EDA Agenda 11-14-2012EDA MEETING Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff. Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. September 12"', 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes b. October 10"', 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items. 5. Consideration to accept the Limited Scope Investigation for 349 W. Broadway (Fred's Auto) and Recommendation for Site Closure 6. Consideration to Request Proposals for removal of front yard underground storage tanks and authorize expenditure for removal of rear yard underground storage tank for 349 W. Broadway (Fred's Auto) 7. Consideration of an update on ReStoreing Downtown project and contract with Economic Development Services 8. Consideration to approve membership in Wright County Economic Development Partnership 9. Consideration to review and accept the Monticello Business Center Industrial Park Wetland Delineation 10. Director Report. 11. Adjourn. MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council Member Tom Perrault Commissioners Absent: Council Member Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 8, 2012 REGULAR EDA MINUTES AS CORRECTED. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION 3. Consideration of approving payment of bills Staff asked that the EDA make formal motion to approve payment for bills at its regular monthly meetings until staff developed a full understanding of budgeted projects within the EDA General Fund budget and the City's General Fund Economic Development budget. Invoices for the previous month were included for review. Staff confirmed that relocation consultant Dan Wilson followed strict federal standards and obtained verification documents before Montgomery Farms tenant relocation invoices are authorized for payment. Wilson's status summary report on tenant relocation progress and payments for the Montgomery Farms property was included in the agenda packet. Staff agreed to make a Finance Department summary report available as well. In addition, Demeules requested a summary report of the money spent on relocation costs (including utilities) to determine how much more costly it is to acquire property with tenants versus the cost of acquiring vacant property. Perrault asked about TIF District 1 -9 referenced in the Ehlers & Associates draft report. Staff noted that the report should have instead referred to TIF District 1 -19. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 2012. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 4. Consideration of additional agenda items a) TIF 1 -5 b) McDonald's c) Update on search for new EDA director 5. Consideration to review and recommend approval of the EDA General Fund budget for 2013 Wayne Oberg outlined the EDA budget spreadsheet which itemized all TIF Districts, the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF), and the EDA General Fund. The proposed 2013 budget retains the Economic Development Director position. One quarter of the budgeted salary is provided by the EDA General Fund and the balance is accounted for within the Economic Development budget as part of the City's General Fund. Oberg summarized that in the past interest earnings had been distributed based on the fund balance rather than based on the cash balance. He pointed out that, although land may go up in value, it does not earn interest and is not a revenue source for the EDA General Fund. Jeff O'Neill also noted that the EDA does not have the authority to acquire revenue through a levy or tax. Oberg stated that the $2.4 million listed as the EDA General Fund balance for the end of August is comprised of assets held for resale. He indicated that EDA General Funds are unavailable however until the assets are sold. He confirmed that land held for resale is held at market value. He pointed to the importance of using administrative funds in TIF districts rather than funding from the General Fund. Up to 10% of staff and consulting costs can be counted as administrative costs within a TIF District if staff time is tracked. There is $3.8 million in TIF funding available among the TIF administrative accounts. TIF District 1 -22, in particular, has an estimated $1.7 million available. Bill Tapper asked how the EDA General Fund had originally been funded. Staff agreed to look into the history of the fund. Oberg pointed out that moving forward he would recommend that the total EDA budget be divided into subfunds in order to more readily clarify which funds were utilized when making EDA expenditures. O'Neill agreed that it would be useful to have a clear picture of where discretionary spending is available for various EDA initiatives. Tapper also asked how the EDA could be expected to approve a budget that isn't funded. Matt Frie asked where the money was coming from to pay obligations. Angela Schumann pointed out that some EDA expenses had been paid through from the Economic EDA Agenda - 09/12/12 Development budget within the City's General Fund. Tracy Hinz asked staff to identify the 2013 projected tax increment revenue from each of the TIF districts and a best estimate as to how the EDA Director salary cost might be allocated across the districts. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE EDA GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR 2013 FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 6. Consideration to approve 2013 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues The EDA was asked to consider renewing membership in the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. Perrault suggested that, since the EDA was unsure about its budget for next year, action on this issue be tabled. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON PAYMENT OF THE WRIGHT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 7. Consideration to appoint a Commissioner to the review committee for the Economic Development Chapter of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan The IEDC had concluded that an assessment of the need for future industrial land area was a top priority. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission, IEDC and EDA work together to complete a thorough review of the Economic Development chapter in the Comprehensive Plan. This would be a first step in a more detailed review of City goals related to industrial land use identification and the potential for another or expanded future industrial park. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE APPOINTMENT OF ROD DRAGSTEN TO A JOINT WORK SESSION BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE IEDC, PLANNING COMMISSION AND EDA TO REVIEW THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS RELATED TO ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL LAND SUPPLY. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 8. Director Report Fred's Auto The EDA closed on the Fred's Auto property on West Broadway and has title insurance and an escrow in place to proceed to clear up the title issue. Braun Intertec will complete the required Limited Scope Investigation. This information will be forwarded to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for review. The Department of Commerce's Petrofund will remove the tanks at no charge if the City can document where the tanks Economic Development Authority Minutes — 09/12/10 are located and that they were not used after 1987. The majority of the clean -up costs should be reimbursable. Embracing Downtown /TIF District Update Block 34: Staff is working with Ehlers & Associates to understand the redevelopment potential and costs on Block 34. Ehlers is working through scenarios which include variables such as redevelopment of the downtown and the completion of needed infrastructure improvements at the corner of TH 25 /CSAH 75. Scenarios will be brought forward for EDA review when completed. TIF District 1 -22: It appears that parcels were previously knocked out of TIF District 1- 22. A number of projects which occurred after the knockdown period may be eligible to be knocked back into the district to generate additional tax increment. Block 52: The EDA received a request from a property owner in the downtown area to consider acquisition of a parcel on Block 52. Staff will compile a list of EDA priorities and potential funding sources and bring the information forward to a joint session of the EDA and City Council. Bill Demeules will meet with staff to provide direction in compiling this information in advance of the meeting. TIF 1 -19: Oberg had determined that there was additional increment in TIF 1 -19 which could potentially be used for other purposes since the note obligation to Mississippi Shores was complete. Northland will work with Kennedy & Graven to analyze possible uses for housing district increments at no cost to the EDA. Options may include a continuation of the transformation home loan program, funding to address meeting objectives for aging multi - family stock, and possibly relocation costs. Embracing Downtown Leadership Team Redevelopment Priorities Discussion Steve Johnson had presented an outline of redevelopment priorities specific to the use of TIF funds in the downtown for EDA consideration. McCombs and King Contracts Staff had provided a written overview of the status of the McComb Group and the Economic Development Services contract. Both expenses were to be paid from the General Fund but are now being coded to TIF 1 -22 as legitimate administrative expenses. Industry of the Year The Industry of the Year Award event is scheduled to be held at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week. EDA members were encouraged to provide nominations for the award. Business Expansion & Retention Updates Staff pointed out that there had been a number of important business expansions and remodels in the community which were noted in the Director's Report. 4 Economic Development Authority Minutes — 09/12/10 Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) The MYSA membership will vote on the option of constructing field and office headquarters for their organization at the current biosolids site north of Bertram Park on November P. The City offered to sell the land to the MYSA with the expectation that the economic development benefit to the area would be significant. The first phase of the project would consist of 16 fields and an additional 8 fields would be constructed in the second phase. This proposed project would accelerate the timing of planned future system upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility on that site. The land use proposal is also subject to review by both the Wright County Board and the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board. 9. Consideration of items added to the agenda a) TIF 1 -5 — Perrault said that he'd expected to make a decision about TIF 1 -5 spending. Staff stated that it wouldn't be appropriate to make a decision without first identifying priorities and funding sources. The EDA is required to allocate but not spend the funds from TIF District 1 -5 by year -end. Staff agreed to clarify the requirements for conducting a public hearing. b) McDonald's - Perrault shared that he had spoken with Ronald McDonald about Tan Increment Financing (TIF) at the recent McDonald's event. C) Update on search for new EDA Director - Any decision related to the position will result from a discussion between the EDA, City Council and the City Administrator and take shape over months. 10. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:49 PM. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: November 14, 2012 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, Executive Director 5 EDA Agenda - 11/12/12 3. Consideration of approving payment of bills. (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through November 14th, 2012. 2. Motion to deny payment of bills through November 14th, 2012. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Invoices through November 14th, 2012, that have not received prior approval. IQ ID 00 00 ] ) ) j \ / B ) § § \ k k \ ] / 2 0 . � ■ e m 00 � 4 U . e � � ? . ) . � k \ - 6 � & � ] ) � - « q ) § � \ - | ■ � 2 2 � q § t u po � S ) ? g 7 § } e k ^ C) CIS Cd N � q § ) a � H Q \j m m k. \ IQ ID 00 00 ] ) ) j \ / B ) § § \ k k \ ] / AmeriPride Sprviges 6500 Saukview Drive St. Cloud, MN 56303 -0804 Ph: (320) 251 -2525 Fax: (320) 2534904 Email.. noctrcc22@aiiie-riprido.com Customer Number; 220625600 Pagel of l Account Type: Charge Invoice Number: 2200262342 Invoice Date: 0$12212012 ,-- --------------------- .-.. ........ .__....__.___. ......._._........_..- ...... - -. ------ - - - - -- _-------------- - ------- - - - - -. ASK YOUR CSR ABOUT OUR FULL LINE OF RESTROO.M SERVICES --- - -- - - -------------- • -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- - - - - -- ' Bank/ Del Qty Line Type Itern Description Locker Emp Name Sales BATCCEL AF DISP BATTERY S EV13XC Rent CDENDWD ROLL TOWEL CAD Rent CT40WHT ROLL TOWEL WHIT Sales D141012 TORIC ROLL BATH TI EVEXC Rent D209305 DISP TT SCA EV iXC Rent DISI'ARL DISPENSER AIR FRE 2 Sales GSCNMAN GRN /SCENT MA.NG EVHXC Rent MN30HNY MAT 3X10 HONEYC Finance char - Finance charge Ser Chg 22SP08 SERVICE CHARGE Signature Initials PH DEL THRU PIZZA FACTORY CLOSET Balance as of 0910612012 Emp # Inv Bill Qty Total 0 0, 00 T 2 2 2,04T 20 7 27.68 T 0 0100T 2 2 0.11 T 2 2 21.36 T 0 2 0,00 T 1 1 16.96T 1 1.32 8.95'1' Subtotal 81.42 Tax 6,875% 5.51 Total Due: USD 86.93 Current .1 -30 31 -60 Over 60 86.93 0.00 0.00 =_ Please Remit Payment to : Amerirride Services, P.O. Box 3100, Bemidji, MN, 566193100 Within 27 days. Thank you for your businessi Route: 12 GARY STEIL Service:E4W - WE Deliver To: B Bill To: CITY OF MONTICELLO C CITY OF MONTICELLO DELIVFiRY A ACCOUNTS PAYA14LE 202 FINE ST B BROADWAY PLAZA 505 WALNUT STREET STE I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 M MONTICELLO, MN 55362 --------------------- .-.. ........ .__....__.___. ......._._........_..- ...... - -. ------ - - - - -- _-------------- - ------- - - - - -. ASK YOUR CSR ABOUT OUR FULL LINE OF RESTROO.M SERVICES --- - -- - - -------------- • -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- - - - - -- ' Bank/ Del Qty Line Type Itern Description Locker Emp Name Sales BATCCEL AF DISP BATTERY S EV13XC Rent CDENDWD ROLL TOWEL CAD Rent CT40WHT ROLL TOWEL WHIT Sales D141012 TORIC ROLL BATH TI EVEXC Rent D209305 DISP TT SCA EV iXC Rent DISI'ARL DISPENSER AIR FRE 2 Sales GSCNMAN GRN /SCENT MA.NG EVHXC Rent MN30HNY MAT 3X10 HONEYC Finance char - Finance charge Ser Chg 22SP08 SERVICE CHARGE Signature Initials PH DEL THRU PIZZA FACTORY CLOSET Balance as of 0910612012 Emp # Inv Bill Qty Total 0 0, 00 T 2 2 2,04T 20 7 27.68 T 0 0100T 2 2 0.11 T 2 2 21.36 T 0 2 0,00 T 1 1 16.96T 1 1.32 8.95'1' Subtotal 81.42 Tax 6,875% 5.51 Total Due: USD 86.93 Current .1 -30 31 -60 Over 60 86.93 0.00 0.00 =_ Please Remit Payment to : Amerirride Services, P.O. Box 3100, Bemidji, MN, 566193100 Within 27 days. Thank you for your businessi Signature Initials PH DEL THRU PIZZA FACTORY CLOSET Balance as of 0910612012 Emp # Inv Bill Qty Total 0 0, 00 T 2 2 2,04T 20 7 27.68 T 0 0100T 2 2 0.11 T 2 2 21.36 T 0 2 0,00 T 1 1 16.96T 1 1.32 8.95'1' Subtotal 81.42 Tax 6,875% 5.51 Total Due: USD 86.93 Current .1 -30 31 -60 Over 60 86.93 0.00 0.00 =_ Please Remit Payment to : Amerirride Services, P.O. Box 3100, Bemidji, MN, 566193100 Within 27 days. Thank you for your businessi Current .1 -30 31 -60 Over 60 86.93 0.00 0.00 =_ Please Remit Payment to : Amerirride Services, P.O. Box 3100, Bemidji, MN, 566193100 Within 27 days. Thank you for your businessi Please Remit Payment to : Amerirride Services, P.O. Box 3100, Bemidji, MN, 566193100 Within 27 days. Thank you for your businessi MIMMOR e z 0 a 0 z y AI w 0 b O C) o C. +' a M N N N N 4 0— o� N n �q N o � b N JS�e C o o NN Ln M en se � Ln � k n e�-. w 0 b M M M rh O C) o C. +' a M N N N N Vi o� N n �q N N N � b N C o o NN Ln M en se � Ln � k n e�-. 0 a R N N c� M M C4 Qi M M M rh O C) o C. ON M N N N N Vi o� N n �q N N N � b N C o N NN M M en N o o � Ln � k n e�-. a R N N M M M M M rh O O O O CN ON M N N N N M N W N N_ N N N N C o ry p o ry Ln A N o N e N o o N e v, w o H R A 1° w w° 40. O O O O 0 0O_j H �jO H �jO_ F VI a a a AQ F4 P� GG O O O O CN ON N N N N M N N N N a M O 0 N d d �C O I � 0 :j WDEVELiOPMENT �VI SERVICES October 8, 2012 City of Monticello Attn: Angie McIntire 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Broadway Plaza Building Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance Relocation Claim #2 Dear Angie, OFFICE 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FAx 952.448.4676 WI LSO N D EV5100AOL.. C OM ' 510 CHESTNUT STREET, SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 Enclosed is a relocation claim in the amount of $3,612.23 for final moving expenses, along with attached documentation and a summary. Please issue checks as follows to: 1. Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance and Kjellberg's Business Center, L.LC in the amount of $2,568.00. 2. Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance and Monticello Times in the amount of $598.50. 3. Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance and Monticello Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $125.00. 4. Barbara Loo's Studio of Dance in the amount of $320.73. Let me know when the checks are ready so Barbara Lee O'Reilly can pick them up and arrange to deliver them to her vendors, Sincerely, John Callender Wilson Development Services LLC Claim for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses - Nonresidential (49 CFR 24 Subpart I U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2506 -0015 and Urban Development (exp. 10/3112011) Claim #2 -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- For Agency Name of Agency 'Protect Name or Number Case Number Ilse Only : Broadway Plaza Building Monticello EDA Instructions: This claim form is for the use of displaced businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farms that wish to claim a payment for Actual Reasonable Morning and Related Expenses, including Reestablishment Expenses, rather than claim a Fixed Payment, under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1070 (URA). The Agency will explain the difference between the two payments and will help you complete this form. HUD provides information on these requirements and other guidance materials on its website at www.hud.gov /relocation. If you are eligible for either payment, the Agency will help you to determine which is most advantageous. If the full amount of your claim is not approved, the Agency will provide you with a written explanation of the reason. If you are not satisfied with the Agency's determination, you may appeal the determination. The Agency will explain how to make an appeal, All claims for payments must be filed no later than 18 months from the date of displacement (see 24.207(d)). Attach supplemental pages as necessary. All expenses must be thoroughly identified and be accompanied by receipts or other appropriate documentation to be eligible for payment. Professional services and other claims for time expended based on salaries, earnings or fees related to 48 CFR 24.301(g)(12), 24.301(g)(17)(iii)-(vi), and 24.303(b), must be actual, reasonable, necessary, and should be preapproved by the Agency. (Eligible Moving Expenses: See 24.301(g)(1) -(7); 24.301(8)(11) -(18) & 24.303; Ineligible Moving Expenses: See 24.301(h)) (Eligible Reestablishment Expenses; See 24.304(a); Ineligible Reestablishment Expenses: See 24.304(b)) Section A. General 1. Name of Business, Farm or Nonprofit Organization 2. Name, Title, Address and Telephone Number of Claimant or Claimant's Authorized Agent Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance: _.....- . ............. ..._. ... _ .... - ....... .... - .............._....- ._._._ - -- -- .. - ._..__ _.. _ ...__...__..._. Barbara Lee O'Reilly 3. Address from which Business, Farm or Nonprofit Organization moved 8201 Isaak Ave. NW Annandale, MN 55302 166 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362 ................ 4a. Address to which Business, Farm or Nonprofit Organization _.._....._._...-..... -_ ._�� .....tart_- _.. _....,_.._.. _... ...... -. _......_ .... _. w.. _. ion moved ', 4b, bate Move sartod (mmlddlyyyy) 4272 School Blvd. Monticello, _..-_..._.