EDA Agenda 05-11-2011EDA MEETING Wednesday, May 11, 2011 6:00 p.m. Mississippi - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Bill Fair, Matt Frie, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. April 13, 2011 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of entering into a Purchase Agreement between the Monticello Economic Development Authority and John Edwin Chadwick LLC 6. Consideration of approving an extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group and the Monticello EDA 7. Director Report 8. Adjourn Economic Development Authority Minutes 04 /13/11 MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 13,2011- 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Commissioners Absent: Bill Fair Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett - Livgard 1. Call to Order President Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a) March 9, 2011 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 9, 2011 EDA MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items a) Potential project utilizing the jobs bill 4. Approval of EDA Invoices BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE INVOICES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TRACY HINZ. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 5. Consideration of authorizing Ehlers and Associates to complete an in depth review of TII+ District 1 -22 and complete records retention for districts 1 -23 —1 -36 Barnett - Livgard reviewed the fact there are "surplus" fiords in TIF 1 -22 that need to get sorted out. Staff would like Ehlers to complete an in -depth review of the district to determine how much surplus the EDA could pool and utilize for a project, what types of projects would qualify, and what amount the EDA will need to decertify. Ehlers and Associates is proposing to charge $195 per hour at a maximum fee of $1,500 to Economic Development Authority Minutes 04/13/11 complete the review and outline a definite strategy. Attached is a proposal from Bruce Kimmel. Barnett - Livgard also requested Ehlers complete a records retention project for districts 1 -23 through 1 -36. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES TO COMPLETE AN IN DEPTH REVIEW OF TIF DISTRICT 1 -22 AND COMPLETE A RECORDS RETENTION PROJECT FOR THE REMAINING DISTRICTS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 6. Discuss consideration by the City Council of an update relating to the Monticello Zoning Code regulations for Adult- Oriented Land uses Barnett - Livgard reviewed the reason the City is going through an update to the zoning code and stated the City Council will be reviewing the item at their April 25, 2011 meeting. No action was required by the EDA. Marketing Update No marketing update at this time. 8. Director Report The Director Report was included as part of the agenda packet submitted to the EDA. 9. Proceed to closed session to consider purchasing properties by the EDA President Demeules moved to a closed session for the purpose of discussing potential purchase of property from John Chadwick. After discussion was completed, President Demeules ended the closed session and returned to the regular meeting at 6:55 p.m. 10. Consideration of accepting Mr. John Chadwick's counter offer for the purchase of his 13.6 acre parcel legally referred to as PID 15517100006 The EDA discussed a purchase price in a closed session. The EDA directed city staff to present a counter offer to Mr. Chadwick. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PROVIDE A COUNTEROFFER FOR JOHN CHADWICK'S PROPERTY OF 13.6 ACRES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED 5 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT OPPOSED. Economic Development Authority Minutes 04/13/11 11. Consideration of items added to the ap_enda a) Potential project utilizing the jobs bill Barnett - Livgard reviewed a potential opportunity to assist a developer in kick starting a retail multi- tenant building. The jobs bill is anticipated to expire on July 1, 2011. The City has the opportunity to assist in financing the gap in order to spur private development. There were a number of questions about using the jobs bill and the likely funding source for any gap financing. In addition, there was some discussion about the risk involved should other financing fall through. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN WORKING WITH THE DEVELOPER TO EXPLORE DETAILS AND VIABILITY OF SAID RETAIL PROJECT UTILIZING THE JOBS BILL. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 12. Adjournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:15 PM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MATT FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Megan Barnett- Livgard Approved: May 11, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Executive Director 3 4. APPROVAL OF INVOICES: a. McComb Group LTD *Embracing DT study ($153,624.05 spent to date) b. Wright County Auditor *413 4th Street County recycling assessment / Garden Center utility special assessment c. Real Estate Communications Group *Sponsorship for Land Development Conference d. Wright Sherburne Realty *Auction earnest money E. MARRS Advertising and Design *Business postcards $42,263.22 $890.71 $1,500 $5,000 - Vol $331.85 I O O n i� 4- O O O M O � ct U Q+ N N Io N '^ A n w Q I CI (0� O N N N N O O O O 4- O 00 O M O � ct U Q+ N N Io N '^ A n w Q O CD N 0 ro � O L E z U7 .n C a 00 U � CI (0� O N N N N O O O O O O M O M O � o A A w w O o p .n a a 00 y G v0 A U U O O C1 LL b�00 W N N V V U U 0 0 0 0 C7 C7 c w w A A c7 � H H x x w w Q M_ N Ia re ► G� S mfliminsin Advertising andDesign w P.O. Box 681, Monticello, MN 55362 www.majlra.com VA ph: 763.295.4393 C7 t: 783,295.8858 Bill To City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Date Invoice # 4/21/11 1 604 4 TERMS Due on receipt Item Qty. Description Rate Amount Print 500 Concierge Postcards 0.444 222.00 Project f ,aerials .: Postag, for mailing 94.59 94.59 k'> l•= .`saes 't 6.875% 15.26 ;1 ' AP 22 201 _ LOM - �'lCJ bJO�"�• {`2ti�ll Thankyou foryourbusiness, TOTAL $331.85 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $331.85 Ann Zimmerman prom: went: To: Subject: Yes. 213 - marketing Megan Barnett Monday, April 25, 20119:40 AM Ann Zimmerman RE: Majirs 604 4/21/11 $331.85 Meeaw garwett-c .tvgard ECov1 ntM 0 DeveLopvv.ev'.t ptrector Ctti of M0vLtt6eU0 505 waLvLut street Movuttcetl,o MN 55362 Mei a v�,.�a rwett@ct. wi.owttce��o. w�,vi.. u.s �63.2j x.3208 (direct) j �3.2�5:�4.404 (fax) From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 12:51 PM To: Megan Barnett Subject: Majirs 604 4/21/11 $331.85 Megan; Please refer to the attachment. Okay to pay? Annie 271-3205 1 mA 0 z o 0 z a U .L U i� C olo 0 CD n n aC CG {i M o u u e v Q � i� C olo 0 CD n n olo 0 Cl O_ O I C M o � L � V E U z O � � olo 0 Cl O_ O I C CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date fo ® Disb. Ck, Batch Pay by F VENDOR: Name Address 1 r,-,� Address 2 City/ST/Zip .jA-A1%QP(A`MK1GS!: Lo Statement/ Invoice No; DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL, $0.00 I, APPROVED BY _ { DATE: , voucher.xis r� 1301911 ltc:tl Estate Communications Group C ONFERENCES A diha. Ifl—WW" r-awi q 0191-1 CONTRACT Megan Barnett-Livgard Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 Meaan.Barnett(a ci.monticello,mn.us 763.271.3208 (direct) This contract represents an agreement between City of Monticello and Minnesota Real Estate Journal a division of Real Estate Communications Group and Law Bulletin Publishing Company, to be a sponsor the Friday, May 13, 2011 MREJ Land Development Conference at the Golden Valley Country Club In Minneapolis, MN. City of Monticello agrees to pay the Real Estate Communications Group 1 500 in exchange for certain promotional, public relations and marketing, including the following: • Company recognition — name or logo on marketing materials • Quarter Page 4 color ad— in a future issue of MREJ • 3 Free Passes to the event • List of conference attendees after event • Marketing Materials Passed out at the event Payment must be received seven days prior to each event. If payment has not been received, RECG reserves the right to cancel the sponsorship and to pursue the cost of damages of the sponsorship in full. City of Monticello authorizes the Real Estate Communications Group Conferences to utilize various materials (company name, company logo, personnel publicity shots, biographies and other materials) to create materials that will be used to promote the aforementioned event. Promotional materials may appear in printed and electronic formats, The undersigned warrants that he or she is the original author, owner, or representative with the authority to provide these materials and approvals. This agreement is made in exchange for payments (or other goods and value considerations), receipt of which will be acknowledged, and it constitutes the full and complete agreement between Real Estate Communications Group Conferences and the client on this topic. Jeff Johnson Publisher/General Manager Real Estate Communications Group 5353 Wayzata Blvd, #307 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Direct: 952-405-7780 Fax: 952-885-0818 Email: iiohnsonRreiournals.com vr�.i1 Date 5353 Wayzata Blvd., Suite #307 0 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ♦ Phone 952.885.0815 0 Fax 952,885.0818 Megan Barnett Om -..