EDA Agenda 01-12-2011EDA MEETING Wednesday, January 12, 2011 6:00 p.m. Mississippi - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. December 15, 2010 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Request by J. Edwin Chadwick asking the EDA to purchase 13.6 acres of residentially zoned property located adjacent to the Monticello Business Center 6. Marketing Update: a. Conferences b. Website c. Concierge Team 7. Director Report 8. Adjournment Economic Development Authority Minutes 12/15/10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Commissioners Absent: Dan Frie Staff. Executive Director Megan Barnett- Livgard, Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 1. Call to Order President Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 10, 2010 EDA MINUTES AS AMENDED. BILL FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Megan Barnett - Livgard noted that she had included an invoice from Kennedy & Graven related to the Walgreens development for which the EDA had funded a portion of the improvement of the Highway 25/75 intersection. She indicated that the funds were expended out the TIF District 1 -22 Administration budget for drafting of the contract. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER INVOICES WITH THE PROVISION THAT THE EDA RECEIVE A RUNNING TOTAL OF PAYMENTS MADE RELATED TO THE WALGREENS PROJECT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 5. Consideration of adopting revised EDA Bylaws It came to staff's attention that the EDA bylaws approved in 2009 appear to be missing pertinent information establishing president and vice president positions and related duties. Staff contacted Kennedy and Graven to look through the document to ensure the bylaws contain required State Statute language. The revised document is consistent with state Economic Development Authority Minutes 12/15/10 statute language, refers to the enabling resolution, establishes an annual meeting, and defines officers and duties. BILL FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED BYLAWS. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 6. Consideration of recommending appropriate zoning classification for EDA owned property, Monticello Business Center The City has been working on rewriting the current zoning code for the past year. Public hearings for various sections of code have been conducted and final adoption is anticipated by early 2011. Several zoning designations have been eliminated or modified in a continued effort to streamline and simplify processes and better respond to the evolution of land use. The revised code involves rezoning in the Monticello Business Center. The Monticello Business Center is currently zoned I -lA. This zoning district will be eliminated under the code revision. Properties will be rezoned to either an I -1 (light industrial) or a newly created district, IBC (Industrial Business Campus). The EDA was asked to decide which zoning designation best fits the industrial park. The existing businesses in the industrial park are primarily warehouse and light manufacturing users. In general, the IBC, while similar to the previous I -lA in terms of building and yard requirements, would now allow for a limited number of commercial uses including restaurants, clinics, daycare, etc. An IBC district designation would also limit general industrial uses such as warehousing. An IEDC sub -group had provided input and assistance in reviewing and developing the proposed ordinances guidelines for all of the industrial districts. There was considerable discussion about the impact of each rezoning option. The EDA considered what uses would be lost with each option. Bill Tapper indicated that the IEDC hadn't made a recommendation about this issue. Tom Perrault asked how much industrial business land would be left if the center were rezoned to I -1. Angela Schumann provided an overview of the proposed draft zoning classification map. She noted that the area along 7`h Street to north of the interstate and the property between Twin City Die Cast and UMC would remain I -1. She also indicated that proposed zoning changes would not create nonconforming uses within the industrial business campus. Megan Barnett - Livgard noted that there are 40 acres available in the industrial park that not all are developable and the land is not laid out to necessarily allow for commercial development. She also pointed out that there is a large commercial district just to the north on Chelsea Road. There was discussion about adult uses allowed in the zone I -2. Community Development Economic Development Authority Minutes 12/15/10 Director Schumann indicated that the city can limit the distance of adult uses to other uses. Schumann agreed to request clarification as to the definition of general warehousing. Staff clarified that the use of the Hoglund Bus & Truck facility would