EDA Agenda 07-14-2014 (Special Meeting)AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, July 14, 2014 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center EDA: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Others: Angela Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, WSB Representatives Call to Order 2. Purpose of Meeting: Review Proposal for Market Matching Economic Development Services 3. Consideration to approve a contract with WSB & Associates for Market Matching Economic Development Services for July 2014 -June 2015 4. Adjournment EDA Special Meeting: 07/14/14 Consideration to approve a contract with WSB & Associates for Market Matching Economic Development Services for July 2014 -June 2015. (JO /WO /AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council and EDA have been asked to attend a joint workshop to consider the extension of the Market Matching contract for one year. The City and EDA contracted with WSB Market Matching in June of 2013. The contract ran from July 1St, 2013 through June, 2014. In June 2014, the EDA reviewed the progress and deliverables associated with the previous year's contract. Based on that review, the EDA took action to direct staff to work with WSB to prepare a Market Matching contract including a revised scope of services for July 2014 through June 2015. As outlined in the proposed contract, the coming year for Market Matching will be focused on reinforcing relationships and networks built over the past year in the marketplace and increased prospect development. Market Matching's new contract will be gauged on the number and quality of prospects cultivated and the results of the lead follow -up. The City is looking for Market Matching to develop leads in all sectors — residential, industrial and commercial. The WSB Market Matching team will be present during the workshop to provide an overview of the previous contract results and to outline services proposed under the new contract. A draft of the proposed contract, along with a timeline for services and a communications schedule, is attached for reference. The EDA is asked to take formal action at the conclusion of the workshop regarding the contract. The alternative actions are written to support the EDA's decision. The City Council is asked to take action on the contract as part of their regular meeting and a similar agenda item has been included with their regular agenda packet for consideration of action. Al. Budget Impact: Similar to the prior contract year, the City Council and EDA are each asked to fund a 50% share of the contract. The 2013 -2014 contract included a provision locking in the current rate of $4,000 /month. As such, the 2014/2015 Market Matching contract is proposed at $48,000 for the year, or a $24,000 cost each to the EDA and City Council. Last year, that appropriation request totaled $92,000, which included an amount representative of the City's 50% share of the Market Matching contract. The 2014 General Fund transfer to the EDA Fund transfer is $93,000 and also includes an amount representative of the City's 50% Market Marching share. However, by approving the contract, the EDA and City Council are also committing to allocate $12,000 each in 2015 to fund Market Matching services under this contract. A2. Staff Impact: Staff believes that the use of Market Matching has allowed Monticello to reach a network well beyond what internal staff could accomplish on their own. The Market Matching team is able to attend at trade, industry and networking events that existing staff would not be able to commit to given existing workloads. In short, Market Matching acts as an external staff sales team. This allows City staff to focus on internal economic development initiatives and processes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the proposed contract for services between the City of Monticello and WSB & Associates for Market Matching, including funding 50% of the annual expense ($48,000) by the EDA, subject to contract revisions as suggested by the EDA. 2. Motion to deny the proposed contract for services between the City of Monticello and WSB & Associates for Market Matching, and the funding of 50% of the annual expense ($48,000) by the EDA. Motion to table for further research and discussion as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The first year of Market Matching was focused on building the unique selling proposition and information resources (InfoTracker, sales sheets, market data, mapping) for the marketing effort, along with establishing Monticello's Market Matching efforts in the larger marketplace. This foundation was necessary to support external marketing efforts. With this foundation now in place, Market Matching will focus on lead development and follow -up. As previously noted, staff supports the overall use of WSB's Market Matching services based on the following: • Staff believes that the product is tailored to Monticello's needs and the evolving idea of a sales -based economic development strategy. • The program has built and