�.� From: Minnesota Real Estate Journal - Events [conferences@recg,com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 1:27 PM To: Megan Barnett Subject: MREJ 7th Annual Land Development Conference May 13, 2011 7th Annual Land Development Conference May 13, 2011 Golden Valley Country CIub, 7001 Golden Valley Rd. 7:15 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast 5:00 AM -12:00 PM Program REGISTER $99 Registration $129 Day of Event - Walk-ins Welcome! This event is open to the public, all are welcome to attend. Questions About Registration? Contact Alan Davis 952.405.7783 adavis(@,reeg.co *4 Hours of Real Estate and 4 Hours Appraisal Continuing Education Credits Has Been Applied For* 7:15 AM Registration 7:30 AM Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM —12:00 PM Program Speakers Include: Mike Devoe, Ryland Steve Schwankee, RLK Inc. Ryan Jones, Metro Study Tom Gump, Neighborhood Development Partners, LLC David Bade, RLK Inc. Richard Weiblen, Liberty Property Trust Brian Pankratz, CB Richard Ellis Tony Phelps, Opus Development Corporation Deanna Kuennen, Rice County Mary McDaris, Pulte Group Jon Aune, Lennar Tony Barranco, Ryan Companies Tanya Bell, Wellington Management Brian McCool, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Joseph Springer, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Sherrill Oman, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Regina Harris, Bloomington HRA 7:55 AM Welcome & Introduction 8:00 AM What are Residential Builders and Developers doinz to ReStart Development? • Current Market Conditions and Evaluating Land Price Trends • Redevelopment and Inner Ring Opportunties • Evaluating Bank Owned Lots and Raw Land • How to increasing efficiencies in both direct -cost and cycle times • What are builders buying and Why? What are the typical terms • Future Trends and what is the "New Normal" moving forward 8:45 AM Affordable Land Development • Affordable land development best -practices and systems • What are the best cost factors to avoid • Strategize to minunizing risk associated with Land Development. • Importmant Prelimary work that will save time and dollars 9.15 AM Lepal StratelZies for Re -Starting Development • Strategies for Structuring Deals for Foreclosed Property and Stalled Developments • Preserving Entitlements • Rights and Obligations under Development Agreements • Update on New Legislation impacting real estate development 9:55 AM Break 10:05 AM Current Market Conditions, Inventory & Trends • How does the Twin Cities Stack up in comparison to other metro areas in terms of existing lot inventories and land vacancies • Where is the activity happening and what are the drivers • What types of connnercial property are trading and why • Short Term & Long Term Tends & forecasts 10:40 AM Economic Development Tools for Land Development • Due Diligence in today's market conditions and how to integrate sophisticated Acquisition and Financing Solutions • The importance of Site Selection, Feasibility Studies and Government Approvals • How to partner and work with a municipality to get your deal done • How to Negotiate Terms to protect your investment and how can you partner with your municipality to reduce your risk • How are municipalities driving growth and interest and helping private Land Owners market and move property 11:15 AM What are Commercial Builders & Developers doing to Restart Development? • Current market conditions and what should the cost of commercial land be • Commercial Development project updates: what is in the pipeline and what is Land being traded at. • How to overcome a stagnant economy to get projects moving and what are the drivers to spur development. • How are you evaluating Redevelopment Opportunities • Creative Financing Solutions to get projects started • What does the future hold for development and when do you see Land prices moving up again and will we ever see Land prices as high as it was in the mid 2000's? 12:00 PM Adjourn & Networldn Register To sponsor this event, please contact Jeff Johnson, jjohnsonRcrejournals.eom - 952.405.7780 or Jay Kodytek, jkod t4ek@rejournals.com -952.405,7781. For registration questions, please contact Alan Davis, adavis Aregg.com - 952.405.7783. Upcoming Events Finance 101 Conference - May 25, 2011 Real Estate Communications Group 5353 Wayzata Blvd #307 Minneapolis Minnesota 55416 United States You are subscribed to this newsletter as megan.barnett@ei.monticello.mn.us. Please click here to modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We will respect all unsubscribe requests. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run, VENDOR: Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: Name Address I Address 2 City/ST/Zip Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $0.00 APPROVED BY DATE: CJ voucher.xIs T�— 14" cl'"k�5 Northstar MLS Matrix Property Full Display, Commercial/Mixed Use, MLS #: 4025546 f- 11 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362 This is an Auction property. Auctioneer License #: 86-96 Auction Type: Reserve Reserve Auction: The high bid is reduced in effect to an offer, not a sale. A minimum bid is not published, a„d tha -11— rac1— rhe rinhr m accent or reiect anv bid within 72 hours of the conclusion of the auction, Status: Active List Price: Auction Original List Price: Auction Acres: Lot Dimensions: 198x498 List Date; 03/21/2011 Received By MLS:03/21/2011 Days On Market: 35 CDOhi History General Property Information Legal Description: Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 Original Plat Monticello Lot -003 Block -054 Lots 3 4 & 5 Bik 54 County: Wright School District: 882 - MonticelloB82 - Monticello Complex/Dev/Sub: Lot Description: Tree Coverage - Medium, City Bus (w/in 6 blks) Road Frontage: Cit Zoning: esidential-Multi-Family Owner Occupied: N Accesslblllty- None Agent emarks: Price to be determined by open bidding May 7th 10 AM at the property. Please register client 48 hrs prior to auction, email johnsonteam@yahoo.com to request reg. form, $5000 earnest required cashiers check made out to bidder, Great SPLEX Great condition! Public Remarks: Great en plex AWESOME River location across from West River ParK, walK-Tg- downtown. (7) 2BR units & (1) IBR unit, 6 garages & 4 mini storages. Brand NEW roof, many updates, always rented, non-smoking pet free building, coin -op laundry for Xtra structure Information Heat: Hot Water Exterior: Stucco, Brick/Stone Fuel: Natural Gas Fencing: 0201 D.N�VIK � 534'x'.,: t�Y936Mrcasch Roof; Asphalt Shingles, Age 8 Years or ..._ i Map Pagel 31 Map Coord; D3 Garage: 6 Water: City Water/Connected Directions: Sewer: City Sewer/Connected Parking Char; I94 West To Highway 25, North To River Qinen Hnuse ibllc ,I ..�8� Schedule Street, Left To Walnut Street, 1 Block To = Sale Includes: Property (Across The Street From West I� Book A Showing River Park) (Click Icon for Virtual Earth Map) & d 1g Watchgd ]je{,r lie Renort a nrohlem with this hsr(na __._._.____...__.