EDA Agenda 06-22-2011EDA MEETING Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:15 a.m. Academy - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. May 11, 2011 b. May 24, 2011 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of engaging the services of McCombs Group to market downtown to key entities 6. Director Report 7. Adjourn **Proceed to closed meeting MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 11, 2011- 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff. Executive Director Megan Barnett-Livgard 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a) April 13, 2011 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 13, 2011 EDA MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items a) Special Meeting Date b) EDA Resignation 4. Approval of EDA Invoices BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE INVOICES EXCLUDING THE WRIGHT SHERBURNE REALTY INVOICE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 5. Consideration of entering into a Purchase Agreement between the Monticello Economic Development Authority and John Edwin Chadwick LLC Staff asked that the EDA approve a standard purchase agreement in the amount of $130,000 for the purchase of a 13.6 acre parcel located adjacent to the Monticello Business Center. The closing date for this agreement is June 1, 2011. Funds are available for this purchase within the EDA General Fund budget. The parcel is currently being leased to a farmer. The EDA would have the option to renew that fann lease annually if appropriate. Staff responded to property tax questions. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH JOHN EDWIN CHADWICK, LLC FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 13.6 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TRACY HINZ. MOTION CARRIED 5-1 Economic Development Authority Minutes 05/11/11 WITH TOM PERRAULT OPPOSED. 6. Consideration of approving an extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group and the Monticello EDA The Preliminary Development Agreement with Rocky Mountain Group expired at the end of April. Staff noted that extending the agreement for a year would allow the Rocky Mountain Group the opportunity to continue to try to sell their property in Ramsey as well as the flexibility to capture one more construction season. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A ONE YEAR EXTENSION TO THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN GROUP (DAHLHEIMER) AND THE MONTICELLO EDA. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 7. Director Report The Director Report was included as part of the agenda packet submitted to the EDA. Staff noted that there has been an increase in the number of developer inquiries. 8. Consideration of items added to the agenda a) Special Meeting Date Staff requested that the EDA convene a special meeting to discuss two opportunities: a vacant parcel owned by developer Barry Fluth and a business subsidy agreement for a multi -tenant building. The meeting was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 7:00 a.m. in the Academy Room at the Monticello Community Center. Staff will confirm this meeting date by email. b) EDA Resignation Bill Fair resigned from the EDA. The position has been posted. 9. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:18 PM. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. Recorder: Approved: Attest: Kerry T. Burri June 22, 2011 Megan Barnett-Livgard, Executive Director 2 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Tuesday, May 24, 2011- 7:00 a.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett-Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill Other: Barry Fluth Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Consideration of additional agenda items None 3. Discuss Landmark II Development Staff asked that the EDA meet with developer Barry Fluth to determine how to address his concern about the parcel he owns in downtown Monticello. TIF District #135 had been originally created to allow for the development of a commercial building on this parcel. The project has been on hold since the economy slowed. The EDA had agreed to work with Mr. Fluth to subsidize a TIF obligation of $180,000 on the parcel but, since there has been no development or tax increment generated, the EDA cannot pay that obligation. Barry Fluth would like to move forward with developing or exploring the option of selling his property. Last year City Council denied his rezoning request to develop a market rate apartment complex on the parcel. He is currently exploring a design which would include commercial on the main floor with residential above. The Embracing Downtown Study concept plan does not recommend residential use for this parcel but instead suggests combining it with other parcels for a junior tenant retail building. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that the study identified a market for additional retail and that the reorganization of that area would address that opportunity. Staff asked if the EDA might have an interest in working with Barry Fluth to either purchase this parcel from him for future development as directed by the Embracing Downtown Plan or negotiate a trade for City -owned property more suitable for residential purposes. Barry Fluth had previously expressed an interest in selling the property by responding to the inquiry distributed by the EDA to downtown land and business owners. He stated that he'd prefer to do commercial development but it is difficult to obtain financing. He wouldn't be interested in negotiating a trade for commercial property unless there were viable tenants associated with the property. Special Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes - 05/24/11 Staff pointed out that this may be an opportunity to combine parcels to create a catalyst redevelopment project. The Embracing Downtown consultants would utilize a bubble plan as part of their recommended concept design. This would establish reference points for land use and development rather than focusing on rigid guidelines. Responses from the EDA were varied as to how to proceed. They reviewed a map of the downtown area and spoke of other City -owned properties which may be of interest. There was some discussion about the need to get something developed as well as some consideration of purchasing the property for future use while values are low. Staff made it clear that since there had been demolition on the parcel it would not be eligible as a redevelopment district but could possibly be considered an economic development district. The general consensus seemed to be to begin working with Barry Fluth to determine what options might be most appropriate to address this issue. Staff agreed to bring some type of preliminary agreement for EDA consideration to the June meeting. 4. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:25 AM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: June 22, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett-Livgard, Executive Director 4. APPROVAL OF INVOICES: a. McComb Group LTD $8,008.61 *Embracing DT study ($161,632.66 spent to date) b. Ehlers and Associates $712.50 *working with a developer on a potential local business subsidy c. Commercial Partners Title $131,347.41 *Closing for John Chadwick 13.6 acre property d. Innovative Catering $312.77 *Commercial Broker Breakfast e. Kennedy and Graven $954.00 *closing for Chadwick property f. CMMA *May meeting $15.00 g. MAIMS Advertising $2,551.62 *printed marketing pieces *concierge resource guide 1 C � O ^ Ct CJ z 0 0 h'�1 •� O ON U O .0 � � N U z 7 OM 'd' �il 3 40Cl o A � q q p P. � ❑ a e e C C U V A C 0 0 v1 vl o6 o6 w o o C4 C4 oo 00 C-0 00 � ^ Ct CJ G 0 0 0 0 h'�1 •� O ON u O d � � N O w z 7 OM 'd' �il ON 10 40Cl o 0 0 v1 vl o6 o6 w o o C4 C4 oo 00 C-0 00 N G' M_ N O O O N O w V �O 7 OM 'd' �il ON 10 40Cl o q q p P. � ❑ U E � ;b q FoF U O q 1 a � � � c ro x W U W H �a q a o a a � a O 3 q cG � � Q Pa U ao U .-. W N G' R E A L E S T A T E RETAIL CO NSUL May 9, 2011 Statement #3916 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett STATEMENT — RE: Previous Balance Payments Received A N D T A N T S MAY l �n i' EMBRACINi3'DOWNIUWN MONTICELLO STUDY Professional Services McComb Group, Ltd Economic Development Services, Inc. Architectural Consortium L.L.C. .Westwood Professional Services Subtotal Total This Statement BALANCE DUE Retainer Balance $ 59,000.00 Statements. for each firm are attached. $ 42,263.22 $ 42,263.22 $ 2,595:91 1,740.54 839.66 2,832.50 $ 8,008.61 $ 8,008.61 $ 8,008.61 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 • (612) 339-7000 Fax: (612) 338-5572 Economic Development 5ervice5 April 5, 2011 James B, McComb, President McComb Group, Ltd. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Invoice Embracing Downtown Monticello Professional Services at $135/hour for March 2011 Community engagement/alternatives (6 hr) Project Management/team & staff coordination (3 hr) Feasibility (3.25 hr) Communication (.25 hr) Expenses (mileage -- Monticello & Arch Consortium —104 miles) Total Please make checks payable to Economic Development Services, Inc. 3109 West 50"' St. 4204 Minneapolis, MN 55410 (612) 925-2013 fax (612) 925-2942 email: jking@econdevelop.com $810.00 405.00 438.75 33.75 53.04 $1740.54 May 5, 2011 McComb Group Ltd. 222 S ouch Ninth Street, Suite 3 80 Minneapolis; MN 55402 Attn: Jim McComb Project: Downtown Monticello Architectural Consortium LLC Project # 1.0-1068-01 Invoice #8 Billing Period: April 2- May 1, 2011 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES Basic Services: Team meeting at AC Presentation at Monticello Architectural fees: $800.00 Reimbursable Expenses: Copies $3.40 Sales tax @7.75 % $.26 Mileage $36.00 TOTAL DUE $ 839.66 Payment due within 3 0 days of receipt of invoice Thank You. Payable to: Architectural Consortium LLC 901 North THrd Street, Suite 220 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Attn: Kathy Anderson Attn: James B. McComb 222 South Ninth Street, Ste.#380 Minneapolis, MN 53439 Professional Services from April 03.209f t4April 30, 2011 Project McComb Group/Monticello/Downtown Revitalization Plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. Task 2020 Project Management & Coordination Service Hours Rendered 1.50 Total this Task Task 2520 Traffic Issues Analysis Service Hours Rendered Total this Task Task .2700 Alternative & Refined Plans Service Hours Rendered 5.00 Total this Task Task 2800 Develop Guidelines Service Hours Rendered 4.76 Total this Task Task 2900 Client Meetings .Amount 262.50 $262.50 Amount 180,00 $180,00 Amount 875.00 $875.00 Amount 815.00 $815.00 Service Hours Rendered Amount 9 ST A 9 L I S H E D IN 1 9 7 2 ARIZONA COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEKAS Interest will accrue at 1.25% per month on Invoices over 30 days i INVOICE Westwood Professloaal5ervtces 7699 Anagram orlve '- Eden Prakie, MN 55344 MAIN 9$2-937-5150'J FAX 952-937-5822-, • TOLL rRE6 1.888.93:7.515D- FNFAIF WpsgWeSt4i-UpS,COni� www.westwoodps'4 Westwood m`/f` May 09, 2011 Project Na: 20101228.00 McComb Group, Ltd. Invoice No: 1104051 Attn: James B. McComb 222 South Ninth Street, Ste.#380 Minneapolis, MN 53439 Professional Services from April 03.209f t4April 30, 2011 Project McComb Group/Monticello/Downtown Revitalization Plan For Professional Services provided per our agreement. Task 2020 Project Management & Coordination Service Hours Rendered 1.50 Total this Task Task 2520 Traffic Issues Analysis Service Hours Rendered Total this Task Task .2700 Alternative & Refined Plans Service Hours Rendered 5.00 Total this Task Task 2800 Develop Guidelines Service Hours Rendered 4.76 Total this Task Task 2900 Client Meetings .Amount 262.50 $262.50 Amount 180,00 $180,00 Amount 875.00 $875.00 Amount 815.00 $815.00 Service Hours Rendered Amount 9 ST A 9 L I S H E D IN 1 9 7 2 ARIZONA COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEKAS Interest will accrue at 1.25% per month on Invoices over 30 days .Project McComb Group/Monticallo/Downtown ROvltal Invoice 1f1044 1� 4.00 70b'k, Total this Task da $700.00 ```o ,/ Total this Invoice $2,$32.60 e Thahk you. �• y � ' Miles Lindberg E 5 TA A L I S N E D IN 1972 ARIZONA COLORADO MINNESOTA KANSAS OREGON TEXAS Interest will accrue at 1.2&% per month on Invoices over 30 days Page 2 ti I E HE L E R za'i & LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Financial Advisory Services Invoice "40- 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN - 55113 (651) 697-8500 k� JJVV) 1 /4 qu �O Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 "JnVoirce#'.._ 342782., Monticello, MN 55362-8822 v QO�Qate.- ay10 .2011.. MAY 1 1 2011 Project Mielke Landmark Development Analysis 2011 For financial advisory services provided to assist in analysis of developer proposals and selection of a developer. Date Worked _BL Description of Services Hours Amount 04-14-20II BK1 Review initial materials, discuss project with Megan .50 95.00 04-16-2011 BKI Sent Mielke request for information .50 95.00 04-19-2011 13Ki Mielke follow-up .25 47.50 04-20-2011 13Kj Phone call with Mielke re project, information needed, .75 142.50 plus follow-up 04-25-2011 BKi Phone call with Mielke, email exchange of information 1.00 190.00 04-27-2011 B Ki Email exchanges re project status, NAPA .75 142.50 IAmount Due This Invoice ...... ...... ... ...... ........ (Detach at and return lower portion to Ehlers) Monticello Economic Development Authority, IVIN 3.75 $712.50 Invoice #: 342782 Invoice Date: May 10, 2011 I Amount Due This Invoice $712.50 1 Please remit payment to: Ehlers Attn: Accounts Receivable Due Upon Receipt 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 O y� O O h YS ._S.. M cm dm, v O y N � CD O S �p. O C) mm `-� O cq � � � •cJ 0 N \ o 0 O O O O Q W ryQry i.� O Cl) a Q 44o. 0 \ o O M ° Q W O o o, °, ® me ec o U O O O N N M M Q ° a O O OO C o y O y� O O h r- M cm dm, v O y N � CD O N O C) mm O cq � � � •cJ 0 N \ o 0 O O O O Q W V z O Cl) a Q 44o. 0 \ o O M ° Q W O o o, °, o O o U O O O N N M M o ° a O O OO 4" Oq o y •-- o 'd y > O H G N :ly U `m, _a o N ro .M-. .m. O y� O O h r- M cm dm, v O y N � CD O N O C) mm O cq � � � •cJ 0 N \ o 0 O O O O Q W V z O Cl) a Q 44o. 0 \ o O M ° Q W o \ LI) o O m Q W w H is Wo �" g 0 n cn w o O o U O U S O C) O O CD r- M cm dm, v Cl N O C) mm •cJ 0 N \ o 0 O O O O Q W _ 0 N •--i \ O O Cl) a Q 44o. 0 \ o O M ° Q W o \ LI) o O m Q W w H is Wo �" g 0 n cn w o O o U O U S o o ° a O O o b V 4" Oq o y .O bA t4 ° o 'd y > O H G N :ly U `m, _a o N ro AJ U a. U y, a W U H Id N H N zWz W c o F�. W F� Ln W U > O OU o _0 O U O C) O O CD r- v cm dm, v Cl O O O C) mm N N N N oi H Closing Date: Disbursement Date: BUYER: SELLER: Closing Agent: Closing Agent File No.: PROPERTY ADDRESS: COMMERCIALPARTNERS NE T 1 T L E, L L C 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 1360 Minneapolis, MN 55402 PHONE (612) 337-2470 FAX (612) 337-2471 BUYER'S CLOSING STATEMENT June 1, 2011 June 1, 2011 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority J. Edwin Chadwick LLC Commercial Partners Title, LLC, 200 South Sixth St., Suite 1300, Minneapolis, MN 55402 34111 Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota The above closing statement is hereby approved, and the closing agent is hereby authorized and directed to disburse the money as indicated herein and deliver instruments, documents and other property, if any, to the designated parties and otherwise close this transaction in accordance with the closing instructions. City of Mon9cel,(o Economic By: By: lopment Authority li DEBIT CREDIT Sales Price 130,000.0 UTILITY BILLS HAVE NOT BEEN SEARCHED Pro -rated 2011 Taxes $580.00 / 365 = $1.59 x 151 days = $240.09 due from seller Seller Paid 1st half of $290.00 - $240.09 = $49.91 credit due seller 49.91 Legal Fees to: Kennedy & Graven POC Closing Fee to: Commercial Partners 350.00 Exam Fee to: Commercial Partners 375.00 Title Insurance Premium to: Commercial Partners 497.50 Recording Fees (Deed) 75.00 SUBTOTAL 131,347.41 0.00 CASH FROM BUYER 131,347.41 CASH TO BUYER TOTAL 131,347.41 131,347.41 The above closing statement is hereby approved, and the closing agent is hereby authorized and directed to disburse the money as indicated herein and deliver instruments, documents and other property, if any, to the designated parties and otherwise close this transaction in accordance with the closing instructions. City of Mon9cel,(o Economic By: By: lopment Authority li CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due d VENDOR: Name Address I Address 2 City/ST/Zip LU 't— ® Disb. Ck, Batch f JL Staten Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Acct. No Amount Description Project Code I nq qS TOTAL: $0.00 APPROVED BY DATE: voucher.xIs PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this day of MA7, 2011, b d betreen J. Edwin Chadwick LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Seller") City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic thority" or "Buyer"). RECITALS A. Seller is the owner of property located in Monticello, Minnesota, which is legally described as. Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota ("Property") B. The Property currently includes crop land and is farmed by a third -party tenant (the "Tenant") pursuant to a one-year lease (the "Lease"), which extends through the 2011 harvest. Pursuant to the Lease, rent on the Property is payable by the Tenant at the time of crop harvest. Buyer and Seller agree that rent payable by the Tenant under the Lease in 2011 shall remain payable to Seller. Thereafter, renewals of the Lease and payments thereunder, if any, shall be negotiated between the Buyer and the Tenant. AGREEMENT A. Offer/Acceptance for. Sale of Property. The Seller agrees to sell to the Authority the Property and the Authority agrees to purchase the same, according to the terms of this Agreement. B. Purchase Price for Property and Terms. PURCHASE PRICE: The total Purchase Price for the Property is One Hundred Thirty Thousand and 00/100ths Dollars ($130,000.00). 2. TERMS: a. EARNEST MONEY. No earnest money is payable by the Buyer to - the Seller upon execution of this Purchase Agreement. b. BALANCE DUE SELLER: Buyer agrees to pay by check or electronic transfer of funds on the Closing Date the Purchase Price for the Property according to the terms of this Purchase Agreement. c. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Subject to performance by Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed conveying. marketable title to the Property to Buyer, subject only to the 3855770 M -NI MN325-22 t following exceptions: 1) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state d ederal regulations. 2) Reservation of minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota, if any. 3) Public utility and drainage easements of record that will not interfere with Buyer's intended use of the Property. 4) Temporary Storm. Water Drain Easement dated September 6, 2000 ("Agreement") depicted on plat of Otter Creek Crossing recorded with the Wright County Recorder as Document No. 940579, which Agreement provides that it terminates no later than August 1, 2010. 5) Right of Way Conveyance dated August 21, 1946, recorded November 12, 1946 in Book 5 of Miscellaneous Records, page 582 as Document No. 166345, partially released by Partial Release of Right of Way Conveyance dated May 31, 1978, recorded June 5, 1978 as Document No. 326274 and Agreement and Partial Release recorded as Document No. 724490. 6) Easement dated March 29, 1968, recorded June 18, 1968 in Book 37 of Miscellaneous Records, page 434 as Document No. 251155 in favor of United Power Association, which easement was defined by Partial Release of Easement dated January 11, 1993, recorded January 12, 1993 as Document No. 519735. 