EDA Agenda Packet 06-09-2010EDA MEETING Wednesday, June 9, 2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. May 12, 2010 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of adopting Resolution # approving a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) for Hoglund Body and Equipment LLC 6. Consideration of approving a Spending Plan for TIF District 1 -22 7. Consideration of joining MNCAR Exchange 8. Marketing Update 9. Director Report 10. Adjow meat EDA MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:00 p.1-n. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly 1. Call to order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. February l0, 2010 b. March 10, 2010 c. April 14, 2010 Perrault pointed out a couple of typographical errors in the February 10, 2010 minutes. He also questioned a motion related to the TIF District 1 -2. Barnett noted that it was accurate as written. MOTION BY PERRAULT TO APPROVE FEBRUARY 10, 2010 MINUTES AS AMENDED, SECONDED BY TAPPER, MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH STUMPF ABSTAINING. Demeules pointed out the misspelling of his last name in the March minutes. MOTION BY FAIR TO APPROVE MARCH 10, 2010 MINUTES AS AMENDED, SECONDED BY TAPPER, MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Demeules pointed out the misspelling of his last name in the April minutes. MOTION BY FAIR TO APPROVE APRIL 14, 2010 MINUTES AS AMENDED, SECONDED BY STUMPF, MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: None. 4. Approval of EDA Invoices: Tapper asked if the EDA had authorized the expenditure of funds by Kennedy and Graven & Ehlers as they relate to EDA and TIF matters. He indicated that he was confused about how these things were being reviewed. He stated that it was his understanding that the EDA had hired an expert to review the TIF Districts and that a $20,000 project had been completed. He wondered why it appeared that the EDA would be. looking for a second opinion on what they did from the attorneys who are in turn consulting with the competitor who bid the first job. Barnett stated that it isn't a competitor situation because Ehlers is the EDA's approved TIF consultant. Northland only did the TIF management plan on a project basis. Ehlers provides the day -to -day TIF analysis and review with staff. Some of the expenditures involved are related to the Dahlheimer project, some are a result to follow up steps from the TIF Management Plan as approved by the EDA for Districts 2, 5, 6, and 22. She noted that it is all related to, and has been accounted against, administrative costs which are allowed per law in each TIF district. Tapper asked if all this was necessary. Barnett stated that it is necessary if the EDA wanted to expend funds within 2, 5, and 6 and 1 -22 as follow -up to the TIF management plan recommendation. If the EDA did not ask Ehlers and Kennedy & Graven to look at that detail they would be unable to discuss the land inquiry forms received, as one example. Barnett pointed out that future fund utilization would depend on the EDA decisions tonight and in the future. She reiterated that each TIF district is allowed an allotted 20% administrative fee. These bills are not coining out of the Economic Development Fund or the EDA General Fund. Barnett indicated that the property tax statement was related to the Garden Center and included special assessments for utilities. It was determined to be an obligation that was incurred before the EDA bought the property. Perrault said that there are a few more years left on that assessment. MOTION BY FAIR TO APPROVE INVOICES, SECONDED BY PERRAULT, MOTION CARRIED. 7 -0. 5. Consideration of approving a Preliminary Development Agreement: Barnett presented the preliminary development agreement with the Rocky Mountain Group also known as Dahlheimer's Beverage. This is the first agreement that will transpire into the final development agreement and the TIF management plan. She noted that this type of agreement is standard and has been done in the past for other TIF districts. This agreement states that the EDA, the City and Dahlheimers would work together to come up with a TIF subsidy and not sell the property 6.19 acres immediately adjacent to their property to anyone else. This contract would be good for six months or until October of this year. Dahlheimers has signed the agreement and deposited the additional $5,000. Ehlers will go over the TIF subsidy with the EDA in June to finalize the exact packaging. Barnett stated that if an agreement hasn't been reached by October, the EDA will have a discussion with Dahlheimers to determine if they are still interested in the 6.19 acres. If any requests have been received for that parcel, the EDA will have an open conversation with Dahlheimers at that time. This agreement would allow the EDA to go on to next step even if the building has not been sold by October. The final document would be in place and the EDA would be able to close on a portion of the land, if not all of it, even before they close on the Anoka land. These items will be addressed in the Development Agreement to be reviewed by the EDA at a future meeting. Tapper confirmed that this is a mechanism for holding land while completing negotiations on how it will be financed. MOTION BY TAPPER TO APPROVE A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, SECONDED BY FAIR, MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Marketing Update: Barnett will be meeting with a local business to launch an economic development website which would be more specific to site selectors. The site would be easy to navigate and provide quick demographic information and industrial and commercial land listings. Barnett hoped to be starting this effort in the next month. She will check into adding links from other websites to Monticello's EDA site. The EDA will be a corporate sponsor at the real estate land conference on Friday. Barnett asked the EDA for approval to move forward with CBS Outdoor to complete a couple of billboards for downtown Minneapolis to get more marketing exposure for Monticello. The tagline would be Monticello has the Pulse of Business Future Today. She pointed out that the artwork was an illustration and details about Monticello's amenities as well as contact and website information could be added later. Barnett explained that, instead of doing a billboard on the highway, this approach would involve smaller site advertising at places where business executives come and go in the downtown area. She also pointed out that it would be cheaper than freeway advertising. There was discussion about what this effort would involve, how effective it might be at marketing the city, and whether or not it was the best use of the $4750. Barnett stated that the EDA had done a freeway billboard in the past and that the idea was to branch out of the Monticello area. Stumpf wondered if getting the message out to the airwaves might be an alternate approach. Barnett summarized that it didn't seem that the EDA was comfortable with this effort so she would look at other marketing options and bring a recommendation back to the next meeting. MOTION BY STUMPF TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE C TO TABLE THE CBS OUTDOOR, SECONDED BY PERRAULT, MOTION CARRIED. 7 -0. Barnett indicated that she didn't know the exact cost yet on the proposed economic development website but that she'd obtain that information and bring it back to the EDA for review. 7. Director Report: None. Barnett will email a flyer on the Wright County Economic Development Partnership to the EDA members. 