____ MLS Area: 341 - Wright County (Except Buffalo) TAX INFORMATION Style: Apartments and Retail Property ID: 15$010054030 Current Use: Residential Tax Year: 2010 Const Status: Previously Owned Tax Amt; $5,960 Total Units: 8 Assess Bal: $2,960 Foundation Size: 3,320 Tax w/assess: $ Building FInSgFt: 6,640 Assess Pend: Yes Year Built: 1965 Homestead: No Acres: Lot Dimensions: 198x498 List Date; 03/21/2011 Received By MLS:03/21/2011 Days On Market: 35 CDOhi History General Property Information Legal Description: Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 Original Plat Monticello Lot -003 Block -054 Lots 3 4 & 5 Bik 54 County: Wright School District: 882 - MonticelloB82 - Monticello Complex/Dev/Sub: Lot Description: Tree Coverage - Medium, City Bus (w/in 6 blks) Road Frontage: Cit Zoning: esidential-Multi-Family Owner Occupied: N Accesslblllty- None Agent emarks: Price to be determined by open bidding May 7th 10 AM at the property. Please register client 48 hrs prior to auction, email johnsonteam@yahoo.com to request reg. form, $5000 earnest required cashiers check made out to bidder, Great SPLEX Great condition! Public Remarks: Great en plex AWESOME River location across from West River ParK, walK-Tg- downtown. (7) 2BR units & (1) IBR unit, 6 garages & 4 mini storages. Brand NEW roof, many updates, always rented, non-smoking pet free building, coin -op laundry for Xtra structure Information Heat: Hot Water Exterior: Stucco, Brick/Stone Fuel: Natural Gas Fencing: Air Cord: Wall Roof; Asphalt Shingles, Age 8 Years or Less Garage: 6 Water: City Water/Connected Oth Prkg; 12 Sewer: City Sewer/Connected Parking Char; Detached Garage, Driveway - Asphalt, Garage Door Opener Utilities; Miscellaneous: Sale Includes: Building, Land, Inventory, Fixture/ Equipment, Leases Page 1 of 2 http://matrix.noitlistarmis.comIMatrix/HTMLRepoi-t, aspx?c=AAEAAAD* * * * *AQAAAA... 4/25/2011 11 C N O M z O l� h x Omi M U 10 O X M N CD U 00 00 O NO 7 H R o o a Q V 1� � U � i--1 D �c C7 z C U w ro ro 0 I.i. 0 cn ° G c c o 0 G w � 0 0 3 0 0 11 C N N M O l� h Omi M M 10 O M M N CD N N 00 00 00 O NO 7 H a o o a V a � U � i--1 D �c aU. z C U N N M O l� h Omi M M 10 O M M N N N N 00 00 00 cq 7 o a o o a V a 00 N N 00 M M M O o O In N O Cl O O Iro a. M N N O O O A 7 5 o a o o a D w° w ro ro 0 0 cn ° G c c 0 � 0 0 3 0 0 o [� rn N V• O O [_ O_ U _O O O � V1 V1 W c� rx c/) cn r�.Q-17 W F-' H Q x x E OO Q Q (7 0 0 � � 3 In N O Cl O O Iro a. ❑oo McCOMB GROUP Ltd. EINO ❑❑❑ R E T A I L ECSO N S U L T A N T S April 7, 2011 Statement #3912 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett STATEMENT -- RE: EMBRACING DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO STUDY Previous Balance $ 18,167.22 Payments Received $ 18,167.22 Professional Services McCornb Group, Ltd $ 10,800.84 Economic.Deveiopment Services, Inc. 3,058.13 Architectural Consortium L.L.C. 2,039.66 Westwood Professional Services 26,364.59 Subtotal $ 42,263.22 Total This Statement $ 42,263.22 BALANCE DUE $ 42,263.22 Retainer Balance $ 59,000.00 Statements for each firm are- attached. 4 s . APP 1 3-2011 T' tau t 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 • (612) 339-7000 Fax: (612) 338-5572 ORR MCCOMB GROUP Ltd. ❑�❑ R E T A I L EC SO N S U L T A N T S April 7, 2011 Statement #3912A CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett STATEMENT — RE: Previous Balance Payments Received Professional Services James B. McComb Linda Oie Susan M. Nache Subtotal Expenses Mileage Reproduction Computer Postage Report Production Subtotal Total This Statement EMBRACING DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO STUDY $ 3,319.25 $ 3,319.25 23.25 hrs. @ $ 275 $ 6,393.75 26.50 hrs. @ $ 150 3,975.00 0.75 hrs. @ $ 100 75.00 $ 10,443,75 $ 92.50 7.00 129.00 4.84 2.75 hrs. @ $ 45 123.75 $ 357.09 $ 10,800.84 BALANCE DUE $ 10,800.84 Terms: Net ten days. Interest (at a rate of 1.5 percent per month) will be charged on all balances outstanding at the end of the month. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 • (612) 339-7000 Fax: (612) 338-5572 Economic Povelopment Services April 5, 2011 James B. McComb, President McComb Group, Ltd. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Invoice Embracing Downtown Monticello Professional Services at $135/hour for March 2011 Community engagement/alternatives (14.5 hr) Project Management/team & staff coordination (6.5 hr) Communication (1.25 hr) Expenses (facilitation supplies — $54.38) Total Please make checks payable to Economic Development Services, Inc. 3109 West 5& St. #204 Minneapolis, MN 55410 (612) 925-2013 fax (612) 925-2942 email; jking@econdevelop.com $1,957.50 877.50 168.75 54.38 $3,058.13 � �a 1� i L • � �'j C i 'f I .� �� f •;vii ni! ( �. ','•_ ' April 5, 2011 McComb Group Ltd. 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 380 MiAneapolis, MN 55402 Attn: Jim McComb Project: Downtown Monticello Architectural Consortium. LLC Projeet # 10-1068-01 Invoice #7 Billing Period: March 4- April 1, 2011 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES Basic Services'. Meeting with. staff Coordinate with Miles Edit plan options Meeting with steering committee Meeting with stakeholders Architedural fees: $2,000.00 Reimbursable Expenses: Copies $3,40 Sales tax @7.75 % $.26 Mileage $:36.00 TOTAL DUE $ 2,039.66 Payment due within 30 days of receipt of invoice Thank You. Payable to: Architectural Consortium LLC 901 North Third Street, Suite 220 Mimeapolis, MN 55401 Attn: Kathy Anderson INVOICE r Westwood March 16, 2011 Project No: McComb Group, Ltd. Invoice No: Attn: James B. McComb 222 South Ninth Street, Ste.#380 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Professional Services from January 30 2011 to February 26 2011 Project McComb Group/Monticello/Downtown Revitalization Plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. Task 2020 Project Management & Coordination Task 2700 Alternative & Refined Plans Outstanding Invoices Service Hours Rendered 1,00 Service Hours Rendered 64.25 Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drlve Eden Pralde, MN 55344 MAIIJ 952-997.5150 FAX 952-937-5822 TOLL FREE 1-88B-937-5150 EMAIL wpsG.vestwoodps.com www.wastwoodps.corn 20101228.00 1102251 Total this Task Total this Task Amount 175.00 $175.00 Amount 11,162.50 $11,162.50 Total this Involce $11,337.50 Number Date Balance 1101235 2/17/2011 10,800.50 Total 10,800.50 Total Now Due $22,138.00 Thank you. Miles Lindberg E S TA B ILI S f1 E D IN 1 9 7 2 ARIZONA COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will accrue at 1.25% per month on invoices over 30 days Task 2500 Transportation Data Collection Westwood Professional$%rvlcas IN Y ICG • Service Hours Rendered 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairle, rvW 55444 _...._..__.............._...... . uAM 452.937.5150 I fax 952.937.5922 ruu Sass 1-848.937-5150 WA]t wpS6Wesnv00dpS.c0m Westtnrobd wWmwa"oodps.com April 06, 2011 Travel Expenses Project No: McComb Group, Ltd, Invoice No: Attn: James B. McComb 20101228,00 1103023 222 South Ninth Street, Ste.#380 Monticello Count March .Minneapolis, MN 65439 Professional Services from February 27, 2011 fo ARM 02.2011 Project McComb Group/Monticello/Downtown Revitalization plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. 3/31/2011 Loebner, John 2020 'Project Marlageinent & Coordination - Service Hours Rendered Amount 3,00 525.00 Total this Task $625.00 Task 2500 Transportation Data Collection Service Hours Rendered Amount _...._..__.............._...... 6.00 967.50 Reimbursable Expenses Travel Expenses 3131 /2091 Carter, Richard Monticello Count March 128.50 ' 24,2011 Misc. Reimbursables 3/31/2011 Loebner, John Monticello Count March $8.00 24,2011 Total Reimbursables 214.80 214.50 Total this Task $1,182.00 Task 2620 Traffic Issues Analysis Service Hours Rendered Amount 22.00 3,850,00 Total this Task $3,850.00 Task 2560 Transportation Alternatives Feasibllit Service Hours Rendered Amount W A 8 L I S r! E R IN 1972 ARIZONA COLORADO M[NNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will accrue at 1,26% per month on invoices over 30 days Project McComb Group/Monticello/Downtown Revitai Invoice 1103023 W50 1,662.50 Total this Task $1,66250 Task 2700 Altemative & Refined Plans Reimbursable Expenses Rep rod uction s/Photos 3/28/2011 Large Format Color Prints 3/29/2011 Albinson Total Reimbursables Task 2900 Client Meetings Task 9999 Reimbursable Expenses Unit Billing Color Copies Total Units Outstanding Invoices Service Hours Rendered 80.00 Amount 5,927.50 132.00 3/29/11 Mylars 148.09 280.09 Total this Task Service Hours Rendered 8.00 Total this Task Amount 1,400.00 280.09 $6,207.59 $1,400.00 200.0 Copies @ 1.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 Total this Task $200.00 Total this Invoice $75,027.09 Number pate Balance 1102251 3/16/2011 11,337.50 Total 11,337.50 Thankycta. Miles Lindberg Total Now Due $26,364.59 ESTABLISHED I N S 9 7 2 ARC= COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will accrue at 1.26% per month on Invoices over 30 days Page 2 3S 817 14 0* ROBERT J. I'IIMA 15 0"O'Ey 4A 0 y WRIGHT COIINIY AUDITOR/TREASURER 00 03 10 SECOND S'1'RBE'I' N,W, ROOM 232 C BUFFALO, MN 55313-1194 You may be eligible for one or even two 63� .0 763-682-7572 or 76.3-684.4540 Expired Exclusions: www, co, wrigh t. mn. Lts Property ID #'. R155-010-029020 Taxpayer ID Number: 2205 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Property Tax S71a t for Taxes Payable in for hiture reference Description: Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -002 Block -029 LOT 3 &LOT 2 EX NWLY 33FT THOF SD NWLY 33FT OF LT2 DES AS TH PRT OF LT2 LY NWLY OF LN DRWN PAR TO NWLY LN OF LT2 &33FT SELY OF SD NWLY LN OF LT2 415 WY, ?