EDA Agenda 09-12-2012EDA MEETING Monday, September 12, 2012 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff. Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. August 8th, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items. 5. Consideration to review and approve the EDA General Fund budget for 2013. 6. Consideration to approve 2013 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. 7. Consideration to appoint a Commissioner to the review committee for the Economic Development Chapter of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 8. Director Report 9. Adj ourn MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, Executive Director Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE JULY 11, 2012 EDA MINUTES AS AMENDED. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. (Bill Tapper and Brian Stumpf abstained.) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items a) Financing Options to Buy Property 4. Consideration of appointing Jeff O'Neill as the interim EDA Executive Director and Secretary With the resignation of Economic Development Director Megan Barnett - Livgard, the EDA was asked to appoint City Administrator Jeff O'Neill as the interim EDA Executive Director and as EDA Secretary. The interim appointment would allow the EDA to continue with any required certification and signatures on agreements, invoices or other documentation in progress. O'Neill pointed out that managing the transition would be a team effort with Angela Schumann and new Finance Director Wayne Oberg. He said that staff plan to inventory the workload for the Economic Development Department and has identified a strategy for distributing high priority tasks on a short term basis. Staff will also review the scope of the position and duties relative to city objectives and take the analysis to the Personnel Committee for a recommendation for hiring. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPOINT JEFF O'NEILL AS THE INTERIM EDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND SECRETARY. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 5. Consideration of recommending adoption of Resolution #2012 -065 decertifying TIF District 1 -19, Mississippi Shores Staff requested that the EDA table action on this item until its September meeting in order to allow time to provide the EDA with updated information regarding excess increment within the district and any related options for EDA consideration. TIF District 1 -19 is due for decertification by the end of 2012. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE RESOLUTION 92012 -065 DECERTIFYING TIF DISTRICT 1 -19, MISSISSIPPI SHORES, FOR FUTHER DISCUSSION AND RESEARCH. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Consideration of authorizing a $2,200 dollar contribution to the Initiative Foundation The Initiative Foundation, a Central Minnesota community foundation providing financial assistance to the region's businesses and non - profits, requested that the Monticello EDA contribute $2,200 to the organization in 2012. The EDA had authorized a $2,000 contribution in both 2010 and in 2011 and had realized some positive dividends for the community as previous recipient of a $5,000 grant for the BR &E effort. The increase in the requested contribution is based on updated per capita census data. Brian Stumpf indicated that he had learned more about the work of the Initiative Foundation and was impressed with its efforts. Tom Perrault noted that he would vote for this contribution because it involved matching funds for economic development. Bill Tapper stated that, although he supported this contribution, he would be abstaining as he had been a past beneficiary of the fund. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,200 OF THE 2012 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. (Bill Tapper abstained.) 7. Consideration of Extending the Preliminary Development Agreement Between the Monticello EDA and Rocky Mountain Group LLC The EDA had approved entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Dahlheimer Distribution (Rocky Mountain Group) in 2009 and had approved two extensions to the agreement since that time. Their eventual purchase of Outlot C will allow Dahlheimer Distribution to expand their existing facility by approximately 50,000- 60,000 square feet. In order to move forward with their expansion plans, Dahlheimer must to sell an existing building they own in the City of Ramsey. Although the applicant continues to receive inquires from potential buyers, there is no signed purchase agreement to date. 2 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE A ONE -YEAR EXTENSION TO THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN GROUP (DAHLHEIMER) AND THE MONTICELLO EDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 8. Consideration of authorizing Northland Securities to complete a TIF District 1 -22 Knockdown Analysis The updated TIF Management Plan, adopted by the EDA in June of 2012, recommended a series of actions related to TIF District 1 -22 in order to understand the limits and ability of the EDA to utilize resources within the district. The first step recommended by the Management Plan is the verification of the knockdown status of parcels within the District. The EDA was asked to authorize Northland Securities to complete an analysis of TIF 1 -22. The anticipated cost of the analysis is $4,160, which could be paid as an administrative fee through TIF 1 -22. Completing the analysis would help articulate usable surplus funds and allow the EDA to move toward completion of the other steps identified in the Management Plan. City staff will meet with Northland Securities to review the scope and the pacing of the district. Rod Dragsten asked if this type of analysis had been done before. Bill Demeules indicated that it had not been conducted on a specific district and pointed out that TIF 1 -22 is the largest and most complex district. Tracy Hinz asked how the EDA would proceed if they were to choose not do the analysis. Jeff O'Neill suggested that conducting the analysis would provide for better planning and likely prevent potential auditing issues. Tom Perrault suggested that the date in the agreement should be revised and the word "assigned" had been misspelled and should be corrected. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE ENGAGING THE SERVICES OF NORTHLAND SECURITIES TO COMPLETE A KNOCKDOWN ANALYSIS OF TIF 1 -22. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 9. Director's Report Economic Development Director Jeff O'Neill and Angela Schumann have stepped in to maintain momentum on the many tasks with which Megan Barnett - Livgard had been involved as Economic Development Director. She had accomplished much and will be missed. Staff will inventory the scope of the position and determine a direction for staffing by year -end. Downtown Leadership Group Bill Tapper asked Steve Johnson to share the Downtown Leadership Group's input for redevelopment spending. Johnson noted that TIF District 1 -5 is due to expire in 2012 with $460,000 in funds available and TIF District 1 -6 is due to expire in 2013 with $690,000 in funds available. TIF District 1 -22 is expected to have in excess of $1.8 million in funds available subject to knockouts. He outlined the following Guidelines for Priorities for TIF Funds /Downtown Revitalization for EDA consideration: Priority 91: Stimulating private investment Priority 92: Public infrastructure beneficial to downtown revitalization Priority 93: Land acquisition /land banking in key development areas The Downtown Leadership Group will submit a grant application to the Initiative Fund in an effort to also involve the private sector in the process of obtaining financial support for downtown redevelopment. Matt Frie agreed with the Group's recommendation to expand and improve parks in the downtown area. Tracy Hinz stated that the EDA appreciated the input. Montgomery Farms Building Tracy Hinz asked about the funding source for the purchase of the Montgomery Farms building. Jeff O'Neill indicated that staff would follow up with clarification about funding. Hinz also asked why the special joint EDA /City Council meeting had been cancelled. O'Neill noted that there hadn't been enough information at that time to warrant a special meeting. He also reported that consultant Bruce Kimmel from Ehlers would be preparing a financial analysis on the downtown catalyst project. Staff indicated that because there is no specific developer at this time, the EDA and the City are driving the redevelopment of Block 34. The analysis work would be paid for out of the EDA General Fund and TIF District 1 -22 funding. Hinz also specifically asked about the outcome of the contract with the McComb Group. Staff agreed to provide the EDA with a bulletin point list of the scope of the contract and the deliverables. Fred's Auto The EDA closed on the Culp property (Fred's Auto). Staff, attorneys, and Preferred Title are working to clarify the legal description on the property to resolve title issues. Information regarding the environmental study will be provided to the EDA when available. 4 10. Consideration of items added to the agenda a) Financing Options to Buy Property Tom Perrault asked specifically about issues of right of first refusal and site control as financing options in buying property. This would involve paying a fee to a property owner to guarantee the purchase of land at a certain price for a certain period of time so that a purchase agreement could quickly be executed should a developer become interested in the property. Perrault noted that the EDA would need to answer for the dollars spent for site control and confirmed that current owners would still be responsible for paying taxes and maintenance on the property. 11. Adiourn MATT FRIE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:44 PM. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: September 12, 2012 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, Executive Director 5 EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 3. Consideration of approving payment of bills. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA had previously authorized the payment of any and all expenses previously approved under its adopted budget and /or those invoices for the relocations related to the acquisitions of the Montgomery Farms properties without separate motions at each monthly EDA meeting. However, due to the departure of both the Finance Director and Economic Development Director, staff believes it appropriate to have the EDA take action to approve invoices at its regular meetings until a full understanding of budgeted projects can be made. As such, invoices for the previous month are included for review and approval. It should be noted that staff continue to approve and issue relocation - related invoices from Wilson Development Services as they are received in accordance with relocation practice as recommended by Dan Wilson. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve payment of bills for September 12th, 2012. 2. Motion to deny payment of bills for September 12th, 2012. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. September 12, 2012 Invoices 9 U- 0 s AM 0 O a q O O z W V V .t7 Cd A d a� A 0 d y � a T O} O 4 M_ M 4� M M 4 0 q�N N U C , N N C13 O O O O W � L o 0 O a q O O z W V V .t7 Cd A d a� A 0 d y h h - O 'H D b 0 C O 0 0 C O O N oCo -j 0% N W GN v, I vH 0�o Mn I �D � M a ° M o ;t I"Z f I0701 11 O O O O � a T O} O 4 M_ M 4.1 M M 4 0 q�N N U C , N N C13 O O O O W � L o o_o o o15 U F 0 � ° d a U � H Pw�o4 � h h - O 'H D b 0 C O 0 0 C O O N oCo -j 0% N W GN v, I vH 0�o Mn I �D � M a ° M o ;t I"Z f I0701 11 O O O O O C31, i � Cl Q T O} O 4 M_ M c1 N N N N N O O O O W o o_o o o15 7k F ° a ° w w w CIL V] 7-i N .w M h > ���eee Qi N � G U U vi 7; a P, W a H W W A 08 F < Pq Pq O C31, i � Cl Q T O} O 4 M c1 N N N N m ro P� M M cV i O A O w Z d E 2 N C 0 V i °Roan oPa$ F E' b� o 9� aq E 0 q Mry 4 a y S S2 �V.9 Lxl w m � m a DI M t W p m � n fl � v��gy S� ofl, I^ 00 ,• • l7 F}, [] V Cl �i nn ttUU �7 2 �i F o O�Oo�P�o [�l1 !! r� GG NNNNtV .ppf pp' N prop atia M Nn aQQd QaQ'❑Q n Q NNNNN rl wd ut r6 FI F1NFI n: co -m 11VV iY �V 1'i p <'i E' b� 45 4 ly E E E V S9 E E 1=,f Ell r =1 E F H V d S �R q U 9 W. E 'E 1.2 'E g E. E iI gcq -94 5 Q9 11 '19 Ozi N Ij 6 N p I 01 IE 2. d R t- l 4 �h r' • _ll �', Lr UlrASTE MAMA[3lS MEr11T DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: Waste Management of WI -MN W132 hill 0487 Grant Drivo Germantown, WI 53022 1 -688 -980 -0008 Customer Service Hours: Mon -Fri 7am -5pm CST WMEservice @wm.com INVOICE Customer: Account Number; Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due Date: WM exPay Account ID. 22Kc ptltlon - - -- Previous Balance 462,50 Total credits and Adjustments 0.00 Total Payments Received 462.50. Total Current Charges _ 302.06 Total Amount Due 302,08 Total Amount fast Due 0.00 INAw ., �yy,�s;,�`p:, ;.�. ; -. x3i, -: ,,$.�`'k; $'�`:5 .`jy.4 . °xd;•' +(fiJi; P• "Y' ?,;�_: still "� Descrl tlon Amount Total Current if full payment of the invoiced amount is not recelved withln 30 days of the Invcice date, you will be charged a monthly late fee of 1.6"% of the unpaid amount, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such lesser late fee allowed under applicable law, regulation or contract: For each returned oheok, a fee will be assessed on your next billing equal to the maximum amount permitted by,gppggable statq law, J UL 2 20IR 302.08 j 0.00 0,00' 1 0:00 Page 1 of 3 MONTICELLO ERA 593- 0323511- 1693 -9 07/0112012 62488811693 -5 Due Upon Receipt 00010 - 92640 - 33006 Total Current Charges Total Amount Due C 302.08 Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business, IF PAYING BY CHECK, MAIL TO PO BOX BELOW WITH PAYfNENT ODUPON TO AVOID POSTING DCLAYS AND SERVICE INTERiZUPTIoN5• This Inv tee reileols haym4nts received as of 0 612 612 0 1 2, On July 1, our Fuel Surcharge Index Increases from .065°% to ,062°% for each $A1 change In price as reported bythe US Dept of Energy. Payment of your Invoice le considered consent to this change. For more Information visit www.wm.comlfec. Want to pay this bill on-line? Vlslt www.wm.com and click on My Account to make a oonvenlent, secure payment, 0.00 302.08 Payment coupon ". f Pieose detach and send with checks oni (no cash). 693 -0323611 - 1693 -9 UWAaTH nlYmdAG EMIBNT Please send all other congspvndance to your focal INM site, , DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: PL� " T' Waste ManagometA of Wl-MN P' tea'-'k' <'. W132 H10447 Grant Drive 0710112012 B2q$851- 1583 -5 Germantown, WI 53022 1-668.9611.0008 Custemor Sorvicr3 Hours: Moo-Fri 70m -6pm CST WMEsorvlcuQwm.com Upon Receipt 302.09 Leant hnw we Think Green at www.wm.calnithlnkgrenn lS 93S930323511062488810000003D20800000030008 4 Pay your WM bill online at WMmI ,com. To pay by phone, call 866 - 9"2729• P00561401 At'a.374 "AUVO 0070955362- V62201-01-1 I05coCld 1`��llllllrl llll:tlll�lllll�lllll�llll ��llll�r111�11111111111111f1 _+� I' 1111lIllll' �llllll' �Ittdlllllrllp1111111111 1111111 till 1111111 WASTE MANAG EVENT OF WI -MN MONTICELLO EIDA PO BOX 4649 505 WALNUT ST STE T CAROL STREAM IL 601137 -44411 xv MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8822 �S From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green! Think Waste Management, r8yi Printed p an r. FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR ANY SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT NUMBER ON PAGE 1 a 8 �n 0 +ntws'r� nnprVlpt3�rv�rtmr DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: Waste Management of WI -MN W132 N10487 Grant Drive Germantown, WI 53022 Customer: Account Number: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due hate: WM ezPay Account ID: Page 3 of 3 MONTI CELLO EDA 593 - 0323611- 1593 -9 0710 912012 6240BB1- 1593 -5 Due Upon Receipt 00010 - 02640 -33006 Date Wicket Description quantity UIM Rate Amount 07/01/12 8 Yd fel 1.00 197.10 07/01/12 Fuel/environmental charge 57.09 07/01/12 Administrative fee 4.00 07/01/12 Mn state solid waste tax 17% 43.89 Total Current Charges 302.08 Total Paymonts Received From everyday collection to environmental ,protection, Think Green! Think Waste Management. FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR ANY SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT NUMBER ON PAGE 9 462.60- kv Felided on reeyozed peer. m 8 S 8 ` i 5 1A , ` ; , INVOICE WASTIE MANAGEMErdT DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: Waste Management of W1 -MN W132 N10487 Grant Drive Germantown, WI 53022 1- 888.960-OOOB Customer service Hours: Mon -Fri 7am -5pm CST WMCaervice @wm,cDm MM ,: ,. S�,r ��.: "tik:''r.=,�d�; .,,..w�lvi'7 � ;s� l`. [ `-�., �� 1�:. v�. �"'uri L,- t�'.',•v 701 ! '`�s^ tell �.';3Cv`Yt�3' e;4 z•�s''ru�1 Descriutlon Customer: Account Number: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due Date: WM ezpay Account ID: Previous Balance 302.08 Total Credits and Adjustments 0.00 Total Payments Received 302.08 - Total Current Charges 302.87 Total Amount Due 302.87 Total Amount Past Due 4.00 DeaQ(IptIOA Amount Commercial 302.87 Total Current Charges 302.67 If full payment of the Invoiced amount Is not received within 30 days of the Invoice date, you will be charged a monthly late fee of 1,50 of the unpald amount, with a minimum monthly charge of $5.00, or such lesser late fee allowed under applicable law, regulation or contract. For each returned check, a fee will be assessed on your next billing equal to the maximum amount perurilted by applicable state law. Page 1 of 3 MONTICELLO EDA 593 - 0323511 - 1593 -9 08/0112012 8259427• -1 593-3 Due Upon receipt 00010 -92640 -33006 Total Current Charges Total Amount Due gt Please pay total amount due. Thank you for your business. IF PAYING BY CHECK, MAIL. TO PO BOX BELOW WITH PAYMENT COUPON TO OVOID POSTING DELAYS AND SERVICE INTE=RRUPTIONS- Tuts invoice relleols pgymonia reoelved as of 0712412012, r, •�., L l 1� JUL 3 1 2012 4. Wa Hnflh11slt W1mWm- ,co` m,dnd click on nt to py hs cMy Acont to make a convenient, secure payment. iT ! a1 F. t .,� {.