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EDA Agenda 01-08-2014
EDA MEETING Wednesday, January 8th 2014 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Vice Treasurer Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff. Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. December 13th, 2013 — Regular Meeting Minutes b. December 13th, 2013 — Special Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration to approve payment of bills. 5. Consideration to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-39. (Northland Securities). 6. Consideration to provide direction as related to development of 2014 EDA workplan. 7. Consideration of Director's Report. 8. Adjourn. EDA Agenda: 01/08/14 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through December 2014 in the amount of $84,397.94. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User_ Ann.zin=erman Printed: 12/19/2013 - 10:50AM Batch: 00201.12.2013 CITY OF Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 00000- 362970 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS US Bank Rebate Q3 2013 12/15/2013 0 -8.09 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 -8.09 213116301- 433200 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS DEED - 1122/14 St Paul - State Econ C 12/15/2013 0 95.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:463 01 95.00 213 - 46522431000 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Advanced Disposal - MGFARM - 100 12/15/2013 0 10.55 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46522 10.55 Subtotal for Fund: 213 97.46 Report Total: 97.46 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/8/14 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (12119/2013 - 10:50 AM) Page 1 Accounts ]Payable Transactions by Account User: Ann .Zimmerman Printed: 12/04/2013 - 11:38AM Batch: 00202.12.2013 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213- 46506- 435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC PHN - TIF District No 1-6 11114 12/10/2013 0 205.10 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46506 205.10 213 -46522- 430400 CAMPBELL 10TU 'SON PA MGFARM - EDA/G. Ekegren dba Piz; 12/10/2013 0 1,625.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46522 1,625.50 213 - 46522 -438100 XCEL ENERGY MGFARM - 51 -0798481 -0 12/10/2013 111619 59.75 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 59.75 21346522-443990 DOMAIN ARCHITECTURE AND I MGFARM - Pizz Factory inv 12960 12/10/2013 111570 1,500.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 1,500.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 3,390.35 Report Total: 3,390.35 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. AP- Transactions byAeaaunt (12/0412013 - 11:38 AM) Date: 1/8/14 Approved by: Page 1 Tracy Hinz, Treasurer Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User.. Am.Zimmernian Printed: 12/19/2013 - 10:51AM Batch: 00204.12.2013 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46522- 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9739645 -1 12/23/2013 111641 13.46 21346522430400 CAMPBELL X=SON PA MGFARM - EDA/G. Ekegren dba Piz; 12/23/2013 0 574.00 213 - 46522 - 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 I11641 574.00 213146522- 431990 'WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVE MGFARM - Acquisition & Relocation 12/23/2013 0 1,858.75 213116522 - 431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVI( MGFARM - Acquisition & Relocation 12/23/2013 0 76.84 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 1,935.59 213 - 46522- 438100 XCEL ENERGY ZCULPS 51- 0623082 -8 12/23/2013 111700 16.51 213146522- 438100 XCEL ENERGY MGFARM 51- 0517384 -8 12/23/2013 111700 11.15 213 - 46522 - 438100 XCEL ENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0592578 -0 12/23/2013 111700 28.44 213 -46522- 438100 XCEL ENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0517365 -5 12/23/2013 111700 220.86 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 276.96 213 - 46522438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9739641 -0 12/23/2013 111641 16.29 213 - 46522- 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9739645 -1 12/23/2013 111641 13.46 21346522- 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9429449 -3 12/23/2013 111641 37.73 213 - 46522 - 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9429448 -5 12/23/2013 I11641 97.68 213 - 46522 -438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM - 9429450 -1 12/23/20I3 111641 154.35 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 319.5I 213 - 46522 - 443990 FU WONG DDS PA MGFARM - Relocate Clm 43 Final - I 12/23/2013 111697 77,737.00 AP- Transactions by Account (1211912013 -1 0:51 AM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 77,737.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 80,843.06 Report Total: 80,843.06 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/8/14 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (12/19/2013 - 10:51 AM) Page 2 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 -46522- 438100 XCEL ENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0798481 -0 12/30/2013 111713 67.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 67.07 Subtotal for Fund: 213 67.07 Report Total: 67.07 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/8/14 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (12/30/2013 - 9:45 AM) Page 1 US BANK REBATE TRACKING FOR 12116113 JE Dept Credit account. 101.00000 1,293.95 101.00000.362970 101,42200 153.52 101.422 0 0.3 62 9 7 0 101.43120 148.94 101.43120.362970 901.43125 20.39 101.43126.362970 101.43127 131.89 101.43127.362970 101.43130 77.79 101.43130.362970 101.43160 63.87 101.43160.362970 101.45201 327.94 101.45201.362970 101.45202 0.00 101.46202.362970 101.45203 6643 101.45203.362970 211.45501 2.64 211.45501.362970 213.00000 8.09 213AW071562970 217.41990 34.82 217.41990.362970 224.46902 11.65 224.46102.362970 226.45122 307.9,2 226,46122.362970 226.45127 77.10 226,451'27.362970 226.45203 8.42 226.45203.362970 240.49200 0.00 '240.49200.362970 601.49440 211.24 601.49440.362970 602.49480 3.03 602.49480.362970 602.49490. 12.02 602.49490.362970 609.49750 87.15 609.49750.362970 651.49010 2.13 651.49010.362970 655.00000 262.66 655.00000,362970 656.49877 19.64 656.49877.362970 702.00000 23.23 702,00000.362970 RF-BATE TOTAL: 3,290.46 t . Y s DEC ; 1 6 2013 E to I State Economic Competitiveness Summit - RegOnline i.�i.< r:t.• ,:. .r, " "a•.K I.-„t'=y:r,�Sti MINMNWA DEPAMr:Wr #1r EMPLOii7N.ENrAND MONOMICDEMOPMENr STATE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS S UMMIT Receipt Receipt Number; 1348585- 62865062 Registration ID: 62865062 Registration Date: 11/27/2013 Receipt Date: 11/27/2013 Issued By: MN Dept. of Trade & Economic Dev Event: State E=conomic Competitiveness Summit DatelTime: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Central Mime) iouistrants Page 1 of 2 Name RDegistration Company /Organization Registrant Type Angela Schumann 62865062 City of Monticello Attendee Billing Information Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 United States 7632713224 angels.schumann@a ci.monticello.mn,us Fees Fee quantity Unit Price Amount Fee Attendee Event t=ee 1 $95.00 $95.00 Subtotal :. $95.00 https: ll www, regonline,comlregisterlinvoice, aspx ?Eventid =1348 5 85 &AttendeeI d =Ls... 11/27/2013 State Economic Competitiveness Summit - RegOnline Page 2 of 2 Fee Quantity Unit Price Amount Total: $95.00 Transactions Transaction Type Date Amount Balance Transaction Amount 11/27/2013 $95.00 $95.00 Online Credit Card Payment ( * * * * * * * * *** "7201) 11!27!2013 ($95.Q0) $O.QQ Details Current Balance: $0.00 Payment Method Payment Method: Credit Card (Visa) The online credit card payment for this event will be listed on your credit card statement with the name DEED Communication Events. https :llwww.regonline.comlregister /invoice, aspx ?Eventld= l 3 X48 5 8S & A.ttendeeld =la s... 11/27/2013 City Containers Amount $527,61 Solid Waste Management Tax $76.52 TRUX ACCT # 1453.001FCourse 13 yard Total lViatlreS6 $30.60 $25,00 $75,00 42 YD Tan 1454 - Ellison Park 3 yard 1455 - West Bridge Park 2 yard 1456 - Monticello Sewage Plant 2 yard 1401 Hart Blvd $20,40 1456 - Monticello Sewage Plant 3 yard 1401 Hart Blvd $13,01 1458 - City Hall 3 - 3 yards 505 Walnut 81 $208,87 1459 - Monticello Library 2 yard 6th $t & Walnai $20.40 4458 - Hi -Way Liquors 3 yard 545 Pine St $1,17 EDA 95 gal (rash 0 - wa E 65 al rea Pioneer Park 3 yard 9165 rullena Avenue $604.13 Amount Mgmt Tax Total o -1,5,00 $30.60 $25,00 $75,00 $9.45 $140,05 $40,80 $6,94 $47,74XJ,� $20.40 $3.47 $23.87 $20,40 $3,47 $23.87 $76,51 $13,01 $89,52 $178,52 $30,35 $208,87 $10,20 $133 $11.93 $20.40 $3.47 $23.87 $6, 99 $2,49 $1,17 $10.55 $20,40 $3,47 $23,87 ECM ]Publishers, Inc, 4095 Cann Rapids Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Address Service Requested CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 65362 PLEASE CHECK BOX IF ADDRESS CHANGED &INDICATE NEW ADDRESS Page# 1 Invoice Date 11/14/2013 Invoice Number Ad Number 47212 1 52868 Terms Net 30 Check Numb 2—r Amount Paid AGOl7'N1 �i?<?, ,r: lit lk ?, 8T0!?;nrEa' `;bpi N JhT ,4��oUNr;P,f? .$�TAIU 429204 11/44/13 1 11114/13 11114!2013 Monticello Lagals 952- 392 -6829 Please return the upper•portinn with your payment. To pay by credit card, please call 783- 712 -2494 or 877.328.3000 r,,... .., .. �;,.,i iM''wk " -. .: i' :rf : '5� s ',.' .r' S %1� htir,. �•�. ::Y ;,�,- ..,. ::I, �;r; ry:a;,, u ., hr RUt3 tp:1`�:.r.` �.rsi� p T �'s,,. 's[ Y;%1i?#: :� }.C�P4$$ i ; �:21I� ��) ri' . G�L�N���� °k?��" �`Y�E �� >��21 = n,.., • 1'r�"jrjr "�i, t O�1NT�' �� {? .0 3W n fls -�. i. >i §a ?��4 . Vii, sF,.,y. ... fhSrs�i'r.s ;{ _ ti ,,,�F �5si �;4 �7 �-, A„ nl �ff�f,.Sr,. s:,'.r l,t :?.V, ~•r :. ?7',' �r -�: #...i^i,Y1.•7u ;- Sr�:.�F?�..�.?�tr�� 3MT 11/14/2013 52958 150 PHN - TI DISTRICT NO 1 -6 LID 2.0 X 7,00 1 205.10 4-J Nov 1 8 2013 r Net Amount 205.10 Shipping 0100 Tax 0.00 4722p112A/� Amount Due 20^5.10 C106r ,; ✓ i }ii r , a .�rrr �C=r�4 +brr , �� Am x'91 1iTi[I�✓1 W,7t iA STAR NAVS ohm 1 r> r.,.t,A11A1{ Nnrftl. Cron Fii+rer t+ vo Qffi93ctA1Ap0�rinr8 press a � " Ltd �ALD w4n}e� ��syrynn�CCsxyyt Gllf�l���A 1�I,��.C�i1E�R�SN'i� q3t Review 1 ��t�r Inc, , ,� ,RapW, AW t e�a3a EC mrizom $30 charge assessed for returned checks. Report errors within 5 days to ensure considaratPan. &R4 Unpaid 181"712"2464 '-�fi=Filc }LJ lY!§Vtt� Fox i'Q3- 772.2981 �t•r� balances over 30 days past due wilt incur a 1.5% finance charge per month (Mlrt!