be nonconforming if they sought to expand the facility. Staff noted that an IBC zoning classification would also require Hoglund to obtain a conditional use permit. Bill Tapper summarized that the EDA should allow zoning to be as open as possible and recommended the IBC zoning classification. There was considerable discussion about the intention of the Monticello Business Center as an industrial park and the need to simplify the zoning requirements for business owners through code revision. Barnett- Livgard pointed out that there are already alternative options for commercial development, many right across the street from the Business Center, but more limited options for industrial land throughout the City. Angela Schumann suggested the EDA choose the zoning option that would best achieve the intention for the Business Center given the land uses already there. BILL FAIR MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REZONE THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER TO I -1. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE 7. Consideration of authorizing a $2,000 contribution to the Initiative Foundation The Initiative Foundation provides gap financing for new or expanding companies and grants to non -profit and government agencies. The Foundation provided the City of Monticello a $5,000 grant in 2010 to assist in completing a BR &E program. The Foundation requested that the Monticello EDA contribute $2,000 to the organization in 2011. The EDA had authorized a $2,000 contribution in 2010. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,000 OF THE 2011 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. BILL FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. BILL TAPPER ABSTAINED. Tom Perrault stated that he supported this motion because the McKnight Foundation would match the EDA contribution. 8. MarketinE Update a. Conferences Wayne Elam and Sandy Suchy attended the Life Science Alley conference and staff has since scheduled a meeting with a lead from that conference. Economic Development Authority Minutes 12/15/10 b. Website The new Economic Development website has been launched. www. buildingbusinessimnonticello .com will provide a one -stop City site for economic development resources available in the area. C. Concierge Team The Concierge Team was established as a key component to aggressively bridging the communication gap that currently exists between businesses, local leaders and available resources according to BR &E findings. Team photos have been posted on the new Economic Development website. The team will focus on marketing activities as well as breakfast meetings with individual businesses and site visits to begin to build community connections and help businesses grow. 9. Director Report The Director Report was included as part of the agenda packet submitted to the EDA. Megan Barnett- Livgard noted that the McComb Group had presented a preliminary retail market analysis report to the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee. The consultants will provide a power point presentation which will be forwarded to the EDA. The next step will be to engage the stakeholders and the Steering Committee in looking at opportunities and challenges as well as considering alternative design standards. Bill Fair noted that the report was a good reality check. Staff confirmed that the consultants would put forth a strategic plan to address issues identified. Dan Frie decided not to reapply for another term as EDA Commissioner. The EDA had not yet received any applications for the volunteer position, which is open to all City residents. 10. Adiournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:53 PM. BILL FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Kerry T. Bum: Recorder Approved: January 12, 2010 Megan Bamett - Livgard, Executive Director 4. APPROVAL OF INVOICES: a. Kennedy & Graven $726 *General EDA * Walgreens *Dahlheimer b. Wayne Elam $144.31 *booth table for Life Science Alley Conference c. McComb Group $11,115.76 *Embracing Downtown Study (have spent $27,127.20 to date on project) 2 �{ ( / 7 { ! ■ § k $ »\ ! § �2 }} �\)) l�aa ]k §% 'S 79 offƒ \) }\ A±i± ]]g ®�� # !!! / q£ #& \ ) \ \\ \ ! ) ( # { / ! ) ) \ � a \ \ ) ) ) ] \ \ � t � ■ § Iwo a Q) } \} ) a ) ) ] \ \ 0 z 0 ' a e � a y c 9 C 7 y � � O Z O m Y v v N N b r J� O O b b 3 m C M M d ZO V U V � � I A A A A iL A a .QF V w Q a ^10 eRi a v a o o O •• ti a c7 a w 3 A Y OW O U � s y c 9 C 7 0 0 0 0 0 y � � O v � O m v v N N b N J� O O b b L m C M M ZO V U V � S 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N u A a si a n v 0 0 N N O d T O F m v v N N b N O b O b b O m O M M O iV V S A A A A iL A a yW a ^10 eRi a v a o o a d ca ti a c7 a w 3 A s U � 5 c5 a c5 u v p v N N N N N u A a si a n v 0 0 N N O d T O F v v N N b �qOp b b b b •n m n M M N N N N N u A a si a n v 0 0 N N O