*T e,�— Taxes Payable Year: 2010 2011 1 — PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION PAYABLE 2011 Is' HALF PAYMENT STUB If your address has changedplease check this box t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 16 and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R155-010-029020 FULL TAX AMOUNT: $25.00 a Bill Number; 20615 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $25.00 x �1PENALTY: TOTAL: g ID Number: II 2205 MAKE I �IIIII SII II � IIIINI I�IIIII�I MaxF cHFCKs PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. HIIVAI A e g WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER y 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1195 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 No Rceelpt Sent Am Raquesl4lburcancelledohack is yourrecsl This realptlnold R the deck is not honored. MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Pr nerdy _Ta lVafees & Clssslflcatlart kstima a ce ar Improvements Excluded: New Improvements/ You may be eligible for one or even two Expired Exclusions: refunds t0 r@dUCB your property tax $$$ Taxable MarketValue:. I Prop" Classtficatton: EXEfy1PT EXEMPT REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 1. Usethis amopnt on Form M1 PR to see, if you are eligible for a property tax refund. File byAugust 15. If this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. a " 2 -Use these arnounts on Form M1 PR to see if you;are eligible for a special refund. Your Propgrty Tax and Credits.. 3. Your property taxes before credits. 4. Credits that reduce yourroPe�Y taxes " p. , " A. Hoihestead and agricultural market value credits 13.: Other Credits . 5. Property taxes after credits Property Tax by Jurisdiction ' 6..County :.. 7. City ,(CITY OF MONTICELLO) B. State General Tax. ' 9. School district (0882) A; Voter approved levies - 13.; Other local:levies 10. Specia(Taxing Districts .: . 11. Non7schogl.y9ter app roved.referenda1evies '. 12.Totpl property'tak befoie speclal.assessments - - - Special Assessments on Your Property; .. 13: Special assessments :..:: Principal $" 25.00 25 00 A.,CO SIN DEBT 86000-0 25.00 14: YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS '25.00 25.00 — PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION PAYABLE 2011 Is' HALF PAYMENT STUB If your address has changedplease check this box t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 16 and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R155-010-029020 FULL TAX AMOUNT: $25.00 a Bill Number; 20615 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $25.00 x �1PENALTY: TOTAL: g ID Number: II 2205 MAKE I �IIIII SII II � IIIINI I�IIIII�I MaxF cHFCKs PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. HIIVAI A e g WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER y 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1195 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 No Rceelpt Sent Am Raquesl4lburcancelledohack is yourrecsl This realptlnold R the deck is not honored. MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 3S 7 3 . d,�„' n� ROBERT J. I RVAI A. 031YtRIGIIT COUNTY AUDITOR/CREASURBR 11 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 03 � BUFFALO, MN 55313-1194 N+b� a 763.682.7572 or 763-684.4540 w%vw.co.wrlghLmn.us Property ID #: R155-010.067010 Taxpayer ID Number: 248203�� CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA i 505 WALNUT AVE STE 14, MONTICELLO MN 55362.8822 $$$You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. Property Tax Statement for Tax yable in 2011 Description:' Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORI FI' ONTICELLO LOTS 1,2,3,4&5 ELK B i ti4y Taxes Pbyabic Year.: 2010 2011 �v PAYABLE 2011 18t HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OFTHESTATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. If your address has changed please check this box TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 16 and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R155-010.067010 FULL TAX AMOUNT: Bill Number: 20899 ID Number: 248203 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE:. PENALTY: TOTAL: $1,731.41 $865.71 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. HIIVA.LA WMGAT COUNTY AUDITOR/rREASURER 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1195 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT AVE STE 1 No Re0sip1$m1LAifess Raqussted Your cnueled cd -A Is Your recelplTM walpt is vud'd lh0 cbe& is 401 hcowd. MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 11 •e g81 5. CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN JOHN EDWIN CHADWICK LLC AND THE MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (MBL). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA recently directed city staff to negotiate a purchase price of $130,000 for John Chadwick's 13.6 acre parcel located adjacent to the Monticello Business Center. Negotiations were successful between the parties and therefore staff directed Kennedy and Graven to draft a Purchase Agreement. The proposed Purchase Agreement is standard and straightforward. The EDA has approved similar agreements in the past. Both parties are hoping to close by June 1, 2011. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and Kennedy and Graven recommend the EDA enter into a Purchase Agreement with John Edwin Chadwick LLC. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion to approve entering into a Purchase Agreement with John Edwin Chadwick LLC. 2. Motion to deny entering into a Purchase Agreement with John Edwin Chadwick. 3. Motion to table action for further research based on discussion. D. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Purchase Agreement EDA 5.11.11 PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this day of 2011, by and between J. Edwin Chadwick LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ( "Seller") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic ( "Authority" or "Buyer"). RECITALS A. Seller is the owner of property located in Monticello, Minnesota, which is legally described as Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota ("Property "). B. The Property currently includes crop land and is fanned by a third -party tenant (the "Tenant") pursuant to a one -year lease (the "Lease "), which extends through the 2011 harvest. Pursuant to the Lease, rent on the Property is payable by the Tenant at the time of crop harvest. Buyer and Seller agree that rent payable by the Tenant under the Lease in 2011 shall remain payable to Seller. Thereafter, renewals of the Lease and payments thereunder, if any, shall be negotiated between the Buyer and the Tenant. AGREEMENT A. Offer /Acceptance for Sale of Property. The Seller agrees to sell to the Authority the Property and the Authority agrees to purchase the same, according to the terns of this Agreement. B. Purchase Price for Property and Terms. 1. PURCHASE PRICE: The total Purchase Price for the Property is One Hundred Thirty Thousand and 00 /100ths Dollars ($130,000.00). 2. TERMS: a. EARNEST MONEY. No earnest money is payable by the Buyer to the Seller upon execution of this Purchase Agreement. b. BALANCE DUE SELLER: Buyer agrees to pay by check or electronic transfer of funds on the Closing Date the Purchase Price for the Property according to the tenns of this Purchase Agreement. C. DEED /MARKETABLE TITLE: Subject to perfonnance by Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed conveying marketable title to the Property to Buyer, subject only to the 1 385577v3 MNI MN325 -22 following exceptions: 1) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations. 2) Reservation of minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota, if any. 3) Public utility and drainage easements of record that will not interfere with Buyer's intended use of the Property. 4) Temporary Storm Water Drain Easement dated September 6, 2000 ( "Agreement ") depicted on plat of Otter Creek Crossing recorded with the Wright County Recorder as Document No. 940579, which Agreement provides that it terminates no later than August 1, 2010. 