__.._...._.._ ...................... ............................... L. S. Type of Operation (Check One) ® Business ❑ Farm Operation ❑ Nonprofit Organization MN 55362:07/01/2012 8. Type of Ownership (Check One) W Sole Proprietorship ❑ Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ Nonprofit Organization 4c. Date Move Completed (mmlddlyyyy) 08/3112012 7. Is this a Final Claim? Q ;Yes No (if "No,' attach an explanation) 8. Certification of Legal Residency In the United States (Please read Instructions below before completing this secliom) Instructions: To qualify for relocation advisory services or relocation payments authorized by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, a "displaced person" must be a United States citizen or national, or an alien lawfully present In the United States. The certification below must be completed in order to receive any relocation benefits. (This certification may not have any standing with regard to applicable State laws providing relocation benefits.) Please address only the category that describes your citizenship status. For Item (2), please fill in The correct number of partners. The certification for a nonresidential displaced person may be signed by an owner or other person authorized to sign on its behalf. Your signature on this claim form constitutes certification. See 49 CFR 24,208(g) & (h) for hardship exceptions. NONRESIDENTIAL DISPLACEMENT'S (1) Sole Proprietorship. (2) Partnership. (3) Corpomlion. (Name of Corporation) I certify that I am. (check one) I certify that there are ._ partners in the I certify that a citizen or national of the United States partnership and that are citizens or is established pursuant to State law and Is an alien lawfully present in the United States, nationals of the United States and are authorized to conduct business In the aliens lawfully present in the United States. United States. Previous editions are obsolete Page t of 4 form HUD -40055 (0412005) Section B. Supporting Data for Moving Expenses (Not id entliled in Seciions. C, D, E, F or G) (49 CPR 24,301(d) & 24,301(e)) (Attach supplemental page It additional space Is needed and attached receipts for costs incurred.) (identify If move Is commerical move ❑ sell rrx�,ve Lj, or combination move Expense Identification . . ..... ......... Amount Clal m e d For Agency Use Only . ..... ...... . (2) Disconnection, dismantling, etc, of personal property (professlonal) 1,533.00 (1) Transportation of personal property 970.00 (3) Printed material/ signs 55.56 ---, -- — ---- -- I ----- ----- ... ... - ---- ---- --- ------- (4) Purchase of substitute property (5) Total Costs (include this amount In line (1) of Item 9, Total) Section C. Supporting Data for Storage Costs (49 CFR 24 Is This a Final Claim for Storage? E] Yes [:] No Date Moved to Storage Date Moved From Storage (mrrVddlyyyy) � (MmIdd/yyyy) Item Amount For Agency Use . ......... Monthly Rate for Storage $ Number of Months In Storage Total Storage Costs (include this amount in line (1) of Item 9, Total) ..... .......... ------ --- Description of Property Stored (List may be attached) Section D. 'Supporting Data for Searching Expenses (49 CFR 24.001(g)(17)) Amount Claimed For Agency Use Only (1) SearchingTime Number of Hours x Hourly Rate of Earnings $ (2) Time Spent Obtaining Permits, Attending, 7_oning Hearings C",--.,,-"---- NumberofHours x, HouqX i�. fEen i;flr�ipontNagotiating Purchase/Lease of Replacement Site Number of Hours x Hourly Rate of Earnings $ (4) Transportallon u- —It with A en on allowable per mile of personal vehicle) (6) Fees Paid to Ham Estate uroker or Agent, (Excluding fees or commissions related to site purchase) (Attach contract or other evidence) $ $ (i) Cost of Meals $ (8) Other Expenses and attach receipts) (9) Total Searching Expenses -­- (Add lines (1) thru (9). Include this amount, or $2,500, whichever Is less, In line (1) of Item 9 Total.) $2,500.00 Section E. Supporting Data for Payment for Actual Direct Loss of Personal Property (List separately each for which amount claimed In Co umn (f) Is more than $500. Other items may be grouped together. The Agency will advise on acceptable method for listing items. Attach additional _�heetqasneeded) (49 CFR 24.301.(9)fl4D . . ........ ........ ..... . - ------ (b) Identify Personal Property Fair Market Value As is Proceeds From Value Not Recovered l Estimated Cost of Amount Claimed For Agency for Which Payment Los for For Present Continued Use At Sale By Sale Moving Old Property (Lesser of Use Only Loss Actual Direct 1, Location (Column (b) minus As Is (To be entered Column (d) or Requested (Attach appraisals Column (o)) by Agency) (e)) or other evidence) (see 24.301 (g)(1 4)(11)): --------------------- - Claimant's Release of Personal Property IlWe release to the Agency ownership of all personal remaining on the real property . Signatures) of 0- -Ia,l-m-,E i —nt(s-)- or - Agent -D-s-t"e-(-rn-n, (I) Total (Add all entries In column (f) above) (2) Cost of Effort to Sell Property (e.g., advertising) (49 CFR 24,301(g)(15)) (3)Totai Amount Claimed (Add lines (1) and (2). Include this amount In line (1) of Item 9 N/A is are obsolete Page 2 of 4 form HUD-40065 (04/2005) Section F. Supporting Data for Substitute Personal Property. List separately each item for which amount claimed in column (Q Is more than $500, Other Items may be grouped together. The agency will advise on acceptabie method of listing Items. Attach additional sheets, as needed.) (49 0FR 24.301(g)(16)) (a) Identify Substitute ........... ----- -- (b) 1 Actual Cost of I ------- (0) Proceeds From (d) Net Cost of Estimated Cost of rt M Amount Claimed For Agency Personal Property Substitute Property Sale orTrade-In of Substitute Moving and Reinstalling. (Lesser of Use Only for which Payment Colivered and Installed Property That Was Personal Property 1 Replaced Its (To: be column (d) Is Requested at New Location (Attach documentation) Replaced (Column (b) minus! Column (c)) I entered by agency) M (see 24,901(g)(16)(b)) or (e)) J41 OFR 24.301(g)(15)) . .. . . ..... . . ... $ $ N/A � I Include this amount in line W of Item 9 Total) ....... . .. ........ - ------ ............. ........ ... . . ....... . ..... --- ---- . ..... ........... . .... ....... ----------- .......... 4111nigintts Flelaasx Of Personal Provortv C I oreeaselothe Vancy ownership ofan �ersonal n real p.p !o p. rty. _pe.r - (2) Cost of Effort to Sell Property (e.g., advertising) Signature (s) of Clalmant(c) or Agent I 6.t. Wddlyyyy)[ J41 OFR 24.301(g)(15)) . .. . . ..... . . ... $ 1 (0) Total Amount Claimed (Add lines (1) and (2). N/A � I Include this amount in line W of Item 9 Total) Section G. Supporting Data for Related Nonresidential Expenses (49 CPR 24,303) bniy if applicable and Determined Actual, Reasonable and Necessary. (Attach supplemental page, if needed) Amount For Agency ...... ...... Claimed Use Only (1) Utility Connections from Right-of-Way to Improvements at Replacement Site. (2) Professional Services for Site SuRaWity Determination Based on Agency pre approved reasonable hourlr�tgs) Number of. uns (3)jMpAq! l=ees _9(,One Time Assessments far Utili ly Usage:..__--- ,,. -._ ------ . ..... Total Related Nonresidential Expenses: (Add lines (1) through (3)) N/A (Include this amount In line (1) of Item 9 Total) Section H. Supporting Data for Reestablishment Expenses. (49 CFR 24.304) (Attach supplemental page It additional space Is needed.) Amount For Agency Expense Identification Claimed Use Only 100.00 Modification to replacement property .. .... .. . . . ... . ..... ........... . ....... 2 ) Exterior signage 1165.00 . .... . . ........ ..... ... ....... . . ... . .......... .... .. ..... Advertisement 1788.6711 .. 4) . .. .......... -------- (5) Total Costs (Enter this amount, or $10,000, whichever is loss, on line (2) of Item 9) 1,053.67 $ Previous editions are obsolete Pago 3 of 4 form H (04/2006) Section f. Certification By Clalmant(s): I certify that the information on this claim form and supporting documentation is true and complete and that I have not been paid for these ,axpenses Slgnature(s} of laimant(s) or Claimant's Authorized Agent Title (Type or Print) Date t iNarning: HAWIlp te f alse ctaims and statements Conviction m suit In cnminai and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001;,1019, 1012, 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) E Amount For Agency Use Only 4. -T Computation of Payment Item ____.._.---,----_.._..,..--,--•.------._. _....- ._...- -.-._....._........ _......_ _ 1 Moving Expenses (From Section B, C, D E=, F G) $ 5,058.56 $ () Reestablishment Expenses (From Section I-I) - $1,053.67 $ (3j Other (Attach explanation) _._ ........... . .....______._ _.__....__.__.._._._. .._..,(4) Total Amount Claimed (Add Ilr,es (1) thru (3)) _..__ _.__._ _.__._._.___.__, �_._._._._....___.__....._._..-_._—._.._.._.,.. �.__.._ ....._....._._..._...._- -. -._ -- ---- --- ....._....._....__.�_- w -_... $61122.3 ._ $ (5) Amount Previously Received, If any 1$2500,00 $ (6) Amount Requested (Subtract line (5) from line (4)) $ 3,612.23 _ $ Payment Action Amount of Payment I Signature Name (Type or Print ) Date ( mmldd/ Y YYY) 10. Recommended $ 3,6 t 2.23 J�.ee�L 11. Approved $ I Remarks: public reporting burden far this collecilon of information Is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response. This Includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The information is being collected under the authority of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and Implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and will be used for determining whether you are eligible to receive a payment for moving and related expenses and the amount of any payment. Response to this request for Information is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless It displays a currently valid OMB control number. Privacy Act Notice; This form is for the use of displaced businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farm operators that wish to apply for a Payment for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses, including Reestablishment Expenses, rather than apply for a Fixed Payment. (The maximum Fixed Payment is $20,000.) The Agency will explain the difference between the two types of payments, If you are eligible to choose either payment, the Agency will help you to determine which Is most advantageous. If the full amount of your claim is not approved, the Agency will provide you with a written explana- tion of the reason. If you are not satisfied with the Agency's determination, you may appeal the determination. The Agency will explain how to make an appeal. This information is being collected under the authority of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, The Information may be made available to a Federal Agency for review, Previous editions are obsolete Pago 4 of 4 form HUD °4005 (0412005) ATTACHMENT TO SECTION B (Move Costs "Section B") FOR: Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance Section 24.301(g) Payment for actual reasonable moving expenses...... Claim #2 (1) Transportation of personal property $970:00 " Move furnishings $520.00 Move mirrors $300.00 Move signage $150.00 (3) Disconnect /dismantling of personal property Take down and setup furnishings Take down and setup mirrors Take down and setup signage Misc. moving and set -up costs Misc, disconnect and move costs (Barbara lee expense) $1,533.00 $660.00 $300.00 $150.00 $323.00 $300.00 (13) Printed material $55.56; Office Max— business cards(gty. 1,000 *) $55.56 *3,000 obsolete business cards scrapped Claim #2 Total " $2,558.56 Oct. 1. 2012 3,23PM Exit Realty No. 7171 P, 1 I(jellbergrs Business Center, LLC 4304 School blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 763 - 271 -6525 Hate: September 4, 2012 Client: Barbara Lee Ranee Studio Move Date: 812012022 Pick Up Location: Barbara Lee Nance Studio 204 Pine St Monticella, MN 55362 Re- location. Monticello Fitness Center 4280 School Blvd Monriceflo, MN 55362 r Moving [2) Nance Trails 417-,(36) 2x4 TtaTlsupports, (2) Furnishings., 124 "S 238" Desk; (9j Shelves; (2) Coat Hook; Nnak; (3) Wall NangTng $280.00 Take Down: Move: Moving Equipment, & Labor $520.00 Set tf : $380.00 Moving Mirrors: Take gown, Move, & Sat Up Mirrors: (6) $640,00 Sheets 48 "x60 ; bottom & Top Track Additional Misc. Set tip & Materials, brackets, mounting $323.00 Moving & Set Up mock packaying Materials: Signage: NewSignage: Monumentslgn Parcel, Window $165.0(} Lettering Take flown, Move, & Set Up Signage: $300.00 "DANCE "an Lo arbu Win g Total Cost flue Upon Receipt $2 5G8.00 3] f 3 Do �� X200.00 ---------- Beginner thru Advanced Spar at vwd444z"-� -56"e& 4 v",w 0 4-d V 6 W-M-ON 1zg i I-L C� A I jeouessaIN qi3l oldoLAj MI'm 'a dog: �� �L w loo . IWOWLIX nfficeMax #1372 t. . 417 E M STREET I%JTXEL1.0, MN 55382 (753) 295.2110 1372 09 0172 05/21/12 05.22;38 PM SALE 998100000900 Color FS Ltr 24# Laser Qty 120 0 $0.48 $58,80 99810Q00199U Cuttind'Per Ream Qty 2 $1.09 $2.18 SubTotal $60.98 Tax 6.87516 $4.19 TOTAL $85.17 VISA $65.17 Gard number: XXXXXXXXXXXX6269 Authorization 02576A 10587 - 06125 - 83220 - 22060- 40117 -70035 Tell us about Your shopping experience and get- $5.off your next $25 purchase, Visit -offi.cem0feedbaok.c ©m aril enter the following Survey Cade; 1372 -09- 0172 -5 OfficeMax doesn't just provide great values, we also live them, OfficeMax has 0 Work Order # 14 � an,] bVkoiftx c5 1 2—� IMPRESS X , 7%-S, PRINT CENTER ".. ^standard taxtTrims go(eas"apply, !77 --. ave ri r 'ZI #0 V"5 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tow (SMS) El Emall onu � # ALA ^standard taxtTrims go(eas"apply, 4 Be A Star at: Barbara Lee's Studio of Dance REGISTRATION NOW OPENH Visit our website ab www.beastaratbarbaralees.weebly.com Call us at® 320 - 247 -2005 *Bran d yam Monticello Location* 4272 School Blvd (Behind `V41'al- marrt) SEP /21 /2012 /FRI 03:28 FM ECM Sun Group FAR Igo,992- 991-35$8 P. 001 STUDIO OF X/A ENNINIENIM 14fl BARBARA LEE'S STUDIO OF DANCE Amount Pa BARBARA LSE O'REILLEY $201 2 SARK AVE NW comments; ANNANDALE MN 55302 "In the Community. With the Community, For tha Community:' THERE 18 A $20 CIJARGE FF)R RETURNED CHECKS, REPORT ERRORS WITHIN b DAYS TO WSURE CONSWERATION. UNPAID BALANCES OVER 30 RAYS OLD INCUR A 1.50/4 FINANCE CH4AOE PER MONTH, Zit Sl[OMBIA OT AGOOVInT • Aging of Past Doe Aanoanta N/A N A N/A iII /A 29.25 MONTICELLO TIMES (aaz} ss7 4•aaau ' uNAPPLiED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 24oa232 O8/2p12 �o0 100 BARBAi�A LEE'S STUDIO O SEP /21/2012/FRI 03:2$ PM ECM Sun Group FAX No, 952-941-3588 P. 002 MONTICELLO TIMES 10017 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 (0522 asx_68w PAX(T63) 2053080 Advertlalaa InVolC6 and 8tatsMan( BARBARA LEE'S STUDIO OF DANCE BARBARA LEE O'REILLEY 8201 ISAP,K AVE NW ANNANDALE MN 55302 Amount Paid: . Comments,, ..� wafamanf M anv%mini . AMAN of flgcf MIA Amro, nta �� MONTICELLO TIMES (051) 302.6600 * UNAPPUEO AMOUNTS ARE MU1Md IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 1400233 08/2012 100 100 BARBARA LEE'S 4TUDIO OPP Monticello Chamber of Commerce 205 Fine Street P.O. Box 192 Monticello, Ml,� 55362 Invoice Bill To Barbara l.ee Barbaral.ea's Studio AfDance 4280 School Blvd Monticello, A4N 55362 Date Invoice # 9/17/2012 4874a Due Date 9/1712012 Description Amount Fun Hwi* F q)o 10105/2012 (Barbam 1,w) � � _ 125.00 X125100 763- 295 -2700 bifo@monfloellocci.com bapJlwww,mouticelloccLoom a m p7 117 LO 0 a) L LL m m.. L Or Q? [[7 LL S Lcy � LO LOp3 f EH W. i[3 pl- LO cv °o G7 M W CLCi7 o c7 �..-C X i X117 -"� � .7 > Cj? LLS CD .{U-� g w x 61 03 Q CC �, "�- I i C yM CO ff3 O O _ L Q5 _ S M. CS 131 i co UD LO y CO °''� ilk O i`-• 'D O O G3 4F cm iCi �.� .w eci • . >p3 C3 LL7 � N fJb i-3 .}a CLCrq(� ca KD t co S M L- 0 CO co co 10 i i-1 C7cC �mww R .~.r' Page I of 4 CUSTOMER COPY MPRESS PRINT. CENTER Store #1372 Print & Document Services Order Number: 500117187 Name,, Barbara twee Customer Phone: 7632955680 f [-Mail: beast:ar@lakedalelink.net Confirmed by 818120123;06:19 PM Custorner: Ship To, Stare Store Location; OfflceMax Store #1372 1417 E. 7th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Itemization Name item # Box My Oty Price Each Subtotal Full Color Business Cards, 601b. 22423263 1000 9 $51.99 $51.99 White Vail um, Blank Back Standard Shipping $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal (tax applied at register). $51.99 Please brim these copies to the register for payment. Orders are processed after payment is received. By paying for this order, you verify that all spelling, layout and content are correct and that you are satisfied with the documents) proofed on the customer copy of this order confirmation. Documents will print as shown here and you cannot make any changes once the order is paid for. Customer assumes all responsibility for typographical error. http: / /0fficemax. designcentefkiosk. corn/ KioskConfirmationPOS .aspx ?cadid =4D748FO67... 818 /2012 Page 2 of 4 CUSTOMER COPY DROOPS IMAGES NOT ACTUAL SIZE. optional PDF Proof available, By paying for this order, you verify that ali spelling, layout: and content are correct and that you are satisfied with the document(s) proofed on the customer cony of this order confirmation. Documents will print as shown here and you cannot make any changes once the order is paid for. Customer assumes all responsibility for typographical error. Full Color Business Cards, 80 Ib. White Vellum, Blank Back .. MOnfcel.a StlldiO 320-247-2005 http: / /officemax.designcenter kiosk, comlKioskConfirmationPOS .aspx ?cartid =4D748FO67.,, $18!2012 Business Relocation Summary Broadway Plaza Building Barbara Lee's Shirlin of Danro Claim ft2 1012112 24-303 Related Expenses ITEM Previously Submitted Claim Amount to Date 24.301 (g) Actual Moving Expenses a. 1 Transportallon of Rersonal property 970.00 2 Packing, crating, unpacking, un-crating 7, 165.00 3 Disconnection, dismantling, etc, of personal property 1,533,00 4 Storage of personal propeqy - - 5 Insurance for,Mlacement value 6 1 Loss of propeE!y, damaged, stolen 7 Other related expense 11 Licenses, permit& certification 12 Profesulonal Services Plan the Move 13 Printed Material I sign E; 120.73 14 Direct Loss 15 Cost incurred in sale 16 Purchase of substitute- proRedy 17 Searching for replacement $2.500,00 :2,500.00 18 Low Value-High Value SUBTOTAL 2500001. 01 5,123-73 24-303 Related Expenses a Utilities from ROW b Professional fee/determine suitability 3 Impact Fees 7, 165.00 4 SUBTOTAL 24,304(a) Business Reestablishment 1 lCade Requirements 2 Modification to re2lacement roe: 3 Exterior Signage 165.00 4 Redecorationfreplacement surfaces 5 Advertisement 788,67 6 Increased operational costs 710ther I Subtotal SUBTOTAL $50,000 Maximum I ITOTAL 1 $2,500.00 6112. 0 z O P, �g ^q�P Qi O u u U LC a P+ w, b O O O O Cn Oi f� kD O pp N p O m M M It M M M N N 00 1G D 1, 00 � m %C CT rd N M O E.5 f rte!] P+ w, b CD O O O O O O O O Cn Oi N M kD O pp N p O m M M It M M M N N 00 1G D 1, 00 O O %C CT rd N M O ZO Cl rte!] O O O O O q O N O O N N N N N eq CD O O O O O O O O Cn Oi N M kD O pp vi n v O n p O m M M It M M M N N 00 1G D 1, 00 O O %C CT Vi N M O c" tn Cl O O O O O O [n rn � rn O N O O N N N N N eq O O O Ln .--� C-� m m r~ N `- N 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 M GVCT7 Per 0�1 � � � OMi 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N O N O O O O N N 4ti N N N O O O M [7 M N 00 00 00 M M M M M M m M M It M M M N N 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M M q h -n c� c� �-n k m Y c" tn O O O O O [n rn � rn O N O O N N N N N eq O O O O A A A A Ca pq mp CA � ,q .g g g 0 0 0 0 ON N N N N u3 W U U U U U y� U U U U U 0 0 0 0 01 Cn Con Gn u w u 6 6 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O M M M M M 4ti T T 44 O O O M [7 M 0 0 0 00 00 00 M M M M M M m M M It M M M 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M M q h -n c� c� �-n k m Y c" tn en rn [n rn � rn r4 ,--i N N N N N N N N N N N N N eq a b N N N O N O G1 .fl n n 0 0 �n � 0 0 .—+ ,--e m ti N 'C a � O rn (� O .� u a� A N yG1 �tl w 0 N rl' e N O N H CQ�j V �y i� D .� A t"� WSB &Assoc Engineering 1 Planning l Environmental 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Total Billings 275.00 3,740.75 4,015.75 Suite 300 City of Monticello August 30, 2012 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -550 Tel: 763. 541 -4800 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 4 Fax; 703 -541 1I0U . Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Monticello Business Center Wetland Services Professional Services from July 01 2012 to July 'E 2012 Professional Personnel .., Hours Rate °, Ainouht, Project Management/Coordination Bison, Shibanl .50 121.00 60.50 Chesnut, Jed 2.00 84.00 168.00 Environmental Documents Foster, Elizabeth .75 62.00 46.50 Totals 3.26 275.00 Total Labor 275.00 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 275.00 3,740.75 4,015.75 Limit 4,750.00 Remaining 73425 Total this InvoiceJ��l ! l4CWyk�4 �.,J.,V Comments, f3 Approved Iff FAT Reviewed by. Bret Weiss Project Manager: Shibani BisBon St. Cloud 1 Minneapolis 1 St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com $275.00 A WS &Assoeiades, Inc. Engineering 1 Planning I Environmental I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South City of Monticello September 27, 2012 Suite 300 r Minneapolis, MN 5x416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -550 Tel: 763- 641 -4II00 505 Walnut Street, Sulte.1 Invoice No: 5 Pax: 763. 541 -1.700 ,. . Monticello, MN 55362 -6831 Monticello Business Center Wetland Services Professional Services from Aunust_01 2012 to Aumust 31, 2012 OCT - 4 � Professional Personnel j. 2D�2 I s Flours Rate Aimouttt Project Management/Goord!nation ` BIsson, Shibeni .50 121,00 160 :50 Meetings Bisson, Shibanl 3.00 121.00 363.00 Chesnut, Jed 3.50 84.00 294.00 Extra Services 1 Client Requests Bergen, Heather 4.00 68.00 272.00 Chesnut, Jed 3.00 84.00 25100 Foster, Elizabeth 1.50 62.00 93.00 Moffatt, Andrea 6.00 137.00 822.00 Pittman, Bryan 3.60 79.00 276.50 Totals 25.00 2,433.00 Total Labor 2,433,00 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Millings 2,433.00 4,01516 6,448.75 ?104 Limit 6,465,60 w 96,75 Remaining Total this Invoice $2,433.00 Comments: Extra orybes for research and documentation of wetland ad.lacent to Dah1hp2mer site as .... byTEP. See memo dated 08128112, _required - - Approved by: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: Shibani Bisson St, Cloud I Minneapolis I St. Paul Equd Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 45 SOUTH 7TH STREET SUITE 2000 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 USA Voice: 612-851-4915 Fax: 612 - 851 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To; City of Monticello Wayne Oberg, Finanae Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite I. Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 3057 Invoice Date; 10/9/12 a ... , . f- Page: OCT 1 0 2012 Customer PO PaymciA Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIP Dist 1 -22 Review Net 30 Days �T 11/-8/12 Description vices provided related to TIP District No, 1 -22 review, ase see attached detail. Amount ,200.0 Subtotal 3,200.