d T O F 0 z 0 a 0 0 0 6 C. 0 z y V V W W Q V' c n e` c a i i a E V 0 e rn A O F C 0 W N v m W w 5 a v 0 0 N N N Nc i O U U �u 0 U W Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 Tax ID No. 41-1225694 December 10, 2010 Statement No. 99627 —' City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through November 30, 2010 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters MN190 -00135 DalheimerPhasell MN190 -00136 Walgreens Development I declare, under penalty of I , that this account, daim or demand i j at and correct and that rt 't s b e paid. Signature of G aimant DEC 1 4 2C:' Total Current Billing: 528.00 90.00 108.00 726.00 City of Monticello November 30, 2010 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters Through November 30, 2010 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 11/512010 MNI Review and compare EDA bylaws - K &G version and 0.70 126.00 adopted version; statutory research. 11/10/2010 SJB Phone call from /to M Barnett regarding TIF question /uses 0.20 42.00 of Jobz Bill for facade 11/1112010 MNI Review EDA bylaws as revised by Exec Dir in 2009; 1.60 288.00 review EDA Act requirements; amend bylaws to include material omitted during 2009 revision. 11/11/2010 MINI Office conference with S Bubul regarding changes to 0.40 72.00 bylaws; create blackline and explanatory email to M Barnett regarding same; circulate. Total Services: $ 528.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 528.00 City of Monticello November 30, 2010 Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 65402 MN190 -00136 Walgreens Development Through November 30, 2010 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 11/212010 MNI Review Insurance provisions of CPD; email to Angela 0.60 108.00 regarding same. Total Services: $ 108.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 108.00 City of Monticello November 30, 2010 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 MN190 -00135 Dalheimer Phase II Through November 30, 2010 For All Legal Services As Follows: 111512010 MNI Review email request from M Barnett; office conference with S Bubul regarding same; revise PDA for Dahlheimer, Total Services: Hours Amount 0,50 90.00 $ 90.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 90.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ® VENDOR: Disb. Ck, Batch Pay by: Name W01), ��,Q —�V4 , I L yd1� Address 1 Address 2 City/ST/Zip�d� �) /j�/V <j 63� Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $0.00 APPROVED BY n / DATE; voucherAs Megan Barnett From: Wayne Elam [welam @commrealtysolutions.comi Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:15 AM To: Megan Barnett Subject: RE: Thank You 12/11/10 Megan; Certainly not a problem. I have done several trade shows and it is certainly nothing out of the ordinary. At the trade show they had told me they would bring a receipt to the booth within a couple of hours after ordering the table. They didn't and I forgot to go back to the exhibitors service booth before I left the show. I pulled this off of my online credit card statement. This was for a table with the fabric over and around it. Detailed Information Transaction Date: i Posted Date: Transaction Description: Charge: Category: Merchant Information: December 08, 2010 December 10, 2010 FREEMAN - DES MOINES 05152655601 IA $144.31 Other Services FREEMAN . DES MOINES 05152655601 IA If you need something different let me know. I can contact Freeman which was the trade show organizer. Wayne Wayne Elam rY®Adwl co 76322940aE wan 763 662 2400 r. 763 802 4624 Io)o welam @commreaAysolutions.com no www.commma4sorutlons.com 3 Highway 55 West, Buffalo, MN 55313 ga-:� crsCO NS From: Megan Barnett rmailto:Mggan Barnetttcbci.monticello.mn.usl Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 9:29 PM To: Wayne Elam Cc: Sandy Suchy Subject: Thank You 1 ➢ Badges are required to enter the Ninth Annual LifeScience Alley Conference and Expo. ➢ Exhibitor will be provided with two (2) booth personnel badges for each 10' x 10' booth. These badges will grant access to the Exhibit Hall and the Luncheon General Session (Including lunch.) ➢ PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY. Exhibit Booth Staff 1: . 1. 1 . lillf� � " . r, •.1 r L • . /. 1 A ,Z 11.11,11 . 