8. Adjourmnent: MOTION BY TAPPER TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY PERRAULT, MOTION CARRIED. 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Bill Demeules, President Megan Barnett, Executive Director 4. Approval of EDA Invoices. a. Kennedy & Graven 132.00 *General EDA matters pertaining to Dahlheimer's, TIF 1 -22, GMEF b. MN Department of Employment $2,950.00 *Shovel Ready Application 0 z 0 a k 0 d C Q C. u N Q O b C a LC F z C 0 a q e a O � N N N a A w m � o d o v A � b 0 O O O T I i U q ,NpC V by N b� pN q v x O M N Y M N 0 0 0 0 a v rn rn O O N 0 A w a � p r� n. b � v a Q M O O O N 7 r5 N F U G U 9 9 pN C v x O M b M b q M N °o M N❑ 'J W w° s ti °o I H 0 x� a I 0 0 0 N O Otl 0 d .O O n N G' 9.. O N 0 u p❑ O z O O N❑ V V "4 Q BB k° co C Q C. u N Q O b C a LC F z C 0 a q e a O � N N N a A w m � o d o v A � b 0 O O O T I i U q ,NpC V by N b� pN q v x O M N Y M N 0 0 0 0 a v rn rn O O N 0 A w a � p r� n. b � v a Q M O O O N 7 r5 N F U G U 9 9 pN C v x O M b M b q M N °o M N❑ 'J W w° s ti °o I H 0 x� a I 0 0 0 N O Otl 0 d .O O n N G' O N N ' /� p❑ O cpOT O O N❑ V C Q C. u N Q O b C a LC F z C 0 a q e a O � N N N a A w m � o d o v A � b 0 O O O T I i U q ,NpC V by N b� pN q v x O M N Y M N 0 0 0 0 a v rn rn O O N 0 A w a � p r� n. b � v a Q M O O O N 7 r5 N F U G U 9 9 pN C v x O M b M b q M N °o M N❑ 'J W w° s ti °o I H 0 x� a I 0 0 0 N O Otl 0 d .O O n N G' Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Sulte 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612)337.9300 Tax ID No. 41.1225594 April 27, 2010 Statement No. 95729 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through March 31, 2010 MN190.00101 General EDA Matters MN190.00136 Dalhelmer Phase II I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, cl r demand i just and correct and that p t h s' n pald. SlgnatureofClalm nt Total Current Boling; 132.00 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Streot city of Monticello Suite 470 Minneapolls, MN 66402 March 31, 2010 MAY w 6 2010 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters Through March 31, 2010 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 316M2010 MNI Phone conversation with 5 Kvllvang regarding memos on 0:30 64:00 TIF districts and status report on EDA declslons, 313112010 MNI Emall correspondence with S Bubul regarding uponming 0'20 Monticallo TIF meeting. Total SW =B: $ 0gd DlshuYSements: 1/ 7 �f k ix MAY 1 3 2010 i ,y i 36.00 9D.D0 90,00 j 1MED City of Monticello Mach 31., 2010 Page; 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolls, VIN 66402 MN190-00135 Dalhelmer Phase 11 Through March 31, 2010 I MAY - For All Legal Servloes As Follows; I , 41 Hours Amount 8/$012010 sia Emale tolfrorn M Barnett regarding meeting on Dalholmer 0,20 42.00 Total Services: $ 42.00 \/Ijj MAY 1 3 2010 t I 42.00 Iii ƒ @ 2 ! E . . � � \ \ \ � 2 R ( § \ \ ! ) ) \ ! & 2 \ \ N \ } \ ] / } \ ■ } m QN } \ \ � ! E . . \ \ \ ( § \ \ ! ) ) \ ! & 2 \ \ N \ } \ ] / } \ ■ } m QN } \ \ � ! E . . \ ( § \ \ ! ) ) \ ! & 2 \ \ N \ } \ ] / } \ ■ } m QN } \ \ � CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: VENDOR: Name �(� ( 1]l,I \� t,'Address I %t \) S Jjf' ,i�)� �z .rlv [3wIRw Address 2 City /ST /Zip { 1 "H Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: APPOVED BY voucher.xis Project Code TOTAL: APPOVED BY voucher.xis 5. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A RESOULTION APPROVING A GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND LOAN FOR HOGLUND BODY AND EQUIPMENT LLC A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hoglund Body and Equipment recently purchased the property located at 307 Chelsea Road. The facility will be utilized for body repair, painting, sandblasting, and customer fabrication. A portion of the building will also be sub - leased to an appropriate business. Hoglund Body and Equipment desires to remodel the building to fit their specific body shop needs and to purchase additional equipment in order to optimize their production. The applicant is requesting the EDA grant a GMEF loan in the amount of $227,508. As previously stated the funds will be utilized for remodeling expenses and purchasing equipment that will enable the local business to expand and grow. The applicant filled out a detailed application stating the proposed project will house production currently taking place in two facilities into one and will create 17 new jobs in the community at a rate of 2 -4 times minimum wage. The GMEF guidelines allow funds to be loaned for remodeling and purchasing of equipment. The loan terms would include the following: 3% interest rate, a 5 year tern with a balloon payment at the end of the 5 years, a security agreement utilizing the purchased equipment as collateral, and creating 10 new jobs within 3 years. Kennedy and Graven has reviewed the application and supporting data. Martha Ingram is recommending the EDA enter into a security loan agreement with the applicant securing the newly purchased equipment as collateral for the GMEF loan. It is her opinion there is enough value in the equipment that in the event the applicant stopped making requirement payments, the EDA would receive enough cash to cover most of the loan. It should also be noted Kennedy and Graven drafted the attached Resolution. The proposed resolution and method of structuring the loan is almost identical to the Karlsburger loan approved by the EDA in 2006. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends the EDA approve the GMEF request by Hoglund Bus and direct staff to work with Kennedy and Graven to draft final loan documents. The purpose of the GMEF fund is to assist businesses in growing and expanding their business. The GMEF guidelines allow purchasing of equipment and remodeling as acceptable expenditures for the funds. Therefore, it is staff's opinion the request by the applicant fits exactly within the parameters of the GMEF purpose statement and the EDA has provided identical loans like proposed in the past. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution # approving a business subsidy for Hoglund Bus and Equipment and directing staff to work with Kennedy and Graven to prepare final loan documents. 2. Motion to deny approving a GMEF Loan. 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Proposed Resolution b. GMEF Application & supporting data EDA June 9, 2010 EDA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND HOGLUND BODY & EQUIPMENT INC. AND OF THE PROMISSORY NOTE MADE BY HOGLUND BODY & EQUIPMENT INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ('Board ") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Monticello, Minnesota (the "Authority" or "Holder ") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority and Hoglund Body & Equipment Inc. (the "Borrower ") desire to enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement") for a GMEF Loan to be used for the acquisition of certain equipment for a bus and truck body repair facility in the City of Monticello. 1.02. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Authority will loan to the Borrower the sum of $227,508 (the "Loan"), evidenced by a promissory note (the "Note ") and a Security Agreement (the "Security Agreement "), to be executed and delivered to the Authority by the Borrower. 1.03. The terms of the Loan Agreement and Note shall conform to the Amended GMEF Guidelines approved by the Authority on March 23, 2009, including a term of the loan not to exceed the useful life of the equipment purchased with loan proceeds, and a fixed interest rate not less than 3.0 %. Section 2. Loan Agreement and Note Authorized. 