►num .50 per mnrrth). A PUOltst RS, INC. EEn. I.D, eJ6.41 -MW4A3 AFFIDAVIT OF RUICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT } Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s) known as. Monticello Times and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat, §33]A,02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspapers} for I succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 11/1412013 and the last insertion being on 11/14/2013- By. c Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 1 W412013. I 1 Lary Public ' P MARY ELIZABETH KNApp Not i ublfc- Mlnnesola • My Ca►nmissloh[xplrps , faa gi, 2018 Bate information: (]) Lowest classified nice paid by commercial users for comparable space; $14.70 per column inch Ad ID 52968 Ciiy of Monticello (Official Publication) NOTICE OF PU13LIC HEARING Pursuantto the provisions of Mlnriesota;Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, as amended, Seotions 469.090 through 469.1082, as amended and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469,174 through 489,1794, as amended (together, the "Act"), notice Is hereby given that a pubitb hearing of the Montic8fio City Counoll Is scheduled to consider the following. mater; DATE: Monday, November 25, 2013 TIME., 7:00 p.m. HEARING hpwibN: Mlsslsslppl.Room; Montloelto Community Center HEARING SUOJI=CT ((a) the proposed adoptlorr of an amendment to the Redevelbprrierai.progrgm relating to Central Monticello Rdde- vefopment Proloot Nti „I "xatli�..(b) the proposed modification of the Tax , Inorement.Flnartcing pEah r %l�tlrl9 to Tax Increment Flnarictng plstrlct ! No..6 with[h the Redevelopment Project, all pursuant to and In ac- cordance witli the Act. Coples of ilia proposed modificalions to the Redevalopment.Prbgrdrri and Tax Increment Flnnnoing Plan will be on file and•avallab3e for #Ubllo hppeotlon at the offlo6 of the City Clerk at City Hall, ' The'property lnoluded In the Redevelopment Project and In tho-Tax . increment. District Is described in the proposed modifloatians to the Redevelopment Program and Tax Increment Flnanding Plan on file In the office of the City Clerk. The boundaries of Redevelopment Project No. t and Tax Increment Financing District No. B are shown In the adjgoont map. TA7ii[iGRBkgIP7l`YlN,1#t 1Np0l8' 0TN0.1.6 . �xrwu,a�orrrcezrr.t.o cu�oevm.ovre&tvresa�scrxa i �CCY 98 M1xSJP7RiCldi,{,p ]VR't;0ili �OV1(tYrrhyiain�nore, Opp Y6 . • : . All persons desiring to be heard on those - matters will be heard at - this meeting. Written comments tmy be taken at the Monticollo Clty`, Hall, 505 Walnut Street, $ulta 1, Monticello, MN 65362 until the date of the healing. Questions maybe directed to. the City of Montlodlo at 76a.295,271 1. Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Pasted: November 4, 2013 Publlshsd: November 14, 2013 In the Monticello Tinies 11/14/13, MT, TIF District No, 1-6; 52968 CAMPBELL KNUTSON R ' i'E... .r ,� r'. . E.wYaJ tE, Professional Assocleflon Attorneys at Law NOV 1 5 ?[, f�� ;jf•�� Federal Tax I.D. #41.1662130 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center; Curve s �` Eagan, Minnesota 06121 (661 ) 462 -6000 ; Nov 2 7 1 City of Monticello E Page :1' ` ". OpTaar City Hell 31, 2018 AcIa_. —`34t3 -129G $06 Walnut Street 1 Monticello Mid 55362 TI I ~ x• COO 2--) F,-,DA- I At i � �`� � 14- RE: EDAIGARRY EKEGREN D /BIY PIZZA FACTORY SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: VV A,1 / N HOURS 10/01/2013 TMS Conference call with Angela S., Brian S., Jeff 0., Bill Tappan and ban Wilson re; Ekagren; email with Angela, review correspondence. 1.00 1 40.00 10/02/2013 TMS Review staff report; review Pizza Factory lease and corporate records; email to Angela Schumann. 1100 110.00 10103/2013 TMS Ernalls with Angela Schumann re; Pizza Factory. 0.20 28.00 10/0712013 TMS Telephone conference and email with Angela Schumann re: Pizza Factory. 0.70 28.00 10/00/2013 TMS Attend EDA meeting; meet with Gary Eksgren, broker and Dan Wilson. 3.00 420.00 TMS Emails with Angela Schumann and Dan Wilson re: Pizza Factory; review notices and prior lease. 0.50 70.00 CJH Telephone message to district court; telephone message from district court, 0.10 7,50 CJH Telephone conference with Monticello Post Office; conference with TMS. 0.20 15.00 Page: z City of Monticello October 31, 2013 Account 4 2348 -1230 1 RE: EDA /CARRY EKEGREN DIB1A PIZZA FACTORY SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: HOURS 10/1012013 TMS Prepare eviction complaint, stipulation and wrlt of restitutlon re: Pizza Factory; correspondence to Mr, Ekegren; telephone conference with Angela Schumann; emeli with Angela, 2.20 308.00 10121/2013 TMS Email with Dan Wilson, 0,20 28,p0 10/28/2013 TMS Ernails with Angela Schumann; telephone conference with Dan Wilson, 0A0 5$,00 CJH Telephone conference with District Court; prepare Certificate of Representation and Parties; letter to District Court filing Eviction Action Complaint and Certificate of Representation and Parties. 0.80 60.Q4 AMOUNT DUE 9,630 1,300,50 10/2812013 District Court Administrator - court filing fee, 322,00 1 012 8/2 01 3 Photocopy expense. 3100 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 325,00 TOTAL CURRENT WORK 1,625,50 TOTALAMOUNT DUE $1,620.50 Amounts due over 30 days will be subjectto a finance, charge of .5% per month (or an annual rata of 6 %). Minimum charge - 60 cents. RESPONSIBLE BY WATOWRIP QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See ourweheite: xcelensrgy.com Email us at Customerservir.afxralanergy.com Please Call: 1- 000.481 -4780 Nearing Impaired: 1- 800 -B95 -4949 Fax 1 -800- 311 -0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX B EAU CLAIRE 1111154702 0000 NORTHEHN SrATE3 POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 4 MAiLINti ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER I MONrICELLO EQA 51.0798481.0 12/17/2093 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 65362-8022 STATEMENT NUMBER I STATEMENT DATE 391514611 11/19/2013 $59,75 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 10/07 $56.40 .. Payment Received Checic11 /18 7$56.40 CH Ralance Forward $0.00 Current Charges ;^ _ '' ' / ? $59.75 Due NOV 2 5 7011 PREMISES SUMMARY Il „M., , „T P P; f , PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDENTIFIER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR 302392979 106 E BROADWAY ST LAB AREA $35.86 303420703 106 E BROADWAY ST FRONT OFFICE $24.09 Total x.4.75 INFORMATION ABOUT YOURBIW- Thank you for your payment Convenience atyourservice - Poyyour hills electranically -fast and easyvvith Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1.800.481 -4700 or visit us at www.xcelenergy -com. nruRNmuom PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT - IRMS`;UO NOT USf;;;rAPOVAPEOR PAPER CUPS Xcef inerw ACCOUNTNUMBEIR I DUC DATE I = 51- 0798481 -0 1 12/171ZO13 $59.755 Please sae the hack afthie hill formore Infommtloa 7�� regarding tha Into payment ch arge. Pay on or balare tho data due to avoid assessment o1a Into payment charge. 1 4 5 B 7 Make your check poy*o to XCEL ENERGY 8 1 12 13 14 IN $ 19 24 21 AVO,100621687912M23A"at7(3T 22 S 28 27 a 29 MONTICELLO IEDA 56 WALNUT ST' SrE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 { 111 1 {II III I I I F ll 11 111 1 IIII F III XCEL, ENERGY P.O. DUX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 51121713 07484810 000000059750004 05`75 L S 8— N s, W Date: November 26, 2013 To: Angie McIntire Angela Schumann From: Dan Wilson L' On Re: PAYMENT REQUEST City of Monticello Relocation Pizza Factory Garry Ekegren Relocation Claim #1' Check Request: $1,500.00 Check payable to: Domain Architecture & Design Please mail check to: Domain Architecture & Design Attn: Deborah Everson 2748 Hennepin Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 . CINCr 952 44i 4630 800 F0. 9 5 2.44 0 4676 710, N C'lJr,`r -.!k STa %F $Ulft 200 idlM''VI- 60.1 Moving expenses -49 CFR, 24.301 (g) (12) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real property Acquisition for Federal and Federally- Assisted Programs. Professional Services plan the move claim in the amount of $1,500.00. Please see attachments: Signed Moving Cost claim # 1 Attachment to: Business Relocation -Claim #I Business Relocation Summary Domain Invoice #12960 Minnesota Department of Transportation v.2008l01 a, MOVING COSTS "Important: Submit Promptly After Move" Claim #1 _ Occupancy (Days) ❑ Residence © Ad. Device ❑ Government ❑ Other PP 0:580 ❑ 90 -179 ®?180 [KI Business © Farm L7 Non- Profit DAdvance IMPartiat ❑Final Payee(s): Domain Architecture &Design Submitted Amount $ 1 500.00 For: Invoice # 12960 District Approval: oats Agency Approval: Dist. S. P. Parcel C.S. ,lob No. Dale Date Application Approved: Fed No. County. Wright Vendor No.: Attn. Finance: Acquisition: . El Pending, © Accepted ❑ Em. Domain Parcel Owner: Mail Check To: (Name orCoplion) Monticello EDA Addressee(s): Domain Architecture & Desig n Parcel Addr.: 112 East Broadway St. Mailing Addr.: 2748 Hennepin Avenue South City, State Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 City, State Zip: Minnea oils MN 55408 LOCATION PERSONAL'PROPERTY MOVED TO RELOCATION CLAIM ELIGIBILITY Displacee facility Name Name(s): Pizza Factory andlor Type: Occupancy Date: 311/1996 11 Owner ® Tenant Street Address: Eligibility Rate: .4/13M2 Acquisitloii Dater 5/15112 (Notice Of Intarn or Purchase offer) (if determined, et'se °Pending,) City, State Zip: Date(s) of the Move: Begin; End: Name of Mover(s): FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY MOVING COSTS ® Residential Schedule Basis ® Recelpt'slActual Cost ❑ Nan - Residential bidlEst €mato Type Of Dwelling Residential Schedule Room'Counts Rosidential Moving Costs by Schedule : ............. $ ❑ Apartment Dwelling Rooms Residential Moving Casts by Actual Cost:.......... $ ❑ House Basement Count ...............:. Non - Residential Movirig Casts by Actual Cost:.. $ 11500,00 ❑ Other Garage Count...... .......... .. Nan- Residential Moving Costs by BidlEstimate: $ ❑ Furnished by-Occpt Other Count ........................ Non -Res. Searching Expenses (Max. $2 ',5ooj:..... $ ❑ -Furnished by Others Total Room Count...,......., TOTAL MOVING COSTS CLAIMED: ................ $ 1,500.00 Displacee Residency Certification: I attest under penalty of perjury, that, as applicable. 