5) Right of Way Conveyance dated August 21, 1946, recorded November 12, 1946 in Book 5 of Miscellaneous Records, page 582 as Document No. 166345, partially released by Partial Release of Right of Way Conveyance dated May 31, 1978, recorded June 5, 1978 as Document No. 326274 and Agreement and Partial Release recorded as Document No. 724490. 6) Easement dated March 29, 1968, recorded June 18, 1968 in Book 37 of Miscellaneous Records, page 434 as Document No. 251155 in favor of United Power Association, which easement was defined by Partial Release of Easement dated January 11, 1993, recorded January 12, 1993 as Document No. 519735. 7) Easements for utility and drainage as shown on the recorded plat of Otter Creek Crossing. d. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING BY SELLER. In addition to the Warranty Deed required at paragraph B.2.c. above, Seller shall deliver to the Buyer: 1) Standard form Affidavit of Seller. 2) A "bring- down" certificate, certifying that all of the warranties made by Seller in this Purchase Agreement remain true as of the date of closing. 3) Certificate that Seller is not a foreign national. 4) If an environmental investigation by or on behalf of the Buyer 2 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 discloses the existence of petroleum product or other pollutant, contaminant or other hazardous substance on the Property, either (i) a closure letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) or other appropriate regulatory authority that remediation has been completed to the satisfaction of the MPCA or other authority; or (ii) Agreement for remediation/indemnification and security as the Authority may require. 5) Well disclosure certification, if required, or, if there is no well on the Property, the Warranty Deed given pursuant to paragraph B.2.c. above must include the following statement: "The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property." 6) Any other documents reasonably required by the Authority's title insurance company or attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. C. Contingencies. Buyer's obligation to buy is contingent upon the following: 1. Buyer's determination of marketable title pursuant to paragraph D of this Agreement. 2. Buyer's determination, in its sole discretion, that the results of the environmental investigation under this Agreement are satisfactory to Buyer; and 3. Approval of this Agreement by the Buyer's Board of Commissioners. Buyer shall have until the Date of Closing (as defined hereinafter) to remove the foregoing contingencies. The contingencies are solely for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived by Buyer. If one or more of Buyer's contingencies is not satisfied or is not waived, in either case by written notice from Buyer to Seller given on or before the Date of Closing, then this Purchase Agreement shall thereupon be void, and Buyer and Seller shall execute and deliver to each other a termination of this Purchase Agreement. As a contingent Purchase Agreement, the termination of this Agreement is not required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 559.21, et. seq. D. Title Examination /Curing Title Defects. The Seller will provide the Buyer with a commitment for title insurance ( "Commitment ") for the Property. Seller shall pay for the abstracting/title search and name search fees, Buyer shall pay all other fees including exam fee and premium. The Authority shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the 3 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 commitment and executed Purchase Agreement to examine the same and to deliver written objections to title, if any, to Seller, or Authority's right to do so shall be deemed waived. Notwithstanding the exceptions listed in paragraph B.2.c. hereof, the Authority reserves the right to object to any or all exceptions from coverage listed in the Commitment. Seller shall have until the Closing Date (or such later date as the parties may agree upon) to make title marketable, at the Seller's cost. In the event that title to the Property cannot be made marketable or is not made marketable by the Seller by the Closing Date, then, this Agreement may be terminated at the option of the Buyer. E. Environmental Investigation. The Seller warrants that to Seller's knowledge, the Property has not been used for production, storage, deposit or disposal of any toxic or hazardous waste or substance, petroleum product or asbestos product during the period of time the Seller has owned the Property, other than farming chemicals used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Seller further warrants that the Seller has no knowledge or information of any fact that would indicate the Property was used for production, storage, deposit or disposal of any toxic or hazardous waste or substance, petroleum product or asbestos product prior to the date the Seller purchased the Property, other than farming chemicals used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. F. Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. Real estate taxes payable in the year of closing will be pro -rated between the Buyer and Seller to the Date of Closing. Seller shall pay all real estate taxes payable in previous years, the entire unpaid balance of levied special assessments, including levied special assessments payable after the year of closing, and all installments of special assessments due in the year of closing. Seller also agrees to pay all assessments related to service charges furnished to the Property prior to the Date of Closing (e.g., delinquent water or sewer bills), including those charges levied, pending, or certified to taxes payable in the year of closing. If closing occurs prior to the date the amount of real estate taxes due in the year of closing are available from Wright County, the current year's taxes will be pro -rated based on the amount due in the prior year. G. Date of Closing. The Date of Closing will be on or before June 1, 2011. Delivery of all papers and the closing shall be made at the City Hall of the City of Monticello, or at such other location as is mutually agreed upon by the parties. H. Possession /Utilities /Removal of Property /Escrow. 1. Possession. The Seller agrees to deliver possession not later than the Date of Closing, subject to the Lease. 2. Personal Property. The Seller agrees to remove all debris and all personal property not included herein from the Property before the possession date. Personal property not so removed shall be deemed forfeited to and shall become the property of the Buyer. The Buyer may inspect the Property immediately prior to closing and deduct from the purchase price payable at closing an amount reasonably necessary to pay for the cost of removal of any debris or personal property then remaining on the Property. The 4 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 provisions of this paragraph shall not merge with the deed and shall survive closing on the property. 3. Remedies. The Authority's ability to deduct amounts due under this paragraph from the purchase price is not exclusive but is in addition to the Authority's rights at law and equity to collect such amounts from Seller. The Seller is responsible for the amounts due under this paragraph even if the Authority neglects to deduct the amount from the purchase price. 1. Seller Warranties. 1. Mechanics' Liens. Seller warrants that, prior to the closing, Seller shall pay in full all amounts due for labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure upon or improvement to the Property. 2. Notices. Seller warrants that it has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance or regulation in connection with the Property. 3. Occupancy. Seller warrants that the Property is not now occupied, other than by the Tenant under the Lease. 4. Broker Commission. Each party represents to the other that it has not utilized the services of any real estate broker or agent in connection with this Purchase Agreement or the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party against and in respect of any such obligation and liability based in any way upon agreements, arrangements, or understandings made or claimed to have been made by the party with any third person. 