EDA Agenda 09-14-2016AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Council members Tom Perrault and Lloyd Hilgart Staff. Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, EDA Executive Director Jim Thares, Wayne Oberg Guest: Jim Gromberg, WSB & Associates 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Regular Meeting —August 10th, 2016 4. Consideration of additional agenda items 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2016 -099 approving Amendment to Contract for Private Development between Masters 5th Avenue and the Monticello EDA related to Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35 and accompanying Resolution 2016 -099 approving a Modification to TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -35 7. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2016 -099 approving First Amendment to the Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between the EDA and Taylor Holdings, LLC for 413 — 4th Street West 8. Public Comment Session - Outdoor Storage Standards in Otter Creek Business Park; Consideration of Allowing Limited Outside Storage in Otter Creek Business Park 9. Consideration of Economic Development Assistance Contract with WSB & Associates for lead generation and financial assistance packaging consultation 10. Consideration of authorization to issue RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello 11. Consideration of authorization to seek quotes for completion of a Phase II Limited Site Investigation (LSI) on Block 34 12. Consideration of conceptual joint funding proposal (GMEF Loan) with Initiative Foundation for We Thrive Fitness 13. Consideration of Director's Report 14. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, Tom Perrault, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Wayne Oberg, and Tammy Omdal 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes a. Regular Meeting — July 13th, 2016 PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE JULY 13TH, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS NOTED. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items Tapper proposed switching the order of agenda items 10 and 11. All members were in accordance with the change. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills Demeules questioned approving bills for office supplies. Angela Schumann stated that the finance department is working towards coding expenses to their respective department. Tapper questioned an invoice from WSB of whether this was the final bill. Jim Thares confirmed this was the final bill. HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH JULY 31sT, 2016. HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Public Hearing — Sale of 413 — 4" Street West & Consideration of Adoption of Resolution 2016 -006 Authorizing Sale and Entering into Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement with Taylor Holdings, LLC. Demeules opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Demeules closed the public hearing. Perrault questioned the acceptance deadline. Thares stated that the document lists August 10th, 2016 by 10 pm as the deadline, but could be extended to August 11th, 2016. Perrault was concerned with having no windows on the left elevation. Tim Taylor, Taylor Holdings, LLC, stated that he would be open to installing windows on the west side of the building. TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. EDA- 2016 -006 APPROVING A PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TIM TAYLOR, TAYLOR HOLDINGS, LLC AND CONVEYANCE OF THE LOT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT. DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 7. Public Hearing — Sale of 349 West Broadway & Consideration of Adoption of Resolution 2016 -007 Authorizing Sale and Entering into Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement with Hallie Leffinwell (We Thrive Fitness, LLC) Demeules opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Demeules closed the public hearing. Perrault questioned the language for Item 1.04 which states the development has no relationship to the City's comprehensive plan. Thares stated this language section was added due to a lack of a quorum during the regular meeting of the Planning Commission wherein they could not review the plan for its consistence with the comprehensive plan. It is an acceptable workaround according to the EDA attorney HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. EDA- 2016 -007 APPROVING A PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND HALLIE LEFFINGWELL (WE THRIVE FITNESS, LLC) AND CONVEYANCE OF THE LOT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 8. Consideration of Approval of 2016 TIF Management Plan, Tammy Omdal, Northland Securities Tammy Omdal explained that the City of Monticello first completed a TIF Management Plan in 2009 and was updated in 2012 and 2016. The document is meant to inform the EDA's decision making as it relates to TIF and to assist staff with the ongoing administration of the TIF districts. Omdal gave a brief overview of overall tax increment in the City of Monticello and in each of the districts. Currently, the City of Monticello contains ten TIF districts. There are an additional two districts that are decertified, but have funds remaining. As of 12/31/2015, a fund balance of $742,187 was recorded of all TIF districts. Hilgart questioned where funds come from to repay a negative fund balance in the economic development TIF districts. Omdal stated that where there is a negative fund, the EDA general fund would cover those expenses, which is decided by the EDA when issuing an inter -fund loan. Perrault noted that for District 1 -20 (Prairie West). The report identifies 10 single family housing units, but he believed there are 30. Omdal stated that it could have been a carryover from the 2009 report and would consult with City Staff to update if incorrect. Johnson asked if there was a minimum assessment in the development agreement for 1- 38 (Walker) to prevent negative fund balances. Omdal stated she would look into this and confirm to the EDA. TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE 2016 TIF MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY NORTHLAND SECURITIES. HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. MEMBER PERRAULT LEFT THE MEETING TO ATTEND TO OTHER CITY BUSINESS. 9. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2016 -00# approving Amendment to Contract for Private Development between Masters 5th Avenue and the Monticello EDA related to Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35 Jim Thares explained that the request is to expand the language in the contract for private development to include "commercial, residential, or mixed used ". Since there were no development plans submitted by Masters 5th Avenue with the amendment, the EDA attorney recommends refraining from amending the TIF plan. The EDA questioned the developer's plans for the area. Barry Fluth, Masters of 5th Avenue stated at this time, they are still planning to build the apartment complex that was approved by the planning commission and city council. Angela Schumann stated that staff was uncomfortable having the attorney spend time and money on drafting documents if this was not something the EDA wanted to consider. At the last EDA meeting, the Commission gave authorization to move forward with the drafting of the document. Schumann asked the EDA to consider their comfort level with what the developer has presented and intent on building or if they would rather see definitive development plans. Schumann stated the importance of the EDA's intent with the developer. Hilgart and Davidson questioned if the developer would be able to use the funds set aside in the TIF district. Thares stated he believed that if the developer would like to access the TIF funds set aside, the TIF plan would need to be amended to include "residential, commercial, and /or mixed used." TAPPER MOVED TO DENY APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE AND THE MONTICELLO EDA AS IT RELATES TO TIF DISTRICT 1 -35. JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION FAILED 2 -4 WITH DAVIDSON, DEMEULES, HILGART, AND HINZ IN OPPOSITION. HINZ MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE DEVELOPER PROVIDES PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Demeules recessed the meeting at 7:22 pm. Demeules ended the recess and continued with Item 11 at 7:28 pm. 10. Consideration of Economic Development Assistance Contract with WSB & Associates for lead generation and financial packnin2 assistance Thares introduced the item to consider contracting with WSB & Associates to assist with economic development marketing of the City of Monticello. The total cost of the contract would be $8,400 for one year ($700 per month). Demeules stated that with this contract, the EDA would have access to a long list of organizations and partnerships. It may be more cost effective to utilize WSB as the joiner instead of paying for individual memberships in each organization. It was asked whether who would be present at these various meetings. Thares stated that many of the meetings would only include WSB & Associates, but a few meetings would include the City of Monticello. Hinz questioned the value and benefits of attending these meetings. Thares stated that these meetings are mostly for marketing purposes. As alternative format could be developed with WSB & Associates to attend meetings on a case -by -case basis. Johnson encouraged WSB & Associates to be present at the next EDA meeting to answer any questions of the members. JOHNSON MOVED TO TABLE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK BETWEEN WSB & ASSOCIATES AND THE MONTICELLO EDA FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND /OR DISCUSSION. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 11. Consideration of Adopting Resolution EDA 2016 -00# Authorizing the Lew of A Special Benefit Lew Pursuant To Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and Approval of A Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 Jim Thares stated the budget is fairly consistent with the presentation at the July meeting. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, noted that the total expenditures of $320,000 can be spent in the direction the EDA sees fit because it is a bottom line budget. TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION EDA — 2016 -009 APPROVING THE 2017 EDA BUDGET AND THE HRA PROPERTY TAX LEVY. HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 12. Consider Authorizing Industry of the Year Event Expenditures Jim Thares stated the EDA has been funding the event since inception. The IEDC has asked the EDA fund this year's event. TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE FUNDING FOR THE 2016 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR EVENT. HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 13. Consideration of Outdoor Storage Standards in Otter Creek Business Park Jim Thares reminded the EDA at the last meeting he presented information about the discussion with a prospective business interested in development in Otter Creek Business Park. The prospective developer would prefer consideration to allow 50 percent storage of the principal building. Thares also mentioned that he met with the four businesses of the park and issued a survey to gauge their interest in a specific development. A mix of responses on the prospective business was received. Demeules questioned the language of outdoor storage as it relates to shipping containers and asked City Staff to reinvestigate the reason the language was excluded. DAVIDSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO CONTINUE WORKING ON "NEXT STEPS" TASKS INCLUDING SENDING FORMAL LETTERS DESCRIBING EXPLORATORY PROCESS TO OCCUPANTS OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK AND ALSO "NOTICING" A COMMENT PERIOD AT NEXT EDA MEETING, SOLICITING FEEDBACK FROM THE IEDC AS WELL AS THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS AUGUST 22, 2016 MEETING. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 14. Consideration of Landscaping Improvements on Block 34, 100 East Broadway site Jim Thares stated that this intersection is a visible corner of Trunk Highway 25 and County State Aid Highway 75. City staff is asking for consideration of enhancing the space with landscaping. The total cost would be absorbed by the Parks Department budget. Hinz asked what would happen to the art if development occurred on the site, with Thares confirming that it could be relocated. HINZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS AT THE SOUTHEAST INTERSECTION OF TH25 /CSAH 75. TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 15. Consideration of Director's Report Jim Thares stated the Initiative Foundation would be holding its 30th year anniversary celebration Friday October 7, 2016 from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. in St. Cloud at the Civic Center and encouraged the members of the EDA to consider attending. 16. Adiourn TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:00 PM. DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: September 14th, 2016 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director EDA Agenda: 9/14/16 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through August 2016. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through August 2016 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 41. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements O O o 'ri o 'ri O O O o 'ri vi N N o 0 10 10 00 00 O o N m v v v v v v c5 0 0 0 0 o N o v v v v U m N C � o 0 0 N N o i � o O N w U z Qa N 00 0 00 0 0 O O O o 'ri vi N N o 0 10 10 00 00 O o N �2 �2�2 �2 NN NN N N m 9 m v v v v v v c5 0 0 0 0 o N N v v v v 0 0 c c o 0 0 N N o 0 N o o N N w N 00 0 00 0 0 00 a In. m � N ti Q O R N N N N N � y cd U U CC xx zz � w w q q a 0 0 zz u u x x x 3 �2 �2�2 �2 NN NN N N m 9 v v v v v v c5 0 0 0 0 o N v v v v v v �2 �2�2 �2 NN NN N N m 9 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional A sso clation Attorneys at Law Foderal Tax I.D. #41-1562130 Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Slue Gentian Road, Sufte 290 Eagan, Mfnnesote 55121 (651) 452-6000 Page: i City of Monkeflo June 30, 2016 City Hall Aoo*urrt# 2348-022G 505 Walnut Street 40 Moslicello Mid 55362 RE: OTTER CREEK SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: t]E3J29f2016 JMO Review e-mail from Jim Thares; message left For Wendl as the title cornpany; phone conference with Wendi; notes to file, JMO Review e-mail from file company and forward same to JirrE; e-mails komlla JIM. AMOUNT DUE TOTAL. CURRENT WORK TOTAL AMOV fT DUE 1� JUL I $ 2016 HOURS Amounts due aoer 30 days v01 be suInject to a f+nance charge of ,5% per month (or an annual rake of filo). Minimum c? arge - 50 conte. 0.39 22.50 0.20 15.01) 0.50 37,51) 37.50 $3750 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 9:37 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40 $37.50 Yes it is okay to pay this and code it to the following account line:213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:26 PM To: Jim Thares; Angela Schumann Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40 $37.50 Jim & Angela, Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40. Okay to pay $37.50? Please provide coding. Thanks, _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY Of - Montke l Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Julie Cheney From: Angela Schumann Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:28 AM To: Julie Cheney; Jim Thares Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40 $37.50 Categories: Red Category I am OK with paying. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:26 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40 $37.50 Jim & Angela, Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 40. Okay to pay $37.50? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengy@ci.monticello.mn.us Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Pro essionalAssoclalion A#tomeys at Law Federal Tax I.D. #41-1662130 Grand Oak Offtoe center 1 660 Blue Gentian Road, Suits 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651 ) 452-6000 _ page; 1 City of Monticello June 310 2016 city Hall C lAccount*2 of 'OfJ G 545 Walnut Gtreet f67 Moirdb0o MN 55362 RE- ADMINISTRATION eERVI'CES RENDERE1) TO DATE: HOURS ON0112016 J'J Comrrluriq 0evetapment- Emails Angela re; developer 6 project aul{ine,41 1i t 3 r- Q.Sb 7b.00 10 I• 061032016 JjJ Fpnance - Ern;�Ils Wayrne rye; foundlunclMmed easn_ 0.50 7f� 40 JJJ GoMMUnilly Development - Volcemal and email An el . plat approval promssfTorfenz (properly revisians ��� 0.50 '1500 0EVQ6(200,6 JJJ Finance - f=rrialIs Wayne re: assessme;)fS, .051 de;erral5, 0.50 750G 06f47rzU'B JJJ Community Developmem - Follow-ups Arigels re: �ae]opment pro�eI q�rinrie.rafiayreernenk 1.00 411IM00 ' 1 } � flGl aQ014 MJ Emails Tracy re: personnel. 0 50 7 .00 W09.12016 JJJ St. Henry's - Emails Dan 8 and Jeff re: settlemeni offer. 050 75.00 Q6(1012416 JJJ Council - Emails Chadolte and Jennffer re: Inassage licensing. 0.50 75.00 JJJ Review Project list, tiles and scttiedule 0.54 75.00 06113=16 JMO Save re#Iinodicommented version of agreement for Prof lona] Marlsgemant ervla" irr14 our System 4,30 22.50 JJJ Cauncl - Review Counces agenda, materials, staff emaills. 1.00 . $0 00 JJJ Comm unityDeVelopment-Errlall;rAngel a,staff re: ,olden Valiey COA atiminlsbative searri) warrant case_ ()D 50 75.00 JJJ St. Henry's - Emails Dari B., Bret and Jeff re: settlement dlscusslons, rnapshegal, 0.5:1 75.00 AMP Revlsw agenda packet. f5 e, C' 60.00 Page :2 City at MonticaIlo June 30, 2098 Account# 2348-OOO 167 RE. ADMINISTRATION SERVICES REhlDERED TO DATE, HOURS AMP Attend City Council meeting, 4.70 71)5.00 0611412010 JJJ Comirnunity Development - Attend DRC meeting, follow-up meelingr5 with staff, errlaii6 StriWni, Jim, Wayne, follow ups- 3.00 450.00 I- I +i gt0- 0400 ,JJJ Personal - Emails Tracy re: persorinO. 1,00 16000 0811 O16 JJJ Emails Tracy re; personnel. 0,50 75 OO JJJ Commu*iity DevelopmentlDahlelmer - Errrailsffollow-ups with SNIbari.i regarding trail dedicerion, stormwwer reel, 111* reglstratran fleiays draft language in DA for ipraneeding with setter of undertaking. ernal18; JI r T. 1.00 150.00 JJJ Corn rnunity Development - Fatl r-�upwork err D R's rof school projects, encroachmertl agreements.. - 1.00 15000 O6f16f2016 JJJ Emails Tracy re, PT01persann4si, 0,5n 75,00 JJJ Emeys jennifer, review IRET sarvl agreement 0.51) 75.00 JJJ Review personnel related issues witrr ArvIg agreement. 0.50 75.0D O f171 016 JJJ Emacs Tracy r ; persaflrrel frlel ch ck. FNS 0.50 75.01] JJJ Folr'ow-ups on development agreem e nts, 0-50 75.00 061211201£ JJJ Finance - Ernails Wayne re= personnel, fallow -ups- 0.5G 75,(}G JJJ St. Henry's - Email from Bret- review and k ward to Dan B. 050 75,00 0612212016 JjJ Meet yr th Tracy re= personnel. ON) 75.00 JJJ Community Devalopment - EmaiIs 5hibanl, follow-ups Te; Development Project draft agreements, Mils Fleet Farm. .+ I io, 0,60 76,00 JJJ Community Development- Fotlovw-ups re. FAlls Beet Fara. DA, 1 C)1 Via" 4 0 "i4D'd256 75.01) 06=21018 JM0 Ar+rig - Review e-mail request and attachments; make redlrne charges to Agreemeni for ftfessioneI Management Service.- ervice;attach attachExbIblt A and save dociment; a -mall document to VK)O Rachel Leonard, 80 60.00 06r24120le JJJ Emails Jenniref re, license applicatlon date. 0.50 75.00 JJJ Public Works - Emails ShiNni re, Mobilitle ROVV application. 0.50 75.00 City of Monticello RE' ADMINISTRATION SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE' Page: 3 June 30, 2016 Account# 234"00G 157 JJJ Community Development - Ernails Jim, follow-ups re: We HOURS work For Otter Creek_ wo0,50 75.00 0$!2712016 JMO Listen to voJternaiI Pram abstraclo■ regarding Otter Creek Crossing: Phone con fernete with abstractor; voice message left for Jim tharesI phone con%rence with JIM Thares (4). 0.40 30,00 JJJ Review Counoli agenda, nistarials, staff entails. 0.50 75.40 JJJ EmaMs Tracy re. final check payment. 6,50 75 -OD 06.+2&2016 JIMO Phone canfemnrc E Wt Jim Tures Tegar(jir�g Oftiar Creek; review s -mail and respond. _Z i,+L 1--j I 1 _1 +t � f i 13-2t} 1580 JJ,; COmM Unity DOVelOPMent - Emel15 Jirr Te: Clear : reek, folinw-ups with Jean and Andrea 050 7'5.W JJJ Emalls Jerinler re. massage, accredited School question, f.4Q 150 00 M2812016 JJJ Camrnunaty Deveiapment - Err aiis .rim, fONOw-ups re: Oieer Creek closfng, restrictive c versants. 7r�. � C 1�,-, 1.00 15D.00 06IM2016 JJJ Ernails Jannifer and Jeff re: massage e9suetF. 1. D 150,40 JJJ Cornmlinfty Dravelcom-Last- Errsitsarsd telephone call.lirn rte. Clear Week Angela emaft re-,MPIJs Fleet Famt, foibw-ups. 1.00 154.00 f I t C- rr*� .rJJ Revi&w revisions to accesE and 58rvicert agreement. 0.50 75,00 AMOUNT DUE 32.8? 4 �92756 TOTAL CURRENT WORK 4,7x ,50 PREVIOUS BARGE $2,585.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE -Fir $7,35760 Amounts due over 3D days wHI Oe subject to 8 finance charge of _5% per month (or art annual rate of 6%)_ Mini I -nom charge - 50 cents. Julie Cheney From: Wayne Oberg Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:44 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-000G 167 $4,792.50 Okay to pay as noted below and on the invoice. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:30 PM To: Wayne Oberg <Wayne.Oberg@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-000G 167 $4,792.50 Wayne Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-000G 167 for administration legal services. This has been reviewed by Angela and Jeff. Okay to code remaining balance of $2,842.50 to general legal? Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us [IT -N 01 m0fiticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA June 30, 2016 MN326-00030 Dahlheimer Property Conveyance Through June 30, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows: 6/1/2016 MNI Pre-closing matters. JUL 2 0 2016 D Hours 1.30 6/1/2016 CBR Interoffice conference regarding title issues and 0.25 amendment to covenants 6/2/2016 MNI Draft First Amendment to P&D Contract - extension of 1.50 closing date; draft approving resolution; email correspondence with buyer's counsel regarding same. 6/22/2016 MNI Monticello closing matters for Clear Creek. 0.40 6/22/2016 CBR Telephone call from client; interoffice conference 0.25 6/24/2016 MNI Email correspondence with EDA staff regarding timing for 0.30 closing on conveyance in light of plat and storm water status. 6/27/2016 CBR Review emails; interoffice conference 0.25 6/28/2016 CBR Draft release; review title commitment 1.25 6/29/2016 MNI Phone conversation with J Thares regarding delay in 0.20 closing on Clear Creek transaction, 6/29/2016 CBR Draft checklist; review status of closing documents; 2.25 interoffice conference Total Services Amount 247.00 31.75 285.00 76.00 31.75 57.00 31.75 158.75 38.00 285.75 $ 1,242.75 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,242.75 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 1:00 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy Graven Invoices (2) Julie, both of the invoice look fine to pay. The coding is 213-46301-430400 for both of them. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:31 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy Graven Invoices (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,242.75 Dahlheimer Property Inv# MN190-00101 - $361.00 General EDA Matters Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, Jude Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us rk CITY QI Montkdo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello June 30, 2016 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through June 30, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 6/1/2016 MNI Review proposed change to EDA bylaws to allow for 0.30 57.00 designation of ED by city administrator; phone conversation with A Schumann regarding same. 6/27/2016 MNI Monthly finance call with Northland, EDA staff. 1.60 304.00 Total Services: $ 361.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 361.00 �p ECcad� JUL 2o 2016 D Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 1:00 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy Graven Invoices (2) Julie, both of the invoice look fine to pay. The coding is 213-46301-430400 for both of them. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:31 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy Graven Invoices (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,242.75 Dahlheimer Property Inv# MN190-00101 - $361.00 General EDA Matters Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, Jude Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us rk CITY QI Montkdo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 CHECK REQUEST CHECK AMOUNT: ,30-7�36 Check to: 112rry T. Litntto 907 — 2,,d Ave Buffalo, NI ' 55313 Nfeefin21}Vorked: Planning Conn fission ED -A Meeting Cit}- Cauncil City Council Total Due: -,3�- 9) -1151 Date 711F Date ff Date 1if f E OF T DATE.. I v � Vendor 9 I'lanning Commission: U-C4191C . w 4CIC0 ( EDA City council Aut f. -L) 2 ' I) do - TIME SLEETS ATTACHED Date 2/kaf, L� Time Amount Due Y'liri4 -3 Amount Iltle Time Amount Due Amount Daae I'lanning Commission: U-C4191C . w 4CIC0 ( EDA City council Aut f. -L) 2 ' I) do - TIME SLEETS ATTACHED Date 2/kaf, L� MONTICELLO COM21 UNITV CENTER TIME SHEET" Employee Name HARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT DATE TIME TIME Hours Meeting IN OUT Worked 45 xL3-- S-f �.� ' = OtA E F (S 06' -Meeting Pa ymen $60 for first 3 hours Aree, inert: 10 per hour for every hour after MEETING REE .DER: arty "l'. I-antto I NATU E: DATE: AUTHC DATE'. b t Tax Irrrremew Trl.tirrnidutg District No, 1-2 Mq 10, 2016 ffi*'2 . t Df ttre 1 Scenario A - No change to termination date for existing TIF Paygo Agreement Estimated decertification date Fund 8ala nrip Designations Excess inc remertttobegeftw ed to County Inc remerrtavaslab le under 25% pooling Increment available under 10%pooling16r housing Increment not derived from property Total Fund BalaniLe Interfund Loan Balance For land held for resale {repaid when land is sold} For advance of pooled funds Total Interfund Loan fWance Figure 2 12{3112024 Estimated to Be Available As of 1213 $12015 As of 12131/2024 16b,289 $0 $111.$4 $466,790 Q $231,439' $49,126 $124,449 103,B41 $822,678 $ 2 7 5,DDD $ 275,000 $111,574 $ 396,574 $275,000 Scenario B - Change to final payment elate for existing TIF Paygo Agreement Estimated decertiFi€aUcin date Fund Galan€e Designations b(cess itKrement to be returned to County Increment available under 25°$ pooling Inc temen°rtavailable tawder 10% pooling For housing Increment not derived from property Total Fund Balance Interfund Loan Balance For land held for resale (repaid when land is sold) For advance of pooled funds Total Interfund Loan Balance 12{3117023 Estimated to Be Available As of 1213112015 As of 1 213112024 $166,289 $176,212 ($111,574) $539,115 $0 $260,369 $49,1261 $124448 *103,841 $1,100,143 $275,000 $775,000 $113,574 $386,574 $275,000 Julie Cheney From: Wayne Oberg Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 2.04 PM To: AP Cc: Sarah Rathlisberger; Julie Cheney, Debbie Davidson Subject: Excess Increment Attachments- Memo for TIF 22 as of TOMAY2016.pdf Esteemed_ It is okay topay the attached 5166,289 to tl�e county. 213-46522-443989 f new account) Excess Inc rernent Ftetu ms d to County. Check to see if the new number conflicts with any other accounts_ Thank YOLK! Wayne Wayne W. Oberg, MIBA,CPA Firignce Director CITYOF Montik-,U Tel; 763-271-3211 Fax. 763-295-44074 NOTA- The conrents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged andlar c[7rrfidentiGr to the named recipient. This in1wr"at(or? is clot to be lis by ar?y wher Person Ondlar The Dews Expressed to rhis docum.er+rdo rapt eecessarily reflect those Cxf the cfty pf WoorfcePu. irc aitCorrespondenCe rc.0nd from Crryof mootfcel{o gave#r7.men t offices is sub ect to rhe "nnespta Govefnm8nt i0aro Practices Or,d cry be drsclo,;ed ro third parties_ z 0 a O O O O, O, O, in O O O O O O W M M M N C O O O O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O I -I ❑ I-, I -I N O .2 O 7 r ti 7 7 CJ in O m y a � r r N� F4 n1 n1 C,'j Q � C C ^ N M M V v N N zzz �crcr z z zw Z` C/I C/I w w w Lwro `' x x x m x x x w v 3 zzz w w w w a U N � M y O N ti O O � L Sy O O 0 0 0 O O O O • O � � O1 � � � N in in in V] C O O 0 0 0 O O O f N N 0 z �' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C .'7. O O .^J. O .'7 .'7 O O .^J. 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O H a 0 z N H c O C CD O M M a� ti I C0 a 0 N IJ I J :C N N H c O O a� C0 a 0 N T r O .- Q Q :J Q ti o City of Monticello City }-call 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 45362 CAMPBELL KNUTSON x� Prafessianal Associatborr Attorneys at Law Federal Tax I.D. #41-1662130 Grand Oak Office Center I 0 Blue Gentian Rami, Suite 290 Kagan, Minnesola 55121 (651) 452-5000 RE: OTTER CREEK SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: 0710112015 JMO Phone conference with Wendi at band Title: phone conference with Jim Thares; a-maii Wendi clarification of search AMOUNT DUE TOTAL CURRENT WORK PREVIOUS BALANCE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Rage: 1 July 31, 2016 Account # 2348-022G 41 HOURS Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of 5 N per month (or an annual rate of 6%). Minimum charge - 50 cents. 4.30 22.5D 0.30 22.58 22.50 $37.50 $60.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:04 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 41 $22.50 Julie, yes it is okay to pay the invoice. Please code it to: 213-46301-430400 Legal Fees From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 12:07 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 41 $22.50 Jim Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-022G 41. Okay to pay $22.50? Please provide coding. Thanks, _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY Of - Montke l Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 A WS -- o1IP meRf - energ' - amm-erad 701 Xenia AWvnulp South City of 11+1ontio lla July 2016 .ante 300MmrFe-3Rolis, Attn. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Mfg 55416 Project No- 01494-940 505 Walmit Street, Suite 1 T�11 17631 541.A�OQ Invoice No:. 17 x �79�t541-1704 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 � Block 34 Environmerntal Documents CP ND. SLK034 } � L Accl #213.46301-431990 ona! $erykee ; from ,lune 1. Q -1S to June 30, 201 _Profe_ssi Prase � _ •� 7 � =Phase lI Erb�- Consultants - Other Consultants 813012015 Test America Laboratories, Invoice No. 31147511 3,699.00 Inc. Total Consultants 31699.00 3,69MO Billing Urnits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 3,699,00 10,919,25 14,818.25 Limit 14,467.00 Adjustment -151.25 Total this Phase $3,547,75 Total this Invoice $3,547.7$ Outstanding Invoices Invoice Number Date Balance 16 71812016 10,527_25 Total 10,527.25 Total Now Due $14,075.90 Comments: 11&� Approved by: �, Reviewed by_ Bret Weiss Project Manager: Ryan Spencer Equal Opportunity Employer vusberig cc r Project # �. Phase #t 1494-940, Phase 07 Accounting Use: �. RyaI, Spencer 6-2-16 Account 1ade251�' &0 APV/i TestAmerica THE LEADER lot E1WIK }NMENTAL T$wTI"G Invoice.-{'redil No. 31147511involet Date dune 42, 241( Terms See Below Federal Tax ID 1 23-2919996 Remit to TestAmerica Laboratories Inc. PO BOX 204290, Dallas5 TX 75320-4290 Bill to: VSB & Associates, lnC Attn; Accounts Payable 701 Xenia Ave South Suite 304 Minneapolis,MN 554t6 Ship to: 741 Xenia Ave South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 P.O. Number W.O. Number Contract Number Work Ordered by Purchase Order not required Ryan Spencer Job Desclri tion Site Name SDG Number Jnveice Contact See below 01494-940 Ryan Spencer Job No. .roti Dusrri tion Receipt Date Quantity !Unit Price Amount M1!thodl-est Descri ption J81109-1 Block 34 Ph fist I1 - Monticello, MN 05/2112416 7471 B - Mercury 14-00 14.00 196.00 8260E - Volatile Minnesota Sublist 14.04 55.00 774.00 927 OD - Standard Semi volatiI ts List 8.00 150-00 1,244.04 WI-OKO - Wisconsin DRO 14.00 29.40 406.00 -GRO - Wisconsin GRO 14.00 23.04 322.04 60100 - Arsenic 14.00 8-00 112.00 64100 - Barium 14,00 $-00 112.04 60100 - Cadmium 14-00 8-00 112,00 64140 - Chromiurn 14,04 8.04 112,04 60100 - Lead 14.04 8-00 112.04 601 CC - Selenium 14.40 8.04 112..40 64140 - Silver 14-40 8.04 112-40 Safe and Environmentally Responsible Waste Management 14,40 1.50 21-00 (Per sample) Project Number Client Number pro eet MRwiger Subtutal $3,699.00 31002.7 1 1444930 An ela Much [Ing Latest Sample Receipt Date Latest 1te ort Date Phone Number Total $3,699.40 05/2112016 06/02,0016 (319) 277-2401 For praper credit, p]case include invoice nwmber on m 1 remittance. TestAmerica Cedar Falls - 704 Enterprise Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 506I3 Th is invoice fal Is under TesrA merica Laboratories Inc. Standard T&C's of Net 30 pays unless superseded by another wal A eamrael w1ide in Pop I of I plan 91 [he limb these wv iom were rendar�-d Nar[:n1,;nd S�-r:urilzies, r-iC- 49 soUr-h 7th street suite 2400 Minneapolis, MN 55442-U2S USA Fax F>1w 65! Sotd To, City of Monticello Angela Schurmnn s45 walnut street=. Monticello, MN 55362 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Customer VO Payment Terms ITIF KgMt Plan Update Net 30 Days !. I Description Tor --ser'vic'es related to 7'2i [-2nagement Plan Update - Please see enclosed detail, `1 Sales Rep ID In voice Invoicc dumber: 4616 Invoice Date: 6!10/16 _ Mie Date 9J�/16 I i Amount Subtotal 1, 20.00 Sags Tax "I o a l Invoice Amount 1, 220 0(' :heck No: i'avrnenI Ricccived TOTAL Mein 612-85'1-5900 1 Toll-Fmv 800-851-2920 Fax 612-851-5987 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000 1 Minneapolis, M [V 55442 Nagthla,rd'; +-k riticsxom I A t- ubrr f JNRA ajrd 51?C NORTHLAND STRATECIE Special Projects Csroup INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: TIF Management Plan Update Contact- Angela Schumann City of :Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite l Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: July 2016 Services Perfamwd • Finalize draft report e Meeting with city staff Staff Time Position Hours Senior Professional 12,00 Professional Support Total Staff 12.00 Expenses Mileage Printing Other (Adjust hours billed to total not to exceed budget) Total Expenses Total This Petiod Project Summary Total Budget' Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining Barg Billable $170 $2,040.00 $135 50.00 $105 $0.00 52,040.00 $0.00 $0,00 ($820.0) (8820,10) $1,220.00 5 7,000,00 {51,220,00) ($5,780.00) Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 1:19 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Julie, they are good to go. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 10:46 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 4618 - $200.00 TIF 34 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4617 - $1,890.00 TIF 22 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4616 - $1,220.00 TIF Mgmt Plan Update 213-46301-431990 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each invoice. Thanks, Jude Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CIT4 i)F �ntkdo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Northland s�Cu.ft_ies, Inc- Suite 2000 MxnneaID01 iA, PIN 554 U2-162` :vet \ vice, r,1>. 8'31' �9r Sold o: City of Monticello Angela Schumarux 505 Walnut Street monticellor MN 55362 NORTHLAND SECU RIf IES Invoice Invoice NLiiTtbeC. 461? Invoice bats. B11Q1� 1 -Customer P -' - Payment'Terms -- — Sales Rep ID Due Date — — --+- TIF District Z2 ! Net 30 Days 9{9116 -- - - -- Description --- - - - . - . — Amoun#�I For services related Co TIP r1istrict 22. Please see enclosed detail. --- — 1,890.40 Check 1o: Sijbwtal 1, k39J - 0 0 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 1. Payment Rt:ccivcd T(YI"AL �'1air, 612-85] -5900 I Toll -Free 804-851-2920 I Fax 612-851-598! 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000 I Mirmeapolis, MN 55402 Vorihland5ecuritiescam l Mrjrobrr fiINRA a Sq&C NORTHLAND STRATEGIES special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: TIF Mstrict22 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnu k Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period; July 2016 Services Performed • Review modification to remove parcels from TIF 22 (Block 52 parcels) a Prepare memo and exhibits for distribution to city staff • Prepare 2015 Ann uaI TIF Reporting Form on City's behalf Staff Time Position Senior Professional Professionai 2015 Annual T1F Reporting Form Fee per Agreement Total Staff Expenses Total This Period Mileage Printing Other Tokal Expenses Project Summary Total Budget" Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Rernainine `Bi&d on hourly bz s and Per agreement. Hours Rate Bill& 3.04 $170 $510JI } $115 $G.M - $1,380.00 3.04 $1,890,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $1,890.OD S ($1,890.00) $0.00 S(1,890.00) Northland Securities, Inc- Page 2 nE 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 1:19 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Julie, they are good to go. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 10:46 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 4618 - $200.00 TIF 34 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4617 - $1,890.00 TIF 22 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4616 - $1,220.00 TIF Mgmt Plan Update 213-46301-431990 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each invoice. Thanks, Jude Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CIT4 i)F �ntkdo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 NurCnland Securiciez. !=e. a5 South 2Ln Street Suite2000 H1 a !!■.MN SS402-162S, USA Voice. 612-8 C S«n 1.�Ix: 6124:31 Som To: City or Monticello Angela Schumann 50, Walnut Street Monticello, 55362 NORTHLAND SE[UNIIIES Customer PO PaymentT nn/ �— F a District , K loDays ----' ----- — — . . I De£H plion _ -9�1 & relaf&d---to TIP District a4. l9e ; I � Check No. Invoice Invoice \ , r 461E \alesR |D Du _Daw — -- - 9/9/16 --- — Subtotal 201030 S g is ' ax Tow IIn o i cc Am oki m 200.0E PaymentR eid TOTAL main 612-851-5900 1 lbtlT_ 8M422920] 612-851-5987 45 Sau± 7th Sib SlAite &m|NLn_.pol K NwS5402 krthm,U(m | Mr�rFINRArprp4SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES special flroiects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client; City of Monticello Project: TIF District 34 Contact: Angela Schumann City of ,Monticello 505 Walnut Street Shite 1 Monticello, MN 5s362 Billing Period: July 2015 Services PeOarmed * Review 2015 Annual TIF Reporting Form and provide advise to city staff Staff Time Position Senior Professional Professional 2015 Annual TIF Reporting Form Fee per Agreement Total Staff Expenses Total This Period Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses Project Summary Total Budget* Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining* "Billed on hourly lrusis and per ayreernent. H2iArs to BillAble $170 $0.00 - $l35 X0.00 $200.00 $204-00 50.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0-00 $2110.00 (200.00) $0.00 $ (200-00) Northland Securities, Inc, Page 2 of 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 1:19 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Julie, they are good to go. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 10:46 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Northland Securities Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 4618 - $200.00 TIF 34 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4617 - $1,890.00 TIF 22 213-46301-431990 Inv# 4616 - $1,220.00 TIF Mgmt Plan Update 213-46301-431990 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each invoice. Thanks, Jude Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CIT4 i)F �ntkdo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Fedinvoice Number Invoice D I Account Number Page 5-508-29301 1 Aug10 2016 1 4812-3934-6 1 0t4 Billing Address: FIBERNET MONTICELLO 535 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Invoice Summary Aug 10, 2016 FedEx Tax ID: 71-0427007 Shipping Address: FIBERNET MONTICELLO Contact Questions? Contact FedEx Revenue Services 11B W 6TH ST Phone: (805)622-1147 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8544 M -F7 AMto 8 PM CST Sa 7 AM to 6 PM CST Fax: (800)548-3020 Internet: www.fedex.com FedEx Express Services Transportation Charges 19899 Special Handling Charges 7.52 Total Charges US0 $206.51 TOTAL THIS INVOICE US0 ,$206.51 Other discounts may apply. Detailed descriptions of surcharges can be located atfedex.com To ensure propercredil, please rettunthis pannonwithyour paymenttoFedEx. Invoice Number Account Number Please do not staple or told, Please make check payable to FedEx- 4812-3934-6 For change 0 address, check here and complete Conn on Teverse side. 5-508-29301 Remittance Advice Your payment is due by Aug 25, 2416 481239345508293015500002065167 0045129 01 ATo396—AUTO T21122255362-882201 -COI-P45174-I1 FIBERNEAL MONTICELLO 505 5115 WAWALNUTTST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 IN FedEx P,O. Box 94515 PALATINE IL 60094-4515 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1222-01-00-0045129-0002-010087 Adjustment Request Fax to (800) 548-3020 Use this form to fax requests for adjustments due to the reasons indicated below. Requests for adjustments due to other reasons, including service failures, should be submitted by going to www.fedex.com or calling 800.622.1147. Please use multiple forms for additional requests. C Please complete all fields in black ink. o n Requester Name L I I I I t date I I I/ a Phone Wl I I- L c Fax # t E-mail Address R Tracking Number e 1 1 1 1 1 1 VIII bu I I I I I I I I I ADR -Address Correction DVC - Declared Value IAN - Invalid Acct # C Tracking Number INW -Incorrect Weight INS - Incorrect Service OCI: - Grd Pick-up Fee DCS - Exp Pick-up Fee r e d t t $ lWW1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Check all that apply A El Shipping Address (Physical Address) d dCompany L JWL. e Address S g Address Li C Dept Floor Apt/Suite # 8 n City eState W Zip Code V I I I S Phone I I I I -1 I I I I I I I Fax # I[ I I- L I I I_ I 1 I I I ❑ Yes, I wantto update account contact with the above information. Bill to Account L1 I I I I I I I I ll11111111 L1I1111III DVS - Oversize Surcharge RSI! - Residential Delivery PND - Pwrshp Not Delivered SDR - Saturday Deiivery Code $ Amount �WW�Wp l l l� l l• Lj E--�1 • I I . I. I I I I L_1. 1 1 1 1• LL u l i Ll I I I I• W L I I I •W $ Amount L -L -L1W! • W L l I I. I I• LW V I I I I•I 1 1 • W W I 1 I I•LL For all Service failures or other surcharges please use our web site www.tedex.com or call 1840) 622.1.147 Rerate information only {round to nearest inch} LBS L W H WWW LL_ J.x I I I x L_ I I 1 WWWWWJXIII I IXI i I I WWJL_-1 _ IxLJ—Ljxl I I i III _II I I JXT l l IXL_1 1 III I1 1 1 1XLI l lx1 l i l Effective Date I I I/ WW / I 11 El Billing Address Only ❑Billing Same As Shipping Address Company LA I I I I I l l l l l l Address Address Dept Floor L I I I I I Apt/Suite # L I I I I City State L1J Zip Code L I I I I I- I I I I Phone Fax # 1:222-O1-Uf1-004 , I ?Q-r!Clfl7-n 1nn871 Fed ��5-�508-29301 ItvoiHceDate Account Number s of 16 4812-3934-6 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type (Original) Gust, Fief.: No REFERENCE 1NFORMAT1ON Ref.