$ k� s ' �'41iY.�iiL. �3'r�1�Sa• P � - t �3 i��... k 1.k," 302.87 0.00 0 00.. -.• 0.00 0.00 302.87 Payment Coupon x. Y P Q> .. ; . Please o'etaoh acrd send with o ec s (no oash). G83'A323t311.1683� WAST@ MARIASMUMUT Please send all othercorri3 toyourWn?WMsite. (DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: Waste Management of WI -MN W132 M10487 Grant Drive 0810JJ2012 6258427- 1693 -3 Germantown, WI 63022 1888.904 -0008 Customer Smice Hours; Mon -Fri lam -Spm CST WME59F iCee m.com Upon Recotpt 382.87 yearn how we Think Green at Iwww.wm.comlthinkurcen 15935930323511, D625942700000030287000000BU287 0 Pay your VVM bill online at www.wm,com. To pay by phone, oall $06- 964'2729, 000496901 AV 0.350 "AUiO 9 17708 553G2•807201•C01,1'049%3d 1050OC25 111111111Yi111 11111111" 11 1111111n111iY1111111r11YL1111111r11u 1ui11111111 'illllJl11A11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 WA67E MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN MONTICELLO EDA PO BOX 4648 645 WALNUT- ST GTE T CAROL STREAM 1L 60197 -4648 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green" Think Waste Management, recycf dpuper. FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR ANY SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT NUMBER ON PAGE 1 WASTE MANA66MEiNT DIRECT INQUIRIES ONLY TO: Waste Management of WI -MN W132 N10487 Grant Drive Germantown, WI 53022 Customer: Account Number: Invoice Date: Invoice Number: Due Date: WM ezPay Account ID: Page 3 of 3 MONTICELLO PDA 693 - 0323611 - 1693 =9 08/0112012 6259427 - 1593 -3 Duo Upon Receipt 00010 - 92640 -33006 i Date Ticket pesoriptlon Quantity Ulm, Rate Amount 08101112 8 Yd fel 1.00 197.10 08/01112 Foal/environmental charge 67.76 08/01112 Administrative No 4.00 08/01/12 Mn state solid waste tax 17% 44.01 Total Current Charges 302,87 Total Payments Received 302.08- From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Creen® Think Waste Management. recycredpaper. FOR CHANGE OF AOPRESS OR ANY SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT NumBER ON PAGE 1 0 z 0 a O M O z w � O n d a� it 7 z C O O V 4' 00 IO O N N C C 0 N O N N d a A w b � � o b P+ � T N b O Rl C7 A O O W d 01 rn cn m WL i° O C O N N m H N 'cpl 7 W 0 }y 0 b O C O N H 0 11 aN� N N ti d O �i T .O O H 4a N �7 N U d o0 � 0 n d a� it 7 z C O O V 4' 00 IO O N N C C 0 N O N N d a A w b � � o b P+ � T N b O Rl C7 A O O W d 01 rn cn m WL i° O C O N N m H N 'cpl 7 W 0 }y 0 b O C O N H 0 11 aN� N N ti d O �i T .O O H Claim for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses - Nonresidential (49 CFR 24 Subpart D U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development For Agency Name of Agency Project Name or Number use Mo cello EDA ,Broadway Plaza Building OMB Approval No. 2506.0016 (exp. 1013112011) Oq, V,, -A= ) Case Number Instructions: This claim form is for the use of displaced businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farms that wish to claim a payment for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses, including Reestablishment Expenses, rather than claim a Fixed Payment, under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA). The Agency will explain the difference between the two payments and will help you complete this form. FWD provides information on these requirements and other guidance materials on its website at www.hud.cov /relocation, If you are eligible for either payment, the Agency will help you to determine which is most advantageous. If the full amount of your claim is not approved, the Agency will provide you with a written explanation of the reason. If you are not satisfied with the Agency's determination, you may appeal the determination. The Agency will explain how to make an appeal. All claims for payments must be filed no later than 18 months from the date of displacement (see 24.207(d)). Attach supplemental pages as necessary. All expenses must be thoroughly Identified and be accompanied by receipts or other appropriate documentation to be eligible for payment. Professional services and other claims for time expended based on salaries, earnings or fees related to 49 CFR 24.301(g)(12), 24.301(g)(17)(11i) -(vi), and 24.303(b), must be actual, reasonable, necessary, and should be preapproved by the Agency. (Eligible Moving Expenses: See 24.301(g)(1)-(7). 24.301(g)(11)-(18) &24.303; Ineligible Moving Expenses: See 24.301(h)) (Eligible Reestablishment Expenses: See 24.304(a); Ineligible Reestablishment Expenses: Soo 24.304(b)) Section A. General - __..__...... - . _.;__......_,..__....._._.__... - -._... .._.._._.,.__.....- -- -.._._.,._ __ _...._.._ ... _ _.._., - - -- - ......., -- --._..-.._.,......- 1. Name of Business, Farm or Nonprofit Organization 2. Name, Title,-Address and Telephone Number of Claimant or Claimant's Authorized Agent Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance; .............. ..._......... Barbara Lee O'Reilly 3. Address from which Business, f=arm or Nonprofit organization moved 8201 Isaak Ave. NW Annandale, MN 55342 100 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362; 4a. Address to which Business, Farm or Nonprofit Organization moved 4b. Date Move Started (mmldd /yyyy) 4272 School Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362j! 07/01/2012 5. Type of Operation (Check One) Business ❑ Farm Operation ❑ Nonprofit Organization 6. Type of Ownership (Check Qne) 4c. Date Move Completed (mmlddlyyyy) TBD 7. is this a Final Claim? *Sole Proprietorship ❑ Corporation ❑ Yes Partnership ❑ Nonprofit Organlzation l] No (If "No," attach an explanation) 8. Certification of Legal Residency In the United States (Please read instructions below before completing this section.) instructions: To qualify for relocation advisory services or relocation payments authorized by the Uniform neleoallon Assistance and Heal Property Acquisition Policies Act, a "displaced person" must be a United States citizen or national, or an allen lawfully present In the United States. 'The certification below must be completed in order to receive any relocation benefits. (This certification may net have any standing with regard to applicable State laws providing relocation benefits.) Please address only the category that describes your citizenship status. For Item (2), please fill In the correct number of partners. The certllication for a nonresidential displaced person may be signed by an owner or other person authorized to sign on Its behalf. Your signature on this claim form constitutes certification. See 49 CFR 24.208(8) & (h) for hardship exceptions. NONRESIDENTIAL DISPLACEMENTS (1) Sole Proprietorship. (2) Paitnershlp, (3) Corporation. (Name of Corporation) certify that I am: (check one) I certify that there are partners in the I certify that a citizen or natonal of the United States partnership and that are citizens of Is established pursuant to State law and is an alien lawfully present in the United States. nationals of the United States and are authorized to conduct business In the aliens lawfully present in the United States. United States. Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 4 form HUD -40055 (0412005) Section B. Supporting Data for Moving Expenses (Not Identified in Sections C, D, E, For G) (49 CFR 24.301(d) & 24,301ke)) (Attach supplemental Page if additional space is needed and attached receipts for costs Incurred.) (identify If move is commerical move ❑ self move [_J, or combination move n;- Expense identification Amount Claimed For Agency Use Only - - - - - --- - ---------------------- . .. ...... (i) Transportation of personal property (self) $ 1$ (2) Disconnection, dismantling, etc. of personal property (professional)]_­_ ......... ... ... Professional services - plan the move (professional) (4) Purchase of substitute property (5) Total Costs (include this amount in line (1) of Item 9. Total) $ i $ Is This a Final Claim for Storage? ❑ Yes [:] No Date Moved to Storage Date Moved From Storage (mm/dd/YYW) I (mmldc") Item Amount For Agency Use Only .... . ...... ....... ....... ........... .. ...... . ... Monthly Rate for Storage $ $ .............. . .. . ........ . ---------- ------ Number of Months In Storage . .......... ......... ... . .. . ...... --- - ----- - i- Total Storage Costs (Include this amount in line (1) of Item 9, Total) $ Description of Properly Stored (List may be attached) Section D. Supporting Data for Searching Expenses (49 OFR 24.301(8)(17)) Amount Claimed For Agency Use Only (1) Searching Time Number of Hours x Hourly Rate of Earnings $ Time Spent Obtaining Permits, Attending Zaning Hearings Number of Hours x Hourly Rate of Earnings $ $ ....... ....... .. ..... . (3) Tir�o--�-p-e-nt-Negotiating ,-P—ur-c,-h-a"t-3"e-/-L,ease of Replacement Site Number of Hours x Hourly Rate of Earnings $ ------- ---- ---- (4) Transportation (Consult with Agency on allowable rate per mile of personal vehicle) $ $ (5) Lodging (Dates: Attach receipts) $ - - ------------ - --- ------ Fees Paid to Agent, (Excluding fees or commissions related to site purchase) (Attach contract of other evidence) $ $ ... . ........ .. .... ------- Cost of Meals $ (8) Other Expensoi- (Specify and 'attach T'receipts) $ ..... ..... {9) Total Searching Expenses $2,500.00 (Add lines (1) thru (9). include this amount, or $2,500, whichever la less, In line (1) of Item 9 Total.) Section E. Supporting Data for Payment for Actual Direct Loss of Personal Property (List separately each item for which amount claimed in Column (f) Is more than $500. Other Items may be grouped together. The Agency will advise on acceptable method for listing items. Attach additional as needed.) (49 CFR 24,201(g)(14 (b) Identify Personal Property Fair Market Value As Is Proceeds From Value Not Recovered Estimated Cost of Amount Claimedi For Agency for Which Payment for I For Continued Use At Sale By SRIP- I Moving Old Property (Lesser of Use Only Actual Direct Loss is Present Location (Column (b) minus As Is (To be entered) Column (d) or Requested (Attach appraisals, Column (c)) by Agency) I M) or other evidence) (fee 24.301 (g)(1 4) owl Claimant's Release of Personal Property (1) Total (Add all entries in column (f) above) i A 1$ YWe release to the Agency ownership of all personal property1m. . . . ........ remaining on the real property. 1(2) Cost of Effort to Sell Property (s,g., advertising) 1$ or Agent Date (mmIddly (49 GFR 24.301(8)(15)) �(3)Tatal Amount Claimed {Add lines (1) and (2). � "M Include this amount in line (1) of Item 9 Total) I N/A Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD-40055 (0412005) Section F. Supporting Data for Substitute Personal Property. List separately each Item for which amount claimed In column (f) is more than 75-00 Other Items may be grouped together. the agency will advise on acceptable method of listing Items. Attach additional sheets, as needed.) (49 CFR 24.301(g)(16)) -- -- ------ . .. ..... (d) M Identify Substitute Actual Cost of Proceeds From Not Cost of Estimated Cost of Amount Claimed! Far Agency Personal Properly Substitute Property Sale orTrade-in of Substitute !Movin and Reinstallingi Delivered and Installed PropertyThatWasl Personal Property I Rep�aced Item (To be column (d) for which Payment (Lesserof Use Only Is Requested at Now Location Replaced (Column (b) minus! I entered by agency) or (e)) (Attach documeniatlon) Column (c)) (see 24MI(q)(16)(fl))l I$ i$ s . .. . . ........ ... .. . ..... ............ - . . ..... -------------------- .. ....... ....... ........ . - - - - - - - - - - - Claimant's Release Of Personal Pro I/We release to the Agency ownership Malrltyersonal (2)Cost of Effort to Sell Property (e.g., advertising) (49 CFR 24.301 (g)(1 5)) Signature(s) of Claimant(s) or Agent Date (mm/ddtyy) is i i (3) Total Amount Claimed (Add lines (1) and (2). $ ( include this amount in line 1) of Item 9 Total) Section G. Supporting Data for Related Nonresidential Expenses (49 CFR 24.303) Only If applicable and Determined Actual, Reasonable and Necessary. (Attach supplemental page, 9 needed) j Amount 'For Agency . claimed Use Oniv ... ...... ..... - ... ......... . .. (1) Utility Connections from Right-of-Way to Improvements at Replacement Site. (2) Professional Services for Site Suitability Determination (3) Impact Fees ar One Time Assessments for LIVIR ..... . .. ...... . . . Total Related Nonresidential Expenses: (Add lines (1) through (3)) (include this amount in line (1) of Item 9 Total) N/A Section H. Supporting Data for Reestablishment Expenses. (49 OFF. 24.304) (Attach supplemental page If additional space is needed.) Amount 1 For Agency Expense ldentlflc�atlon Claimed use only (2) (3) (4) (b) Total Costs (Enter this amount, or $10,000, whichever Is less, on line (2) of.1tern 9) Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 4 HUD-40065 (04/2005) Section I. Certification By Claimant(s): I certify that the Information on this claim form and supporting documentation is true and complete and that I have not been paid for these_expenaesby any -ether sa�srce_.... - - .----- _- --.__. Signature(s) of Clalmant (s) or Claimant's Authorized Agent Title (Type or Print) Wainj: i1UD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictlon may resul n criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 tJ.S.C, 1001,1010, 1412; 31 U.S.C. 8729, 3802) 9. Computation of Payment -- - - Item ...- _..... Amount . ....__..._._..... _:....... .__...._._.._.- _..-- _..._.....- Por Agency Use Only _._- ._...._...._.._._.. (1) Moving Expenses (From Section 6, C, D. E, F, G) j$2,500M $ (2) Reestablishment Expenses (From Section H) (3) Other (Attach explanation) $ (4) Total Amount Claimed (Add lines (1) thru (3)) E$ _....._...._...._,...._,_._.... (5) -- --._.,_.... ._....__..., .............,.._.. ........_.._.... -- Amount Previously Received, if any ...._._...,... - - -..__......,.....- _..._,,......,- -- 1-,_......_......_............_-.._.. .-- ; $ ...Y__._...._,.__..__.... - -- -- .....__. ; $ ------ ----- (6) - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - .....__.._.....- Amount Requested (Subtmol line (5) from line (4)) - ...-------- ------- i $Z,JOO,OO $ Payment Action Amount of Payment, Stgnpyr5 Name (Type or Print) I Date (mmlddlyyyy) i F r� I 10. Recommended $ GrS0Q.oOj 11. Approved $ Remarks: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estirr.ated to average 1.5 hours per response. This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The information is being collected under the authority of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and heal Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and Implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and will be used for determining whether you are eligible to receive a payment for moving and related expenses and the amount of any payment. Response to this request for Information is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this farm unless It displays a currently valid OMB control number. Privacy Act Notice: This form Is for the use of displaced businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farm operators that wish to apply for a Payment for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses, Including Reestabllshment Expenses, rather than apply for a Fixed Payment. (The maximum Fixed Payment is $20,000.) The Agency will explain the difference between the two types of payments, if you are eligible to choose either payment, the Agency will help you to determine which Is most advantageous. If the full amount of your claim is not approved, the Agency will provide you with a written explana. tion of the reason. If you are not satisfied with the Agency's determination, you may appeal the determination. The Agency will explain how to make an appeal. This information is being collected under the authority of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. The Information may be made available to a Federal Agency for review. Previous editions are obsolete Page 4 of 4 form HU040056 (04/2005) Ann Zimmerman From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 7;38 AM To: John Callender Cc: Ann Zimmerman; Wayne Oberg Subject: RE: Montgomery Farms - Broadway Building Attachments; doc20120809132846.pcif Thanks John. Annie will be processing the pay request per the completed form. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota 763- 271 -3215 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet Internet, at 100 rnb speed! From: John Callender [mailto: john @wilsondevelopmentservices.coml -a. Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 9:30 AM To: Jeff O'Neill Cc: danwilson wilsondevelopmentservices.com Subject: RE: Montgomery Farms - Broadway Building Jeff, Attached is a signed copy of the initial relocation claim(claim #1) for Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance. Here is the background on this tenant: • Tenant received a notice of relocation eligibility on 4/13/2012. • Monticello EDA purchased the Broadway Plaza building at the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway from Montgomery Farms on 5/15/2012. • Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance is relocating to 4272 School Blvd. in Monticello on 9/1/2012, • This business is eligible for relocation expenses under HUD's 49 CFR Part 24 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally- Assisted Programs. This initial claim is for Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance covered fees for searching for a replacement business location under 24.301(8). Let me know if you have any questions and please send the check made payable to "Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance" to Wilson Development for distribution to the tenant. Dan is out of the office until 8/14 at which time we will submit a W -9 for reporting to you. 49 Thanks, John From: Jeff O'Neill [ mailto:J eff .OneillC&ci.monticello.mn.usl Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 8:25 AM To: Dan Wilson (danwilson wilsondevelo mentservices.com) Cc: John Callender Subject: RE: Montgomery Farms - Broadway Building Dan Do you remember what our standard for payment request documentation has been in the past in this regard? Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota 763 - 271 -3215 This email seat by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mb speed! From: John Callender rma[ Ito: johnOwilsondevelopmentservices .comI Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 2:06 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Montgomery Farms- Broadway Building Hi Jeff, I have an initial relocation claim to submit for Barbara Lee's Dance Studio, one of the tenants displaced by the Hwy 25 project. For payment, do you need the original document hand - delivered, or mailed to you, or can you process payment with a signed electronic copy? Please let me know your requirements so I can submit this claim for $2,500 for searching fees incurred by the tenant. By the way, she is relocating to 4272 School Blvd. on 9/1. Thanks, JO+L� C4.UtvL� 0 WDM EMU 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 952 - 448 -4630 or 800 -448 -4630 Fax 952- 448 -4676 John @WilsonDevelopmentServices.com 2 0 z 0 a, O Z. z ca Q L. .d W CN 4 0% N N � 3 N N N 0� N N N U C. o N c n N M N N O N N N N 0`0 N m en � o � 0_0 W N .N z UFg kn 0`0 00 N N N y4 I 00 0 ci � L. .d W O I O " I Vl 0 0 I O O I O vl aN 00 N Iq V7 N O O O O O O N �D O 4 M M O N N kn In CA M M M Ul N N M V+ O O cc 000 O 0 0 1 01 0 a, 000 0,0 0 00 0 ooa N CN 4 0% N N � 3 N N N 0� N N N U C. o N c n N M N N O N N N N 0`0 N m en � o � 0_0 W N .N z UFg kn 0`0 00 N N N ci I 00 W A� ci O I O " I Vl 0 0 I O O I O vl aN 00 N Iq V7 N O O O O O O N �D O 4 M M O N N kn In CA M M M Ul N N M V+ O O cc 000 O 0 0 1 01 0 a, 000 0,0 0 00 0 ooa N CN N 0% N N N 0� N N N N N M N N OM N N N 0`0 N m en � 0_0 � O 0_0 W N .N 00 N kn 0`0 00 N N N 6 I 00 00 It 17 It M Kl M O O 0 0 O Q O O Q A A Q A A 4 a U $ O Do vl t} N V1 Ln Vy OA ,� 3 Ao 0 W a a 00 p CN 0% O O O 0� 00 00 00 O N N N O O O O N I Ln w) m It 17 It M Kl M N N N N N N N N k M ol 0 M N O N OU U A O 0 z 0 04 0 z 9 O �L u d A Ls Q� r� O p O V 00 00 M M M_ N TI i4 N A 4� O O � p G4 N d ro Pi z� a� o, 0 m N O 00 Q U 0 U V 5l �y G O N LN 6 AL 1WSB BcAsaoc Engineering A Planning 1 Environmental 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello July 27, 2012 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -550 Tel, 763 -541 -4800 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 3 fax: B3 -5 1 -t7p0 . Monticello, MN 553628831 �. . s. Monticello Business Center Wetland Services AUG ^ 7 # ProfessjQ� _ l Services from June 01.2012 to June 30.2012 1 # 2012 Professional Personnel _n ; Hours Rate rAii upf:' Project Management/Coordination Bisson, Shibani Totals Total Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining Comments: Approved by: 2,50 121.00 302.50 2.50 302.50 302.50 Current Prior To -bate 302.50 3,438.25 3,740.75 4,750,00 1,009.25 Total this Invoice $302.50 Reviewed by: Bret Wei es Project Manager: Shibani Bisson Minneapulis 1 St. Cioud Equal Opportunity Employer 4W-49mik- EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Financial Advisory Services Invoice Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Ave, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8822 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (6511)t. 69.7 -8500 A00 3 2012 Invoice #, 345080 Invoice Date: August 10, 2012- Project: Embracing Downtown (Monticello COD Redevelopment) For financial advisory services rendered In conjunction with the establishment or modification of a tax increment district. Date Worked _ML Descripiion of Services Hours Amount 07 -09 -2012 BKf Phone call, review Ace Hardware Info .50 97.50 07 -1 &2012 BKi Prepare for, travel to, and attend meeting - Ace Hardware 3.25 633.75 3.75 $731.25 Amount Due This Invoice (Detach at perloratlon and return lower portlon to Ehlora) $731.26 Monticello Economic Development Authority, IVIN Invoice #: 345080 Invoice Date: August 10, 2012 Amount Due This Invoice $731.25 Please remit payment to: Ehlers Attn: Accounts Receivable Due Upon Receipt 5060 Contra Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 , r , wabsite development & deslp 4321 HARVEST CouRT MONT]cr,LLO, MN SS362 WWW.Bullpr(OGSWRATSHOP.Com PHONE 4 612-801-6717 DAVU@RULLFROGSWEATSHOP.COM CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ATTN: MEGAN BARNETT 11.0. DUE DATE 8/9/2012 TERMS DUE DN RECEIPT UPDATEWEBsi,rs UPDATE WEBS ITF AS REWESTED BY CUSTOMER, WEBSITE HOSTI... WEBSITE HOSTING INCLUDES 3 E-MAIL ADDRESSES up SoobAB TOTAL, FrP MANAGEMENT, AND GOOGLE ANALYTlCS, ti AUG 1 5 2012 1;� BULLFROG SWMT91-10P LVC.' DATE 8/9/2012 INVOICE 91 - 4 80.00 320,00 200.00 200,00 SUBTOTAL $320.00 SALES TAX (6,875%) $0.00 TOTAL $520,00 PAYMENTS /CREDITS Zoo BALANCE DUE EHLERS 3060 Centre Pointe brave Roseville, MN 55113 (651 } 697 -6540 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE 7 3 7 7, Financial Advisory Services Invoice AUG 1 3 7.D1 ?.. . •� 9 Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Ave, Ste 1 Invoice #: 345061 Monticello, MN 55362 -8622 Invoice Date: August 10, 2012 Project: General TIF Consulting Date Worked By Description of Services Hours Amount 07- 242012 R Draft TlF 1 -9 District Decertification Form and 1.50 255.00 Resolution and send to City 1.50 $255.00 Amount Due This Invoice $255.00 (Detach at perforation and return lower portlon to Ehlers) Monticello Economic Development Authority, MN Invoice #; 345081 Invoice Date; August 10, 2012 I. Amount Due This Invoice $255.00 Please remit payment to: Ehlers Attn: Accounts Receivable Due Upon Receipt 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 Xcel Energiyd) RISFUNSIBL@ BY NATUREw Noriliorn States Power Company Please Return This Portion Witlr Your Payment, :C fi %� . 3s::��":�#?� :1- KeEziS:wsi�:r :.:. �k �1,�• ?�`. 51- 0592578 -0 09/14/2012 $19,29 Balance As Of 011117 0.00y Thank Youl AT 01 001716 55251 D 9 A * *=7 rllll11I111'III'1111111'l'll`I "`1'1111 "II'�IIII�IIII�IIII "1 "l MONTICELLO EDA 595 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9831 �' IIIInIIdLl�llllll] III�II���II���IIIIIIS1111�SIIlII 'IIII"Illl P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, IAN 55484.9477 21 51091412 09925780 0000000/ i2900C 00001929 Detach and Rutuin This Por[ion For Yoer neoords 1laestions: Call or write to us at: .� ._ ,u`x:,..;,:- :y. a >�< < :w� '�,;•.x: f;. . Please Call: j881)j 401 -4700 Northern States Power Company ivi�4ia''i I € #a Hearing Impaired; (810 } 095 -4949 POBX Fax: (800 ) 311 -005 0 EA MIRE W 54702 -0000 Billing Summary 12791 Commercial 09/17/12 Previous Balance 07123 $0.00 No Payment Through Oflh17 Balance As Of 011117 0.00y commercial Electric Service 06117 Current Other Charges 06117 57,4413 . Total $19.29 Period: 971Z31t2 to Invoice # 435371465 Total Energy -kWh Motor # Company Reading -on 08114 OOUO07727701 Company ReadingLon 07123 Total Usage in 22 Uoys Actual Demand -kW Billable Demand Sm Gen Svc (Metered) 22 pays Basic Service Cho Energy Charge Summer Environmt tmprumt Rider Fuel Cost Charge Resource Adj Interim Rate Adj subtotal City Fees State Tax 06.07 .6y Total Amount Service Pracessing Cho Premiso # 303547449 State Tax See back ofbill for more information. Pago 1 of 2 MONTICELLO EDA 202 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Account #: 51- W92518 -0 Statement Rate: 00117/12 This Last Year Year Average Teniperaturo 71 * 74 Electriclkwh per Day 0.1 0.0 re, t V or Day so,fl8 $O.OD * 3 Degrees Colder $7.00 $0,48' Next Scheduledsr:Qa Meter Reading pate. 12791 09/17/12 09/14/2012 .12789 kWl1 2 1,83 2 .:•:, �, '' i` 's _ $6.34 2 kWh ® $0,071730 2 kWh 0$0,0033071i'y t 0.01 2 kWh Cc $4:030000 ,t, AUG 2 1 2012 ,i J. 0,06 ,•. t, E �! .17 701 .. 4.03 .a:..:.. .. ....:..: .. :.. ....:,- 1.81 $7.00 $0,48' Next Scheduledsr:Qa Meter Reading pate. 09/17/12 09/14/2012 $19.29 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 336700331 Premise # .303547449 h � e� XcelEnergyv RESPONSIBLE BY FA7I199- Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion Wilb Your Payment MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALK UT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0822 P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51091312 05171655 000000369680000110369648 09tach and Nitik This P&don'F& Me ROddds auestilans, Cult or write to us at: Please Call: 1800) 481-4700 Northern Stotes Power Company Hearing Impaired: 1800) 895-049 PO Box 0 Fax: (800} 311 -0050 FAU CLAIRE W1 54702-0008 Avorages for This Lost Billing Period Year Year AMgragQ TpWperaturo -IQ* FlecAric/kwh per Day 97.0 010 Cost ear Day , Oinnr Em * 3 Be urees Colder - % .......... K" !1�MAM. jr - Z­ 3 'IMM V ,.K.3 3%=M' Elockic Charges Usage Period- 07116112 to 09114112 V 51.0617365-5 09/13/2012 $369.68 Total Enorgy-kWh Thank Youl Motor # Compaq Reading on 08114 P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51091312 05171655 000000369680000110369648 09tach and Nitik This P&don'F& Me ROddds auestilans, Cult or write to us at: Please Call: 1800) 481-4700 Northern Stotes Power Company Hearing Impaired: 1800) 895-049 PO Box 0 Fax: (800} 311 -0050 FAU CLAIRE W1 54702-0008 Avorages for This Lost Billing Period Year Year AMgragQ TpWperaturo -IQ* FlecAric/kwh per Day 97.0 010 Cost ear Day , Oinnr Em * 3 Be urees Colder - % .......... K" !1�MAM. jr - Z­ 3 'IMM V ,.K.3 3%=M' Elockic Charges Usage Period- 07116112 to 09114112 09117112 0911312012 Invoice # 435179727 Total Enorgy-kWh Motor # Compaq Reading on 08114 56936 000007727732 Company Heading on WIN KM Total Usage in 29 Days kWh 713 -Actual Demand -kW 7.35 Billable Demand 7 Sm Gen Sue JIVetered) 29 Days Basic-Service Chi $165 Energy Charge Summer 713 kWh 0$9.071730 $51.14 Envimnmt lmprvmt Rider 713 kWh 6$D1003307 $2,38 Fuel Cost Charge 713 kWh 9 $0.02B541 $20.36 Resource Atli $4,26 Intorim Rate Adi va Subtotal $0145 City Fees $5.50 State Tax 0.875% 6.53 Total Amount $101A8 For an average non-demand customer, 73% of your bill r6fors to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs -and 17% to the cost oflocal,wires connected to your business. For an average demand-billed customer, 83% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 1D% to high voltage linos, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. MONTICELLO EDA 112 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9321 See back of bill for Account 51-0517365-5 more information. Page 3 of 4 Statement Date: 08116112 Next Schodule M eter Reading late . . . . . . . � KOM lz 09117112 0911312012 $369SO Statement 9 336524631 Promise # 302695149 Xcel Energy RESPONSIBLE BY NATURRTM Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment, AT 02 002037 SM 23B 11 A * *3DGT 11- 11111111111111- 1.1.1 1111 Jill 1= III u11111111h11I1111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111'E11`I'1' 111' 11111111111111111' 11111i11 .11111'1111�11i�11�1111' P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51[i91312 05177655 0000003696800❑U0036968 Damch and liat'ain This Pb�ricf i'Fdr Yau�'He6ords Questions: Call or write to us at a A� Please Gall: (800} 481 -471}0 Northern States Power Company 1 >I Bearing Impaired: 1000) 895 -4949 PD BOX 0 g_�s Fax: {0001311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE Wi 54102 -0000 Billing Summary Cnmueereial Previous Balance 07]16 $402.62 Payment Received as of 00116 W96 Averages for This fast Balance As OfO6116 Billing Period " ,Year Year Commercial Electric Servicu 06116 Average Temperature __76 'total $309.08 Fiectriclkwh per Day 97.0 10 Cost par Day $1235 to OD * 3 Dooroes Colder � , --- , -.- f Electric Charges Usage Period: 07/16/12 to 08114112 Invoice #435178933 Total Energy kWlr Meter # -Company Reading on 00114 40345 000007727744 Company Reading on 117116 ZULU Total Usage in 29 Gaya kWh 2100 Actual l9emand -kW B,Zh - Billable ,Demand 0 '`f 1 ; , 4 ;I a is f j �l„ ryV ld,- 3 �Y�- I.- 6 1 J Sm Gera Svc IMotoredl Ways Basic.survice Cho Energy Charge Summer 2100 kWh 0 $0.071730 AUG 2 j 2012 t4 p,03 Enviranmt Imprvat Hider 2100 kWh 0$0.003307 0,94 Fuel Cost Charge 2100 kWh ® $0.020543 $59sA nosource Adj I; „ ` . "' 1213 Interim nnto Adj subtotal city Fees $5.50 State Tax 06.B75% 7.2 Total Amount $268.20 For an average non- demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, $3% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10%to high voltage lines, and 7 %-to the cost of local Wres connected to your business. MONTICELLO EUA 296 PINE ST MONTICELLO,1h N 55362 -8665 See back of bill for Aocourit #: 51- 0517365 -5 more information. Page 1 of 4 Statement hate: 06/16/12 NoxtScheduled Motor Roading Datex 8 09117/12 61- 0517365 -6 09113/2012 $369.68 Tltanlc Youl < ��' � AT 02 002037 SM 23B 11 A * *3DGT 11- 11111111111111- 1.1.1 1111 Jill 1= III u11111111h11I1111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111'E11`I'1' 111' 11111111111111111' 11111i11 .11111'1111�11i�11�1111' P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51[i91312 05177655 0000003696800❑U0036968 Damch and liat'ain This Pb�ricf i'Fdr Yau�'He6ords Questions: Call or write to us at a A� Please Gall: (800} 481 -471}0 Northern States Power Company 1 >I Bearing Impaired: 1000) 895 -4949 PD BOX 0 g_�s Fax: {0001311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE Wi 54102 -0000 Billing Summary Cnmueereial Previous Balance 07]16 $402.62 Payment Received as of 00116 W96 Averages for This fast Balance As OfO6116 Billing Period " ,Year Year Commercial Electric Servicu 06116 Average Temperature __76 'total $309.08 Fiectriclkwh per Day 97.0 10 Cost par Day $1235 to OD * 3 Dooroes Colder � , --- , -.- f Electric Charges Usage Period: 07/16/12 to 08114112 Invoice #435178933 Total Energy kWlr Meter # -Company Reading on 00114 40345 000007727744 Company Reading on 117116 ZULU Total Usage in 29 Gaya kWh 2100 Actual l9emand -kW B,Zh - Billable ,Demand 0 '`f 1 ; , 4 ;I a is f j �l„ ryV ld,- 3 �Y�- I.- 6 1 J Sm Gera Svc IMotoredl Ways Basic.survice Cho Energy Charge Summer 2100 kWh 0 $0.071730 AUG 2 j 2012 t4 p,03 Enviranmt Imprvat Hider 2100 kWh 0$0.003307 0,94 Fuel Cost Charge 2100 kWh ® $0.020543 $59sA nosource Adj I; „ ` . "' 1213 Interim nnto Adj subtotal city Fees $5.50 State Tax 06.B75% 7.2 Total Amount $268.20 For an average non- demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, $3% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10%to high voltage lines, and 7 %-to the cost of local Wres connected to your business. MONTICELLO EUA 296 PINE ST MONTICELLO,1h N 55362 -8665 See back of bill for Aocourit #: 51- 0517365 -5 more information. Page 1 of 4 Statement hate: 06/16/12 NoxtScheduled Motor Roading Datex 8 09117/12 09/13/2012 $369,68 Please see the back of this hill for mure.information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 336524631 Premise # 307451493 o 0 z 0 d 0 0 z �i V A G�7 .; Gip 4 Le) +n o 0 o M m In O 1� 00 09 ca � N 0 O •V QQ O 0 re LL � �hV) oN w O � m O � 00, z o � 0 0 0 0 b q A .; Gip C7, 4 Le) +n o 0 o M m In O �i 00 09 ca � N 0 O O o0 QQ O 0 oa o0 ry � �hV) oN w O � m O � 00, z o � 0 0 0 A q A A C7, o, Le) +n o 0 o M m In tin N N 00 09 ca o0 0 O O o0 0o O 0 oa o0 ry �hV) oN d O m O � 00, O O m O 0 0 0 A A A A w° ° .� ;yy r a+ a+ a, p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N a N N O O O v v F i °o o a C� C� O O N p (y O O N hl �hV) oN d O m O � 00, O O m O 0 0 0 A A A A w° ° w° ;yy r G O O r"S o V UO 0 U) U� V 0OO N N N N N N N N N a N N O O O v v F i °o o a C� C� M M cc oc 00 �hV) oN m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N a N N O O O v v F i 0 z 0 O O h Y1 00 co M M p z U d R R C�7 A O F4 u a� A i.i O L L± H u u i tl� Q O O A kn ON ON O N O 0 k p v a O Y Q a c� W R N %J ii C, 0 O M M q m d I N In In v w O B 6 M M N 'C1 w w° Q H N pN N' a a a N N N N O O 7 yOy U A a A O XcelEnergy@ NESPONSIBLE NY .NAVBRE- Northern States Pawor Company Please RetumThls Porfian Will Your Paym ant, AV 01 011424 56342B 60 A **5DGT 11�r1rl��hltriu�I�Ih�jri�IrI111IliIP '11�111��1nnl���ilillli MONTICELLO FDA 505 VVALN UT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO M1V 55362 -8831 II. 11-1- III li 111111111 -ill rlllliitlEr�lll[II P.O. BOX 9477 M PLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 5109171.2 06230828 0000000108900000001089 i]utueh aii4 RaWti This Portion For Your Rocords Questions: Call or write to us at; _ _ Please Call: f8001481 -4709 Northern States Power Company z� � i �y ���` s �� :; "pU ��� �':` t `` � � �° " ";�x bw Hearing Impaired; (00018994 -4949 PO BOX 0 a j .:.: Fax: (800) 3110050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 0008 - Billing Summary commercial Previous Balance 08109 No PaymmatThrough 00120 Balance As Of 000 Commercial Electric Service 06/20 Curtunt Other Charges 08120 Total Averages for This Lest Billin period Year Year Aver_mno. e ai pe roture Go hlectric/kwh per Day 03 0.0 Cast per,D4y $1.81 $0.00 * 5 Degrees Colder Electric Charges Usage Period: 06109112 to 06)75112 51- 0623082 -8 09/17)2812 $10.09 Thank Youl AV 01 011424 56342B 60 A **5DGT 11�r1rl��hltriu�I�Ih�jri�IrI111IliIP '11�111��1nnl���ilillli MONTICELLO FDA 505 VVALN UT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO M1V 55362 -8831 II. 11-1- III li 111111111 -ill rlllliitlEr�lll[II P.O. BOX 9477 M PLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 5109171.2 06230828 0000000108900000001089 i]utueh aii4 RaWti This Portion For Your Rocords Questions: Call or write to us at; _ _ Please Call: f8001481 -4709 Northern States Power Company z� � i �y ���` s �� :; "pU ��� �':` t `` � � �° " ";�x bw Hearing Impaired; (00018994 -4949 PO BOX 0 a j .:.: Fax: (800) 3110050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 0008 - Billing Summary commercial Previous Balance 08109 No PaymmatThrough 00120 Balance As Of 000 Commercial Electric Service 06/20 Curtunt Other Charges 08120 Total Averages for This Lest Billin period Year Year Aver_mno. e ai pe roture Go hlectric/kwh per Day 03 0.0 Cast per,D4y $1.81 $0.00 * 5 Degrees Colder Electric Charges Usage Period: 06109112 to 06)75112 Invoice 9435574702 Total EnerWkWh ;;.. , . ., f t..,, i`11� _ ,; • , Meter Company Heading on'0 J1 % y:� : ,.'