Parks Commission Agenda Packet 09-21-2000 . Members: AGENUA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, September 21,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver and Nancy McCafti-ey Council Liaison: Staff: l. 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . Roger Carlson Gregg Engle and Jeff O'Neill Call to order. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on August 10, 2000. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens requests. Discussion on parks budget. Gregg & Jefl Discussion 011 "Recreation Vision". Gregg & .Jeff Soccer Field development. Jeff Park usage requests discussion - concerts, procedures, etc. Gregg Park maintenance items. Gregg Park Commission Membership issue. Gregg New park employee position issue. Gregg Update - Parks Commission staffing/planner position review. Jeff Adjourn . . . Minutes Regular Meeting - Parks Commission August 10, 2000 4:30 PM Members Present: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, and Nancy McCaffrey Greg Engle, Roger Carlson, and Rick Wolfsteller City Staff Present: 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Approval of Minutes Nancy McCaffrey and Rick Traver will again take minutes for this meeting. A request was made to City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller that the City provides staff assistance to gather agenda items, send meeting notices to Commissioners and take minutes at the Parks Commission meetings. A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH, AND SECONDED BY FRAN F AIR, TO APPROVE THE MIN1ITES OF THE REGULAR PARKS MEETING ON JUL Y 20,2000. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. There were no additions to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests. Copies of a letter addressed to the Monticello City Council from two Iowa residents dated August 4, 2000, was distributed to Commission members. The letter writers expressed disappointment in renovations to West Bridge Park: namely the increased distance from the parking lot to the restroom, and then finding the restroom locked due to vandalism. It was decided that the letter should be acknowledged. Larry Nolan will draft a response, to be reviewed by Greg Engle, stating that the City Council forwarded the letter to the Monticello Parks Commission for review. As Parks Commission Chair, Larry will thank the Iowans for their concern and suggest Ellison Park as a convenient alternative on their next trip. 5. Parks Budget Review items for 200 I . Rick Wolfsteller attended this meeting to provide clarification and insight to the Year 2001 Capital Improvement Plan, which was distributed at last month's Parks Commission meeting. Referring to the 5- Year Projected Budget handout dated Summer, 1999, and revised August 31, 1999, Mr. W olfsteller explained that he put a check mark by items that have remained the same, crossed out and revised any changes that have occurred, and crossed out items that are no longer applicable today. The total capital budget for the 2000 fiscal year was $174,000, without the IS TEA line item. Mr. Wolfsteller explained that he wants to provide insights and clarity to reality; and, at this point he is working with partial budget infonnation from city departments. He has not yet had a response to what expected tax rates might be, and in the end, the City Council makes final decisions about budget cuts and priorities. Discussion Items: Commissions expressed concerns about the difficulty of tracking sources of revenue and expenditures for the "parks fund". There should be a separate fund for purchase of land. Is it being used every year or is it accumulating? . The current fees for the "parks fund" are $200 per lot for pathway construction and $750 per lot for park dedication fees. The commission requested that "parks fund" balances be reviewed quarterly. Mr. Wolfsteller explained that the $30,000 / year budgeted in previous years for park acquisition was not part of the levy, rather it was a projection of what might be received in park dedication fees. Based on a financial statement given to Mr. Engle, the "parks fund" currently it shows to have a negative balance of$5,OOO. Mr. Wolfsteller will check on that balance and infonn the Parks Commission as to the accuracy of that financial statement. The Parks Commission recommended that the $30,000 budgeted for park acquisition become part of the tax levy and park dedication fees be a separate item. This is in part because the $30,000 budgeted to be received from park allocation fees was probably not realistic, and the Park Commission felt that funds need to be acquired more rapidly for the purchase of park land, especially ball fields. Mr. Wolfsteller stated he. will create a #227 Park Dedicated Fund that will itemize all revenue and expenses that can be printed on request. It will have it's own cash account and balance sheet. There will be separate Path and Development funds. . . . . "- Mr. Wolfsteller was thanked for attending the meeting, providing clarification and for the offering to provide a clearer method oftIacking Park funds. Mr. Wolfsteller also stated that he would explore obtaining additional clerical support for the Parks Commission meetings. Greg Engle presented his suggested Year 2001 Capital Improvements Program proposals (see meeting handout). His cost estimates were similar to those presented by Mr. Wolfsteller. There was discussion on the following items: · Community Celebrations: Reduced from $5000 to $2500. Engle will discuss a possible tree planting in the Cardinal Hills and Wildwood communities with John Simola and Roger Carlson. · Park Land Acauisition: Should be part of the tax levy, but leave the $30,000 figure as a cushion. · Soccer Field Develooment: Need clarification from Jeff O'Neill; would like to add bleachers and picnic tables. · Pioneer Park: Mr. Engle presented the shelter design at a recent Lions' meeting. He also reiterated that the park and shelter is a public place and cannot be used exclusively by anyone group, but the Parks Department will work together with the Lions group during their events. · River Mill Park: Phase II will include a parking lot, with plans to obtain some funding from the Streets Department. · West / East Bridge Parks: The Resurrection Church youth group will help landscape the West Bridge hillside. Irrigation will be installed in East Bridge Park: · Parkside Park / Meadow/Oaks: This park was not included in Mr. Wolfsteller's plan, but needs improvement because of storm damage and the increased number of children in the area. The remaining line items are equipment that is needed to still keep park improvements progressing. Total of preliminary capital budget presented was $255,500 A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH AND SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET PRESENTED BY THE PARKS SUPERINTENDENT BE ACCEPTED. 6. Maintenance Report: · Ellison Park: The goose litter has become a problem. Greg Engle is working with an environmental firm from Rogers, MN in an experiment that includes a short fence and a lawn spray. "Do Not Feed the Geese" signs have also been installed. · West Bridge Park: The shelter has been painted, and will be finished at a later date. The stone wall is partially completed, and red mulch has been added. The hillside has been cleared. Funds for this park have been depleted for the year. · 4th Street park: More discussion about a paved surface. Dead trees have been cut down. · Park Side / Meadow Oaks: The Parks crew has begun mowing. · Pioneer: The Parks crew is concentrating on correcting the pathway and has . increased the areas being mowed. The park entrance and parking area is being better defined. The Lion's Club will begin the landscape border around the play area. · Cardinal Tot Lot: A twice a day watering program has begun. · Ball Fields: The Districts will be held in the next 1-~ weeks. · Otter Creek Park: The Rotary Club will meet October 28 to do plantings. · City Ball Fields: The infield will be sodded at the end of August or first of September. The PoleCats will help, and sod was donated. Becker Football Association wants to play at City Ball Fields. These will be for 4th, 5th & 6th grade students, and will end in October. Greg Engle gave them permission, with the understanding that they pay union scale fees to the Park Department Fund, plus electricity. Other cities charge for use. · The extra summer employees' last day will be August 25th. The season will be over, and the goals have been met. 7. Adjourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH AND SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Next Meeting: 4 :30 PM - Thursday, September 21, 2000 Agenda Items: 1. Review Concession Funds / Accountability - Greg Engle (Gregg Engle has information from March Meeting). 2. Soccer Fields Update - Jeff O'Neill . .