2.01.. The Authority hereby authorizes and directs Authority staff and consultants to negotiate and prepare the Loan Agreement and Note as provided herein, and authorizes execution of the Loan Agreement and all documents prepared in connection therewith. 005- -1:1 too 01mImILIWI I Approved this _ day of June, 2010, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director 369581v1 MNI MN325 -21 Hoglund Body and Equipment Business Plan May 2010 Executive Summary Objective Hoglund Body and Equipment is in the business of offering customers first class vehicle body and repair for its customers, as well as Sandblasting and Custom Fabrication. Mission Hoglund's mission is to deliver top quality work at a favorable price, to provide first class service and innovative solutions, and to maintairi a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers, suppliers and community. Keys to Success The success of Hoglund Body and Equipment is its customer focused business practices, and loyal and experienced staff. The combination ensures a first class business relationship between Hoglund, its vendors and its customers. Company Summary Hoglund Bus and Trucks executives have established a sister company in order to expand its business offerings. The business concept stemmed from feedback from its loyal customer base which fit into a practical business scope. The Hoglund Body and Equipment Business will also seek new customers to provide services and product to. Products and Services All Makes Vehicle Body Repair and Painting — bus, truck, boat, vans Custom Fabrication — luggage compartments, headache racks, emergency doors, etc. Sandblasting — trucks and other vehicles Market Analysis Summary Hoglund Body and Equipment offers unique services to its customer base and is located outside of direct competitors radius, which are located in the Minnepolis /St. Paul area. This coupled with its unique freeway access and marketing potential will provide for an outreach to an expanding customer base. A partnership with the historic Hoglund Bus & Truck will also provide a solid customer network base in this niche market. Strategy and Implementation Summary See attached. Management Summary Utilizing over sixty years of business experience Hoglund has sought to expand and grow into new business opportunities, which applies proven business practice, processes and procedures. Our Shop Manager and future estimator /salesman will grow sales by working with current customer and seeking out new customers. The staff of day and night technicians will provide first class work to our expanding customer base. The Hoglund Team will provide customers with consistent turnaround of quality products and services. Financial Plan See ProForma Statement. Hoglund Body and Equipment LLC May 27, 2010 General Description of the project: Hoglund Body and Equipment has purchased the property at 307 Chelsea Road. The building is 36,305 square feet. The warehouse space will be used for Body Repair and Painting, Sandblasting and Customer Fabrication. The 2,842 square feet office space will be leased as well as 1,800 square feet of the warehouse. Parking spaces in existence will be utilized with 10 for the office staff parking, 2 for warehouse renters and 12 by Hoglund Body and Equipment. There will be limited traffic flow due to the nature of the business. The property was purchased April 14, 2010 and remodeling will begin on June 1, 2010. The property purchase price was $1.625m and the estimated equipment purchase and remodel will be $660,000. Use of incremental assistance: The incremental assistance will be used in combination with a bank loan for remodel and equipment purchase. Utilizing the GMEF would case cash flow needs with the planned business expansion. Public Benefits of Project: The benefits to the project include increased space over existing shop which would allow for additional work to be done for customers as well as establishing additional services for customers such as sand blasting which ultimately creates new jobs as the business grows. The hourly wage is typically 2 to 4 times the minimum wage. Additionally, the office space can be rented out which may bring in additional business and employees. The Hoglund Body and Equipment Business: Hoglund Body and Equipment was started in September of 2006 in a rental building in Corcoran, MN. In 2009 the business expanded into Fabrication which was established in Monticello. The business will now be housed in one location. The owners are Wayne Hoglund, Lisa Hoglund and Holly Hoglund Klein. The work done by Hoglund Body and Equipment consists of body repair and painting for all makes of vehicles, primarily, buses and trucks as well as custom fabrication such as step wells, headache racks, luggage compartments, custom steps, etc. Y Jeny Hellman and Son Construction L.L.C.. P.O, Box 794 Monticello, MN 55362 763- 286 -4643 License #20224928 I Customers Name I Hoglund Body & Equipment 307 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 65362 Estimate DATE Estimate# 512612010 761 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Preliminary estimate until all bids are received. Page 1. Estimate to include the following items only. 1. Architect Fees. 1,500.00 2, Engineer fees. 7,500.00 3. Building permit. 3,000.00 4. Building materials. 8,700.00 5. 7 windows installed with framing labor. 4,900.00 6. 1 service doer. 1,200.00 7. 6.1-1. doors with openers. 4-20', 1 -14'. With windows. 21,000.00 0. Mechanical ventilation. 40,000.00 9. Plumbing for floor drain, water heater, pressure washer. 6,300,00 10. Floor drain installation, hook to existing flammable waste tank. 1,800.00 11. Remove curb and extra fill. 5,800.00 12. Possible downspout relocation. 2,500.00 13. Out concrete for O.H. doors/windows /service door. Grouting and steel framing for O.H. doors. 67,000.00 15. Dumpster /dean up. 1,500.00 Jerry Hellman and Son Construction L.L.C. P.O. Box 794 Monticello, MN 55362 763- 286 -4843 License #20224928 J Customers Name Hoglund Body & Equipment 307 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Estimate DATE Estimate# 512612010 761 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 16. Temporarily frame O.H. doors, windows, and service doors shut. 2,800.00 17. Concrete apron outside, 11,000.00 18. Cut interior floorfor footings for new posts and floor drain. 2,800.00 19. Concrete for floor drain area, and repour where fabcon panels are removed for O.H. doors. 9,500.00 20. Item has been omitted. 0.00 21. Roofing for mechanical penetrations. 10,000.00 22. Paint walls and O.H. door jambs. 6,800.00 23. Demo and haul away fabcon panels. 9,800.00 24. Electrical. 30,000.00 25. Concrete block wall. No stairs figured. 31600.00 26. Demo portable office. 500.00 27. Cut holes in wall for sandblast and plasma cutter penetrations. 2,000.00 28. Out holes and patch roofing for paint booth ventilation. 3,000.00 29. Misc. 10,000.00 30. Scissors lift and forklift rental. 