will continue to support an important foundation of inventory and asset information for the City. • The use of consulting services allows the City to contract for a specific timeframe. The City can terminate the contract if it finds that it is not meeting intended goals. • The use of contract services allows the City to determine the success of a sales - focused approach for economic development, without being locked into the creation of a staff position. The City can then assess the results of both the contract and the new sales approach. • The cost to implement the sales -based approach through consulting services is less than the City would likely need to pay to generate the equivalent task products noted above. • Using a consulting service for lead development and initial lead response will allow existing city staff to focus their attention on continued community marketing and business retention efforts. • City staff will be actively involved in working with prospects as they develop and move through the decision process. Existing staff and consultants (Ehlers, Kennedy & Graven, Northland Securities) will also continue their roles in supporting the development of financial and legal packages necessary for any transaction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed Market Matching Economic Development Services Contract B. Market Matching Timeline of Services C. Market Matching Communications Schedule WSB & Associates, Inc. engineering • planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763- 541 -1700 July 9, 2014 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 56069 Re: Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello Dear Mr. O'Neill: Thank you for again providing WSB & Associates the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello. Provided below is a summary of the proposed Scope of Services and Fee: SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Economic Development Services Monthly infographic prepared by WSB & Associates and dated July, 2014 is adopted as an addendum to this contract. All services as outlined within the Economic Development Services Monthly infographic are hereby assumed services and deliverables as part of the following contract. Task 1: Deliverable Development & Data Collection • Deliverable 1: Market Data Revision /completion of the original contract's remaining tangible deliverables within the first 45 days of the new contract. To include the following: o Housing market demand analysis report Deployment of completed market matching materials Review site maps and update every two months Deliverable 2: Data Deployment - Dedicated focus on news release and development of economic development /business features for City communication outlets. • WSB will coordinate press releases as needed • WSB will ensure consistent integration of USP throughout all marketing efforts • WSB will provide content and copy for the City's economic development website • Deliverable 3: Data Management - Manage and report on SalesForce CRM Community Partner Portal o WSB will include the CRM report in the written monthly market matching report to staff. - Business Retention & Expansion Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com F: \City Clerk \agendas \C000cil Agendas \21114 Connul Agendas \07 -14 -14 Spec (MM)\2015 Economic D —I.p —t Contract- Montkd1(,.do- Page 2 - DRAFT - WSB will conduct three BR &E interviews per month • Data collected from BR &E interviews will be provided to and reviewed by Greater MSP & MNDEED • WSB will include data collected from BR &E interviews in monthly market matching report to staff • Deliverable 4: Economic Development Opportunities - WSB will identify and assist in identifying potential economic development opportunities: including the following: • Land Acquisition • Financial Incentive Opportunities Task 2: Market Engagement • Deliverable 5: Profile of Targeted Prospects EDA/staff discussion regarding targeted industries and potential market entrants as it relates to City -held properties o Coordinate EDA/City Negotiations Team work on City -held properties to determine sale disposition and representation; produce sale pieces; develop and present recommended sales strategy • Produce sales pieces • Develop and present sales strategy - Coordination of Tour for Prospective Leads o WSB will coordinate tours for prospective leads as necessary. Deliverable 6: Deliver Leads /Assist in Closing - Act as a conduit for information and resource for market entrant and the City staff (on- going) o WSB will take a lead role in providing detailed development related information to all qualified leads including: • Assistance with financial package preparation in consultation with City staff, policy makers, and financial consultant • Attendance at pre- design meetings associated with Market Matching leads. Deliverable 7: Active networking with potential market entrants (on- going) • External Organization and level of participation (on- going) • Greater MSP — WSB retains membership and acts as representative • DEED — City