7) Easements for utility and drainage as shown on the recorded plat of Otter Creek Crossing. d. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING BY SELLER. In addition to the Warranty Deed required at paragraph B.2.c. above, Seller shall deliver to the Buyer: 1) Standard form Affidavit of Seller. 2) A "bring -down" certificate, certifying that all of the warranties made by Seller in this Purchase Agreement remain true as of the date of closing. 3) Certificate that Seller is not a foreign national. 4) If an environmental investigation by or on behalf of the Buyer 2 385577v3 MNI MN325-22 9g� lJ11 4 discloses the existence of petroleum product or other p ui —1, contaminant or other hazardous substance on the ProArrty, ther (i) a closure letter from the Minnesota Pollution Contr�o: gency (MPCA) or other appropriate regufatory authority that remediation has been completed to the satisfaction of the MPCA or other authority; or (ii) Agreement for remediationlindemnification and security as the Authority may require. 5) Well disclosure certification, if required, or, if there is no well on the Property, the Warranty Deed given pursuant to paragraph B.2.c. above must include the following statement: "The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property." 6) Any other documents reasonably required by the Authority's title insurance company or attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. C. Contingencies. Buyer's obligation to buy is contingent upon the following: 1. Buyer's determination of marketable title pursuant to paragraph D of this Agreement. 2. Buyer's determination, in its sole discretion, that the results of the environmental investigation under this Agreement are satisfactory to Buyer; and 3. Approval of this Agreement by the Buyer's Board of Commissioners. Buyer shall have until the Date of Closing (as defined hereinafter) to remove the foregoing contingencies. The contingencies are solely for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived by Buyer. If one or more of Buyer's contingencies is not satisfied or is not waived, in either case by written notice from Buyer to Seller given on or before the Date of Closing, then this Purchase Agreement shall thereupon be void, and Buyer and Seller shall execute and deliver to each other a termination of this Purchase Agreement. As a contingent Purchase Agreement, the termination of this Agreement is not required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 559.21, et. seq, D. Title Examination/Curing Title Defects, The Seller will provide the Buyer with a commitment for title insurance ("Commitment") for the Property. Seller shall pay for the abstracting/title search and name search fees, Buyer shall pay all other fees including exam fee and premium. The Authority shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the 3855770 MN1 MN325-22 �: M1 commitment and executed Purchase Agreement to examine the same and to delir wr' en objections to title, if any, to Seller, or Authority's right to do so shall be deemed . ived. Notwithstanding the exceptions listed in paragraph B.2.c. hereof, the Authority reserves the right to object to any or all exceptions from coverage listed in the Commitment. Seller shall have until the Closing Date (or such later date as the parties may agree upon) to make title marketable, .at the Seller's cost. In the event that title to the Property cannot be made marketable or is not made marketable by the Seller by the Closing Date, then, this Agreement may be terminated at the option of the Buyer. E; Environmental Investigation. The Seller warrants that to Seller's knowledge, the Property has not been used for production, storage, deposit or disposal of any toxic or hazardous waste or substance, petroleum product or asbestos product during the period of time the Seller has owned the Property, other than farming chemicals used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Seller further warrants that the Seller has no knowledge or information of any fact that would indicate the Property was used for production, storage, deposit or disposal of any toxic or hazardous waste or substance, petroleum product or asbestos product prior to the date the Seller purchased the Property, other than farming chemicals used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. F. . Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. Real estate taxes payable in the year of closing will be pro -rated between the Buyer and Seller to the Date of Closing. Seller shall pay all real estate taxes payable in previous years, the entire unpaid balance of levied special assessments, including levied special assessments payable after the year of closing, and all installments of special assessments due in the year of closing. Seller also agrees to pay all assessments related.to service charges furnished to the Property prior to the Date of Closing (e.g., delinquent water or sewer bills), including those charges levied, pending, or certified to taxes payable in the year of closing. If closing occurs prior to the date the amount of real estate taxes due in the year of closing are available from Wright County, the current year's taxes will be pro -rated based on the amount due in the prior year. G. Date of Closing. The Date of Closing will be on or before June 1, 2011. Delivery of all papers and the closing shall be made at the City Hall of the City of Monticello, or at such other location as is mutually agreed upon by the parties. H. PossessionlUtilities/Removal of Property/Escrow. 1. Possession. The Seller agrees to deliver possession not later than the Date of Closing, subject to the Lease. 2. Personal Property. The Seller agrees to remove all debris and all personal property not included herein from the Property before the possession date. Personal property not so removed shall be deemed forfeited to and shall become the property of the Buyer. The Buyer may inspect the Property immediately prior to closing and deduct from the purchase price payable at closing an amount reasonably necessary to pay for the cost of removal of any debris & personal property then remaining on the Property. The Il 3855770 MNI MN325-22 paragraph pprovrsrons ara a of this h shall not merge with the deed and/,sh 114,„, survive closing on the property. 3. Remedies. The Authority's ability to deduct amounts due under his paragraph from the purchase price is not exclusive but is in addition to the Authority's rights at law and equity to collect such amounts from Seller. The Seller is responsible for the amounts due under this paragraph even if the Authority neglects to deduct the amount from the purchase price. I. Seller Warranties. 