° i`-'' 42695 860052995965 Estimated Heading on' IV& ,3 AZ 69 Tatel -Usage in G Oayo.) ­ ; I kWh 2 Sin Gen Svc (Metered) son 9 ' AUG 24 2012 T Basic Service Chg $1.73 Energy Charge Summer kWh' t `. '' 0$01071730 $0.14 Enviromnt lmprvmt Bider ,. i 3 `V 2 lc ]t . ' @ $O.U033U7 $0.01 Fuel Cost � 611 -: L[eWh : . �_ -; ®$0.030060 $0.06 Resource Adj $0.05 Interim Hato Adj 099 Subtotal $2.08 City Fees $1.10 State Tax ®6.875% 0,23 Total Amount 3.41 Service Processing Chg Promise #303f3073511 $7.00 state Tax $0.48 x L MOlfI7'ICELLO EOA Next Scheduled 3119 W BROADWAY ST Meter Hooding Data__ MONTICELLO, RIIN M362 -9356 09/18112 0991179012 $16.89 Please see the back of this hill for more inforrhation See hack of hill for Account#: 51-M231182-8 mgarding the Mate payment charg e. Pay on or before the more information. date due to avoid assessment of A late payment charge. Page 1 of 2 Statement (late: 66120/12 Statement ft 336869176 Pretitise # 303657358 o � Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street ' .. 3��3 r: Minneapallts, MN 55402 ABC 3 0 2012 Monticello EDA July 31, 2012 MN325 -00026 Acquisition of Gas Station Property Through July 31, 2012 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 711112012 MNI Office conferences with C Rockiltz, S Sonsalla regarding 0,40 72,00 title objectlon letter and timeline, review purchase agreement provislons regarding title matters, 7/11/2012 SJS Intraoffice conference with M, Ingram regarding title 0.25 47.50 objection Issues, 7/12/2012 MINI Voicemall and email correspondence with M .Barnett, C 0.30 54,00 Rocklitz regarding upcoming closing on conveyance and necessary steps, 7116/2012 MNI Phone and email correspondence with M Barnett 0,60 108,00 regarding closing on gas statlon property; office conference wtih C Rocklltz regarding same. 7/16/2012 CBR Review status; email to title; draft checklist 1.25 158.75 7/26/2012 MNI Phone and email correspondence with M Barnett 0.40 72,00 regarding status of closing on conveyance of property; succession Issues after M Barnett leaves posit€on, 7127120`12 MNI Email correspondence with City regarding status of title 0.10 18.00 Issues, Total Services: $ 530,28 For All Disbursements As Follows: 7/16/2012 American Office Products - Tabs 3160 Total Disbursements: $ 3,80 Total Services and Disbursements; $ 533,85 Megan llarnett- Livgard City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Fred's Auto Body Invoice Tate : 8117/2012 l.irnited Site Investigation 349 Broadway Street West Monticello, MN For Professional Services rendered through 811012012 Professional Consulting Services Other Expenses Invoice Total Pltrose pay from this irtvWCe. Te ns; Clue an recelpt, l 112% per month after. 30 days, l B% annuol percentage rata. Invoice #: 356520 Project # : SC- 12- 02455A Client # : M06994 Client Ref : 1,650.00 UO '" . � } iwastercard i=(SRM M DH2•01 (W121 PLEASE RrMIT TO MUN INTERTEC MRPORPMON NW 7644 , P,O. BOX 1450 WINFAVOLIS, MN 55405.7644 (952) 99WO86 • FAX (932) 99,15-=O Ir'N.T,.E RTEC Tax 1,1).#41-1684205 Project: SC-12-02455A Fred's Auto Body Invoice t., 366520 Consulting Services Class/ Empfoyee Name Dole —0/2012 Hoors Ra to Amount Volker, A@ ron P —'UPI 2.00 100M 200,00 2.00 200.00 Flynn, Andrea 08110120,12 4.00 100-00 400-00 4.00 400.00 Volker, Aaron R 08/10/2012 14,00 75.00 1,050.00 14.00 1,060,00 Consulting Services 1; 6x0.476 Total Project: SC-12-02455A -- Fred's Auto Body 1,650.00 Pleme pay from Invoice. We accopt m qwv4w Te,fms: Due on tocelpt, 1 1/2% per maril i offor 30 clays, I 81/p annual porcentoge tote, PI 0. ..E. "GIN - :U- -G'' vlh, 9NM N. 7. GWINON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Jeff O'Neil, City Administrator 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629974 �. AUG 2 0 2012 Invoice Date Invoice Number Last Bill Data August 97, 2012 22891 7116/2012 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services Archambaylt, Tawhnee -1.1.2 E Broadwau #1 7/10/2012 LGT Time Call to Tawhnee regarding. move plans? Notes to file Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 i-Irs /date Amount 0.20 19.00 95,00 /hr SUBTOTAL; [ 0.20 Barbara Lee's Dance. Studio 712/2012 JFC Time 0.30 Phone call with Jim .Potersori of Bullseye .Properties regarding 96.00/hr potential office space for this client. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio. 71312092 JFC Time 0.50 Phone call with Barbara Lee regarding relocation options, Sent email . 95.00 /hr with relocatioh optlbns. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 7/10/2012 DIM Time 0A0 Call with Megan regarding not release f4 her. Discuss with John to 110,001hr call Barbara Lee -- same Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 7117/2012 JF'C Time 0.40 Phone call with Jim Peterson of Bullseye Properties regarding rental 95.00 /hr space for Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance and The Pizza Factory. M 28.50 47.50 44.00 38.00 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery f=arms page 2 Hrs /Efate Amount Phone calf with Barbara Lee regarding relocation status. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 7/23/2012 DHW Time 0.10 19.00 received message regarding wants meeting to discuss fixed vs actual 110.00 /hr claim. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 7/2512012 JFC Time 0.50 47.50 Phone calls and voice malls with Barbara Lee regarding business 96.001hr relocation Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 7/3112012 JFC ''Time -0:50 47:50 Phone call with tenant regarding new location and claim process. 95.001hr Barbara Lee's Dance Studio SUBTOTAL; [ 2.70 284.09 BL Used Bike Shop 7110/2012 LCT Time 0.40 38.00 Call to Rob regarding plans to move /need referrals? Notes to file, 95.00 /hr updated Dan BL Used Bike Shop DHW Time 0.40 44.00 Discuss with Leah - Call to Bike Shop - discuss search. pleads up for • 110.00/hr 90 day to vacate. . Discuss tenant response with Leah. BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL: [ 0.80 82.00' Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway. #2 . - '71312012 LGT . Time'. - 0.20 .. 19,00 . Call from fleece regard ing'depesit and move money dotes to file 95.00/hr Bregenzer,, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 7/10/2012 LGT . Time .0.20. 19.00 Discussed with Dan - don't need council approval for move monies. 95.00/hr Left message for Reece regarding call with move plan update /remember to pay rent• Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 DHW Time 0,20 22.00 Discuss with Leah - do not need council approval for move $ 110,00 /hr Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Fangs Page 3 7/1012012 DHW Time Disc relocation claim payment with Leah Cali to Megan - Discuss same Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 711312012 i-INF Time Email to Megan at City of Monticello regarding receipt of rent payment. Reply email from Megan. Call to Reece with update, updated flie. Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 7117!2012 HNI; Time Received email from Megan at Monticello regarding rent payment for July. 'Call to fleece, left message on voioe mail with -update, eall-frorn Reece advised of July's rental payment. Updated file, Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway 02 SUBTOTAL: Hrs /Rate Amoun 0.20 22.00 110.00/hr 0.40 38.00 95.001hr 0.50 47.60 95.00 /hr 1 1.70 167.60' Good Clean fun Tattoos 712/2012 DHW Time 3;80 418.00 Call Brad 5olWm, attorney regarding tattoo parlor not paid for lease 110,001hr vacation Meeting with displacee on site, discuss relocation Good Clean Fun Tattoos SUBTOTAL: [ 3.80 418.00' Pizza FactoU (Ekegren) 7/11/2012 DHW Time 0.10 11.00 Call Gary - Left message to call. 110.00/hr Pizza Factory (Ekegron) 711712012 JPG Time 0.24 19,00 Phone call with Jim.Peterson of.Bullseye Properties. regarding rental ' 95.00 /hr space for Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance acid The Pizza Factory. Pizza 1✓actory, {Ekegren) DHW. Time 0:60 55.00 Discuss realtor call with John regarding site 110.001hr Call with Megan - discuss same and timing for Notice to Vacate Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: ( 0.80 85.00' City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms z-Pro ect Mana ement 7/3/2012 DFIW Time Call from Megan - appeal policy - discuss relocation status. z- Project Management 7/31/2012 DML Time 7 -1 to 7 -31, 2012 Consultant entries recorded to database for clienticase history, status and file maintenance /backup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL:. For professional services rendered Additional Charges Good Clean Fun Tattoos 7/2/2012 DHW Mileage Mileage Good Clean Fun Tattoos SUBTOTAL: Total costs For professional services rendered Total amount of this pill Previous balance 8/14/2012 Payment -Thank You. Check No. 108054 Total payments 'and adjustments Balance due Page 4 Hrs /Rate Amount 0.30 33.00 110.00/hr 1.38 103.50 75.00/h r [ 1.68 136.50' 11.68 $1,172.00 106 58.83 0.56 [ 58.83; $58.83 11.68 $1,230.83 '$1,230,83 $2,339-32.. ($2,339.32 ($2,339.32 $1,230.83 Invoice BILL TO SHIP TO City of Monticello Monticello Building Economic Development Authority 202 Pine Street 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 Net 15 DATE INVOICE NO. P•O. N0, TERMS DUE DATE SHIP DATE 8/1512012 41453 Net 15 9/1/2012 8/15/2012 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 101 Regular Monthly Services for September 350.00 3 SO.00T 17 2012 Thauk you for your business. Sales Tax (6.875 %) $24.06 Total $374.06 4111 Mackenzie Court NE, Suite 100, St. Michael, MN 55376 (763)497 -8020 (763)497 -8564 fax www.carlsonbldgservices.com GenterPQint. .Always "here° QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPaint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 66440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m, - 6 p,m, Bill Into 612- 321 -4939 ContorPointEnergy.com DIDYOU KNOW? Your account is ready to vlew. now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations far saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterpointEnergy.com/ myaccountonline. ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429449-3 Billing date 08130/2012 Date due 0911012012 Credit balance - $ 19.24> ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance $12,82 Payment 0812_1 1201.2_ -44,88 Balance forward 432.06 Current bllling 12,82 Credit Balanco - $119.24 SERVICE ADDRESS 202 Pine St Montirollo MN 56062 -86x5 YOUR GAS USAGE Motor # MI 9522512867 29 Day bllllng period Current reading 0713 012 0 1 2 to 08128/2012 08128/2012 Previous reading 07130/2012 6369 6369 Metered usage 00 CCFxTherm fWOT of 1.00727= Thermo used fn 211d4ya _ 0 Next meter reading 09129/2012 Next bllling date 1010-1/20'(2 YOUR BILL. IN DETAIL. Comllnd Firm Rate Basic charge $12,00 Delivery charge 0.p0 Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Inverted block rate ad] 0.00 Gas Affordablllty PRG 0,00 State sales tax 0182 "Total current chargos 81" 4 2012 ; I $112.82 � -r 0,11i" ��i rti>r Page 1 Of 1 Avg dairy tamp: This parlO We yaar 72 °F; this period lot yaer 78 °F. > �e�telpa «f Mail this poruan with payment. Plano do nok include Lenore or nalai � Energy Account number 9429449.3 Atwuys`rltere..° Do Not Pay Credit balance CEN'TERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 IIIIIII11II11Il IliI�IIIIIIIIIrI lI I11�111I111I�I111�1s 1I�IliII� 00017800 01 AV 0.3501 THE CITY or MONTICELLO ECONOMIG DEVELOPNIGNT 606 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8821 lfllfp�ll�l���fulllllllfllllnll�lllllllilll 'li�111111111�t11p 0940062700288 U0720000094294493000000DUOU000000000000090 Centerfoint. Energy Always There.' QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a,m. - 5 p.m, Bill into 612 -321 -4938 CenterPointEnergy.com OIRYOU KNOW? We haven't received the past due charges of $12.82 . Please pay this amourit today. If you've recently made your payment, Thank You. Your account Is ready to view now Register for free online account access. View valance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saying energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPoinlEnergy.com/ myaiccountonline. Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -6 Billing date 08/30/2012 [late due 09/27/201 Total amount Niue � ,6r} Late fee 08130/2012 rlagr — 10D—, ACOT SUMMARY Gas charges Prevloua balanoo $12,82 Payment _ 0.00 salanoe forward iz $12.82 Late fee 08130/2012 rlagr — 10D—, Current billing 12.82 Total amount due 'We SERVICE ADDRESS Cam /Ind Firm Rate 206 Pine St $12,00 Monticello MN 553132 -8666 0,00 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter# M19602312069 29 pay blllin period 07/30/2012 to 08128/2012 Current reading 08128/2012 178 Previous reading 0713012012 178 Metered usage oo ccFx martn mater of 1.00727 -Therms usad in 29 days 0 Next meter readIng 09129/2012 Next billing date 10/01/2012 YOUR BILL_ IN DETAIL Cam /Ind Firm Rate Baslo charge $12,00 Delivery charge 0,00 Dowupling adjustment 0,00 Inverled bleok rata adj 0.00 Gas Affordability PING 0.00 State solos tax 0,62 Total current charges �J:112s82- •i k �c�3 Z 2017 # '� 'r../ � +��yI ki Page 1 of 1 Ave daily, tamp: This period No year 72 °F; this period taut year WF. point. Mal HUs pardon With payment. Please do not irwlttds [altars or notes 4 Fnryy Account number 9429448 -5 Always Titesie.' Dale due 09/27/2012 Total amount due CEWERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 05440 -1144 r CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 00017078 91 AV 0,3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -606 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8821 ��II�PrhPuE����lltll+ Jill !! t 1111 gill, 094006270262 8072000 30142944854000 lUUU266400000[)U266450 CenterPolntm fnegY ,Always There QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. —"— Bill Into 612. 321-4939 CenterPointEnergy.com DID YOU KNOW? We haven't received the past due charges of $19.24. Please pay this amount today. If you've recently made your payment, Thank You. Your account Is ready to view now. Register for Free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.aoml myaccountonline. {1 7012 CenlerPolr;rt. Alwgva`17tm�z' CENTERAOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Cuslomer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429460 -1 BIIIIng date 081%/2012 Date due 09127/2012 Total amount due P"T- ACCT SUMMARY Mal thla portionwtth paymant. Name do not Include taltara or noise Chas charges Previous balance Date due $19,24 Payment 0,00 Balance forward A B Id 17. —} $19,24 Late fee 000/2012 ,1,0tr Current billing 1924 Total amount duo $3B SERVICE ADDRESS 112 E Broadway St Montloello MN 65362 -4664 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter 9 M19809103467 29 Day billing perlad 0713012012 to 08198/2012 Current reading 08/2812012 1180 Previous reading 07!80/2012 1180 Metered usage 00 GcF XTharm iaotor of 1.00727 - Therme uesd in 20 days - 0 Next meter reading 09129/2012 Next billing date 10/01/2012 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate Basic charge $18,00 Delivery charge 0.00 Decoupling adjustment 0,00 inverted blockrate adj 0.00 Gas Alfordablllty P RG 0.00 State sales tax 1.24 Total current charges s24"- i(i r a Al tJ , taxi 19.5 G-w �� 4 X'I ry 0 _ 11, Page 1 Of 1 Avg dally tamp: Thla period this yaw 72 °F; He perlad Wt year 76 °F. Mal thla portionwtth paymant. Name do not Include taltara or noise Account number 9429450 -1 Date due 09/27/2012 Total amount due Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4571 HOUSTON TX 7721 0-4671 I tl IIA{ III{ IIII{ Illlllll�lkkk{ I {IIIIIIiI11lIIkl�l� { {tllklll�l {III 0001768101 AV 0,3641 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 66962 -8821 uful� ;ailf ul�r1 11111+ IaIiI�rI�U111 {IIIIIkII��IIir�l�I�irelNl 0940062700304 0072DUBnO44 x9450 1600000003948OUGGE003948ap Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Sulte 470 City of Monticello Minneapolis, MN 50402 July 31, 2012 MN190 -00139 Economic Development TI>= (Suburban Manufacturing) Through July31, 2012 For All Legal Services As f=ollows; 7/10/2012 MNI F'inallze certificate of completion In recordable form, circulate. ;. AUG 3 0 2012 ;# Total Services: Hours Amount 0.10 18.00 $ 18.