5. Strictures. There are no buildings on the Property. The parties acknowledge that the Property is being sold in "as is" condition relating to any structural, operational, and mechanical systems. J. Closing Costs /Recording Fees /Deed Tax. The Authority will pay: (a) the closing fees charged by the title insurance or other closing agent, if any, utilized to close the transaction contemplated by this Agreement; (b) the premium for title insurance policy, if any, obtained by the Authority; and (c) and recording fees to record its deed from Seller under this Agreement. Seller will pay all other fees normally paid by sellers, including any transfer taxes, fees and charges related to the filing of any instrument required to make title marketable and required to enable Buyer to record its deed. Each party shall pay its own attorney fees. 5 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 K. Inspections. From the date of this Agreement to the Date of Closing, Authority, its employees and agents, shall be entitled to enter upon the Property to conduct such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, and drilling, monitoring, sampling and testing of groundwater monitoring wells, as the Authority shall elect; provided, that Seller is given at least 24 hours' notice. Authority will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any claims against Seller or the Property that arise as a result of Authority or its agents entering upon the Property to perform such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, and drilling, monitoring, sampling and testing of groundwater including without limitation crop damage caused to Tenant's crops. L. Risk of Loss. If there is any loss or damage to the Property between the date hereof and the Date of Closing, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on the Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the Date of Closing, this Purchase Agreement shall become null and void, at the Authority's option. At the request of the Authority, Seller agrees to sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement. M. Default /Remedies. If the Buyer defaults in any of the covenants herein, the Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement, and on such termination all payments made hereunder shall be retained by the Seller as liquidated damages, time being of the essence. This provision shall not deprive either party of the right to enforce specific performance of this Purchase Agreement, provided this Purchase Agreement has not terminated and action to enforce specific performance is commenced within six months after such right of action arises. In the event the Buyer defaults in its performance of the terms of this Purchase Agreement and Notice of Cancellation is served upon the Buyer pursuant to Minn. Star. Section 559.21, the termination period shall be thirty (30) days as permitted by Minn. Stat., Section 559.21, Subd. 4. N. Notice. Any notice, demand, request or other communication that may or shall be given or served by the parties, shall be deemed to have been given or served on the date the same is personally served upon one of the following indicated recipients for notices, is sent by recognized overnight courier for next business day delivery, or is deposited in the United States Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: 6 385577v3 MNI MN325 -22 SELLER: J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC Attn: John E. Chadwick 4477 Manitou Road Excelsior, MN 55331 With copy to: Moss & Barnett, a Professional Association Attn: Charles A. Parsons 4800 Wells Fargo Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 BUYER: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Economic Development Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With copy to: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered ATTN: Martha hrgram and Catherine B. Rocklitz 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 O. Relocation. Seller asserts: 1) that the property is unoccupied and that the owner has no intention of reoccupying the property; 2) that the Seller has been advised that Buyer will only purchase the property if it can be acquired by negotiation and will not acquire the property by condemnation; 3) that prior to any action by Buyer indicating an intent to acquire the property the Seller requested that the property be acquired by negotiation; 4) that any personal property remaining in the property will not be moved to Seller's current or future residence; 5) that Seller has removed itself from the property for reasons unrelated to the acquisition of the property by Buyer; and 6) that Seller asserts that Seller has no entitlement to relocation assistance or benefits and waives any claims to such assistance and benefits. P. Entire Agreement. This Purchase Agreement, Exhibits, and other amendments signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire Agreement between Seller and the Authority and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Purchase Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and the Authority. Q. Survival. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Purchase Agreement shall survive closing. 7 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the date and year above. Buyer: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC Seller: J. EDWIN CHADWICK LLC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Its President And by: Its Executive Director 3855770 MNI MN325 -22 By: Its 6. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDING THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MONTICELLO EDA AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN GROUP LLC. (MBL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may recall, the EDA approved entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Dahlheimer Distribution (Rocky Mountain Group) at the May 2009 EDA meeting. The agreement stipulated the EDA would hold the property known as Outlot C under contract with Rocky Mountain Group until October 31, 2010. Purchasing Outlot C will allow Dahlheimer Distribution to expand their existing facility by approximately 50,000 — 60,000 square feet. The EDA then approved an extension of the Preliminary Development Agreement at their November 2010 meeting. In order to complete the land sale transaction and desired expansion, Dahlheimer needs to sell an existing building they own in the City of Ramsey. To date, this building has not been sold. The Applicant continues to receive inquires from potential buyers, however to date there is no signed purchase agreement. The applicant is requesting the EDA extend the terms of the Preliminary Development Agreement. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff supports the requested extension and is recommending the EDA allow a one year extension to allow for another construction season to commence. It is Staff s opinion we should continue to work with our existing business to continue to help facilitate their ultimate goal of expanding in Monticello. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a one year extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group (Dahlheimer) and the Monticello EDA. 2. Motion to deny entering into a one year extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group and the Monticello EDA. 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Letter from Luke Dahlheimer requesting extension b. Proposed revised Preliminary Development Agreement 1MEH: d er May 3, 2011 Economic Development Authority City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Dear EDA, Dahlheimer Beverage/Rocky Mtn Group entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement with the EDA to purchase adjacent property to that which is currently owned by Rocky Mtn Group. That Preliminary Development Agreement states that the contract has expired on April 30, 2011. At this time Dahlheimer Beverage/Rocky Mtn Group would like to request the EDA consider an extension of the Development Agreement. Our overall goal remains to purchase the property in order to facilitate an expansion of our existing building at 3360 Chelsea Road West. We are currently working toward site plans and possible timelines depending on the sale of a property in Ramsey, MN. If you would like to discuss options going forward please contact me at 295 -3347. Thank you for your consideration. 