1. Mechanics' Liens. Seller warrants that, prior to the closing, Seller shall pay in full all amounts due for labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure upon or improvement to the Property. 2. Notices. Seller warrants that it has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance or regulation in connection with the Property. 3. Occupancy. Seller warrants that the Property is not now occupied, other than by the Tenant under the Lease. 4. Broker Commission. Each party represents to the other that it has not utilized the services of any real estate broker or agent. in connection with this Purchase Agreement or the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party against and in respect of any such obligation and liability based in any way upon agreements, arrangements, or understandings made or claimed to have been made by the party with any third person. 5. Structures. There are no buildings on the Property. The parties acknowledge that the Property is being sold in "as is" condition relating to any structural, operational, and mechanical systems. J. Closing Costs/Recording. Fees/Deed Tax. The Authority will pay: (a) the closing fees charged by the title insurance or other closing agent, if any, utilized to close the transaction contemplated by this Agreement; (b) the premium for title insurance policy, if any, obtained by the Authority, and (c) and recording fees to record its deed from Seller under this Agreement. Seller will pay all other fees normally paid by sellers, including any transfer taxes, fees and charges related to the filing �� any Eachument arty shallqpayat own attorney fees.to make title table and required to enable Buyer to record p 5 385577v3 MNI MN325-22 3855770 MNI MN325-22 tt y a�k'ey K. Inspections. From the date of this Agreement to the Date of Closing, Authorit its employees and agents, shall be entitled to enter upon the Property to conduct such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, .and drilling, monitoring, sampling and testing of groundwater monitoring wells, as the Authority shall elect; provided, that Seller is given at least 24 hours' notice. Authority will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any claims against Seller or the Property that arise as a result of Authority or its agents entering upon the Property to perform such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, and drilling, monitoring, sampling and testing of groundwater including without limitation crop damage caused to Tenant's crops. L. Risk of Loss. If there is any loss or damage to the Property between the date hereof and the Date of Closing, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on the Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the Date of Closing, this Purchase Agreement shall become null and void, at the Authority's option. At the request of the Authority, Seller agrees to sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement. M. Default/Remedies. If the Buyer defaults in any of the covenants herein, the Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement, and on such termination all payments made hereunder shall be retained by the Seller as liquidated damages, time being of the essence. This provision shall not deprive either party of the right to enforce specific performance of this Purchase Agreement, provided this Purchase Agreement has not terminated and action to enforce specific performance is commenced within six months after such right of action arises. In the event the Buyer defaults in its performance of the terms of this Purchase Agreement and Notice of Cancellation is served upon the Buyer pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 559.21, the termination period shall be thirty (30) days as permitted by Minn. Stat., Section 559.21, Subd. 4. N. Notice. Any notice, demand, request or other communication that may or shall be given or served by the parties, shall be deemed to have been given or served on the date the same is personally served upon one of the following indicated recipients for notices, is sent by recognized overnight courier for next business day delivery, or is deposited in the United States Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: 3855770 MNI MN325-22 0, Relocation. Seller asserts: i) that the property is unoccupied and that the owner has no intention of reoccupying the property; 2) that the Seller has been advised that Buyer will only purchase the property if it can be acquired by negotiation and will not acquire the property by condemnation; 3) that prior to any action by Buyer indicating an intent to acquire the property the Seller requested that the property be acquired by negotiation; 4) that any personal property remaining in the property will not be moved to Seller's current or future residence; 5) that Seller has removed itself from the property for reasons unrelated to the acquisition of the property by Buyer; and 6) that Seller asserts that Seller has no entitlement to relocation assistance or benefits and waives any claims to such assistance and benefits. P, Entire Agreement. This Purchase Agreement, Exhibits, and other amendments signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire Agreement between Seller and the Authority and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Purchase Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and the Authority. Q. Survival. Notwithstanding any other'provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Purchase Agreement shall survive closing. 