5,500.00 31.Profitloverhead /contracting fee. 28,000.00 f Total 308,000.00 IIJ �j w"I - k immon OD XDf)Z],L GKV GnG 014A'IDOH Mum wal HOl - - - ------ (I D JDJ T wash parts and tools Ago-- EC[Itpr1VLE.NT.n t x , Customer: Hoglund Body & Equipment Address: Chelsea Road City: Monticello Contact: Howard State: MN Order Form Date: 05 -25 -2010 Phone: 763 - 498 -7400 Zip: 55368 Fax: 100101 l QTY PART # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 ATRTC161660 60' Heated Truck Booth $67,000.00 $67,000.00 1 AMUCM Cure Mode $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 AMURC AMU Roof Curb $1,175.00 $1,175.00 2 ARD Automatic Roll Up Door $7,700.00 $15,400.00 48 LUPG Inside Access Light Upgrade $140.00 $6,720.00 1 EXDP Exhaust Duct Package INCLUDED INCLUDED 1 MXR Mixing Room Extension $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 BE 10' Booth Extension $4,700.00 $4,700.00 50 LBC Lexan Blast Covers $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 42CAP 42" Cap and Damper $905.00 $905.00 Payment Terms & Conditions: Advance Deposit Due When Ready to Ship Upon Installation Labor /Equip. Rental Equipment Total MN State Tax Freight Discount TOTAL Special Instructions: All items are included as per attached signed detailed quote. Continued Security Interest: Until payment in full by Customer, as provided on the face hereof, Seller retains its security interest in the goods designated and to the extent required by the commercial code of Customer's state, this installation contract and sales order form shall constitute and be constructed as a security agreement between Seller and Customer. Body Shop Equipment. Customer 1300 Landsdown Road • Buffalo, MN 55313 • (763) 682 -0374 • Fax (763)- 682 -4375 Toll Free 1- 800 - 637 -4027 „ =, INS a I } I pi E°QU1�,PjdM,ENT nit Customer: Hoglund Body & Equipment Address: Chelsea Road City: Monticello State: MN Contact: Howard Order Form Date: 05 -25 -2010 Phone: 763 - 498 -7400 Zip: 55368 Fax: .M QTY PART # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 DC 20,000 CFM Dust Collector $38,770.00 $38,770.00 1 ABRE Blast & Recovery Equipment $77,560.00 $77,560.00 4 FSS Fire Suppression 2 booths 1 Mix Room $13,322.00 $13,322.00 1 50HPACPGK 50 HP Rotary Screw Compressor $19,500.00 $19,500.00 1 AD Air Dryer INCLUDED INCLUDED 1 240TANK 240 Gallon air tank INCLUDED INCLUDED Payment Terms & Conditions: $76,000.00 $32,000.00 $184,000.00 $15,177.00 F.O.B. Advance Deposit Due June 21St 2010 Due When Ready to Ship Upon Installation Labor /Equip. Rental Equipment Total MN State Tax Freight Discount TOTAL $56,950.00 $250,552.00 $7,175.00 $7,500.00 $307,177.00 2�5 X705 Special Instructions: All items are included as per attached signed detailed quote. ie Security Interest: Until payment in full by Customer, as provided on the face hereof, Seller retains its security interest in the goods designated and to the extent required by the commercial code of Customer's state, this installation contract and sales order form shall constitute and be constructed as a security agreement between Seller and Customer. Body Shop Equipment Customer 1300 Landsdown Road • Buffalo, NIN 55313 • (763) 682 -0374 • Fax (763) -682 -4375 Toll Free 1 -800- 637 -4027 b6 6. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A PRELMINARY SPENDING PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT 1- 22 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Semper Development has made formal application to the City for redevelopment of a portion of block 53 in the northeast corner of State Trunk Highway 25 and Wright County State Aid Highway 75. On April 12, 2010, the City Council authorized a feasibility study to address the transportation issues related to the site in order to identify the improvements needed to access and develop their site. Along with the transportation items related to the proposed development, preliminary engineering analysis of the ultimate configuration of the entire TH 25 and CSAH 75 intersection was also evaluated. The City Council adopted the feasibility study on May 24, 2010. The following transportation improvements are addressed in the feasibility report: TH 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements — Ultimate Build -out Preliminary engineering analysis of the ultimate configuration of this intersection was completed in order to identify the right of way and interim or ultimate improvements needed as the NE quadrant develops. Based on our analysis, the following are proposed additional improvements to the current lane configurations for the intersection: • Dual right turn lanes from westbound CSAH 75 to northbound TH 25 • Dual left turn lanes from southbound TH 25 to eastbound CSAH 75 • Dual left turn lanes from eastbound CSAH 75 to northbound TH 25 Based on the above ultimate intersection improvements, the following interim improvements are proposed to be constructed at this time in conjunction with development of the NE quadrant of TH 25 and CSAH 75. Immediate NE Quadrant Improvements ( proposed Walpycens site): 1. Right Turn Lane from CSAH 75 to TH 25 This interim improvement includes constructing dual right turn lanes along CSAH 75 fronting the proposed development. This improvement would remove the existing on- street parking and shift the sidewalk to the north along CSAH 75. The existing signal pole at the NE corner of the intersection would need to be relocated out of the proposed turn lane. The pedestrian crosswalks to the NE corner would be shifted further out from its current location. Utility relocations for storm sewer and watermain are also proposed. The right turn lanes would be constructed to the ultimate configuration of the intersection along the developer's site except for the segment east of the proposed driveway from CSAH 75 where the turn lane would be extended with the removal of the building next to the theater. In addition, a segment of curb along the CSAH 75 radius to tie into TH 25 would be removed with the future improvements and the signal system would need to be revised for the ultimate build -out of the intersection. June 9, 2010 EDA 2. Right Turn Lane from TH 25 to River St This improvement includes constructing a right turn lane along TH 25 to provide direct access to River Street for the proposed development. The existing sidewalk would shift to the east along TH 25 to its final location which will leave an approximate 22 -foot wide boulevard along TH 25 from the existing curb line to the new sidewalk in the interim condition. Ultimately, the boulevard width between the future curb and the sidewalk in this area will vary between 0 and 5 feet. The sidewalk will be constructed along the edge of the proposed parking lot and building, with half of the sidewalk being located within a sidewalk easement on the developer's property. Approximately 210 feet of curb constructed with this improvement would be removed and shifted farther to the east in the future with the ultimate build -out of the TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection. The signal pole at the SE corner of TH 25 and River Street would be relocated out of the proposed turn lane with the current improvements. Utility relocations for storm sewer are also proposed. 3. River Street @ Cedar Street It is proposed to construct a cul -de -sac at River Street, just east of Cedar Street, to separate the residential and non - residential traffic and to reduce potential cut through traffic in the area. This was identified to be completed by the City Council as part of reactivating the signal at River Street and TH 25. Drainage modifications are proposed to be completed as well. Access to East Bridge Park could be provided from the proposed cul -de -sac at River Street or from Cedar Street, depending on the Council's decision. 