#2: Ship date: Aug 01, 2016 Payer: Shipper Refl • Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 2.50% to this shipment - • Distance Based Pricing, Zone 2 • Package Oelivered to Recipient Address - Release Authorized Automation INET Sender Recipient Catherine Rocklin Tracking ID 776887869024 Vicki l eerhoff Kennedy &Graven, Chartered Service Type FedEx First OvernPackaging 505 Walnut Street MONTICELLO MN 55362 US 206 S 6TH ST STE 470 Package Type Customer Packaging MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 US Zone 02 Packages 1 Rated Weight B.0 Ibs, 3.6 kgs 6530 Declared Value USD 100.00 Transportation Charge 400 Delivered Aug 02, 201607:47 Courier Pickup Charge 1.74 Svc Area Al Fuel Surcharge_ 0.00 Signed by see above Declared Value Charge _ — — — J USD $71.44 FedEx Use 00000000010000006102 Total Charge Ref #2: Gust. Ret.: NO REFERENCE INFORMATION Ship Date: Aug 03, 2016 Payer: Shipper Fief • Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 2.500°/o to this s shipment • Distance Based Pricing, Zone 2 Automation INET Sender Vicki Leerhoff Recipient Catherine Rocklin Tracking ID 776911667609 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Service Type FedEx Priority Overnight 505 Walnut Street MDNTICFLLO MN 55362 US 200 S 6TH ST STE 470 Package Type FedEx Envelope MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 US Zone 02 Packages 1 Rated Weight N/A Declared Value USD 100.00 Delivered Aug 04, 2016 10:25 Transportation Charge 21.77 0.54 Svc Area Al Fuel Surcharge 000 Signed by C.HANSEN Declared Value Charge — _ — -- -- — — — —USD 52231 FedEx Use 000000000!00001861_ Total Charge Gust. Rat.. NO REFERENCE INFORMATION R012: Ship Efate: Aug 04, 2016 Payor: Shipper Refll • Distance Based Pricing, Zone 2 • Fed Ex has audited this shipmentfor correct packages, weight, and serviceAnychanges made are reflected in the invoice amount, • This shipmentwas priced using FedEx One Rate • Package Delivered to Racipient Address - Release Authorized Automation INET Sender Reci io ent Catherine Rocklin Tracking IO 776924289120 Vicki Leerhoff Kennedy &Graven, Chartered Service Type FedEx First Overnight 505 Walnut Street MONTICELLO MN 55362 US 200 S 6TH ST STE 470 Package Type FedEx Envelope MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 US Zone 02 Packages 1 Declared Value USD 100.00 Delivered Aug 05, 2016 07.23 61.75 Svc Area Al Transportation Charge T 0.00 Signed by see above Declared Value Charge— — — — — —u 561.75 FedEx Use 00000000010603269102 Total Charge 1222-01-00-UOA5129-oa01-0100870 Invoice Number Invoice Date 5-508-29301 Aug 10, 2016 Ship Elate: Aug 05, 2016 Gust. Ref.: NO REFERENCE INFORMATION Payor: Shipper MAI • Fuel Surcharge - Fedfxhas applied a fuel surcharge of 2.500A to this shipment. • Distance Based Pricing,Zore 2 • Package Delivered to Recipient Address - Release Authorized Automation INET Sender Tracking In 776933216629 Vicki Leerhoff Service Type FedEx First Overnight 505 Walnut Street Package Type FedEx Envelope MONTlCELLO MN 55362 US Zone 02 Packages 1 Rated Weight N/A Declared Value USO 100.00 wccount Number Page 4812-3934-6 -40f 4 Ref.#2: Rec_ ipient Catherine Rocklitz Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 S 6TH ST STE 470 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 US Delivered Aug 08, 2016 07:43 Transportation Charge Svc Area Al Fuel Surcharge 49.77 Signed by see above Declared Value Charge 1.24 FedEx Use 000000000/0000003/02 Total Charge — - -- -- — — _0.00 USD 551.01 Shipper Subtotal USD $206.51 Total FedEx Express USD $206.51 1222-01-00-0045129-0001-01OW70 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 2:11 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Fed Ex Inv# 5-508-29301 $206.51 It is okay. Code it to the following: 213-46301-432200 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 11:53 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Fed Ex Inv# 5-508-29301 $206.51 Jim Attached is Fed Ex Inv# 5-508-29301. The invoice says FiberNet at the Bill To, but Vicki said these items are for the EDA. Okay to pay $206.51? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us -�i 0 i;A( M�ll Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 7 PLEASE C14ECK WX IIF ADDRESS CWWC#p Pubb __ er5, Inc, 8 MiCATE NEW AVORESS Page # 1 ECMI1 � Gain Rapid, Blvd. Involce Date Coon Flapids, MN 55433 7PM2016 1 5:5 rvice R u s ad Invoke NUrntMe Ad Numtrelr 3851228 I 577283 Terms Net 20 Check Number Amount Paid CITY OF MONTICELL❑ - ATTN. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Arrou11T NUMBER START DATE STLW DA-fE EDMON PATE ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE 424204 07+28JT6 a7?28i'5 728,'2016 Mo-iticella Legal6 952 332 829 ial 5@ rMur- the upper parson Wth your payment. To fay by smart card. please 7 -an 763-712-2494 or 177-325-MG0 --PUB I€ [iA AM GLM VOGRIPT11WAG LINE i n?F 51ZF QT'S rAt1 OUNT TIMES 3MT 47J2802016 5md3 150 AugList 10 PH Sale a lark L 1.0 X 4.44 1 83.07 PO# S.10.15PH 385228 <J10 Net Amount 83.07 Shipping 1}. Tax 4. Amount Due 83. Ra&d i e � Inc. i { $30 charge assessed for returned chec$m. ECM1 k ps:..e-i�he �i"OnArf0rs Wilthir# S clays M ertSUev "nsiorattoro. ,sem. &0&& V . --- -- Unpaid tralancas over 30 days past due MR Incas a 15% AM� zea, MCI." � finance charge per month (Minimum .30 per monlh� . ECM FA PMUSHERS.ING FI U W 41-UKe)+95 *nn!.— 3 gu �� is — ..:,—.- -: - kAdipnews uSOAM ya NFM Pioneer Time IM -es r��,��, +"aIt'1Ti %LWS �" �1 W ,, +&LAXI I��19 R3 � JIMR t � Fb;wLmT 11t + ¢rraY0. press Sean ��_ UNlf l � �, 6l�1rAffiR SI C��xs�zxr , 1 -,ie Pmt R,c; im Inc. i { $30 charge assessed for returned chec$m. ECM1 k ps:..e-i�he �i"OnArf0rs Wilthir# S clays M ertSUev "nsiorattoro. ,sem. &0&& V . --- -- Unpaid tralancas over 30 days past due MR Incas a 15% AM� zea, MCI." � finance charge per month (Minimum .30 per monlh� . ECM FA PMUSHERS.ING FI U W 41-UKe)+95 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 5TAT1 OF MINNESOTA ) 54 COUNTYOf WRIGHT Cliarlenc Vold ltieitig dkily sworn un o oath. states or affirms ilial hclyhe is 111c F'bbiiihers D,esignalici AgtilL vf 1114 rgewsl+ajaertal known d5: morsliallo Tim's with [ho known officc of jssttc b.iug Ixalcd iry theccotll11v of: W91GHT with addilionA virouladcin iu the Coll otiVS of: SHE KJBURNE• and Ina% full knowtedge of 11ie ract_; urticd lea luu� (A)The fretvsp'aJlCr natty OATWIMI W1 4h Lill cef the "Wrcmerith "insittuttng qo tlilic4 - i!l6n as a kjUjIrrje i 11stvsjastja4 r ,:AS J?TLArx7id lav :Minn. SIM V31A.0�, ($)This PUbiit: NOtit'4 wrls ptill [E -t1 011,1 prtb- lishcd 1n saA rwv5 c)p. rlsl r?racc .ach WkA" for ] cLlcussive ;b6',nktq, the 1Irs1 nt9et'tlonbring on 4)71210016 and the lA.st f lases -lion beteg on 0712�i2O lb - MORTGAGE FOR f C'I_OSLIRE NOT JCES I"ursuani 10 Min1]ew;a SIhI-0M1.033 rclating to the publicaiiun of 111ortgagc for>rciopsure notices: The newspaper c€lmpliL� with the conditions described in §5811-033, subd, 1, clauSC it1 or i2j_ If the newsfrapers kno►vrr office of issue is locatdd to ;1 county srdjuining she county where the moilpgcd premiseG or some pout of the rnorlgaged prcrtlts,es describcd in the Tioi:ke arc lottrtcd, a substanlial p€Frtion of [be newspajvr's eircullllion i; in the latter courtly. Dtsignatcd Agent Subwribed rend morn to or ll iTmed before me on 07128±2016 by Charlene Vold_ Nolan I'LLN •'' =�, PAULNE L LEE I, Notary Public-Mlnns" •.y� my Cgmmi ffiW EaplreaJAn 37. 2927 Rate Infomatlon: { 1 ) Lavmst chosified rate) olid by tY,mmerdal users For cvrnparable space: $I8-50 per column inch Ad ID 577M CITY OF MONTICE'LLO NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING ldbtice is 'hdraby 0iren lt1a1 t9t2 Board 9+ Commissiandrs of the City at WnWello EcwKWnC tre* Welopment A LA11crity wi ine-t 8t 4)f atWS:RQ P.m ori August 11), 21316 at CIMp Halo 505 vmlr,61 Avenue. mcnliwllo, m1nnesoia, to go -Lot p public h&dhng on the p+UPosad We by to HtArpnhl of Wo Pareela q1 PKWarry if, the City at Monricubu Me "Prppeeif j- At the puGlic hear- ing. the Board at Gorr-M-Q— vA11 mast 46 cornider whorner Me sales aria Alh'S'ab1e. The PMoety 5 lacatied 9t Vm following addresses Pmtel 1. 349 West tiaoedway, lvlornl4ella T;arco 2 413 4th Streel West. Wbrrriarion mlseeming VIE terms and cor4 uWF4 nt the S e And regal deonPtlons nt tna pier pals rmk<ng to the f-vvprirty will tae oR filr, at V e Adlhprty's Office a1 City Hak on arO airy* the detEj & thts *M". AnY pC/ rOrl w skiing !rs eywrsss an opiniorF W the msl!Mfs roo bB t yStbererl at the Publlc tl v irV wiI be Mears Orally br 41 wnling- daled I941y 25, 2016 civ: rW Arr, mares Executht D-,clor publar+ed in the Ma iwvl14TimB3 July 26, 2016 577263 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:34 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 385228 $83.07 Hi Julie, the invoice is okay to pay. Please code it to: 213-46301-435200 Legal Notice Publications From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:04 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: ECM Inv# 385228 $83.07 Jim Attached is ECM Inv# 385228. Okay to pay $83.07? Please provide coding. Thanks, _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CIQf MO CITY Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 ECM4095 Gaon Raprds &qd- Coon RapiftIVIN SW3 Pu l� hefs, Inc. r?55 ce Requesued CITY OF MONTICELLO ATT N: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STS 1 MONTICELLO MN 5M2 PLE.a9E CHECKBOx IF ADDRESS CMNnF0 a waCAIS NE.N AIDDKSs �nvnica Date Lj 9?4,'2 J 16 j!wcicuWurntwrj Ad Number 38T&S1 5T�50� _ Terms Net 30 Check Number Amount Paid i ACCOUK NUMBER I STJ4RF QATE I STOP DATE I ED ON DATE I ACCOUNT FLERRESENTATWE AWIS 4 I 08.+04+16 08;04x1 ' 1 &41201= I Mortbeeilo Legais 952-392-692,9 ea3a �a[um tlha rnpg parron unth yp;r 3�ymenF. Te pay by U-Wd rartl. rAeNe Coil M-TTZ%'4.34 W 8" 226.36130 PIIS Ip DATE A[]tl GLlYS9 DE*aCRIPTIONFfAG LINE TY?E I 82C QTYf I �AMOUiT — _L,.—. T1mEB L—.-_ -_ -- 3MT 46iO4f2016 5795G4 490 20'5 Annual Msure Report L0 6.0 X 3 01 1 341.51 per# jennder Schreiber Net Amount 341.51 Shipping C.CC- Tax C.G4 387881 Amount Due 341 51 RiB rid unn � Tu 55ent Alps r����� $ � lw yn.r elkk �+ff(- }� press .16 Pioneer Tulles Rri,r4+#►�� Ar-w�a�r SM 501,1110"1,1�,\ir ty�lt 1� LiL I},T R4011i {} lr. Y{+eF q� rle.ws ML �j R aft �-P()TC !'r)—QuAtr '.'•5'•' E+ FA�'1l1�rI/�T 45 it R i �S�fi'rI.L�r press elNtl Sim [ :t#It#trs t Tlsc Puss Ftcv�cw++ PuEishersInc. Z� V.r.jx im [secs ECM431E � F119" Fac yYf $30 charge a"assed for returned chwks. S report erro rs wilthkr 5 days to ensure consfderatfon. Unpaid baf&rrces over 30 days due wdP incur a 1.5 Qflk0L,,.,, 7,}7T2 2494 y Fm� i 98- • 7'.4x81 L past finance change per month {Jifrr7imum .50 per month), KM RMUkSHERS. M M. 1.0. NO. 4t-0eue iss AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA I ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT CMrktic Vold bring duly sworn on an Oath, states or a[Ti rms that hclshe is the Publishers Desi zn-Li Led Agent of t newspaper{,;) knn3vn d5. Monticello Tunes with the known off x of issue bring heated in the county Or- WRIGHT fWRIGHT with addiIiotlal C1ML11a11on in thOCauntics of: SHERBURNE and ]las full kTiowledge of the facts statrd below: (A) The nv1A-gpaNr has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion s9 a qualified newspaper as prpvided by Minn. Slat_ �331A_01_ (e; This Public NOWx ryas printed and pub- lir,hed in said newspaper(s) once each week. f'Pr I suLccssivc %cckls); the first insertion 1jewS on 0ISI{W2016 and the last insertion being ori MAP -D] 6, MORTGAGE FGR ECLOSU It£ NOTICES Pursuant 10 Minnesola Stat_ §5S0_033 relalillg to 111C publicalion of mortgagt forerlosve nolitvs: The newspaW cumplir5 with the conditions deurilxd w �5liOJ)33, subd. 1, clause l l l or Qj_ If the newcpalvrrs known office Of issue is ]ocatcd in s County adjoining the county when: ihtr mortpgcd prcmiscs or some part of the mortgaged premixes described in the nmwv are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's CirculaliOn is in 11 -IC 1,11 ICT Uounty_ Dmignuie4l A},ent Subscribed aril SLWOrn Ib Or allrrmecl bCforc me on M4/20 16 by Charlene Vold. � sw Notary Public yv'" v "r''-' -' "DARLFdMAR1E1AGSON Natarp Qu4ilc�Ilnne3ota 1, J_ 31, Z018 nry Rate Information: ( 1) Lowest classiFjcd rate pard by conrtnerctal users for comparahk spracc: $1R.Sp per witrmu inch Ad I D 579504 � w i9�5 iy7 3 � � n� y tptp� U G+�Sh yrs �u r�rn T � m b m N y d J O � w 7 � t y+} 3 *� � �ro T n ru n a 4 r _ � T i 3 J m Sjj 1 x3 :a 16 ro- e �l A G .a Q :.a �„ O ti' n — A Y }. lckj fi F as 1 v � 184, .0 R4 0ZL I L>} l}, C CT' ' a a � T x ai 3 y % J 21, hl 4 h a 3 r Lp ME Y }. q � £ m J h1 � fi F as 1 v � 184, .0 R4 0ZL I a a � T x ai 3 y % J 21, hl 4 h a 3 r F ME Se ,a �2 3 Oil; ' 3 T J u J J _ - I"� 3 R = A I T a T a � S - � J M1; h u� a a e � a G� r .s � r — VA 17 m CC v z -x a g r v O Uk nrrn s * n � 3 iL IA W "Y fi ) ao a y -4 i l NJ J ' k d a I .i41 'Ll "l � n a 7� Y }. q � £ m J h1 � fi F T iC5 J ' 3 ' J u J J _ - I"� A I T a a � S - � J h d.a= a a e � a J• r .s � r — / e d e j \ \ m \ � - }_ 2 � ƒ � e / \ \ \ / / R jo Xcel Energy® REEPUNEIBLE BY NATURE YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE J A 5 0 N O 777AM7j DAILY AVERAGE Last esr Temperature 67'F Elecmcity kWh 0.0 Electricity Cost $0.53 '& Xce/Energy NOHFHERN STATES POWER COMPANY zp> SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER I I QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our websites xcelenetgy com Emai4 us at Customerservice@xcelenergy cam Please Call 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired 1-800-895-4949 Fax; 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-000B '& Xce/Energy NOHFHERN STATES POWER COMPANY zp> SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER I I MONTICELLO EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 51-0623082.8 08/01/2016 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 14 15 16 507451665 07/05/201fi$18,13 18 19 20 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailed charges begin on page 21 Electricity Service 06/02/16 - 07/04/16 7 kWh $18.13 Current Charges $18A3 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance Payment Received Balance Forward Current Charges Amount Due INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. As of 06/02 Auto Pay 06/30 REI URN ?DTTOMPORUON WITH YOUR PAYMENT . PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE 51-0623082-8 1 08/01/2016 1 $18.13 Your bill Is paid through an automated bank payment plan. AV 01 028109 271958106 A"5DGT ,�I11'1111'1111111'1IIIIlI�o-lIi1111'l'II�111'1'II'"I111'111'Ill MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT 5T 5TE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 $34.97 $34 97 CR $0.00 N $18.13 a $18.13 0 Automated Bank Payment 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I'i111'1'I111'Il'I11111111i 11'1111'1'111111'1111'1'1111'1"'1" II XCEL ENERGY P.O, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51080116 06230828 0000000181300000001813 Xcel Energy r. w r J Get the credit you deserve Join over 16,000 business customers and receive an average discount of $300 annually when you sign up to receive a free Saver's Switch"". You'll receive an annual discount of $5 per ton of enrolled AC on your electric hill June through September—this year and every year you have Saver's Switch. ndl,=, ir,r `,Hvti': 11- r5,+nu IT�..2' Iia � 6IIh11 la c;n etiiliia-1me 1:u-lcf e [ afXto Eneviy SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER MONTICELLa EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55352-9356 51-0623082-8 /16 ;$0118.2103 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE507451665 07/05/2016 Energy Charge Summer SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 08,+0416 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0628269241 READINGMETER + + METER 52995965 Read Oa+es' 06/02/16 - 07/04/16 {32 Days} DESCRIPTION -CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE Tata IEneV 42,995 Actual 42888 Actual 7 W ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS FLATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.04 Energy Charge Summer 7 kWh $0.081870 $0.62 Fuel Cost Charge 7 kWh $0024251 $0.17 Affordability Chrg $0.97 Resource Adjustment $0.04 Interim Rate Adj - $0.83 Subtotal $12.63 City Fees $5.50 Total $18.13 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL _ For an average non -demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -biped customer, 81% of your total bili refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Doesour cooling stem waste money? Y gsY v According to the U.S. Department of Energy, older, inefficient rooftop units (RTUs) can waste $1,00043,700 annually in energy per unit.' Use our rebates to make an upgrade and start saving for the {Ong term. - -� Rebate dollars can add up fast and have helped thousands of local businesses transition to ' high -efficiency cooling systems at a lower cost. -.tel r. .. 1lld oep,r,m.r } -rax E. .tn•� ,o.l ,. �,4e Er,n S. '+]I;w Ur«orr r'.r9 .::,, , '.,+-wrr ro-i.r ngy ilil cr. tie -, -F•. 7 Xcel Energy 2016 Climate Leadership Award Xcel Energy received a 2016 Climate Leadership Award from the U -S. Environmental Protection Agency for our achievements and ongoing commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Visit spa.govlclimateleadership to learn more. 13 Be Aware of Scams SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER s a MONTICELLO EDA W BROADWAY ST 51-0623082-8 ;8/01/2016349 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DAs507451665 07/05/2016$18,13 Take Advantage of Summer Savings Things are heating up As temperatures continue to rise, check out the ways to keep your energy bill low. Our rebates, programs and energy -efficiency tips can help your business save energy and money this summer. Simple changes can amount to big savings, so get started today. Visit xcelenergy.com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. "a If someone calls threatening to turn off your power due to an unpaid balance and asks you to pay with a prepaid or reloadable card, hang up the phone immediately. You may also be approached by people claiming to be with Xcel Energy and needing to do work at your business Ask for Xcel Energy identification, and please, check with us if you're still not sure. Call us anytime at 1,800,481.4700. Don't let imposters steal your money. N O 0 0 0 EDA Agenda: 09/14/16 6. Consideration of #1 Resolution EDA 2016 -0 ## annrovin2 an Amendment to the Contract for Private Redevelopment between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA as related to Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35 and #2 Resolution EDA 2016 -0 ## approving a modification of the TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -35. (JUAS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: These two items are linked considerations related to development proposed in TIF District 1 -35. The first component ( 91) is consideration of an amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA as it relates to TIF District 1 -35. The second component ( 92) is consideration of modifying the TIF Plan for District 1 -35. At its' regular meeting on July 13, the EDA authorized preparation of the contract amendment for consideration at a future meeting. The 4th amendment was considered by the EDA at its regular August I Oth meeting and was tabled to allow the developer to submit the specific proposal plans intended for the Landmark II development. The genesis of the requested amendment began in the spring of 2016 when the developer, Master's Fifth Avenue, requested an expansion of possible uses from "11,000 square feet of retail center" to "1 1,000 square feet or more of commercial, residential or multi -use building" in order to meet an evolving development and financing environment. It should be noted that the proposed amendment of the Contract is a policy question for the EDA. EDA consideration of the residential concept began at the April 13, 2016 meeting, where it then tabled action on the item - deferring any decision, to allow for consideration of the development stage PUD application by the City Council. The City Council acted on April 25, 2016 to approve a development stage PUD application for the proposed project. To further effect the PUD, the applicant will need approval of a final stage PUD and rezoning to PUD. The developer will therefore need to apply for final stage PUD for consideration and decision by the City Council as a next step. The EDA then considered the proposed Amendment at its May 11, 2016 meeting. Two motions were put forward with both of them resulting in a tie vote of the members; three (3) for and three (3) against. The respective motions were first to deny approval of the requested amendment and then to approve the item as presented. Both failed for lack of majority. At the July meeting the EDA motioned for approval of staff to prepare the amendment for review by the EDA. The EDA attorney has indicated that at the point in time when the developer submits an acceptable plan for the development, it then becomes appropriate to consider modifying the TIF Plan as well. It should be noted that the developer is not requesting additional tax increment at this time. 1 TIF District 1 -35 was certified in 2006, and was created to fund $170,000 in costs associated with the development of a proposed 11,000 square foot retail commercial project known as "Landmark Square II". The project area is a single parcel located at the northeast corner of Yd and Locust Streets. The tax increment generated in the district was intended to reimburse the developer for land acquisition through "pay -as- you -go" TIF assistance. If the EDA is willing to approve the amendment to the Contract, the result is that the developer would then gain flexibility in moving forward with the plan reviewed by the Council on 4- 25 -16. It should also be noted that if the plans prepared represent substantive alterations form those approved in April 2016, a new development stage PUD land use application will be required. Al. Budget Impact: Per the contract with the developer, the developer will be required to cover all costs associated with the amendment. A2. Staff Workload Impact: An estimated 12 to 16 hours of staff and consulting time has been spent to date in reviewing, responding to the requested amendment and preparing reports and documents. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS FOR THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -099 approving the 4th amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA as it relates to TIF District 1 -35 wherein language includes an "11,000 square foot commercial, residential or multi -use center ". 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -099 related to the proposed amendment to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue and the Monticello EDA as it relates to TIF District 1 -35. 3. Motion to table this item for other additional information ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS FOR THE TIF PLAN: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -099 approving a modification of the TIF Plan foro TIF District 1 -35 wherein language is added identifying the project as a three story, 23 -unit multifamily residential development. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -099 related to the modification of the TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -35. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: PJ As noted, the amendment of the Contract is a policy question for the EDA. When the TIF district was created, it was intended to spur and support private commercial redevelopment. If the EDA supports the proposed amendment, Alternative 91 is recommended. If the EDA wishes to proceed under the original TIF Plan and Contract as previously amended, Alternative 92 is appropriate. 2. Additional action should be considered for the TIF Plan if the contract amendment is approved. The proposed modification of the TIF Plan would make it (the Plan language) consistent with the proposed three story, 23 -unit multi - family residential development project that is detailed in the contract amendment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution EDA 2016 -09# (Contract Amendment) B. Developer Request, March 18th, 2016 C. TIF Plan 1 -35, excerpt D. TIF Management Plan, excerpt for TIF 1 -35 E. Proposed Fourth Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelopment F. Site Aerial Photo G. Resolution EDA 2016 -099 (TIF Plan Modification) H. TIF 1 -35 Plan Modification I. Building Plans EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2- 16 -0 4# RESOLUTION APPROVING A FOURTH AMENDMENT OF A CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ( "Board ") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Monticello, Minnesota (the "Authority ") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority currently administers Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Act ") within an area located in the City, and administers Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 (the "TIF District") within the Project pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794. 1.02. The Authority and Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. (the "Developer") executed a certain Contract for Private Development, dated as of September 7, 2005, as amended by a First Amendment thereto dated as of June 7, 2006, by a Second Amendment thereto dated as of December 18, 2007, and by a Third Amendment thereto dated as of December 9, 2015 (as so amended, the "Agreement"), whereunder the Authority pledged Available Tax Increment (as defined in the Contract) to pay or reimburse certain land acquisition costs incurred by the Developer in connection with the development of an approximately 11,000 square foot retail center, with associated parking, known as Landmark Square 11 (the "Minimum Improvements ") on certain property in the TIF District. 1.03. The Developer has requested and the Authority has agreed to amend the definition of the Minimum Improvements to allow for construction of multifamily residential housing, and to that end, the parties propose to execute a Fourth Amendment to the Agreement (the "Fourth Amendment ") in the form presented to the Authority. Section 2. Fourth Amendment Approved. 2.01. The Fourth Amendment as presented to the Board is hereby in all respects approved, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the documents by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. The President and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Authority, the Fourth Amendment. 484212v2 MNI MN190 -115 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 14th day of September, 2016. President ATTEST: Executive Director 484212v2 MNI MN190 -115 Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 19577 180th Ave NW Big Lake, MN 55309 763- 390 -0393 March 18, 2016 TO: Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 March 18, 2016 Attention: Angela Schumann We request consideration at your meeting of April 13th to consider an administrative change to the TIF District 1 -35 by amending the contract and TIF plan with Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. to add the words "11,000 square foot or more commercial, residential or multi -use building" in place of the words "11,000 square foot retail center" in both documents. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. Barry D. Fluth, president Concept: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. is applying for a Conditional Use Permit for a change of use at the property at 213 3RD ST W. This will change the zoning from CCD District to a residential overlay in the CCD District to accommodate plans for Landmark II, a 23 unit apartment building that will lease to residents who are in the 55 year old and older category. This is in compliance with Chapter 3 of the Zoning code, Section 3.7 Overlay Zoning Districts, Subsection (1) CCD Residential ®ver8ay District. Background for Landmark II: According to the stated policy of Monticello, a mix of uses in the Downtown is desirable. Currently there is big box retail, small space retail, office, single family housing, multi - family housing, and commercial entities. These functions all work together to support a healthy interactive economic system. Landmark II is a 23 unit apartment three story building with 16 garages and adequate parking that is designed for 55 year old and older residents. These are residents who want to live within walking distance of shopping, restaurants, parks, employment, and community activities. Adding this group of people to the Downtown increases the diversity of our city, increases the number of civic contributors, and provides instant consumers for businesses. Landmark II contributes to an atmosphere that encourages people to move, work and stay in Monticello. Action by the City to support this project will send a clear signal that the market in Downtown Monticello is thriving and that it is a great place to live, work, and play. This project will comply with the conditions established by the city comprehensive plan. It is anticipated that it will increase property values, add to the safety of the area, create positive traffic, encourage other development, and be an aesthetically pleasing addition to this area. Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Tax Increment Financing District Overview City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No, 1 -35 The following summary contains an overview of the basic elements of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1 -35. More detailed information on each of these topics can be found in the complete TIF Plan. Proposed action: Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 (District) and the adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan (TIF Plan). Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan Modification for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. (The Modification is to include the project activities anticipated in the District.) Type of TIF District: A redevelopment district Parcel Numbers *: 155-010-036011** 155- 010 -036010 ** 155 -010- 036030 ** *These parcels will be combined via an administrative lot combination by the City of Monticello * *These parcels ate "Knocked Down" parcels that are being removed from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -22 to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35. Proposed Development: The District is being created to facilitate construction of 11,000 s.f of commercial space consisting of a restaurant, office and other uses m the City of 'Monticello. This project is being proposed by a local developer. The value of the new development is estimated to be $70 per s.f plus land costs of approximately $230,000 for an esimated value of $1,000,000. The building will be completed in 2006 and the assistance of land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation, streets and sidewalks and utility costs will be funded on a pay- as-you- go basis at a rate of 6.5% TIF District Overview Maximum duration: The duration of the District will be 25 years from the date of receipt of the first increment (26 years of increment). The date of receipt of the first tax increment will be approximately 2008. Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications of the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2033, or when the TIF Plan is satisfied. Estimated annual tax Up to $17,014 increment: Proposed uses: The TIP Plan contains a budget that authorizes the maximum amount that may be expended: Land/Building Acquisition ............................................... ..................... $104,000 Site Improvements/Preparation .......................................... . $35,000 Public Utilities .................................... ............................... $35,000 Parking Facilities ................................ ............................... $35,000 Streets and Sidewalks ......................... ............................... $10,000 Interest.............................................. ............................... $190,000 Administrative Costs (up to 10 %) .............. ........................ $45,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS .............. ............................QQQ See Subsection 2 -10, page 2 -6 of the TIF Plan for the full budget authorization. Additional uses of funds are authorized which include inter -fund loans and transfers and bonded indebtedness. Form of financing: Financing will be primarily by a pay -as- you -go (PAYG) note. Administrative fee: Up to 10% of annual increment, if costs are justified. Interfund Loan Requirement: If the City wants to pay for administrative expenditures from a tax increment fund, it is recommended that a resolution authorizing a loan from another fund must be passed PRIOR to the issuance of the check. 4 Year Activity Rule After four years from the date of certification of the District one of the (§ 469.176 Subd 6) following activities must have been commenced on each parcel in the District: • Demolition • Rehabilitation • Renovation • Other site preparation (not including utility services such as sewer and water) • If the activity has not been started by the approximately September, 2009, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel until the commencement of a qualifying activity. Page 2 TIF District Overview 5 Year Rule Within 5 years of certification revenues derived from tax increments (f 469.1763 Subd 3) must be expended or obligated to be expended. Tax increments are considered to have been expended on an activity within the District if one of the following occurs: • The revenues are actually paid to a third party with respect to the activity • Bonds, the proceeds of which must be used to nuance the activity, are issued and sold to a third party, the revenues are spent to repay the bonds, and the proceeds of the bonds either are reasonably expected to be spent before the end of the later of (i) the five year period, or (ii) a reasonable temporary period within the meaning of the use of that term under §. 148(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund • Binding contracts with a third party are entered into for performance of the activity and the revenues are spent under the contractual obligation • Costs with respect to the activity are paid and the revenues are spent to reimburse for payment of the costs, including interest on unreirnbursed costs. Any obligations in the Tax Increment District made after approximately September, 2010, will not be eligible for repayment from tax increments. The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the TiF Plan for the District, as required pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 3, are included in Exhibit A of the City Council Adopting Resolution. Page 3 T[F DWct Overview MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. I -35 Page 4 Proposed Tax Incren...c Financing Dftict Na Central Monticello Redevelopment Project N City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota Proposed Tax increment Financing District No. 135 District 1 -35 is a redevelopment TIF district. The Dis- trict was established to assist with the construction of 11,000 square foot commercial building. The District was created from parcels removed from District 1 -22. This approach established new time limits that con- strain use of increments in District 1.22. The tax incre- ment from District 1 -35 is obligated to repay a $170,000 developer note at an interest rate of 6 %. The note will end at a date no later than 2/1/2023. Ninety percent (90 %) of annual tax increment is used to make pay- ment on the note. The District will be decertified no later than December 31, 2033. The development planned for District 1 -35 has not happened. Actions Taken Since 2009 Funds have been transferred into TIF District 1 -35 from TIF District 1 -22 to cover administrative expenses incurred for TIF 1 -35. Administrative Steps There are no outstanding administrative items. Management Strategy The strategy for District 1 -35 focuses on using the ex- isting district to undertake redevelopment on this par- cel. The factors that allow the creation of a new re- development district have been removed. A new TIP district is not an option. Clearance of the site satisfied the criteria of the 4 -year knock down requirements. Management of this District benefits from 2009 amend- ments to the TIF Act. The limitations of the five -year rule are extended to ten years for the District. Obli- gations for the use of tax increments must now be in CityNumber ......................................... ....................................................... 1-35 CountyNumber ............................... ............................... ............................635 Name........................... ............................... .......................Landmark Square II Type.......................................................... ............................... Redevelopment Established...................................... ............................... ........................9 /12/05 Certification Requested .................................... .............................12 /29/05 Certified..................................................................... ............................... 811/06 Year of First Increment ................... ............................... ...........................2008 4 -Year Knockdown ........................ ............................... .........................8 /1/12 5-Year Rule ....................................... ............................... .........................8 /1/16 Decertification .......................... ............................... ..........................12 /31 /33 Original Tax Rate ......................... ............................... ......................110.297% Original Tax Capacity Value .......... ............................... ..........................3,409 Current Base Tax Capacity Val ue ............................... ..........................6,068 Current (Pay 2012) Tax Capacity . ............................... ..........................2,962 Parcels..................................................................................... ..............................1 155 -010- 036030 place by August 1, 2016. The financial implications and options for this District cannot be fully analyzed until development occurs. District Summary (District 1 -35 (Landmark Square II) Redevelopment 1,,N 43 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT This agreement is made as of September , 2016, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate (the "EDA ") and MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ( "HRA ") and Developer entered into that certain Contract for Private Development dated September 7, 2005, as amended by an Amendment thereto dated as of June 7, 2006, a Second Amendment thereto dated as of December 18, 2007, and a Third Amendment thereto dated as of December 9, 2015 (as so amended, the "Contract ") providing, among other things, for the construction of an approximately 11,000 square foot retail center, with associated parking, known as Landmark Square 11 (the "Minimum Improvements ") on the property legally described within the Contract (the "Development Property ") within the City of Monticello (the "City "); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has taken the necessary steps to allocate all powers and projects of the HRA to the EDA, and the HRA, by its Resolution dated November 7, 2007, has transferred and assigned to the EDA all outstanding contracts to which the HRA is a party, including the Contract; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested and the EDA has determined to modify the certain provisions of the Contract, primarily to allow for the construction of multifamily housing on the Development Property and to revise the schedule of construction of the Minimum Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. The definition of "Minimum Improvements" in Section 1.1 of the Contract is amended as follows: "Minimum Improvements" means the construction on the Development Property of a three - story, 23 -unit multifamily residential apartment building, with associated parking comprised of 16 detached on -site garages. 2. Section 3.4(a) of the Contract is amended as follows: (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed to the Developer with simple interest thereon at the rate of 6.50% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the Developer complies with the cost certification requirement described in paragraph (f) of this Section. The Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed by the Authority to the Developer in semi - annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ( "Payment Dates ") commencing on the first Payment Date following the first receipt by the Authority of Available Tax Increment and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made from Available Tan Increment as defined in this Section 3.4 and from no other source. Section 3.5 of the Contract is amended to add the following Section 3.5(c): 483559v2 MNI MN190 -115 (c) The parties agree and acknowledge that as of December 31, 2006, the Developer has constructed the Parking Improvements on the Adjacent Property and the Authority has paid the Parking Improvement Costs to the Developer, and neither party has any further obligations under this Section. 4. Section 4.3 of the Contract is amended as follows: (c) Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 2017. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 2018. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. 5. Miscellaneous. Except as amended by this Amendment, the Contract shall remain in full force and effect. Upon execution, the Developer shall reimburse the EDA for all out -of pocket - costs incurred by the EDA in connection with negotiating, drafting and approval of this Amendment. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 483559v2 MNI MN190 -115 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the EDA has caused this Amendment to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be hereunto duly affixed and Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf on or as of the date first above written. Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. City of Monticello Economic Development Authority By: Its 483559v2 MNI MN190 -115 By: Its President By: Its Executive Director Lots 1 -3, Block 36, Original Plat Monticello, 155 - 010 - 036030 Created by: City of Monticello �. ♦ i i � r a ; p q,y , 4 J , ;° '� :1'25 , .. , � ., - . , � • ,,� �: -;fir �,, ♦ '� +� � iy 8 • -' R ' • 4%1 �Jz _s41 ,.. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -0 4# RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION NO. 1 OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -35 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (the "City ") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA ") previously established Central Monticello Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project') pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, as amended (the "HRA Act"); and WHEREAS, on March 10, 1997, the City and the HRA approved a Tan Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan ") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 (the "TIF District ") located within the Redevelopment Project, pursuant to the HRA Act and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (collectively, the "TIF Act "); and WHEREAS, administration of the TIF District was subsequently transferred to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority "); and WHEREAS, the City and Authority have determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to amend the description of the proposed redevelopment contained therein and such amendment is consistent with the redevelopment program for the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 469.175, subd. 4(b) of the TIF Act, a tax increment financing plan may be modified without public hearing or the findings required to be made for the original tax increment financing plan if the modification does not include (i) any reduction or enlargement of the geographic area of the project or tax increment financing district; (ii) an increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness; (iii) a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part of the original plan; (iv) an increase in the portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the City; (v) an increase in the estimated cost of the project, including administrative expenses, to be paid or financed with tax increment from the district; or (vi) the designation of additional property to be acquired by the authority; and WHEREAS, the proposed modifications to the TIF Plan consist solely of a change in description of the proposed redevelopment within the TIF District, and therefore no public hearing is required; and WHEREAS the City is scheduled to consider the proposed modifications to the TIF Plan on September 26, 2016. 486012v1 MNI MN190 -115 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: 1. The administrative modification to the TIF Plan described herein is hereby approved in substantially the form on file in City Hall, subject to approval of the modification by the City Council on September 26, 2016, and shall be designated Modification No. I to Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 ( "Modification No. 1 "). 2. Authority staff is authorized to forward a copy of Modification No. 1 to the Department of Revenue and the State Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, subd.4a. 3. Authority staff is likewise authorized and directed to forward a copy of Modification No. 1 to Wright County for information purposes. DATED: September 14, 2016 President ATTEST: Executive Director 2 486012v1 MNI MN190 -115 MODIFICATION NO.1 TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-35 Original Plan Approved by City Council of the City on September 12, 2005 This Modification Approved by Board of Commissioners of the Authority on September 14, 2016 This Modification Approved by City Council of the City on September 26, 2016 I. Background The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA ") and the City of Monticello (the "City ") previously created Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project ") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, as amended (the "HRA Act "), and adopted a redevelopment plan for the Redevelopment Project. On September 12, 2005, the City Council of the City approved the creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 (the "TIF District ") within the Redevelopment Project and adopted a tax increment financing plan for the TIF District (the "TIF Plan") under the HRA Act and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act "). The TIF District is a redevelopment district, and the TIF Plan provides for certain redevelopment activities in the TIF District. The City subsequently transferred control and responsibility for the Redevelopment Project, and any tax increment financing districts created within the Redevelopment Project, to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority "). The TIF District was originally created to promote redevelopment of a portion of the downtown central business district and, specifically, to foster the construction of an 11,000 square -foot retail facility in the downtown area. The property slated for redevelopment was duly acquired and site preparations were completed by a private developer pursuant to a Contract for Private Development, but due to a downturn in the economy shortly after establishment of the TIF District, the retail facility was not constructed. The City and Authority have now determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to provide for the construction of multifamily rental housing within the TIF District and Redevelopment Project, rather than the retail use originally contemplated. The redevelopment activities described in this modification are consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. The TIF Plan remains in full force and effect and is not modified except as described in this modification document. Any capitalized terms used herein but otherwise not defined shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Redevelopment Plan, as amended, and the TIF Plan. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) Error! Unknown document property name. II. TIF Plan Modifications to TIF District No. 1-35 The following sections of the TIF Plan for the TIF District are modified as set forth below. A. The first paragraph of Section 2 -3 of the TIF Plan (Statement of Objectives) is modified as follows: The District currently consists of three parcels of land and adjacent and internal rights -of -way. The District is being created to facilitate construction of a three - story, approximately 23 -unit multifamily residential facility and associated on -site parking within the City. Please see Appendix A for further project information. A Contract for Private Development (the "Contract ") was executed with Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. in 2005 and has since been amended three times. Construction is expected to commence by the end of 2017 and to be completed by the end of 2018. B. Section 2 -7 of the TIF Plan (Duration of the District) is modified as follows: Pursuant to Section 469.175, subd. 1 and Section 469.176, subd. 1 of the TIF Act, the duration of the District must be indicated within the TIF Plan. Pursuant to Section 469.176, subd. lb, the duration of the District will be 25 years after receipt of the first increment by the Authority (a total of 26 years of tax increment). The date of receipt by the Authority of the first tax increment is expected to be 2018. Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications of the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2043, or when the terms of the Contract are satisfied, whichever is earlier. The Authority reserves the right to decertify the District prior to the legally required date. C. Appendix A (Project Description) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: TIF District No. 1 -35 is a redevelopment district. Pursuant to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. and the Authority, as amended, the Developer proposes to construct a three- story, approximately 23 -unit multifamily rental housing facility and associated parking within the TIF District. The units will be marketed for occupancy by residents aged 55 and up. Construction is expected to commence by the end of 2017 and to be completed by the end of 2018. The costs of land acquisition in a maximum principal amount of $170,000, which were incurred by the Developer within five years after certification of the TIF District, will be reimbursed to the Developer through a pay -as- you -go note at an interest rate of 6.5 %. D. A new Section 32 is added as follows: Section 32 Additional Redevelopment The Authority reserves the right to acquire properties in the Redevelopment Project in the future. Specifically, the Authority intends to purchase a vacant parcel in the City's downtown area located at 100 South Meridian Street and legally described as: Lot 7, EXCEPT the East 5 feet of the North 68 feet thereof and also EXCEPT the West 20 feet thereof, the South 45 feet of Lot 8; the North 2 /5ths of Lots 10, 11 and 12; All of Lot 9; all according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota, Block 91, BELLE PLAINE TOWNSITE. The vacant parcel originally had a building on it that burned down and was demolished. The vacant parcel has not been well kept and the Authority intends to purchase the property in order to avoid further blight and encourage redevelopment in the area. The Authority will use pooled tax increment dollars in the maximum amount of $55,000 to purchase the vacant parcels and to construct various public infrastructure improvements to promote redevelopment, eliminate existing blight and avoid future blight in the downtown area. Q 00 po �U Q d K O� Om Ow UQ Q O p. �� EDA Agenda: 9/14/16 7. Consideration of adopting Resolution No. EDA- 2016 -0 # #, a resolution approving a First Amendment of a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello EDA and Taylor Holdings, LLC for a residential lot located at 413 - 4tb Street West (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of extending the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement closing date for conveyance of the residential property located at 413 — e Street West. At the August EDA meeting, a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement for the sale of the parcel to Taylor Holdings, LLC was approved. The closing date was established as September 16th, 2016 and that date now appears to be unachievable. The primary reason for the desire to extend the closing date is due to complications in resolving an assessment against the property that was discovered during the title search. The assessment was levied by the City to ensure that a previous offer for the property was consummated as desired. That prospective buyer then backed away from the development proposal and the unpaid assessment remains as a title issue. In order to resolve this issue, an assessment waiver or release will need to be considered by the City Council at an upcoming meeting. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the First Amendment. The EDA's legal counsel drafted the Resolution and has been involved in preparation of the First Amendment document. A2. Budget Impact: The costs for preparation of the First Amendment to the Purchase and Redevelopment contract consist of legal fees which will be paid out of the EDA Legal Fees line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution No. EDA- 2016 -0 ## approving a First Amendment of a Purchase and Development Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and Taylor Holdings, LLC. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution No. EDA- 2016 -099 approving a First Amendment of a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and Taylor Holdings, LLC. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 91 wherein a First Amendment of a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and Taylor Holdings, LLC would be approved. An additional 30 days for closing should be sufficient to allow title issues to be resolved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution No. EDA- 2016 -099 B. First Amendment of a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement C. Aerial Image D. Map of Site with Zoning CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04# RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT OF A PURCHASE AND REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TAYLOR HOLDINGS, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ('Board ") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority ") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority currently administers Central Monticello Development Project No. I (the "Project "), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended. 1.02. The Authority and Taylor Holdings, Inc. (the "Developer ") executed a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement, dated as of August 11, 2016 (the "Contract "), providing, among other things, for the conveyance by the Authority to the Developer of certain property within the Project and legally described within the Contract (the "Property"), with closing to take place by September 16, 2016. 1.03. The parties have negotiated and propose to execute a First Amendment to the Contract (the "First Amendment") to extend the deadline for the conveyance of the Property. Section 2. First Amendment Approved. 2.01. The First Amendment as presented to the Board is hereby in all respects approved, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the First Amendment by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. 2.02. The President and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority the First Amendment and any documents referenced therein requiring execution by the Authority, and to carry out, on behalf of the Authority, its obligations thereunder. 2.03. Authority staff and consultants are authorized to take any actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. 486038v1 MNIMN325 -32 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 14th day of September, 2016. President ATTEST: Secretary 486038v1 MNIMN325 -32 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This agreement is made as of , 2016, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "Authority ") and TAYLOR HOLDINGS, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer entered into that certain Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement dated as of August 10, 2016 (the "Contract ") providing, among other things, for the conveyance by the Authority to the Developer of certain property legally described as Lot 3, Block 29, and Lot 2, Block 29, except the Northwesterly 33 feet thereof, said Northwesterly 33 feet of Lot 2 being also described as that part of Lot 2 lying Northwesterly of a line drawn parallel to the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of said Northwesterly line, all in Townsite of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota (the "Property "); and WHEREAS, due to unanticipated delays experienced by the Developer in obtaining the necessary approvals for its proposed redevelopment of the Property, the parties have determined to extend the deadline for closing on the conveyance of the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. Amendment to Paragraph 4 of the Contract. Paragraph 4 of the Contract is amended as follows: Price and Terms. The price for the Property is $32,200 ( "Purchase Price ") which Buyer shall pay as follows: non - refundable earnest money of $1,000 by check, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by Seller. The balance of the Purchase Price must be paid by certified check or wire transfer on the Date of Closing. The "Date of Closing" shall be no later than October 18, 2016. 2. Miscellaneous. Except as amended by this Amendment, the Contract shall remain in full force and effect. (Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.) 4860320 MNI MN325 -32 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be hereunto duly affixed and Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf on or as of the date first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2016, by and , the President and Executive Director, respectively, of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body politic and corporate, on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public 4860320 MNI MN325 -32 TAYLOR HOLDINGS, INC. By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2016 by , the of Taylor Holdings, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 4860320 MNI MN325 -32 0,, Beacon 11. Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways — Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits LJ e ❑t ❑� Parcels Parcel ID 155010029020 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address n/a Sec/Twp /Rng 11- 121 -025 Class 958- MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER Property Address 413 4TH ST W Acreage n/a MONTICELLO District n/a Brief Tax Description Sect-11 Twp- 121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot-002 Block-029 LOT 3 &LOT 2 EX NWLY 33FTTHOF SD NWLY 33FT OF LT2 DES AS TH PRT OF LT2 LY NWLY OF LN DRWN PAR TO NWLY LN OF LT2 &33FT SELY 0 F SD NWLY LN OF LT2 BLK29 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 8/4/2016 Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation Legend BASE— Z- ON1_NG DISTRICTS Residential Districts Low Residentiaf Densities _ A-0 R -A R -1 -- Medium Residential Densifies T -iv �.. R -1 R -PUD -• High Residential Densities 0 R -3 _ R-4 M -H Business Districts B -7 B -2 — B -3 B -4 CCO Industrial Districts E7 18c I -1 I -2 PUDs pl� Swam River OVERLAY DISTFUCTS E_ _I Performance Based Overlay District Special Use Overlay District Mississippi Wild. Scenic & Rec Overlay District Shorefand District j`vl Freeway Bonus Sign District OTHER Water S -qw :X- IN -,qq W-44% "W ;W AA 413 4th Street West St S �~ J CA VA EDA Agenda: 09/14/16 8. Consideration of allowing limited outside storage in Otter Creek Business Park (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a continuation of consideration of allowing limited amounts of outside storage at undeveloped portions of the EDA owned Otter Creek Business Park. At the August 10, 2016 meeting, the EDA authorized staff to complete additional next steps tasks. They consisted o£ 1) communicating details of the outdoor storage concept /proposal with the City Council, 2) seeking feedback from the IEDC, and 3) sending letters to the current Otter Creek Business Park occupants inviting them to attend a Public Comment session at the September 14, 2016 EDA meeting. Otter Creek Business Park was originally established as an upscale business site with restrictive covenants prohibiting outside storage. Two other key covenant elements included: concrete or masonry building materials and lot landscaping /irrigation requirements. Two of the approved final plats resulted in completed lot and building developments that are considered investment grade and in general compliance with the covenants. An inquiry to City staff by Groebner, Inc., 9530 Fallon Avenue, NE, as to the possibility of building a new facility in Otter Creek Park if they could also obtain permission for outside storage generated the initial EDA discussion about more flexible covenants. Since then, the EDA has carefully considered this concept as follows: 1. At the June EDA meeting, a first draft of possible outdoor storage standards was presented for review. The EDA directed staff to seek feedback regarding the draft outside storage standards from Groebner and the present occupants of Otter Creek Business Park. While the feedback from Groebner was positive, the feedback from the current occupants was mixed. 2. During the July EDA meeting an illustration showing possible lot placement of outside storage uses and effective screening was reviewed. 3. At the August meeting, the EDA directed staff to proceed with additional due diligence steps. They included sending written correspondence to the occupants of Otter Creek Business Park inviting them to participate in a public comment session at the September meeting, updating the City Council and seeking feedback from the IEDC. The IEDC unanimously voted to recommend that the EDA flex the covenants and allow outside storage. The motion language also recommends that City staff research allowing up to 50 percent of the principal building size as the accepted outside storage area. It should be noted that the restrictive covenant instruments were adopted by the City Council due to the City's ownership of the land at the time of the original and subsequent Otter Creek Business Park plats. Again, the key issue in the discussion is the size or volume of land area devoted to outdoor storage relative to the principal building or the entire lot area. The draft standards indicate allowed storage of 30 percent of the principal building. A cap of 25,000 square feet is also proposed so the "Park" would not become dominated by outdoor storage accessory uses. Groebner intends to construct a structure that meets the covenants for building materials and lot landscaping resulting in an investment -grade facility. To provide some perspective, Groebner's new facility is proposed to be 30,000 to 40,000 square feet. Under the proposed draft standards, this would equate to an outdoor storage area of 9,000 to 12,000 square feet. The maximum allowed area of outside storage would be 25,000 sq. ft. The proposed standards also call for complete screening by means of wall /fence materials matching the building along with vegetative landscaping elements as additional screening enhancements. No items in the outside storage area would be allowed to be higher than the height of the fence /wall. The standards are attached for review. As the current occupants of Otter Creek were invited to attend the September EDA session, this item has been listed in the agenda as open for public comment to the EDA. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff impact in considering amending the covenants and researching possible outdoor storage standards. To date that work includes communication efforts with and soliciting comments from: 1) Groebner, Inc., 2) the current occupants in Otter Creek Business Park, 3) the City Council via a Council Connection report, 4) the IEDC (September 6, 2016 meeting) and 5) completing staff reports. There may be additional time committed to this effort based on the EDA's discussion and direction. The remaining work involved in this proposal /concept can be completed with existing staff resources. A2. Budget Impact: Likewise, there is a modest budgetary impact in the form of staff time which is within the current job description of the Economic Development Manager and the Community Development Director and support staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: If the EDA deems it appropriate, offer a motion recommending the City Council adopt future Restrictive Covenants that allow limited outside storage 2. If the EDA deems it appropriate, offer a motion recommending the City 2 Council not adopt future Restrictive Covenants allowing outside storage 3. No Motion by EDA; consider as informational for future discussion 4. Motion to table action regarding the possible restrictive covenants allowing outside storage in Otter Creek Business Park C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the EDA supports the idea of opening the Park up to a broader audience of users by allowing limited outside storage, staff recommends Alternative 91. If the EDA is opposed to allowing limited outside storage in Otter Creek Park, then Alternative 92 is appropriate. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Outdoor Storage Standards B. Illustration — example of scaled site showing area of outdoor storage on lots C. Photos of possible effective screening of outdoor storage D. Letter sent to current occupants of Otter Creek Business Park w /attachments E. IEDC Mtg. Minutes (9 -06 -2016) supporting allowing limited outside storage (see green highlight) Otter Creek — Outlots E and F Outdoor Storage Discussion — Proposed Covenant Requirements Open and Outdoor Storage as an accessory use under covenants, provided that: • Outdoor storage shall be limited to 30% of the gross square footage of the principal building, or 25,000 square feet, whichever calculation is less. • The storage area shall not occupy any portion of the yard between the front building line and the adjoining public street, or the side building line and public street on a corner lot. • Outdoor storage areas must be 10' from all property lines and when adjacent to properties zoned other than industrial, shall be located a minimum of 50' feet from the adjacent property line. • Storage shall be accessory to the principal use of the building and shall be used solely for the tenants of the principal building. • Storage areas shall not block the visibility of any public right of way. • The storage area shall not occupy any space required for conformity to the parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. • The outdoor storage of equipment shall be limited to that which may be moved on its own power, or stored on a trailer. • Outdoor storage areas must be kept in an orderly condition, permitting vehicular access to all materials or equipment. • Lanes at least twenty (20) feet in width shall be required to meet this standard. • No portion of the outdoor storage shall be more than fifty (50) feet from any access lane or other drive aisle, nor shall it block access to hydrants, fire sprinklers, or other fire - fighting equipment. • All outdoor storage must be screened completely from any right of way and adjacent property and is subject to the following screening requirements. • Storage may not exceed the height of any screening fence. • Screening shall consist of masonry walls constructed of materials consistent with the building materials and color of the principal building and shall provide for 100% opacity. • Gates shall be an exception to this requirement. • Fences shall meet the height requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. • Landscaping of one evergreen tree per 6' of linear fenceline shall be required to be planted on exterior of outdoor storage screening. • Outdoor storage shall be allowed only on an improved surface of asphalt or concrete. • Storage in shipping containers shall be prohibited unless the following requirements are met: o No container shall be greater than 40 feet in length, 8 feet in width and 8.5 feet in height. o Containers shall not be stacked. • Containers shall be those manufactured expressly for the purpose of storing and /or shipping materials. • All containers shall be stored within a screened storage enclosure per the requirements of these standards. • There shall be no storage of hazardous materials, as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. • Waste or recyclable material shall be contained in a refuse container. All such containers shall be stored within a screened enclosure per the requirements of these standards. • The property, including buildings and exterior site areas, shall comply with all applicable fire codes. • All lighting and noise shall be in compliance with the requirements of the Monticello City Code and Zoning Ordinance. 213100 02301 1 t t 200' POWER LINE EASEMENT Fti 00 *note: aved & curbed surface p �C (drawing is not to scale) r 1551..1o, e]2n rk 4 ' !1 1155171000030 ` .41[ • . 55191 1 1 - - 155223)0020 4 15 223Q01 t . -1 1 51$1 1 1U of rr. • A or 551940 'fir,. 4 t '��►'' � � � 155033 �Nh - 1 221 :1 ;i E _xw , ., a 1556 � d010� M' 155 1 01 ,10 '`y,� ..r 1 t i '1000040 �` r •_ � 9 2131001874201 5550010 4200 r 1 55 155194400040 C7 551 60030 - ,L js1 , r r}r,3 LU •� �� , • ' y� '•155171n 101 155194Q4 02Q r 1551114Qh50' ` ti 1551280Q' - Q � o L FENCEITR AOOO °° SCREENI y „ of r ' ik ■ + ■, :2 13 1 00 1043,01, �y r ■ ■ ti . 1551 5 4 155171000060 i * 1"^ Al y i 103300 •.fie.- �� " -, :; � -• . IL Ift\ "T 1 t �j I Ht I alit t rhv ,,, rr .� Ar.�^ .sk - i iF��v�?u""�"�c 3�Y3... CITY OF Monti e o f- August 31, 2016 To Company Owner or Manager Address Line #1 Address Line #2 with Zip Code Dear Name of Person: PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAx:763- 295 -4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 City staff recently received an inquiry from a business prospect having an interest in developing an industrial facility in Otter Creek Business Park, including a small amount of outside storage. They've stated that they like the location of the Park and feel the City of Monticello, with it's location on 1 -94 and beyond the more densely developed Twin Cities metro area, offers many advantages for their employees and their general operations. They have plans to construct a structure in conformance with the recorded Restrictive Covenants for building materials and lot landscaping resulting in an investment- grade facility. However, they do need a small area of outside storage and have asked City staff to explore this option. There are currently portions of Otter Creek Business Park which are not under the recorded Restrictive Covenants. Beginning in June, City staff presented the request to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) for discussion and feedback. The EDA then asked staff to draft possible standards guiding outside storage and bring it back for further discussion and review. At the July EDA meeting, the discussion continued with staff being directed to solicit feedback from the current occupants in the Park. At the August meeting, the EDA continued discussing this and authorized setting of a public comment session at the September 14, 2016 EDA meeting. The proposed outside storage standards were developed with the goal of balancing the original vision for the Park as a high -end manufacturing site with the possibility of allowing for a broader audience of users to pursue development within the Park. A copy of the draft standards is attached for reference and comment. These standards would be incorporated into the Restrictive Covenants recorded against the balance of land at Otter Creek, shown on the attached map. There are certain businesses entities which need to have access to outside storage to operate in an efficient manner. City staff have conscientiously considered this request from a business and brought it to the EDA for discussion. We have now arrived at the point in time where it is prudent to seek comment regarding possible outside storage at Otter Creek Business Park in a public forum, which you are invited to attend on September 14th, 2016 at approximately 6:30 p.m. The comment will be taken as part of the EDA meeting at the Monticello Community Center. Please feel free to contact me with your questions about the discussion of outside storage at the upcoming meeting. Thank you for your time and consideration of this discussion Sincerely, Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager Encl. Draft Outside Storage Standards, Map of Otter Creek Business Park Otter Creek — Outlots E and F Outdoor Storage Discussion — Proposed Covenant Requirements Open and Outdoor Storage as an accessory use under covenants, provided that: • Outdoor storage shall be limited to 30% of the gross square footage of the principal building, or 25,000 square feet, whichever calculation is less. • The storage area shall not occupy any portion of the yard between the front building line and the adjoining public street, or the side building line and public street on a corner lot. • Outdoor storage areas must be 10' from all property lines and when adjacent to properties zoned other than industrial, shall be located a minimum of 50' feet from the adjacent property line. • Storage shall be accessory to the principal use of the building and shall be used solely for the tenants of the principal building. • Storage areas shall not block the visibility of any public right of way. • The storage area shall not occupy any space required for conformity to the parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. • The outdoor storage of equipment shall be limited to that which may be moved on its own power, or stored on a trailer. • Outdoor storage areas must be kept in an orderly condition, permitting vehicular access to all materials or equipment. o Lanes at least twenty (20) feet in width shall be required to meet this standard. o No portion of the outdoor storage shall be more than fifty (50) feet from any access lane or other drive aisle, nor shall it block access to hydrants, fire sprinklers, or other fire- fighting equipment. All outdoor storage must be screened completely from any right of way and adjacent property and is subject to the following screening requirements. • Storage may not exceed the height of any screening fence. • Screening shall consist of masonry walls constructed of materials consistent with the building materials and color of the principal building and shall provide for 100% opacity. • Gates shall be an exception to this requirement. • Fences shall meet the height requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. • Landscaping of one evergreen tree per 6' of linear fenceline shall be required to be planted on exterior of outdoor storage screening. • Outdoor storage shall be allowed only on an improved surface of asphalt or concrete. • Storage in shipping containers shall be prohibited unless the following requirements are met: o No container shall be greater than 40 feet in length, 8 feet in width and 8.5 feet in height. o Containers shall not be stacked. A fr lUeUaAO:) ,E �aaj:) jallo lUeUaAO:) Naaj:) jauo • Ajepunog A4iD puasal -:0900OOtLL SS t jo ct Mot 1, Z 'I0 l" 'IC A4 X I * 0OVEOLOOLUZ oloLoovirzsst 00"60001 cl z 4 4 z v<ljjA40 4 !V Olr0000iLlss MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, September 6th 2016 — 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Darek Vetsch, 011ie Koropchak- White, Jason Kisner, Mari Lou McCormic, Andrew Tapper, Pete Gardner Absent: Don Tomann, Jim Johnson Other: Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. August 2, 2016 OLLIE KOROPCHAK MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 2ND, 2016 IEDC MEETING. DICK VAN ALLEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. 4. Reports: (Verbal Reports) a. Economic Development Report Jim Thares provided the economic development report by first explaining the Dahlheimer Beverage expansion project. The project is to expand the facility 97,150 square feet with the creation of five new jobs following the expansion. Thares then explained about a small area study that will be completed for the downtown. Blocks 34 and 52, among others, will be included in the study. He noted that Block 34 has environmental contamination issues and is in the process of a study and assessment. Thares also mentioned residential land sales were approved at two locations: 413 West 4a' Street and 1022 West River Street. The EDA also approved the sale of 349 West Broadway to We Thrive Fitness. The closing of all three properties should occur over the coming months. b. Planning Commission Agenda — Report i. Interviews for vacant P.C. position on Sept. 6, 2016 Jim Thares provided an update on behalf of the Planning Commission. Thares stated two public hearings will be held including: the Monticello High School Campus additions and a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance pertaining to native landscapes. A special meeting will also be held prior to the regularly scheduled meeting to conduct interviews for the Planning Commission. c. City Council Jeff O'Neill summarized the City Council meeting held on August 8th and August 22nd The City has allocated $150,000 to study Highway 10 and Interstate 94 for improvements. A request for proposal will be advertised soon. O'Neill also stated that the northwest corridor crossing is on hold until the best point of crossing can be determined. O'Neill then mentioned the City Council authorized a facility needs study for the Monticello Fire Department. He also explained the overpass along Fallon Avenue near St. Henry's Catholic Church is moving along. O'Neill encouraged IEDC members to visit Bertram Chain of Lakes. He noted that irrigation was a concern, but with the amount of rain that has occurred, the area with the new grass is healthy and off to a nice start. Lastly, he mentioned that IRET Apartments have completed the first phase of construction and are filling up with tenants. d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marcy Anderson provided an updated on behalf of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She noted they are preparing for the 2016 Chamber Downtown Trick or Treat Event, which is scheduled for October 27th, 2016. Anderson then stated the Chamber Lunch will be held on September 20th and participants will be hearing from Wright County Law Enforcement. In the past, this event has had high attendance. Anderson also stated Hybrid Martial Arts LLC has joined the Chamber. 5. Consideration of allowing limited outside rage in Otter Creek Business Park Jim Thares provided background on allowing outdoor storage in Otter Creek Business Park. Currently, the park has restrictive covenants that does not allow outdoor storage. The EDA directed staff to seek feedback from the IEDC regarding their support/concerns for the possibility of allowing limited amounts of outside storage in the covenants. The consideration stems from a request by Groebner, Inc. to explore the possibility of building a new facility in the park if they can obtain permission for limited outside storage. The concern is balancing the concept of being more flexible and allowing outside storage versus the original vision of a Park featuring complete restrictions against outside storage. Don Roberts expressed concern for a few of the recommendations provided in the proposed covenant requirements. He encouraged staff to review some of these standards. DON ROBERTS MOVED TO SUPPORT THE EDA IN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THAT WILL ALLOW OUTSIDE STORAGE OF UP TO 50 PERCENT, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT CITY STAFF WILL FURTHER INVESTIGATE THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A (OUTDOOR STORAGE — POSSIBLE STANDARDS) REPORT. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED; 0. 6. Consideration of an update regarding 2016 City Construction Proiects (Verbal Report) Jim Thares noted the IRET Apartments and Aspen Dental construction continues to progress. He responded to questions about Mills Fleet Farm's construction start date indicating that it is currently in Mill's control and they have previously indicated that they want to be in the ground yet this fall and be open by the 2017 Fishing opener (early May, 2017). Thares also stated Sherburne State Bank is proposing developing a new bank on the lot just north of the Pizza Ranch. This proposal will be brought forward at the October Planning Commission Meeting. 7. Industry of the Year Planning Update — Note a 2nd IEDC Meeting to be held on Sept. 26 Jacob Thunander updated the IEDC on the progress of the 2016 Industry of the Year. He noted that nominations were due on September 1St, 2016. The City received nominations for JME, Vector Tool Manufacturing, and WSL The IEDC subcommittee is currently waiting to receive written surveys from each of the businesses and will be scheduling tours for the IEDC members to participate in. The Industry of the Year event is scheduled for October 5th, 2016 at 7 a.m. in the Mississippi Room of the Monticello Community Center. Steve Johnson called for a special meeting to be scheduled on September 26th at 7 a.m. This meeting will be to vote for the 2016 Industry of the Year finalist. 8. Consideration of a report regarding Wright County Minnesota Cities Participation Program - First Time Homebuyer Lending Program (Verbal Report) Jim Thares discussed the Minnesota Cities Participation Program (MCPP) as it relates to Wright County. He noted MCPP is both a program and a funding source for first -time homebuyers. The MCPP is administered by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. For 2016, Wright County received an allocation of $2,262,463 and has exceeded this amount by $1,681,977. The oversubscribing by Wright County (23 loans as of 7 -31 -2016) is not an issue as MHFA uses other available funds to continue to make the loans to borrowers (the program has changed from the past years, so in effect it does not run short of funding). Their niche market is low and moderate income households wanting to purchase their first homes. The first point of contact is through the local financial institutions in the community. That can be found on the MHFA website via a zip code search or by calling the local financial institutions. Mari Lou McCormic mentioned that RiverWood Bank participates in the program and she is involved in teaching the first -time home -buyer classes sponsored by Wright County Community Action (WCCA). Unfortunately, due to a lack of participation, several recent sessions have been cancelled. It was asked if the City of Monticello could place the information on the City newsletter or its website to help market the program. Jeff O'Neill stated the City would be willing to do that. 9. Adjournment DICK VAN ALLEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:11 P.M. DON ROBERTS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 15 -0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: September 6, 2016 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director EDA Agenda: 9/14/16 9. Consideration of Economic Development Assistance Scope of Work Proposal for a possible Contract with WSB & Associates for lead generation and financial assistance packaging (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was considered at the August 10, 2016 EDA meeting and tabled until September to allow the WSB & Associates representative, Jim Gromberg, to be in attendance at the meeting. In specific, this item is in consideration of an Economic Development Assistance Scope of Work Proposal with WSB & Associates. City staff proposes to enter into a 15 month (10 -1 -16 to 12- 31 -17) contract for Economic Development Assistance with WSB & Associates. In the past two years, the EDA has contracted with WSB for a Market Matching service at the rate of $4,000 per month. The current Scope of Work proposal is a greatly slimmed down variation of the previous work. While the previous contract was wide ranging in duties and event attendance, the primary focus of the new assistance format falls under the general effort of lead generation and financial assistance packaging. Al. Staff Impact: The City's Economic Development Manager has spent about 4 or 5 hours on the Scope of Work discussion with supervisors and Jim Gromberg, WSB's lead economic development consultant, on the general concept and Scope of Work proposal. A2. Budget Impact: The total amount budgeted for Economic Development Assistance Services in 2017 is $8,400 ($700 per month). The three months of service (Oct., Nov., Dec.) in 2016 ($2,100) would be funded out of the 2016 Miscellaneous Professional Services budget. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the proposed Economic Development Assistance Services Scope of Work and further direct preparation of a 15 -month Contract for Economic Development Assistance Services between WSB & Associates and the Monticello EDA. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the proposed Economic Development Services Scope of Work between WSB & Associates and the Monticello EDA. 3. Motion to table acceptance of the proposed Economic Development Assistance Services Scope of Work between WSB & Associates and the Monticello EDA for further research and /or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 91 wherein the EDA accepts the proposed Economic Development Assistance Services Scope of Work and further directs preparation of a Contract for consideration by the EDA at a future meeting. Entering into a Contract for the proposed Scope of Work will provide more tools and a wider reach to the Monticello EDA and also allow the Economic Development Manager to be more effective with time and resources in the effort of marketing, regional networking and identifying qualified leads and in generating financial packages for a variety of economic development projects. It would be expected that the expertise of Mr. Gromberg in the area of provided partnership programs which offer maximum funding leverage for potential prospects would be of significant value to the EDA. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed WSB & Associates Economic Development Services Scope of Work 2 - WSB JB && Assoc- engineedng• panning- enviranmental • cormbudi011 August 4, 2016 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 56069 Re: Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello Dear Mr. Thares: 701 Xeria Avenue South Suite 300 Mnneapol is, W55416 Tel: 763 - 541-4800 Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 Thank you for providing WSB & Associates the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Economic Development Services for the City of Monticello. Provided below is a summary of the proposed Scope of Services for ongoing Economic Development support. PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Market Engagement 2.1 Active networking with potential market entrants (on- going). It is anticipated that it would average of 4 meetings each month would be attended. o Central Minnesota Industrial Partnership — WSB acts as representative. o Minnesota Medical Manufacturers Partnership - WSB retains membership and WSB acts as representative. o Central MN Manufacturer's Association — WSB acts as representative o CoreNet Global — WSB acts as representative o DEED — Membership and representation by both City and WSB. o EDAM — Membership and representation by both City and WSB. o Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation - Membership and representation by WSB. o Greater MSP — WSB retains membership and acts as representative o Minnesota Chamber of Commerce — WSB retains membership and acts as representative. o Minnesota High Tech Association — WSB acts as representative o NAIOP — WSB acts as representative o Urban Land Use Institute WSB acts as representative o Other Organizations on an as needed basis. o Conference and Association Trade Shows — TBD Equal Opportunity Errployer wsbeng.00m Jim Thares August 4, 2016 Page 2 - 2.2. Economic Development Opportunities - WSB will identify and assist in identifying potential economic development opportunities: including the following: o Land acquisition. o Financial ilncentive opportunities. o Preliminary proposal development. o Preliminary sketch plan design (non - certified drawings). o Assist in closing. o Act as a conduit for information and resource for prospect and City staff. o WSB will assist in providing detailed development related information to all qualified leads. o Assistance with financial package preparation in consultation with City staff, policy makers, and financial consultant. o Attendance at pre- design meetings associated with leads. Task 3: Communication 3.1 WSB will provide consistent and effective communication with City Staff, EDA, and City Council on a regular - scheduled basis. o Provide timely e-mail updates to City Staff o Provide Written Monthly Memo updating City Staff of Market Matching Economic Development efforts and outcomes. FEE FOR SERVICES As outlined in the above Scope of Services, the City has the option to retain WSB & Associates for 12 months at the fee of $700 per month, starting July 1, 2016. Travel expenses incurred by WSB within Minnesota as part of the Scope Services offering are included in the monthly fee. Travel expenses incurred by WSB for travel outside of Minnesota that are directed by the City of Monticello shall be paid for according to a negotiated price. Additionally, fees for services outside of the above described scope may be required from time to time shall be completed at an additional hourly rate. If you are in agreement with the proposed project Scope of Services and Fee, please sign below and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact me at (763) 762 -2846. Sincerely, WSB & Associates Jim Gromberg Economic Development Coordinator Approval Signature By: Title: Date: EDA Agenda — 09/14/16 10. Consideration of authorization to issue RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello. (AS /JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing issuance of an RFP for a Small Area Study for a portion of the "core area" of downtown. The concept for completion of a small area study arose out of the EDA's June strategy session, at which the EDA members present placed Downtown Redevelopment as the top priority or focus area for the near future. It was discussed during the strategy session and in other EDA meetings that given the recent changes and investments within the core downtown commercial district, the land use components of the Embracing Downtown Plan require review and update. In July, the EDA authorized the preparation of an RFP for consideration. The EDA indicated at that time that the update for the land use component of the plan should not be extensive and, given the investment in the Embracing Downton Plan, consideration should be given to project cost. The EDA also felt a market perspective on any land use concept was critical. As such, staff has prepared a draft RFP which is limited in scope in terms of both focus and geographic area. The small area to be studied includes the four corners at the intersection of TH25 and CSAH 75, and includes additional blocks to the west of TH25, including the "Anchor Block ". The study focuses on development of three alternative land use concepts, then requires that they be analyzed by developers for feasibility. The proposal also requests detail on likely implementation measures. Although staff does have some question as to how proposers will develop a proposal meeting both requirements, firms which work for both public and private clients may be able to offer a proposal which packages both components. Staff welcomes the EDA's feedback on the structure and content of the draft proposal. It is also understood that a final contract and scope of work will be developed in finer detail with the selected consultant should the project proceed. Al. Staff Impact: An initial estimate of staff time involved in the process, including preparation of the RFP, reviewing submitted proposals and presenting the results to the EDA for consideration is 25 to 30 hours. Staff commitment during the actual study preparation process may be closer 100 hours. Staff time supporting the consultant in arranging and meeting and developing can support a reduction in costs for the consultant services, as well. A2. Budget Impact: Funding is included in the proposed 2017 EDA budget. Staff has estimated the budget impact for the small area study at approximately $45,000 to $55,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to authorize issuance of RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello, subject to those comments of the EDA. 2. Motion to table consideration of a small area study for further research and information. 3. Motion for no action C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is apparent that the lack of a land use plan considered to be "viable" for the downtown area has generated questions on the best use of properties and desired development pattern for the core of downtown. Staff recommends alternative 1 above. The small area study will not replace the Embracing Downtown Plan, but rather supplement the plan for focus on the core area identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Small Area Study RFP CITY Monticello REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EMBRACING DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO — SMALL AREA PLAN REQUEST The Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to address land use and market components of a core area of downtown Monticello. SUBMISSION DEADLINE Proposals Due Date /Time Friday, October 28th, 2016 4:00pm Request for proposals must be received prior to 4:00 pm (CST) on Friday, October 28th, 2016. Late submittals will not be considered. Fifteen (15) copies of the RFP should be submitted to the address below: City of Monticello: Attn: Jim Thares 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 Contact Info: Jim.thares&ci.monticello.mn.us or 763 - 271 -3254 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMUNITY BACKGROUND SMALL AREA MAP SCOPE OF WORK PUBLIC STRUCTURE PROJECT COST & FEE SCHEDULE STAFF SUPPORT PROJECT TIMELINE DELIVERABLES FIRM CREDENTIALS SELECTION PROCESS SELECTION /EVALUATION CRITERIA RESOURCES 9 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 -9 9 -10 COMMUNITY BACKGROUND The City of Monticello is situated in a prime location on Interstate 94 between Minneapolis /St. Paul and the City of St. Cloud. Monticello has experienced tremendous growth within the last twenty years in the residential, commercial, office, and retail sectors. The City of Monticello is a rapidly growing, free - standing urban fringe city encompassing approximately 5,000 acres and a population of 13,000. Monticello was founded by second - generation Americans who migrated west in the mid 1800's. Early settlers found the gently sloping banks and shallow river levels of the Mississippi River made a logical place for a river crossing. Founded in 1856, the City grew quickly during the early settlement years and then leveled to a population of about 1,300. It was this original settlement that became the core city and survives today as downtown Monticello. In 2010, the City of Monticello completed the "Embracing Downtown Plan ", a guide to redeveloping the downtown. The Embracing Downtown Plan considered land use, transportation and market realities for the full downtown area. The full area considered to be "Downtown Monticello" extends from Interstate I- 94 at its southern boundary to the Mississippi River in the north, and generally from Cedar Street on the east to Maple Street on the west. Since the adoption of the Embracing Downtown Plan, changes in the downtown marketplace in terms of ownership and private investment have created impacts which influence the desire and ability to implement the land use component of the Embracing Downtown Plan as originally intended. In particular, the core downtown area requires a new perspective in terms of land uses most likely to be developed and successful. The "core" downtown area to be studied includes the four corner blocks of the intersection itself, two blocks directly west of the intersection and an area southwest of the intersection. The core downtown area to be studied lies at the intersection of I -94 and MN TH 25. These arterial transportation corridors create both challenges and opportunities for the core of the downtown area. Two larger "suburban" commercial districts are in close proximity to the original downtown area and are connected to the downtown by collector roads. These retail areas, along with 200+ acres of vacant commercial land within the City, create challenges for the more expensive and often time - consuming redevelopment of this core downtown area. Given the changes in the market realities within the core area, the opportunity for greenfield commercial development, as well as the recognized constraints of the area's transportation corridors, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) seeks to develop a revised land use plan for the core area of the downtown which presents a greater likelihood for realization. The Monticello EDA (which has the powers of a Housing and Redevelopment Authority) has been very aggressive in its economic development strategies as related to the downtown. The City's EDA owns and has acquired properties in the core study area with the goal of facilitating redevelopment in the area. The EDA has directed the request for proposals for this core area of downtown in order to achieve the broader goals outlined by the Embracing Downtown Plan, while recognizing and addressing the evolving marketplace in which the core downtown area exists. s Small Area Study - Area Map r �1 • �� NU �. if �� + . r� + r ,�t 1 4T, x �i f. � t1 � • r, ^� I • -.► i do T September 8, 21 E iTL, I 376 feet Saxe EW Diplarj tide, CVUEA Ew=w CAen ftca. ':NEsA eK Di veon lb(6 AEV4 CeS' Wf$2 P.UWWd.ik 40P, sw=tw. am Ve u45 uw C•-wl) SCOPE OF WORK In conjunction with the items listed below, each RFP must address the following: a. Approach to obtaining and including public input b. Estimated timeline c. Coordination and communication with staff and applicable consultants d. Coordination and review by boards and commissions A final scope of work will be developed in collaboration with the selected firm(s). Phase 1: Context & Place 1. Understand the goals and the objectives of the Embracing Downtown Plan, including those items achieved and those unrealized. 2. Evaluate the current environment of the area to be studied. a. Document the existing land uses, property ownership, and business mix. b. Update the distribution, location, and density of the current uses of land within the "downtown" including: commercial, retail, office, industrial, open /civic spaces, and residential uses. c. Update vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns including mapping and context. Phase 2: Concept Development & Public Input 1. Develop three individual land use scenarios, incorporating the City's plans for vehicular and pedestrian transportation access and park and pathway planning. a) For commerce uses specifically, propose a business mix and land use pattern. Includes strategies for arranging /locating current and future businesses. Identify how the mix presents the maximum opportunity for development and how it will positively impact pedestrian traffic and sales. b) For residential uses specifically, outline the types of residential uses that are appropriate for the small area; provide an analysis of what mix of housing types and densities are best suited to the area and rationale. c) Each individual concept will include both narrative and visual components, including maps and graphic schematics. 2. Recommend an appropriate mix of off -street and on- street parking facilities to support the land use concepts and to support access to adjacent amenities, including the City Parks, Community Center, Library, etc. 3. Identify how each concept creates better connectivity and compatibility between land uses and densities within the downtown and with other commercial nodes within the City. 4. Specifically identify the points for public input, including meetings, interviews and social media efforts with the specific purpose of input into the development scenarios. 5. Specifically identify the points for input by City boards and commissions. 4 Phase 3: Market Testing Similar to the Embracing Downtown Plan, the small area study seeks to incorporate the realities of the market environment in which the area exists. The selected consultant will develop and implement a market testing module, by which each scenario is evaluated by a group of recognized commercial and residential developers. Market test group(s) will analyze appropriate mix of commercial and residential uses for marketability and development feasibility. a. Market test group(s) will analyze appropriate mix of commercial and residential uses which will most likely thrive in the downtown based on existing and future business potential, transportation patterns, and adjacent competitive market areas. b. Market test group(s) will analyze type and mix of current housing, including the spatial distribution of housing patterns. c. Selected consultant with market test group(s) will provide marketing and development strategies for implementation. 3. Written deliverables for the market test group(s) analysis shall be provided with a clear detailing of the methodology for analysis and background of the each market test group participant. Phase 4: Refinement and Adoption 1. Based on the feedback of the developer community, the selected consultant will refine the plan rated highest by the developer community for presentation to the City for adoption. 2. Consultant will develop clear relationship structure to the Embracing Downtown Plan and identify those components of the Embracing Downtown Plan to be amended. 3. Consultant to prepare any recommended amendment language to the Embracing Downtown Plan. PUBLIC STRUCTURE The City is governed by a City Council and receives recommendations from the Planning Commission, Economic Development Authority, Parks Commission, and Industrial & Economic Development Committee. The proposal should include a creative, pro- active public input process with recommendation and /or review points by each board and final adoption by the EDA and City Council. 4 PROJECT COST & FEE SCHEDULE All required information pursuant to the RFP shall be prepared at the sole cost and expense of the Respondent. There shall be no claims whatsoever against the City, its staff, or its consultants for reimbursement costs or expenses incurred in the preparation of the RFP(s). The proposal shall include a total cost estimate per component and an all inclusive cost. Total project cost should include anticipated legal review (if applicable), coordination with existing City consultants, coordination with other selected firms, and City staff. A clear delineation of communication and reporting relationships between consultants should be provided. In addition, a section should be included detailing potential additional costs including; hourly fees, extraneous expenses associated with travel, electronic and verbal communication services, production, legal, and administration, etc. The Economic Development Authority will be the funding source for the proposed project. It should be noted the EDA will be cost - conscious throughout the selection process and scope of project. STAFF SUPPORT All proposals should include a detailed summary of required staff support to complete each component. It is expected each firm will be responsible for the collection of baseline data resources. The City has a City Administrator, Finance Director, Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, and Building Official. The City also retains a legal firm, planning firm, engineering firm and financial firm for both broad -scale and day -to -day matters. Proposals must include any costs for consultation with other consultants both currently retained by the City and as appointed to complete the Guide. PROJECT TIMELINE The proposal should include an estimated time allotment per component based on a start date of December 15t1i, 2016 and a desired completion date of April 1St, 2017. DELIVERABLES The selected consulting firm will be required to provide (20) printed copies and a digital of the final approved document, along with digital versions of any drafts. Final digital plan version must be an interactive document that has the ability to link to other resources. Digital copies of any GIS layers used to create maps or data bases shall be provided. The final plan will include both text and graphical segments. The plan should capitalize on as many visual components and GIS database as possible. FIRM CREDENTIALS Include a section detailing the firm's background and experience. List the names of all consultants assigned to the project and in what capacity. Credentials must include a summary of past projects, including location, size, scope, and nature of services. SELECTION PROCESS The EDA will review each properly completed proposal. Proposals to complete the plan by multiple firms will only be accepted by a coordinating firm. Proposals will be pared down to three (3) firms for presentation and interview based on the Selection /Ranking Criteria to be determined by the EDA. Presentations /interviews are expected to occur in November, 2016. The selection committee will require a formal presentation and interview. The final selection process will not be made by Selection /Evaluation Criteria ranking alone, but will be based on a combination including, but not limited to: ranking, presentation, proposal merit and other qualifications. Once authorized to proceed, the "most qualified" firm(s) will be expected to immediately assist in developing a final scope of services and contractual agreement. The City of Monticello reserves the right to waive any irregularity in any submittal or reject any or all proposals. SELECTION /EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be reviewed on a point basis, with a maximum of 100 points to determine ranking of each proposal. 1. Demonstrated Experience — a maximum of 15 points What direct experience do the consultants assigned to the project have working with diverse stakeholders in the development of City plans, redevelopment projects, or other applicable initiatives? What relevant past experiences and performance do the consultants assigned to the project have that will enable them to successfully assist the City in the creation of a creative and progressive downtown redevelopment and revitalization guide? 2. Project Approach and Organization — a maximum of 45 points Proposals shall include a detailed approach for accomplishing the Guide. • How will services be performed? • Has the proposal addressed each of the considerations included within the RFP? • What additional scope of services has been identified? • How will the public process be incorporated? • How will communication be handled? • How will coordination and communication with other solicited consultants be approached? • What "social media" tools can be utilized to capture a higher level of participation? • How has the consultant incorporated the market test group component to achieve the EDA's desired outcome? • What creative ideas are proposed to address the anticipated diverse desired results from each participating organization and /or stakeholders? 