EDA Agenda 11-09-2011EDA MEETING Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Bruce Hamond, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Bamett- Livgard 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. October 12, 2011 regular EDA meeting b. October 12, 2011 workshop with the MDBA 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of approving Resolution #2011 -103 authorizing city staff to apply for a redevelopment grant through DEED, allocating matching funds, and recommending the City Council approve stated Resolution. 6. Director Report 7. Adjourn MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 12,2011 - 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Bruce Hamond, and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett- Livgard, Finance Director Tom Kelly 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a) September 7, 2011 Special EDA Minutes TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 EDA MINUTES AS CORRECTED. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. b) September 14, 2011 EDA Minutes BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 EDA MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items a) Approve a proposal by Architectural Consortium for rendering for the Embracing Downtown project 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Matt Frie again questioned the need to have spent $400 for an appraisal of the Landmark II property. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE INVOICES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TRACY HINZ. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. EDA Minutes 10/12/11 5. Consideration of Adopting a Resolution Authorizing a Tax Increment Pledge Agreement Relating to the Sale of G. O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A City Council sold General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011 A to refund the City's G.O. Bonds, Series 2005A. The advance refunding allowed the City to take advantage of low interest rates and resulted in an estimated savings of $667,070.over the remaining 11 years of debt payments. The 2005A bond was funded in part from pledged tax increments from District 1 -34 Monticello Interchange. As a result of this refunding, the original pledge agreement is voided and a new pledge agreement is needed to fund the 2011A G. O. Refunding Bonds. Finance Director Tom Kelly responded to some questions about the tax increment and pointed out that this action is mainly a housekeeping item for the EDA. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A TAX INCREMENT PLEDGE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RELATING TO THE $10,735,000 G. O. REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011A. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MATT FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Consideration of authorizing a $2,000 City Platinum Sponsorship for the NAIFC Qualifying ice fishing tournament to be held on Pelican Lake in Monticello in 2012 Staff recommended that the City again become a Platinum Sponsor for the NAIFC Qualifying Ice Fishing Tournament to be held in January of 2012 on Pelican Lake in Monticello. This tournament will once again bring national exposure to Monticello and provide additional revenue for many businesses in the City. The January 2011 event was a huge success and brought in over 600 people who utilized local shops, restaurants, and hotels throughout the tournament weekend. The mission of the EDA encompasses encouraging a strong and sustainable business climate in the City. Supporting an event that has the potential to drive additional revenue to many businesses in Monticello is one way to stimulate the local business economy. No other local entities are currently sponsoring this event. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A $2,000 PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP FOR THE NAIFC ICE FISHING TOURNAMENT TO BE EXPENDED FROM THE 2012 MARKETING BUDGET. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE HAMOND. MOTION CARRIED 6 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT OPPOSED. Director Report The EDA was invited to attend the Industry of the Year breakfast on October 19th at 7:30 a.m. and the Embracing Downtown Monticello Open House at 5:30 p.m. on October 24th. Both events are to be held at the Community Center. EDA Minutes 10/12/11 8. Consideration of additional agenda item a) Approve a proposal by Architectural Consortium for rendering for the Embracing Downtown project Staff pointed out the importance of successfully marketing the Embracing Downtown Monticello plan at the October 24th public open house. Although the McCombs Group had prepared a concept plan which outlined the project design, staff suggested that elevation renderings would enable stakeholders, developers, and community members to more readily visualize how the design would look upon implementation. Staff obtained a quote from Cathy Anderson of Architectural Consortium for the provision of two elevation renderings of the plan at a cost of $4,000 plus reimbursable expenses. Elevations of the Broadway corridor and the Walnut corridor would provide a visual example of how the plan would look when incorporating the City's design guidelines and integrating existing buildings with new buildings proposed. Matt Frie expressed concern at spending additional funds for a project that City Council may not support. Megan Barnett - Livgard pointed out that this expense will significantly impact how the plan is perceived and understood. Funds are available in the EDA marketing budget. There were some questions about the proposed renderings. Staff pointed out that the emphasis on water features and plazas in the renderings would create project synergy and help to anchor the streetscape. BRUCE HAMOND MOVED TO AUTHORIZE FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 FOR A PROPOSAL BY ARCHITECTURAL CONSORTIUM FOR RENDERINGS FOR THE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN PROJECT. MOTION FAILED DUE TO THE LACK OF A SECOND. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THE PROPOSAL UNTIL REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WERE FURTHER CLARIFIED. Staff indicated that reimbursable expenses would likely to amount to a couple of hundred dollars and pointed out that it is important that a decision be made on this issue at this time so that architectural renderings would be available to display at the October 24th Embracing Downtown Open House. BRIAN STUMPF RESCINDED THE MOTION TO TABLE THE PROPOSAL. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EDA Minutes 10/12/11 EXCEED $5,000 FOR A PROPOSAL BY ARCHITECTURAL CONSORTIUM FOR RENDERINGS FOR THE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN PROJECT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL DEMEULES. MOTION CARRIED 5 -2 WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND TOM PERRAULT OPPOSED. 9. Adjournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:29 PM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MATT FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. The EDA proceeded to the workshop with the Monticello Downtown Business Association (MDBA) to discuss the Embracing Downtown Study from 6:30- 7:30pm. Recorder: Kerry T. Bum _ Approved: November 9, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett- Livgard, Executive Director MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) SPECIAL MEETING — EMBRACING DOWNTOWN WORKSHOP WITH MDBA Wednesday, October 12, 2011- 6:30 p.m. Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Bruce Hamond, and Council Members Tom Perrault, and Brian Stumpf Staff. Executive Director Megan Barnett- Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill Monticello Downtown Business Association: Doug Schneider, Josh Dickinson, Lynne Dahl- Fleming - Monticello, Angie Krautbauer, and Dean Rasmussen - Downtown. 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and invited participants to introduce themselves. 