3360 Chelsea Road West • Box 336 • Monticello, MN 55362 o Telephone 763 - 295 -3347 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Monticello Business Center) THIS AGREEMENT, dated this _ day of 20 by and between the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota ( "Authority ") and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC or its Assigns ( "Developer "): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority owns certain property within the City of Monticello (the "City"), which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ( "Property "); and WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a preliminary proposal (the "Proposal ") for the acquisition and development of the Property (the "Development "), which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested the Authority to explore the use of certain public assistance to assist with the Development; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that it is in the Authority's best interest that the Developer be designated sole developer of the Property during the term of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer are willing and desirous to undertake the Development if (i) a satisfactory agreement can be reached regarding the Authority's commitment for public costs necessary for the Development; (ii) satisfactory mortgage and equity financing, or adequate cash resources for the Development can be secured by the Developer; and (iii) the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development and other necessary preconditions have been determined to the satisfaction of the parties; and WHEREAS, the Authority is willing to evaluate the Development and work toward all necessary agreements with the Developer if the Developer agrees to make the nonrefundable deposit described herein, which is intended, in part, to reimburse the Authority for its costs if the Development is abandoned by Developer or necessary agreements are not reached under the terns of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Negotiations between the parties shall proceed in an attempt to formulate a definitive purchase and development contract ( "Contract ") based on the following: (a) the Developer's Proposal, which shows the scope of the proposed Development in its latest form as of the date of this Agreement, together with any changes or modifications required by the Authority; (b) a mutually satisfactory Contract to be negotiated and agreed upon in 367304A SJB MN190 -135 accordance with negotiations contemplated by this Agreement; (c) such documentation regarding economic feasibility of the Project as the Authority may wish to undertake during the term of this Agreement; and (d) other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. It is the intention of the parties that this Agreement: (a) documents the present understanding and commitments of the parties; and (b) will lead to negotiation and execution of a mutually satisfactory Contract for the Development prior to the termination date of this Agreement. The Contract (together with any other agreements entered into between the parties hereto contemporaneously therewith) when executed, will supersede all obligations of the parties hereunder. 3. During the tern of this Agreement, the Developer shall: (a) Submit to the Authority a design proposal to be approved by the Authority showing the location, size, and nature of the proposed Development, including floor layouts, renderings, elevations, and other graphic or written explanations of the Development. The design proposal shall be accompanied by a proposed schedule for the starting and completion of all phases of Development. (b) Submit an over -all cost estimate for the design and construction of the Development. (c) Submit a time schedule for all phases of the Development. (d) Undertake and obtain such other preliminary economic feasibility studies, income and expense projections, and such other economic information as the Developer may desire to further confirm the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development. (e) Submit to the Authority the Developer's financing plan showing that the proposed Development is financially feasible, and, to the extent Developer seeks public financial assistance in any form (including reduced land cost, waiver of fees, and tax increment financing), evidence that such assistance is reasonably necessary to make the Development financially feasible. (f) Furnish satisfactory, financial data to the Authority evidencing the Developer's ability to undertake the Development. (g) Cooperate with the Authority and City in replatfing of the Property as described in Section 4. 4. During the term of this Agreement, the Authority agrees to: (a) Continence the process necessary to undertake such public assistance as is necessary pursuant to the terms of the Proposal, including without limitation cormnencernent of actions necessary to expand Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36 367304A SIB MN190 -135 2 to include the Property (b) Proceed to seek all necessary information with regard to the anticipated public costs associated with the Development. (c) Estimate the Authority's level and method of financial participation, if any, in the Development and develop a financial plan for the Authority's participation. (d) Grant to the Developer a right of access to the Property for purposes of environmental and soil testing. Developer agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Authority and City , their officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with personal injury and/or damage to the Property arising from or out of any occurrence in, upon or at the Property caused by the act or omission of the Developer in connection with Developer's entry on the Property. Further, Developer shall not permit any mechanics', rmaterialmens' or other liens to stand against the Property or any part thereof for work or materials furnished to Developer in connection with the right of entry granted pursuant to this Agreement and Developer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and City from and against the same. (e) Commence replatting of the Property in order to create two parcels (with the divide running parallel to Dalton Way). The parcel immediately adjacent to Developer's existing parcel would contain 3 acres (referred to as "Parcel 1 "). The parcel adjacent to Dalton Way would contain 3.19 acres (referred to as "Parcel 2 "). 5. It is expressly understood that execution of the Contract shall be subject to: (a) A determination by the Authority in its sole discretion that its undertakings are feasible based on (i) the projected tax increment revenues and any other revenues designated by the Authority (to the extent requested by Developer); (ii) the purposes and objectives of any tax increment, development, or other plan created or proposed for the purpose of providing financial assistance for the Development, if any, including the determination that such assistance is reasonably necessary in order to make the Development possible; (iii) the best interests of the Authority. (b) A determination by the Developer that the Development is feasible and in the best interests of the Developer. 6. This Agreement is effective from the date hereof through October 31, 2010, unless extended with approval of the Authority's board of commissioners. After expiration of the term of this Agreement, neither party shall have any obligation hereunder except as expressly set forth to the contrary herein. (a) The EDA herein approved a 6 month extension to the terms of said Preliminary Development Agreement on November 10, 2010. Said Agreement will be effective until April 30, 2011. (b) The EDA herein approved a one year extension to the terns of said Preliminary 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 3 Development Agreement on May 11, 2011. Said Agreement will be effective until May 11, 2012. 7. The Developer shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred by the Developer. In addition, the Developer shall reimburse the Authority for Administrative Costs, as hereafter defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" means out of pocket costs incurred by the Authority and City together with staff costs of the Authority and City, all attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement, the Contract, and other documents and agreements in connection with the Development, including without limitation all costs in connection with replatting of the Property and the cost of financial advisors, attorneys, and planning and environmental consultants. In order to secure payment of the Administrative Costs, the Authority acknowledges that Developer delivered $5,000 to the Authority upon filing an application for tax increment assistance. Upon for before execution of this Agreement, Developer shall deliver an additional $5,000 to the Authority (by cash or a certified check), for a total deposit of $10,000. If at any one or more tines during the tern of this Agreement, the Authority determines that Administrative Costs will exceed $10,000 and that additional security is required, the Authority shall notify the Developer of the amount of such additional security. Within ten calendar days of receipt of this notice, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority the required additional security. The Authority will utilize the funds delivered by the Developer to pay or reimburse itself for Administrative Costs. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Authority will return to the Developer the funds paid by the Developer to the Authority pursuant to this Section 7, less an amount equal to the Administrative Costs incurred by the Authority through the date of notice of termination. For the purposes of this paragraph, Administrative Costs are considered to be incurred if they have been paid, relate to services performed, or are payable under a contract entered into, on or before the date of the notice of termination. This Section 7 shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall be binding on the Developer regardless of the enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated upon 5 days written notice by a party to the other party if: (a) if, in the respective sole discretion of the Authority or the Developer, an impasse has been reached in the negotiation or implementation of any material term or condition of this Agreement or the Contract; or (b) the Authority determines that its costs in performing under this Agreement well exceed $10,000 and the Developer does not deliver additional security to the Authority pursuant to Section 7; or (c) a party fails to perform any of it's obligations under this Agreement. If either party terminates the Agreement under this Section 8, the Developer shall remain liable to the Authority to the extent provided under Section 7 of this Agreement. 9. The Developer shall not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement in full or in part to any person or entity that is not a "Related Party," or enter into any subcontracts to 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 4 perform any of its obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the Authority. For the purposes of this Agreement, a "Related Party" is an entity owned or controlled by Developer, or owned and controlled by the same person or entity that owns or controls Developer. 10. In the event that the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Authority may proceed to enforce this Agreement by appropriate legal and /or finance consulting or equitable proceedings, or other similar proceedings, and the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agree to pay all costs of such enforcement, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 11. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion of the Agreement. 12. In the event any covenant contained in this Agreement should be breached by one party and subsequently waived by another party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach. 13. Notice or demand or other communication between or among the parties shall be sufficiently given if sent by mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or delivered personally: (a) As to the Authority: Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8822 Attn: Executive Director (b) As to the Developer: Rocky MTN Group, LLC 3360 Chelsea Road PO Box 336 Monticello MN 55362 14. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 15. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 16. The Developer hereby agrees to protect, defend and hold the Authority, the City and their officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, administrators, commissioners, agents, and representatives hannless from and indemnified against any and all loss, cost, fines, charges, damage and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, consultant and expert witness fees, and travel associated therewith, due to claims or demands of any kind whatsoever caused by Developer or arising out of actions of Developer (and excluding those caused by or arising out of the Authority's or City's own acts or conduct) with regard to (i) 3673044 SJB MN190 -135 5 the development, marketing, sale or leasing of all or any part of the Property, including, without limitation, any claims for any lien imposed by law for services, labor or materials furnished to or for the benefit of the Property, or (ii) any claim by the state of Minnesota or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or any other person pertaining to the violation of any permits, orders, decrees or demands made by said persons or with regard to the presence of any pollutant, contaminant or hazardous waste on the Property; and (iii) or by reason of the execution of this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement. The Developer, and the Developer's successors or assigns, agree to protect, defend and save the Authority, and its officers, agents, and employees, hannless from all such claims, demands, damages, and causes of action and the costs, disbursements, and expenses of defending the same, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, consulting engineering services, and other technical, administrative or professional assistance. This indemnity shall be continuing and shall survive the performance, termination or cancellation of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a limitation of or waiver by the Authority of any immunities, defenses, or other limitations on liability to which the Authority is entitled by law, including but not limited to the maximum monetary limits on liability established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be duly affixed hereto and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC By Its: MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director 3673040 SJB MN190 -135 EXHIBIT A Description of Property Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossings, 1" Addition, and Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossings 3'd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 367304v4 San MN190-135 A -1 EXHIBIT B Project Proposal 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 B -1 Economic Development Director Updates: IEDC: The IEDC is interested in supporting the implementing of Project Lead the Way in Monticello. This program connects students to training and courses related to actual manufacturing jobs. Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: No new updates. Inquiries: Staff has been in contact with a few local manufacturers looking to expand. City staff met with Ayers & Ayers, a development company interested in bringing a project to Monticello. Bauer Design is also interested in bringing a project to Monticello. Industrial Marketing / Venues: The City is a member of CMMA, Central MN Manufactures Association. As an effort to meet more manufacturers' staff is going to renew efforts to attend CMMA meetings and get involved in this organization. Local businesses may be interested in also joining. Membership information can be found at www.centrahnnmanufacturing.com. The next meeting is scheduled for May 26`x' in Waite Park followed by a tour of DCI in St. Cloud. Monticello will be a sponsor at the May 13`x' MN Real Estate Journal Land Development Conference. Companies such as Ryan, Ryland, CB Richard Ellis, Opus, etc. will be attending and speaking at the 7"' annual Land Conference. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: The next Business Insider will be published in May. Embracing Downtown: Several public input meetings engaging business, land owners, and residents have been completed. Four concept plans have been outlined and discussed in great detail. The consulting group is in the process of regrouping and reviewing comments to pare down the concepts to one preferred alternative. The consulting team will also be working on the Comprehensive Plan and implementation/financial analysis section. Economic Development related articles: None at this time. MISC. WSI recently paid the required balloon payment for their GMEF loan and therefore satisfied the terms of their loan. Future Meeting Dates: 1. EDA: June 8, 2011 IEDC April 5, 2011