1) myself and my'family are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residence in, the United States; OR .2) myself and /or' members of this. partnership, association or corporation are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residency and author €zed to conduct business in, the United States, Claimant Acknowledgement: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Informat €on is true and - correct, and that any receipts or statements attached hereto accurately represent the expenses incurred. I further certify that I have not submitted any other claim for reimbursement of, or received payment for, any expense submitted with this clalrn OFFICIAL USE ONLY: (Comments) Authorized - Signature: Name Garry Ekegan (print): Telephone: Date: Fed Tax I,D. or Sac. Sec. No.: 4// MN State Tax I.D. No.: See Over for Instructions and Personal Property Acknowledgment Moving Costs Page 1 of 2 RL1032 10/2112013 RESIDENTIAL Moving Costs Instructions for submitting your claim The State will allow residential moving expenses to a displaced individual or family based on either a ROOM SCHEDULE or reimbursement for ACTUAL COSTS incurred. As a displaces you will be asked to select the method most suitable to your needs. IMPORTANT: Consult and thoroughly discuss moving options and methods with a relocation advisor prior to moving. The State cannot reimburse you for any alteration which may constitute a home improvement. The Agency will not consider, pay or reimburse for overtime charges, except in emergency situations as determined beforehand by the State of Minnesota. Payments by Room Schedule Under this method, payment is computed on the number of rooms in your residence, exclusive of typical closets, porches, pantries, bathrooms, hallways, entrances or any unfurnished rooms. A basement may be considered one room unless it has been separated into livable rooms such as bedrooms or recreation rooms. Outbuildings used for storage purposes may also be counted by the room basis. The Occupant Provides Furniture The Occupant Does Not Provide Furniture Ii Rooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Additional Rooms Rooms 1 Additional Rooms Amount $550 700 900 1100.1300 1500 1700 1900 $254 /Each Amount $425 $100 /Each Payments by Receipt or Actual Cost Under this method, the State may allow reimbursement for reasonable and necessary. (as determined by the agency) expenses incurred in moving your personal property for a distance not to exceed 50 miles. This is not an adjustment for inconveniences which have occurred or for time lost at your regular occupation. Moving expenses will be paid upon compliance with the following instructions. t. When you are moved by a professional moving company, pay the charges and obtain a detailed, itemized receipted bill marked "Paid in full" and signed by a company representative. Please confirm eligibility with a Relocation Advisor prior to the move. 2. If your personal property is moved by someone other than a professional moving company, you must submit an itemized statement. showing the number of people hired, the rates per hour paid, dates, and'the total hours worked.for each individual and the equipment used. Please discuss this method with your Relocation Advisor prior to moving and incurring expenses. 3. You must complete the bottom portion of the front of this Claim Form in ink. Attach to the original of this form all required information pertaining to your move and mail to the Relocation Advisor shown on the lower left corner on the front o €tbis form. 4. In the event you are financially unable to pay the moving company, special arrangements 'may be made with the Relocation Advisor to allow direct payment, or an advance payment claim, This must be done well in advance of the moving date.' NON - RESIDENTIAL" Moving Costs Instructions Ior. Submitting. Your claim Relocation regulations allow moving expenses to. a displaced business, farm .or 'non - profit organization based on actual costs. incurred an moving parsbi al property for a distance not to exceed 50 miles. -Nowcvcr,'regulaf ens -do nofalloik for inconveniences ivhich-t» ay occur-or for bilsiriess time lost. Reimbursement for eligible moving expenses will be made upon compliance with the following instructions. IMPORTANT: Consult and thoroughly discuss moving options and methods with a relocation Advisor prior to moving, 1. When a commercial mover is employed, the moving costs are to be paid and a detailed receipted statement obtained. 2. In the event you wish your regular employees to make the move, it is required that you maintain a complete record of dates, time worked, and amounts paid to all persons physically participating in the move. Charges for use of equipment owned by the business may be allowed but shall be comparable to those rates charged by local rental agencies. 3. You may elect to accept the lower of two (2) estimates for moving all of your personal property. These-cost estimates will be. obtained by the . agency and presented to you as an option. Wiih this method, no other moving cost documentation is necessary. 4. You must complete the bottom portion of the front of this Claim Form in ink. Attach to the original of this form all required information pertaining to your move and mall to the Relocation Advisor shown on the. lower. left corner on the front of this form. The agency will not consider, pay or reimburse for overtime charges except in emergency situations, as determined by the agency. Payment may also be allowed to the owner of a displaced business or farm operator for actual reasonable expenses in searching for a replacement site, not to exceed $2,500.00. Such expenses may include, transportation costs, actual time, and certain other ex&nses actually incurred in searching. A detailed, certified statement of searching expenses must accompany the claim. I do hereby affirm that, t'athe best of my knowledge; displacee is eligible for reimbursement of eligible Moving Cost's, based on displacee's status and occupancy of the parcel at the time *of the Initiation of negotiations and/or at the time of the parcels acquisition. I further affirm that displaces qualifies as a "displaced person ", and Is entitled to payment for actual, reasonable and necessary moving and related expenses for a residential or non- rdsidontiat move (49 CFR Pt. 24), as indicated elsewhere on this form.' Relocatlon Advisor Signature . Date I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all personalty including all hazardous and environmentally sensitive materials such as batteries, tires, paints, solvents, insecticides, fertilizers, fluorescent lights, etc., has been /will be removed from the subjedt parcel. (circle aae) Displaoee Signature Date Relocation Advisor Signature Date Moving costs Page 2 of 2 RL1 032 10/2112013 ILA I� pEVEtOPhtEN5ERVlCiSlLC OFFICE g52.448,463 FM 952:.440.4676 510 N. tIF, "' T 7p'fr Suitt 200 ATTACHMENT TO: Business Relocation - Move Claim 41 FOR: Garry Ekegren Pizza Factory The Displacee had a concept plan conducted for replacement site Section 24.301(8) Payment for actual reasonable moving......... (12) Professional services plan the move..... Pizza Factory had a concept plan provided by Domain Architecture & Design for basic architectural services in the amount of $1,500.00. See Attached invoice #12960. Business Relocation Summary Business Name: Pizza Factory 11/26/2013 MNIDOT Claim #1 24.303 Related Expenses ITEM Previously Submitted Claim #1 Thls Submittal Claim Amount to bate 24.301 Actual Moving Expenses - 1 Transport tion of personal property - 2 Packing, crating, unpacking, un- crating - 3 Disconnection, dismantling, etc, of personal propert - - - 4 Stora a of personal roe - 5 Insurance for replacement value - 6 Loss of property, damaged, stolen _ 7 Other related expense - - 1 II Licenses, permit & certification - 12 Professional Services Plan the Move '.11500.00 1,504,00 13 Printed Material 1 signs - 14 Direct Loss - 15 Cast incurred in safe - 16 Purchase of substitute property - 17 Searching for replacement - 18 Low Value-High Value - SUBTOTAL - '1 ~500.40 1,500.00 24.303 Related Expenses a Utilities from ROW - b Professional fee /determine suitability- - c I pact Fees - 4 SUBTOTAL - - - 24.304(a ) Business Reestablishment 1 Code Re uirements 2 Modification to replacement property - 3 Exterior Si na e - 4 Redecoration /replacement surfaces - 5 Advertisement - 6 Increased operational costs - 7 Other - SUBTOTAL - - TOTAL - 1,500.00 1,500,00 City of Monitcelto INVOICE Invoice #! 12960 Billing Date 10/18/2013 Billing Period 2013 Sept Terms Due on receipt Architectural Services Provided Rate Quantity Amount Schematic Design Services for The Pizza Factory 1,500,00 1,500,00 Relocation site visits, as built documentation and input into CAD, 4 schematic plan options 18% 11.5% monthly) interest on unpaid amounts 20 days after invoice date Total Invoice $1,500,00 OFFICE 952.448.4630 . 800.448.4630 FAX 952.448.4676 ff,r.- 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET IL On SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC WWW .WILSONDEVELOPMENTSERVICES.COM October 22, 2013 Mr. Gary Ekegren 122 Jerry Liefert Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Mr. Gary Ekegren Pizza Factory PO Box 812 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Replacement Site Status Relocation Claim Dear Mr, Ekegren: Via: Regular & Certified Return Receipt Requested Mail am writing to follow up on our conversation with Tom Scott, Jim Peterson and ourselves on 10 -9 -13 relative to your replacement site search. As I said that evening , It Is imperative that we stay in touch so that we can provide answers to questions and make relocation claims in a timely manner. I stated my availability to meet with you and possible lenders or other people trying to assist you with a replacement site, should they have questions about the City's financial obligations for any eligible relocation assistance. To date, I have not heard from you, I did speak with Jim Peterson briefly. He was not aware of any progress on your part in securing funding for the Ineligible relocation cost. did receive the attached invoice from Deborah Everson, DBA Domain, for the concept drawings she provided on the proposed replacement site. It is in the amount of $1,500.00. We have enclosed a relocation claim form for your review and signature. Upon receipt of the signed claim, we will submit It for payment directly to Domain. if you have no plans to relocate the business at this time, we need to discuss your vacation of the property and future relocation eligibility. The removal of your personal property and inventory are eligible expenses to be reimbursed. Who conducts your move is your choice. You could conduct a self -move or the services can be hired. The City's responsibility is to compensate eligible expenses. It is your responsibility to arrange for and hire contractors to work at your direction. The City could pay for storage up to 1 year. The above relocation details describes an "actual cost move ". You will remain eligible for additional relocation assistance like hooking up equipment that was at the old site and Business Re- Establishment expenses with the $50,000 maximum, i.e, leasehold improvements for 18 months after you vacate the property. There is a second business relocation option called a Payment in Lieu of Moving Expense Claim. This claim option is pursued largely by persons who choose to discontinue business operations. The amount of the claim is not determined by the cost of moving, but the net income of the business over the past two years. It is simply a one -time payment of the average net business income over the two years prior to displacement. It has a maximum payment of $20,000 and a minimum payment of $1,000 in the event losses were incurred. Please note that the $1,500.00 owed Domain would be deducted from whatever the amount of your maximum eligibility if you choose option #2, Please call me at your earliest convenience to discuss your relocation plans and the options you have in pursuing relocation assistance. Sincerely, Daniel H. Wilson Relocation Consultant for City of Monticello cc: Angela Schumann Tom Scott CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Federal Tax I.D. #141,1562130 317 Eagandale Of Ice Center 1384 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (669) 452 -5000 City of Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 RE: EDA /CARRY EKEGREN D /B /A PIZZA FACTORY SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: Page: 1 November 30, 2013 Account ## 2348 -123G 2 11108/2013 HOURS TMS Telephone conference and email with Angela Schumann re: Pizza Factory. 0,40 56.00 11/18/2013 TMS Prepare Pizza Factory lease; emalls with Dan Wilson., 1.00 140.00 TMS Attend meeting with Angela Schumann, Dan Wilson, contractor, broker and Pizza Factory re: relocation. 