1i 58 ..11/01111,►. M Phone ; :IU3. Al. ZgQb Exhibit Booth Staff 2: 1.:11 .r Wwo N 16 City:Wat-P1110 L Zip'Postal Code: 6,j,3uZ Country: U-S Email: j%i'( & /lr1lil r! �, �f �i�f :ii/ i Phone: Badges will be available for pickup at the registration desk: • Tuesday December 7, 2010 2:30 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. • Wednesday December 8, 2010 6:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. ➢ No badges will be mailed in advance ➢ $25.00 lost badge service fee These badges grant access to the Exhibit Hall ONLY and are available with ($65) or without ($35) lunch. Please visit: htto : / /guest.cvent.com /d /3dciOxn /4W to purchase these additional badges. These will be listed under Sponsorship /Exhibitor Opportunities. If questions- please feel free to contact Jennifer Pinsch at 763.548.1303 or Jennifer.Pinsch @eventshows.com 08/18 /2010 MCCOMB GROUP Ltd. ❑ ❑❑ A E 5 N S U L T A N T 9 RETAIL TA I L C December 10, 2010 Statement #3883 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett STATEMENT —RE: EMBRACING DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO STUDY Previous Balance $ 16,011.44 Payments Received $ 16,011.44 Professional Services McComb Group, Ltd Architectural Consortium L.L.C. Westwood Professional Services Subtotal Total BALANCE DUE Retainer Balance Statements for each firm are attached. $ 59,000.00 $ 5,241.85 603.66 5,270.25 $ 11,115.76 $ 11,115.76 $ 11,115.76 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 • (612) 339 -7000 Fax: (612) 338 -5572 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date far check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: VENDOR: / Name //�� /%��4 <�� / it g,1GS Address 1 )a2 27��- Address 2 City /ST /Zip IU1l~KU'R iMs ON .S� statement/ — T Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $0,00 APPROVEDBY voucher.xls 1.11.. o) Ic I I 0:0 MCCOMB GROUP, Ltd. ❑❑❑ RETAIL ECSON S ULTANTS December 10, 2010 Statement #3883A CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett STATEMENT -- RE: Previous Balance Payments Received rofessional.Services James B. McComb Linda Ole . Susan M. Nache Subtotal Expenses Mileage Reproduction Computer Report Production Subtotal Total BALANCE DUE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO STUDY , 7.00 hrs. @ $ 275 16.25 hrs. @ $ 150 3.75 hrs. @ $ 100 8.25 11rs. @ $ 45 4.00 39.10 90.00 371.25 $ 3,079.75 $ 3,079.75 $ 1,925.00 2,437.50 '2'7c nn $ 4,737.50 $ 50435 $ 5,241.85 $ 5,241.85 Terms: Net ten days. Interest (at a rate of 1,5 percent per month) will be charged on all balances outstanding at the end of the month. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Miimesota 55402 • (612) 339 -7000 Fax: (612) 338 -5572 CONSORTIUM L.L.C. 701 %r'I '' ? 4;•e ? Ire L '+,". F6 `-Cif} December 3, 2010 McComb Group Ltd. 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 380 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Attn: Jim McComb Project: Downtown Monticello Architectural Consortium LLC Project # 10- 1068 -01 Invoice #3 Billing Period: November l- November 28, 2010 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES Basic Services: Team meeting Architectural fees: $600.00 Reimbursable Expenses: Copies $3.40 Sales tax @735 % $.26 TOTAL DUE $ 603.66 Payment due within 30 days of receipt of invoice Thank You. Payable to: Architectural Consorhumt= 901 North Third Street, Suite 220 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Attn: Kathy Anderson December 7, 2010 McComb Group, Ltd. Project No: 20101228.00 Attn: James B. McComb Invoice No: 1011103 222 South Ninth Street, Ste. #380 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Professional Services from October 31 2010 to November 27, 2010 Project McComb Group /Monticello /Downtown Revitalization Plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. Task 2020 Project Management & Coordination Service Hours Rendered .50 Task 2500 Transportation Data Collection Service Hours Rendered 2.00 Task 2520 Traffic Issues Analysis Service Hours Rendered 11.50 Task 2600 Constraint & Opportunities Analysis Service Hours Rendered 22.95 Amount 87.50 Total this Task $87.50 Amount 350.00 Total this Task $350.00 Amount 1,380.00 Total this Task $1,380.00 Amount 3,320.75 Total this Task $3,320.75 Task 9999 Reimbursable Expenses ESTABLISHED IN 1972 COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will awme at 125% per month on Invoices over 30 days Westwood P,ofea W.) Services INVOICE 7699 An.q,arn -W. Eden P.1,N, MN 553A4 MAIN 952 - 937.4150 FAX 952- 937 -5822 W rou apse 1- be8-437-5150 [MAIL wps@me oodps.com www.westwoadps.wrn Westwood December 7, 2010 McComb Group, Ltd. Project No: 20101228.00 Attn: James B. McComb Invoice No: 1011103 222 South Ninth Street, Ste. #380 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Professional Services from October 31 2010 to November 27, 2010 Project McComb Group /Monticello /Downtown Revitalization Plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. Task 2020 Project Management & Coordination Service Hours Rendered .50 Task 2500 Transportation Data Collection Service Hours Rendered 2.00 Task 2520 Traffic Issues Analysis Service Hours Rendered 11.50 Task 2600 Constraint & Opportunities Analysis Service Hours Rendered 22.95 Amount 87.50 Total this Task $87.50 Amount 350.00 Total this Task $350.00 Amount 1,380.00 Total this Task $1,380.00 Amount 3,320.75 Total this Task $3,320.75 Task 9999 Reimbursable Expenses ESTABLISHED IN 1972 COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will awme at 125% per month on Invoices over 30 days Project McComb Group /Monticello /Downtown Revitalization Plan Reimbursable Expenses Reproductions /Photos Large Format Color Copies -CEF Large Format Color Copies -CEF Large Format Color Copies -CEF Total Reimbursables Thank you. 2"4 ' 4T Miles Lindberg Invoice 1011103 66.00 39.60 26.40 132.00 132.00 Total this Task $132.00 Total this Invoice $5,270.25 ESTABLISHED IN 1972 COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will accrue at 1.25% per month on Invoices over 30 days Page 2 5. REQUEST BY J. EDWIN CHADWICK TO PURCHASE 13.6 ACRES OF RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Staff received a letter from J. Edwin Chadwick on January 3, 2011 asking the EDA if they have any interest in purchasing property he owns located immediately adjacent to the Monticello Business Center. The subject property is 13.6 acres in size and currently zoned residential. jVQ SublectP or p 1erty `� ,/% ^°°\ ®°�•""°"`•°"•, *=am awarwoeo.eania Mx.r� Mr. Chadwick is asking $250,000 for the subject property. It is his opinion the parcel is desirable to the City due to its contiguous location to the Monticello Business Center, a road could be connect from 90a' Street to Dalton Way, adds to the net useable area to the adjacent wetland parcel, and price and terms are favorable. Mr. Chadwick has submitted a letter with his request and financing terms he would consider. In essence, he is stating the EDA could purchase the property at full asking price or he would be willing to work terms that would include a $50,000 down payment and financing on the balance over 5 years at a 5.50% interest rate. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The EDA is currently sitting on approximately 50 acres of vacant industrial land. Due to the current economy staff is seeing more inquires for vacant buildings EDA 1.12.11 versus vacant land. Furthermore, the inquires for new construction have typically been for parcels that are a contiguous 35 -40 acres in size. At this time City Staff is recommending the EDA respectfully decline to purchase the 13.6 acre parcel from Mr. Chadwick for the following reasons: a. Purchase price is $250,000. County value for 2011 is $191,400. b. The subject property is guided residential in the Comprehensive Plan. Neighboring residents may have uneasiness with the City processing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning the property to I -1. c. While the City may have interest in connecting a road through the subject property, it is typically possible to achieve this objective through the platting process whether the City or a private developer owns the parcel. d. At this time the EDA has ample small lot parcels to offer potential industrial users. Staff would recommend utilizing purchasing dollars for larger contiguous pieces in order to accommodate larger users. e. In light of the Embracing Downtown study, staff anticipates the EDA may desire to utilize purchasing dollars towards potential redevelopment/revitalization in downtown in the next few years. While Staff sincerely sympathizes with Mr. Chadwick's financial situation, staff does not believe there is an overwhelming reason to purchase the subject property at this time. Purchasing dollars are limited right now and should be put towards key parcels that will have a greater impact on potential development or redevelopment. However, if the EDA does desire to entertain a more reasonable offer, a closed meeting notice will be posted after the EDA meeting to allow the Developer and EDA members an opportunity to negotiate a purchase price. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion to decline purchasing a 13.6 acre residentially zoned parcel from J. Edwin Chadwick. 2. Motion to discuss a reasonable purchase price for J. Edwin Chadwick's 13.6 acre parcel to be further negotiated at a closed meeting. 3. Table action for further research and discussion. D. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter and attachments from J. Edwin Chadwick J. EDWIN CHADWICK, LLC llj ;i)zicn(:i¢,c Land and Farms Blco.ivgmn, Minnesu.a 55 -0- January 3, 2011 Ms. Megan Barnett Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossings Dear Ms. Barnett: Office (952)853- _' -i —b FAX (952) 336 -0492 I have had a long history of cooperation with the City dating back before the year 2000 that I believe has been mutually beneficial to both parties. My former partner and I helped facilitate the City's creation of the industrial park through the acquisition and financing of the purchase so that the City would be able to minimize its annual cash flows in a way that best served the community at the time. This further assisted in the creation of the Target and Home Depot retail developments by providing a location for the relocation of industrial