retains memberships and WSB acts as representative • EDAM — WSB retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation — City retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Minnesota Chamber of Commerce — WSB retains membership and acts as representative • Broadband Properties — City retains membership and WSB acts as representative • Wright County Economic Development Partnership — membership by both City and WSB and WSB acts as primary representative with City support • Minnesota High Tech Association — WSB acts as representative • Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership — WSB acts as representative • Central MN Manufacturer's Association — WSB acts as representative • Conference and Association Trade Shows — TBD • Sensible Land Use Coalition — WSB acts as representative • League of Minnesota Cities — WSB acts as representative • NAIOP — WSB acts as representative • CoreNet Global — WSB acts as representative • Urban Land Use Institute — WSB acts as representative Maintain current understanding of existing Grant programs for potential use in conjunction with Market Matching efforts. FAClty Clerk \nge das \Council Age dac\2014 Council Agendas \07 -14 -14 Spa. (MM) 12015 F.... e Development Co ..t- Monticello.d- Page 3 - DRAFT o Monthly report to staff on opportunities and corresponding project fit Task 3: Project Management • Deliverable 8: - Provide consistent and effective communication with City Staff, EDA, and City Council. (see communications plan) • WSB will provide Weekly Email Updates to City Staff • WSB will attend Bi- Weekly Staff Update Meetings • WSB will provide Written Monthly Memo to City Staff of Market Matching efforts • WSB will provide Bi- Monthly Presentation to the EDA and City Council meetings on a monthly rotating basis. The governing body whose meeting is not attended will receive an email update • WSB will prepare website information • WSB will deploy the City Economic Development Flyer • WSB will prepare Property Site Flyers on an as needed basis • WSB will coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Market Matching efforts and property map updates. FEE FOR SERVICES As outlined in the 2014 Economic Development Services contract, the City has the option to retain WSB & Associates for an additional 12 months at the fee of $4,000 per month. Travel expenses incurred by WSB within the State of MN as part of the Economic Development Services offering are still included in the monthly fee stated above. Travel expenses incurred by WSB for travel outside of the State of MN that is directed by the City of Monticello shall be paid for according to a negotiated price. Additionally, fees for services outside of the above described scope that may be required from time to time shall be completed at an additional hourly rate. Types of services could include the following: - Grant /Funding Support - FiberNet Monticello Marketing Support - Website Management The above described services will be provided in accordance with WSB's in -place Professional Services Agreement. If you are in agreement with the proposed project Scope of Services and FEE, please sign below and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact either one of us at (763) 541 -4800. Sincerely, WSB & Associates John Uphoff Brian J. Bourassa, PE Economic Development Specialist Principal Approval Signature By: Title: Date: E:\Clty Clerk \agendas \Council Agendas4121114 Council Agendas \07 -14 -14 Spec (MM) 12015 Economic Development Cnntrect- Monticello.do Proposal to Provide Professional Services for 2014/15 Market Matching Contract 2014 2015 Proposed Schedule Proposed Methodology & Schedule Market Engagement Task 1st Quarter 1st Quarter3rd Quarter 4th Quarter2nd Quarter Deliverable DRAFT- Housing Study Presented to City Council & EDA for Comment Greater MSP Greater MSP Greater MSP Greater MSP Greater MSP DEED DEED DEED DEED DEED EDAM EDAM EDAM EDAM Central MN Initiative Foundation Central MN Initiative Foundation Central MN Initiative Foundation Central MN Initiative Foundation Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Wright County Economic Development Partnership Wright County Economic Development Partnership Wright County Economic Development Partnership Wright County Economic Development Partnership Minnesota High Tech Association Minnesota High Tech Association Minnesota High Tech Association Minnesota High Tech Association Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership SLUC SLUC SLUC SLUC SLUC LMC LMC LMC LMC NAIOP NAIOP NAIOP NAIOP CoreNet Global CoreNet Global CoreNet Global CoreNet Global ULI ULI ULI ULI ULI Final- Housing Study Presented to City Council & EDA Deliverable- Property Maps Deliverable- Property Maps Deliverable- Property Maps Deliverable- Property Maps Deliverable- Property Maps Deliverable- Property MapsHousing StudyPresent Sales StrategyAssess Sales StrategyDELIVERABLES DEVELOPMENTECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING WSB STAFF & CITY STAFF BI-WEEKLY MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGPROJECT MANAGEMENTMARKETENGAGEMENTReview & Update Existing Contract Supporting Deliverable Tasks Update Property Availability Maps Coordinate EDA/City Negotiations Team Deploy Sales Strategy Deploy Sales Strategy Update Property Availability Maps Update Property Availability Maps Update Property Availability Maps Update Property Availability Maps Update Property Availability Maps CC CC CCCC CC CC CC CC CCCCCCCCCC CC EDA KEY Overview of the Process The following details our methodology for completing the 2014/15 Market Matching Contract. We have grouped the activities associated with the project into three main categories, each with associated tasks, meetings, and deliverables. All of this is in addition to weekly market matching efforts. EDA SM SM SM SM SM SM SMSMSM SMSMSM SM SMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSM SM EDA EDA EDA EDA EDA EDA EDAEDAEDAEDAEDAEDA July August September October November December January February March April May June July PROJECT MANAGEMENT • WSB Staff will attend EDA and City Council meetings on a monthly rotating basis. The governing body whose meeting is not attended will receive an email update. • WSB Staff will attend bi-weekly meetings with City Staff. • WSB Staff will provide weekly updates to City Staff on market matching efforts. MARKET ENGAGEMENT • WSB Staff will attend various networking events to maximize potential lead generation. • WSB Staff will meet regularly with developers, business owners and builders to gain market insight and maximize potential lead generation. DELIVERABLES DEVELOPMENT • Review property availability maps every two months. Revised maps to be made available to City Staff by first Friday of each month. • Weekly email update to City Staff. • Bi-weekly meeting with WSB Staff and City Staff. • Monthly email updates from WSB Staff to City Staff. • Provide market matching materials for deployment on City website. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAILATTENDATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL CITY OF Monticello Communication Plan Monticello Market Matching Services Project Communication Key Contacts: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator John Uphoff, Economic Development Specialist Brian Bourassa, Economic Development Specialist Kelsey Johnson, Community Planner Eric Maass, Community Planner (763) 271 -3215 (763) 271 -3224 (763) 295 -2711 (320) 534 -5951 (763) 287 -8536 (763) 287 -8521 (763) 270 -3463 Plan Element Responsibility Begin End Interval Implementation Weekly Email Updates to Staff: WSB 7/16/14 Ongoing Weekly — WSB will provide Angela and Jeff with a weekly email update on: Every Friday • Activities that occurred during each week; • People /businesses /developers WSB met with and their feedback; • Events WSB attended; • Progress towards goals; and • Anticipated tasks for the next week Bi- Weekly Staff Update Meetings: City /WSB 7/16/14 Ongoing Bi- Weekly- WSB staff will meet with Angel and Jeff every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each 152 and 3rd month (or a date agreed upon by the City and WSB) to discuss: Thursday at • Activity; 8:30am at • Deliverables; City Hall • Upcoming events /tasks; • Other information as necessary Written Monthly Memo to Staff: WSB Due the 152 WSB will prepare a written memo summarizing: Friday of • Activity completed in the previous month; each month • People /businesses /developers engaged in the previous month; • Events WSB staff attended and any feedback from those events; • Progress toward goals; • Market matching leads; • Opportunity Tracker summary; • Deliverables completed; and A WSB & A ....... . ,,, 1,,,. Page 1 • Action items for upcoming month. Bi- Monthly Presentation to EDA and CC: WSB Ongoing Bi- monthly WSB staff will give an update of activities and deliverables completed to the EDA and City Council on a bi- monthly, rotating basis. The policy making body which is not attended that month will receive an email update on all market matching activities. Website Information: City /WSB Ongoing Ongoing WSB will prepare and provide the City with information to be posted on the City's website related to available properties and market data. The City will be responsible for putting this onto the Website. City Economic Development Flyer: WSB Ongoing Ongoing WSB will deploy the previously prepared City of Monticello Economic Development Flyer. This flyer will be used to market the City, specific parcels, and aid in the RFI process. Property Site Flyers: WSB Ongoing Updated at WSB will update Property Site Flyers for all EDA owned, City owned and least every privately owned parcels available within the City of Monticello. The six (6) "Downtown" parcels will be prepared to show a collective packaging of months — parcels rather than individual sites. unless needed Chamber of Commerce Coordination: WSB Ongoing Bi- monthly WSB staff will periodically review the Chamber of Commerce website to ensure property information within the City's Opportunity Tracker and all Project Site Flyers are up -to -date. A Page 2 WSB