2.70 378,00 AMOUNT DUE 4.10 574.00 TOTAL CURRENT WORK =,57400 PREVIOUS BALANCE __11,62,510' TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $2,199-560 Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5% per month (or an annual rate of 6 %). Minimum charge - 50 cents. UON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 506 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55392 Wilson Development services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55310 . . 952.448.4630 800.4g'8.4$3Q FEIN 26- 1629971 DEC 1 2013 0 Invoice Date involca Number Lost ailt Date November 11, 2013 23389 10121/2013 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services First ate Amount Pizza Factory (Fkegren) 9011!2013 DHW Time 1.40 154.00 Conference call with City and attorneys 110.001hr Call with Angela regarding chronology - prepare timeline Pizza Factory (Fkegren) 10/212013 DML Time 0.40 30.00 Type memo to Angela Schumann regarding substantive contacts in 75.00/hr relocation process Pizza Factory (Fkegren) 1002013 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Call to Garry regarding no ward on replacement - EDA considering 110.001hr eviction Pizza Factory ( Ekegren) 101812013 DML Time 0.20 16.00 Type "Memo to File' phone call with Gary Ekegren summary 1018113 75.00/hr & send to Angela for her Information. Pizza Factory (Fkegren) DHW Time 0190 99.00 Call Garry - left message to call. Call Angela regarding attempt to 110.001hr make contact. Call Jim Peterson - left message. (2) calls with Peterson & 1 tali with Garry regarding attend meeting. Call to Angela - left memago same. City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page HrslRate Amount Memo to file Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1019/2013 DML Time 0.20 15.00 Scan and email to Angela Schumann & Tom Scott original lease 75.001hr wdenslon signed by Garry Ekegren In 2000 and also certificate on Montgomery Farms Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 5.50 605.00 Call with Torn Scott, attorney regarding meeting prep and notices 110,001hr receipts. Forward leases, attend EDA meeting, meeting with Scott & Garry regarding eviction, Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 10/10/2013 DHW Time 0.50 55.00 Call with Angela - discuss meeting 110.001hr Call with Jim Peterson. Memo to Angela & Tom Scott regarding Peterson call summary Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 10/11/2013 DML Time Type memo to Angela S & Tam S regarding Jim Peterson phone call summary Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1 012 1120 1 3 HNF Time Prepared claim for moving expenses, business relocation summary, attachment to claim with explanation; to Dan for review & approval, Updated claim per Dan's changes, updated file. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DML Time Type email response to Tom Scott regarding no contact with Gary E or reallor Jim Peterson - Will draft letter with 2 relocation options Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time Call Garry - left message. Call Jim Peterson - left message Call from Peterson - discuss no word from Garry. Memo to Tom Scott regarding no word. Received Design Concept plan fee. Discuss claim prep with Helen. Draft letterto Garry regarding relocation alternative with no immediate site and claim transmittal. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 0.20 15.00 75.001hr 2.60 247.00 95.00 /hr 0,10 7.50 75.00/hr 1,40 154.00 110.00 /hr 10/22/2013 DML Time 0,40 30.00 Type revisions to fetter addressed to Garry Ekegren at Pizza Factory 75.001hr and personal residence; ready for regular mall and also certified to both locations; to Post Office for mailing of 2 regular mail and 2 certlfled's, Pizza Factory (Ekegren) City Of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 3 Hrs/Rate _ Amounj 10/22/2013 DHW Time 0,50 55.00 Complete letter to Garry. relocation optlon for vacation 110.00/hr Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 10/28/2013 DML Time 0.20 15,00 Type memo to Angela S & Ton S regarding Investor found 75,001hr Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 2.20 242.00 Review emall chain From Angle & Tom regarding eviction 110.001hr Call from Peterson - Garry found financing. Call Angie & Tom Scott - same and meeting to organize move forward. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: [ 16.90 1,760.501 z- Project Management 10/31/2013 DML Time 1.31 98.25 1011 - 10131, 2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.00/hr clienticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: [ 1.31 98.251 For professional services rendered 18.21 $1,858.75 Additional Charges : QtylPrice Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 10!9/2013 DHW Mileage 108 81,02 Mileage -1 -1 -2013 IRS Rate - attend EQA meeting; also meet with 0.57 Tom Scott.& Garry E. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 10/2212013 DML Postage 1 12.22 Actual Cost for Postage - for mailing of 2 certified return receipt 12.22 requested letters - 1 to business and 1 to residence Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: [ 73.24] City of Monticello z- Project Management 10/3112013 Copies - Internal Copies z- Project Management Monticello- Montgomery Farms SUBTOTAL: Total costs For professional services rendered Total amount of this bill Previous balance Balance due Page 4 Qty /PrI99 — _Amount 24 3.60 0.15 [ 3.601 $76.84 18.21 $1,935,69 $1,935,59 %k1k t1! $928.62 r "? F $2,862.21 7 xcerEnergy I Don't Waste Energy at the Office Offices tend to get pretty empty around the holiday season. Avoid phantom energy use by unplugging your equipment when you're out of the office. Pale 2 of 4 MAILINGADDRESS AMOUNTNUM09R 51- 0623082 -8 D1/06/2014 MONTICEU.O EDA 505 WALNUT sT STE 1 STATEMENT NUMBER I STATEMENT DATE i MONTICEILOMN65362 -8822 303417720 12/06/2613 $1651 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROADWAY ST MOM ICELLO, MN 85352.9358 NEXT HEAD DATE: 01(10114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657350 INVOICE NUMBER: 0499179174 ELECTRICITY CHARGES HATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCnIPTIRN USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Servico Chg $$•83 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.066870 $0.00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.059530 $0.00 Fuel Cast Charge 0 kWh $0,031440 $0.00. AffordabilityChrg $0.71 Resource Adjustment $0.00 Interim Rate Adi $0.41 Subtotal $9.95 City l=ees $5.50 State Tax 6.875% $1.06 Total $16.51 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 11% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lutes, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. WE b mAwff Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 We work hard every day to provide youwith reliable, safe, clean and affordable energy. Read our annual Corporate Responsibility Report and find out how we performed in 20121 [$1 Papzo14 MAILING ADBRIMS ACCOUNT NUMBEII MDNTICELLO E0A 51- 0517304 -8 RATE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 Basic Service Chg MONTicaLo MN 55382 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 2.27 kWh $0.085750 393592848 12J09/2013 SERVICE ADDRESS: 112 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELM MN 55962 -9321 NEXT READ DATE; 01118114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMO R: 303600854 INVOICE NUMBER; 8499305042 ELEC701CITY CHARGES RATE: Residential Service U SCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $733 Energy Charge Winter 2.27 kWh $0.085750 $0.15 Energy Charge Winter 0:73 kWh $0:073930- -$0.05 Fuel Cost Charge 3 kWh $0.030000 $0.09 Affordability Chrg $0.55 Resource Adjustment $0.00 - Interim Hate Adj $0.31 subtotal $8.49 City Fees $1.95 State Tax - - 8.875 "l0 $0.71 Total $11.15 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average residential customer, 55% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 9% to high voltage fine costs and 389+0 to the cost of local wiresthat are connected to your home. Warm up to winter, and put up to $1,000 in your pocket You can earn up to $050 in rebates by upgrading to an energy- officient furnace, boiler c hot water heater, orwhen you add new insulation to your home. Or you can earn up to $1,000 by completing a Home Energy Audit and taking a "whale I approach to your upgrades by participating in the Home Perfomlance with ENERGY STAW Visit Kesienergy cardHamaRebates to learn more about energy efficiency savings. I I ja XcelEnemo Don't Waste Energy at the Office Offices tend to get pretty empty around the holiday season. Avoid phantom energy use by unplugging your equipmom When you're out of the office. PoAa af4 MAIIiING ABpRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 51-0592578 -0 =4 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNLrr ST MONTICELLOMN55362 -8821 STATEMENTNUMIIER STATEMENTUATE i ;;$nZA4 393594134 12/09/2013 SERVICE ADDRESS; 202 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN SKIB2 NEXT HEAD DATE: 01/13/14 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PHEMISES NUMBER: 008547449 INVOICE NUMREW. 04993R4902 METER IW701 ' Read Dates; l t/05/19 - 12/07113 i32 Days? DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING I PREVIOUS HEADING USAGE Total Energy 12913 Actual 12800 Actual 105 k1Nh D.amand Actual Fnergy Charge Winter 2.3 kW Blllabla Demand $5.49 Energy Charge Winter 2 kW ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE; Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $8,92 Fnergy Charge Winter 82.03. kWh $0.066970 $5.49 Energy Charge Winter 22.97 kWh $0.069530 $1.600 Fuel Cost Charge 105 kWh $0.031905 $3.35 Affordability Chrg $0.73 Resource Adjustment $0.34 Interim Rate Adj $0.69 subtotal $21.12 City Fees $5.50 State Tax 6.875% $1.82 Total $20.44 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HILL - - For an average non - demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 11% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, $2% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 0% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. R Xc effinergyo 1 93FO SIOLE BY NArtittEN OUESFIONS ABOUT YOUR SILL? Seeourwebsito: xcelenergy.com Email us at Customerservicaftelenergy .cam Please Call: 1 -BOA- 491 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1 -800- 895 -4949 Fax: 1- 000.311 -0050 Orwrite us or XCEL ENERGY PO BOX e EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0000 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 NO MAKIN © ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER MONTICELLUERA 546 WALNUT ST Sf E 1 51. 0517365 -5 01/0712014 , MONTICUOMN55262 -8822 STATEMENTNUMBER S7ATEMENTDAIE 393593674;-. . 