businesses, including the controversial AVR relocation. Throughout this process, we have tried to be good partners with the City, including (albeit grudgingly) accepting a highly unusual assessment process for the improvements necessary to develop the industrial park. This assessment has been a severe burden to our undeveloped land holdings ($714.35 per linear foot for our 3,236.35 feet of frontage along Chelsea Road) both in terms of the unusual split of costs between ours and the City's property (79 %/21 %) and the fact that a lot more infrastructure was put in place than we would normally have put in for our immediate purposes (the sale of the Moon Motors parcel). When we began the process with the City, the investment in our commercial land along 1 -94 appeared to be a reasonably safe investment because our research had indicated that the City would soon be experiencing retail development pressures and had very little retail land to accommodate that demand. Our analysis ended up being correct with the addition of Target, Home Depot, the movie theater and Wal -Mart. However, instead of this demand moving towards our parcel, the City undertook an extraordinary rezoning process of large amounts of industrial land to commercial zoning. A City that once had very little vacant retail land soon became flooded with new supply, greatly reducing the value of our holdings and our ability to bear the industrial park's development assessments. When Otter Creek Crossings was being platted, the City expressed an interest in acquiring Outlot F as well, but it was determined that it would need to be a future purchase in order to keep the price of the City's original land investment within an amount that it felt comfortable budgeting for at the time. At various times in the years since, the issue of Outlot F has come up again as a possible purchase both due to the additional land area and also because it assists in preventing overlength cul -de -sacs as development is extended in this area without the expense of a School Boulevard extension. With the lack of development activity that has occurred on the 1 -94 frontage property with the recession and the larger retail supply, in spite of price reductions, changing marketing teams etc. it is becoming extraordinarily difficult to keep up with the large assessments. I would like to explore whether there is any level of interest in the City's acquisition of Cutlot F in the near future. Attributes of Cutlot F. • It is immediately contiguous to current City holdings allowing for efficient use of management and infrastructure. • The land south of the wetland is far more usable as a road does not have to run along the wetland. Run one in from 901H • Provides access to 901h St. and reduces or eliminates the over length cul -de -sac streets and provides for a second access for fire and safety. • As part of development agreement, offsite ponding is provided by the City, adds to the net usable area about 10% • Price and terms are more favorable than they have ever been, interest is cheap at this time. If there is interest, I have put together the following set of initial terms for discussion purposes. The terms assume that I'll be financing the City's purchase in a similar manner to the original industrial park purchase: Purchase Price $250,000.00 Down Payment $ 50,000.00 Five years payments as follows: Parcel Size per the plat Land Price Down Payment Balance due 13.67 Price per acre $ 250,000.00 $ 18,288.22 $ (50,000.00) $ 200,000.00 5.50% Price per foot. $ 0.42 Payments Principal Interest Total Remaining balance Closing $ 50,000.00 $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 200,000.00 2012 $ 40,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 160,000.00 2013 $ 40,000.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 48,800.00 $ 120,000.00 2014 $ 40,000.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 46,600.00 $ 80,000.00 2015 $ 40,000.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 40,000.00 2016 $ 40,000.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 42,200.00 $ - I look forward to seeing you all at the January meeting. I will be there to discuss any questions, or feel free to call me in the meantime. I can be reached at 612 - 965 -9730. Sincerely, n E. 