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 18.00 EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 5. Consideration to review and recommend approval of the EDA General Fund budget for 2013. (WO /AS /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to review and approve a 2013 General Fund budget for the Authority. The budget proposed is a balanced budget. The budget does include the retention of the Economic Development Director position for 2013. The salary and benefit amounts are shared by both the Economic Development Authority's own General Fund (at 1/3) and the EDA line item with the City of Monticello's General Fund (at 2/3). Other significant line item expenditures include the retention of the existing marketing budget, which is used for the promotion of both EDA and city -wide available land, and line items for improvements and dues. The EDA will note that the Finance Director has provided a line item analysis for each of the "subfunds" within the EDA's overall General Fund for 2013. In doing so, the EDA has a snapshot of the revenues and expenses for each TIF district for the coming year. The Finance Director has also provided the 2011 and 2012 fund balance and expenditures information for the EDA's reference in reviewing 2013 information. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the EDA General Fund budget for 2013. 2. Motion to deny approval of the EDA General Fund budget for 2013. 3. Motion to table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends the approval of the 2013 EDA General Fund budget as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. 2013 EDA General Fund Budget B. 2011 and 2012 EDA General Fund Revenue and Expenditures SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 EDA {Consolidated) EDAIHRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED: BUDGET CHANGE 213- 46301 - 410100 �SALARIES,FULLTIME - REG $10,466 $624 $18,229 $18,214 $16,190 $16,190 $16,482 1.80% 213 - 46301 - 410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 - _ 213- 46301 - 410400 1 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 0 0 _ 0. 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 410900 1 SALARIES, OTHER 243 296 570 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 411100 1SEVERANCE PAY 5,388 D 0 0 500 500 100 - 60.00°/ 213- 46301- 412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 696 62 1,317 1,320 1,210 1,210 1,202 -0.66% 213 - 46301 - 412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 731 56 1,098: 1,091 1,035 1,035 1,028 -0.66% 213 - 46301 - 412300 :MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 171 13 257 285 242 242 240 -0.83% 213 - 46301- 413100 HEALTHIDENTALILIFE INSURAN 1,280 1 0 4,202 4,984 4,358 4,358 5,027 15 -35°/ 213- 46301- 413500 FLEX BENEFITS 9 0 0 0 25 25 25 . 0.00% _ 213- 46301- 421990 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIE:, 288 _, 0 0 D 1 0 0 I 0 213-46301-422740 WATER SAMPLES 0 1 0 fl D I 0 0 0 --- 213-46301-422990 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -- 213- 46301 - 424100 SMALLTOOLS /MISC 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46301 - 424100 T &EIMACHINERY 0 0 0 1 6 01 0 0 213- 46301 - 424600 T &EIFURNITURE 0 0 0 j 0 01 1 0 0 1 213- 46301 - 424600 'T &EIOFRCE EQUIPMENT D 0 0 0 0 0 D - 213-46301-424720 T &EICOMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 213- 46301 - 424100 T &EIOTHER 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46301- 430260 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO 1,728 96 1 0 0 0 0 I - 213- 46301 - 430300 -PROF SRV- ENGINEERING FEE 13,614 214 4,438. 11,267 3,000 3,000 3,000 1 0.00% 213 - 46301- 43D400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES j 2,646 6,304 I 16,987 1 16,467 10,000 23,008 10,500 1 5.00% 213-46301-430910 PROF SRV - SOFTWAREIPRGRMI D D I 0' 0 j 0 0 0 213- 46301- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; 25,476 7,366 145,170 91,700 1 10,000 73,651 13,473 34.73% 213-46301-432400 : DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 0 132 102 1,331 0 0 0 -- 213- 46301 - 433100 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0 0 2,203 0 2,0001 2,000 2,000 0.00% 213 - 46301- 433200 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 0 0 245 154 ' 1,001 1,000 1,000 0.00% 213- 46301 - 434600 MARKETING 19,112 3,722 16,181 17,338. 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% _ 213 - 46301- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 817 547 843 2,067 775 652. 728 -6.06% 213 - 46301 - 435200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION: 0 0 0 4,998 3,000 3,000: 3,000 0.00% 213 - 46301- 437100 PROPERTY TAXES 18,746 0 1,860 2,131 0 3,036 0 213- 46301- 437300 DECERTIFICATION REIMB 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 WATER & SEWER 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46301- 438300 -GAS 0 4,264_ 0 0 0 2,322 0 - 213- 46301- 443300 1 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI. 0 0 7,906 10,769 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 213 - 46301 - 443500 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 0 0 0 1 200 200 200 0.00% 213 - 46301 - 443800 iPUB WKSIADMIN & INSP FEES 1,406 311 0 0 9 0 0 213- 46301- 443990 ' MISC OTHER EXPENSE 52 5,665 2,180 464,944 7,000 9,922 7,000 0 -00% 213 - 46301 - 451010 LAND 104,925 0 0 0 0 941,084 0 - IMPROVEMENTS 0 15,088 0 0 20,000 , 20,000 1 20,000 0.00% 213-46301-452010 BUILDINGS 0 j 0 D 0 0 p 0 1 - 213- 46301 - 456010 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 213- 46301- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINC -OTTER CREEK! 174,649 608,141 16,540 13,929: 55,928 51,691 58,048 1 3.79% 213 - 46301 - 460500 SA PRIN PYBL -LAND FOR RESA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301- 461300 1 DEBT SRV INT -OTTER CREEK 63,156 38,613 6,511 5,474 22,689: 30,002 23,877 5.245/o 213 - 46301- 461500 SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. - 213- 46301- 462010 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 213. 46301 - 465010 TIF LOAN 32,334 21,656 0 D 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 131,862_ 487,583 469,185 353,570 198,265 175,424 157,710 - 20.45% 213 - 46301- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB -TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0• 0 0 0 213- 00000- 472030 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 . 213- 00000- 4720 :TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 D 356,179 03 0 0 378,680. 0 213- 00000- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 468,767 363,712 317,277 316,279 320,584. 320,584 319,403 - 0.37% 213 - 00000- 472030 TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,078,762 $1,564,465 $1,389,480 $1,338,282 $708,001 $2,092,816 $674,043 - 4.80° EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA General EDAIHRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED i BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46301 - 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG $10,466 $624 $18,229 $18,2141 $16,190 $16,190 $16,482 1.80% 213 - 46301 - 410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 213- 46301- 410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY- REG D_ 0 0 0 0 0 D --- 213-46301-410900 SALARIES, OTHER _ j 243 296 570 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 213-46301-411100 SEVERANCE PAY _ 5,388 0 0 0 500 1 500 100 - 80.00% 213 - 46301- 412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 696 62 1,317 1,320 1,210 1,210 1,202 - 0.66% 213 - 46301 - 412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 731 56 1,098 1,091 1,035. 1,035 1,028 - 0.66% 213 - 46301 - 412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 171 13 257 255 242 242 240 - 0.83% 213- 46301- 413100 HEALTHIDENTALILIFE INSURAN _ 1,280 0 4,202 4,984 4,358 4,358 5,027 1 15.35°/ 213 - 46301- 413500 FLEX BENEFITS 1 9 D 0 0 25 25 25 0.00% 213 - 46301- 421990 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 288 D 0 0 ' 0 0 1 0 --- 213- 46301- 422740 WATER SAMPLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301- 422990 I MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES �o 0 0 D 0 0 0 - -- 2 1 3- 46301 - 4241 00 SMALL TOOLS /MISC 1 0 D 0 0 0 0 0_ - -- 213- 46301- 424100 T &EIMACHINERY 0 _ 0 D 0 0 9 0 - -- 213- 46301 - 424604 'T &E/FURNITURE 0 0 1 0 0 0 i 0 0 213- 46301- 424600 T &EIOFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46301 - 424720 T &E/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 1 0 0 _0 213- 46301 - 424100 •T &EIOTHER 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 - -- 213 -46301 - 430260 ; PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CCI 1,728 96 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 -- 213- 46301 - 430300 i PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 13,614 214 4,438 4,533 3,000 3,000 3,000. 0.009b 213 - 46301 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1 2,499 1,785 1,789 10,931 10,00() : 10,000 10,000 D.00% 213 - 46301- 430910 PROF SRV - SOFTWAREIPRGRM 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,776 0 5,486 6,003 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 21346301 - 432400 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 0 132 102 1,331 0 0 0 213- 46301- 433100 1TRAVEL EXPENSE 0 0 2,203 0: 2,000 1 2,000 1 2,000 0.00% 213- 46301. 433200 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS i D 245 154 1,400 1,000 1,000 O.DO% 213 -46301 434600 IMARKETING 19,112 __0_ ! 16,181 17,338 ! 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00°/ 213- 46301- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 1 479 _3,722 150 310 1,114 500 ' 500 500 O.OQ% 213 - 46301- 435200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 0 0 0 4,995T 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00% 213- 46301 - 437100 PROPERTY TAXES 0 0 0 1 374 0 0 0 -- 21346301- 438200 'WATER & SEWER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46301- 438300 21346301443300 213- 46301- 443500 GAS DUES, MEMBERSHIP &SUBSCRI1 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7_,9_0_6 0 0 10,769 0 0 10,000 200 D 10,000 200 0 10,000 200 0.00% O.DD% 213 46301 443840 PUB WKSIADMIN & fNSP FEES 1,406 311 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 52 5,665 2,027 ' 2,823 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% 213 - 46301-451010 LAND 104,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301453010 213- 46301- 456010 213- 46301-460300 IMPROVEMENTS FURNITURE & FIXTURES DEBT SRV PRINC -OTTER CREEK 0 0 100,000 15,088 0 564,293 0 D 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 0 0 - -- D 0 01 - -- 213- 46301. 460500 SA PRIN PYBL -LAND FOR RESA 0 0 0 D 1 D 0 0 - 213- 4630146 1300 DEBT SRV INT -OTTER CREEK 39,858 31,036 0 D 0 0 0 213-46301-461500 SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 D - 213- 00000- 472030 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0 0 D 0 0 0 D -_ 213- 00000 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 133,715 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- 213- 00000.472030 TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $438,436 $623,543 1 $66,360 $86,232 $110,260 $110,260 $110,804 0.49% EDA FUND 2008 2009 2610 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA •TIF 5 TIF #5 - CONSTRUCTION 5 ACTUAL ACTUAL I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET I CHANGE 213- 46505 -436400 I PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $0 $34 $335 ' $0 $0 213- 46505- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES' 14,697 396 0 400 0 - 213. 46505. 435100 !LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 59 22 125 1 0 - 213- 46505- 437100 PROPERTY TAXES 18,746 0 __30 0 0 1 0 213. 46505 - 451010 LAND 0 Q D 0 0 _ 213 - 46505- 452010 BUILDINGS 0 O 0 0 _ 0 0 1 - 213- 46505- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 213- 46505- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER _ 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46505 - 462010 1 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 1 _0 _ 0 0 213- 46505. 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - T1F PENAL! 0 D 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46505 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 1 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES I $33,502 $452 $365 $525 1 $0 2012 BUDGET $0 2012 PROJECTED $0 2013 BUDGET #DIV10I CHANGE EDA FUND 2006 2009 2010 2011 EDA - TIF 6 1 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 213- 46506- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $0 527 17 0 I 0 D D 0 $35 i 396 22 0 0 0 D 0. $335 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 500 $0 500 -- -- -- - - -- -- - -- 213- 46506. 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 213- 46506 - 435104 1 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 213- 46506- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 21346506- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 213- 46506- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 213- 46506- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - T[F PENALT 213- 46506 - 472030 'TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F TOTAL EXPENDITURES $544 1 $453 1 $365 $26 $0 2012 BUDGET $500 2012 PROJECTED $500 2013 BUDGET #DIV /01 % CHANGE _' EDA FUND 2008 2009 I 2010 2011 EDA - T[F 19 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES I ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 213- 46519 - 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 1 $0 $9 $0 $0 $0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,418 0 i 0 $1 25 0 $0 100 0 - -- 300.00% f - -- - -- 160.00°/ - -- - -- 213- 46519-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 61 _ 0 213- 46519- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 527 _ 439 0 6 213- 46519 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 23 1 30 27 213 - 46519- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46519- 451010 LAND 0 213-46519-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 213- 46519- 461300 1 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 213- 46519- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 21346519 - 465010 TIF LOAN 1 0 0 0 0 213- 46519- 465110 ;TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 16,308 31,289 44,193 29,416 213 - 46519- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 �- 0 D D 213- 46519 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 1 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,852 $31,742 $44,284 $29,445 $29,443 2012 BUDGET $25 2012 PROJECTED $1D0 2013 BUDGET - 99.66% CHANGE .EDA FUND 2006 2009 2016 2011 EDA - TIF 20 'TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL _ 213 - 46520- 430300 PROF SRV -ENGINEERING FEE 213- 46520- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213- 46520 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 213- 46520 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 213- 46520 - 443990 _MISC OTHER EXPENSE 213- 46520 - 451010 _LAND 213- 46520 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 213- 46520- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 213 - 46520 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 213- 46520- 465010 TIF LOAN 213- 46520. 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213- 46520 - 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 213- 46520 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F. $0 D 527 18 0 0 0­ . 0 0 0 4,778 0 13,927 _ $0 . 0 430 22 0 0 16,342 _ 3,334 0 0 9,563 0 0 $0 1 _ 61 I 0 30 0 D 10,731 2,436 0 0 13,108 0 D $0 0 0 26 0 0 9,892 1,544. D 0 7,624 D 0 $0 0 0 25 0 0 7,701 1,077 0 0 8,349 D 0 $0 500 7,701 1,077 $0 500 6,521 - -- - - 100.00% - - - 15.32% - 100.00°1 - 100.00% - - -- _ TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - . -.. EDA FUND EDA -TIF 22 TIF #22 - DWNTWN REDEVELOP $19,250 2008 ACTUAL $23,691 2009 ACTUAL $26,366 2010 ACTUAL I $19,086 2011 ACTUAL 1 $17,152 2012 BUDGET $9,278 2012 PROJECTED $7,021 2613 BUDGET - 59.07% v CHANGE 213- 46522 - 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 $0 213- 46522- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 731 8,439 126 0 _ 12,508 0 213- 46522- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 527 396 2,765 1 21,051 1 0 60,178 - -- 213- 46522 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 22 113 26 ! 25 - 100.00% 213 - 46522 - 436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 00 0 _ 0 _ D D - 213- 46522- 437100 PROPERTY TAXES 0 ~ ❑ 1,860 ~ _ 1,757 0 3,036 213- 46522 - 438100 ELECTRIC 0 0 0 9 0 2,322 - -- 213- 46522 - 438300 GAS 0 4,264 0 0 D 213- 46522 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 153 0 I D 2,922 - 213- 46522 - 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 941,084 _ 213- 46522- 460300 1 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213-46522-461300 (DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 1 D -- 2 1 3- 4652 2- 46201 0 j FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0_ 0 0 - 213-46522-465010 TIF LOAN 32,334 21,656 _ 0 0 D 213- 46522- 465110 ITIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 O 1 0 77,794 77,794 - 213- 46522- 465120 !LOCALCONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0, 0 01 0 - 213- 46522 - 472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 : 356,179 0 0 378,680 - -- 213- 46522 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F' 0 1 0 0 0 0 _ --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $32,878 $27,069 $369,509 $22,960 $25 $1,478,524 $77,794 311076.00% EDA FUND 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA - TIF 24 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46524- 430300 PROF SRV -ENGINEERING FEE $0 I $0 $0 $0 $0 - 21346524- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1 0 ! 34 61 0 0 213- 46524- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES( 527 1 396 0 623 0 649 649 - 213- 46524- 435100 'LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 22 30 26 25 - 100.0061. 213 - 46524 - 443990 !MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0' 0 0 j 0 0 213- 46524 - 451010 LAND ! 