12/08/201 F<$2ZQ.8fi,, ACCOUNT BALANCE A: DEC j {; _ m;I Previous Balance As of 11/05 — 50.44. Payment Received Check 11/27 Balance Forward' Current Charges $'220:86 Amount Due $4111.86 PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDENTIFIER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR CURRENT BILL 302451493 206 PINE ST $182.59 302695149 112 E BROADWAY ST $38,27 Total $W:86 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL New electric rates became effective Dec. 1, 2013. Sae the enciosed bill insert for details. auestions? Contact us at 1-890 -481 -4700 or inquirafxcelenergy.com. Effective Dec. 1, 2013,tho Resource Adjustment line item on your bill has increased due to a change inthe Conservation Improvement Program (GIP) factor. The electric CIP portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0.002935 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). (luestions? Contact us at 1- 800481 -4700 or xcelenergy.com. PHURN EOIYOM P01ION WITH YOUR PAYMENT 6 MSE ee NO USE STAPLKTAPR OR PAPER CUPS Xceffinm W ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE � 51- 0517365 -5 1 01/07/2014 1 $220.06 Please gee the bark of this kill farmers iaf nnation regarding the Isle Payment rberge, Pay on or baron the data due to avoid assessment of a late payment ehm9a. 1 2 S 4 Make your shook payable to )CCEL ENERGY 5 6 a 8 8 to 11 12 1s 164 15 16 17 7s AV 02 002657 01900 13 AA"St)(37' 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 Illlill' 11111' rr1111E1Ea 0 "III'1 " "11 "Ilill'Jill 11111111111111101 26 27 28 29 w 8'i MONTICELLO ERA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 66362 -6081 111111111] 1111111" 111111011] 811111 '111111111'111'1'1111't,Jill's XCEI_ ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPILS MN 56484 -9477 31 510y0714 05173655 oOQ0002208600000022886 L m N � ce��poInro Enagy Always Where." QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO LOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill:payment) Monday - Friday Cal; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill info 612 - 321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.com DID YOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment (CCRA) factor of $0.00659 per therm, This charge Is used to fund energy conservation activities and has bean added to your delivery charge. For more information, pie�se call 1-800 -245 -2377 orvi8it our wobslte at www.oenterpoinienergy.com. Share the warmth With your neighbors. Enroll in paperless billing and we'll donate $5 to Heat8hare. Loam more: CenterPointEnergy.ocmlwarm Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number Basic charge 9739841-0 Billing date Delivery charge 4 therms 1210212013 Date due Decoupling adjustment 4 therms 1213012013 Tetel amountdue Gas Affordability PRC 4 therms $10,29 ACCT SUMMARY Cost of gas* 4 therms Gas charges Previous balance *includes a purchased gas adjustment of $13.46 Payment 11119/2013 Interim rate adjustment Balance forward .., ;.. 0.00 Current billing State sales lax 16:20 `total amountdue $19.29 • .t# SERVICE ADDRESS F' 100 E Broadway St Monticello MN 55382 - 9321°' YOUR CAS USAGE ' Mr�tet�)I+119802312729 29 Day billing period 10/29/2013 to 11/2712013 Current reading 11/2712013 9939 Previous reading 10/29/2013 9935 Metered Usage 4 CCF X Therm factor V1.011323 = Therms used in 28 days= 4 Next meter reading 01101/2014 Next billing date 01102/2014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate Basic charge $12,00 Delivery charge 4 therms (d3 $0.153391THM 0,81 Decoupling adjustment 4 therms @ $0.008201THM 0.03 Gas Affordability PRC 4 therms @ $0.0049D /TFIM 0,02 Cost of gas* 4 therms @ $0.4675WTHM 1.87 *includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.03836 CR Interim rate adjustment 0.71 (Basic Chg + ($0.65930 *Therms)) "4.88000° /a State sales lax 1.05 Total current charges $16,20 Avg dallyque asst This pariud [his yr p,7 THM; No perlud last yr4A THM irBll�Bll�,r11� Effgrgy AlwoyaThere CENTERPOLNT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 Page 1 of 1 Avg dally lamp: Als period Irde w 35 °F; this period lest yr 39 °r - xi Mali Ihls portion with payment. Please do not Include !mere of notee. Account number Date due Total amount due Amount paid CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4679 lr� =l 11111! l= n= �IIlnrll= 1hllil ! =�411l1lhmll111rl1�41�ii1r 00023604 01 AV 0.360 1 5739641 -0 1213012013 $16.29 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8822 N 111111111111 llrlllll�l,auluIll1111511 111111 rllut111 [ill Ill 11970075350268 0072000009739641040000DE1016290000000162950 .dak ce��Pahr° CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 654401144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday -Friday gall 8, a, m. - 5 p,m, Bill inro 812 -021 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.com �I1t1y Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739645 -1 Always Ti, Billing date ' 12/0212013 Date due 12130!2013 . Total amount due $ 13A6 QUESTIONS DIDYOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment (CCRA) Factor of $0.00659 per therm. This charge is used to fund energy conservation activities and has been added to your delivery charge. For more information, please call 1- 800 - 246 -2377 or visit our website at www.centerpointenergy.00m. Share the warmth with your neighbors. Enroll In paperless billing and we'll donate $5 to HeatShare. Learn more: CenterPolntEnergy.comlwarm ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance ,. •. $56,18 Payment 11/1912013 -66,18 Balance forward 0,00 Current billing t M j 13,46 a� connnnsNTS� h 3 �T, $13,46 DIDYOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment (CCRA) Factor of $0.00659 per therm. This charge is used to fund energy conservation activities and has been added to your delivery charge. For more information, please call 1- 800 - 246 -2377 or visit our website at www.centerpointenergy.00m. Share the warmth with your neighbors. Enroll In paperless billing and we'll donate $5 to HeatShare. Learn more: CenterPolntEnergy.comlwarm ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance ,. •. $56,18 Payment 11/1912013 -66,18 Balance forward 0,00 Current billing t M j 13,46 Total amount due h 3 �T, $13,46 SERVICE ADDRESS 106 E Broadway St ._:....,.- ....�- �...�,.,,.:., f Monticello MIN 55362- 9,ki',` ;Y YOUR GAS USAGE Meter 0 M19802312709 29 bay billing period 1012912013 to 11/27/2013 Current reading . 11/27/2013 2357 Previous reading 1012912013 2357 Metered Usage 0 CCF X Therm rector of 1.01823 - Therrne used In 20 days = 0 !Next motor reading 01/01/2014 Next billing date 01/02/2014 YOUR BILL. IN DETAIL ComAnd Flrrn Rate Basic charge $12.00 Delivery charge 0,00 Deccupling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordability PRG 0.00 Inlerlm rate adjustment 0,59 (13ssla Chg + ($0,65930`therms))'4,88000% State salon tax 0.87 Total currant charges $13,96 Avg daily gan uso: This period this yrOA THM; thin parlod last yr f.a THM �'eirterPo�irr. —Efieffly Aw pnere• CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Page 1 of 1 Aug dally temp: This parlod this yr 35 °F; this period last yr 3B OF Mail Ibis portion wlih payment. Please do not indude lattars ornotes. Account number 9739645 -1 Date due 12/30/2013 Total amount due $13A6 Amount paid $� CENTERPOINT ENERGY M PO sox 4671 HOUSTON TX 772104671 111th' 11111th' Illlllllltl1111 Jill 11Illplll1111111ltll�llll'1II 00023603 01 AV 0.360 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8822 Illrl�lullllllltllllll�utful�ullhllhullllltllnt�lll�jli�l 0970075350276 DO72DOOD097396l5170000000134600000p01346 0 CenterPoint. Alwa" There QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -3 Billing date 12/02/2013 Date due 12130/2013 Total amount due $ 37.73 CenlerPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MIS 65440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 aim, - 5 p.m. Bill info 612- 321 -4939 CenterPOintEnergy.ccm DIDYOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment (CORA) factor of $0.00669 per therm. This charge is used to fund energy conservation activities and has been added to your delivery charge, For more information, please call 1 -800 -245 -2377 or volt our webslte at www.conterpolnionergy.com. Share the warmth with your neighbors. Enroll In. apatless billing and wdil donaie $5 to HealShare. Learn more: CenterPointEnergy.cpmlwarm ACCT SUMMARY Comllnd FITm Rate Gas charges Previous balance Delivery charge 34 therms ® $0,153391T'HM $13.48 Payment 11/1912013 ` - 13.46• Balance forward ' ::: $,:0.00 Current billing r . 37.73 Total amount due (Basic Chg + ($0.6593Marms))`4.88000% $31.73 i> t SERVICE AADRESS 202 Pine St Monticello MN YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M10022312807 29 Day billing period 10129/2013 to 1 112 71201 3 Current read €rig 11127/2013 5402 Previous reading 1012912013 6369 Metered Usage 33 OCF x Therm factor of 1.01823 = Therms used In 28 days = 34 Next meter reading 01/01/2014 Next bllling date 01/0212014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL, Comllnd FITm Rate Basle charge $12.00 Delivery charge 34 therms ® $0,153391T'HM 6.22 Decoupling adjustment 34 therms a $0.006201THM 0.28 Gas Affordability PRG 34 therms Qa $0.004901THM 0,17 Cost of gas* 34 therms @ $0.409121THM 16.95 'Includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.03836 CR Interim rate adjustment 1.68 (Basic Chg + ($0.6593Marms))`4.88000% State sales tax 2.43 Total current charges $37.73 Avg dally gaa nee: This pedad IhIs yr 12 T11M; tads parlod last yr UA 7HM Cenler,Point hnarff Alwt>;ys7here CtENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 5SM -1144 Page 1 of 1 Avg daisy temp; This period this yr $5 °F; this period fast yr 38'F Cy Mall this portion with peymont. Please do net Inoiude [alters or notes. Account number Date due Total amount due Amount paid CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 11I1I11I11111I1111111u11111dh1111hi1I11111IrIIIl1111111I1n1 00023370 01 AV 0.3601 9429449 -3 12130/2013 $ 37,73 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -13621 IIIIIiIIdIIllllll' II11 111I1r111191111111111 Jill 111111111h11111 058aa666?4269 00720000 i 942944 93800000093773000 000377300 Cen%rPornt. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? �►Ii %%�l Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' Account number, 9429448 -5 Always � `hete° Billing date 12!0212013 Data due 12J30/2013 Total amountdue $ 97,68 CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill info 612 - 321.4939 CanterPointEnergyx6m DID YOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cost Recovery Adjustment (CCRA) factor of $0.00659 per themm. This charge Is used to fund energy conservation activities and has been added to your delivery charge, For more information, please call 1 -800- 245 -2377 or visit our website at www.centerpointenergy.com. Share the warmth with your neighbors. Enroll in paperless billing and we'll donate $16 to HeatShare. Learn more: CenterPointEnergy.contlwarm YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312869 28 Day billing perlod ACCT SUMMARY Current reading Previous balance # $13A6 Payment 1.111912013 ' r; -• -1146 Balance forward �„ ; i; : 0.00 Current-billing Next billing date a 97.88 Total amount due YOUR BILL IN DETAIL .,. .1 x'$97.68 Comilnd Firm Rate - f r SERVICE ADDRESS Delivery charge {. 