn.us and iohn.rhodes aAmsbconsulting.com It is also acceptable to provide the electronic documents on CD and send them by mail. Next, mail a paper copy of the completed application and supporting documentation along with a check for $2,950 payable to `The State of Minnesota" to: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Vt National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 -1351 Attn: Gene Goddard Finally, mail a paper copy of the completed application and supporting documentation to: Moran, Stahl & Boyer 8374 Market Street — 422 Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Attn: John Rhodes 8. REVIEW SUBMITTED DOWNTOWN REAL ESTATE ACQUISTION INQUIRY FORMS. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA directed staff to contact downtown real estate owners asking anyone interested in selling their real estate to fill out a willing seller inquiry forin. The letters were sent on February 17, 2010 with a submission deadline of March 12, 2010. Staff received 21 inquiry forms. Staff will provide a map of specific locations at the meeting. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The EDA stated an interest in purchasing property within downtown from willing sellers. It appears there are several willing sellers at this point. The EDA may want to consider establishing baseline criteria in order to assist in determining higher priority parcels. Staff would offer the following criteria as a starting point for discussion: 1. Proximity to already owned EDA and /or CC property 2. Overall cost per square foot 3. Proximity to blocks most likely to redevelop in the near future 4. Property needed for future City infrastructure 5. Potential redevelopment costs (demolition, relocation, etc.) Price negotiations will need to be addressed sometime in the future. Let's assume the purchase price is reasonable at this point. Detailed negotiations can occur with the City Attorney and land owners at the appropriate time. If price becomes unreasonable we will regroup and ask to pursue a different direction. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Provide staff with direction on how to proceed with received inquiry forms. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 9. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND TO THE CC A CANIDATE FOR THE OPEN EDA SEAT (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACI {GROUND: The EDA will be interviewing Tracy Hinz and Candi Thilquist prior to the regular meeting. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the outcome of the interviews, the EDA should provide a candidate recommendation to the City Council. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend the City Council appoint to serve one term (6 years) on the EDA. D. SUPPORTING DATA: none Economic Development Director Updates: a. General: 1. The City Council: See attached agenda. The Council approved the Downtown RFP and a resolution supporting Big Lake's Rail Park efforts. The City Council approved authorizing a 2010 acquisition at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and approved a resolution supporting a request for LCCMR appropriations from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. 2. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. 3. Joint PC / CC meeting: The Planning Commission and City Council held a joint planning workshop to discuss a potential redevelopment project on the corner of Hwy 25 and Hwy 75. Discussion mainly revolved around traffic challenges and required site improvements. Staff continues to discuss options and work through site challenges with the potential developer. 4. Wright County Economic Development Partnership: Staff attended the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) session held on March 31, 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to gather information regarding Wright County's strengths, challenges, and desired economic strategies. Data gathered at the meeting will be incorporated into the four County (Sherburne, Wright, Benton, and Stearns) CEDS document. Participants in attendance reviewed demographic information for the first half and the second half was spent in small groups answering the following questions: a. What are the barriers, locally and regionally, to economic growth and job creation? b. What are our local and regional assets as we consider economic growth and job creation? c. What are some promising strategies that we could implement together regionally that could help our economy grow and create morejobs? The purpose of creating a CEDS document is to allow the7W Region the opportunity to apply for Federal Grants that we are currently not eligible for due to the lack of a CEDS document. The region will be able to request grants related to flood relieve or any natural disaster relief, or building a water tower, and many other opportunities. Wright County Partnership will be hosting a Wine and Beer Tasting on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at the Community Center. This is a great opportunity to meet Wright County business leaders, taste great wine and beer, enjoy great appetizers, and win prizes. The purpose of the event is to enforce the importance of economic growth in Wright County through established Wright County businesses. Please RSVP to Noel at 763.477.3086 or www.wrightpartnership.org. 5. BR &E: Survey training will occur following the IEDC meeting. 6. Inquiries: Staff is excited to report we continue to receive steady inquiries for either redevelopment projects downtown and /or commercial /retail tenants. b. Business Communications: 1. Business Newsletter: The Spring newsletter will need to commence soon. 2. Related newsletters /articles: none included c. Future Meeting Dates: 1. Next Meeting: May 12, 2010. 2. CC Special Meeting Workshop: Monday April 12, 2010 EDA 4.14. 10