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The transportation BR &E task force would like to assist the City in continuing to move forward key transportation projects. The most important initiative is to adopt the draft Transportation Plan. This plan will help guide the City in priorities and obtaining financing for projects. The IEDC did adopt a resolution asking the City Council to establish a goal of adopting the draft Transportation Plan in 2011, authorize preliminary designs for alignment of Fallon Avenue, and work on completing the necessary steps to move forward discussions on a second River Crossing. The recommendations by the IEDC will be reviewed by the City Council at the January 24th or February 1,0h City Council meeting. City Council: The City Council approved authorizing WSB to apply for federal funding to improve the intersection of Highway 25/75 (see attached staff report). Planning Commission: see attached agenda BR &E: Please mark your calendars for January 18, 2011 at noon (during Chamber lunch) at the Community Center for the BR &E Community Commencement meeting. This is when the final projects and work plan will be introduced to the business community at large. It will be very important for EDA members to attend to hear business perspective at large and begin moving the specific projects forward. inquiries: Staff met with a business that is looking at relocating their business within the next year. Staff will continue to monitor the validity of the business and viability of the project. Industrial Marketing / Venues: A direct mailing was distributed the first week of January to the top 50 fastest growing companies. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: The next Business Insider is anticipated to be distributed at the beginning of January. Embracing Downtown: The December 14th Steering Committee meeting was well attended and good information was presented by the consulting team. McComb group provided preliminary findings from the market analysis study. It is their opinion Monticello should be marketed as the sub regional center between Maple Grove and St. Cloud. They further believe downtown should include an area from I -94 to the river. The exact boundary line is still being explored. McComb group also stated that the "duck/run' ' situation that is currently happening in downtown needs to be addressed at some point in order to engage a more unified downtown. Future Meeting Dates: 1. BR &E: Community Commencement meeting January 18, 2011 at noon IEDC December 7, 2010 City Council Agenda: 12/13/10 11. Consideration of authorizing City staff to apply for Federal funding to reconstruct the intersection of TH 25 and CSAH 75. (BW /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello, as a State Aid City, participates in the distribution of federal funds for transportation projects. This is a competitive process that we have been awarded funds previously for on the CSAH 75 pathway project and the pedestrian overpass over I -94. We have not had a roadway project that would score well in the past and have not had any recent pathway projects that we felt were worthy, so it has been some time since we have received any funding. Therefore, we are in a very good position to be selected for a project in the near future. With the recent opportunity to reconstruct the NE quadrant of the TH 25 / CSAH 75 intersection, we have completed some planning for the ultimate configuration of the intersection. We believe that the ultimate build -out project has the right combination of County and Mn/DOT support, as well as the necessary congestion/safety and other benefits to show the local and regional benefits for utilizing federal funding. Construction of this intersection will greatly improve the accessability of the downtown area and will allow better movement through downtown for regional traffic. This project, combined with the reconstruction of the TH 25 /CR 11 intersection in 2011, would significantly reduce congestion on TH 25. These intersection improvements are shown on the attached layout, which is the same layout approved by the Council for submission to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for their review and approval several months ago, along with the accompanying Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Report. To date we have not heard from NWDOT regarding their progress on reviewing the Staff Approved Layout and/or ICE Report, but we anticipate they will approve these items as submitted with few comments, if any. WSB has estimated costs for constructing the complete intersection improvements as follows: Construction Costs = $2,050,000 Indirect Costs (30 %) = $ 615,000 Total Project Cost = $2,665,000 The estimated construction costs include the removal of $350,000 from the original total estimated cost of the intersection improvements ($2,400,000) since these improvements are now being completed with the NE Quadrant Improvements project. Also, the above costs do not account for any right -of -way acquisition, which will primarily involve the SE intersection area. Because the funding is in 2014 dollars, we have increased the costs assuming a 2014 construction date. It is possible to advance the funding to complete the project sooner. City Council Agenda: 12/13/10 The estimated project cost split between TH 25 and CSAH 75 is $1,465,750 and $1,199,250, respectively. However, due to the 80% federal funding of the