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 3,200.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL 3,200.00 Northiwnd Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Stteet, Suite 2000, 11linneapolis, .hM 55402 ndE Fut 1 -500- 851 -2920 main 612-851-5900 Fax 612 - 851 -5987 wwwnortlilaiidsecurities, coriI Kvnber FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STICKfUG1ES Special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: T114 District No. 1 -22 Review Contact: Wayne Oberg City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55562 BiMng Period: September 2012 Servicea Performed • Meeting with city staff for information gathering • Request and review information from County • Analyze parcel data • Analyze pooling authority and calculation of available funds Staff Time Position Hour s ZAL. billablv, Senior Professional 20.00 $160 $3,200,00 Professional - $135 10-00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 20.00 $3,200.00 Tsxpellses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $O.OD Total Expenses $0.00 Totai This-Period:.. I'toject Suinma r'y Total Budget (contract pending execution by City) $ 4,120,OD Billed This Period ($3,200.00) Wiled PreviouB $0.00 Budget Remaining $ 920,00 Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 G I'll/ILSON Invoice submitted to; City of Monticello Jeff O`Nell, City Administrator 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 56318 852.448.4634 800.448.4630 ► FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoice Date Invoice Number Last BN [late October 10, 2012 22986 9/17/2012 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/4/2012 LOT Time Drafted memo to leave on door regarding call WDS to schedule to turn In keys. Calculated what Rental Assistance would be if information received from Tawwnee is accurate. Left note on door regarding keys, Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 1. .�.. �..11.w.' OCT I � zOfi2 9/6/2012 LOT Time Discussed Rental Assistancelmove with Dan. Email to Tawhnee regarding move out, schedule time to meet. Updated spreadsheet. Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 DHW Time Discuss with Leah rental assistance claim computation and income verification Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/1012012 LOT Time Cali from Tawhnee regarding she has everything out except 2 couches; discussed new place, lease, Rental Assistance . Tawhnee says she wants to pay past due rent in installments. Discussed with Dan. Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway 41 Hrs /Rate A oun 0.30 28.50 95.001hr 0.40 38.00 95.001hr 0.20 22.00 110.001hr 0.60 57.00 95.001hr City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms page 2 Hrs /Rate Amoun 9/10/2012 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Discuss with Leah past due rent 110.00lhr Archambault, Tawhnee -112 F Broadway #1 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Discuss with Leah past due rent 110.001hr Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/12/2012 LGT Time 0,70 66;50 Discussed with Dan, submit check request for move. Prepared check 95.00lhr request for advance and final move. Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/14/2012 LGT Time 0.20 19.00 Call from Angle, checks are ready. Left message for Tawhnee to call. 95,00/hr Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway 01 911 712 0 1 2 LGT Time 0.30 28,50 Email from Angie, message from /call to Tawhnee regarding she 95.00 /hr picked up advance move check. Scheduled to meet tomorrow (9118) for final walk through Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/1812012 LGT Time 2.50 237.50 Picked up final move check from city. Met with Tawhnee, completed 95.00 /hr walk through and released final move check. Collected keys. Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 9/19/2012 LGT Time 0.10 9.50 Mailed keys to city per Angela's request. 95.001hr Archambault, Tawhnee -112 E Broadway #1 SUBTOTAL: [ 5.70 550.50; Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 9/7/2012 JFC Time 0.50 47.50 Phone call with tenant regarding relocation bills to date and update on 95.00/hr move. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 9/2412012 JFC Time 0.70 66.50 Phone call and fax from Monticello to obtain invoices for advertising 95.00/hr new location. Barbara Lee's Dance Studio 9/27/2012 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Review relocation clairn with John 110.00/hr Barbara Lee's Dance Studio City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms SUBTOTAL: BL Used Bike Shop 9/1212012 LGT Time Discussed with Dan - search for replacement sites. BL Used Bike Shop 9/18/2012 LGT Time Met on site with Rob, discussed he says he has new site, working to get permits. Discussed with Rob/lm for Angle regarding tenant units an 2nd floor control heat. dotes to file BL Used Bike Shop Page 3 Hrs/Rato AMount [ 1.50 147.00: 0.10 9.50 95.001hr 0.50 47.50 95.00/hr 9/19/2012 LGT Time 1.10 104.50 Call from Angela regarding send keys to her for heat control, CUP's 95,001hr and Business Re- Establishment reimbursement Call to Rob regarding CUP, city program regarding expansionlescrow acct. application fee, search claim, Business Re- Establishment and size of old vs new and what he has now vs what he will build In expansion. BL Used Bike Shop 9/20/2012 LGT Time 1.00 95100 Prepared search claim #1, relocation summary and drafted cover 95.001hr letter for move claim #1, search document, summary and W-9. Mailed to Butler for signature, Sorted file, filled out needs sheet, BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL: [ 2.70 256.50; Bregenzer. Reece 112 E Braodway #2, 9/412012 LGT Time 3.10 294.50 Message from /call to Reece regarding will meet for walk through 95,001hr today. Left message for and email to /from Angle, I will pick up check today. Picked up check, completed walk through with Reece and released check, Bregenzer, Reece 112 E Braodway #2 9/6/2012 LGT Time 0.40 38.00 Email from/to/from Angie regarding he's out, mailing address. 95.00/hr Updated spreadsheet. Bregenzer, Reece 112 R Braodway #2 911912012 LGT Time 0.10 9.60 Mailed keys to city per Angela's request. 95.00/hr Bregenzer, Reece 112 C Braodway #2 SUBTOTAL: [ 3160 342.00; City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 4 HrstRate Amount Won Fu-Lakeland Dental Associates 9119/2012 LGT Time 1.00 95.00 Reviewed fife, Filled out needs shoat for file. Prepared $50,000 95.00 /hr Business Re- Establishment claim with summary for Dan's review. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DHW Time 0.50 55,00 Brief meeting with Jon Morphew regarding Business 110.001hr Re- Establishment claim Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 9/2012012 LGT Time 0A0 38.00 Discussed final /advance Business Re- Establishment claim with Dan, 95.00/hr edited, scanned and emalled to Morphew. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DHVV Tllne 0.30 33.00 Discuss with Leah advance work claim, review claim 110.001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 9/2612012 LGT Time 0.80 76.00 Received bank fax. Left message for Wang regarding resend fax. 96,00/hr W -9 name of business not Lakeland, searched Secretary of State regarding entity name. Prepared check request and email for Dan's review. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 912712012 LGT Time 0.10 9.50 Emalled claim to Angela with check request. 95.00 /hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates SUBTOTAL: [ 3.10 306.50; z- Project Management 916/2012 LGT Time 0.10 9.50 Updated comments fro Dan and emalled relocation spreadsheet to 95,001hr Angela per Dan's request. z- Project Management 911212012 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Call with Angie regarding rent credit forms and status 110.00 /hr z- Project Management 9119/2012 LGT Time 0,30 25,50 Call from Angela regarding 90 day notices to be sent out. Pulled 95.001hr drafted notice for Dan's review. Discussed with pan the day to be out. z-Project Management City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 5 Hrs /Rate Amount 9/19/2012 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Discuss with Leah 90 pay Notices I I0,00/hr z- Project Management 9/24/2012 DML Time 0,30 22.50 Type memo to A, Schumann regarding relocation payments and 75.00/hr unpaid rent. z- Project Management DHW Time 0.60 66.00 Memo to Angela regarding use of relocation monies for rent per URA 110.00/hr & MNDOT z.-Project Management 913012012 DML Time 2.18 163.50 911 - 9130, 2012 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr client/case history, status and file maintenance /backup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: [ 3188 334.00' For professional services rendered 20.48 $1,936.50 Additional Charges: Qty /Price z- Project Management 914/2012 LGT Mileage 104 57.72 Mileage 0.66 z- Project Management 911812012 LGT Mileage 104 57.72 Mileage 0.56 z- Project Management 9130/2012 Copies - Internal 25 3.75 911 - 9/30, 2012 Copies 0,15 z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: ( 119.19', Total costs $119.19 For professional services rendered 20.48 $2,065.69 Total amount of this bill $2,056.69 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page Previous balance Balance due Amount $2,654.23 $4,709.92 Cefitorpoie% & Orgy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pl1WAY9Thgxe° Account numbor 9429449 -3 Fulling date 10!0112012 Hate due . 10129/2012 Total amount due $12.82 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterRoint Energy PO BOX 1144 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Previous balance $12 2 (Address not for bill payment) Payment o9114/2012 -12.82 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. "- Monday Balance forward _ _ - ;� 0.00 812,321.8899 Current billing 12.82 CenierPaintErtargy.corrr _ Total amount duo $12,82 SERVICE ADDRESS 202 Pine St DID YOU KNOW? Monticello MN 55362 -8666 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M1 W22312867 30 Day billlnp period 08/2812012 to 09/2712010 Current reading 09/2712012 6389 Your account €s read to y Previous reading 0812012012 6369 vlew. now €iegister for tree Metered usage 00 acF x!berm NOW of 4.00901 = Thsrme uled in 30 days. 0 online account access. View Next meter reading 10128/2012 balance, usage history, make Next bllling date 10/30/2012 an online payment, view recommendafians for saving YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Corn/Ind Firm Rate energy and money with My Basic charge $12,04 Energy Analyzer, and much Delivery charge 0.00 more. Reggister at Doccupling ad ustment 0104 CenteftlntEnergy,corn/ Gas AffordabllityPRG 0,00 myaccountonlina. State $Rios tax 0,82 Total ourront ohargea $12.82 S r +`•. { J i i• OCT 5 2012 r Page 1 of 1 AVq dally tornp: This period this. year 68 °F; IN6 petiodiast year 64° F, > COMMON Mal this portion with payinot. Please do not rndudo tenets or notes < 1 f1Bli�y Account number 9429449-3 Atwotys There• Dale due 10/29/2012 Total amount due $12.82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1144 GENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4871 HOUSTON T11Xee 7721110 -4671 ��1111{ i11�1111A111�i��llll�ll�l��ll�lll�ll11111f1�1�r�II111�� 00018667 01 AV 0135111 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST _ MONTICELLO MN 55362 -4821 llpgll><llllulu141111p1 ,1.11 °lllllllhllrlhlpllllpllup 04440069414314 0072000 0094294443UUaODUU01282000UU00128290 5evy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Always There.- Account number 9429448 -6 Billing dale 10!0112012 Date due 10129/2012 Total amount due $13,93 `"-"— QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $6440 -1144 ACCTSUMMARY Gas oharges (Address not for bill payment) previous balance payment 09/14/2012 - $12.82 Monday - Friday Call S a.m. - 6 p.m. Balance alanae forward $O,pO Into 612 - 821 -4939 Cent$rpolntEnergy.com Current billing 13.93 Total amount due $13,95 SERVICE ADDRESS 20G.Plne St DID YOU KNOW? Monticello MN 66362 -86066 YOUR GAS USAGE Motor# W0802312669 3D Way billingg period 08/28120 12 to 08/27/2012 Your account Is ready to Current roading 08/27/2012 Previous reading 08/2812012 190 178 view now. Register for free Metered usage oz GOP Thwm tanbar ati,00901 - iherma maid in 90 days = 2 online account access, View Next meter reading 10/2812012 balance, usage History, make Next billing date 1010012012 an online payment view recommondations tar saving YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Com/lnd Firm Rate energy and motley with My Raslccharge $12,00 Energy Analyzer, and much Delivery charge 2 therms @ $0.16661/THM 0.31 more. Register at Decoupling adjustment 2 therms @ $0,000391THM 0,00 CenterftntEnergy.com/ Gas Alfordabilily PRG 2 therms @ $0.00490trHM 0,01 myaccountonline, Cost of gas" 2 therms @ $0r366001THm 0.71 State sales tax 0,90 Total current ohargoo $13.93 {. IS 1 l: ti Y s o �t •l ... ii Y • • 1 OCT 2012 t r fey . Page 1 of 1 Avg dally tamp: TWo perlod thin year WF; We period last year s4 °F. i conkrPolid Mall Ns pordan with payment Rome do not irrdude rottsre or notes rl�rgy Account number 9429448.6 AlwaysTheve" Date due 10/29/2012 Total amount due $13,93 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5440.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 ) �ruN�ne�ulrNeee��l�un�ae )rl�ra�nelerelllie�iere�l�eter� 00010886 01 AV 4,3641 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 606 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -0421 11,II I' eII�IIiIIitII�1��I�lArINpIIIrI {eI�IIJill IIIIIeIIIIIeIIII 0440069414306 007,2000UU X429 41185 ],C]00DUOU13`l3ORBOOD0139ASO Avg daily gas use: THs period Ihls yr 01 therms; this parlod last yr 0.3 thotmu > C�onterAolgt. Rft'; AlwaysTheW CENWRPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5440.1144 r, •3 'I t }� �, , j .. . . Y. OCT - 5 M12 Page 1 Of 1 Avg dally temp: Mris ported this year WA, this perled.last year 64'F. Mall No partisn Mth payment, Plows do not Ins Wo letters ar notes � Account number 9429450 -1 Data due 10/29/2012 Total amount due $ 20.31 Amount paid $ ___. CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 772110.4671 f ��eosl�tee�oeleldeed��retee�u�e��relueiees�lleteleu���aee�� 000isss$ 01 AV 0.1601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 605 WALN UT ST MONTICELLOMN 65862.8821 rf�lE[ �I�tfi�Ifllll�fllel�gt�t���1�rItlEef�fll !!efl�wllttlfpttu�f 0440069414322 D072DUUUU942945Dli2UUU UUUD2D31DUU0000203170 rreirgl Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ry s Always There` Aocount number 131111ng date 9429450 -1 10/0112012 Date due 10/29/2012 Total amount due $ 20.31 QUESTIONS Old COMMENTS? CenterPotnt Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 AOOT SUMMARY Gas 0harges (Address not for bill payment) Previous balance $1s,24 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Payment 09114/2012 •„ -19,24 Bill Into 612- 321.4939 Balance forward $ 0;40 ConterPointEnergy.com Current billing 20,31 Total amount due $20.811 SERVICE ADDRESS 112 E Broadway 5t Dip YOU KNOW? Monticello MN 663624664 YOUR GAS USAGE Motet# M WO8103487 30 Day bllling period 08/28/2012 to 09/27/2012 Your account is ready to Current reading previous reading 08/2712012 0812812012 1182 1180 vlaw. now. Registerfor free Motered usage 02 CCF X rherm motor al 5,00961 o Therms used in 39 days a 2 online account access. View Next meter reading 1019812019 balance, usage history, make Next billing date 10/301,2012 an online payment, view recommendations for saving YOUR BILL IN RETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate energy and money with My Basic charge $1 8.00 Energy Analyzer, and much Delivety charge 2 therms @ $0,13403/THM 0.31 more. Register at Centet-PointEnergy.coml Daccuplingg adjustment 2 thsrmis @ -$0,013131THM - 0,03 Oas Affordablilly PRO 2 therms @ $0,0049OtTHM 0,01 myaccountontine, 0051 of gas* 2 therms tai $0,36600/THM 0,71 State sales tax 1.31 Total currant charges $20.31 Avg daily gas use: THs period Ihls yr 01 therms; this parlod last yr 0.3 thotmu > C�onterAolgt. Rft'; AlwaysTheW CENWRPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5440.1144 r, •3 'I t }� �, , j .. . . Y. OCT - 5 M12 Page 1 Of 1 Avg dally temp: Mris ported this year WA, this perled.last year 64'F. Mall No partisn Mth payment, Plows do not Ins Wo letters ar notes � Account number 9429450 -1 Data due 10/29/2012 Total amount due $ 20.31 Amount paid $ ___. CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 772110.4671 f ��eosl�tee�oeleldeed��retee�u�e��relueiees�lleteleu���aee�� 000isss$ 01 AV 0.1601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 605 WALN UT ST MONTICELLOMN 65862.8821 rf�lE[ �I�tfi�Ifllll�fllel�gt�t���1�rItlEef�fll !!efl�wllttlfpttu�f 0440069414322 D072DUUUU942945Dli2UUU UUUD2D31DUU0000203170 Ann Zimmerman From: Angie McIntire Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:40 AM To: Ann Zimmerman Subject: FW: BL Used Bike Shop Claim #1 Attachments: Signed Claim 1.pdf Here is the ok to pay, and a copy of the claim for the $2,500 to BL Used Bike Shop From: Angela Schumann Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:26 AM To: Leah Traxler Cc: Angie McIntire; Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: BL Used Bike Shop Claim #1 OK to pay Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 From: Leah Traxler [mailto: Lea h @wilsond eve lop mentservices.coml Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 11:59 AM To: Angela Schumann Cc: Angie McIntire Subject: BL Used Bike Shop Claim #1 Attached is a signed copy of the initial relocation claim (claim #1) for BL Used Bike Shop. • Tenant received a notice of relocation eligibility on 4/13/2012. • Monticello EDA purchased the building at the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway from Montgomery Farms on 5/15/2012, • BL Used Bike Shop is planning to relocate within the city of Monticello.. • This business is eligible for relocation expenses under 49 CFR Part 24 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally- Assisted Programs. This initial claim is for BL Used Bike Shops searching for a replacement business location under 24.301(g). Please issue a check in the amount of $2,500 (maximum amount allowed) payable to BL Used Bike Shop. 1 anticipate that Rob Butler will be able to pick up the check from the city. We can coordinate when the check is ready. Thank you, Lea/ Business Relocation Summary Business Name; BL Used Bike Shop MnIDOT Claim #1 24.303 Related Expenses a Utilities from ROW ITEM Previously Submittedjm 1`s= Claim Amount to Date 24.309 Actual Moving Expenses - 1 ITransportation of personal roe { . T ,. - 2 Packin , cratin , un ackin , un- cratin 011-11 - 3 Disconnection, dismantlin , etc. of ersonal roe . ^= - 4 Store a of ersonal roe - 5 Insurance for replacement value ter- - 6 Loss of ro ert , damaged, stolen - 7 Other related expense -r - 11 Licenses, permit& certification - 12 Professional Services Plan the Move - 13 Printed Material I signs r - 14 Direct Loss ._ �. ` �: - 15 Cost incurred in sale OWN.. - 16 Purchase of substitute p mop ert ., - 17 Searching for replacement 550:0:0tj 2,500.0(1 18 Low Value-High Value SUBTOTAL - -5fl'0 2,500.00 24.303 Related Expenses a Utilities from ROW NOW - b Professional fee /determine suitability - c Impact Pees { . T ,. - 3 SUBTOTAL .r - 24.304(a) Business Reestablishment 1 Code Re uirements - 2 Modification to replacement roe HIM-, 3 Exterior Si na er_` .r - 4 Redecorationlre lacement surfaces;; . ^= - 5 Advertisement - 6 increased operational casts ter- - 7 Other - SUBTOTAL -r - TOTAL - 250000`' 2,600.00 0 Minnesota Department of Transportation Of MOVING COSTS "Important: Submit Promptly After Move" v.2008101 Occupancy (Days) ❑ Residence 0 Ad. Device ❑ Government © Other PP _ 0589 0 90 -179 M?:180 IM Business 0 Farm ❑ Non - Profit ©Advance ®Partial ❑Final Submitted Amount $ 2,500.00 Pa ee s : BL Used Bike Shop ..�_._.._....... District Approval; Dale Dist. 8. P. Parcel Agency Approval: Vale C. S. Job No. Date Application Approved: Fed No. County^ Wright Vendor No.: Acquisition: ❑ Pending ® Accepted ❑ Em. Domain Attn. Finance: Parcel Owner: Man Check To: Attn: Robert Butler (Name or Caption) Monticello EDA Addressee(s): HL Used Bike Shop Parcel Addr.: 112 East Broadway St. Mailing Addr.: 4223 Loon Loop City, State Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 City, State Zip: Big Lake, MN 55305 RELOCATION CLAIM ELIGIBILITY LOCATION PERSONAL PROPERTY MOVED TO Displacee Facility Name Name(s): BL Used Bike Shop and/or Type: Occupancy Date: 411110 ❑ Owner ® Tenant Street Address: TBD Eligibility Date: 4113/12 Acquisition Date: 5115/12 (Notice Of Intent or Purchase Offer) (if determined, else "Pending') City, State Zip: Date(s) of the Move: Begin: TBD End: TBD Name of Mover(s): - FOR OFFICAL USS ONLY MOVING COSTS Lj Residential Schedule Basis Receipt's /Actual Cost U Non - Residential Bid /Estimate Type Of Dwelling Residential Schedule Room Co nts Residential Moving Costs by Schedule: ..... ...... $ ❑ Apartment Dwelling Rooms... .............. Residential Moving Costs by Actual Cost:......... $ ❑ House Basement Count. ............... Non - Residential Moving Costs by Actual Cost:. $ ❑ Other Garage Count .................... Non - Residential Moving Costs by Bid /Estimate: $ ❑ Furnished by Ocept Other Count Non -Res. Searching Expenses (Max, $2,500); .... $ 2,500.00 ❑ Furnished by Others Total Room Count............ T TOTAL MOVING COSTS CLAIMED: ............... $ 2,500.00 Dispiacee Residency Certification: I attest under penalty of perjury, that, as applicable: 1) myself and my family are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residence in, the United States; OR 2) myself and /or members of this partnership, association or corporation are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residency and authorized to conduct business in, the United States. Claimant Acknowledgement: 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that any receipts or statements attached hereto accurately represent the expenses incurred. I further certify that I have not submitted any other claim for reimbursement of, or received payment for, any expense submitted with this claim. OFFICIAL USE ONLY (comments) Authorized Signature: Si nature: Name (print). Robert Butler Telephone: Date: le 9 Fed Tax I.D. or,Soc. Sec. No.:� MN State Tax I.D. No.: See Over for Instructions and Personal Property Acknowledgment Moving Costs Page 1 of 2 RL1 032 0/2012012 Wilson Development Services SEARCHING DOCUMENT Totals Total Time @ Hourly gate Total Mileage @ IRS rate = GRAND TOTAL 77� 'ado /.he. �1) �A � Address �,,,, v , wx"14 f _ Totals Total Time @ Hourly gate Total Mileage @ IRS rate = GRAND TOTAL 77� 'ado /.he. �1) �A � O z 0 a� a O z U a A C7 O d A 0 CI d Ir a u N W GO W G7 00 00 00 Im 0000 d C O G N N � Q W L O W Vi 'b 00 � Vg's W N N 6 00 M O Q O O Fk U U U U O C S G w oo w 00 m m m m N N N N a; m N 'C O w O L? V N F F+ O PG a M N V N O O 0 F� II �' S� ^� U 5� o d N � N Tn o U O z 0 a� a O z U a A C7 O d A 0 CI d Ir a u N W GO W G7 00 00 00 Im 0000 d C O G N N � Q W L O W Vi 'b 00 � Vg's W N N 6 00 M O Q O O Fk U U U U O C S G w oo w 00 m m m m N N N N a; m N 'C O w O L? V N F F+ O PG a M N V N O O 0 F� ^� U 5� o d N � N o U � r7 Pt O z 0 a� a O z U a A C7 O d A 0 CI d Ir a u N W GO W G7 00 00 00 Im 0000 d C O G N N � Q W L O W Vi 'b 00 � Vg's W N N 6 00 M O Q O O Fk U U U U O C S G w oo w 00 m m m m N N N N a; m N 'C O w O L? V N F F+ O PG a M N V N O O 0 F� XcelEnergyv MPOUSIBLE BY NATUN" Northern States Power Company Please Return Th)s Portion With Your Payment. 51- [1594578 -4 11/0912012 Invoice f« 443249003 ' ; $72 hank Youi AV 01 001157 95154 B 5 A * *5DGY ,1,1111sl1,11, 1111111 11111 11111111111111111111111i1��rr ,lrlllrrllr MONTICELLO E9A 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 IIIII,R I,11111111i1i'I'111111' III "111111111,Irllll'111111,11,1' P.O. BOX 9477 M PL3, MN 55484 -9477 31 511110912 05925780 ODUOO 70157200000001572 Detach and Retain This Portion For Yaar Retards lZeestions: call or write to us at: Please Cell: (000 ) 4B1 -4700 Northern States Power Company Nearing Impaired: (000) 895 -4949 PO BOX 0 'd e.:..:..... t� Fax: {000} 311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0000 $�?'° � . � :... - . -.- � -r - --- • . -.. - :A�EKiL�'��I Billing Summary . NEW 011Commercial Previous Balance 09115 $97.84 Pa went Received as of 10115 1 B C Averages for This Last Balance AsOf10115 $0.00 Billing Perigtl_ Year Year Commercial Electric Service 10115 ELM) Average Temperature 51* BO Total 15.72 Electriclkwh per pay 0,0 010 4st par.day $0. 6 $¢,Q8 - * 9. Degrees .Cnlder Electric charges Usage Period: 09/15/12 to 10113112; - Invoice f« 443249003 ' ; - M1r Total Energy -kWh t} ,`' 'i • , Meters company !leading on 90113 :�' ':'{ ' 12607 000007727701 Company Heading on 09115 27 807 Total Usage in 213 Days , Actual pemund -kW ' OCT 1 02 ( ! ; kwh 0 Billable Demand Sm Gen Svc (plletered) 20 Days an$!cService Chg ; Affordability Chg ..' L�nargy Charge Summer 0 kWh 4��$0.079190 $0.00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh 0$9,000070 $0.00 nesource Adjustmunt $0.00 Subtotal $9.21 City l=ees $5.50 State Tax ®0.075% 1.01 Total Amount $1532 For an average non- demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage fine costs and 17%to the cost of local Wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 83% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7"A to the cost of local wires connected to your,busing T,._ MONTICELLO EDA NextSchaduled 202 PIf+1E ST Motor rlr;ading Date_ v :....:. ........... MONTICELLO, MN 55362 11114/12 11/09111012 $15.72 Please see the back of this hill for more information Seebeck ofhill for Account 4: 51- US92578 -0 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the more information. date due to avold assessment of a late payment charge. Page 1 of 2 Statement Date: 10/15/12 Statement tf 343576239 Premise # 303547449 m .o s� s� . col Energy 69-5VONSIHLE By NA19091M Current Charges (continued) Effective October 1, 2012the funding for the rate discount program for income- qualifiod electric customers increased from 0.54to $O.67 per month. In addition, this Affordability Charge Is now a separate line on your bill instead of being part of the Customer Charge. Questions? Contact us at 1.800- 481.470i�or inquirecxcelenwgy.com, Report Energy Theft. It's the safe thing to do I I Enorgytheft can affect rates and pose a safety hazard for everyone, If you suspect anyone has tampered with a motor or is in any way attempting to obtain energy service by fraudulent means, report it anonymously to our tip line at 1 -888 -828 -1511. 'thank you for your payment. �own a` rs i MOf�iiIG1El.1.f) E1SA NoxtScheduled ?` =_ =?� 202:PINE ST Motor Heading mate MONTICELLO, UN 50162 '11!14112 11!#191x012 $15.72 Please see the hack of this bill for more information See back of bill for Account #: 51- 0592570 -0 rog arding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the mare information. date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Page 2 of 2 Statement Date : 10115112 Statement # 343576239 6 Promise 0 3035474449 XcelEnergym NERPBNSrBLE.BY NATURE- Northern States Power Company Please noturn This Portion With Your Payment. AV 01 000909 95154 R 4 A "WOT 111111 „y111111'rl' 1111' Intl' 11 'llE1rI11 +111HIIIll1111I1'I'IH MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN55362 -8831 ills 11111111' 1, IPIIII, 11111111�I1i11111 ,fIslllll "II,LI'111I'll P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51110912 0517B846 Of1tJC D00326000000003260 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Rocords Questions: Call 24 Hours 7 pays A Week or write to As nt; A, Please Call: 808 895 -4999 Fax: Northern States Power Company °''� �� � R Y 11' Hearin Impaired: 800 895 4949 1800j 895 -1095 PO BOX 8 z.., d s Esparto : 808 Gtr/ -8778 EAU CIAIRE WI 64702 -0000 � ��� a Billing Summary Rositleatiul ".. �.. Previous Balanc09113 $139.82 Payment flaeaived as of 10115 139.0 cn Averages for This Last Balance As Of 10115 0.00 RIIH � Period Year Year Current Energy Charges 10115 32 G0 Average Temperature - 52'3 E9 Total Electriclkwh per Day 6.2 0.0 Gust-pair. y - -- $1.05 0D 's1 Degrees Colder loctrie Charges Usage Period: 09/13112 to 1010,4112 Ow $32.60 �--Thank,Yout Invoiee # 443237201; Residential $ervice 31 Rays 51. 0517394 -8 11/0912012 Basic Service Chi $7:41 ;' Company Reuding on 10114 .... ............................... 54628 Affordability Charge Enorgy Charge Summer 104.74 kWh x$0,04205 0 OCT 1 9 2012 AV 01 000909 95154 R 4 A "WOT 111111 „y111111'rl' 1111' Intl' 11 'llE1rI11 +111HIIIll1111I1'I'IH MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN55362 -8831 ills 11111111' 1, IPIIII, 11111111�I1i11111 ,fIslllll "II,LI'111I'll P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51110912 0517B846 Of1tJC D00326000000003260 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Rocords Questions: Call 24 Hours 7 pays A Week or write to As nt; A, Please Call: 808 895 -4999 Fax: Northern States Power Company °''� �� � R Y 11' Hearin Impaired: 800 895 4949 1800j 895 -1095 PO BOX 8 z.., d s Esparto : 808 Gtr/ -8778 EAU CIAIRE WI 64702 -0000 � ��� a Billing Summary Rositleatiul ".. �.. Previous Balanc09113 $139.82 Payment flaeaived as of 10115 139.0 cn Averages for This Last Balance As Of 10115 0.00 RIIH � Period Year Year Current Energy Charges 10115 32 G0 Average Temperature - 52'3 E9 Total Electriclkwh per Day 6.2 0.0 Gust-pair. y - -- $1.05 0D 's1 Degrees Colder loctrie Charges Usage Period: 09/13112 to 1010,4112 : Motor Reading Information Meter Invoiee # 443237201; Residential $ervice 31 Rays 11/0992012 #000052245031 otal �� h T E orgy -kW Basic Service Chi $7:41 ;' Company Reuding on 10114 .... ............................... 54628 Affordability Charge Enorgy Charge Summer 104.74 kWh x$0,04205 0 OCT 1 9 2012 Comp an Readinq on 09113 .... ............................... _ 44311 Total usage in 31 'Ilnys kWh 19f Energy Charge Witter BG.26 kWh G 50.069750 $8i2"' ; Fuel Cast Charge 191 IcWh @$0.020846 $t'iial c . . Resource Adjustment Subtotal City Pees State Tax 06.07VA 2. 0 Total Amount $32.60 Effective October 1, 2012the funding for the rate discount program for income - qualified electric customers decreased from $0.54to $0.50 per month. In addition, this Affordability,Charga Is now a separate line on your bill instead of being part of the Customer Charge, Question? Contact us at 1-800 -895 -499 or inquire @xcelenergy.com. Report Energy Theft. its the safe thing to dal Energytheft can affect rates and pose a safety hazard for everyone. If you suspect anyone has tampered with a motor or is in anyway attempting to obtain energy service by fraudulent means, report it anonymouslyto our tip line at 1- 888 -823 -1511. Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA 112 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 553029321 See hack of hill for Account #: 51- 0517384 -8 more information. Page 1 of 1 Statement Date., 10/15/12 lVex# 5cltedttiRd Motor Re4ding Date _ - "°`....•�: '�: -' �`°- ,�""``�.. - . 11/14112 11/0992012 $32.60 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late Payment charge. Staterrtant # 343572916 1 2 5 6 Promise 4 303608854 p ZZ o® XbeI E'nergyo RISPOWSrnLL 19V NAVUN911 Northern States fewer Company Please Return This Portion Willa Your Payment :. .' :.. Commercial 51- 85'I73G5 -5 111fI91�412 X185.86 T.ha�Y�alil^ -' 'Previous balance 08115 Payment Received as of 1011 5 AV 02 001468 96154 E 8 A * *6bGT r1i11�11111�111111111�111111�II111�111��r111rrIII�HIIiIII� "�II MONTICELLO EDA 545 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MiV 55362 -8831 1111„ 1111, 1u1111�r��1lhllll' 1�1,1,r,f�111���1�1h�li�lll�lul P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 511107112 05173655 ==1858600000018586 0=1858600000018586 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Records Questions. call or write to us tit: Please Call: (8U0)4814700 Northern States Power Company Hearing Impaired: 1800 895 -4949 P4 BOX Fax: 0001391 -0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 t#t4RT47tfkit. -4€f . a mm Billing u nrY' .' �• ������. Commercial 11/a11Y111211.8Ii I�ca�',"�"ax >x.��. 'Previous balance 08115 Payment Received as of 1011 5 $333.U0 383.00 CR Averages for This Last Balance As Of 10115 $0.00 Billing Period Your Year ;Commerciai Electric Service 10115 105.00 Average Tompotature . __ 51* .. 60 Total 185•$0 I Electriakwh per Ony 48.4 0.0 Cast per Day _ $6.63 $0100 • I a 9 Degrees Colder Electric Charges Osage Period: n9115112 to 101131 Invoice # 443236447 Total Energy -kWh motor Company Reading on 10113 000007721744 Compnoy Banding on 0911,6 Total Usago in 28 Hays Actual demand -kW Billable Demand Sm Geu Svc (Motored) 28 days Basic Service Chg Affordability Chg Energy Charge Summer Energy Chow Winter Fuel Cast Charge Husource Adjustnront Subtotal City Fees State Tax 06.0751/o Total Amount kWh ,1 7.06 ,.A t OCT 1 9 20i2 t :�� 7 F r r� i : �._....._- .__��.- 42 &04•kWlt- - ..,�.. = ;W.O•$11,079190 310.$6 kWh 0$0,006070 799 kWh 0$0,029237 420 9 799 $8.90 $0.31 $33.90 $24.81 $"23.36 $3.13 $94A1 915.50 ffi 1g$G 78 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers-to power plant casts, 100/o to high voltage line costs and 17% to the cost of local Wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 63% of your total bill refers to power plant costs,10%to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. J MONTICELLO EnA 206 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -K65 Next Scheduled Meter Heading Data .' 11/14/12 11/a11Y111211.8Ii Please see the back of this bill for more information Sae back of bill for Account #: 51- 0517305 -5 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the More information. date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Page 1 of 4 Statement Date: 10/15112 Statement # 343573512 Promise # 302451493 .J r XceliEnergya Rh3POPUBLB BY NA7aREIM Northern Stales Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment. AV 01 001778 95888 E 8 A * *5DGT III' I' I' II'IIIIIIIIJI111dIIIIII III III d llll'I111111'IIu111111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 III I "I I' I I' I I I I I I III11IIII 'I "11I "I P,3, BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51111312 06290828 01100000157300000001,573 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Records Questions- Coll or write to us at. O Please Call: 000 481 -4700 Northern States Power Com an - ..- .vanjat►BR= : i`E W' r HRarin Impaired: 000 495 -4949 PO BOX 0 h . °< Fax: 1009)311-0050 LAU CLAIRt WI 54702-0008 v� - - Billing Summary i s Commercial PrUADUS $alance-09116 $15.72 Payment Received as of 10118 $15.72 CR Averaga5 for This Last Balance As Of 10116 0.00 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Service 10116 15 j Aver ge Temperature 5o* Total 15.73 Eleetriclkwlt per Ray 0.0 0.0 T Cast en r I7ay - $0,54 $000 . ;lRp gre E. -" -- Colo r 11 j. 51. 0623082.8 11/13/2012 $15.73 hank Yo Electric Charges Usage Period-09/116/112 to 10115112 AV 01 001778 95888 E 8 A * *5DGT III' I' I' II'IIIIIIIIJI111dIIIIII III III d llll'I111111'IIu111111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 III I "I I' I I' I I I I I I III11IIII 'I "11I "I P,3, BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51111312 06290828 01100000157300000001,573 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Records Questions- Coll or write to us at. O Please Call: 000 481 -4700 Northern States Power Com an - ..- .vanjat►BR= : i`E W' r HRarin Impaired: 000 495 -4949 PO BOX 0 h . °< Fax: 1009)311-0050 LAU CLAIRt WI 54702-0008 v� - - Billing Summary i s Commercial PrUADUS $alance-09116 $15.72 Payment Received as of 10118 $15.72 CR Averaga5 for This Last Balance As Of 10116 0.00 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Service 10116 15 j Aver ge Temperature 5o* Total 15.73 Eleetriclkwlt per Ray 0.0 0.0 T Cast en r I7ay - $0,54 $000 . ;lRp gre For an average non-demand customer, 73% of your still refersto power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cast of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 133% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. MONT11GELLQ EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MUNTICELLO, MN 55362 -9356 Sao bask of hill for Account #: 51. 0623082 -8 more information. Pagel of 2 Statement Date: 10/16/77 Next Scheduled MotorRendin E. -" -- Colo r 11 j. 5.M y��[3rof v .....nh].+:2..v. }.y.. E .'eFY.F[N:iS:NN�.v'�i:i?+)f:_: - ` f e : -,Y Y. ., - 6. �S:L3;2 -S° 2 - +X91 fOtf: i%da'1K :•i' "r .. " �:A£>'i 3- Electric Charges Usage Period-09/116/112 to 10115112 1' Invoice #443457840 OCT 2 2 2012 i ' Total Energy -kWIL Motor# Company Reading on 10115 426 5 000052995965 Company Reading on 09116 usage in 29 pays kWh r 42G 5 Total Stn Gen Sva iMeteredj 20 Days Basic Service Chu $8.07 Affordability Chg $0.35 Energy Charge Summer 0 kWh $0,00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh (4t$0,06687U $0.00 Resource Adjustment 00. F9_42 Subtotal •2 City Fees $5.50 State Tax ®8.675°!6 Total Amount $1533 For an average non-demand customer, 73% of your still refersto power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cast of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 133% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. MONT11GELLQ EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MUNTICELLO, MN 55362 -9356 Sao bask of hill for Account #: 51. 0623082 -8 more information. Pagel of 2 Statement Date: 10/16/77 Next Scheduled MotorRendin E. -" -- 11/15112 111"13/2012 $15.73 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the dote due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge, Statement # 343769812 Premise # 393557350 o� O z ++ O d' tl' O O N N N M � I• 7� v1 0o M O O oo T Vi M llc� IR C. R O O b O ~ M .--i M Vi U _ N r Ct t Vl kn In V7 Vl Vt U O O O O O O m ti N (A 0 0 O N 0 0 0 N Fj,i H N N N b W O � O Z�O c rn cn V3 O ON o0 0 cC, C, rn �A C Pa 00 00 c O O Q z W W U U V r, 4- �+ o 0 9� N r� C ~✓1 N ni O N U 'n O Cl O C cqs Cq n N N N N CJ In VNi VNi In M M M M M M H F4 CQ N N N N N N Economic Povel opmetit 5erviceo November 1, 2012 Angela Schumann, Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Invoice Economic Development Professional services for October 2012 6.75 hours @ $150/hour $1,012.50 _ Mileage Monticello (88 miles) @ $.555 — 1 trip 48.84 Total $1,061.34 [Note: balance remaining on contract: $3,449.761 � oTEHED Please make checks payable to Economic Development Services, Inc. _ ..5l� - t f NOV 6 2012 ". 3109 West 501' S1, #204 Miai110, oljs,.' N _ (612..) 925 -2013 fax (612) 92.5 -2912 enu l: jkbi-@e.eondeve1op.00D1 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Monticello EDA Minneapolis, MN 55402 September 30, 2012 MN325 -00028 Acquisition of Gas Station Property Through September 30, 2012 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 9/11/2012 MNI Review quitclaim deeds prepared by seller's attorney. 0.30 54.00 9/11/2012 CBR Intraoffice conference regarding exchange of deeds; email 1,50 190.50 to Gulp's attorney; proof and revise deeds; intraofflce conference 9118/2012 CBR Review file; email to Conroy law firm 0.25 31.75 9/1912012 CBR Email from Conroy law firm; review deeds 0.25 31,75 Total Services, $ 308.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 308,00 CenferPoint. Energy Always Them! - QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPolnt Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bill into 612321 -4939 CenterPointE norgy.com DIDYOU KNOW? Your account is ready to view now. Register lot free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at ConterPolntEnergy.com/ myaccountonllne. Customor name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429449 -3 Billing date 10!3012012 Date due 11/2712012 Total amount due $12,82 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance $12,82 Payment. 10/26/2012 -12,82 Balance forward $ 0,00 Current bllling 12,82 Total amount due $12,82 SERVICE-ADDRESS Comllnd Ran Rale 202 Pine Si $12,00 Monticello MN 65362 -8665 0,00 YOUR GAS USAGE MOter# M1 9 62231 2887 32 Day billing period 0912712012 to 10/29120 12 Current reading 10129/2012 5369 Previous reading 0912712012 5369 Metered usage 00 WF x therm factor of 1.00717 =Thermo 4aed In 32 clays D Next meter reading 1 1 12812 0 1 2 Next billing date 11/3012012 YOUR BILL. IN DETAIL Comllnd Ran Rale Basic charge $12,00 Dalivery charge 0,00 Deooupling adjustment 0.p4 Gas Afiordablilty PRG 0.00 State sales tax 0102 Total current charges $12.82 . L ?; . - -. CenterPokif. 9y AtwtpThem' CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Page 1 of 1 Aygdeliy temp: This period this year do °F; this period last year 57 °I±. Mall this portran with payment. Piao€:e do not inciuda letters or notes Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 1112712012 Total amount due $12.82 Amount pald $ CENTEnPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 Irl�ll�illllrnrl{ Iliitlllriihl6rl��j��lllllrirllrllll�lllhhr�l >t 00021t3T301 AV 0.3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 605 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8921 u�{ Ip�rh{ hii�lr9l�lIIl��rlul1llirll�hihlililill�tlllgrnll """ 180006BL88581 00720DD0D94244493000000001282UUOOGU0 128240 Alkk Ceeterpollit. Always There.® - ❑UESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55444 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 13111 Info 612 - 321 -4939 CentorPoMtE nergy.com DID YOU KNOW? Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register, at CeirderPointEnergy.com/ myaccountonline. Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448.5 B(Iling date 10/30/2012 Date due 1112712012 Total amount due $ 31.99 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balsnoe $13,93 Payment 1012612012 _ _ -13.93 Balance forward „ $ 0,00 Current billing 31,99 Total amount due $31,99 SERVICE ADDRESS 209 Pine 81 Monticello MN 66362.6666 YOUR GAS USAGE Motor # M10802312869 32 Day bllling period 09127/2012 to 10/29/2012 Current reading 10129/2012 213 Prevloua reading 08127/2012 180 Metered usage 23 GGF X charm factor or 1.00117 o Thorms used In 32 days = 33 Next meter reading 11 /28120 1 2 Next billing date 11/30/2012 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Cnmllnd Firm Rate Basic charge $12.00 Delivery charge 33 therms @ $0,15661/THM 6,17 Decaupling adjustment 33 therms @ $0,00039/THM 0101 Gas.Affordability PRG 33 therms Q $0.00490ftHM 0116 Cost of gas" 33 therms @ $0.381621rHM 12,69 State sales lax 2,06 Total current charges $31.09 h. .i i ti y. �, is •. •,.ti•, NOV r el' Avg dally Oita use: This paned this ye 1.0 tlwrms; tbls parlad Isat yr 0.9 tharmo - Eho►erPnfrlL FfAB�V AMWUE1Thexe CENTERPOINPENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1144 Page 1 Of 1 Avg ddy lamp: This padad thlo year So °F, UP Parlsd Iastyasr WR Mall ihts portion with pgrnont Plaasa do not [Wwda letters or notes Account number 9429448 -5 Date due 11/27/2012 Total; amount due $ 31.99 Amount paid $ _ .. CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 trlNl> IriIIll��rrIIII1�INr�4linlr�����l�l��r�lr1 >INrlilii�riiN 000211678 01 AV 0.3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 606 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8821 uIIIIs I�>, yI1n41rlllrll�hr�isr�dl�ll�lillir�iullrtppirilll 1800068688573 0 072090009429448520000000319900001 7003119970 gh o(! fis fned'I Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429460.1 Always There® Billing date 10/30/2012 Date due 11/27/2012 Total amount due $ 92.52 - QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? -- - - - - -- Centerpoint Energy PO sox 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - .Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. pill info 612- 321 -4939 CenterPointtnergy.com DID YOU KNOW? Your account Is ready to rrlew. new Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at GenterPoiniEnergy.com/ myaccounionline. ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance $20,31 Payment 10/28/2012 -20.31 Balance forward $ 0.00 Currant billing 92.62 Total amount duo SERVICE ADDRESS 112 E Broadway St Montkello MN 65362 -4664 $92.62 YOUR GAS USAGE Mater # MI 8808103467 32 Day blllln period 09/2712012 to 10/28/2012 Current read Ing 10/29/2012 1311 Previous reading 09/27/2012 1182 Metered usage its coF X Therm factor o11.0.0117 =7heims used in M days - 130 Next meta( reading 11 12812 0 1 2 Next billing date 11/30/2012 YOUR RILL IN DETAIL Cotnlind Firm Rate Basic charge $18.00 Delivery charge 130 Iherms @ $0.164031THM 20.02 Dewupling adjustment 1301helms @ -$0.01313NHM -1.71 Gas Affordability PRG 130 Therms @ $0.00490h'HM 0,84 Cost of Oast 130 Therms Q $0.38169trHM 49.82 State sales tax 6.96 Total current charges '�13. `r to i�� ." ;r..,s i� tY •: s 1 NOY —5 2012 Av%daity gee uoa; 7h1e psrted this yr 4.1 tharme; die ported lael yr 1.0 thorme cotelpoint 7 11EY�JI A[wWTher CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 5+2.52 Page 1 of 1 Avg daly temp: This period No year 50 -F; this period loetyear5i °F. Mall this perdan with payment. News do not Ino[uds letters or notes < Account number 9429450,1 Date due 11/2712012 Total amount due $ 9x.52 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 1�llllt> t1111t11�111111111ii11111dt11111111�r ;111tI�IleIlI�1h1u1 00021674 01 AV 0.3501 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5a6 WALNUT" ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8821 Jill 11 1II1IIII14411 Bill 1IIr1I11111II II x8[101168688 -5919 [ IG72GO GGG942945 014aU(]0D0092520UUaGO0925250 EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 5. Consideration to accept the Limited Scope Investigation for 349 W. Broadway (Fred's Auto) and Recommendation for Site Closure. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to consider accepting the completed Limited Scope Investigation report for the former Fred's Auto site, located at 349 West Broadway. In May of 2012, the Phase II Environmental investigation completed for the site revealed a fuel oil release on the site, most likely resulting from a 500 gallon underground storage tank located on the rear side of the building. The tank was used to store used motor oil by the previous owners of the site. The release was required under State law to be reported to the MPCA, which then triggered a requirement for completion of a Limited Scope Investigation (LSI). The LSI provides a more detailed investigation as to the source of the release, the impact of the release in terms of contamination, and the recommended actions to address the contamination. Braun Intertec completed the LSI and submitted the report to the EDA on October 5th 2012. Based on the site investigation, the final report recommends site closure, as contamination resulting from the release does not have significant impact on groundwater or other environmental considerations in the area. As required, Braun submitted the report to MPCA for review. MPCA has the ability to require monitoring, clean-up or other measures to address the release based on the information contained in the LSI. On October 24th, 2012, the City received a letter indicating that MPCA is recommending site closure. The MPCA determined that the investigation and /or cleanup have adequately addressed the petroleum tank release at the site and that it does not appear that the resulting contamination poses a threat to public health or the environment. No additional contamination cleanup is required at this time. Therefore, the EDA is asked to accept both Braun and the MPCA's recommendation for site closure. Subsequent items on this agenda discuss additional actions for the EDA's consideration on this site. Al. Staff Impact: A2. Budget Impact: Staff will immediately begin working with Braun Intertec to seek reimbursement for the costs of the LSL Up to 90% of the costs are reimburseable through the MN Dept. of Commerce Petrofund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept the Limited Scope Investigation for 349 W. Broadway (Fred's Auto) and Recommendation for Site Closure. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image of Site B. LSI Excerpt, Site Management Decision C. MPCA Site File Decision - October 24th, 2012 2 Is Kr - CdaDmd, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North I St. Paul, MN 55155 -4194 1 651 - 296-5300 1 800- 657 -3864 1 651 - 282 -5332 TTY I www.pca.state.mn.us October 24, 2012 Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Petroleum Tank Release Site File Closure Site: Fred's Auto Repair, 349 Broadway Street West, Monticello, MN 55362, Wright County Site I D #: LEAK00018780 Dear Ms. Schumann: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is pleased to let you know it has determined your investigation and /or cleanup have adequately addressed the petroleum tank release at the Site listed above. Based on the information provided, the MPCA has closed the petroleum tank release site file. The closure of the petroleum tank release site file means the MPCA does not require any additional investigation and /or cleanup work at this time or in the foreseeable future. Please be aware that file closure does not necessarily mean that all petroleum contamination has been removed from this site. However, the MPCA has concluded that any remaining contamination, if present, does not appear to pose a threat to public health or the environment under current conditions. The MPCA reserves the right to reopen this file and to require additional investigation and /or cleanup work if new information, changing regulatory requirements, or changed land use makes additional work necessary. If you or other parties discover additional contamination (either petroleum or non - petroleum) that was not previously reported, Minnesota state law requires that the MPCA be notified immediately. You should understand this letter does not release any party from liability for the petroleum contamination under Minn. Stat. § 115C.021 subd. 1(2012) or any other applicable state or federal law. In addition, this letter does not release any party from liability for non - petroleum contamination, if present, under Minn. Stat. § 1156 (2012), the Minnesota Superfund Law. Please note that as a result of performing the requested work you may be eligible to apply to the Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund (Petrofund) for partial reimbursement of the costs you have incurred in investigating and cleaning up this petroleum tank release. The Petrofund is administered by the Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board (Petro Board) and the Minnesota Department of Commerce. To learn more about who is eligible, the types of work, and the amount of reimbursement available, please contact the Petrofund at 651 -215 -1775 or 1- 800 -638 -0418. Ms. Angela Schumann Page 2 October 24, 2012 If future development of this property or the surrounding area is planned, it should be assumed that petroleum contamination may still be present. If petroleum contamination is encountered during future development work, the MPCA should be notified immediately. For specific information regarding petroleum contamination that may remain at this leak site, please call the Petroleum Remediation Program File Request Program at 651- 757 -2799 or 651- 757 -2309. The MPCA fact sheet Request to Bill for Services Performed must be completed prior to arranging a time for file review. Thank you for your response to this petroleum tank release and for your cooperation with the MPCA to protect public health and the environment. if you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Roberta Wirth, Project Manager at 651- 757 -2830 or Jim Pennino, Hydrogeologist at 651- 757 -2648. Sincerely, J6 /J Roberta Wirth Project Manager Petroleum Remediation Section Remediation Division RW /JP:CSa 11.1 Vlz I V ZV Jim Pennino Hydrogeologist Petroleum Remediation Section Remediation Division cc: Cathy Shuman, Deputy Clerk, Monticello Steve Joerg, Fire Chief, Monticello Chuck Davis Wright County Solid Waste Officer Andrea Flynn, Braun Intertec Corporation, St. Cloud Minnesota Department of Commerce Petrofund Staff Investigation Report Forni Page 19 Section 3: Site Management Decision .The. site .management decision should be based on the Program-'. s obj_ ectives described in Guidance {Document 1 -01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy. 3.1 Recommendation for site, ® site closure ❑ additional ground water monitoring ❑ additional field - detectable vapor monitoring ❑ additional soil gas /vapor intrusion investigation ❑ corrective action 3.2 If closure is recommended, summarize significant investigative events and describe how site - specific exposure pathways identified in question 2.19 have been adequately addressed, The Site is currently vacant, and was formerly occupied by Fred's Auto Repair and a gas station before that. Petroleum impacts were observed and reported during a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment in May 2012. An LSI consisting of five soil borings, five groundwater samples, and two soil gas samples was conducted in 2012. Based on field PID readings and laboratory samples, residual impacted soils are likely present in and limited to the source area. Groundwater was encountered beneath the Site at depths ranging from approximately 11 to 12 feet bgs. Based on laboratory analytical results, it appears that dissolved petroleum contamination in the roundwater exceeding the HRLs is limited to the source area, with levels below the HRLs in areas located radially outward from the source area. Additionally, the soil gas sample collected in the source area exhibited concentrations of one compound in excess of ten times their ISV. 1,3- Butadiene was detected at 11.9 ftg /m3 and 9.13 jig/m". This compound is used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber and not necessarily related to the petroleum release at the site (Merck 1989). Receptors in the area do not appear to be impacted by the leak source. No registered wells are located within 500 feet of the source area. Additionally, the Mississippi River is located approximately 780 feet to the north of the Site. No PID readings were recorded above 0.3 ppm in headspace measurements taken from vapor monitoring locations in the area of the Site. On behalf of the City of Monticello, we request MPCA review for closure of this leaksite. 3.3 If additional ground water or field - detectable vapor ]monitoring is recommended, indicate the proposed ]monitoring locations, sampling frequency, and target analytes. Conduct quarterly ground water monitoring and sampling until the MPCA responds to this report. Guidance Document c- prp4 -06: September 2008 Petroleum Remediation Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 6. Consideration to request proposals for identification of front yard underground storage tanks and authorize expenditure for removal of rear yard underground storage tank for 349 W. Broadway (Fred's Auto). (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As a result of the MPCA's recommendation to close the leak site file for 349 W. Broadway, the EDA is asked to consider additional follow -up steps in order to facilitate the future sale and /or redevelopment of the property. Neither the Phase II nor the LSI identified underground storage tanks (UST) on the south (front) of the property. However, discussions with City residents and staff, as well as research into City records, indicate that the property was previously used as a gas station, before being converted to an auto sales lot and eventually an auto repair facility. As such, it is likely that underground storage tanks exist in some form at the front of the property. These tanks ceased use prior to 1987, according to all accounts. City staff could find no record of tank removal or any tank leak release in either City or State records. The Phase II and LSI did address the underground storage tank located on the north (rear) side of the building. This tank was the source of the fuel oil release discovered under the Phase II analysis and resulted in the LSL The tank was used to store used motor oil after 1987. The pre- and post -1987 usage is important in relationship to tank removal and cost. The Legislature defines an abandoned tank as an underground petroleum storage tank that was taken out of service before December 22, 1988. Previously, staff had provided the EDA with information resulting from conversations with the MN Dept. of Commerce Petrofund staff. Petrofund indicated that any USTs that ceased to be used prior to the December 22, 1988 date could be removed by the Petrofund Abandoned Tank program (separate entity from the Contamination Clean -up Fund through Petrofund). Use of the Abandoned Tank Program results in UST removal with no cost to the EDA. The tanks could be removed by Petrofund under the following conditions: 1. The property owner must verify the tanks ceased use prior to 1987 through aerial images, affidavit testimony, etc. 2. The property owner must verify the exact location, size and content of all underground tanks to be removed. 3. The property owner must agree to the following: a. Waive and release all claims against the state and its officers, agents, and employees for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the tank pulling or soil removal; b. Transfer ownership of the tanks and their contents to the state upon removal; c. The state will fill the excavation back to grade after tank removal, but will not replace or repair any surfaces (i.e. concrete, asphalt, rock, gardens, landscaping, etc.) removed or damaged during tank removal; d. Consent to officers, agents, employees, and authorized representatives of the state of Minnesota entering and having continued access to the property for the removal of abandoned underground storage tanks and petroleum- contaminated soil, e. Agree to be responsible for completing any necessary investigation and cleanup, if required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Any tanks used after 1987 are not eligible for Petrofund reimbursement for removal. The fund only reimburses eligible applicants up to 90 percent of "reasonable and necessary" costs they incur in responding to a petroleum tank leak. As the site is recommended for closure no clean-up costs associated with the tank are expected, In addition, tank removal costs are not eligible for reimbursement, regardless of whether or not the contamination came from a tank. Petrofund will therefore not pay for north side removal. With the above information understood, staff is asking the EDA to approve two actions as follows: 1. Approve a request for proposal process to identify the location, size and contents of the south (front) UST. This action will start the process for tank removal on the front side of the property through the Petrofund Abandoned Tank Program. The tanks cannot be removed through the Abandoned Tank Program without this information. Having a clear understanding of the contents of the tanks will also clarify potential for additional contamination and costs. And again, use of the Abandoned Tank Program results in tank removal with no cost to the EDA for the removal itself. It should be noted that as no information could be found specific to tanks in the front of the site, there is a possibility that no tanks exist in the front of the property, or that they were previously removed. A site investigation as suggested is the only way to determine this for certain. The EDA does have the option to leave any possible front side tanks in place without additional action, as no leak or contamination has been identified at that location. However, USTs could impede or add costs to future site redevelopment. 2. Accept the proposal by Minnesota Petroleum SVC to remove the north (rear) UST and authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500 for tank removal and fluid disposal. Public Works Director Bob Paschke researched licensed tank removal providers and requested proposals from three firms, consistent with City purchasing policy. Two of the three providers responded to the request. Staff recommends approval of the quote by Minnesota Petroleum SVC, as it includes all necessary services, including sludge testing and tank excavation oversight. This pricing assumes that the City will obtain 2 the proper permits. Staff is requesting that the EDA authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500 to allow for disposal of any existing tank fluid. The EDA could also choose to leave this tank in place and require its removal by a future user or buyer. Al. Staff Impact: A significant amount of staff time has already been expended in managing the environmental processes on this site, as well as researching the historical use and possible clean-up alternatives for the site. Approval to move forward with RFP and removal will require a staff time commitment of approximately 2 -5 hours per week between development and Public Works staff. A2. Budget Impact: There are no costs associated with the RFP. Costs for north side tank removal are identified above at $2,500. The site is not located within a TIF district and as such, funding would need to come from the EDA's General Fund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Approve a request for proposal process to identify the location, size and contents of possible south (front) side USTs 1. Motion to approve a request for proposal process to identify the location, size and contents of the south (front) UST. 2. Motion to deny a request for proposal process to identify the location, size and contents of the south (front) UST. 3. Motion of other. Decision 2: Accept the proposal by Minnesota Petroleum SVC to remove the north (rear) UST and authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500 for tank removal and fluid disposal 1. Motion to accept the proposal by Minnesota Petroleum SVC to remove the north (rear) UST and authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500 for tank removal and fluid disposal. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the proposal by Minnesota Petroleum SVC to remove the north (rear) UST and authorization of an expenditure of up to $2,500 for tank removal and fluid disposal. 3. Motion of other. 3 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the EDA begin the process for the removal of the south (front) yard tanks by allowing the RFP process to move forward. Full redevelopment of this property would require tank removal in almost any case, and as outside funding is available now for the removal of the front tanks, staff believes the EDA should utilize the opportunity. The unknowns regarding tank location only delays needed investigation. Staff would structure the RFP with three levels: 1. Identify whether any tanks exist. If no tanks exist, cease work and cost. 2. If tanks exist, proceed with evaluation of location, size and contents. 3. Provide analysis of contents and susceptibility to leakage based on materials and tank construction. Staff is further recommending the removal of the north (rear) tank in order to prevent any further contamination and to aid in reuse or redevelopment of the site. It has been the traditional role of the City, EDA or HRA to move forward contamination and clean -up in order to facilitate redevelopment. Private entities are often reluctant to proceed with projects requiring clean -up due to the complexities involved with managing the process. Removing any and all USTs using all available partner funding sources will create a more usable site for any future occupant. Should the EDA approve the recommendations as noted, staff will bring forward proposals and additional information related to front tank removal in December. Staff will also immediately begin work with Minnesota Petroleum SVC to remove the rear yard tank. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image of Site B. Abandoned Tank Program Application C. Petrofund Discussion Notes D. Proposal Quotes, Rear Tank Removal Monticeflo Former Fred's Auto OFFICE USE ONLY PETROFUND TRACKING # MINNESOTA PETROLEUM TANK RELEASE ENTERED COMPENSATION BOARD Application for ABANDONED UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL I. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Mailing Address City State Zip E -mail Address Day Phone Ext Fax Do you currently own the abandoned tank(s) specified on this application? o Yes o No If "No," please list the name, address, and telephone number of the abandoned tank owner: Name Address Telephone Number II. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LOCATION INFORMATION Site /Facility Name Street Address City Day Phone County MN Zip Are there any pump islands present at the site? o Yes o No If so, how many? What kind of surfacing overlies the tank(s)? Is any tank partially or totally under a building or other obstruction? o Yes If "Yes," please explain (attach additional sheets if necessary): o No 1 7/2012 III. UNDERGROUND TANK INFORMATION Please complete the table below for the abandoned UST(s) at this location. Tank Number Tank capacity (gallons) Tank contents Date tank was taken out of service* Reason tank was taken out of service 1 2 3 4 * If the tank was taken out of service on or after December 22, 1988, or if you do not know when it was taken out of service, please attach a detailed explanation of how you discovered the tank, along with documentation showing when you purchased the property. IV. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I own the property and tanks and that the taxes are current at the location described above; I waive and release all claims against the state and its officers, agents, and employees for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the tank pulling or soil removal; I agree to transfer ownership of the tanks and their contents to the state upon removal; I agree that the state will fill the excavation back to grade after tank removal, but will not replace or repair any surfaces (i.e. concrete, asphalt, rock, gardens, landscaping, etc.) removed or damaged during tank removal; 1, the owner of the property described on this form, consent to officers, agents, employees, and authorized representatives of the state of Minnesota entering and having continued access to the property for the removal of abandoned underground storage tanks and petroleum- contaminated soil, and I agree that I will be responsible for completing any necessary investigation and cleanup, if required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; I agree to fully cooperate with the Petrofund Board and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; and I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. NOTARIZATION Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day Name (print/type) of 20 Title Notary Public Date Signed [Stamp] My commission expires Please send this application and accompanying documents to: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - PETROFUND 85 SEVENTH PLACE EAST, SUITE 500 ST. PAUL, MN 55101 -2198 (651) 215 -1775 OR (800) 638 -0418 7/2012 349 W. Broadway Fred's Auto Site 8 -25 -12 Conversation with Joel Fischer, Mn Dept. of Commerce Petrofund 1. Because the Phase ll Analysis indicated there was contamination on site caused by a storage tank release, the leak was required to be submitted to the MPCA. 2. A Limited Scope Investigation (LSI) must be completed to determine amount of contamination, type of contamination, location, etc. 3. Once LSI is complete, it is submitted to the MPCA. :MPCA has 30 days to review and respond. (Question: will /should the LSI specify potential action steps, or will the MPCA's response dictate them ?)': There are essentially two -main options of response from MPCA -__.,- ---- . -._.- turn_ -- a. Option 1: Action to clean -up contamination is required. If action is required, remediation measures will be outlined. City will need to follow Petrofund process in order to seek reimbursement for clean -up costs. (Question: If contamination is resulting from the USTs— Petrofund can or can't reimburse removal of the tanks if they are post 1987? Petrofund can only pay for what MPCA requires to be completed to satisfy or close" action on the site.). b Option 2: Letter of closure. This would mean that although contamination is present, the contamination is essentially site - contained and does not pose a threat sufficient to warrant additional current action. I. jin that case, the City would need to seek reimbursement through DEED Contamination & Clean Up Grant Program for clean -up and tank removal. A Response Action Plan (RAP) would need to be completed and approved by MPCA. RAPS go hand -in -hand with redevelopment or reuse of the sited, 4. There is one above ground storage tank on the site. City will need to determine association with contamination (this may also be covered in LSI) and research options for its removal. S. If the underground storage tanks on site ceased to be used before December1987, Petrofund itself comes in to remove and dispose of the tanks. City would need to fill out application form. The City does need to complete an investigation of where they are and how many there are. a. Preliminary reports from Public Works staff indicate gas station fuel tanks ceased use prior to 1980. :Question. What type of confirmation is required by Petrofund? I did download the Abandoned Underground Storage Tank Removal" application. Can the City work with Petrofund contractors to try to keep the existing building on -site? 6. At present time, City needs to wait for LSI to be complete in order to determine next steps. 7. MPCA mandated the completion of LSI due to leak, therefore the LSI is reimburseable by Petrofund, if proper process is followed for reimbursement. Question: Is there a "look- back" expiration date on costs City is incurring now? For example, City is already paying invoices for work Braun is completing on LSI. Is there a Petrofund window during which these invoices must be sent in for reimbursement? Do I need to move forward with an application to Petrofund at this time in order to move this forward ?l, Comment [il]: The MPCA's timeline for reviewing reports may be greater than 30 days, so I recommend you check with the MPCA Project Manager on this. Comment [J2]: Your consultant will identify a few possible corrective action options and then recommend he best alternative The MPCA will review the options and the recommendation and then let you and your consultant know whether or not they agree. Comment [,j3]: If the contamination is not from a tank, then none of the costs the city incurs are eligible for reimbursement. If the contamination is from a tank, then the costs related to the investigation, as well as any cleanup costs required by the MPCA, are eligible for reimbursement. Tank removal costs are not eligible for rei m bursement, regardless of whether or not the contamination came from a tank. Separate from the reimbursement program, the Petrofund has an Abandoned Underground Storage Tank Removal Program. If the tanks were taken out of service prior to December 1987, and regardless of whether or not contamination exists, the Petrofund will remove the tanks free of charge in this type of situation. Comment [j4]: If the consultant recommends site closure in their investigation report and the MPCA agrees, the investigation costs would stilt be eligible for reimbursement from the Petrofund. If the city chooses, though, to on any type of further investigation or cleanup work (e.g. related to redevelopment of the property}, those costs would not be eligible for reimbursement. Comment [j5]: First, to document the city's eligibility for the Abandoned Tank Program, we would want to see whatever information your Public Works staff used to determine that the tanks were taken out of service prior to 1980. Second, the Petrofund typically isn't involved in decisions of whether or not structures should be removed as pa rt of a corrective action approved by r the MPCA. I recommend you Comment [j6]: There is currently no deadline for applying for reimbursement. Other contacts: Kristin Lukes, DEED Contamination Clean -Up Grant Andrea Flynn, Braun Intertec i C�i7 I ) —, Service after the Sale EtAO�eu {" L 1. SERVICE Minnesota Petroleum SVC 692 39th avenue N.E. Columbia Heights NINS5421 Quote # 763 -780 -5191 763 - 780 -5472 f, Date: October 26. 201? Attn: Bret Swan Leadtime: bswanmri>petro.com ( Bob Pascke - City of Monticello l„�)- Tank Removal usromer Contact: bob oascke ci.monitceilo.mn.us Shipping Method Shipping Terms Customer PO# Description Mobilize to site with vac truck and dry ice. Purge tank with dry ice and oversee tank removal. Permits by others. Vac Truck /Operated - MPCA Certified Person Sludge Disposal - 13" remaining in tank Mobilize to pick up dry ice and furnish for project Tank Disposal At our facility OPTION: Mobilize 1 Ton truck to haul tank back to facility Authoritied by Date Terms: Net 30 unless noted otherwise. QTY Sell Each Se Total 8 $ 125.00 $ 1,000.00 1 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 1 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 1 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 1 £ 225.00 $ 225.00 > TOTAL $ 2,075.00 we c' k- F1h OIL) iZ - nor ° Jt>� -as,6 mn blue MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SERVICES Page 1 of 1 r Il�sot &, ,Pet rlJn i� Vacuum —True & Fuel Recycling services Tank Pumping & Dewatering Pump Containments Water & Contaminants Removal From Gas or Fuel Above Ground & Below Ground Tank Cleaning Flammable Waste Traps / Drums / Separators Fuel Treatment Monitoring Wells Many Other Special Application Jobs State Of The Art Equipment AU Technicians Are Experienced & Trained Recycling Facility Hazardous Waste Manifest Not Required EPA or Hazardous Waste ID# Not Required Will Not Effect Your Generator Size Shipments Are Not Taxed EPA & MPCA Compliant We Handle & Dispose of Fuel Mixtures We Offer Free Technical Assistance & Competitive Pricing We Are An "End of The Line" Facility For Your Waste Fuel & Contaminated Water Orienped Team We ArAlso Certified Fqr Tank �ern&al, Instijllti�n and Clean'n� mn blue is manage by RU An arson, c is Blow to sen ick an e-mail. randerson amnpetro.com Home Contact Us Service Team Construction Team mn blue Compliance Testing Training Center Automotive Servic VenFone Wayne Ovations in vation TV Nucleus Fleet Fueling PetroVend LSI Lighting Tank Monitors Tanks Lincoln AutQothLe_ Challenge Lifts Fill- ite Parts http : / /www.mnpetro.com/mn_blue.htm 10/23/2012 Estimate DETERMAN FLUID SOLUTIONS 1241- 721-Av. NE, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 53432 PAGE OF PAGE(S) 1 1 ESTIMATE SUBMITTED TO: PHONE DATE City of Monticello 763- 271 -3271 10/26/12 STREET ACCOUNT NO. PURCHASE ORDER NO. CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE JOB NAME Used Oil Tank ATTENTION PAYMENT TERMS; Net 30 Days from invoice date with approved credit. Bob P_a_schke We appreciate the opportunity to submit the following estimate. Prices stated below are firm for 30 days from the date of this estimate, unless stated otherwise. DESCRIPTION Assist in removing (1) 500 gallon, steel UST $1,972.50* *Customer to obtain local tank removal permit (if required), excavate tank, and load on to Determan trailer. Does n l "osal to b e billed at 2.00 /ga�Iiquid and 8.00 /�tal of sludge. Customer to sample used oil pnor to tank being vaample to be analyzed for y CRA met ers SPECIAL PAYMENT TERMS, IF APPLICABLE Does not include snipping or applicable tax. Seller may revoke this estimate before acceptance PROPOSED BY Jon Pollock TITLE Environmental Services Manager PHONE (763) 502 -9646 FAX 763- 502 -9862 E -MAIL Jon. M.Pollock., determan.com SUB -TOTAL Acceptance: The prices, payment terms, specifications and conditions above and on the following page (which reflect PEI Standard Terms and Conditions) are satis- factory and are hereby accepted. Purchaser is responsible for all sales, use and other governmental taxes and charges, which are not included in the price unless expressly stated. Seller is authorized to do the work as ACCEPTED BY PURCHASER DATE TITLE EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 7. Consideration of an update on the reSTOREin2 Downtown proiect and contract with Economic Development Services. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In January of 2012, the EDA approved a contract with Janna King of Economic Development Services to continue the work begun under the Embracing Downtown planning effort. Mr. King was a part of the consulting team which prepared the adopted plan. The contract's scope was focused on supporting the City and EDA's efforts to implement the plan and included the development of strategies for the overall marketing of downtown. The contract was approved at a not -to- exceed amount of $25,000. In September, staff requested that Ms. King prepare an outline of her work under the contract to -date. The summary noted the coalescing of a new marketing- focused advocacy group for the downtown, reSTOREing Downtown, and their work to build support within the Monticello community. In October, the final set of printed marketing materials, a required contract deliverable, was also provided to the EDA. As the contract with Economic Development Services is winding down, with less than $2,500 left in budget, staff has requested that Ms. King address the EDA directly on her work, the progress of downtown planning efforts, the direction that reSTOREing Downtown will take after her contract ends, and her evaluation of the EDA's role in supporting reSTOREing downtown. Al. Staff Impact: None. A2. Budget Impact: As noted, the EDA's previously approved contract with Economic Development Services was for $25,0000. Ms. King will present the EDA with information on any potential for on -going budget support as part of reSTOREing Downtown's future work. The EDA will then need to evaluate that information as part of its 2013 workplan discussions. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS None. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Not applicable at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Economic Development Services Contract B. Economic Development Services Summary C. reSTOREing Downtown Marketing & Communication Guide Economic Pew, I or me, Mt 5ervicoo DATE: February 9, 2012 TO: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Economic Development Director FROM: Janna King, Economic Development Services, Inc. RE: Letter of Agreement PARTIES: City of Monticello EDA (Client) agrees to retain Economic Development Services, Inc. (Contractor) to provide services on a project basis as described below. SERVICES: The Client seeks to stimulate revitalization of Downtown Monticello, consistent with the recently approved Embracing Downtown Monticello plan. To accomplish this goal, the Contractor will: • Provide guidance and support to the establishment and start -up of a leadership organization focused on revitalization of downtown; • Develop a marketing strategy; provide guidance on the development of print and electronic communications. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: Contractor will report to the client representative -- Megan Harnett- Livgard, Economic Development Director. TERM OF AGREEMENT: This agreement will commence on February 1, 2012. FEES FOR SERVICES: Client will pay the Contractor $25,000 for professional services related to the start -up of a downtown leadership organization. Client will pay the Contractor $150/hour for services provided by Janna King, plus mileage and direct expenses. Additional Contractor personnel and their respective billing rates will be approved in advance. Invoices will be submitted monthly; payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. PROVISIONS: Limits on Liability Contractor's liability for any breach of the terms of the agreement is limited exclusively to the amount of the fee for service identified above. 3109 West 5V' St. #204 Minneapolis, MN 55410 (612) 925 -2013 fax (612) 915 -2942 email: jlcing(�kcondevelop.com Termination Both Client and Contractor reserve the right to terminate the relationship established in this agreement, without cause, after giving 30 days written notice. Such termination will not terminate the obligation of Client to pay Contractor the agreed -upon fees for services or any out -of- pocket expenses already incurred. Governing Law The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern the enforcement and interpretation of this agreement. All parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Minnesota by virtue of entering into this agreement. Entire Agreement This document sets forth the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any prior discussions or understandings. There shall be no modifications unless signed in writing by all parties. Relationship between Parties The relationship between the parties to this agreement shall be strictly one of client and independent contractor, and not employer - employee. Client: City of Monticello EDA By: Megan Barnett Livgard ign t e ate Contractor: Economic Development Services By: Janna King, President Signature Date Contract Status: Final Report Economic Development Services, Inc.: reSTOREing Downtown Monticello November 6, 2012 Scope of Services: The Client seeks to stimulate revitalization of Downtown Monticello, consistent with the recently approved Embracing Downtown Monticello plan. To accomplish this goal, the Contractor will: Provide guidance and support to the establishment and start-up of a leadership organization focused on revitalization of downtown Develop a marketing strategy; provide guidance on the development of print and electronic communications. Project Status: Assisted reSTOREing downtown Monticello in establishing an organizational structure that includes the following. o 7-member private sector Steering Committee, including the Chamber of Commerce executive director. Meetings also attended by city staff and consultant Janna King o The Chamber is serving as the fiscal agent for reSTOREing Downtown Monticello and is expected to continue to do so. The Chamber of Commerce is supportive of downtown revitalization and the arrangement avoids duplication and minimizes overhead for the downtown effort. Procedures for the approval of expenditures have been established between the Steering Committee and Chamber. o A volunteer developed an extensive database with downtown business, property owners and area residents, which is used for communications o Committees include: Downtown Ambassadors; Fundraising and Downtown Beautification. Committee chairs for Ambassadors and Fundraising have taken leadership roles. After some exploration and discussion, Downtown Beautification activities have been deferred. Assisted reSTOREing downtown Monticello in developing the organization’s vision, mission, guiding principles and budget Developed marketing and communication strategy for internal and external audiences, including “reSTOREing Downtown Monticello” name Prepared a 4-page flyer for downtown Monticello with 3 inserts (developer/broker/business; property owner; fundraising) Framed messages and assisted city staff with downtown segment of the developer tour Developed matrix to guide translation of flyer content to a reSTOREing Downtown Monticello website; identified other website elements and links; coordinating with designer to migrate information in the flyers to the website Supported Steering Committee members with preparation of meeting agendas and communications related to the Steering Committee and larger Leadership Team meetings Provided limited support to committees. The goal has been to provide the structure to empower volunteers to participate in a cooperative, long-term effort with the city to restore downtown. Financial Status:Contract Amount: $25,000; Amount invoiced through February 1 - October 31: $22,611.58 ho 0 0) U i i+ C C N 0 C 0 C N 3 4 ' 3 E 0 eq C 0\p C N C W 0 Y �Ni CL Lea mL .2 bb O O O C O (a O> O >. 0 7 m O N O w N N Ul ±+ t/? N tn- U 7 O w Q O a > L CL - a w - L a) c L LL J a Q a Vl O 0 w U L — V U w > C O CL i U \ N a i— C ° C ° �••� w o 0 w w c a>i in c w *>' L U w a c -0 c O L O C °� E a a 0 Q- co co O co co c O > > co co C C to w H cn to w to � w > U U t +' Y t +' Y w w w w OC U o > C �n Q >i "a _ o O w -- w Q L C b.0 L U t E C CL 'L >, O -0 L O Q f6 O {n w w M 7 C O c0 3 0 C �, to +� z CL E i L t N O Y C E U Y w O 0 w U w> U U — w OU E ao C _ U O �n O -0 i +w+ v E w w C w 7 c0 O -0 a °1 E -0 w w w {n w w ao CL C Q w C •U w> Q •� O_ to E E Q C �, U C L O .- w co CL ++ Y C +' ++ Q m Ln O a O ++ w n n w ++ m > C w 7 w L (o c0 0 O L "a 7 7 O L m o m 3 U .E 0 m - �, U° a Q cn -0 m U a 3 L L "0 E m U N O C U v 7 E �; > Q s co O 'L 0 bb m E O C U O O ++ ++ 4 Y L Q C � , M w CL 0 �n N to to ++ w = Q- Q U a E U EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 8. Consideration to approve 2013 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This item was tabled in September pending the final adoption of the 2013 EDA budget. The Wright County Economic Development Partnership ( WCEDP) is requesting Monticello's annual membership contribution for year 2013. The WCEDP is membership - based economic development agency acting on behalf of the cities within Wright County. In 2011, the Partnership hired a new Executive Director, Ted LaFrance. Mr. LaFrance has been making progress in moving the organization forward in generating added value for the communities it serves. Among the advancements made in 2012: • Implementation of a standardized format and system for lead distribution in partnership with Greater MSP, a 12- county metropolitan economic development initiative • Board representation on Greater MSP, ensuring Wright County's active representation in this national and global economic development marketing initiative • Maintenance of available land and buildings database for all of Wright County • Development of Small Business Development Center affiliation with SCSU • Participation in a statewide roundtable on manufacturing issues In addition to the enhancement noted above, the partnership continues to offer cooperative marketing for Wright County, and opportunities for networking and collaboration among its member cities, organizations, and businesses. Al. Staff Impact: Membership in this organization actually provides a net benefit in terms of staff resources. The partnership acts as a marketing and lead - generating arm on behalf of the City. The City Administrator and Community Development Director have met with the organization's current director, who has been an incredibly helpful resource in responding to leads and assisting the City in preparing information for marketing outreach. A2. Budget Impact: Staff would propose to fund the $2,300.90 membership through the EDA General Fund "General EDA - Dues and Memberships" line item, which was approved at $4,309. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve authorizing payment in the amount of $2,300.90 for 2013 membership dues to Wright County Economic Development Partnership. 2. Motion to deny payment of Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. 3. Table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City continue to participate in the Partnership. The organization is a valuable partner in the continued marketing of the community to a broader base of prospects. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. WCEDP Membership Request B. "About the Partnership" - excerpt from WCEDP website C. EDA Budget Worksheet 2 WRIGHT F COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP June 26, 2012 Dear Megan Barnett - Livgard, Thank you for your continued support of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. In order to assist you in budget planning for your community, I am sending this notice in advance for the year of 2013. This is not an invoice, but rather a thank you and a request to remember the Partnership and its efforts when navigating your budget process. Municipalities' dues are calculated based on the recent State Demographer's population estimates figures, which will be published in August. We have used Census 2010 numbers to determine your estimated level of support in this letter. Actual dues will be based on the most recent statistics. The ever- changing profile of Wright County and the increased demand for the Partnerships' services helped determine this policy. I have enclosed the dues structure for your review. Please call me with any questions you may have at 763 - 477 -3086. City of Monticello member investor payment for FY 2013: $2300.90 The Partnership has worked hard to increase the visibility of Wright County and its cities for business development. We have generated and disseminated numerous businesses leads thus far in 2012, have conducted business retention and expansion visits, frequently answer business development questions generated from our website and referrals, created a new Marketing Committee dedicated to marketing our communities and county, worked to become a Small Business Development Center through SCSU, and continue to provide support to the communities and businesses whom we serve. Feel free to call to chat as many other projects are underway that will directly benefit your community. With your continued support, the Partnership will be better able to provide service in these areas and bring a solid return on your investment. Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to supporting economic development efforts in Wright County. I look forward to working with you in 2013! Sincerely, Ted La France Ted La France Director, WCEDP 763 - 477 -3086 tlafrancet@wri,- htpartnership,org 2013 MEMBERSHIP DUES STRUCTURE Associate $250.00 (Non profit organizations that do workforce training & Economic Development) Banks & Lending Institutions Deposits up to $24.9 M $350.00 Deposits of $25 M to $49.9 M $600.00 Deposits of $50 M + $825.00 Businesses (Includes Healthcare, Contractors, Developers, Engineering, Marketing, Manufacturing, & Realty) 1 -10 employees ** 11— 24 employees ** 25 plus employees ** Entertainment Industry Municipalities <1000 - 1250 1251-4999 >5000 Townships Utility Companies Wright County $260.00 $365.00 $470.00 $250.00 (Includes Golf Courses & Restaurants) $125.00 plus .10 per capita* $525.00 plus .10 per capita* $1025.00 plus .10 per capita* $125.00 plus .10 per capita* $1025.00 plus .10 per capita* $45,000 Honorary Members FREE (Chamber of Commerce & Business Education Support Organizations) 4 Per capita rates are based on most recent projections ' * Number of employees includes active owners and management and pertains to regular employees (more than 20 hours per week). P: 763- 477 -3086 E: tlafrancePwrightpartnership.org ! W: www.wriehtoartnershid.or& Wright County EDP - About the Partnership Page 1 of 2 ASOUTWRIGHT COUNTY ABOUT THE PARTNERSHIP AVAILABLE LAND & BUILDINGS ' .comin Events aIESVUI CIES FQK eusirwssses Press Releases Annual Report COMMUNITIES Members Service DirectotY Board of Directors EVENTS PartnersWR Staff NEWSLETTER About the Partnership RECREATION & AMENITIES The The Economic Development Partnership of Wright County is a non- profit, public /private AWARDS corporation formed in 1993 to address the need for organized economic development at the county level. It is funded and directed by its members, who include AROUTTHE PART14ERSHIP the county, cities, townships, utilities, businesses, telecommunications companies, OUR MEMBERS lenders, and educational institutions. The Partnership's vision is to create in Wright County a healthy and diverse environment 61KQME A MEM DIE-11 for existing, expanding and new businesses, as well as to increase job opportunities and CONTACT Us support the tax base. To this end, the Partnership works to promote the county as a single economic entity, provides information and services to communities and businesses, and HOME PAGE works in a complementary manner with local and regional economic development programs. The primary advantage of the Partnership is that it allows businesses, lenders, local governments, educators, and individuals to impact Wright County's growth and development. Additionally, the Partnership promotes the interaction and networking of a community's resources, provides a forum to address local economic and business issues, and creates a system through which entrepreneurs, lenders and government officials can increase private investment in the community. Our resources are designed to meet business challenges Site Location Assistance There are a variety of industrial sites ready for your business as well as soon -to -be developed industrial zoned property. The Partnership has a complete inventory of these sites and will work with you, confidentially, to find the one that's right for your business. Search our online databases of available land and buildings. Wright County has nearly 1000 acres of prepared industrial property within its boundaries. Some sites are privately held and others are publicly owned all are near or on major transportation arteries, making the daily operations of your business efficient and convenient. Our cities are also positioned well within the state, midway between the Twin Cities and St. Cloud areas. Workforce Development A Workforce Development Task Force, fed by the Partnership, is engaged in ongoing activities to assist employers and residents in training our workforce. Financing The Partnership manages a revolving loan fund for Wright County. The Wright County Enterprise Loan Fund assists industrial businesses expanding or locating in Wright County http:// www. wrightpartnership .org/partnership.htm 9/6/2012 Wright County EDP - About the Partnership Page 2 of 2 with a low - interest loan. Additionally, the Partnership will coordinate other financing to complete an attractive financing package. For more information about financing, see our FS�ni and Technical Resources. Business Counseling The Partnership has established a satellite office of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Wright County. SBDCs are located throughout the State of Minnesota and are the technical arm of the Small Business Administration. SBDC counselors provide free and confidential services to Wright County businesses. They will help you with a business plan, financial analysis, marketing strategy and much more. Research Et Business Information The Partnership continuously updates relevant information on Wright County for the use of businesses in the area, or those intending to locate in Wright County. This data includes information on workforce, demographics, financial resources, technology and more. Call us to get started with your research needs. back to About the Partne ship EVENTS i AWARDS I ML�a= J ME14$fRShI1P I NEWS rrM I �enti� ti��aT�IJI.��uW�3? II AY9aLaLE R15 -3OL i RE504 lC> =5 FOR 6L151N ES5 I MMMI IMITIN J AiRcRi A AMENIT1EK 1 A=r TI1E PAEN1:FIIJIP I CONTACT. I HQii PAGE Copyright z'I 2009, Wright County Economic Development Partnership 1 761477.3086 1 InlaiIDw�yhtaere++�^,�,nhlu.ero http:// www. wrightpartnership .org/partnership.htm 9/6/2012 - m Yc L � � � � K Z N III 0 .I I Illr��llliallll II Il�llllllllla� ;011I�01111111�� ■ 11111 ■II ■IIIIIIIIiI ■1111111111111 ■ii I�I I�Illl�����llil l�III�I�IIIIIIII! ■ 11111 ■II ■1111111111 ■IIIIIIIIIIIIII ■II I�IIII�IIIIIIII I�I l��I�l�III�I I! ■ 11111 ■II ■1111111111 ■IIIIIIIIIIIi11 ■II I I II ! I 09 99 ! I I! I� w I� I - m Yc L � � � � K Z N EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 9. Consideration to review and accept the Monticello Business Center Industrial Park Wetland Delineation. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In March of 2012, the EDA authorized the completion of a wetland delineation for Monticello Business Center (plat of Otter Creek). The EDA is asked to accept the final delineation report at this time. The full report is included for reference. The purpose of the delineation was to determine whether any additional wetlands existed on the full business park property and to define the limits of any existing wetlands. The report was intended to provide the EDA with a clear understanding of the developable area at the industrial park, and a clear development limit for potential users. The project area studied included all vacant developable acreage at the business park, including the approximately 14 acre parcel recently acquired from John Chadwick. The project area did not include the area immediately surrounding Suburban Manufacturing, as that area was the subject of a previous delineation completed with that project. The final report, prepared by WSB & Associates, indicates that only one wetland was found within the total project area. No other historic wetlands were found after a review of aerial imagery. Figures 2 -5 in the report illustrate the final delineation lines of the wetland area. The existing subject wetland is located to the east of the present day Dahlheimer's Distributing. The wetland was delineated and classified with the report. Development around the wetland is subject to both Wetland Conservation Act rules, as well as the City of Monticello's Zoning Ordinances requirements for wetland buffering and setbacks. The Wetland Delineation Report was submitted (as required) to the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) for decision. The TEP, WSB staff and City staff met on -site on August 2' 2012 to discuss the initial delineation. As a result of that meeting, the delineation boundary was altered slightly. A second notice of decision request and revised report was sent to the TEP on August 28th, 2012. The TEP did not issue a formal comment letter within the 30 -day required comment period, which effectively results in their approval of the delineation. In addition to the report, WSB & Associates has also provided an updated development concept map for the business park. The map illustrates the wetland delineation lines, possible lot lines, and potential road extensions and connections. City staff has also provided a map of available utilities for EDA reference. In summary, the EDA has approximately 51.4 developable acres available at the Monticello Business Park. All properties within the park can be accessed by a public street and have access to municipal utility connections, including FiberNet. The small group of EDA, Planning Commission and IEDC charged with looking at the Economic Development chapter of the Comp Plan will receive this updated acreage as part 1 EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 of their evaluation of available industrial land. Additionally, the EDA will be asked to consider strategies and priorities for marketing the developable land as part of the 2013 workplan discussion in December. The City of Monticello is the responsible government unit for the Wetland Application for Approval of Wetland Type and Boundary, and therefore the City of Monticello must also decide whether to approve or deny the report. Therefore, in addition to the EDA's acceptance of this report, the City Council will also be asked to accept the report on a future consent agenda. Al. Staff Impact: The City Engineer and Economic Development Director assisted in the review and completion of the final Wetland Delineation Report. A2. Budget Impact: The estimated project cost was $3,350 to $4,250, with an additional cost of $500 will be required to assess the function (type) of each identified wetland. The total project cost was $6,448.75, which includes the production of the new Monticello Business Park map. Expenses were coded to the EDA General Fund professional services line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the Monticello Business Center Industrial Park Wetland Delineation Report. 2. Motion to deny the Monticello Business Center Industrial Park Wetland Delineation Report. 3. Motion to table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends alternative 91. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Wetland Delineation Report, August 2, 2012 B. Monticello Business Center Development Area Map C. Monticello Business Center Utility map August 2, 2012 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2711 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. 701 XENIA AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 Wetland Delineation Report Monticello Business Center Wright County, Minnesota WSB Project Number: 1494-55 Wetland De Monticello B WSB Projec I. In II. D III. R IV. R Append Append Append Append Append elineation Report Business Center ct No. 1494-55 ntroductio A. B. Delineation A. B. Results and References dix A: dix B: dix C: dix D: dix E: t r on .............. Project Lo Project Pu n Procedu Base Map Delineatio d Wetland s .................. Figures  Fig  Fig  Fig  Fig  Fig Delineat Wetland Anteced WCA A Boundar Table .................... ocation ......... urpose .......... ure ............... Review ...... on ................. d Informat .................... gure 1 – Loc gure 2 – DNR gure 3 – Nati gure 4 – Soil gure 5 – Wet tion Data F d Photos ent Precip Applicatio ry of Cont .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... tion ........... .................... cation Map R Public Wa ional Wetlan l Survey of W tland Deline Forms pitation Co n for Ap tents .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... aters Map nds Inventor Wright Coun eation Map (W onditions pproval o .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ry Map nty Map Wetland D) of Wetlan .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... nd Type .......1 .......1 .......1 .......1 .......1 .......1 .......2 .......7 and Wetland Montice WSB Pr I. II. d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- Introduc A. Pro The wetlan East in the B. Pro One wetlan location(s) Delineati A. Ba The DNR P Departmen were DNR The Nation the delinea map classi The Soil Su mapped so B. De The wetlan the Corps 1987), with Engineers according USFWS S United Stat and Wisco the Circula Soil types Soil Survey Soil colors Revised Ed soil indicat States, v7. Regional p species, wi eport nter 55 ction oject Locati nd delineatio e City of Mon oject Purpo nd was delin ) and extent ion Proced se Map Rev Public Wate nt of Natural R Public Wat nal Wetlands ated wetland fied the deli urvey of Wri oils within th lineation nd within the of Engineers h additional Wetland De to the metho Shaw and Fre es, Cowardin nsin, 2ed, E ar 39, Cowar were researc y of Wright C s were descri dition) from tors were ide 0, NRCS. plant identifi ith indicator ion on site was lo nticello, Hen ose neated within of wetland(s dure view ers and Wetla l Resources, ters (Figure s Inventory M d as part of th neated wetla ight County, he project are e project site s Wetlands D guidance pr elineation M odologies set edine, 1971; n, 1979; and ggers and R rdin, and Eg ched prior to County from ibed on-site sample poin entified usin ication resou r status taken Page 1 ocated south nnepin Coun n the project s) within the ands Map, W 1983) indic 2). Map (NWI) ( he National W and as PSS1 Minnesota ea as Dorset e was delinea Delineation M rovided by th Manual: Midw t forth in We ; Classificatio d Wetland Pl eed, 1997. T ggers and Re o the on-site m the Natural according to nts and test p ng Field Indi urces were ut n from the N h of Chelsea nty Section 1 t area in an e e subject prop Wright Coun cated that non (US Fish an Wetlands In C. (USDA, NR t and Markey ated using th Manual (US he Regional west Region. etlands of th on of Wetland lants and Pla The wetland ed Classifica investigatio l Resources o the Munsel pits in and ad icators of the tilized in the National List Road and w 10, R25W, T effort to dete perty. ty, MN (Min ne of the del nd Wildlife S nventory (Fig RCS 2008) in y (Figure 4) he methodol S Army Corp Supplement . The wetlan e United Sta ds and Deepw ant Commun type in this ations. on with the a Conservatio ll Soil Color djacent to th e Hydric Soi e identificati of Plant Spe west of 90th S T121N (Figu ermine the nnesota lineated wet Service) iden gure 3). The ndicated the ). logy describe ps of Engine t to the Corp nd was classi ates (Circula water Habitats nities of Min report is giv assistance of on Service (N r Charts (200 he wetland. H ils in the Un ion of plant ecies That O Street ure 1). tlands ntified e NWI ed in eers, ps of ified ar 39), s of the nnesota ven by the NRCS). 00 Hydric ited Occur Wetland Montice WSB Pr III. d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- in Wetland Plant speci herbaceous Midwest R record veg the wetlan transects w delineation located usi corrected. Results a The wetlan attached. A Anteceden (Appendix Generally been farme portion of upland gra depression Wetland D Circular 3 Cowardin Eggers an Soil mapp Wetland D generally d and upland along the e the upland slightly ab Transect 1 The soil w was 10YR vegetation (Juniperus in the herb The wetlan depression From a dep eport nter 55 ds: North Ce ies dominan s, shrub-sapl Regional Sup getation, hyd d. The data f were taken al n flags were ing a Trimbl The approxi and Wetla nd delineatio A summary o nt precipitatio x D). the project a ed or mined the project a assland and s n in the lands D 39: Type 2, 6 n: PEMB, PS nd Reed Fiel ping unit: D D was charac depressed in d sample poi eastern boun d down to the ove the toe o : The upland was sandy loa R3/1 sandy lo was domina s virginiana) baceous layer nd sample po nal basin. Th pth of five in entral Region ce was estim ling, and tre pplement Ro drology, and forms for the long the wet placed along le GeoXH ha imate deline and Inform on data form of the deline on condition area was com and was gra area was acti shrubland. O scape. 