4. River Street Reconstruction (Between TH 25 and Cedar St) East River Street is identified to be reconstructed as part of the City's on -going street reconstruction program in 2011 per the City's Capital Improvement Plan. It would be timely to reconstruct this segment of roadway in conjunction with the proposed development to avoid impacting the development after it opens. In addition, Mn/DOT recommended providing two exit lanes from River Street to TH 25 as development progresses within the entire block 53. This would include adding a right turn lane along River Street to northbound TH 25 and making the westbound through lane a through -left. The signal pole at the NE corner of the TH 25 and River Street would be relocated out of the proposed right turn lane. The estimated total project cost for the interim improvements related to the NE quadrant (items 1 -4) is $623,850. This includes a 10% contingency and 28% indirect cost. Proposed funding for the project is as follows: Proposed Improvements Developer Funded City Funds Total 1. CSAH 75 Right $10,300 $219,700 $230,000 Turn Lane 2 THe RgghtTurn [ $115,000 $0 $115,000 Lane .._ ..... 3 River Street @ _ ...... ( $0 $65,000 $65,000 Cedar Street - __ 4 River -.... Street $119,870 ................. ..---- - ... _, . $93,980 .... _ ... __......... $213,850 Reconstruction TOTAL $245,170 $378,680 $623,850 June 9, 2010 EDA The City Council preliminary approved the cost sharing portions listed above as pail of approving the feasibility study on May 201. Please note these numbers may change some depending on the construction bid proposals. Due to the fact that the property is located within TIF 1 -22, the proposed project is a redevelopment project, and TIF law's were amended in order to directly assist private development; the EDA is being asked to consider utilizing surplus TIF from district 1 -22 to fund the City's estimated $378,680 share of the infrastructure improvements for the NE Quadrant. TIF District 1 -22 has close to a 1 million dollar balance in surplus TIF. The issue with this surplus balance is the legal restrictions the City has on how the funds can be expended. However, the most recent legislative session passed a bill that amended the limitations regarding eligible expenses in order to help spur private development. This new law now allows the City to spend fiends within TIF 1 -22 for infrastructure improvements if the improvements are tied to a specific private development project. The process is also fairly simple to spend the dollars. The City Council is required to hold a public hearing (preliminary set for June 28, 2010) and then the EDA will be required to adopt a final spending plan and Development Agreement (anticipate this to occur in July or August). State Law does require construction commencement to occur by July 1, 2011. This construction deadline will be incorporated into the Development Agreement between the EDA and the developer. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Development of the NE quadrant poses a unique opportunity for the City to make improvements addressing the long -time congestion and mobility issues with the intersection of TH 25 and CSAH 75. This congestion presents not only a transportation issue, but is a major factor in the ability to encourage and facilitate active development and redevelopment in the downtown area. The proposed improvements would set the groundwork for future development of the remaining quadrants of the intersection as it relates to transportation infrastructure and would aid in the current study for redevelopment of the downtown area. From a funding perspective, with a developer on board and a plan in place, the costs of the improvements can be shared through a mutually agreed upon developers agreement, without going through the statutory assessment process for their portion of the costs. Due to the fact that the City Council approved the feasibility study, which includes a City improvement cost of $378,000, TIF District 1 -22 has available funds for this project and additional redevelopment projects, and the proposed project will address immediate, long range, and regional redevelopment and traffic concerns; City Staff recommends the FDA approve the preliminary spending plan for district 1 -22 and direct staff to work with Kennedy and Graven to draft a final spending plan and Development Agreement. Julie 9, 2010 EDA C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Spending Plan for Tax Increment Financing District 1 -22 and direct staff to begin working with Kennedy and Graven on a final Spending Plan and Development Agreement. 2. Motion to deny moving forward with the proposed Spending Plan for District 1 -22. 3. Motion to table D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Proposed Spending Plan b. Feasibility Study Juno 9, 2010 EDA SPENDING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -22 ADOPTED BY EDA 2010 CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION 12010 369441 vl MNI MN 190 -135 SPENDING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -22 I. PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority ") proposes to adopt a Spending Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -22 (the "TIF District ") in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176 Subd. 4m. The purpose of the Spending Plan is to develop or redevelop sites, lands or areas within the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City ") in confonnance with the City's Comprehensive Plan by using available tax increments from the TIF District to provide improvements, loans, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to private development consisting of the construction or substantial rehabilitation of buildings and ancillary facilities, which will create or retain jobs in this state. II. PLAN The Authority is authorized as follows: (a) To use available tax increments from the TIF District to provide improvements, loans, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to private development consisting of the construction or substantial rehabilitation of buildings and ancillary facilities, provided that such construction or substantial rehabilitation will create or retain jobs in the state. The construction or substantial rehabilitation of such facilities must commence before July 1, 2011 (unless otherwise authorized by law) and would not have commenced by such date without the assistance provided pursuant to this Spending Plan. (b) To amend the budget set forth in the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District as necessary to provide for the assistance authorized by this Spending Plan. (c) To take any other action necessary and authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.176 Subd. 4m in connection with the construction or substantial rehabilitation of facilities of the type described in Clause (a) above. The assistance provided pursuant to this Plan shall be subject to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, if applicable, and shall be subject to the requirement that the recipient create or retain at least full time equivalent jobs (including construction jobs) for every $ of assistance provided. 3694410 MNI MN190 -135 7. CONSIDERATION OF JOINING MNCAR EXCHANGE A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Economic Development Director is a member of the Economic Development Association of MN (EDAM). EDAM provides monthly education seminars, contacts, quarterly conferences, and great networking events. MNCAR is the MN Commercial Association of Realtors association. As you can imagine MNCAR and EDAM have many benefits in working together to connect Commercial Brokers with Economic Development Professionals. These two associations partnered together to allow EDAM members a free trial MNCAR membership from February to July 1, 2010. This membership has allowed City Staff to access several potential business leads. The City also has the option to publish monthly newsletters showcasing the city and any available. The MNCAR free trial membership is coming to an end on June 30`h. Due to the fact Staff is a member of EDAM, the City has the opportunity to join MNCAR Exchange at a discounted rate. The cost is $225 per quarter for a total of $900 yearly. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The number of emails Staff receives from both an available land/building and client request is in itself worth the yearly membership fee. Staff has had the opportunity to respond to several emails from realtors looking for lease space for an industrial user. We are truly getting the word out about what Monticello has to offer to new or relocating businesses. Another benefit is the fact that Staff would also have the ability to publish monthly newsletters about available land and leasing opportunities in Monticello. The nominal membership has the potential to have a huge payoff. Therefore Staff is recommending the EDA authorize Staff to join MNCAR Exchange. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve joining MNCAR Exchange utilizing funds from the EDA marketing budget. 2. Motion to deny approving joining MNCAR Exchange, 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. MNCAR info Minnesota Commercial Real Estate I Commercial Property MN I MNCAR Page I of 1 Your Email; Pas�.d: Submit C You are currently not III In I Antin Fagot less Password? Home MNCAR Asxorkntra MNCAR Exchange join =-AR Exchange Login EVENTS OUR SPONSORS ------------- - - ------------- Spilleor G� =1 Has Comp System What's New in Commercial Real Estate In In st, Cloud? - lull It n Join us in Music Grove for the latest from Central NMI MIN plus a Lour of the state's first LED platinum Search ComI Usangs bvIII Click here to register find a Sockex MNCAR Golf "Tournament -Jun 16 MNCAR Exchange Enforcing Losses In a Distressed Market - Jun 17 FEATURED PROPERTY ATA GLANCE • 29,414 properties MEMBER AND INDUSTRY NEWS ....... ............................ . ........... ........... • 7,726 active listings Market Your Properties on MNCAWS • 113 million advairabid, sq R • 1106 active users Honsepagel Avallrnla on . flue come, first sensed Use Dean Lakes For Sale or Lease • 53,639 verified sales -2 Click here to read the publication Hwy 169 and Cc Rd 83 Camps Shakopee, MIN 55379 • 975broadoisiomallssent 2010 NAIOP Industrial Report & Social Four Type: Mixed Use among members last month Contact: Casey Hankinson, First Quarter Retail Recalls Ryan Companies 41% Annual MNCAR Expo Is Oct 27, 2010 E1113011-Ells! Search [:7 ------- :] So fiends 15 New Marketing Tools Le 91 Im Qhere to browse 1) 2010 Minnesota Commercial Assockbor of REALTMS@ 16800 France Ave 8760, Sure, MN 55435 1 Ph: 952.9081780 I Fax: 952,908 1799 1 Site Map I Site Credits http://www.mnear.org/ I MNCAR MNCAR Exchange Company Membership Application ® For EDAM Members Joining o For free trial membership through July 1, 2010. By submitting the MNCAR Exchange Membership Application, you are applying to be a user on the MNCAR Exchange. The MNCAR Exchange is the commercial property database that is owned by the Minnesota Commercial Association of REALTORS© (MNCAR): Starting July 1, 2010, your firm will be billed $225 per quarter for MNCAR Exchange services for the First User in your firm. Please choose the types of member -to- member Broadcast Emails you would like to receive: (Check all that apply) 1<Alell selections ❑ Office ❑ Industrial ❑ Retail ❑ Land ❑ Investment ❑ Multi- Housing ❑ Residential ❑ Business Please select the area for which you would like to receive Broadcast Emails: (Check all that apply) ❑ All areas ❑ Minneapolis CBD ❑ St. Paul CBD ❑ St. Paul Suburban o Northeast ❑ Northwest ❑ Southeast ❑ Southwest ❑ East ❑ West 16reater MN I agree to comply with the MNCAR Exchange Bylaws and have read and understood the Rules and Regulations. I understand my firm will be charged a quarterly fee of $225 for this service beginning July 1, 2010. i i Applicant's Signature: k 4xve- Today's date: C . Membership Cancellation `" You must notify MNCAR within 14 days of receiving any quarterly billing if you wish to cancel your membership with the MNCAR Exchange (billing sent the first day of every quarter). To cancel membership, fill out cancellation forms) located on MNCAR.org. Members of the MNCAR Exchange who wish to cancel after the 14 day grace period will be responsible for paying the quarterly bill and held liable for all outstanding membership dues and late fees. There are no refunds. Return via email (tara a,mnear.org) or fax (952- 908 -1799) 8. MARKETING UPDATE. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Update: 1. Positively MN Marketing Partnership: Enclosed please find a copy of the annual report. 2. Conferences: Staff is recommending the EDA choose .1 or 2 applicable conferences (within and outside of MN) for City Staff to attend in order to make better connections with pertinent companies. The City could sponsor a booth and really get in front of key businesses or site selectors. Here are a couple options; staff is in the process of working with Positively MN to develop a more comprehensive list of worthwhile conferences: a. CoreNet Global b. LiveXchange c. Windpower Supply Chain d. LifeScience Alley B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the EDA allocate dollars for conferences versus billboards as previously presented. Staff will develop a more comprehensive list of prices and applicable conferences within the next week. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Non required D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Conference information CoreNet Global Summit, Phoenix 2010 Join Rare w NeWORK Contact U Pond, Site Mao Hola CORENET —� Lenin Now ! —J People & Groups Learning & Events Belong Publications & Resources Your Career Sponsorship My CoreNet Global welcome Program Phoenix Sponsors Registration Page 1 of 2 bellID >I nni,i eevents>ONIB. cram" s a Premix 2011 n page TOOls: QFRINT �LSsNAi ®aSs SPACE Matters Recent months and years have challenged us to do more with less, and to focus on supporting the survival of our enterprises. In many ways, we are leaner and better positioned for Innovation and breakthrough. In otherways, we are fatigued and need an Infusion of energy and insight. It's time for renewal, and to establish a clear path forward. NOT A MEMBER? SAVE MORE! End User: Click here Service Provider. Drip op re At the CoreNet Global Summit , Phoenix, we will economic Developer Click here examine the many facets of the essence of our profession - SPACE. From three dimensional work space, to two dimensional space on a floor plan, to making space on the balance sheet for now investment by divesting excess property, we will discuss and debate the new approaches to strategy, design, and portfolio management and that have been born out of adversity and innovation. We'll Identify the trends that will impact our near -term recovery. We'll even explore the space between our ears -our attitudes and viewpoints about our profession and how we can create value for our enterprises. Register Now What Are People Saying About CoreNet Global Summits? - Stephen Walker, Shell Oil "I learned more about possible improvements to my own CRE delivery by networking with other CRE professionals over the two day