construction cost, the total project cost could be reduced by around $1.6M dollars, which will make the cost splits much more acceptable. If the City is successful in securing Federal funding for these improvements, the funding split would be 80% Federal funding with a 20% local match. Because Federal funding is involved the City would be required to complete an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project, which is estimated to cost between $15,000 and $20,000. In addition, only construction costs are eligible for Federal funding so all design work, any necessary environmental documentation, and all costs associated with right -of -way acquisition would be the City's responsibility to cover, outside of the 20% local match. If the Council authorizes this application, a complete estimate, including these costs, will be prepared. There are two funding applications that Mn/DOT suggested be completed for review by the Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). 1. The HES application worksheet looks primarily at the safety of the intersection and how the improvements would provide benefit by improving safety. 2. The Federal urban application worksheet looks primarily at the capacity and mobility benefits of the improvements on the intersecting transportation corridors, in this case TH 25 and CSAH 75. Both application worksheets, which are attached as supporting data, are due to Mn/DOT by January 14, 2011. They would then be reviewed against all other applications by the ATP TAC in early 2011, after which they would be ranked accordingly. The services of WSB and Associates will be required to fill out both applications, and they have estimated their costs for preparing the applications, including any necessary calculations and attachments, to be $4,600. Both application worksheets will be provided to the City Engineer for review by January 7, 2011 to allow for submittal to WDOT by the January 14th deadline. Regarding any potential contributions from Mn /DOT or Wright County, we have not yet had the chance to discuss this project with them in any detail, primarily because we have not yet been approved for funding. We are unsure of any additional funding from Mn/DOT, but since they would likely receive a benefit we would request funding from them. We would work with Wright County on their cost participation for the 20% local match. The timing of this project would work well with the Embracing Downtown planning effort and expected follow -up efforts to attract businesses downtown. Using the detailed market data and connections to the private sector touted by the McCombs Group, it City Council Agenda: 12/13/10 would be our hope to attract a business to the SE quadrant block in conjunction with the downtown redevelopment planning effort. The proposed plans to improve this intersection could prove useful as the City attempts to find developers and users for the downtown. Also, TIF revenue from such any redevelopment could help to pay for the land acquisition needed for the expansion of the right of way that will be needed with the project. Please note that there may be potential to use excess TIF funds already available to pay for land acquisition needs in the event a new project is not forthcoming. This option will need to be explored with the Economic Development Authority. In other words, the timing of the full reconstruction of this intersection using Federal funds could dovetail well with downtown redevelopment efforts. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated cost for WSB and Associates to prepare the application worksheets as noted above is $4,600. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts would be minimal. A minimal amount of time would be required for the City Engineer to review and provide any input on the applications prepared by WSB and Associates. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize WSB to assist staff in applying for Federal funding for reconstructing the intersection of TH 25 and CSAH 75. 2. Motion to deny authorization to apply for Federal funding for reconstructing the intersection of TH 25 and CSAH 75 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. Securing Federal funding for 80% of the construction costs for this project would allow the City to reconstruct this intersection sooner rather than later, thereby promoting the continued redevelopment of our core downtown area. By reducing traffic congestion on TH 25 and CSAH 75, the City will have addressed a major deterrent for many customers of our downtown businesses. Furthermore, this improvement project and associated timing coordinates nicely with the associated downtown redevelopment planning effort. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Figure 2 — TH 25 @ CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements HES Worksheet Project Ranking Worksheet