0 0 0 (T- 0 - 213- 46524 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 i 1 0 0 0 213 - 46524- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER' 0 0 j 0 0 0 - 213- 46524- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0! D 0 0 0 -- 213- 46524 - 465010 TIF LOAN 0! 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46524 - 465110 1TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 22,560 46,798. 67,579T 42_,32.1 42,320 42,320 43,986 3.94% 213- 424 - 465120 65 !LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT j 0 0 0 0 0 213 - 46524 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F j 0 I 0 0 0 0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $23,104 I $47,250 1 $67,670 $42,970 $42,345 $42,969 544,635 5.41% I EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012_ 2012 2013 % EDA - TIF 29 1 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46529430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $Cl 34 ! 396 22 0 D 0 0 0 0: 27,472 ! 0 0 $0 61 0 3D 0 0: 0 0 0 O 32,499 0 0 $0 0 623 26 0 0 0 0` 0 0 19,296 0 0 $0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,300 0 0 649 19.300 -- - -- 649 -- - 100.00% - -- - -- - -- 20,370 5.54% -- - -- 213- 46529 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 216 213- 46529-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES' 527 213- 46529-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 213 - 46529. 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 213- 46529 - 451010 LAND 0 213- 46529- 460300 ! DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 213- 46529 - 461300 1 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER i 0 21346529- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 213- 46529. 465010 TIF LOAN 0 213- 46529- 465114 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 11,501 213 - 46529- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 213- 46529 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $12,261 $27,924 $32,590 $19,945 $19,325 $19.949 $21,019 8.77% EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA - TIF 30 TIF #30 - CMHP ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46530- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0_ $0 ! $0 $0 - -- 213- 46530 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 _ 0 fit T 0 0 - 213- 46530- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 527 430 j 0 623 0 650 650 - 213- 46530 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 18 22 30 26 25 - 100.00% 213 - 46530- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE D 1 0 0 0! 0 - -- 213- 46530-451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46530-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 6,439 6,708. 5,809 4,037 4,237 0 0 - 100.00% 213- 46530 - 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER: 4,404 4,243 4,075 3,930 3,827 6,945 6,945 81.47% 213 - 46530 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 : 0 ❑ 0 0 - -- 213- 46530- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46530- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 D 0 - -- 213- 46530- 465120 LOCAL CONTRI6 -TIF PENALT _ 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46530- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,388 1 2008 I ACTUAL $11,403 - 2009 4 ACTUAL $9,975 2010 ACTUAL $8,616 1 2011 ACTUAL $8,089 2012 BUDGET $7,595 2012 PROJECTED $7,595 - 6.11% 2013 1/0 BUDGET CHANGE EDA FUND EDA - TIF 34 iTIF #34 -194/INTERCHANGE - 213 - 46534- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 j $0 '', $0 - -- 213- 46534 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1 0 34 61 0 0 213- 46534- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES�27 396 0 0 0 75 75 - -- 213- 46534 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 22 30 26 'I 25 25 25 0.00 %a 213- 46534-443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 D 0 0 - 213- 46534451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 213- 45534- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46534- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 D 0 D 0 - -- 213- 46534. 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46534- 465010 !TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46534. 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 1 0 0 - 213- 46534465120 'LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 1 0 D -- 213- 46534- 472030 1TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 1 319,272 318,274 317,277 , 316,279 320,584 320,584 319,403 - 0.37% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $319,816 $318,726. $317,368 ! $316,305 $320,609 $320,684 $319,503 -0.3437 FDA FUND 200_8 2G09 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA - TIF 35 TIF 435 - LANDMARK SQUARE I I ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL I ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213-46535-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 ! $2 $0 $0 213 - 46535 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 34 j 61 0 0 -- 213-46535-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 526 396 0 0 J 0 213-413535-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 18 22 1 30 26 . 25 27 27 8.00% 213 - 46535 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0! 0 0 0 21346535- 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0: 0 213-46535- 460306`: DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46535- 4613OG DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER, 0 0 _ _ 0 0 0 -- 213- 46535 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 2 0 -- 213- 46535 - 465010 TIF LOAN 0 . 0 ❑ 0 0 - -- 213- 46535- 46511G •TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 . 0 0 0 0 213- 46535- 465120 - LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46535- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $544 $452 $91 $26 $25 I $27 527 8,00% EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA- TIF 36 !TIF #36- DAHLHEIMER DIST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46536- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 $❑ - -- 213- 46536 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 34 1,918 0 ! 0 2 1 3- 46 536- 431 990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 527 396 0 0 0 475 475 213- 46536- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 18T 22 30 26 25 25 25 0.00% 213 - 46536- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0: _ 0 0 0 213- 46536- 451010 LAND 0. 0. 0 0 G - 2.13- 46536 - 460300 'DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 49,523 0 . 0 0 43,990 43.990 51,527 _ 17.13% 213 - 46536 - 461300 1DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 14,275: 0 0 0 17,785 17,785 13,889 - 21.91% 213 - 46536- 462010 'FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46536- 465010 TIF LOAN 0_ 0 j 0 0 0 - 213- 46536 - 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS ON 64,141 64,776 �0 64,776 0 - 213-46536-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46536 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F; 0 0 0 0 0 -- !TOTALEXPENDITURES $64,343 $64,593 $66,724 $64,802 $61,800 $62.275 565,916 6.66% !EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA- TIF 37 'TIF #37- KARLSBURGER FOODS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213- 46537- 430250 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -- 213- 46537- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE ! 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46537- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL PEES 0 34 61 0 0 - -- 213- 46537- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 527 396 0 0 0 475 475 213. 46537- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 17 22 30 27 25 25 25 0.00 21346537- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0: 0 1 0 -- 21346537- 451010 LAND - 0 - 0 0 0 1 0 - 213- 46537. 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 1 18,687 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46537461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST-SHIRT TER; 4,619 0 0 0 0 4,195 3,043 - -- 213. 46537- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46537 - 465010 T1 LOAN _ _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 213-46537-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 24,787 23,796 24,787 24,787 23,406 3,543 - 85.71% 213-46537- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB -TIP MNALT I 0 0 0 0 G -- 213-_ 46537 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 $23,850 $25,239 $23,887 $24,814 $24,812 $28,101 $7,G86 - 71.44% 'EDA FUND I 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA - TIF 38 TIF #38 - WALKER IN -STORE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213- 46538- 43G300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - -- 213- 46538- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 131 34 61 0 0 - -- 213- 46538 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 573 396 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46538- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 22 30 27 . 25 25 26 4.00% 213- 46538 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 213- 46538- 451010 I LAND 0 _0 0 0 0 0 213-46538-460300 DEBT SRV pR[NCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 G 213- 46538461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST-SHIRT TER 0 1 0 0 0 0 --- 213-46538-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46538- 465010 ITIF LOAN 0 1 0 G 0 0 - -- 213- 46538- 465110 !TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 12,605 12,604 12,604 12,604 12,604 12,017 -4.66% 213-4653B-465120 :LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 0 213-46538-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $704 1 $13,057 1 $12,695 $12,631 $12,629 2012 BUDGET $12,629 2012 PROJECTED $12,043 2013 BUDGET -4.64% % CHANGE EDA FUND 2008 i 2009 2010 2011 TIF 1.39 SMC TIF 1 -39 SMC ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTIJAI 1 ACTUAL 213 - 46539- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $6,734 $0 $0 $0 -- 213- 46539 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 : 0 0 5,410 0 0 0 -- 213- 46539- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 29,743 ❑ 0 0 213. 46539 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 0 0 461 0 0 0 -- 213- 46539-436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46539 - 438100 ELECTRIC 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46539438300 GAS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46539 - 443990 1 MISC OTHER EXPENSE �- Y 0 0 0 211 0 0 0 - 213- 46539 - 451010 LAND 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46539 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46539 - 461300 DEBT SRV IINTEREST-SHIRT TER 0 0 0 O i 0 0 0 213- 46539- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46539- 465010 'TIF LOAN 0 1 Di 0 0 0 0 0 213 - 46539- 465110 'TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 4fi539- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - 71F PENALT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 213 - 46539- 472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 213- 46539 - 472030 .TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $42,559: $0 $0 $0 #DIV107 EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 % EDA TIF 22.1 TIF 22.1 - FLUTH /CUB FOODS I ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46581- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE ! $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -- 213- 46581- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46581 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 0 0 0 0 0 -- 213- 46581- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46581 - 436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0W _ 4 0 _ _ 0 0 213- 46581- 438100 ELECTRIC 0 G 0 0 0 21 3- 46 58 1- 4383DO -GAS 0! 0 0 1 0 U 213- 46581- 443990 1 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 : 0 0 - 21346581- 451010 !LAND 0! 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46581-460301) DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 1 0 0 -- 213-46581-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0! 0 0 0 1 D 213-46581-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0. 0 0 0 0 213-46581-465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46581 - 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS D 10,283 86,214 51,284: 51,284 - 100.00% 213 - 46581- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB -TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0! 0 213-46581-472030 'TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0. 0 1 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $10,283 I $86,214 $51,284 $51,284 $0 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2008 2009 2010 I 2011 2010 2009 2010 % EDA TIF 22.5 TIF 22.5 - AMOCO ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL _ BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46585- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 I $0 213- 46585- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 1 0 0 0 213- 46585- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 _ 0 1 0 - -- 213- 46585- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 4 0 0 _ 0 0 213- 46585- 436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 D 0. 0 213- 46585- 438100 ELECTRIC _ 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46585438300 0 D 0 0 0 213 - 46585- 443990 _GAS MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 1 0 0 0 0 213-46585-451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46585. 460300 i DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 9 0 0 0 213- 46585- 461300 _ DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 0 213. 46585 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46585- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46585 - 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 5,106 11,373 16,953 10,203 10,203 - 100.00% 213 - 46585 - 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46585 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 1 0 0 : 00 -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,106 $11,373 i $16,953 $10,203 $10,203 $0 $0 - 100.00% �m IN mill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I �m EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 6. Consideration to approve 2013 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Wright County Economic Development Partnership ( WCEDP) is requesting Monticello's annual membership contribution for year 2013. The WCEDP is membership - based economic development agency acting on behalf of the cities within Wright County. In 2011, the Partnership hired a new Executive Director, Ted LaFrance. Mr. LaFrance has been making progress in moving the organization forward in generating added value for the communities it serves. Among the advancements made in 2012: • Implementation of a standardized format and system for lead distribution in partnership with Greater MSP, a 12- county metropolitan economic development initiative • Board representation on Greater MSP, ensuring Wright County's active representation in this national and global economic development marketing initiative • Maintenance of available land and buildings database for all of Wright County • Development of Small Business Development Center affiliation with SCSU • Participation in a statewide roundtable on manufacturing issues In addition to the enhancement noted above, the partnership continues to offer cooperative marketing for Wright County, and opportunities for networking and collaboration among its member cities, organizations, and businesses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve authorizing payment in the amount of $2,300.90 for 2013 membership dues to Wright County Economic Development Partnership. 2. Motion to deny payment of Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. 3. Table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City continue to participate in the Partnership. The organization is a valuable partner in the continued marketing of the community to a broader base of prospects. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. WCEDP Membership Request B. "About the Partnership" - excerpt from WCEDP website WRIGHT F 7COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP June 26, 2012 Dear Megan Barnett - Livgard, Thank you for your continued support of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. In order to assist you in budget planning for your community, I am sending this notice in advance for the year of 2013. This is not an invoice, but rather a thank you and a request to remember the Partnership and its efforts when navigating your budget process. Municipalities' dues are calculated based on the recent State Demographer's population estimates figures, which will be published in August. We have used Census 2010 numbers to determine your estimated level of support in this letter. Actual dues will be based on the most recent statistics. The ever - changing profile of Wright County and the increased demand for the Partnerships' services helped determine this policy. I have enclosed the dues structure for your review. Please call me with any questions you may have at 763- 477 -3086. City of Monticello member investor payment for FY 2013: $2300.90 The Partnership has worked hard to increase the visibility of Wright County and its cities for business development. We have generated and disseminated numerous businesses leads thus far in 2012, have conducted business retention and expansion visits, frequently answer business development questions generated from our website and referrals, created a new Marketing Committee dedicated to marketing our communities and county, worked to become a Small Business Development Center through SCSU, and continue to provide support to the communities and businesses whom we serve. Feel free to call to chat as many other projects are underway that will directly benefit your community. With your continued support, the Partnership will be better able to provide service in these areas and bring a solid return on your investment. Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to supporting economic development efforts in Wright County. I look forward to working with you in 2013! Sincerely, Ted LaFrance Ted LaFrance Director, WCEDP 763- 477 -3086 tlafranceC @wrightpartnership.org 2013 MEMBERSHIP DUES STRUCTURE Associate $250.00 (Non profit organizations that do workforce training & Economic Development) Banks & Lending Institutions Deposits up to $24.9 M $350.00 Deposits of $25 M to $49.9 M $600.00 Deposits of $50 M + $825.00 Businesses (Includes Healthcare, Contractors, Developers, Engineering, Marketing, Manufacturing, & Realty) 1 -10 employees ** 11— 24 employees ** 25 plus employees ** Entertainment Industry Municipalities <1000 - 1250 1251-4999 >5000 Townships Utility Companies Wright County $260.00 $365.00 $470.00 $250.00 (Includes Golf Courses & Restaurants) $125.00 plus .10 per capita* $525.00 plus .10 per capita* $1025.00 plus .10 per capita* $125.00 plus .10 per capita* $1025.00 plus .10 per capita* $45,000 Honorary Members FREE (Chamber of Commerce & Business Education Support Organizations) * Per capita rates are based on most recent projections ** Number of employees includes active owners and management and pertains to regular employees (more than 20 hours per week). P: 763 - 477 -3086 1 E: tlafrancePwrightpartnership.org I W: www.wrightpartnership.ore Wright County EDP - About the Partnership Page 1 of 2 (-,&)A iG8IC;' 'r - _ -L c; IT. "ENT d'AaTNE35HIF ABOUTWRIGHT COUNTY ABOUT THE PARTNERSHIP AVAILABLE LAND & SUILDINGS comin Events RESQURGE5 FQR 13VSINE55E5 Press Releases Annual Report COMMUNITIES Members Service D_irectorY Board of Directors EVENTS Partnership Staff NEWSLETTER About the Partnership RECREAVON & AMENITIES The The Economic Development Partnership of Wright County is a non - profit, public /private AWARDS corporation formed in 1993 to address the need for organized economic development at the county level. It is funded and directed by its members, who include ABOUTTHE PARTNERSHIP the county, cities, townships, utilities, businesses, telecommunications companies, OUR MEMBERS lenders, and educational institutions. The Partnership's vision is to create in Wright County a healthy and diverse environment 6E1;OnEA MEMBER for existing, expanding and new businesses, as well as to increase job opportunities and CONTACT Us support the tax base. To this end, the Partnership works to promote the county as a single economic entity, provides information and services to communities and businesses, and HOME PACE works in a complementary manner with local and regional economic development programs. The primary advantage of the Partnership is that it allows businesses, lenders, local governments, educators, and individuals to impact Wright County's growth and development. Additionally, the Partnership promotes the interaction and networking of a community's resources, provides a forum to address local economic and business issues, and creates a system through which entrepreneurs, lenders and government officials can increase private investment in the community. Our resources are designed to meet business challenges Site Location Assistance There are a variety of industrial sites ready for your business as well as soon -to -be developed industrial zoned property. The Partnership has a complete inventory of these sites and will work with you, confidentially, to find the one that's right for your business. Search our online databases of available land and buildings. Wright County has nearly 1000 acres of prepared industrial property within its boundaries, Some sites are privately held and others are publicly owned — all are near or on major transportation arteries, making the daily operations of your business efficient and convenient. Our cities are also positioned well within the state, midway between the Twin Cities and St. Cloud areas. Workforce Development A Workforce Development Task Force, led by the Partnership, is engaged in ongoing activities to assist employers and residents in training our workforce. Financing The Partnership manages a revolving loan fund for Wright County. The Wright County Enterprise Loan Fund assists industrial businesses expanding or locating in Wright County http:// www. wrightpartnership .org/partnership.htin 9/6/2012 Wright County EDP - About the Partnership Page 2 of 2 with a low- interest loan. Additionally, the Partnership will coordinate other financing to complete an attractive financing package. For more information about financing, see our Financial and Technical Resources. Business Counseling The Partnership has established a satellite office of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Wright County. SBDCs are located throughout the State of Minnesota and are the technical arm of the Small Business Administration. SBDC counselors provide free and confidential services to Wright County businesses. They will help you with a business plan, financial analysis, marketing strategy and much more. Research tt Business Information The Partnership continuously updates relevant information on Wright County for the use of businesses in the area, or those intending to locate in Wright County. This data includes information on workforce, demographics, financial resources, technology and more. Call us to get started with your research needs. back to About the Partnership EVENTS I AWARDS I MEMBERS I MEMBERSHIP I NEWSLETTER I ABOUT WRIGH1 COUNTY I A :VAILABLE LAND & BUILDINGS RESOURCES FOR SUSINESS I COMMUNITIES I gfLafATIQN_& AMENITIES I ABOUT THE PARTNERSHIP I CONTACT U I HOME PAGE Copyright O 2009, Wright County Economic Development Partnership 1 761477.3086 1 info(dwriahtnartnershin.ora http:// www. wrightpartnership .org/partnership.htm 9/6/2012 EDA Agenda — 09/12/12 7. Consideration to appoint a Commissioner to the review committee for the Economic Development Chapter of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. (AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: In discussions with Megan Barnett - Livgard regarding the workplan of the IEDC, it was noted that an assessment of the need for future industrial land area was a top priority. In that regard, staff offers the following information for consideration. The Planning Commission completes an annual review of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, consistent with a directive adopted within the plan itself. In past years, the review has been focused on Chapter 3, Land Use. However, in light of the need for a more detailed review of City goals related to industrial land use identification and the potential for another (or expanded) future park, staff would recommend that the Planning Commission, IEDC and EDA work together to complete a thorough review of Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4, Economic Development as a first step. The Comprehensive Plan is the City's primary tool for guiding land use decisions, including where industrial land is best located and what type of industrial development is sought. The Economic Development Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan then sets out the overall goals and strategies for realizing the City's vision for economic development. Since the time of the adoption of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, much has changed. A detailed review of the Economic Development chapter of the Plan will allow all three bodies the opportunity understand how the strategies of the plan have been applied and to discuss the current validity of the Development Strategies enumerated in the plan. The group can identify where changes need to be made, or whether they should remain as guiding policies. At the very least, the review is an opportunity to complete an update to the baseline data included in the chapter, based on more recent Census data. From that renewed understanding of economic development goals, the group can delve further into the question of whether the amount of land area designated on the existing Land Use Plan is sufficient to meet the goals identified, where a new or expanded park should be located, what types of industry the City should focus on for those locations, and what development scenario (private, public or joint venture) is the best strategy for meeting the Plan's goals. With the above in mind, staff would suggest the following process: • September /October - A preliminary worksession between a subcommittee of the the Planning Commission, IEDC and EDA, to review Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Plan for potential amendment • November — Review of information on existing industrial land inventory and guided industrial land area (acreage, lot size, zoning, absorption rate, use, etc.) • December — Identification of expansion or additional industrial land sites and structure to accomplish development 1 EDA Agenda — 09/12/12 The full Economic Development Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan is included for reference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend to a joint worksession between representatives of the IEDC, Planning Commission and EDA to review the Economic Development Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as related to analysis of industrial land supply. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. A full review of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development Chapter serves as an appropriate platform for launching a more specific discussion on available and future industrial land area. D. SUPPORTING DATA Monticello Comprehensive Plan - Chapter 4, Economic Development 2 v mVV aC °V Gr� -� tn , > a C�. ' bb p O V° a� L4 �G c� z G +r sa y w O V O 'p 04 > p V U cn > Ln t 4+ •� �� O O C p vn C N cC N -0 L'� p� i p O O c .n cu cC U� >� v y p bb ° W C Q v O 'n E� LL 4- � N cls - • 5 V) �3, v �0 •° y o '_ > Q o � N av3 biO w -0 Q)-0bA obAvow O En Lvo C -0 cri n0o O L.Q)p. O av a L' v V V V .� •G C) � Q. y 4J N +�' . p v N '� z. O -- xV,,, L]�. 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N oani c i v 0 o a m 0 3 .°" a, a P-4 a� W d W ° v� L' C CL w y E-+ Z W - .W G N N b°A ti .� O A A A A A C: -0 / Z \ « 6 ci / ( @ . � /\ o � G e \U •m e § g \ 2 / E 6 2 m ( 2§ 2 o' § ° E@ G \§\ _6 %\ 2 3 2 k 3 E a c ƒ) te a® c> _' a a a W .) a{ 2— « 2/ / q a / / f§ c v o m 2 2 c a ) e m o W � 4-1 a\« G a M u/ L. � f 2 \ '- , ƒ ƒ ƒ § m a E \ [ 5'Q t« t d f{ ƒ m cu Z d_� \ u C's U 7/ 3 .§ \§ a? cu 1 / 71 s § o f *§ / = g = 8 / 0 — ::s= o c 3 ° § : / ) ) § 4 � u / / ƒ \ / d / /, 3 . / d //k\//��ƒ/\ƒ ) \ g .2 § ƒ a 0 A 2 § / \ a a w » EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 8. Director Report. (AS /JO) Fred's Auto The EDA closed on the Fred's Auto property (349 W. Broadway) on Wednesday, August Stn The building is insured in the EDA's name and has been winterized. There were some title issues related to the legal description on the property, and staff continue to monitor progress to resolve the issues. EDA does have title insurance on the property and an escrow in place to proceed to quiet title action if necessary. As the EDA is aware, the Phase II environmental completed on the site revealed contamination resulting from a spill /leak from an underground storage tank, which was required to be reported to the MPCA. In order to determine the location, type and extent of contamination resulting from the leak, Braun Intertec is completing the required Limited Scope Investigation (LSI), which is the next step in understanding the level of contamination and site remediation. On 9/5/12, Braun indicated that the report would be complete by Monday, September 171h Reimbursement for the investigation and clean-up of the contamination revealed by the LSI is possible through two potential sources, the Department of Employment of Economic Development's Contamination Clean -Up grant program and /or the Department of Commerce Petrofund. Staff have spoken with representatives from both entities. A summary of information resulting from those conversations is attached. The completion of the LSI is essential to understanding what is required to proceed with clean-up and reimbursement on the site. Staff is putting out feelers on the best method for determining the location of any existing underground storage tanks (that information will not be included in the LSI), the costs for doing so, and the process for investigation consistent with rules for reimbursement. Embracing Downtown /TIF District Update Block 34: Staff is working with Ehlers & Associates to understand the redevelopment potential and costs on Block 34. Ehlers is working through scenarios which include variables such as the relocation of ACE Hardware (and purchase of existing ACE property), the addition of another 10,000 square foot interested retailer, and the potential completion of the TH 25 /CSAH 75 improvements. These scenarios include the use of existing TIF 1 -22 resources, development of a new TIF district, and inclusion of State Aid funding sources for infrastructure improvements. A first draft of the analysis was received at the time of this report, and staff will be walking through the analysis with Ehlers on Monday, September I 01 to gain a thorough understanding of the information. The Block 34 analysis will provide the EDA with details on the cost feasibility for redevelopment on the block. The Ehlers analysis will be paid through the 10% administrative cost allocation in District 1 -22. In this regard, the EDA should be aware that Jim McComb had approximately $1,500 left in his existing contract, which was used for continued negotiations on the Wolff (Finders Keepers) property in order to determine potential costs for acquisition of that parcel. Negotiations on that parcel have come to a conclusion for the time being. Dan Wilson, the EDA's relocation consultant, has also prepared a status summary for the EDA on tenant relocation progress and payments for the Montgomery Farms property. The summary is attached for reference. The goal will be to have all of the building tenants relocated by year's end. The EDA is incurring approximately $800.00 /month in expenses for the building at this time, not including water and sewer and property taxes. TIF District 1 -22: The EDA approved the completion of the "knockdown analysis" for District 1 -22 at its August meeting. Since that approval, staff have met with Northland Securities to determine the exact shape and size of the district as it existed at the time of adoption and as it exists today, as well as projects that occurred in the district, creating parcel eligibility. In preliminary research done to -date, it appears that parcels were previously knocked out of the district as required. (Northland is working with the County to verify when and why). However, a number of projects occurred after the knockdown period which will allow parcels to be placed back in the district. Again, this research is being done to yield information on the amount of increment available for redevelopment projects within the district. The analysis will aid the EDA in its understanding of all the tools and funds available to accomplish redevelopment objectives, such as those proposed for Block 34. Block 52: The EDA has received a request from a property owner on Block 52 to acquire parcel on that block. It is staffs intention to bring the Block 52 request, along with funding analysis for 1- 22 and Block 34 to the EDA and City Council in a joint session in October. The joint session will be used to match EDA priorities for acquisition, redevelopment and improvements with funding sources within various TIF districts. TIF 1 -19: During the staff meeting with Northland Securities, staff discussed potential options for the use of existing increment within TIF 1 -19. Northland indicated that in addition to District 1 -19, Districts 1 -20 and 1 -24 are also housing districts that will continue to generate increment beyond their obligation note until the time of their required decertification. The EDA should note that District 1 -19 is not required to be decertified until 2023. The note obligation to Mississippi Shores was fulfilled in February of 2012. Northland indicated that as many cities are facing similar situations for their housing districts. In their preliminary discussions with EDA attorney Kennedy & Graven, there are likely a number of opportunities to utilize excess the increment for other housing - related projects outside of each district. As such, Northland and Kennedy & Graven (at no cost to the Monticello EDA) are discussing the possible uses and structures for use. Staff will bring back a memo outlining the Monticello EDA's option for these districts in October. Embracing Downtown Leadership Team Redevelopment Priorities Discussion At the last regular EDA meeting, Steve Johnson addressed the Authority as a representative of the Downtown Leadership Team. Mr. Johnson presented the Authority 2 with an outline of redevelopment priorities specific to the use of TIF funds in the downtown. The EDA is asked to consider these priorities for further action. The EDA may choose to direct one of the following actions: I. Amend the Redevelopment Policy to directly incorporate the downtown priorities. 2. Amend the Redevelopment Policy to add the downtown priorities as a supplement to Attachment 1. 