6 SS1C ld Classifica orset, Marke cterized as a the landscap ints were com ndary of the w e wetland ba of slope. d sample poi am to a depth oam. The soi ated by Sibe ) saplings in r. There was oint was take he soil consis nches to twe Page 2 n (Region 3) mated based e strata if pr outine Wetlan soil characte e sample poi tland-upland g the wetlan andheld GPS ated wetland mation ms (Appendix eation, which ns indicate th mprised of un aded into futu ively farmed One wetland w ation: Fresh ey mix of fresh pe. Two deli mpleted for t wetland sinc asin. The wet int was taken h of seventee il did not me rian elm (Ul the shrub la s no hydrolo en near the w sted of 10YR lve inches, t ) (US Fish an on the absol resent. nd Delineati eristics at sa ints are foun d boundary o nd boundary. S unit with th d boundary i x B) and pho h took place he climate co ndeveloped ure lots for d d and the eas was delineat h (wet) mead h meadow an ineation tran this wetland ce there was tland bounda n at an eleva en inches. B eet any hydri lmus pumila ayer and smo ogy in this po wetland/upla R3/1 loamy s the soil was nd Wildlife lute percent ion data form ample points nd in Appen of the wetlan . The wetlan he GPS posi is shown in F otos (Appen on May 10, onditions we upland that developmen stern portion ted and was dow, shrub ca nd shrub carr nsects consis d. A transect a relatively ary in this ar ated position Below sevent ic soil indica a) and eastern ooth brome ( osition. and boundar sand to a dep 10RY3/1 lo Service, 198 areal covera ms were used in and adjac ndix B. Samp nd. Wetland nd boundary itions differe Figure 5. ndix C) are 2012, is bel ere normal had previou t. The south n was undeve situated in a arr r that was sting of wetl was not tak steep slope rea was gene n from the w teen inches t ators. The n red cedar (Bromus iner ry at the edge pth of five in amy sand w 88). age for d to cent to pling y was entially low. usly ern eloped a and ken from erally etland. the soil rmis) e of the nches. ith ten Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- percent red ten percent indicator. T petiolaris) grass (Pha a depth of at the wetl The wetlan between th relatively c and the do wetland ed Transect 2 the past. T sample poi 10YR 2/2 10YR3/2 s dominated disturbanc The wetlan consisted o to sixteen i Below sixt Loamy Mu vegetation the shrub l herbaceous primary in wetland sa to dig as co work that o The wetlan between th defined wi in elevatio upland and Investigate Area C wa C appeared investigate depression the northea undisturbe eport nter 55 dox concentr t redox. The The vegetati and red osie alaris arundi ten inches in and sample p nd boundary he upland an clearly defin gwood and w dge. : The upland here was a l int was taken loam to a de sand. The so d by reed can e. There was nd sample po of 10YR1/1 inches, the s teen inches, ucky Minera at the samp layer with re s layer. Ther ndicator of hy ample point a ompared to o occurred in t nd boundary he upland an ith the signif n and a disti d wetland are ed Area C as identified d to be unde ed in the fiel n in an active ast. Where th ed vegetation rations. Belo e wetland soi ion at the sam er dogwood inacea) dom n the soil pit point. y generally fo nd the wetlan ned by the ch willow becam d area in pro arge spoils p n at an eleva epth of ninet il did not me nary grass in s no hydrolo oint was take mucky loam soil was 10R the soil was al and F6: Re le point was eed canary gr re was satura ydrology wa appeared to b other areas o the past. y generally fo nd the wetlan ficant presen inct differen ea. as a potentia r saturated c d for wetlan e agricultura he area term n was domin Page 3 ow twelve in il sample me mple point w (Cornus ser minant in the t. The A3 pri ollowed a ch nd. In the are hange in veg me dominan oximity to Tr pile to the so ated position een inches. B eet any hydr the herbace ogy in this po en near the w m to a depth o RY2/1 loam w 10YR2/1 lo edox Dark S s dominated rass (Phalar ation at a dep as present at be compacte on the site. T ollowed a ch nd. In the are nce of reed c ce in the abu al wetland du conditions in nd characteris l field that s minated at the nated by smo nches, the so et the S5: Sa was dominat ricea) in the herbaceous imary indica hange in topo ea of Transec getation wher nt when mov ransect 2 app outhwest of t n as compare Below seven ric soil indic eous layer, in osition. wetland/upla of five inche with ten perc oam. The we Surface hydri by meadow ris arundinac pth of six in the wetland ed since the This is consis hange in topo ea of Transec anary grass; undance of t uring the de n several aeri stics. Area C loped consid e edge of the ooth brome, a oil was black andy Redox h ed by meado shrub layer layer. There ator of hydro ography and ct 1, the bou re Siberian e ving from the peared to hav the wetland. ed to the wet nteen inches ators. The v ndicative of t and boundar es. From a d cent redox c etland soil sa ic soil indica willow (Sal cea) domina nches in the s d sample poin sample pit w stent with th ography and ct 2, the bou ; however, th the wetland s sktop review ial photos, th C was a large derably from e field, the ad an upland sp k sandy clay hydric soil ow willow (S with reed ca e was saturat ology was pr d vegetation undary was elm dropped e upland to t ve been grad The upland tland. The so s the soil was egetation wa the sites pas ry. The soil epth of five oncentration ample met th ators. The lix petiolaris ant in the soil pit. The nt. The soils was very diff he site develo d vegetation undary was l here was a ch shrubs betwe w of the area herefore it w e, shallow li m the southw djacent pecies. The c with Salix anary tion at resent d out the ded in d oil was s as st inches ns. he F1: s) in A3 at the ficult opment ess hange een the a. Area was near west to crop Wetland Montice WSB Pr IV. d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- did not app observatio All wetlan Certified # Type and B Appendix Referenc The follow delineation Literature Cowardin L Uni Eggers, S.D Wis 263 Fredine, C.G Gov Hydric Soil Kollmorgen Reed, P.B. 3). Smith, Wel iden United Stat We V. N Dev United Stat Ma United Stat Ind and Com United Stat Sur http eport nter 55 pear to be str ns; Area C w nd delineation #1168. This d Boundary of E. ces wing sources n. Sources L.M. USFWS ited States. U D. and D.M. R sconsin, Seco 3 pp. G. and S.P. S vernment Prin ls of Minneso n Instruments 1988. Nation U.S. Fish an by. 2008. Tre ntification. U es Army Corp etland Delinea Nobel. ERDC velopment Ce es Army Corp anual. Techni es Departmen dicators of Hy d C.V. Noble mmittee for H es Departmen rvey Geograp p://SoilDataM ressed within was deemed ns were com delineation r f the wetland of informat . 1979. Class U.S. Governm Reed. 1997. W ond Edition. U haw. 1956. W nting Office, ota. Revised D s Corp. 2000 R nal List of Pla nd Wildlife Se ees and Shrub University of M ps of Enginee ation Manual: C/EL TR-08-2 enter. ps of Enginee ical Report Y nt of Agricult ydric Soils in t (eds.). USDA Hydric Soils. nt of Agricult hic (SSURGO Mart.nrcs.usda Page 4 n the lowest non wetland mpleted by Je report serves d described h ion were rev sification of W ent Printing O Wetland Plants United States Wetlands of th Carver, D.C. December 15, Revised Editi ant Species Th ervice. bs of Minneso Minnesota Pre ers. 2008. Reg : Midwest Re 27. Vicksburg ers. 1987. Co -87-1. Water ture, Natural R the United Sta A, NRCS, in c ture, Natural R O) database f a.gov. t point of Ar d. ed W. Chesn s as a reques herein. The a viewed to as Wetlands and Office, Carver s and Plant C Army Corps he United Sta 1995. ion. Munsell hat Occur in W ota: the compl ess. gional Supple egion, ed. J. S g, MS: U.S. A orps of Engin rways Experim Resources Co tates, Version cooperation w Resource Con for Wright Co ea C. Based nut, Wetland st for approv application f sist in perfor d Deepwater H r, D.C. 131 p Communities o of Engineers ates (Circular Soil Color C Wetlands; No lete guide to s ement to the C S. Wakeley, R Army Enginee neers Wetland ment Station. onservation S n 7.0. L.M. Va with the Natio nservation Se ounty, Minnes on the field d Delineator val of Wetlan form is inclu rming the w Habitats of the pp. of Minnesota s, St. Paul Dis r 39). United Charts. orth Central (R species Corps of Engi R. W. Lichvar er Research a ds Delineation . ervice. 2010. asilas, G.W. H on Technical ervice. 2008. sota. mn053. d nd uded in wetland e & strict. States Region ineers r, and C. and n Field Hurt, Soil Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- eport nter 55 AP PPENDIX Figures X A Monticello Business Center: Wetland DelineationFigure 1: Location MapHennepin County . Project LocationWright County Project Area 0 10.5 Miles Path: K:\01494-550\GIS\Maps\Delineation Report Figures\MBC Figure 1 Location Map.mxd Monticello Business Center: Wetland DelineationFigure 2: DNR Public Waters InventoryWright County Revise d w etland boundaryas per August 2, 2012 TEP meeting 86006800 86006700 86039300 86049800 0 0.50.25 Miles90th Street NELegend Revised wetland point (08022012 TEP) Project Area Wetland Boundary DNR Public Waters Path : K:\01494-550\GIS\Maps\Delineation Report Figures\MBC Figure 2 PWI.mxd Chelsea Rd Monticello Business Center: Wetland DelineationFigure 3: National Wetland InventoryWright County Revise d w etland boundaryas per August 2, 2012 TEP meeting PEMCd PSS1C PEMFPEMF PEMC PSS1/EMC PEMC PSS1C PEMC PFO1B PEMA PFO1B PEMC PEMA PEMC PEMAd PEMCd PEMC PUBFx PEMA PEMC PEMA R2UBH 0 1,000 2,000500Feet90th Street NELegend Revised wetland point (08022012 TEP) Project Area Wetland Boundary NWI Path : K:\01494-550\GIS\Maps\Delineation Report Figures\MBC Figure 3 NWI.mxd Chelsea Rd Monticello Business Center: Wetland DelineationFigure 4: Wright County Soil SurveyWright County Revise d w etland boundaryas per August 2, 2012 TEP meeting Dorset Dorset Hubbard Pits Dorset Dorset Duelm Dorset Dorset Dorset Markey Markey Oylen Oylen Markey Dorset Duelm Dorset Udipsamments Markey Dorset Dorset Hubbard Duelm Seelyeville Dorset Pits Dorset Bygland Dorset Hubbard Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Southhaven Seelyeville Sandberg Dorset Hubbard Dorset Almora Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Almora Dorset Almora Almora Dorset Dorset Dorset Mosford Dorset Hubbard Fordum Dorset Sandberg Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Dorset Water Hubbard Hubbard Dorset Sandberg Hubbard Sandberg Sandberg WaterWater Oylen Water 0 1,000 2,000500Feet90th Street NELegend Revised wetland point (08022012 TEP) Project Area Wetland Boundary Hydric Soil Path : K:\01494-550\GIS\Maps\Delineation Report Figures\MBC Figure 4 Soil.mxd Chelsea Rd Monticello Business Center: Wetland DelineationFigure 5: Wetland MapWright County Revise d w etland boundaryas per August 2, 2 012 TEP meeting 0 1,500750Feet90th Street NELegend Revised wetland point (08022012 TEP) Project Area Wetland Boundary Sam ple Point Locations Path : K:\01494-550\GIS\Maps\Delineation Report Figures\MBC Figure 5 Wetland Map.mxd C h elsea R d Steep slope down to wetland edge Area C Wetland D Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- eport nter 55 AP Delinea PPENDIX ation Data X B a Sheets Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- eport nter 55 AP We PPENDIX etland Pho X C otos Wetland D at sample point 1 looking east Wetland D – southeast corner looking northwest Wetland D at sample point 2 looking south. Upland area to right appeared to be graded in the past. Area C – large linear depression in field. No indicators of wetland. Terminus of Area C. Undisturbed vegetation adjacent to the field was dominated by smooth brome and the crop did not exhibit signs of stress due to saturation or inundation. Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- eport nter 55 Ant AP tecedent P PPENDIX Precipitatio X D on Condittions Date Weather Station County Photo/obs Date shaded cells are locked or calculated Month 30% chance < 30% chance > Precip Condition Dry, Wet, Normal Condition Value Month Weight Value Product of Previous 2 Columns 1st Prior Month*April 1.44 2.85 2.51 N 2 3 6 2nd Prior Month*March 1.04 1.87 1.55 N 2 2 4 3rd Prior Month*February 0.30 0.78 1.20 W 3 1 3 *compared to photo/observation date Sum 13 6 - 9 Condition value: Dry =1 10 - 14 Normal =2 Wet =3 15 - 18 Conclusions: NRCS method - Rainfall Documentation Worksheet Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination NRCS Engineering Field Handbook Chapter 19 5/17/2012 Monticello Business Center MN Spring 2012 prior period has been wetter than normal prior period has been normal Landowner/Project State Growing Season Soil Name prior period has been drier than normal Dorset, Markey prior period has been normal High Density Network Note: If sum is Wright 10-May-12 Long-term rainfall statistics (from WETS table or State Climatology Office) Wetland Montice WSB Pr d Delineation Re ello Business Ce roject No. 1494- Appl eport nter 55 lication fo AP or Approv PPENDIX al of Wetl X E land Type and Boun ndary Business Park Utilities 0 600ft EDA Agenda - 11/14/12 10. Director's Report (JO, AS) Fred's Auto City staff have been approached by two potential users interested in the 349 West Broadway property. At this time, staff would recommend that the EDA delay any discussions with potential tenants or buyers until such time as both exterior and interior contamination analysis and actions are completed per items 5 and 6 on this agenda. The site itself is guided "Downtown" by the Comprehensive Plan and is further guided by the goals and strategies outlined within the Embracing Downtown Plan. When adopted, the Embracing Downtown Plan kept the overall CCD zoning, but created smaller "sub - districts" to guide types of uses based on their location. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance was then amended to reflect the Embracing Downtown Plan goals and these sub - districts. This property, located at the northwest corner of Linn and Broadway is zoned CCD, F -3 (Transition). Offices are permitted uses, while retail uses under 10,000 square feet require conditional use permits. Permanent outdoor /open sales and storage are prohibited as an accessory use in the CCD as a whole. (Open and outdoor seasonal sales are allowed by temporary use permit.) The quit claim deeds needed to properly legally describe the property have been signed by both the EDA and the adjacent property owner and provided to the title company. As such, this title objection for the Fred's property has been cleared. Ace Hardware Relocation After detailed discussions and financial analysis (prepared by Ehlers and Associates) regarding the possible relocation of Ace Hardware to either Block 34 or the former Walgreen's site, the EDA/Council small group team, along with staff and Mr. Grady, have determined that neither site represents a feasible expansion alternative at this time. As noted in previous reports to the EDA, the Block 34 site requires additional development density in order to adequately cash flow a new TIF district. Relocation to the Walgreen's site would have required the use of site parking for public parking to serve the anchor block, which presented a challenge for the Ace retail use. Additionally, the small group indicated that in either scenario, the acquisition cost for the existing Ace building (based on Mr. Grady's asking price), coupled with the needed GMEF loan, would have impacted the EDA's purchasing power for other redevelopment projects. In short, the amount of subsidy to accomplish the relocation was too great for all parties. In discussing options with Mr. Grady, an idea surfaced regarding the potential to expand at the existing location, with or without potential EDA assistance. Mr. Grady, after researching that option, has decided expansion at the current location is the best alternative for his business. At the present time, Mr. Grady is working with NAPA building owner Julie Reh to develop a lease or lease purchase on the space. Mr. Grady is also working with Community Development to determine the appropriate land use applications for the expansion. Expansion at the current site does impact the immediate ability to attract a single large anchor user on that block. However, the use is consistent with the Embracing Downtown's Framework Plan for retail /shopping in that area. In addition, Mr. Grady has indicated that he remains strongly interested in playing a role in a larger, multi - tenant anchor retail development on that block. he impact to the anchor block concept Embracing Downtown Activity Discussions are on -going as related to a second property acquisition in the downtown area (Block 53). At the time of this writing, the EDA /CC small group was going to try to meet on Tuesday, November 12th in order to make a counter -offer to the property owner. The three remaining tenants at Montgomery Farms have been given their 90 -day notices. The notice sets vacation of the property at the end of January. Wilson Development Services continues to work with these tenants on their relocation. The EDA will no longer incur supply costs for the building, as supplies will be provided by City maintenance staff. The City also received a complaint that restrooms were not being properly maintained and staff have addressed those issues with Carlson Building Services, the company contracted to complete the work. TIF District 1 -5 On October 22nd, the City Council ratified the use of TIF 1 -5 excess increment for the West 7th Street Extension project. The Finance Director has taken action to allocate the funds out of 1 -5. The district will automatically decertify at the end of 2012 and the proper paperwork has been sent to Wright County for this purpose. Economic Development Chapter — Comp Plan The small group of EDA, IEDC and Planning Commission members had a very productive first meeting with some specific recommendations for updating the baseline data and reference information in the chapter. Additions will include 2010 Census econ data, Business Retention & Expansion information and references to data from new Embracing Downtown plan. We will also include a current inventory of available industrial land (both in current municipal boundary and annexation area) as well as how much of that land is available relative to potential infrastructure investments. From there, the group will discuss specific strategy statements for potential amendment. Staff will keep the EDA posted as updates progress. Next meeting of the small group will be in December. Update on Economic Development Position Staff have prepared a recommendation on the position. Verbal report to be provided at the meeting. 2 MYSA Project Verbal report to be provided at the meeting by the Executive Director Broadband Conference Verbal report to be provided at the meeting by the Executive Director TIF 1 -22 Analysis In December, staff will be bringing forward a series of decisions to the EDA as related to TIF 1 -22. These include: • Acceptance of TIF 1 -22 Knockdown Analysis • Approval to return increment collected on parcels outside the district • Direction of action related to existing district Northland Securities will be present at the meeting. Greater MSP Attached is information pertaining to recent efforts by Greater MSP, the regional business marketing effort. Monticello continues to be involved with Greater MSP through the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. 2013 Workplan Staff would like to schedule an informal worksession to aid the EDA in the preparation of a 2013 workplan. Staff is suggesting a date of Wednesday, December 19th at 6 PM. A full packet of materials will be prepared in advance for the EDA's consideration. To start, a copy of 2012's workplan is included here as a reference. Items to be considered as part of the workplan discussion: ■ 2012 Year in Review ■ EDA Housing • Housing increment ■ Marketing of EDA property ■ Subsidy and Loan Programs ■ Embracing Downtown • Block 34 Downtown Facade Improvement program reStoreing downtown commitment ■ Other? EDA 2012 WORK PLAN: Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and redevelopment. Job attraction and retention: 1. Promote amenities in Monticello 2. Implement a technical training program in conjunction with existing business workforce needs 3. Provide appropriate higher education classes / training opportunities 4. Work with the Monticello School district to implement a strong STEM program and better coordinate opportunities between the students and industries Attracting New Businesses: 1. Industries that provide livable wage jobs and compliment Monticello's current businesses 2. Market to companies in St. Cloud and CEO's in Monticello and surrounding areas 3. Host a Broker Breakfast Expanding Tax Base: 1. Promote gap financing options to help facilitate new development and business expansions 2. Promote business expansion incentive program 3. Review land area options for future industrial park and initiate a master planning process in coordination with the IEDC 4. Develop a strategic plan for use of surplus TIF 5. Participate in the I -94 Corridor Coalition Business Retention: 1. Promote GMEF, business expansion incentive, and other financing options 2. Communicate on a regular and consistent basis 3. Participate on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to continue to move transportation initiatives forward to improve traffic flow in and through the city. 4. Work in conjunction with the IEDC to develop a follow up BR &E survey 5. Continue to fund Industry of the Year Event Enhancing Downtown: Start initiating recommendations from the Embracing Downtown plan a. Initial catalyst projects could include redevelopment of Block 34 and the "Anchor" Block Apply for all applicable redevelopment grants including Small Cities Grant Pursue purchasing properties that fit within the "next steps" or recommendations stated in the Embracing Downtown Plan 4. Establish a Downtown revitalization program Facilitating Redevelopment: 1. Initiate recommendations from the Embracing Downtown Plan 2. Participate in residential redevelopment when determined appropriate Housing & Redevelopment Authority: 1. Purchase distressed properties and promote redevelopment of said properties at such time when they will add additional tax capacity and value to the community. 2. Look at the potential to sell 413 4"' Street for a single lot user or retain for future redevelopment possibilities 3. Research need and opportunities for additional affordable housing in the City 02 �a d� �J 6 8 02 b ' ,2 • ��b.� `rf'` 6 s OF �s� y4 Z W W W V) D 0 2 rW V D V z Q J z (D z Z w D LL LU 0 LU a U 0 Z a LL 0 W z Q cc) W V) (�.0 V Q 2 U 2 vn o L, o � E o � o +� O C N 0 O O +, E u, Co O O � N C E 7 C �p � O � C ` C a) co ti N L9 O 7 U i/ T O N a C co T, (3) C 7 � O C: v o E 0 fn -V/ u � Q) � m o c Q ,c .A -o Q) c m � o o � U C h `ti O Cu C b ,U � Q N � t/1. 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LU 0 CL CL a a m 7 � 6 a °T a � Y U C N C N W ° E ao L N 2 u m �2 m c 7 m m = E = Y ° 9 a p a .� m E m m CL C m GO) a w m u - m c V W O_ C b0 p Z m m Y ] o a°. s w .Li _ p 73 a O Ln r N O E p CL vv N m U a Q a � m a m O ° m m 0 CL CL a a m 7 � 6 a °T a F�1 EMI W O W z Z 7O 6 V U LL m v C v U v i 7 0 N v v U C a C [0 UJ U C [0 C LL Lu W N N UJ U 'N t 7 i CO [p V N CC Y N v V_ W c 0 0 0 0 U) W 0 N O N W V O LL Y O H O Y Q 0 o� O -AMLA a a Y r7 rC C 0 u 0 V 7 0 u u LL m v v U v i 0 ai v v w GREATER >> MSPTM Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership Partner Advisory Council Meeting Agenda October 22, 2012 2:00 pm — 3:30 pm Location: Braemar Golf Course, Edina 1. Call to Order & Opening Comments — Russ Nelson, Bert Colianni a. Review Agenda b. New Member Introductions 2. CEO Report — Mike Langley a. GREATER MSP Staffing Update b. Preview GREATER MSP's 2013 Goals and Objectives 3. Major Project Review — David Griggs (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) 4. Committee Updates (20 minutes) a. Lightening Round of Committee Updates — 2 minutes each i. Operating Protocol, Marketing, Workforce Development, Retention b. Economic Development Toolkit Overview 5. Table Discussion —All (20 minutes) a. 2013 Legislative Agenda /ED Toolkit Items (financial /non - financial) b. Local ED Partnerships —What is working well? /What can we improve? 6. Report Back /Note Follow -ups 7. Closing Comments (20 minutes) (5 minutes) 8. Adjourn / Reception (Total: 90 minutes)