2. Discuss Embracing Downtown study with the Monticello Downtown Business Association (MDBA) The EDA met with the MDBA to hear feedback regarding the concepts, design guidelines and the Embracing Downtown project in general. Megan Bamett - Livgard noted that the Embracing Downtown Monticello Open House, scheduled for October 24`h at 5:30 pm in the Monticello Community Center, would be another opportunity to present the plan to the public and obtain further input. There will be a formal public hearing to adopt the Embracing Downtown Plan as a Comprehensive Plan amendment with both the Planning Commission and City Council. Design guidelines will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan early next year. The McComb Group is working with staff to obtain catalyst projects, assist with negotiations, and apply for redevelopment grants. Josh Dickinson stated his concern that the EDA, City staff, and McComb Group do not share the same vision for the downtown as the MDBA. He noted that downtown business owners and landowners are not willing to sell their property at the tax assessed value and that business owners will not be able to afford the cost of the square footage of new buildings should they be relocated. He summarized the fear, anger, frustration and helplessness felt by the MDBA members which inhibits project buy -in. The main concerns seem to be that the MDBA is not being heard and will not be supported. Lynne Dahl- Fleming asked how the plan presented would transition into the implementation phase. Staff pointed out that it is difficult to lay out how each stage of the plan will be implemented as the plan hasn't even been approved yet. The implementation section of the plan will be presented as part of the open house. Special EDA Workshop Minutes 10/12/11 Bruce Hamond stated that there needs to be a common vision and specific rules of engagement established as implementation proceeds. He suggested that it may be useful to establish a subcommittee to address the concerns of existing businesses. There was also concern that that it will be cost prohibitive for new small businesses to establish in the downtown. Those issues will be dealt with on a case by case basis. One of the main priorities of the plan is to retain current as well as draw in new businesses. City staff underlined that the plan has the same language and focus in terms of encouraging a viable, walkable, and vibrant downtown as has been recommended by the MDBA. It became clear that providing elevation renderings would help everyone get a sense as to how the right designs might look and feel. Staff noted that design guidelines in place would ensure that the plan would make sense. The plan must incorporate the right amount of square footage in downtown based on the actual Monticello trade market. The boxes on the drawing may not reflect the exact configuration of the proposed corridor. Bill Demeules pointed out that process will be developer driven. Bill Tapper agreed that Monticello needs an anchor store that can draw traffic to the downtown to succeed. There was significant discussion about finding a suitable design for an anchor tenant and associated parking that would fit in with the design of the downtown. Jeff O'Neill stated that the plan will create opportunities to bring more commerce into the community. He noted that the City took on this effort in response to a request to do something to help the downtown succeed. Megan Barnett - Livgard restated that the City, the EDA and the McComb Group will continue to work to find solutions for implementation of the plan. 3. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri _ Approved: November 9, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Executive Director 4. APPROVAL OF INVOICES: a. Monticello Chamber $1,500 *NAIFC Fishing Tournament b. Ehlers $9,000 *Suburban Manufacturing c. US Post Office $1,034.66 *postage for Embracing DT invitation d. Loch Jewelers $126.11 *plaque for Industry of the Year e. MNCAR $420 *quarterly membership f. Cornerstone Cafe $822.02 *Industry of the Year breakfast g. McComb Group $4,950.00 *marketing h. American Community Newspaper $98.89 *PH notice for TIF 1-5 i. Wilson Development $505 *Montgomery Farms j. Campbell Knutson $22.50 *Suburban closing k. Commercial Realty Solutions $16,483.08 *Commissions for Suburban closing 1. Land Title Inc. * 12,465.48 *Sewer/Water trunk charges for Suburban 1 N1 0 O a T N �� C N O O N O O 0 0 O O O ^�1 r O G 0 ct S c o � 0 0 o N � o v p U d n n C O O O cn c+1 c+� L N N O N •� P, G _ o vi z O Cd N N CA K Ci cC3 is o u .- H 42 H W H W H W H W H 4—o 'Y 4 a ' 0 0 O a 0 N �� C N O O N O O 0 0 fV O O ^�1 r O G 0 ct U c o M 0 0 o N � o v p wi vi n n C O O O cn c+1 c+� L N N O N •� P, G _ o vi z O Cd N N CA K Ci cC3 is o u .- H 42 H W 0 0 O 0 0 N �� C N O O N O O 0 0 kA h N N O O W) N M �D o 0 0 0 00 M 0 0 o v v p wi vi n n C O O O C c+1 c+� M M N N N P, vi O O o N N Q Q V cl --" .- H 42 H W H W Ikn a, 000 000 O � O O O O O O In N 0 O N N 0CD O N ON C N O O N O O U1 N O O kA h N N O O W) N M �D N N M %0 M h M O O O O O p O O p O O p p M M M M M M M Q Q Q Q Q Q H 42 H W H W H W H W H 4—o o w o o 0 0 0 o a .w. 0.. 4 •V+ .fl p N .fl �.• A '3 cn A > b b bq 'O ^ '0O G •�. '� bf 4WD > N , z � VI mON o x yU 0000 M M C . 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Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 Bill To Annie Zimmerman Monticello City of 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 V Invoice Date Invoice # 9/27/2011 4435a Due Date 9/27/2011 Total $1,500.00 763-295-2700 info@monticellocci.com http://www.monticellocci.com E3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Financial Advisory Services Invoice - City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Attn: Tom Kelly, Finance Director Invoice #: 343590 Invoice Date: October 10, 2011 Project: TIF District No. 1-39 - 2011 Establishment For financial advisory services rendered in conjunction with the establishment or modification of a tax increment district. TJH first half of flat fee after fiscal impacts 4,500.00 TJH second half of flat fee after public hearing 4,500.00 $9,000.00 Amount Due This Invoice $9,000.00 OCT 12 2011 (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers) City of Monticello, MN Invoice #: 343590 Invoice Date: October 10, 2011 Amount Due This Invoice _$9,000.00 I Please remit payment to: Ehlers Attn: Accounts Receivable Due Upon Receipt 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 1011112011,- 10, 26 3202538663 SUNRAYPRINTIH6 PAGE 02 - of n-)Fri)P7 Postage ststelmnt-13ttmttard mail ETmalf-A66o i56, N Any tN coyofmortttueito A 3114 W,atnlrt & I Monttralta UN 0=2 4 E R CAPS C4a14 PA P1o, _ CRlt7 -- - ^ . -- �mCC9S ®teQpry Monds�NNu A1hts�2f� ptl t,atlwt! [ j [ 1 naa, POWs" Prt Psrmt L' "m I ! 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I understand tivt any�ne WID fumt has false or n1lalaadkl9 1rdrJewe&yn Ort this f gAte W roA6 ontlls Lntuynrt:Nartt�q ve9t�d )n this form Crhnirttd andlar clvl! Aagr Including fi end Imprlaamm�ra. Privacy Nofic�a; Fpr 1MtufrlaUGn regarding Our Privacy Pai{cy it tvmr,r:ake t W�ik —'-' P eted��ma rr elbar ar nt orm a f1� rAYPrinirlg S6(utkxl6,Inc, (320}267 (Sept! ++Lod sane Extension US Ann Zimmerman From: michele@majirs.com Sent: Wednesday, October 12,20112:04 PM To: Megan Barnett Ann Zimmerman Subject: Postage Notification for Public Meeting postcard Megan & Annie, Listed below is the amount of postage due for the Public Meeting Postcard. They will be delivered to the post office by Friday and mailed out on Saturday. Thank you! Michele Hertwig JW -*M,5111111h� MFTJIR§ Advert!sing mdDesI ni p, 763.295.4393 1763.295,8858 michele maiirs.com DESCRIPTION OF MAILING: NUMBER OF PIECES MAILING: ESTIMATED POSTAGE DUE: PROJECTED MAILING DATE: SPECIAL Public MTG Postcard 5280 $ 1034.66 Permit: 1 99 Loch Jewelers Store Copy 1125 S Cedar St Ste 100 #001-269807 Monticello, MN 55362 VIIIIIIII�Ilu1111111111111111 (763} 295-3771 9120/20116:16 PM Kim Lindberg (#20)100 Sold To: #001-16717 City Of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 OCT 17 2011 USA 763-271-3208 269807-001 spire acrylic award plaque. No deposit tgkpn.' " VIIIII�III�11111111uIIIIVIIIIIIIII Ready by 912712011. (Tp: A6586) Special Order Price... $118.00 Estimated tax... $8.11 Subtotal... $126.11 Amount Due at pickup... $126.11 Total Today... $0.00 Estimated Total due at pickup... $126.11 W v —"/-J/, U353cljf MNCAR E ` CHANGE M LOLO Z ¢ Z w 0 W Lid z LU Q LU U z ¢ O O co 10 LU C� z U X ry- U z LU Bill To: City of Monticello Attn: Megan Barnett 605 Walnut St W Monticello MN 55362 The MNCAR Exchange 6800 France Avenue, Suite 760 • Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 952-908-1780 Fax: 952-908-1799 "The Conattercial Propet•ty Database" 1Odin 11 t�4 5022 91L9 . 'Pay;_ efZt•`f1:ms� que Upon Receipt ..