period than I did in the previous four months as I transitioned into a CRE rolo from elsewhere in the Shell organization." -Dave Seib el, TDS To lecommunications Corp. "I always feel reenergized after attending a Summit. It gives me validation that I am taking our company's real estate In the right direction and gives me new ideas on where we still have to go." -Vik Bang la, CresaPartners "Where to begin? Every career move I ve made, every client relationship I've developed, every bit of my Corporate Real Estate education I've received has been linked to people I've met through CoreNet Global. I can think of no other organization that brings professionals Gam our Industry together in a spirit of learning and collaboration- allows the member to give back." - Duane Goslin, Dow Corning Corp. "The Summits are a great place for me to get education, update my skills, network with peers and evaluate solutions allln one location." - Kimberly Dowdell, HOK, Inc. "This is my first Summit and it has already proven to be a valuable experience. I have been networking with some of the nation's leading real estate professionals for the past 24 hours and my contacts have been incredibly heightened http://www.corei-tetglobal.org/Le,irning/PhoenixS ammit201 0/index. cfm 6/4/2010 CoreNet Global Summit, Phoenix 2010 l��T1�jwy �j'' ]qlp Ron. tWO Contact Us Pol? I�cl �s Sites yn�q CO E tl+ + search Login Now L People & Groups Learning & Events Belong Publications & Resources Your Career Sponsorship My CoreNet Global Welcome por sram Phoenix Sponsors Registration Page 1 of 2 A.uc>U -1ho A evenes >G1obnl sanmit xvnnnnix mfn Page Tool¢: C�PRINT LOSNARE RSS Registration Fees & Information REGISTRATIONTYPE Early Bird Regular Late by 23 JUL by 20 AUG after 20 AUG CoreNet Global Members • End Users`" $ 795 $ 995 $ 1,095 • Service Providers 1,095 1,295 1,395 • Economic Developers 995 1,195 1,295 • Academic Members 595 695 795 • Student Members 550 600 6511 ' Retired Members 345 395 445 Non - members • End Users - $1,095 $1,295 $1,395 • Service Providers 1,795 1,995 2,095 • Economic Developers 1,695 1,895 1,995 Personal Guest • Guest $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 NOT A MEMBER? SAVE MOREI End User: ClIck he Service Provider: Click here Economic Developer: Click he "End Users are those individuals with real estate or real estate - related responsibilities focused on the workplace or infrastructure management for public, private or governmental organizations. THREE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER 1. REGISTER NOW online: click here. If you are not already logged In, you will be prompted to co so. 2. FAX or MAIL 1. Download a PDF Registration form: click here, 2. Print and complete the registration form. 3. FAX the completed form with payment to: +1404,589,3201 Or MAIL lc: CoreNet Global 260 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1500 Atlanta, GA 30303 3. CALL + -1 800.726.8111 (U.S. & Canada) or + 1 404.589.3200 http: / /www.coreuetglobal.org/ Learning /PhoenixSummit2010 /content. efin ?ItcmNumber =l4... 6/4/2010 CoreNet Global 4cC >> CORENET Belong People & Groups What's New 1 May 2010 CEO Angela Cain Featured In Atlanta Business Chronicle Intervlew The Atlanta Seems. Convicts Introduced CoreNet Global's new CEO Angela Calls to the local metro market in a major feature Intervene published In the May 7.13 edition. 21 Apr 2010 Whet Haogened al the New Orlasas Summit? Catch up with the Dally Reports: Opening Reception, Opening General Sesslon, Awards, Breakouts and more .., 19 Apr 2010 New CoreNet Global Board of Blesses to Focus on Global Consulate, Critical Change' Whirlpool Corporatlon's Lee Utke Takes Helm as Board Chair 10 Apr 2010 Three Oradel lops Win Receseldon whir CoreNet Global Awards Announcement at New Orleans Global Summit View Nara Whefa Now Learning & Events • - 1 � w r cal ve Upcoming Events j Global Lo Ents T j Frankfurt Ememrise Allgnment (MCRI Jun) -8 Frankfurt, Germany Enletobse Alignment (MCRI Jun 9 -10 Philadelphia, PA, United States Sustainable Strateoles: Comorale Real Estate Portfolios Jun 1i -18 New York, NY, United States London Careens. Real Estate Finance (MCRI Jun 30 -Jul 1 London WSS 13A, United Kingdom Chicano Mlni -R denel Jul 21 -23 Chicago, IL, United States clew Calendar LEADER Ml Real I whowe3erve NbousshlpeeneBls J.11 N.1 I Getlnthe NetWORK 'Connecting andproviding value to you antl yaur compenytn the entire network andsuppiy chain of the corporate real estate Industry —front sad users antl accupixs to sery /cepmvitlers antl economle tlevelopars." Professionals from across Me corporate real estate induam gather from a variety of functional dlsdplines, locations, career stapes, and companies. Membership types Include End Users, Service provides, Economic Developere, as well as Academic, Joumallat Student, and poured professionals. iMore... CoreNet Global 260 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1500, Atlanta, GA 30303. 1,404.589.3200 Policies Hemel littp://www.corenetglobal.org/iiidex.efi-n Page 1 of 1 6/4/2010 Business Facilities LiveXchange I An Event Developed To Streamline The Site Selection ... Page 2 of 4 First Slide In just two days out of the office this INVITATION -ONLY event will allow you to: • Attend seminars, workshops and think tanks led by experts in the field of relocation and expansion. • Meet one -on -one with senior economic developers from across North America. • Network with peers, economic development representatives, and top real estate consultants. • Receive FREE airfare, deluxe accommodations, and ground transfers in New Orleans once your stration is approved http: / /Iivex.businessfacilities.com/ 6/4/2010 Event Information Event Information Page 2 of 4 Business Facilities LiveXchange is an invitation -only event for corporate executives responsible for choosing a new location for their company's next facility. Invited delegates will: Meet personally with senior economic developers from across North America to discuss their locations as potential solutions; Attend seminars, workshops, and think tanks led by experts in the field of relocation and expansion; and Network with other corporate executives faced with the same corporate growth challenges and economic development representatives. All corporate delegates are entitled to complimentary deluxe accommodations and meals at the Hotel Monteleone, in New Orleans, and round trip airfare* and ground transportation to and from the venue. ( *Limits apply to delegates arriving from outside the continental 48 states or Canada.) This first -class event will provide the strategic, practical information corporate delegates need to make intelligent location choices. In just two days out of the office executives will: • Attend seminars, workshops, and think tanks led by experts in the field of relocation and expansion. Request one -on -one meetings with senior economic developers from across North America. Network with corporate executives and economic development representatives while dining. Who attends LiveXchange? • Corporate Delegates — exclusive for executives who are responsible for their companies' expansion or relocation plans and who must meet strict criteria to qualify for an invitation to attend. • State and local economic development organizations and utility companies (sponsors) from across North America. • Speakers at the conference will be experts in their own particular fields and will address strategic issues high on your agenda. Why do corporate delegates attend? • A very time efficient