7 3855770 MNi MN325-22 SELLER: J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC Attn: John E. Chadwick 4477 Manitou Road' Excelsior, MN 55331 With copy to: Moss & Barnett, a Professional Association Attn: Charles A. Parsons 4800 Wells Fargo Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 BUYER: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Economic Development Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With copy to: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered ATTN: Martha Ingram and Catherine B. Rockfitz 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 0, Relocation. Seller asserts: i) that the property is unoccupied and that the owner has no intention of reoccupying the property; 2) that the Seller has been advised that Buyer will only purchase the property if it can be acquired by negotiation and will not acquire the property by condemnation; 3) that prior to any action by Buyer indicating an intent to acquire the property the Seller requested that the property be acquired by negotiation; 4) that any personal property remaining in the property will not be moved to Seller's current or future residence; 5) that Seller has removed itself from the property for reasons unrelated to the acquisition of the property by Buyer; and 6) that Seller asserts that Seller has no entitlement to relocation assistance or benefits and waives any claims to such assistance and benefits. P, Entire Agreement. This Purchase Agreement, Exhibits, and other amendments signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire Agreement between Seller and the Authority and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Purchase Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and the Authority. Q. Survival. Notwithstanding any other'provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Purchase Agreement shall survive closing. 7 3855770 MNi MN325-22 04 0l-, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the e and year above. Buyer: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC Seller: J. EDWIN CHADWICK LLC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President And by: s Exe iv e Director 3855770 MALI MN325-22 City of Monticello Megan Barnett Estimate Date Estimate #,- 5/ 1712011 2208-440 Project Item Description Qty Rate Total Egg Bake Egg Bake on Bed on HB's - TYPE OF EGG BAKE TBD! 30 4.00 120.00T Caramel Monkey ... Caramel Monkey Bread; Ea 2 2 13.95 15,00 27.90T 30.00T Coffee Coffee; Please specify regular, decaf or both; includes disposable cups & all coffee condiments; Per gallon Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit; Per person charge; In -season, assorted fresh 30 2.25 67.50T Delivery Fee fruit; trayed WAIVED 0.00 0.00 Gratuity 18% Gratuity, Includes drop-off, set-up, all heavy-duty 47.25 47.25T disposable paperwares, caps, plastic eating utensils, napkins and condiments. �v 1 c �r MAY 21 2011 i Subtotal $292.65 Sales Tax (6.875%) $20.12 Total $312.77 Innovative Catering Sohltions, LLC 18950 238th Ave NW Big Lake, MN 55309 Bill To City of Monticello Megan Barnett Invoice Date Invoice# 5/30/2011 1054 Subtotal $292.65 Sales Tax (6,875%) $20.12 Total $312.77 a MAY 3 ��� Payments/Credits $0.00 i Balance Due $312,77 P.O. No. Terms Project Upon Receipt Item Description Est Amt Prior Amt Prior % Qty Rate Curr % Total % Amount Egg Bake Egg Bake on Bed on HB's - 120.00 30 4.00 100.00% 100.00% 120.00T TYPE OP EGG BAKE TBDI Caramel... Caramel Monkey Bread; Ea 27.90 2 13.95 100.00% 100.00% 27.90T Coffze Coffee; Please specify regular, 30.00 2 15.00 100.00% 100.00% 30.00T decaf or both; includes disposable cups & all coffee condiments; Per gallon Fresh Fr... Fresh Fruit, Per person charge; 67.50 30 2.25 100.00% 100.00% 67.50T In -season, assorted fresh fruit; frayed Gratuity 18% Gratuity; Includes 47.25 47.25 100.00% 100.00% 47.25T drop-off, set-up, all heavy-duty disposable paperwares, cups, plastic eating utensils, napkins and condiments. Subtotal $292.65 Sales Tax (6,875%) $20.12 Total $312.77 a MAY 3 ��� Payments/Credits $0.00 i Balance Due $312,77 O O O O N O O z N N Ct x o N N 0 coy 0 U O O N yn cnd U N O O J O o � .-. 00 N z N 7: A a C7 J Q v v i o CD o a O o a o a o 0 c qq A A w 40, w w CIO U A O O O O 00 V' N O O M N N Ct U o N N 0 coy 0 � O O N � cnd M 00 O O O O o � .-. 00 N z N V� C a CQ Q O O O O 00 V' N O O M N N O O O O 0 O so 0 N � M M 00 O O O O .-. 00 N M N N v? w p n O O O M O M M 0 0 O O O C� CD 1 C, M M_ M M M 0 o so 0 N � M b w v v o CD o a O o a o a o 0 c qq A A w 40, w w CIO U .. O cn 0 0 � O .d " a O G U ti b b Q tQ w O p.., <° U rn C7 C7 � U CIO V� rA > Q C7 > O O O C� CD 1 C, M M M M 0 o so 0 M � M Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA April 30, 2011 MN325-00022 Chadwick Purchase Agreement Through April 30, 2011 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 4/25/2011 MNI Research on question of condemnation by City; office 1,30 234.00 conference with R Batty regarding same; phone conversation with M Barnett regarding same 4127/2011 MNI Phone conversation with M Barnett regarding purchase 0.20 36.00 agreement terms 4/27/2011 MNI Draft Purchase Agreement 1.40 252.00 4/28/2011 MNI Draft purchase agreement; email to M Barnett with 1.70 306.00 questions on various provisions 4/29/2011 MNI Review answers from M Barnett, finalize first draft of PA 0.70 126.00 for circulation Total Services: $ 954.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 954.00 CMMA W j J 10 PO Box 150 Elbow Lake MN 56531 Bill To City Of Monticello Invoice Date Invoice# 5/31/2011 324 P,O, No, Terms Project Due June 10, 2011 Quantity Description Rate Amount 1 CMMA May Meeting Invoice 15,00 15,00 Megan Barnett-Livgard Safes Tax Computed in Quicken 0.06875% 0,00 4 U 6y-- tutic±drd S 913- qO 3 0 I s q 33 crJZ./ M AY { Total $15.00 Advertising and Design u P.O. Box 681, Monticello, MN 55362 wwwmapra.coM A ph: 763,295.4393 N f: 763.298.8858 Bill To City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Date Invoice # 5/16/11 627 ev TERMS Due on receipt Item Qty. Description Rate Amount Print 100 inserts for 49 folders (50 ea.) reorder from 0.594 59A0 Megan sales tax 6.875% 4.08 MAY 1 9 2011 A Thank you for your business. TOTAL - $63.48 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $63.48- Advertising fliml F&I and Des1gn tj P.O. Box 681, Monfloallo, MN 55362 www.Majir'S.COM 10 ph: 763.295.4393R f. 763.295,8858 Bill To City of Monticello �505 Walnut Street jMonticello, MN 55362 Date Invoice 5/16/11 623 TERMS Due on receipt Item Qty. Description Rate Amount Print 275 49 folders (ordered by Megan) 3.01 827.75 Print 50 insert #1 for folder 0.594 29.70 Print 50 insert #2 for folder 0.594 29.70 CREATIVE FEE -Non 4 Creative Services -folder & insert 85.00 340.00 ales tax 6.875% 60.99 MAY 7 6 Thank you far your business. TOTAL $1,288.14 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $1,28814 MRIAdvertising KILandDesign a� P.O. Box 661, MontloeUo, MN 55362 WWW.malirs,com in ph, 763.295.4393 i f, 763.296,8858 Bill To City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 ��l Date Invoice # 5/16/11 628 a TERMS Due on receipt Item Qty. Description Rate Amount CREATIVE FEE -Non 14.1176 Creative Services -Chamber Directory / Concierge 85.00 1,200.00 section (Agreed upon by Megan) sales tax 6.875% 0.00 • �6 MAY 9 2011 Thank°you foryourbusines�;°- TOTAL $1,200.00 Payrnents10-edds $0,00 Balance Due $1,200.00 5. CONSIDERATION OF ENGAGING THE SERVICES OF MCCOMB GROUP TO MARKET DOWNTOWN TO KEY ENTITIES. (MBL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: McComb Group has been diligently working on the Embracing Downtown study. We have held several public meetings and reviewed four concept plans. The next public meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2011 to review a preferred concept plan and begin discussing implementation. The process has generated a lot of positive cooperation and enthusiasm. Furthermore, McComb Group has indicated several retail and hotel businesses are looking at developing sites in Minnesota. It appears that many forces are aligning for several catalyst projects to occur in downtown Monticello. Jim McComb has approached City Staff asking if the City would be interested in Mr. McComb putting together proposals and presenting key areas in downtown to potential developers/businesses. Mr. McComb would charge time and materials and has suggested a cap amount of $5,000. This would give him the ability to put together potential deals and present them to the businesses that are looking to develop in the near future. The marketing budget has a current balance of $14,339. Allocating $5,000 from the marketing budge to engage the services of a fine that has direct connections to many key retailers seems to be an ideal way to spend a portion of marketing budget. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving expending $5,000 of the marketing budget to engage the services of McCombs Group. The EDA spent close to $11,000 last year on a vendor booths and tradeshow attendance in an attempt to connect to businesses looking to expand or locate in MN. Engaging the services of McComb Group would certainly give us more direct exposure to key players in this market and could prove to have a huge economic payoff. The cost benefit could be much greater compared to any future direct mailing, tradeshow, or misc. marketing initiative the EDA chooses to launch this year. If the EDA approves the proposed expenditure, the remaining marketing budget will be $9,339. This still gives the EDA the ability to still attend appropriate conferences /trade shows and complete applicable marketing initiatives. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve engaging the services of McComb Group at a maximum amount of $5,000 to put together potential proposals and market downtown Monticello to appropriate entities. 2. Motion to deny engaging the services of McCombs Group. 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. none EDA April 14, 2010 Economic Development Director Updates: IEDC: The IEDC reviewed the proposed updated park and trail plan at their June meeting. City Council: The City Council approved waiving the building permit review fee for Aroplax in the amount of $3,047. Aroplax initiated an 18,000 square foot warehouse addition and therefore qualified for the business expansion incentive program. The City Council approved the final plat for Landmark Center. The multi -tenant center will be located off of Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive (next to Subway, Jiffy Lube, and Chin Yen). The development will house the Monticello NAPA and several other retail /medical tenants. DLLK Properties also received a building permit review fee waiver for the construction of Landmark Center. The Monticello veterinary clinic is looking to expand to a new facility located by Wahnart. The City Council approved the required conditional use permit at their May 23, 2011 meeting. It is anticipated construction of the new facility will occur later this summer. Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: No new updates. Inquiries: Staff continues to work with local businesses to hopefully make their expansion plans become a reality. It should be noted that the Jobs Bill was extend for one more year. This is a great opportunity to be working with local businesses and developers to kick start viable projects. Staff has met with a few retail entrepreneurs recently. There appears to be an increase in people interested in starting a new business, however financing continues to be a small hurdle. In the next year, Staff plans to ask the EDA to identify a new business entrepreneur fund and initiate a contest to attract a new innovative business to town. This idea needs further research and establishment of guidelines. Marketing / Venues: Direct mailings have been distributed the past few months to manufacturers in St. Cloud and attendees from the MN Real Estate Journal Land Conference. As part of our sponsorship of the Land Conference the City received a '/ page ad in the MN Real Estate Journal. It is anticipated the ad will run in the June issue. Staff attended a CMMA meeting on May 26, 2011. Economist Cameron Macht presented great statistics related to manufacturing in the central and southwest regions. Attached is his presentation. It appears manufacturing is an important industry in the central region compared to the Twin Cities. Staff will continue to attend CMMA meetings to form relationships with various manufacturing companies in the hopes they would someday relocate to Monticello. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: The June Business Insider is attached. A commercial broker breakfast was held on June 1, 2011. Approximately 20 people were in attendance. Staff provided a general overview of various projects the City has been working on the past year. The Economic Development Director also asked for feedback from the brokers on ways we can partner together to assist in making projects come to fruition. Attendees were very complimentary to City Staff on the many progressive and forward thinking projects being initiated. Brokers also appreciated the new website with many resources in one location and the philosophy of working together to make things happen. Staff is meeting with Tim Zipoy from the Workforce Center and Jim Mcklenburg from Project Lead the Way on June 20, 2011. The purpose of the meeting is to gain insight from Jim on the successes and struggles with initiating PWL in Monticello. Staff is still hopeful to meet with Jim Johnson from the School District in late June once graduation ceremonies are over. Embracing Downtown: The next downtown meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2011 at 4pm at the Community Center. The consulting team will present their draft preferred alternative plan and begin discussing the financial /implementation part of the project. Economic Development related articles: None at this time. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: August 2, 2011 2. Embracing Downtown: June 28, 2011 at 4:00pm EDA June 22, 2011 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 7a', 2011 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of May 3rd, 2011. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Public Hearing— Consideration of a request for Rezoning from I -1 (Light Industrial) to B -2 (Limited Business) for Lot 1 and 2, Block 1, Oak wood Industrial Park (101 Chelsea Road). Applicant: Quarry Community Church/City of Monticello 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13 - Telecommunications Towers and Antennas, Chapter 5, Section 1- Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 — Use Specific Standards and Chapter 5, Section 3 - Accessory Uses Applicant: City of Monticello Public Hearing — Consideration of an Amendment to the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for the Adoption of the 2011 Monticello Parks & Trails Plan. Applicant: City of Monticello 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of an Amendment to the Official Monticello Zoning Map. Applicant: City of Monticello 9. Consideration to review a Final Stage PUD for Landmark Center. Applicant: Mielke Bros., LLC. 10. Community Development Director's Report 11. Adjourn. 0 a� v c LM 0 CL E as t FM cis O E cc U-) c.4 r O� M UJ O L1.J E e E E '�- 0 O O O O w a V i LJ J to i E �- in cz O L E cz0 -W CD 0 R � cn O 0 ca A.Al C� rw *dIM O U I— og.-, bw ON d• yya Col C-0) ct! 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Rt CA .N 0 XI, /�/� V/ V N o LU v. ^ i L U, too a j 0 c E r C 0 O 0 CL as 0 w a. 0 U) 4) M� cc 4) L. 4) z CD 00 CN Lo 0 -'* co ED CO . . r., C-4 L) C-4 Cc 4mme rl*- CN Lo U) qT co to Lc, cc m 4) C,� cc oho Lo cm m - 0 V 0 qd- 00 r-- oo Lr) CD LO r", LO C'4 4) 0 %ft..Oo z CN z 0 0 0 0 cf) J" A — 1-0 E E 0 Lu N 0Jood ao 0 0 0 > cu 0 0 0 E o o o L. 0 -Cdl) 0 (D a U E ca 0 O Ln 0 C- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MONTICELLO BUSINESS INSIDER QUICK CITY UPDATE Embracing Downtown Monticello The City of Monticello has been actively working with the McCombs Group and downtown stakeholders on a redevelop - ment/revitalization plan for downtown Monticello. The consulting group recently prepared four preliminary concept plans for con- sideration. Business and land owners, residents, and City Boards/Commissions were invited to several public meetings to provide feedback. Valuable comments and in depth discussion occurred. The next step will be to de- temune final design con- c e p t s . McCombs Group is currently working on reviewing comments and preparing final design concepts. On a parallel track a Compre- hensive Plan amendment and a feasibil- ity and implementation plan will also be prepared. Transportation New Park & Trail Plan on the Horizon TH 25 / CSAH 11 / CR 14 Intersec- tion Improvements Mn/DOT will begin construction on this project on June 6`h. The plan is to complete the project by September 2 "a Motorists will encounter inter- mittent lane closures on TH 25, and traffic on northbound TH 25 will be channeled from two lanes to one lane south of Broad- way for It's not to late to get involved. If you are interested in what is happening in down- town Monticello please contact Megan Barnett - Livgard at (763) 271.3208 or Megan.Barnett @ci.monticello.mn.us. 4'. This will likely cause significant traffic congestion, especially during the evening rush hour. Access to local businesses will be maintained at all times. More infor- mation on this project, including con- struction updates and detour map- ping, can be found on Mn/DOT's District 3 web site at www.dot.state.mn.us /d3.html. The city recently received a Live Wright grant to complete an up- date to the Monticello Park & Trail Plan. Planning consultant NAC has been retained by the City to work with policy makers and residents to determine a new vision for Monticello's recreation system. The Park & Trail Plan will be considered by the City for incor- poration into the Comprehensive ai Plan. On Tuesday, May 17, 2011 the City held a community workshop to obtain insights and feed- back. Residents were able to set goals, target activities essential to the parks, and consider design concepts. The Live Wright Grant has allowed the City the ability to cultivate innovative designs and shape a park plan worthy of Monticello's unique character. If you have any additional ques- tions regarding this project please contact Angela Schumann at (763) 271.3224 or An- gela .Schumann @ci.monticello.mn.us , W W W. BUILDINGBUSINESSINMONTICELLO .COM The Monticello Concierge Team has had the please to tour local businesses! WSI WSI is located along Chelsea Road. They occupy a 60,000 square foot building and employ 75 employees. WSI stands for Washington scien- tific Industries. The company manufactures products for recreational vehicles, aerospace, defense and energy divisions. WSI is a skilled preci- sion machinists and manufacturing company. They pride themselves in delivering high quality parts on time and within their clients budget. WSI has gained excellent customer confidence satisfaction. ALL Elements All Elements was founded in 2001 by John Thurber and a business part- ner. In 2008 John and Tara Thurber bought out the partner and became the sole owners. All Elements is a commercial roofing company that originally started as a home based business. They quickly outgrew their home and began leasing space in Brooklyn Park in 2004. They again outgrew this space and leased in Rogers. John and Tara were at a growth point with the company that they decided it was time to purchase a building instead of leasing. All Elements is a Dura Certified, crane certi- fied, and LEED certified commercial roofing company. They have com- pleted many projects throughout the State and even out state, including churches, Grand casino Hinckley, Em- bassy suites and many more. They current employ 20 employees. All Elements is successful in creating lasting relationships with their clients, completing projects that other contractors will not touch while maintaining a fam- ily oriented company. Production Stamping Production Stamping is a precision metal stamping and fabrication com- pany founded by Lester Wurm in 1984. They offer professional engi- neering and part design, precision tooling, machining and fabricating, rapid prototyping, stamping, finishing, and assembly. Production Stamp- ing works with over 200 various molds and currently employs 40 em- ployees. They pride themselves on being the metal stamping and fabri- cation specialist. Lester ensures all products are delivered with the high- est quality and utmost integrity. Thank You for letting us tour your Great business!