` i; Amount Paid $ 4th Quarter Exchange Fees _., �4 �1leTi'�t�unsbr?7 , D.esG +I ,figs - OLM-QTR-PP First User - MNCAR Member 1 $225,00 $225.00 SukTatallF Lex.; : $225.00 $0.00 225,00 The Board of Directors of the MNCAR Exchange has implemented a policy regarding late payments, Any subscriber who is 60 days past due with thou payment will be cut off from the MNCAR Exchange database and will be required to pay a $100 reinstatement fee to rejoin. NOTE: IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, AN ADDITIONAL 3% WILL BE ADDED FOR CREDIT CARD PROCESSING. CREDIT CARD NUMBER 517694 EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE INVOICE TOTAL TO BE CHARGED PLUS 3% CREDIT CARD FEE MNCAR n+anasom ConmercJd uwcfalbn d zeal6lore&lore Bill To: Barnett, Megan City of Monticello 505 Walnut St W Monticello MN 55362 2012 Membership Renewal MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE sagoieer 6800 France Ave. S, Suite 760 * Edina, MN 55435 $0.00 Phone: 952-9(8-1780 Fax: 952-908-1779 Dedicated to Excellence in the Commercial Real Estate Profession 502211230 t Due Upon Receipt P Amount Paid $ 1��`�� MNCAR-CED MNCAR Community/Econ Devel Membership �2/ $195.00 �_-$.390.OT LO .O zj Uj w a) N co GCT 17 2011 10Ui J 1� L.L O z O Q U O V) Q J Su�foxal qac fry: sagoieer ,T _4 $0.00 Q v,5 '` U This Is the only membership renewal statement you will receive In order to maintain current membership for next year. The amount above must be received by DECEMBER 1, 2011. Once members are dropped for non-payment, a reinstatement fee of $25 must be paid In addition to the annual renewal. Once payment is made, there will be no refunds. O U I PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD can be done by faxing or mailing the following information: 117932 L2 z Credit card number: Expiration date: z :�E Signature Amount to be charged: $ CORNERSTONE CAFE 6 O 7 VA �____CKtrxitt� ea 154 WEST BROADWAY P.O. Box 535 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PHONE: 763.295.3888 WWW.CORNERSTONECAFE.COM 1 I+ Date Wednesday, Oct. 19th 2011 Name City of Monticello Address 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 Contact Person Megan Barnett Phone # 763/271-3208 Cell Phone # E -Mail Address Megan.Barnett(@oi.monticello.mn.us Time of Event 7:30 AM OTD: 6:00 AM Type of Event Industry of the Year Quantity Ordered Item Ordered Per person Total 60 Cornerstone Egg Bake - Buffet $ 8.66 $ 519,60 include both vegetable & cheese only choices Bacon Strips, Sausage Links, Ham Breakfast Potatoes Assorted baked goods tray 3gallons Coffee service $ 12.95 $ 38.85 30 Orange juice $ 1.75 $ 52.50 60 Dishwashing service $ 0.50 $ 30.00 Includes: Papeiware: Napkins, water & juice cups, Glassware: Dinner plates, coffee cups. Silverware: Forks, knives. Cream & sugar coffee service. White tabieclothes on all guest table Service Description: 30.82 Chafing dish set-up, Delivery, set-up and clean-up of all catered items. Dishwashing & storing of all china & silver service. Special Instructions: Include ice water on beverage table. Delivery Directions: MCC Mississippi Room Payment Arrangements: Pay with check at delivery. For The Love Of Food! Subtotal $ 640.95 Gratuity $ 128.19 Subtotal I $ 769.14 6.875% Sales Tax $ 52.88 J Total $ 822.02 oi0 MCCOMB GROUP Ltd. ❑E:i0 ES RETAIL CO N S U L T A N T S September 9, 2011 Statement #3936 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Ms. Megan Barnett S T ATE—IvE-N'T -. RE: Previous Balance Payments Received Professional Services James B. McComb Fred Katter Subtotal Expenses Subtotal Total RE'TAI'L STORE CON'i"ACTS AND RELATED TASKS 13.75 hrs. @ $ 275 4.25 hrs. @ $ 275 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,781.25 1,168.75 $ 4,950:00 $ 0.00 $ 4,950.00 BALANCE DUE $ 4,950.00 Terms: Net ten days. Interest .(at a rate of 1.5 percent per month) will. be charged on all balances outstanding at the end of the month. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 • (612) 339-7000 Pax: (612) 338-5572 MONTICELLO TIMES 10917 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 (952) 392.6890 Fax(763) 295-3080 Advertising Invoice and Statement h (. - -A v GRI 4 T QTY- 09/2011 OF MONTICELLO 1X 6,7E -- 98,89 —9/08/11 DUE UPON RECEIPT �t -9D51 5...` = N/A N/A _ N/A N/A 1 LEG 1 09/08 11 98.89 133 delia. 133 CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 u.ra._ a.... /n...«..... n1L. 1:— 1ho Cnmrn..nitv_° In t e .,...... ... ..r. ....,.... Amount Paid: ti P UNPAID BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS OLD INCUR A 1.5% FINANCE CHARGE PER MONTH. Due upon receipt Statement of Account Aging of Past Due Amounts -=� -"CSICCBI1fi103:BH�03itirGp_>t~.-�." 33 ��T.��S'_'" _== - N/A N/A N/A N/A 98.89 MONTICELLO TIMES (952) 392.6890 ' UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE P, 01 ROEd,= I Iasi Acct7aF�iiCBY = _ 11ire�i lss C!t = = -�dYe' issrtG60n . - B -�z 1337245 09/2011 133 133 CITY OF MONTICELLO 1'U�=R�� 1X 6,7E 2��Nizt•.rtmunt- —9/08/11 1069765 TIF DISTRICT 1 1 LEG 09/08 6.75 98.89 98.89 98.89 MTI/MO .,�..� rn.r,iciioc rnnicinFae7inu UNPAID BALANCES OVER 30 DAYS OLD INCUR A 1.5% FINANCE CHARGE PER MONTH. Due upon receipt Statement of Account Aging of Past Due Amounts -=� -"CSICCBI1fi103:BH�03itirGp_>t~.-�." 33 ��T.��S'_'" _== - N/A N/A N/A N/A 98.89 MONTICELLO TIMES (952) 392.6890 ' UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE P, 01 ROEd,= I Iasi Acct7aF�iiCBY = _ 11ire�i lss C!t = = -�dYe' issrtG60n . - B -�z 1337245 09/2011 133 133 CITY OF MONTICELLO City of Monticello (Official Publication) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on September 26, 2011, at approximately 7:00 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) p.m. at the City Council Cham- ) SS. bers in City Hall, 505 Walnut COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Street, Monticello, Minnesota, relating to the proposed adop- tion of a Modification to the Re- development Pian for Central Monticello Redevelopment Pro - Richard Hendrickson, being duly sworn on an lect No. 1 and the proposed oath, states or affirms that he is the Chief adoption of amodiflcationtothe Financial Officer of the newspaper(s)kTax Increment Financing Plan nown forTax Increment Financing Dis- as Monficel/oTlmesand has full knowledge of trlct No. 1-5 (together, "the the facts which are stated below. Modifications"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections (A) The newspaper has complied with all of 488.090 to 469.1082 and Sec - the re uirements constitutin tions 469.174 to 469.1799, as q g qualification amended, In an effort to encour- as a qualified newspaper as provided by age the development and rede- Minn. Stat. § 331A.02, § 331A.07, and velopment of certain designat- other applicable laws as amended. ed areas within the City. The property to be Included B Anted public notice that is attached in Tax Increment Financing Dis- ( ) The p p trict No. 1-5 Is located within was published in the newspaper once Central Monticello Redevelop - each week for one successive ment Project No. 1 and the City weeks spublished on Thurs- of Monticello. Subject to certain ( )° it was first p limitations, tax Increment from day, the 8 day of September Tax Increment Financing District 2011, and was thereafter printed and No. 1-5 may be spent on eligible published on ever Thursday to and uses within the boundaries of p y y Central Monticello Redevelop - including Thursday, the day of ment Project No. 1. 2011; and printed All Interested persons may aear at the res - below is a copy of the lower case alphabet enttheirr views orally or sandubmit from Ato Z, both inclusive, which is here- in writing to City Hall prior to the by acknowledged as being the size and meeting. Copies of the Pians are kind of type used in the composition and on file and available for public Inspection at the City Hall. publication of the notice: BY ORDER OF THE CITY abcdefghiJkimnopgrstwwxyz COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA tor Jeff O'Neill, City Adminlstra- �/� -(Sept. 8, 2011) MTTIFDistrictl By: /f Title: CFO Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on this 8 day of September , 2011. &e4-1 \ -e a�� Notary Public DIAN=ELIASDN NOTARY Pray Conran. r l-Lsoh-- - Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Megan Barnett 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 t 952.448.4630 800,448,4630 FEIN 26-1629971 Invoice Date Invoice Number Last Bill Date October 12, 2011 22567 9/16/2011 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services -Montgomery Farms Professional Services Montgomery Farms 911/2011 MEF Time Type and send email to Barnett with appraiser quotes. Montgomery Farms 916/2011 MEF Time Type and send email to Megan regarding appraisal cost and choice strategy. Montgomery Farms DHW Time Respond to Megan appraisal question with memo. Montgomery Farms 911912011 LGT Time Scan and email leases to appraiser, John Foster. Montgomery Farms 9/23/2011 DHW Time View two properties with appraiser. Montgomery Farms SUBTOTAL: Hrs/Rate Amount L )C i %;11 0.20 15.00 75.00/hr 0.70 52.50 75.00/hr 0.60 66.00 110,00/hr 0.20 19.00 95,00/hr 3.00 330.00 110.00/hr - -n I 4.70 482.501 :F`v City of Monticello Monticello -Montgomery Farms �4 z -Project Management 9130/2011 MEF Time 9-1-11 to 9-30-11, Consultant entries recorded to database for client/case history, status and file maintenance/backup. z -Project Management SUBTOTAL: For professional services rendered For professional services rendered Previous balance Balance due Page 2 Hrs/Rate Amount 0.30 22.50 75.00/hr [ 0.30 22.50] 5.00 $505.00 5.00 $505.00 RE: OTTER CREEK SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: 09/21/2011 CJH Telephone conferences with Megan at EDA re: Otter Creek Industrial Park. AMOUNT DUE TOTAL CURRENT WORK TOTAL AMOUNT DUE OCT Page: 1 September 30, 2011 Account ## 2348-022G 38 HOURS Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of 5% per month (or an annual rate of 6%). Minimum charge - 50 cents. 0,30 22.50 0.30 22.50 22.50 $22.50 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Federal Tax I.D. #41-1562130 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651) 452-5000 City of Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 RE: OTTER CREEK SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: 09/21/2011 CJH Telephone conferences with Megan at EDA re: Otter Creek Industrial Park. AMOUNT DUE TOTAL CURRENT WORK TOTAL AMOUNT DUE OCT Page: 1 September 30, 2011 Account ## 2348-022G 38 HOURS Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of 5% per month (or an annual rate of 6%). Minimum charge - 50 cents. 