format for reviewing, assessing, and forming partnerships with state and local economic development organizations. • Invaluable networking opportunities with an exclusive group of peers in a relaxed and neutral environment. • Unique personalized itinerary for all corporate delegates. • A conference program prepared by Business Facilities with input provided by the Advisory Board. • A platform for discussion and debate at the highest level. How is LiveXchange structured? The event consists of pre-scheduled meetings between sponsors and corporate delegates, as well as a conference program that includes keynotes, workshops, seminars, and think tanks. Prior to the event, http :Hlivex.businessfacilities.coin /overview/ 6/4/2010 Event Information personal schedules are created for all participants according to their individual interests and requirements. When does LiveXchange take place? Business Facilities LiveXchange will take place over two days and two nights at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. The event will take place on November 7 -9, 2010. Event Partners 4fiS34RLL1V6Ntk ecvrAVa��'n�nu2e.nur Phar 11acell[ical Racutiue �ectit�nmCk uaif [I IDDERH Pt 1:rfel;cr cOM Logistics, SUPPLYCIIAN OSCR i LiveXchange Twitter Updates Page 3 of Don't miss Jason Hickey from Hickey & Associates speak about "Financial Incentives" at LiveXchange. Apply today @ www.BFLiveXchange.com 1 day ago David Atkins from Atkins International will present "Logistics & Supply Chain Management" @ LiveXchange -Apply today @ www.BFLiveXchange.com 1 day ago Ron Pollina will keynote LiveXchange and speak about "How to turn around the U.S. Economy" - apply to attend today - www.BFLiveXchange.com 16 days ago Simon Harding from KPMG will present the 2010 Competitive Alternatives report @ LiveXchange. Apply today: www.BFLiveXchange.com 20 days ago Event News • Why Business Facilities LiveXchange? • Toro Real Estate Consultants +Economic Developers= Success littp:Hlivex.busiiiessfacilities.com/overview/ 6/4/2010 Economic Development Director Updates: IEDC: The IEDC is focusing on the BR &E and zoning code rewrite. City Council: See attached agenda. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. Wright County Economic Development Partnership The Annual Golf Tournament will occur in September. Staff will provide information as it becomes. available, BR &E: 45 Survey's have been completed. The Leadership Team is hopeful to obtain an additional 30 -40 completed survey's by July 1. In uiq ries: No new inquiries to report Industrial Marketing / Venues: City Staff will be attending a State Marketing committee on June I". The Marketing Partnership is proving to be a valuable organization. Great contacts and information is obtained. Business Communications: Business Newsletter: The "Spring" Newsletter will be published in 2 weeks. Embracing Downtown: The Steering Cormnittee chose to interview 6 firms: WSB, NAC, Cunningham, Bonestro, Place Dynamics, and McCombs. These interviews will occur on June 1st and June 8"'. The first round of interviews went very well. The Steering Committee will meet sometime after the 81h to determine what consultant(s) they recommend the FDA approve to complete the project. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: August 3, 2010. 2. EDA: July 14, 2010 3. BR &E: Fall AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 24, 2010 — 7 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING 5:30 pm — (1) Overview of HWY 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection (2) Feasibility Study NE Quadrant Transportation Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf, Susie Wojchouski Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approval of Minutes — May 10, 2010 Regular Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements and Council updates a. Citizen Comments: b. Public Service Announcements: 1) 3rd Grade Visit 2) Donations 3) Family Fun Day Bertram Regional Park (6/12) 4) Walk N Roll (6/19) C. Staff Updates: 1) UB online payments 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments B. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -29 to accept contribution of $250 from Tom Perrault C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #201.0 -30 to accept contributions for Family Fun Day at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -31 establishing an Absentee Ballot Board for the 2010 Elections E. Consideration of accepting bids and approving purchase for Fire Safety equipment F. Consideration of approving an on -sale and Sunday liquor license for Pauly Companies hie, dba Bluestone Grill at 9351 Cedar Street G. Consideration of accepting the 2010 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report for the City of Monticello H. Consideration of approving Business Expansion Incentive Pilot Program Guidelines I. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -37 of Intent to Reimburse from Bond Proceeds for NE Quadrant Improvements to State Hwy 25, CSAH 75 and East River Street, City Project No. 100005 Consideration of approving an application for a Temporary On -Sale Liquor Permit for Wine Tasting/Networking Event on June 2nd hosted by the Wright County Economic Development Partnership K. Consideration of approving out -of -state training for FiberNet Monticello employees 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -32 ordering the improvements and authorizing plans and specifications for the Walnut Street addendum to the 2010 Street Reconstruction, City Project No. l OCOO1 8. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -33 approving plans and specifications and authorizing bids for the Walnut Street addendum to the 2010 Street Reconstruction, City Project No. 1 00001 9. Consideration of adopting Resolution 92010 -34 accepting bids and awarding contract for the 2010 Street Reconstruction Improvements and Walnut Street addendum, City Project No.100001 10. Consideration of authorizing preparation of a staff approved layout and Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) for NE Quadrant Improvements to State Hwy 25 and CSAH 75, City Proj ect No. 100005 11. Consideration of adopting Resolution # 2010 -35 accepting Feasibility Study, authorizing preparation of Plans and Specifications, and calling for Public Hearing for the NE Quadrant Improvements to State Hwy 25, CSAH 75 and East River Street, City Project No. 100005 12. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #515 approving an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the Central Community District, adopting Chapter 14C, (CCD -R), Residential Overlay 13. Consideration of renewing policies for Monticello Conurnmity Center 14, Added Items (if any) 15. Approve payment of bills for May 24th 16. Adjournment AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 8th, 2010 7:00 PM Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman —NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Citizen Comments. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Continued Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for rezoning from CCD (Central Community District) to CCD -R (Central Community District Residential). Applicant: Masters 5ch Avenue /Fluth, Barry 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit for Cross Parking, Cross Access and Drive - Through Facility and Preliminary Plat for the proposed Nicolle Addition, a commercial development in the CCD (Central Community District). Applicant: Scraper Development 6. Community Development Director's Report. Adjourn.