206 Pine St Decoupling adjustment 118 4borrns @ $0.00820 /THM Monticello MN 65362 -8665 Gas Affordability PRG 118 therms @ $0.004901THM YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312869 28 Day billing perlod 1012 912013 to 11127/2013 Current reading 1912712013 1095 Previous reading 10/29/2013 979 Metered Usage 116 CCF X Thana factor at 1.1311323 - Thmms used In 29 day. = 118 Next meter reading 01/01/2014 Next billing date 01/0212014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comilnd Firm Rate Basic charge $12.00 Delivery charge 118 therms Q $0.153391THM 18.10 Decoupling adjustment 118 4borrns @ $0.00820 /THM 0,97 Gas Affordability PRG 118 therms @ $0.004901THM 0.50 Cost of gas" 118 therms @ $0.46924/THM 55.37 'Includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.03636 CR Interim rate adjustment 4.38 (Basic Chg + ($0.65930`thermB))`4.88000°% State sales tax 6.28 Total current ohargea $97.68 Adg dally pas use: This period We yr 4.1 THM; this period Iasi yr 3.7 THM AlwayaThow CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 9144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55"04144 Page 1 of 1 Avg dally Lump; This porlod Ihis yr 35 °F; MIS period lest yr 36 OF Mall this purtlan Wth payment. Please do not Include Istiara of nines. Account number Date due ' Total amount due Amount paid 9429448 -6 12/30/2013 $ 97.68 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 jljrlj11 Jill 11111111uil1111ill111g1111llllr1111lill1111111 Jill j 00023369 81 AV 0.3613 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8821 I1IIIIIjd�l�llhrjllrllllu111191111lih111 1111111 loll lij11111 F1 0580066674251 0072000009429446 + 60000000576500000OU976820 ah CenterPainr. mv Energy Always There° QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m Bill info 612- 321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.com 01b YOU KNOW? The MPUC has approved a Conservation Cast Recovery Adjustment (CCRA) factor of $0,00659 per therm. This charge is used to fund energy canservatlon activities and has been added to your delivery charge. For more information, please call 1-800-246-2377 orvlsit ourwebslte at www.conterpointenergy.com. Share the warmth with your neighbors. Enroll in paperless billing and we'll donate $5 to Heatshars. Learn more; GenterPolntEnergy.comlwarm Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number Meter# M10909103467 9429450 -1 Billing date Current reading 1 210212 01 3 Date due . 10/2912013 3527 12130/2013 Total amount due Next meter reading $154.35 Next billing date 01102/2014 Q - $0.009871THM ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance @ $0,00490 1THM $88.03 Payment 1111912013 - 88,03 Balance forward i '... r i :•3 �(]� Current billing Interim rate adjustment ;i 154,35 Total amount due ; •. $154.35 SERVICE ADDRESS 192 E Broadway St Monticello MN 553524654 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter# M10909103467 29 Day billing period 10/291201.3 to 11/2712013 Current reading 11127/2013 3718 Previous reading 10/2912013 3527 Metered Usage 191 GCF K Therm faotor of 1,04623 R Therms used In 20 days = 194 Next meter reading 01/0112014 Next billing date 01102/2014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comlind Firm Rate Basic charge $18.00 Delivery charge 194 therms @ $0A50b11T1HM 29,26 Decoupling adjustment 994 therms Q - $0.009871THM -1.91 Gas Affordability PRO 194 therms @ $0,00490 1THM 0,95 Cost of gas* 194 therms @ $0.469181THM 91,02 'Includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0,03836 OR Interim rate adjustment 7,10 (Basic Chg + ($0.65672 1therms)) *4.88000% State sales tax 9.93 Total current charges $464.35 Avg da9yipm user This period tBta yrO.7 DIM; this perlsd last yr 4.1 THM centerP069. AWAys There CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO SOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5444 -1144 Page 1 of 1 Avg daily iemp: Thts period this yr 36 °F; this period last yr 38 IF Ma 11 this Pordon Wkh Payment. Please do not Include letters or pates. Account number . Date due Total amount due Amount paid 9429450 -1 12/3612013 $154,35 CENTERPtOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 0002337104 AV 0.3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT 31 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8821 0580066674277 007200000942945014DO OUD0154350000001543550 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC Date: November 21, 2013 To: Angie McIntire Angela Schumann From: Dan Wilson Re: PAYMENT REQUEST City of Monticello Relocation Lakeland Family Dental Relocation Claim 43 -Final Claim . Check Request: $77,737,00 Check payable to: Fu Wong, D.D.S., P.A. Please mail check to: Jon W. Morphew, Attorney Schnitker Law Office, P.A. 1330 81" Avenue NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 OFFICE 952.448,4630 800.446.4630 FAX 952.446.4676 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55316 WWW .WILSONDEVELOPMENT,SERVICES.COM . Moving expenses -49 CFR, 24.301 (g) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real property Acquisition for Federal and Federally - Assisted Programs. Final moving expense claim in the amount of $77,737.00. Please see attachments: Signed Moving Costs Claim #3 %4* Minnesota Department of Transportation v.2008101 MOVING COSTS "Important. Submit Promptly After Move" Claim #3 Occupanc y (Days) ❑ Residekice 13 Ad. Device ❑ Government q'Oiher PP 000 0190479 =080 IM Business 0 Farm CI Non-,Profit OAdvatkce 13P artlal [RIFI-nal Submitted Amount $ 77.737.00 Payee(s): Lakeland Family Dental District Approval: kale Dist. S.P. Parcel Agency Approval: Late C.S. Job No, Date Application Approved: Fed No. County Wright Vendor No.: Atto, Finance: Acquisition: 0 Pending 0 Accepted ❑ Ern. Domain Parcel Owner: Mail Q1_QAQ Jon W. Morphew, Attorney (Name or Caption) City of Monticello EDA Addressee(s): Schnitker Law Office, P.A. Parcel Addr.: 100 West Broadway St. Mailing Addr.; 1330 Sirt Avenue NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 City, State Zip: Monticello, MN 55382 City, state Zip: RELOCATION CLAIM ELIGIBILITY LOCATION PERSONAL PROPERTY MOVED TO Dispiacee Facility Name Name(s): Lakeland. FaMIIV Dental and/or Type: Occupancy Date: 9#/##AfAW ❑ Owner 171 Tenant Street Address: 110 River Street Eligibility Date. '4113/2012 'AotlUiSition Date: 611612012 (MoUcv Of Intent or Pqrchasii+ Oft) (if deierml;1ed,'else TeMlnCo City, State Zip:. Monficello, MN 55362 Dates) of the Move: Begin: 12112/2012• End: 12flW2012 Name Of MO er(s)., FOR 00F.ICAL USE ONLY MOVING COSTS ❑ Residential Schedule Basis Z Receipt's /Actual. Cost ❑ Non-Rouldential Bid/Estimate lypo Of Dwelling Residential Schedule Room Counts Residential Moving Costs by Schedule: ............. Ej Apartment Dwelling Rooms .... Residential Moving Costs by Actual Cost .......... $ ❑ House Basement Count ........... Non-Residential Moving Costs by Actual Cost:..$ 77,737 00. 0 Other' Garage Count ..................... Non-Residential Moving Costs by Bid /Estimate: $ ❑ Furnished by Occpt Other Count ................. Non-Res, Searching Expenses (MOX. T2,500);__$ Furnished by Others Total Room Count......:..,,. TOTAL MOVING COSTS CLAIMED:................$ 77,737 00 Displacee Residency Certification: I attest under penalty of perjury, that, as applicabla: 1) myself and my family are lawful citizens of, - or aliens lawfully admitted for residence in, the United States; OR 2) myself and/or members of this partnership, association or corporation are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residenqy and authorized to conduct business in, the United States. Claimant Acknowledgement: 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Information Is true and correct, and that any receipts or statements attached hereto accurately represent the expenses incurred. I further certify that I have submitted any other claim for reimbursement oft or received payment fbr, any expense submitted with this claim. OFFICIAL USE ONLY: (Cornrnon]6) 3 6 Sige OW for InstrucCions and Personal Property Acknowledgment Moving Costs Page 9 of 2 RI-1032 1114/2013 RESIDENTIAL Moving Costs Instructions for submitting your claim The State will allow residential moving expenses to a displaced individual or fancily based oil either a ROOM SCHBMJLP. or reimbursement for ACTUAL COSTS incurred. As a displaces you will be asked to select the method most suitable to your needs, IMPORTANT: Consultand thoroughly discuss moving options and methods with a relocation advisor prior to moving. The State cannot reimburse you for any alteration which may constitute a home improvement, The agency will not consider, pay or reimburse for ovedirne charges, except in emergency situations as determined beforehand by the Stnte of Minnesota. Payments by Room Schedule Under this method, payment is computed on the number ofromns in your residence, exclusive of typical closets, porches, pantries, bathromns, hallways, entrances or any unfurnished roams. A basement may be considered one room unless it has been separated into livable rooms such as bedrooms or :creation rooms. Outbuildings used for storage purposes may also be counted by the room basis. The Occupant Provides Furniture _ The Qccupant noes Not Provide Furniture Rooms 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 9 Additional Rooms Rooms t Additional Rooms Amount $550 700 900 1100 1300 1.500 1700 1900 $2501Each Amount $425 $100 /Each Payments by Receipt or Actual Cost Under this method, the State may allow rei ncbursernent for reasonable and necessary (as determined by the agency) expenses incurred in moving your personal property for a distance not to exceed .J0 milts. This is not an adjustment for inconveniences which have oecnrred or for time lost at your regular occupation. Moving expoitses will be paid upon compliance with tier, following instructions, €, when you are moved by a professional moving company, pay the charges and obtain a detailed, itemized receipted bill marked. "Paid in Full" and signed by a company representative. Please confirm eligibility with a Relocation Advisor prior to the move. 2. If your personal property is moved by someone other than a pcofessional moving company, you must submit an itemized statement showlug the number of people hired, the rates per hoi€r paid, dates, and- the total hours worked t'or each individual and the equipment used, Please discuss this method with your Retocadou Advisor prior to moving and incurring expenses. 1 You roust complete the bottom portion of tile, front of this Claim Form in ink. Attach to the original of this form all required information pertaining to your move and mail to the Relocatinn Advisor shown on the lower left corner on the.front of this form. 4. In the event you are financially unable to pay the moging company, special arrangements -may be inado with the Relocation .Advisor to allow direct paymenti or an advance payment claim: This must be done well in advance of the moving date, NON - RESIDENTIAL Moving Costs Instructions folr.submitting your claim Relooatioir regulations allow craving expenses to a displaced business, farm or non profit organizatlon based. owictuat costs incurred in' moving personal property for a distance not to exceed 50 miles. Ilovvaver, regulations do not allow for inconyealences whlah may occur or for business 'iinto lost, keimbursathent for eligible moving expenses will be made upon compliance with .the following instructions. IMPORTANT: Consult and thoroughly discuss moving options aiid-rrtethods with a relocation advisor prior to- moving. 