0,30 22.50 0.30 22.50 22.50 $22.50 .w ) % e \ � C, � \ I � \ \ \ \ \ 4 - CD \ / j \ �, | � | \ j 2 / ) \ � 0 / 3 2 � | U ./ .( / \ \ •/ \ |» ) % e \ C, � \ � � \ \ \ \ \ CD \ / j \ S ) j 2 / ) 2 / 0 / 3 2 ./ .( / \ \ |» | \ B q % / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ | \ B \ % \ \ j \ j r / ) 2 / 0 / 3 2 ./ .( / \ \ 7 w \ \ \ ) ) | \ B Seller's Closing Statement 10113/112:02 PM File 366814 Land Title, Inc. (651) 638-1900 Seller's Closing Statement Seller(s) The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, 505 Walnut Street, Buyer(s) Monticello, MN 55362 M & B on Chelsea, LLC, 4 Lender North American Banking Company, 9260 Hudson Road, Woodbury, MN 55125 North American Banking Company, 9260 Hudson Road, Woodbury, MN 55125 - Property Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition Monticello, MN Closing date 10/14/2011 Proration date 10/14/2011 Escrow Officer Jeff Christian 651-697-6115 Debit Credit ContractSales Price ............................................................................................................................... 47,916.00 Other Adjustments: Trunk Fees to City of Monticello................................................................................................................. 60,109.71 Commissions: Co nY Commission to Commercial Rea POCS $16,433.08 ...................................... .............................. 1..,:.��;=%�S 5a\�k.h4y k'a- vV•-1'��dt oL°• C.lozu..r� Recording FeeslTransfer Charges: State Wright to tax/stamps: County 9 ............................................................................................................ 158.12 ConservationFee to Wright County ........................................................................................................... 10.00 SOTto Wright County ................................................................................................................................ 1.65 Recording Fees to Wright County.............................................................................................................. 102.00 Subtotal: 60,381.48 47,916.00 Balance due from Seller: 12,465.48 Totals: 60,381.48 60,381.48 THE UNDERSIGNED, by the execution hereof, hereby (i) acknowledgethat they have read the above and foregoing Closing Statement, (ii) acknowledgethat the same Is true and correct, and (iii) authorize and direct the Closing Agent to receive all amounts and disburse all amounts pursuant to the foregoing Closing Statement. SUBSTITUTE FORM 1099 SELLER STATEM ENT - The inform ationcontainedin Blocks E, G, H and I and on line 401 (or, if line 401 is asterisked, lines 403 and 404), 406, 407 and 408-412 (applicablepart of buyer's real estate tax reportableto the IRS) is importanitax informationand is being fumished to the Internal RevenueService.If you are required to file a return, a negligencepen altyor other sanction will be imposedon you if this item is required to be reported and the IRS determines that it has not been reported. SELLER INSTRUCTION - If this real estate was your principle residence,file form 2119, Sale or Exchangeof Principal Residence,for anygain, with your income tax return; for other transactions, complete the applicable parts of form 4797, Form 6252 and/or Schedule D (Forth 1040). You are required by law to provide Land Title, Inc. (651) 638-1900 with your correct taxpayer identification number. If you do not provide Land Title, Inc. (651) 638-1900 with your correct taxpayer identification number, you may be subject to civil or criminal penalties. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Page 1 1- 3 'i d7 - MEMORANDUM TO: Megan Barnet DATE: September 27, 2011 FROM: James B. McComb RE: IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES In response to your request, we have conducted the following activities in connection with implementing the Downtown Plan and attracting new businesses to Monticello. • Kohl's Department Store During a conversation earlier this year with Kohl's real estate manager for Minnesota, I obtained background on Kohl's previous interest in Monticello and that Kohl's could still be interested in Downtown. Late this summer, I was approached by Welsh Construction about the plans for Downtown. NAI Welsh, a related company, is Kohl's Minnesota real estate broker. This led to discussions of Kohl's previous interest in Monticello and potential for renewed interest and the financial implications of accommodating a Kohl's store in Downtown. The following work tasks were conducted: 1. Telephone discussions were held with NAI Welsh to explain how Kohl's could fit into Downtown and the basic parameters for a site and required parking. Information on the previous Monticello site, size, and its cost was requested. 2. Information on the Monticello market and the potential Downtown site was sent to NAI Welsh. We worked with them to superimpose a site plan on an aerial of Downtown for presentation to Kohl's. 3. Information was obtained from NAI Welsh on the previous Monticello site including size, land cost, and site plans. This information was analyzed to determine land and site improvement costs to understand Kohl's financial implications of the previous location. This evaluation included estimating how much it would cost Kohl's to build their required parking including circulation, landscaping, and drainage retention. This information was necessary to understand the financial implications associated with accommodating a Kohl's store in Downtown Monticello. This information will be used to structure a proposal and negotiate a proposal to Kohl's. 4. The proposed site is occupied by buildings and tenants. This required a preliminary evaluation of site acquisition and relocation necessary to accommodate a Kohl's store. Potential relocation options were identified. 5. Completion of these tasks demonstrated that it appeared physically and financially possible to accommodate Kohl's Downtown. Following completion of these tasks, Kohl's NAI Welsh real estate representative was contacted to discuss Kohl's interest in Monticello. That conversation resulted in the suggestion from NAI Welsh that Monticello prepare a proposal to Kohl's. This proposal will need to include the potential site plan reflecting how Kohl's will fit Downtown with the existing buildings that will remain and the framework of a financial offer for land and parking. That offer will build on the above work, but will require additional analysis. • Ace Hardware Several meetings have been held with Shawn Grady to discuss relocation of Ace Hardware from its current location to a new location in Downtown Monticello. The Ace building and land will be needed for a department store or other anchor. The current store has a poor location and a larger building is needed to accommodate the growing business. He would prefer to stay Downtown. Work tasks included: 1. Evaluating Ace Hardware site needs to accommodate a new store and shipping. 2. Consulting with Shawn about store needs, costs, and possible financing. 3. This resulted in selecting a site on Block 34 that would provide a suitable location for Ace Hardware and accommodate its shipping needs. 4. Investigating the cost of a new building and potential resources to pay for a building. 5. Relocation needs related to 100 Broadway were also considered. This new building is planned to have three tenant spaces, which will help with relocation. • Intercontinental Hotels The Midwest representative of Intercontinental Hotels was contacted to follow up on Kathy Anderson's learning that they were looking at Monticello for one of their hotel brands. Charles Knapp of Intercontinental Hotels was contacted by phone to discuss their interest in Monticello and the possibility of Block 52 as a hotel location. Information on Downtown Monticello and the Block 52 location was sent to Intercontinental Hotels. We are continuing to follow up on this contact. • Hub Hobby Following up on a suggestion by Jeff O'Neill, a package of information on Downtown Monticello was assembled and sent it to the owner of Hub Hobby. He subsequently visited Monticello to initiate discussions concerning a potential store location. • NAPA Building The owner of the NAPA building was contacted to discuss status of that building. 2 0 Barry Fluth Met with Barry to discuss the Downtown Plan and his interest in developing Downtown. Of the activities identified above, the most time consuming have been Kohl's and Ace Hardware since there has been a good deal of work associated with thinking through how potential transactions can be structured and financed and the relocation needs created by these potential developments. 5. Consideration of approving Resolution #2011 -103 authorizing City Staff to apply for a redevelopment grant through DEED, allocating matching funds, and recommending the City Council approve stated Resolution. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City and EDA have been diligently working on the Embracing Downtown redevelopment plan for over a year. It is anticipated that the Planning Commission will hold the required public hearing in December and provide a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will review the recommendation and hopefully adopt the document in December. Part of the implementation steps will be to research and apply for as many financing options and resources as possible. Currently, one option is through the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The deadline to submit an application is January 3, 2012. Part of the application requirements is the City has to adopt a resolution stating it has the legal authority to apply for the grant and agree to commit funds at a 50% local match. Staff would like authorization to apply for the redevelopment grant related to the south east corner of Trunk Highway 25 and County Road 75. The grant application would outline the costs associated with the desire to purchase two buildings, demolition the buildings, and improve the intersection. The redevelopment grant can cover expenses related to: acquisition, demolition, infrastructure improvements, ponding, interior abatement, environmental infrastructure. The grant is fairly flexible in allocating a fund for the local match. City Staff would recommend utilizing surplus TIF funds as the Cities local match funding source. The application also requires an appraisal to be completed or it would be an option to utilize the county assessed value for the property to determine a baseline acquisition cost. Staff would need to acquire a quote for the cost to demolish both buildings. The City should have fairly recent cost estimates related to intersection improvements. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff is requesting the EDA authorize staff to submit an application for a redevelopment grant through DEED and recommend the City Council approve authorizing grant submission. While the grant application process will require significant staff time in filling out the application, the benefits could be substantial in stretching limited redevelopment dollars further. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2011 -103 authorizing city staff to submit a redevelopment grant to DEED for potential acquisition, demolition, and intersection improvements for the southeast corner of Highway 25 / 75 and identifying surplus TIF as the funding source for the required 50% local match. 2. Motion to recommend the City Council adopt Resolution 2011 -103 authorizing staff to submit a redevelopment grant to DEED for potential acquisition, demolition, and intersection improvements for the southeast corner of Highway 25/75. 3. Motion to deny authorizing staff to submit a redevelopment grant to DEED. 4. Motion to table item for further research and discussion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Resolution #2011 -103 2. Application template FY 12 VIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA RESOLUTION #2011 -103 APPROVING SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION FOR A REDEVELOPMENT GRANT THROUGH DEED AND COMMITTING TO MATCHING FUNDS. WHEREAS BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello and the Monticello Economic Development Authority act as the legal sponsor the Embracing Downtown redevelopment project contained in the Redevelopment Grant Program to be submitted on January 3, 2012 and that the Executive Director for the Monticello Economic Development Authority is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Monticello. WHEREAS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Monticello has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. WHEREAS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are committed to the project identified. WHEREAS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Monticello has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. WHEREAS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Monticello and /or the Monticello Economic Development Authority may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project(s), and that the City of Monticello certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. 14 FY 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Deputy City Clerk, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Note: Do not include the proper name, only the title of the official(s). Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 412.201, Statutory Cities must authorize both the Mayor and Clerk to execute all contracts, whereas Home Rule Charter Cities or other public entities may differ. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the Monticello City Council on and the Monticello Economic Development Authority on the City of Monticello. SIGNED: (Authorized Official) WITNESSED: (Signature) (Title) (Date) (Title) (Date) 15 of FY 12 REDEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Purpose/Background Funding Availability Deadlines /Requirements Eligible Sites Eligible Applicants Eligible Program Costs Eligible Bonding Costs Local Match Requirement Required Appraisals or Assessments Awarding Grants ii ii ii ii ii i►TI Application Cover Page Site Identification Valuation 1 2 2 Maps and Site Features 3 History 3 Current and Future Site Use 3 Cost Analysis 4 Sources and Uses of Funds (Budget Table) 5 Tax Increment Financing Analysis 6 Analysis of Redevelopment Potential 7 Job Creation and Retention 8 Housing Data 9 Other Public Benefits 9 Proximity to Public Transit 10 Developer/Third Party /Company Commitment 10 Project Schedule 11 Payment Information 12 Local Government Resolution 13 FY 12 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Office of Brownfields and Redevelopment 651- 259 -7449 1- 800 - 657 -3858 REDEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION * * *YOUMUST READ THE FOLLOWING NARRATIVE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE APPLICA TIONPROCESS*** INTRODUCTION PURPOSE /BACKGROUND: Because there is often no incentive for the private sector to redevelop old industrial, residential or commercial property when undeveloped parcels of land are available, public sector investment is required to induce private development of these difficult sites. Therefore, the Redevelopment Grant Program was established by the 1998 legislature to assist with complex and costly redevelopment projects that might not occur without public financial assistance. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 116J.571 - 116J.575, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has the authority to award grants to assist development authorities with eligible redevelopment costs as defined below. The Redevelopment Grant Program applies only to sites where there was a past use and the need to "recycle" the land for a more productive use exists. FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding available for grants is $2 million in general fund proceeds. The next grant round will be on January 3, 2012. If enough eligible applications are received, 50 percent of the grant money will be awarded to projects outside of the seven county metropolitan area and 50 percent will be awarded to projects within the seven county metropolitan area. DEADLINES/REQUIREMENTS: The Redevelopment Grant Program operates on a semi - annual grant cycle. The Redevelopment Grant application deadline is January 3 for 2012. Completed applications and supporting documentation (3 copies) must be received by DEED's Office of Brownfields and Redevelopment by 4:00 p.m. on the due date to be considered for funding. An applicant may apply for more than one project, but an individual (separate) application must be completed for each site. NOTE: Electronic copies will not be accepted in place of paper. Please fill out the entire application. All applications must be complete upon submission in order to qualify for a grant. Missing items may disqualify you from the grant round. ELIGIBLE SITES: Redevelopment projects where there was previous development and the need to recycle the land for a more productive use exists. Sites are only eligible where there is a change from one developed use to another. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Eligible applicants for this program are statutory or home rule charter cities, economic development authorities, housing and redevelopment authorities, counties, or port authorities. FY 12 ELIGIBLE PROGRAM COSTS: The Redevelopment Grant Program can pay up to 50 percent of the redevelopment costs for a qualifying site. "Redevelopment costs" or "costs" means the cost of land acquisition, stabilizing unstable soils when infill is required, demolition, infrastructure improvement, ponding or other environmental infrastructure and costs necessary for adaptive re -use of buildings including remedial activities. Costs incurred before the grant award date are not eligible for payment. Some examples of eligible and ineligible costs are below. Eligible Costs Acquisition Demolition Interior abatement Infrastructure Improvements (i.e., water and sewer, standard sidewalks, lights, roads, etc) Ponding Environmental Infrastructure Ineligible Costs Construction Contingencies Building Rehabilitation Environmental Remediation (soil and ground water) Administration Streetscape Soft costs ELIGIBLE BONDING COSTS: Currently the program is funded with $2 million of general fund dollars. There may also be a small amount of State Bond funding available.. General Fund dollars can be spent on both private and public property. State Bond Funds can only be used for eligible costs on publicly owned sites and the subsequent development must be publicly owned and serve a public purpose. Public infrastructure costs for private development can be paid with bond proceeds. Eligible costs on private land can be used as local matching costs. Your application may include private and public redevelopment costs. LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENT: It is required that the applicant pay for at least one -half of the redevelopment costs as a local match to obtain a redevelopment grant. The match can come from any money available to the applicant. Redevelopment costs incurred up to 12 months prior to the application due date can only be included as part of the local match. These costs must meet the redevelopment costs definition (see "Eligible Program Costs" above) and must be proven to be associated with and necessary for the redevelopment. These prior costs should be identified in the Cost Analysis budget section of the application. The applicant must complete and approve the attached resolution authorizing this application and committing the local match from the applicant (see Page 13). REQUIRED APPRAISALS OR ASSESSMENTS: Land appraisals of the current (as -is) and expected (pre- construction) value of the site are required so that DEED can determine the fair market value and any business subsidy. Both appraisals must be done by an independent appraiser using accepted appraisal methodology. In lieu of an appraisal, the applicant may use the current and projected assessed values as determined by the local assessor. Values cannot be determined in any other manner. The value of the property after the proposed development is completed is also requested. This estimate is generally based on similar development projects in the city. iii FY 12 AWARDING GRANTS: DEED will award grants to projects that provide the highest return in public benefits for the public costs incurred and meet all of the statutory requirements. In order to evaluate the applications for public benefits with respect to the costs incurred, the law specifies priorities that DEED must consider. To fulfill this requirement of reviewing applications in an objective and fair manner, the following criteria have been assigned maximum point values in order to systematically award grants. All assigned scores will be relative to scores awarded to other applications. Please note, an application must receive a minimum of 50 points in order to be eligible for funding. 1. The need for redevelopment in conjunction with contamination remediation needs. Maximum = 15 points. 2. The redevelopment project meets current tax increment financing requirements for a redevelopment district and tax increments will contribute to the project. Maximum = 25 points. 3. The redevelopment potential within the municipality. Maximum = 90 points. 4. The proximity to public transit if located in the metropolitan area. Maximum = 5 points. 5. Multi - jurisdictional projects that take into account the need for affordable housing, transportation, and environmental impact. Maximum = 15 points (5 points each). iv FY 12 P�y Si y t/ De parlmentor Empbyment J JY and Economic Development 1st National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 -1351 Redevelopment Grant Application Applicant (Public Entity): Head of Applicant Agency (e.g. Mayor): Applicant Address: City: Cover Page Zip Code: If the applicant is a city, what form of government? Home Rule Charter Statutory City For reference, please give the State Statute number which gives the applicant authority to cant' out the activities for which you are requesting grant funds. Project Contact Person for Public Entity: Phone: E -mail: Mailing Address: Application Author/Preparer: Phone: E -mail Mailing Address: 1 L SITE IDENTIFICATION AND HISTORY SITE INFORMATION 0 3. Name of Site: Site Address: City, County or Township: Acreage of Site: Zip Code: Sq. Ft. of Site: Minnesota Legislative District # A C, FY 12 (Note: The Minnesota Legislature has a tool to look up legislative district numbers. You must have a precise address and know the zip code of the site. Go to: http://www.gis.leg.nin/mgpserver/districts/l*ndex.html Is the site located within a designated Transit Improvement Area (TIA ?) *Yes No *If yes, please provide Station Area name: A. Current property owner(s): When was the property purchased? From whom was the property purchased? Who will develop the site? Will the developer own the property at any time? When was /will the property be purchased? For what amount? Yes _ No For what amount? C. Are eminent domain proceedings necessary to acquire the property on which the redevelopment will occur? If so, explain any difficulties anticipated in accomplishing the project. D. Who will own the site after development? When was /will the property be purchased? Provide a legal description of the site. SITE VALUATION 4. What is the current appraised or assessed value of the Site? Attach the appraisal or assessor's value. 5. For what amount? What is the projected appraised or assessed value after the redevelopment activities have been completed (prior to development)? Attach the appraisal or assessor's value. 6. What is the projected value after the proposed development is complete? FY 12 MAPS AND SITE FEATURES Attach an accurate and legible site and location map indicating the site showing locations of prominent and relevant site features such as buildings, retaining walls, etc. (NOTE: maps shall include property boundaries, a north arrow and bar scale). The map(s) should show the following: a) The current condition of the site including labeled structures; b) The proposed development of the site including labeled structures; and c) Specifically where and for what activities DEED money will apply. 8. Please provide current and historic photographs of the site if available. I Il. Wd 9. Please attach a synopsis on the history and general background of the site. This includes, but is not limited to, a description of the former and current uses of the site, as well as an explanation of what has occurred on the site, leading to its current dilapidated condition. CURRENT AND FUTURE SITE USE 10. Zoning/Land Use: A. Current: Industrial Commercial Mixed -use Other (Specify) B. After Redevelopment: Industrial Mixed -use Other (Specify) 11. Current economic condition: Residential Commercial Residential Vacant lot Developed site Other 12. How many buildings are currently on site? Industrial How many are occupied? Commercial How many are occupied? Residential How many are occupied? 13. Year building(s) was /were built: If vacant, for how long? If vacant, for how long? If vacant, for how long? 14. Please describe the condition of the buildings on the site. FY 12 15. Describe plans for existing buildings as redevelopment occurs. 16. Please attach a detailed narrative of the proposed new development plan for the site. Please include information such as the number and size of buildings and any known future tenants, etc. 17. Is the proposed new development related to the bioscience field? Describe. 18. Is the new development part of an expansion of an existing Minnesota bioscience business? 19. Describe the specific activities for which DEED funds are being requested. II. COST ANALYSIS 20. What are the total redevelopment costs as defined on Page 21. How much money are you seeking from DEED? (Up to 50% of the total redevelopment cost is eligible) 22. Fill out the budget table on the following page indicating the sources, uses, and amounts of all funds (including TIF, DEED requests, etc.) that will be used for eligible redevelopment costs as defined on Page iii. The table should indicate the total project budget, including any costs that have already been incurred. Note: The 50% local match can come from any source. Money paid for eligible work completed up to 12 months prior to the application due date can constitute local match. If costs have been incurred, please submit the invoices for which you will be seeking to use as matching costs. FY 12 Redevelopment Sources and Uses of Funds for the Project (Budget Table) Use of Funds (Activity) Public or Private land? Amount Costs Incurred (Y/N) Date Incurred Source of Funds Date Funds Committed Use of Funds (Activity) — See page iii for a list of eligible program costs. May include activities such as demolition, infrastructure improvements, etc. Be specific. Please also indicate if this activity will be performed on public or privately owned land. Amount — Total cost of the budget line item. Costs incurred — Has work on this activity started? Date Incurred — When was this work done? Be specific, give a time range if necessary. Source of Funds — Who is paying for this activity? If it will be DEED'S portion, please note. Date Funds Committed — When were the funds secured from this source? Please attach any written funding commitments. Construction Sources and Uses of Funds for the Project (BudlZet Table) Construction Activity Cost Source of Funds Commitment Date Construction Activity — May include building construction or other non - Redevelopment costs. Commitment Date — If your construction financing is pending, please list the date you expect to close on your financing. Please discuss any issues which may hinder or delay your financing. III. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) ANALYSIS 23 FY 12 Does the redevelopment project meet current tax increment financing requirements for a redevelopment district? 24. If the redevelopment project meets TIF requirements for a redevelopment district, describe how the site meets the requirements. 25. Check the following TIF criteria that the site meets. 26. A. Parcels consisting of 70% of the area of the tax increment financing district must be occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements, and more than 50% of the buildings (excluding outbuildings) must be structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance; or B. Parcels must consist of vacant, unused, under used, inappropriately used, or infrequently used rail yards, rail storage facilities or excessive or vacated railroad rights -of -way; or C. Tank facilities (see criteria in Minn. Stat. § 459.174 Subd. 10[3]) D. A qualifying disaster area. How much TIF will be used for the project? 27. Attach a cash flow analysis that indicates how much TIF will be used towards this project. (Note: TIF should be used at maximum levels available). 28. What is the maximum amount of TIF that can be generated? 29. Is TIF being used for this development project at maximum levels available? 30. If TIF is not being used fully, or at all, describe why. 31. Is there a gap in financing after applying TIF? If there is a gap in financing, how much is the gap? If there is a gap in financing, would DEED funding remove the gap? FY 12 IV. ANALYSIS OF REDEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 32. Describe the current conditions of the site. 33. Describe how redevelopment of the site will improve conditions in the vicinity and/or spur adjacent development. 34. Describe the relative adequacy of the infrastructure at the site. 35. By providing hard data on current crime rates, and in a narrative, depict how the redevelopment of the site will reduce crime. 36. Has the site been found or suspected to be contaminated? If so, what measures have been taken to address the contamination? 37. What will be the costs of the final development? Of these costs, how much will be private? public? Please discuss the source of these funds and whether or not the sources are committed. FY 12 38. What are the current property taxes (as determined by the County or City Assessor) for the site? w What are the projected property taxes after final development? How was this figure determined? JOB CREATION and RETENTION 40. Project the number of new jobs created after redevelopment and final development of the site. (Jobs that did not exist in Minnesota prior to development) Total New Jobs: FTEs NEW JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Full -Time Jobs Total # of Part-Time Jobs Part-time Hours Per Week Expected Hiring Date 41. Project the number of retained jobs after redevelopment and final development of the site. (Jobs that existed either on -site or elsewhere in Minnesota prior to development) Total Retained Jobs: RETAINED JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Full -Time Jobs Total # of Part-Time Jobs Part-time Hours Per Week Former Location of Retained Jobs FY 12 HOUSING DATA 42. If the site will be redeveloped for residential use, provide the following data: RENTAL: Total number of units Monthly rental cost per unit $ Number of affordable units* Level of affordability Construction cost per unit $ OWNER OCCUPIED: Total number of units Purchase price per unit $ Number of affordable units/homes* Level of affordability Construction cost per unit $ * Housing developments should include an affordability component OTHER PUBLIC BENEFITS 43 Is this a multi- jurisdictional project (a joint application, joint powers agreement, joint development agreement, etc.)? If so, attach a narrative and any joint agreements if appropriate. Note: Projects with other state agencies and Metropolitan Council do not constitute multi - jurisdictional projects. 44. Is there a positive environmental impact associated with this project, such as ponding or other environmental infrastructure? 45. If yes, what is the positive environmental infrastructure associated with this project? Attach excerpts from an environmental authority such as the MPCA, environmental engineers, etc. that indicate the positive impact of these environmental developments. FY 12 46. Does the project advance or promote the growth of the green economy as defined in Minn. Stat. § 116J.437 (see hMs: / /www.revisor.mn.jzov/i)ubs/ and enter the statute number)? If yes, please describe. PROXIMITY TO PUBLIC TRANSIT 47. Attach a local transit schedule, and highlight the lines that serve the project site or surrounding area. If a regularly scheduled route does not serve the area, please provide information about other forms of transit that serve the community. DEVELOPER/THIRD PARTY /COMPANY COMMITMENT If there is a commitment from a developer or third party owner /tenant for on the site after redevelopment, please complete the following and attach a letter(s) of commitment. 48. Third Party /Company Name: Contact Person: Phone Number (include area code): If there is an end -user commitment, please complete the following: 49. Third Party /Company Name: Contact Person: Title: Phone Number (include area code): 10 ( $\k () ) \j )\9 r �]\ \> 2r (} { > 2j j\\) \))ƒ )a Go 9 ± j /4n, \ $f)) `b %e \\\> 2m /) }�)/ /) ƒI :§)oe \ / \\ \(\/ ) ©g§ /))/ a j3)© cd Geri /]'$7 P. & w tn ) \ j 2 / ) � § ` j ƒ� & \) ) \\ / ) ( / \ /\ \ )\ ^ VI. PAYMENT INFORMATION FY 12 Most grant payments take place through electronic funds transfer (EFT). To ensure proper payment, a Vendor Number assigned by Minnesota Management & Budget is required. Financial Contact Person: Telephone Number or e-mail: State of Minnesota Vendor Number: If a Minnesota Vendor Number does not exist, please supply: Minnesota Identification Number: and Federal Employer Identification Number: State Vendor info may be found at: https:HMplier. swift. state .mn.us /psp /finsMaan /SUPPLIER/ERP/h/ ?tab =SUP GUEST Vendor number conversions from the old system to the new SWIFT may be found at: - http: / /www.swift.state.mn.us /vendors 12 FY 12 VII. LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION You must attach a resolution approving this application and committing the local match from the governing body of the municipality in which the site is located. A blank resolution has been attached for your convenience. You may chose to re- format this resolution but make sure to include all of the statements that appear in the resolution. RESOLUTION OF APPLICANT. Applicants must adopt and submit the following resolution. This resolution must be adopted prior to submission of the application package. BE IT RESOLVED that (Applicant) act as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Redevelopment Grant Program to be submitted on and that (Title of Authorized Official) (Day, Month, Year) is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that (Applicant) (Applicant) has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are committed to the project identified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that has not violated any (Applicant) Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. 13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the state, enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for (Applicant) the above referenced project(s), and that (Applicant) FY 12 certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Clerk (for Statutory Cities), or Title of Authorized Official(s), are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Note: Do not include the proper name, only the title of the official(s). Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 412.201, Statutory Cities must authorize both the Mayor and Clerk to execute all contracts, whereas Home Rule Charter Cities or other public entities may differ. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the of (Applicant) SIGNED: (Authorized Official) (Title) (Date) WITNESSED: 14 (City Council, County Board, etc.) on (Signature) (Title) (Date) (Date) Economic Development Director Updates: IEDC: Representatives from the Monticello school district will be attending the December IEDC meeting to review education needs, challenges, and opportunities from both a business and school perspective. Inquiries: City Staff attended a MNCAR event on October 21, 2011. Staff has been contacted by a couple firms looking to develop sites in Monticello. Meetings are in the process of being scheduled to hopefully begin forming good relationships with prospective end users. Marketing / Venues: Staff attended the Governor's Job Summit on Tuesday October 25, 2011. The main message of the Summit is that the private and public need to work collaboratively to address issues related to permitting time lines and review, tax structure, and work force challenges. Monticello also had a booth at the annual MNCAR (MN Commercial Realtors Association) tradeshow. The event was well attended and staff received many business cards from agents that are looking for development opportunities for their clients. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: Suburban Manufacturing held their ground breaking event on October 18, 2011. It was well attended by employees from Suburban, City staff, and business leaders. Staff is excited to report that the Barger's specifically recognized the City for the great strides and efforts we made to ensure the complex process went smoothly and kept a reasonable time line. They stated they have seen a great positive change in the City. This was very nice to hear. The Industry of the Year event was also well attended in spite of the key note speaker cancelling. It is wonderful to continue to reach out to our industries and recognize them for all of the great assets they bring to the community. Monticello participated in a three city (Big Lake, Elk River, Monticello) manufacturer's meet and greet on October 26, 2011. Local manufacturers from each City met in Big Lake at Cargill to talk about their challenges and concerns. It was very interesting to hear. One of Monticello's industries is having issues with crime within the industrial areas. This is a common issue in the surrounding cities. The participants also stated they are having a difficult time finding skilled workforce and have initiated discussions with local colleges and technical schools to create appropriate training programs. The BR &E Leadership Team will be presenting a wrap up panel discussion about the BR &E project at the December Chamber lunch held on December 20, 2011. The University of MN put together a ripple effect map outlining the positive impacts the BR &E project has had on the community. Attached is a copy of the ripple effect map. As you can see (yes the map is hard to read O) the tangible and intangible impacts are significant. The key will be to keep momentum going and continue to reach our goals. Embracing Downtown: The public open house meeting held on Monday, October 24, 2011 was attended by 85 residents, business owners, and land owners. This does not include the City Council, Planning Commission, and EDA members that were in attendance. The turn out and related interest by citizens in the Embracing Downtown vision was great to see. Angela and Megan are continuing to reach out to businesses and land owners by hosting small lunch or coffee group meetings to clearly communicate the vision. The small group settings have been quite successful in allowing people to ask staff direct questions related to financing and potential uncertainty of the future for their business. We have been able to clear up twisted and wrong information being spread in the community. And most importantly we have been able to take feedback directly so we fully understand everyone's perspectives, concerns, challenges, and opportunities. An important next step will to begin working with the City Council and EDA to determine a baseline value of properties and relocation expenses. Establishing a baseline trust and respect will be key to the success of the vision. Attached is a letter from Master's Fifth Avenue Inc. supporting the Embracing Downtown project. Wright County Economic Development Partnership Ted Lafrance starts on Monday, October 31, 2011. This will be a great change for the organization. Staff is hopeful that Wright County can become a leader in economic development initiatives. Transportation: Bruce Westby, the City Engineer, has provided a comprehensive update on various transportation projects in the City. See attached. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: December 6, 2011 2. EDA: December 14, 2011 EDA November 9, 2011 L fn yLA ji$ ES Ju°s 3c r Ly S p° yi E E J o� 26 P 2Y ai $ �a g4E YxA X85 EE 3g5 OSL �f$ @t� `s3s5 yy tl `o 6eq S � w `o d y $ 9 Y O s u I °a r g Pli �a o Y A o g A i° =y o� c 2 o py u @ E o X 3 y E Im 3� L Z gg§EiE i€ F. E 9 �p �P p [d Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 19577180th Ave. Big Lake, MN 55309 763-390 -0393 October 24, 2011 TO: City Council: Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta Planning Commission: Tom Perrault Brian Stumpf Lloyd Hilgart Rod Dragsten, Chair Charlotte Gabler Brad Fyle Bill Spartz Barry Voight EDA: Bill Demeules, President Bill Tapper, Vice President Tracy Hinz, Treasurer Matt Frie Bruce Hamond As president of Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., and a developer of several retail projects in the downtown area, 1 would like to state my support of the general development plan that has been presented over the last few months. I believe this plan is a good start and incorporates good guidelines with sufficient flexibility. My major reservation with the implementation of the plan is that any development or redevelopment takes bold action to get started. 1 believe the decision making group should be pared down so that the decisions can be made as needed to start and complete projects. I would also recommend that a developer for each project be selected and given latitude to negotiate contracts and get deals done within a framework previously approved. I look forward to working with the city and its developers in any way I can to see these projects enhance the business climate in the Monticello downtown. Barry D. Fluth CITY OF MONTICELLO IEDC TRANSPORTATION PROJECT UPDATES OCTOBER 28, 2011 TH 25 / CSAH 11 / CR 14 Intersection Improvements (Mn/DOT project) Mn/DOT currently estimates that work on their project will be completed during the week of November 7th. CSAH 75 Reconstruction (Wright County project) The realigned section of CSAH 75 on the west end of the City near the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant was officially opened to traffic on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 251h. However, since only the base course of pavement was able to be placed in 2011, the County will be paving the wear course in the spring of 2012 which will require some temporary lane closures. The City installed a pedestrian underpass under CSAH 75 northwest of West River Street as part of this project. While no connecting pathways exist at this time, the City has applied for grant funding through the Local Trails Program to construct three new connecting pathway segments that would allow users of the pedestrian underpass to access Montissippi Regional Park, the ball fields near I -94, and the CSAH 75 pathway that terminates at West River Street. Transportation Studies for Second River Crossing location and Fallon Avenue Overpass alignment The City's transportation consultant, WSB and Associates, recently completed several transportation studies that were authorized by the City Council to assist in determining the preferred location for a second river crossing, as well as the preferred alignment for the Fallon Avenue Overpass. The study results were discussed with the Transportation Advisory Committee on September 22nd, and then with the IEDC on October 41h. On November 14th the results of the transportation studies will be presented to the City Council. Staff will then request authorization to meet with the owners of properties that would be impacted by the construction of the Fallon Avenue Overpass for the purpose of gathering their feedback which will then be shared with the City Council when Council is asked to consider the preferred alignment of the Fallon Avenue Overpass at a future Council meeting. Staff will also request Council authorization to schedule a meeting with the Monticello -Big Lake Joint Transportation Committee to discuss the findings of the studies as they relate to the preferred location of a second river crossing, as well as to discuss the potential for developing a coalition to seek support and funding for a second river crossing. This coalition would include representatives from agencies that would benefit from a local second river crossing including, but not limited to, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Wright County, Sherburne County, the Cities of Becker, Big Lake, Monticello and Otsego, and the Townships of Becker, Big Lake and Monticello. On November 17th staff will then present the final findings of the studies to the Transportation Advisory Committee, along with relevant comments made by the City Council during their November 14'h meeting, prior to requesting a recommendation from the TAC for the City Council.