3. Use the downtown priorities as an informal guide for redevelopment practice and decision in the downtown area. In discussing the matter with Mr. Johnson, he indicated that the Downtown Leadership Team did not have a specific recommendation related to the above options, but was seeking to provide the EDA with a clear sense of the Leadership Team's vision for decision - making for downtown revitalization. Should the EDA wish to take action per item 91 above, staff would be happy to prepare an amendment to the policy for consideration at the October meeting. McCombs and King Contracts At the August meeting, the EDA requested an overview of the status of the EDA's contract work with the McCombs Group, as well as contract deliverables. Staff has attached an email from Mr. McCombs which provides detail on his work for the EDA. At this time, Mr. McCombs is completing final drafts of the documents referenced as either draft or preliminary. It should be noted that the work products related to ACE Hardware are being used by Ehlers to complete their larger Block 34 analysis. In regard to the contract with Janna King, the EDA will receive a short summary regarding her work to -date and the remainder left in her contract at the meeting. Ms. King has been instrumental in the formation of the Downtown Leadership Team and its "reSTOREing Downtown" efforts. This group has in turn developed an organizational structure which is intended to allow them to form an independent (and independently funded) downtown partnership. The funds for these contracts were to come from the EDA General Fund. However, the Finance Director has noted that the expenses for the McCombs Group have actually been coded to TIF 1 -22 Admin due to a lack of available funds in the General Fund. Ms. King's will also be coded to 1 -22. Industry of the Year 3 The IEDC voted on September 4th to begin planning for this year's Industry of the Year Award event. The event will be held on Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week. EDA members are welcome and encouraged to provide nominations for this year's award. A nomination form was sent to all EDA and IEDC members, and to the Monticello manufacturing and industry community. Please bookmark the date — it is always good to have a strong showing of the EDA at the event. More information on that event, including a flyer from last year's event, is attached for reference. Business Expansion & Retention Updates Tire Service Inc. has applied for a permit to add 1620 square feet to their existing building. Walker In -Store has submitted a permit application for an interior remodel. WSI has submitted a permit application for a 47,000 square foot addition to their existing building, and Dr. Wong at Lakeland Dental received permits to remodel the old Monticello Times building. Finally, McDonald's opened their new Oakwood Avenue store on August 27th, 2012. MYSA Verbal report to be provided at the EDA meeting. 349 W. Broadway Fred's Auto Site 8 -25 -12 Conversation with Joel Fischer, Mn Dept. of Commerce Petrofund 1. Because the Phase ll Analysis indicated there was contamination on site caused by a storage tank release, the leak was required to be submitted to the MPCA. 2. A Limited Scope Investigation (LSI) must be completed to determine amount of contamination, type of contamination, location, etc. 3. Once LSI is complete, it is submitted to the MPCA. :MPCA has 30 days to review and respond. (Question: will /should the LSI specify potential action steps, or will the MPCA's response dictate them ?)': There are essentially two -main options of response from MPCA -__.,- ---- . -._.- turn_ -- a. Option 1: Action to clean -up contamination is required. If action is required, remediation measures will be outlined. City will need to follow Petrofund process in order to seek reimbursement for clean -up costs. (Question: If contamination is resulting from the USTs— Petrofund can or can't reimburse removal of the tanks if they are post 1987? Petrofund can only pay for what MPCA requires to be completed to satisfy or close" action on the site.). b Option 2: Letter of closure. This would mean that although contamination is present, the contamination is essentially site - contained and does not pose a threat sufficient to warrant additional current action. I. jin that case, the City would need to seek reimbursement through DEED Contamination & Clean Up Grant Program for clean -up and tank removal. A Response Action Plan (RAP) would need to be completed and approved by MPCA. RAPS go hand -in -hand with redevelopment or reuse of the sited, 4. There is one above ground storage tank on the site. City will need to determine association with contamination (this may also be covered in LSI) and research options for its removal. S. If the underground storage tanks on site ceased to be used before December1987, Petrofund itself comes in to remove and dispose of the tanks. City would need to fill out application form. The City does need to complete an investigation of where they are and how many there are. a. Preliminary reports from Public Works staff indicate gas station fuel tanks ceased use prior to 1980. :Question. What type of confirmation is required by Petrofund? I did download the Abandoned Underground Storage Tank Removal" application. Can the City work with Petrofund contractors to try to keep the existing building on -site? 6. At present time, City needs to wait for LSI to be complete in order to determine next steps. 7. MPCA mandated the completion of LSI due to leak, therefore the LSI is reimburseable by Petrofund, if proper process is followed for reimbursement. Question: Is there a "look- back" expiration date on costs City is incurring now? For example, City is already paying invoices for work Braun is completing on LSI. Is there a Petrofund window during which these invoices must be sent in for reimbursement? Do I need to move forward with an application to Petrofund at this time in order to move this forward ?l, Comment [il]: The MPCA's timeline for reviewing reports may be greater than 30 days, so I recommend you check with the MPCA Project Manager on this. Comment [J2]: Your consultant will identify a few possible corrective action options and then recommend he best alternative The MPCA will review the options and the recommendation and then let you and your consultant know whether or not they agree. Comment [,j3]: If the contamination is not from a tank, then none of the costs the city incurs are eligible for reimbursement. If the contamination is from a tank, then the costs related to the investigation, as well as any cleanup costs required by the MPCA, are eligible for reimbursement. Tank removal costs are not eligible for rei m bursement, regardless of whether or not the contamination came from a tank. Separate from the reimbursement program, the Petrofund has an Abandoned Underground Storage Tank Removal Program. If the tanks were taken out of service prior to December 1987, and regardless of whether or not contamination exists, the Petrofund will remove the tanks free of charge in this type of situation. Comment [j4]: If the consultant recommends site closure in their investigation report and the MPCA agrees, the investigation costs would stilt be eligible for reimbursement from the Petrofund. If the city chooses, though, to on any type of further investigation or cleanup work (e.g. related to redevelopment of the property}, those costs would not be eligible for reimbursement. Comment [j5]: First, to document the city's eligibility for the Abandoned Tank Program, we would want to see whatever information your Public Works staff used to determine that the tanks were taken out of service prior to 1980. Second, the Petrofund typically isn't involved in decisions of whether or not structures should be removed as pa rt of a corrective action approved by r the MPCA. I recommend you Comment [j6]: There is currently no deadline for applying for reimbursement. Other contacts: Kristin Lukes, DEED Contamination Clean -Up Grant Andrea Flynn, Braun Intertec Angela Schumann From: Megan Barnett Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 3:29 PM To: .Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann Subject: FW: Work Programs FYI Megan Barnett- Livgard Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 (763) 271 -3208 Megan.Barnett Xi.monticello.mn.us CITY Monticello This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mbps speed From: James B. McComb I mailtoJim -nccombgrou; -.c°ml Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 10:22 AM To: Megan Barnett Subject: Work Programs Megan, Following up on our recent conversation, I have summarized the status of work we have completed to date based on the work programs we had prepared for these tasks. In December, we prepared two work programs at your request. One was for developing estimated costs to provide parking and common area costs for new developments on Block 34. The budget for that work, including expenses, ranged from $21,100 to $31,300, as shown below. The second proposal was for assisting Ace Hardware with relocation issues and other business prospects. The budget for that work was $15,000 plus expenses. Together, these proposals had a range of costs of $36,100 to $46,300 plus expenses for the Ace Hardware portion of the engagement. At the January 11, 2012 meeting, the EDA authorized $35,000 for the two work programs, but did not eliminate any items from the scope of work. To date, we have billed $19,893.27 for Block 34 and $13,571.84 including expenses of $290.59 for Ace Hardware for a grand total of $33,465.11. This leaves an unexpended balance of $1,534.89. Several memos and documents were prepared in connection with these work programs for Ace Hardware and Block 34. These work products and their status are listed below. Work Program ACEHAIMWAME Ace Hardware retail store market share Ace Hardware development costs (2-3&12) Ace Hardware developme nt cash flow statement and m4 ortue asmxVt,nns Am Hardware rent ralogai iarr Ace Hardware preliminary finance plan Ace Hardware esti mated pn4wrtyr taws Devised Are Hardware developnnentcosts Ace hardware carrrron area operating expaises (private) Ace Hardware rrKw4pge fi nandng issues Status Final Draft Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary These work products were to be used to determine how to relocate Ace Hardware to Block 34 and provide the basis for negotiation over financial assistance. There appears to be no need for further work on these items. PrelIMIr iry Block 34 carrrnon area development costs Prelirrakwwy ArKt arBlock norrrrron area d - vmlupmerd casts Draft Draft Note: Anchor Block camron area cosB were not contained in either of the work programs listed above. I agreed to preparethese casts at a meeting with the Mayorto identify the costs assomited with attracting an mdxwstore- Those work products that are entitled preliminary were to be finalized prior to negotiations about financial assistance for Ace Hardware. The Block 34 and Anchor Block common area development cost estimates will be finalized in technical memorandums with supporting assumptions that underlie the cost estimates. These memorandums will complete our work for the present time. Regards, Jim James B. McComb President McCOMB GROUP, LTD. 222 South Ninth Street Suite 380 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339 -7000 (612) 338 -5572 - Fax CITY OF MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES POLICY The Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is committed to redevelopment as an important and necessary tool to maintain the health of the community and encourage economic development. For the purpose of this document, the term "redevelopment" carries abroad definition including, but not limited to, activities associated with neighborhood preservation and revitalization, commercial and industrial stabilization and growth, redevelopment and revitalization of downtown Monticello. The EDA will serve as a catalyst for redevelopment based on the following policies. The community needs for redevelopment will always surpass the ability of the EDA and /or other funding entities to fully finance and /or be a partner in such endeavors. In order to maximize the effect of EDA involvement, redevelopment priorities have been established as illustrated in Attachment L This priority list and the redevelopment policies will be reviewed and updated by the EDA on an annual basis. 2. The TIF Management Plan, available and applicable grants, and other applicable funding opportunities will be utilized as a guide to evaluate availability of financial resources. The EDA recognizes that redevelopment scenarios are extremely complex and each plan will demand a unique set of solutions. 4. Creation of major redevelopment plans shall include participation by the community including but not limited to, residents, business and property owners, affected government agencies and other stakeholders. Solutions for redevelopment shall be comprehensive in nature and assume market realities. Approved plans shall be positively promoted and endorsed by the City Council, City Boards and staff. The EDA will continue to be innovative in developing creative solutions and resources to meet its redevelopment needs. The EDA will continue to seek outside funding sources to supplement the EDA's financial resources. When seeking EDA and City Council approval for acquisition of property, the following factors will be taken into account: a. Proximity to priority project areas (see Attachment I) b. Reasonable purchase price C. County assessed value d. Recent completed appraisal, if any C. Property key to transportation or public utility projects f. Number and type of existing tenants g. Timeline of new development potential h. Availability and appropriateness of eminent domain Reviewing appropriateness of purchasing property based on the factors outlined in Number 8 will assist in reducing land - banking by the City. 10. The end objectives of redevelopment efforts include: a. Stabilizing and increasing tax base b. Removing influences that can or have negatively affected the community C. Rejuvenating the appearance and perception of a given area d. Leveraging private funding where feasible C. Jobs created and /or retained 11. Redevelopment plans are viewed as inherently flexible and it is recognized that the component parts of a plan may change from time to time in order for it to be implemented within the market place. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello Economic Development Authority this 14th day of March, 2012. CITY OF MONTICELLO Bill Demeules, President ATTEST: Megan Barnett Livgard, Executive Director Attachment I — Redevelopment Priorities Primary Activities: • Implementation of the Embracing Downtown Plan a. Block 34 b. Block 31 c. Other areas as deemed appropriate and driven by private investment • Redevelopment and revitalization of blighted residential properties Potential Future Activities: • Block 35 • Block 33 • Design enhancements to major intersections and street corridors August 1, 2012 To: Monticello EDA From: reSTOREing Downtown Monticello Steering Committee Steve Johnson, Barry Fluth, Shawn Grady, Kevan Sorenson, Sue Swiecichowski, Tony Velishek (members present at Steering Committee meeting on August 1, 2012) At its meeting on August 1, the Steering Committee took action to share its opinion on two issues with the EDA. 1)The Steering Committee for reSTOREing Downtown Monticello would like to indicate its support for a city staff recommendation to analyze TIF District 1-22 to identify actual funds available in the district, through the identification of properties that may be subject to “knock-out” provisions in the laws governing tax increment finance. 2)The Steering Committee members met with city staff on July 19 to better understand the funds available in TIF Districts which could be used to support downtown revitalization. District 1-5: $450,000 – expires December 2012 District 1-6: $690,000 – expires December 2013 District 1-22: Needs further analysis: $1.8 million subject to knock-outs The Steering Committee sincerely appreciates the investment the city has made in the market analysis and plans for downtown and would like to share its recommendations re: the priority for TIF funds identified above, in order to successfully implement these plans. Priority #1: Stimulating private investment.Stimulate private investment by businesses, property owners and developers by providing TIF support for activities such as site control in key locations, land acquisition, demolition and write down. Projects supported by TIF should generate additional property taxes and stimulate additional revitalization downtown. Priority #2a: Public infrastructure beneficial to downtown revitalization.Invest in public infrastructure and planning that will stimulate and support revitalization including the interface between the commercial area and the riverfront, intersection improvements, traffic management, improvements for pedestrians/bicycles, parking and streetscape. Priority #2b: Land acquisition and other forms of site control in key development areas.Land acquisition and other forms of site control (e.g. options) will be evaluated, taking into consideration the policy guidelines established by the city. a.Proximity to priority project areas b.County assessed value c.Recent completed appraisal, if any d.Reasonable purchase price e.Property key to transportation or public utility projects f.Number and type of existing tenants g.Timeline of new development potential h.Availability and appropriateness of eminent domain