1. . When a commercial mover is employed, the moving costs-are to be paid and a detailed receipted- statement obtained. 2. In tha.avmt you wish your regular employees to make the move, it is required that you maintain a complete record of dates, time worked; and amounts paid to all persons physically participating in the Thove, Charges for use of equipment owned by the business may be allowed but shall be comparable toAhose rates charged by local rental agencies. 3. You.may elect to accept tiie lower of two (2) estimates for moving all of your.personal property. These cost estimates will be obtained by the agency and presented to you as an option, with this method, no other moving cost docunient4on is necessary. 4.. 'You must complete the bottom portion of the front of this Claim Form'in Ink. Attach to the original of this form all required information pertaining to your move and mall to the Relocation Advisor shown on the lower left carrier on the front of this form, . The agency will not consider, pay or reimburse. for overtime charges except in emergency situation, as determined by the agency, Payment tufty also be allowed to 1ho owner of a displaced business or farm operator for actual reasonable oxponses in searching for a replacement site, not to exceed $2,500.00. Such expenses may include transportation costs, actual time, and certain other expenses actually incurred in searching. A detailed, cetlifictt statement of searching expanses must accompany the claim, do heteby affirm that, to the best of my knowiedge, displacee is eligible for.reimbursement of eligible Moving Costs, based on dlsplaceea status and occupancy of the parcel at the time of the initiation of rtegotlations and/or at the time of the parcels acquisition. i further affirm that displacee qualifies as a "displaced 'person ", and is entitled to payment for actual, reasonable and necessary moving and related expenses for a residential or non - residential move (40 CFR €'t, 24), as indicated elsewhere on this faun. Relocation Advisor Signature pate i affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all personalty including all hazardous and environmentally sensitive materials such as batteries, tires, paints, solvents, insecticides, Fertilizers, 11uorescent lights, etc., has been / will be removed from the subject parcel, (ci[aiannel ia�lacBe S atuiii .. Oats R411ocation Advisor Signature Date Moving Costs Page 2 of 2 RL1032 11/412043 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC 11/04/2013 ATTACHMENT TO: FOR: OFFICE 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FAX 952.448.4676 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 WWW. WILSONDEVELOPMENTSERVICES.COM Business Relocation - Move Claim #3 Lakeland Family Dental Dr. Wong Claims paid: 10/9/2012 $50,000.00 BRE (maximum allowed) -final claim 7/25/2013 $150,000.00 Move advance claim Summary: Searching expenses Self -move Substitute equipment Reinstall equipment Sign Installation TOTAL Move claim paid Final payment $2,500 $3,793 $12,075 $208,029 1,340 $227,737 $150,000 $77,737 (this request) -r r PREMISES SUMMARY PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDIENTIFIER PREMISES oESCRIPTon CURKINT BILL 302382979 106 E BROADWAY ST LAB AREA $48.11 303420703 106 E BROADWAY ST FRONTOFFICE $17.96 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL. Now electric rates became effective Dec. 1, 2013. See tho enclosed bill insertfor details. Questions? Contact us at 1- 800-4814700 or inquirefxcelenergy.com. Effective Dec. 1, 2013, the Resource Adjustment line item on your bill has increased due to a change in the Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) factor. The electric CIP portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0.002935 per kilowatt -hour (kVllhj, Questions? Corrtactus at1-- 900 -451 -4700 orxceienergy.com, PE inn uoTrom PMfION WITN YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE AA NOT M E STAVOJAPE OR PAPER CUPS ' X Energy° ACCOUNTY4UPWOrn TuUEUAE Q 51- 0790401 -0 01/17/2014 $67.07 Please see 1k0 back ofthis billlar mare infaromGan regarding the late payment charge. Pay an or hefom the date due to avoid assessmant al a late payment charge, 1 2 3 4 Make your choukpayahlaioXGVLENERGY g B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 18 AV 02 009889 09i2MB 41 W *5DGT 19 20 21 22 22 . 24 25 1' II�I�I��II�111IIIIr€ IIhArIr E "I�IIIII'II "IIII'IIi1I,lll "Ir'I V 28 29 30 as MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 Illllll�l'IIIIIII "II" VIII' II"" IIIIIIIIIII `lill'I'111t "111'Illr .XCI;L ENERGY P , O , BOX 9477 MPI.S MN 55484 -9477 31 51011714 07984blO 000000067070000 00067V a_ ^WY m n NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page Ida NIAILINGA110RE8S ACCOUNTNUNIBER r r "Am IR Xe01 � C*#, MONTICELLO 5o5WAiNU1'STSTEt 9- Q79$4a1 ^U (i114i% i�14 MONTICELLO MN 55382.8822 STATEMENT NUMBER I STATEMENT DATE < r NNSPONSiBLE BY HATURIG 395007751 12/18/2013 $67.07 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? ACCOUNT BALANCE Seeourwebsite: xcelonergy.com Previous Balance As of 11/05 $58,75 Email us at CUstomersenrice @xcelenergy.com Payment Received Check 12J1 fl' 6.a:.,_;.� .` ,;p;; r, „';,1;.. �! : °- $59.75 CR Please Call: 1- BOO.481 -4700 Balance Forward ' } :' ;,;1 Iz- Hearing Impaired: 1- 800 - 095 -4949 Current Charges : iG ry �n f ; $67.07 67.07 Fax: 1800311 -00 &O -- Amount Due AEA , °V CuuIv y $07,07 Or write us at XCELENERGY a J PC BOX 8 : ;.." EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 ..:' r PREMISES SUMMARY PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDIENTIFIER PREMISES oESCRIPTon CURKINT BILL 302382979 106 E BROADWAY ST LAB AREA $48.11 303420703 106 E BROADWAY ST FRONTOFFICE $17.96 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL. Now electric rates became effective Dec. 1, 2013. See tho enclosed bill insertfor details. Questions? Contact us at 1- 800-4814700 or inquirefxcelenergy.com. Effective Dec. 1, 2013, the Resource Adjustment line item on your bill has increased due to a change in the Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) factor. The electric CIP portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0.002935 per kilowatt -hour (kVllhj, Questions? Corrtactus at1-- 900 -451 -4700 orxceienergy.com, PE inn uoTrom PMfION WITN YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE AA NOT M E STAVOJAPE OR PAPER CUPS ' X Energy° ACCOUNTY4UPWOrn TuUEUAE Q 51- 0790401 -0 01/17/2014 $67.07 Please see 1k0 back ofthis billlar mare infaromGan regarding the late payment charge. Pay an or hefom the date due to avoid assessmant al a late payment charge, 1 2 3 4 Make your choukpayahlaioXGVLENERGY g B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 18 AV 02 009889 09i2MB 41 W *5DGT 19 20 21 22 22 . 24 25 1' II�I�I��II�111IIIIr€ IIhArIr E "I�IIIII'II "IIII'IIi1I,lll "Ir'I V 28 29 30 as MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 Illllll�l'IIIIIII "II" VIII' II"" IIIIIIIIIII `lill'I'111t "111'Illr .XCI;L ENERGY P , O , BOX 9477 MPI.S MN 55484 -9477 31 51011714 07984blO 000000067070000 00067V a_ ^WY m n EDA Agenda - 01/08/14 5. Consideration to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -39. (Northland Securities) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to request that the City Council call for a public hearing related to the proposed modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District 1 -39 (the "TIF Plan ") for (1) authorization of increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred; and (2) authorization of increase in the estimate of the cost of the project, including administrative expenses, that will be paid or financed with tax increment from the district. The TIF Plan was approved by the City Council on August 22, 2011 and certified by the Wright County Auditor on July 24, 2012. The Minnesota Statutes that govern TIF require that the City may make these requested modifications only upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing, and findings required for approval of the original TIF Plan. As part of the City's formal modification process, the EDA is asked to request that Council call for the hearing. Purpose of Modification The modification to the TIF Plan is needed to amend the estimated bonded indebtedness and source and use of tax increment. Estimated Bonded Indebtedness The TIF Plan, as originally adopted, includes an estimated bonded indebtedness amount of $391,100. This amount is proposed to increase to $413,994, an increase of $22,894. EDA Resolution No. 2011 -74, approved on September 14, 2011, authorized an interfund loan for advance of certain costs in connection with TIF District 1 -39 in the amount of $413,994. The TIF Plan needs to be modified to reflect this amount. Estimated Sources and Uses of Tax Increment The estimated project costs included in the original TIF Plan needs to be modified to reflect current estimates, including actual transactions that have occurred. The EDA entered into a contract with a redeveloper, under which the EDA conveyed property to the redeveloper for a purchase price less than estimated market value at the time. By conveying property under the terms of the contract, the EDA agreed to forgo receipt of full reimbursement of the property. Such forbearance was determined to represent an advance of tax increment funds from TIF District 1 -39 in the amount of $413,994. The EDA designated the advance related to land acquisition as an interfund loan, as approved by Resolution No. 2011 -74. The EDA plans to reimburse itself for the land advance, EDA Agenda — 01/08/14 together with interest, to the extent tax increment is sufficient and available to repay the internal borrowing. Table A provides preliminary information on the proposed modified estimated tax increment revenues and estimated project /financing costs. The estimated tax increment revenues are proposed to increase to provide for a potential increase in assessed market value that may occur in the future, resulting in an increase in tax increment revenues to be collected; this will hopefully avoid the need for any further modification to the TIF Plan in the future. The proposed modification to the project cost for land acquisition reflects the transactions that have occurred since TIF District 1 -39 was originally established. The Proposed Modification No. 1 figures shown in Table A are preliminary and may change pending further staff and consultant review prior to the City Council's consideration and approval of the proposed modification to TIF District 1 -39 on March 24, 2014. TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -39 Projected Tax Increment Note: The proposed modification no. 1 figures are preliminary and may change pending further staff review. Preliminary Proposed M odification Original No.1 Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $467,600 $550,000 Interest and investment earnings $7,400 $8,000 Salestlease proceeds $0 $0 Market value homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $475,000 $558,000 Estimated Project/ Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $329,340 $413,994 Ste improvementstpreparation costs $5,000 $0 Utilities $5,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $5,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $46,760 $46,760 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $391,100 $460,754 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $83,900 $97,246 Total Estimated Project/ Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $475,000 $558,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued $391,100 $413,994 Note: The proposed modification no. 1 figures are preliminary and may change pending further staff review. EDA Agenda - 01/08/14 If the EDA believes that staff s recommendation for modification is appropriate, the required action to begin the modification process is to request that the City Council call for the required public hearing and to direct staff to work with Northland Securities to prepare the appropriate notices and district budget information. A full timeline of required steps in the modification process has been prepared by Northland Securities and is included for reference. Al. Budget Impact: There will be consultant fees associated with TIF District 1 -39 modification as proposed. The expenses will be coded to the administrative line item of the district. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time has been and will continue to be spent in preparing and reviewing documents related to the modification. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Resolution for Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -39 and to direct staff to work with Northland Securities to prepare required modification documentation. 2. Motion to table for further study or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMANNDATION: Staff supports Alternative 1. The Modification to the TIF Plan is required to reflect prior actions approved by the EDA and the City Council related to TIF District 1 -39. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Preliminary Modification Schedule PRELIMINARY – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 12/20/2013 City of Monticello, MN Proposed Modification of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-39 (the “Modification”) Calendar of Items DATE ITEM January 8,2014 EDA to consider request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Resolution for Modification. January 13, 2014 City Council adopts resolution calling for a public hearing on the Modification. January 27, 2014 Draft of Modified TIF Plan for TIF District finalized. February 19, 2014 Wright County (Auditor) and Monticello Public School District (Superintendant) to receive written notice of the proposed Modification and a copy of the draft Modified TIF Plan. Propose to not schedule for PC, there will not be a modification to the Development District Planning Commission reviews Modified TIF Plan to determine if it is in compliance with City’s comprehensive plan. February 24, 2014 Submission of public hearing notice to Monticello Times. March 6, 2014 Date of publication of hearing notice and map for TIF District (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearing). March 12, 2014 EDA consider the Modification and adopts a resolution approving the Modified TIF Plan. March 24, 2014 City Council holds a public hearing at approximately 7:00 p.m.on the Modification and adopts a resolution approving the Modified TIF Plan. April 7, 2014 Modified TIF Plan and other required documentation to be filed with the Office of the State Auditor, Minnesota Department of Revenue, and Wright County. EDA Agenda - 01/08/14 6. Consideration to provide direction as related to development of 2014 EDA workplan. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: EDA is asked to review its adopted 2013 workplan for reference in support of 2014 workplan development. In that regard, staff has prepared a brief overview summary for each item of the 2013 workplan, which is attached as supporting data. The EDA is also asked to provide direction as to the development of the final 2014 workplan. In 2013, the workplan was developed in workshop setting in February and approved as part at March's regular meeting. The EDA's annual meeting will take place in February and as such, it may be appropriate to hold a workshop for development of the workplan immediately prior to the regular meeting, then adopt the workplan as part of the annual meeting agenda. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to call an EDA workshop at 5:00 PM on February 8t' 2014 for the purpose of developing the 2014 EDA workplan. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2013 EDA Workplan, Review Summary MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2013 WORKPLAN REVIEW Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and redevelopment. Objective: It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives to the EDA's purpose and in support of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. Attracting & Retaining Jobs: 1. Move forward with the hiring of Economic Development Sales (and Marketing) Position a. Will act as primary outreach in developing and fostering lead opportunities outside of Monticello. b. Will understand and promote existing gap financing options to help facilitate new development and business expansions. c. Will understand and utilize McCombs study and analysis for benefit of redevelopment opportunities. d. Will recommend additional incentives, assets or programs necessary to attract business. 2. City will develop the needed and necessary marketing materials for City and EDA properties. UPDATE: City engaged WSB Market Matching Team in July of 2013. Market Matching Team responsible for items la -d and 2 above. Quarterly updates have been provided to the EDA as required by the contract in relationship to achievement of these objectives. Market Matching representatives will be on hand on 1/8/14 to discuss with EDA /CC Land Sale & Acquisitions sub - committee the disposition of all City and EDA -owned land for further development of marketing materials. Market Matching 2014 -2015 contract funded as part of 2014 budget. However, decision by the EDA on continuation of contract services to be considered in June, 2014. 3. Existing City development staff will continue to implement efforts to recognize and support existing Monticello businesses. These will include: a. Execution of business subsidy programs b. Communication efforts UPDATE: Efforts on -going as described. Expanding Tax Base: 1. See priority #1, above. 2. Develop a spending plan for TIF 1 -6 (may also be an Enhancing Downtown objective) UPDATE: EDA and City completed actions related to TIF 1 -6 Modification and spending plan in December of 2013. The modification to the TIF Plan allows the EDA to utilize available increment in support of Embracing Downtown and other Comprehensive Plan objectives. Enhancing Downtown: 1. Determine Focus Project Area(s) a. Pursue purchasing properties that fit within the "next steps" or recommendations stated in the Embracing Downtown Plan UPDATE: The EDA /CC Land Sale & Acquisition sub - committee has been appointed and charged with coordinating preliminary review of potential acquisitions, including those associated with this goal. b. Develop structure for negotiations terms and options for acquisitions UPDATE: A task force of the EDA was appointed in June of 2013 to determine strategies for property acquisition. Task force presented their work and findings at December, 2013 EDA meeting. The summary result of the task force's work indicates that moving forward, the EDA will be asked to act in support of projects /programs which provide initial level support to developing redevelopment projects, which may then evolve in private redevelopment partnerships. At such time, the EDA may be asked to re- engage through financial participation through land acquisition and /or programs such as TIF or GMEF. 2. Develop a spending plan for TIF 1 -22 a. Modify the district, if necessary UPDATE: No definitive spending plan has been identified for TIF 1 -22. Further discussion on this item for 2014 workplan is warranted. 3. Support the efforts of ReSTOREing Downtown UPDATE: reSTOREing Downtown is continuing to evolve and it is anticipated that the group may assist or facilitate the development of private redevelopment partnerships. As part of that work, the reSTOREing Downtown may present requests for EDA participation in activities which support Embracing Downtown objectives. Example: Hospitality market study request, December of 2013 Facilitating Redevelopment: 1. Participate in residential or commercial redevelopment when determined appropriate UPDATE: As previously noted. Housing: 1. Develop a spending plan for use of available excess increment in existing housing TIF districts. UPDATE: Further discussion and determination of priority action required. 2. Continue to market 413 e Street for future redevelopment UPDATE: EDA /CC Land Sale & Acquisitions sub - committee to discuss on 1/8/14 the disposition of all City and EDA -owned land for further marketing and land use potential, including this parcel. 3. Consider completion of a housing study to determine the need for affordable /senior housing within the community. UPDATE: Discussion required. EDA Agenda: 1/08/14 7. Director's Report TAC Update The next TAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9th at 7:30 a.m. in the Academy Room at Monticello City Hall. reSTOREing Downtown meeting A reSTOREing Downtown Leadership Team meeting has been set for January 16th at 7:00 AM at the Monticello Community Center. The meeting will provide an update on the group's 2013 activities and 2014 initiatives. EDA/CC Land Sale & Acquisition Team Meeting EDA Commissioners Demueles and Tapper and Mayor Herbst and Council member Hilgart will be meeting with staff on January 8th, 2013 (prior to regular EDA meeting) to review each EDA and City -owned property in detail for further direction on potential land uses /users, marketing, tax implications of leasing /farming, timing of sale, etc. Results of that review will be summarized for the February EDA meeting and any required action steps will be placed on an upcoming EDA agenda. Block 34 Properties Staff continues to work with Northland Securities and Kennedy & Graven to understand the process and implications involved with removing parcels on Block 34 from TIF District 1 -22 for the purpose of establishing a new redevelopment district. As the EDA may recall, staff had meet with redevelopment qualification experts at LHB & Associates to identify steps involved with the coverage and qualification analysis required for creation of a new redevelopment district. The EDA will be required to adopt findings related to redevelopment qualification prior to building demolition on Block 34. In addition, staff have worked with WSB to develop a preliminary schedule related to TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection improvements. This schedule is critical to understanding the necessary dates for EDA - related actions. Based on the preliminary schedule, demolition would not occur until late 2014. Staff will continue to provide information to the EDA and prepare for EDA action as required for this project.