3. Cost - Efficiency — a maximum of 25 points The proposal shall include a detailed cost estimate for completing the project. Hourly costs for additional time should also be provided, along with any extraneous expenses associated with travel, communications services, legal, coordination with outside consultants, production, etc. 4. Project Timeline and Consultant Availability — a maximum of 15 points The proposal shall include an evaluation of time allotted to each component and if applicable overall completion of Guide. Describe the proposed consultant project schedule and staffing plan, including the number of on -site visits /meetings and public involvement meetings. RESOURCES The following resources are available online at the City of Monticello website, www.ci.monticello.mn.us [Click Community Development/Downtown Development) • Current Monticello Zoning Ordinance • City Code • 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan • 2008 Monticello Natural Resource Inventory & Assessment • 2009 Transportation Plan (See Engineering Department's Transportation Page) • 2010 Embracing Downtown Plan • 2011 Park & Pathway Plan Transportation To assist the successful candidate in preparing their responses and recommendations, we are including information on the existing transportation system, existing and projected traffic volumes along major transportation corridors, and some of the anticipated constraints that must be considered with any redevelopment of the downtown area. Existing Transportation System • The majority of traffic entering or leaving the downtown area does so from the north and south on State Trunk Highway 25 (TH 25), and from the east and west on Wright County State -Aid Highway 75 (CSAH 75). CSAH 75 is also referred to as East or West Broadway, depending on which side of TH 25 it is on. • TH 25 is a four -lane highway that is divided in some areas through the use of a narrow raised concrete median, but remains undivided in other areas. The posted speed on TH 25 through the downtown area is 30 mph. The existing right -of -way along TH 25 in the downtown area varies between 80 and 150 -feet. • CSAH 75 is a four -lane highway that is divided in some areas through the use of a raised concrete median area, yet remains undivided in other areas. The posted speed on CSAH 75 through the downtown area is 30 mph. The existing right -of -way along CSAH 75 in the downtown area is 100 - feet. • The existing transportation network is shown in Figures 2.2 and 2.3 of the adopted Transportation Plan on the City's website. • Design layouts for intersection of TH 25 and CSAH 75. Traffic Modeling Data • Upon request, the city will provide existing traffic data and modeling results to assist in analyzing the transportation components and developing recommendations. Financing • 2016 Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Management Plan • HRA Levy • EDA General Fund • EDA financial assistance programs • EDA land assets Additional Information City Staff will provide additional information as requested. In order to ensure all candidates receive similar information a consolidated list of questions and answers will be posted on the City's website a week prior to the submission deadline. s$ EDA Agenda: 09/14/16 11. Consideration to authorize seeking quotes for a Limited Site Investigation for EDA - owned property in Block 34 (JT /AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing staff to seek quotes/bids for a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) for EDA owned property in Block 34. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requires a LSI to be completed due to the contaminated soils encountered during the utility replacement component of the 2016 Street Reconstruction project that occurred in this area in mid -July, as well as the results of the Phase II analysis completed in June, 2016. A total of 37.84 tons of petroleum impacted soils were removed from the site and disposed of in a regulated landfill per MPCA requirements. In addition, the MPCA opened a file and assigned a Leak number, 20142, to the petroleum impact. The file is officially in an "open" status and pending further investigation. As noted, the petroleum impacted soils discovered during the utility replacement are consistent with the 2016 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) results. The long -term history of Block 34 as the former site of a municipal gas utility and Phillips 66 gas station plays a role in the environmental concerns in this area. Accordingly, the EDA has previously authorized several environmental investigations in this Block. They are as follows: 1. November 19, 2014 -Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Block 34, (Phase I ESA) 2. November 6, 2015 -Limited Site Investigation, Former Phillips 66 Station, Leak 19812, 100 Broadway East (LSI) 3. February 12, 2016 -Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Update, Block 34 (Phase I ESA Update) 4. June 13, 2016 -Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Block 34 (Limited Phase II ESA) Outside of the initial Phase I ESA, various construction- related activities at this Block have triggered each of the follow -up studies. The findings of the Phase I ESA indicated historical evidence of a coal gasification use and gas tank on the 130 East Broadway parcel. This was stated as a "Recognized Environmental Condition ", or "REC ", along with three others at 100 East Broadway, 200 East Broadway and 316 Pine Street. When the building at 100 East Broadway was demolished, contamination was detected at that site. Through coordination between MN -DOT and MPCA, a site specific LSI for Leak number 19812 was completed. Later, the EDA approved a Phase II ESA, dated June 13, 2016, for the purpose of study of each of the RECs identified in the Phase I report. The Phase II ESA for Block 34 yielded more knowledge about the possible extent and severity of the contamination in Block 34 which can help inform potential future redevelopment processes. EDA Agenda: 09/14/16 As is typical for LSI projects /work, the costs can be submitted to the Minnesota Petrofund for reimbursement in the amount of 80 to 90 percent of the total expense. Staff is presenting with two alternatives. The first option authorized staff to obtain quotes for the completion of the LSA, which would then allow reimbursement of costs up to 90 percent. The second alternative would authorize WSB & Associates to prepare a scope of work for the LSI given their familiarity and past work on the Block 34 site. This alternative allows the EDA to seek Petrofund reimbursement at the rate of 80 percent of the costs of conducting the LSI. Al. Budget Impact: The cost to seek quotes is relatively modest as it involves sending letter requests to qualified environmental engineers seeking bids to complete the LSI scope of work. Typical LSI work scopes are standardized and do not vary in steps /process. The estimated costs for completing an LSI fall in a range of $8,000 to $10,000. If competitive bids are obtained, the EDA can be reimbursed up to 90 percent of the cost by the Minnesota Petrofund administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. If a single quote is obtained the reimbursement rate is at 80 percent of the costs. All expenses not reimbursed will be coded against TIF 1 -22 per the previously approved Interfund Loan Resolution 2014 -025, or alternatively, against a future TIF district per the previously approved Interfund Loan Resolution 2014 -095. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal; limited to consultation with WSB and preparation of this report. It should be noted that WSB's familiarity with the activities and environmental studies conducted in Block 34 make their involvement a logical choice and the efficiency that they can bring to the work will offset costs and potential reimbursements from the Petrofund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize staff to seek a quote from WSB & Associates for a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) related to Leak 20142 on EDA owned property in Block 34 due to WSB's familiarity with the Block and the previous environmental work they have completed in Block 34. 2. Motion to authorize staff to seek quotes from qualified environmental engineers to conduct a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) related to Leak 20142 on EDA owned property in Block 34. 3. Motion to table this item for further research or more information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In the interest of cost efficiency and information continuity in the environmental work in Block 34, staff recommends Alternative 91. The efficiency of utilizing WSB will offset the 10 percent revenue reimbursement gain that would result from obtaining multiple EDA Agenda: 09/14/16 quotes. The LSI is a required step by the MPCA. Since the EDA owns the property, it is the responsible party to complete the follow up investigation steps for Leak 20142. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Letter (8 -25 -2016) from WSB & Associates, Ryan Spencer, regarding Leak 20142 B. Letter (7 -20 -2016) from MPCA regarding required steps for Leak 20142 WSB � Assoc- engineering • planning • environmental • construction August 25, 2016 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Monticello City Administer 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 56258 Re: Block 34 - Water Utility Replacement Report Monticello, MN City Project No.: CP 15CO01 WSB Project No.: 2596 -100 Dear Mr. O'Neill, 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 - 541 -4800 Fax 763 - 541 -1700 WSB & Associates Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (City) to perform environmental monitoring during a water utility replacement project located at Block 34 in Monticello, Minnesota (the Site). The Site utility replacement was conducted as part of a larger 2016 Street Reconstruction Project. The project consisted of excavation, removal, and replacement of approximately 270 feet of an 8 inch water pipe. A Site location map and utility replacement plan sheet are included in Attachment 1. Purpose /Background The purpose of the environmental oversight was to assess subsurface soil for visual and /or olfactory indications of contamination /debris and field screen soils using a photoionization detector (PID) during excavation activities. Previous environmental investigations have found both petroleum and non - petroleum impacts in the soil and groundwater at the Site. To date, WSB has prepared the following environmental reports associated with the Site: rr Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Block 34, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, and dated November 19, 2014 (the 2014 Phase I ESA). rr Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Update, Block 34, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, and dated February 12, 2016 (the 2016 Phase I ESA Update). rr Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Block 34, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, and dated June 13, 2016 (the 2016 Limited Phase II ESA). rr Limited Site Investigation, Former Philips 66 Station, Leak 19812, 100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362, and dated November 6, 2015 (the 2015 LSI). Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Block 34 Water Utility Replacement August 25, 2016 Page 2 Additionally, the following environmental report was submitted for the adjacent TH 25 at CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements Project located northwest of the Site: rr Response Action /Construction Contingency Plan, TH 25 and CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, and dated July 29, 2015 (the 2015 RAP /CCP). The above listed reports have been summited to the MPCA as documentation for Leak 19812, TH 25 at Broadway Street East improvements, and Leak 20142. Leak 19812 was issued site closure on December 3, 2015 and the TH 25 at Broadway Street East intersection improvements project was completed in July 2016. The Leak 20142 investigation is currently in progress. Soil Screening Northdale Construction Company of Albertville, Minnesota was contracted by the City to replace the water utility at the Site. WSB provided excavation oversight and soil screening during excavation activities on July 13 -14, 2016. Screening of the excavated soil was completed at regular intervals (approximately 1 sample per 10 cubic yards) using a Mini Rae 3000 PID equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp. The maximum excavation depth for the utility replacement at the Site was approximately 10 feet below grade. Petroleum odor, staining, and elevated PID screening results were observed during excavation activities on the northwestern portion of the excavation limits. A total of 21 PID readings were collected at the Site. The PID results ranged from 0.0 to 76 parts per million (ppm) with two elevated PID readings (71 and 76 ppm) were found at 4 feet below grade. A map showing the PID grab locations and excavation limits along with a table summarizing PID screening results are included in Attachment 2. Soils with a petroleum odor, staining, and elevated PID results above 10 ppm were segregated and stockpiled onsite and covered with of 10 -mil poly for further sampling /characterization and disposal acceptance. The excavation was limited to areas required for utility replacement and no additional excavation was completed for soil cleanup purposes. Soil Sampling WSB collected one stockpile sample (SP -1), one confirmation bottom sample (B- 1(6')) from the base of the excavation, and two confirmation sidewall samples (S -1 (3') and S -2 (3')) from the perimeter of the excavation on July 14, 2016. The samples were collected in general conformance with MPCA guidelines and submitted to Ledged Technical Services, Inc. of St. Paul, MN for laboratory analysis. Each soil sample was analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX). A map showing the confirmation sample locations and the approximate location of the petroleum impacted soil removal area is included in Attachment 3. Stockpile sample (SP -1) had a DRO concentration of 500 milligrams per kilogram (mg /kg) and an ethylbenzene concentration of 0.38 mg /kg. No other compounds were detected in the stockpile soil sample above the laboratory reporting limits. Stockpile analytical results were sent to Vonco II Landfill in Becker, Minnesota for landfill disposal approval. DRO was detected at a concentration of 12 mg /kg in sidewall sample S -1(3') and 7.6 mg /kg in sidewall sample S- 2(3'). DRO was not detected above the laboratory reporting limit in the bottom sample B- 1(6'). Additionally, no other compounds were detected above the laboratory reporting Block 34 Water Utility Replacement August 25, 2016 Page 3 limits in the confirmation samples. Laboratory analytical reports and chain -of- custody documentation are included in Attachment 4. Soil Disposal Two dump truck loads totaling 37.84 tons of petroleum impacted soil was removed from the Site on July 29, 2016 and disposed at Vonco II Landfill located in Becker, Minnesota. Copies of the final signed waste manifests and associated weight tickets are included in Attachment 5. Conclusion and Recommendations The petroleum impacted soil found during the utility replacement project was consistent with the 2016 Limited Phase II ESA results. The highest DRO soil concentrations were found 4 feet below grade at the northern portion of the Site. Additionally, the confirmation bottom soil sample indicated the petroleum contamination does not extend below 6 feet at the excavation area and the confirmation sidewall samples indicated only low level DRO remains in the soil at the excavation area. Since Leak 20142 identified at Block 34 is still open and pending further investigation, it is recommended this letter report be submitted to the MPCA project manager as supplemental documentation to the 2016 Limited Phase II ESA. The contents of this letter report will be useful for future Leak 20142 investigation planning and scoping purposes. If subsurface excavation is planned at the northern or western portions of the Site, it is recommended that an environmental professional be onsite to assess soil for segregation, reuse, and disposal purposes. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 763- 231 -4854 or rspencerOwsbeng.com. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Ryan Spencer Senior Environmental Scientist Enclosures: Attachment 1 - Site Location Map and Replacement Plan Sheet Attachment 2 - PID Locations, Excavation Limits, PID Results Attachment 3 - Confirmation Sample Locations and Removal Area Attachment 4 - Laboratory Reports Attachment 5 - Waste Manifests and Weight Tickets cc: Shibani Bisson, City of Monticello Angela Schumann, City of Monticello Eric Eckman, WSB & Associates, Inc. ATTACHMENT 1 Site Location Map and Replacement Plan Sheet a e • ti • J for •s No zlz' �. I CITY OF Figure 1 - Project Location Block 34 Watermain Fbplacement Monfice O Monticello, MN 02596 -100 C �T Legend Block 34 Location • 4 235 470 ZI F=eet A PUMP HOUSE VICINITY MAP a ONNECT TO E %. ATER SERVICE 10' -8" DIP CL 52 8" GATE VALVE 2-45' DEGREE LBOWS 0- II 2 8• z I, Ip ICIn �� o FT so 40 � w III 81' GAT VALVE I �p II c� ° hl C NNE T TO EX. hl m I zw II I ro N SANITARY & WATERMAIN NOTES m g VERTICAL SEPARATION o _ J p 1 CASTING ASSEMBLY (NEW). m Ili OINSTALL CASTING (SALVAGED). BIT _— _ / BT ° v E E CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SERVICE. ° CON C. � E CONC. DEGREE �LHOJ06______ - -_– \�1 ° INSULATE BETWEEN PROPOSED WATERMAIN AND EXISTING I( O WATER SERVICES. LOWER PROPOSED 10" WATERMAIN AS NECESSARY TO AVOID EXISTING WATER SERVICES. any �eLz 10'X8" REDUCER II II 'N O INSULATE TOP AND BOTTOM OF WATERMAIN OVER a¢o° CONNECT TO E%. i1�e II Ilr_– SANITARY CROSSING. 75' -8" DIP CL +so 2411 >75 �� W GENERAL SANITARY & WATERMAIN NOTES II -I Id II � y� REINSTATE ALL SANITARY SERVICES AFTER CIPP SYSTEM I,I'" GATE VAL o o �— � –S M M wra R= 9zs.as RA s �I I` � ry _ II r INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL). ABANDON ALL INACTIVE II SANITARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCT BULKHEAD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. INACTIVE SERVICES SHOULD Vie=€ - 10" GATE VALVE (X3) m ___ IY ! III I III NOT BE REINSTATED AFTER CIPP SYSTEM IS INSTALLED UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 8" GATE VALVE ( %2) I �� Q O 0 . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... U w W Z 935 935 U) Z :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 0 w r 930 -. . . .- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 930 W 0 W F. a U ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. o z N 925 925 ... ... ... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .g... p, .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 920 ... .... :..: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 920 ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . .. .... .... .... .... .... OFF .OF . MAINTAIN E'T' 8" .... 1 ATER .... " VER AIN :: .... ICAL . ::. ... .... 88 -8 ATER .... .DIP ;C-'52 AIN .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . _ = - 915 915 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... SEP RATIO .w..IT.H .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. _ POL .... E INS CATION o +oa i +oa z.ao CITY PROJECT N0. 15CGG1 PUMP HOUSE SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN SHEET 50 OF 139 SHEETS ATTACHMENT 2 PID Locations, Excavation Limits, PID Results lb rY Ai I 0 � i r � ! � � Its f• • r • t L r% LA �- ,mom -,,, e,.-v v.:v, ,,� raWNuiy, r,ei�ryii,�., iv ev,N�r, User Community CITY OF Fgure 2 - PI Grab Sample Locations . Monfice�o Block 34 Watermain Fbplacement � WSB '0� Monticello, MN 02596 -100 0 40 80 Feet AL 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 WSB Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: (763) 541 -4800 Fax: (763) 541-1700 - .com &Associates, Ina wsben 9 Headspace Results Drilling & Subsurface Investigations Job Name: Block 34 — Water Utility WSB Project No.: 2596 -100 Date: 7 -13 -16 Replacement EXCAVATOR: SCIENTIST: BORING NUMBER: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE: PID LAMP VOLTAGE/INSTRUMENT TYPE: CALIBRATED: Northdale Construction David Mueller N/A 85 10.6 YES (x) NO ( ) SAMPLE # DEPTH (ft.) TIME PID READING (ppm) NOTES 1 4 745 0.1 Dark black sand 2 4 745 0.0 Dark black sand 3 6 800 0.0 Dark black sand 4 0.5 820 0.0 Dark black sand, beneath bit. COMMENTS: AL 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 WSB Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: (763) 541 -4800 Fax: (763) 541-1700 - .com &Associates, Ina wsben 9 Headspace Results Drilling & Subsurface Investigations Job Name: Block 34 - Water Utility WSB Project No.: 2596 -100 Date: 7 -14 -16 Replacement EXCAVATOR: SCIENTIST: BORING NUMBER: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE: PID LAMP VOLTAGE/INSTRUMENT TYPE: CALIBRATED: Northdale Construction David Mueller 85 10.6 YES (x) NO ( ) SAMPLE # DEPTH (ft.) TIME PID READING (ppm) NOTES 5 4 800 0.1 East of north well 6 8 805 0.1 Dark fill, no odors 7 8 815 0.1 8 8 835 0.1 9 8 945 0.1 10 8 900 0.2 11 8 930 0.1 12 8 945 0.0 13 8 1030 0.0 14 4 1100 71.0 Petroleum odor 15 4 1100 0.4 16 4 1115 76.5 Petroleum odor 17 8 1230 0.0 18 10 1235 0.0 Near Phase II boring B -2 19 10 1240 0.0 20 10 1245 0.0 21 10 1250 0.0 COMMENTS: ATTACHMENT 3 Confirmation Sample Locations and Removal Area f t f • I r Alp VIN, f09h k% • . T iz CITY OF Figure 3 - Confirmation Sample Locat Block 34 Watermain Fbplacement Mont lce O Monticello, MN 1 G 02596 -100 C L y4, °s 6 o i o Jo. o .o r, o m r 20 40 D F=eet • WSB k0 S -2 (3') Legend O Sidewall Samples O Bottom Samples Excavation Limits ® Removed Petroleum Impacted Soil Area s • . T iz CITY OF Figure 3 - Confirmation Sample Locat Block 34 Watermain Fbplacement Mont lce O Monticello, MN 1 G 02596 -100 C L y4, °s 6 o i o Jo. o .o r, o m r 20 40 D F=eet • WSB ATTACHMENT 4 Laboratory Reports L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r o up - c m July 18, 2016 Mr. David Mueller WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Work Order Number: 1603084 RE: Analytical Services 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 Enclosed are the results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 07/14/16. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Results are not blank corrected unless noted within the report. Additionally, all QC results meet requirements unless noted. All samples will be retained by Legend Technical Services, Inc., unless consumed in the analysis, at ambient conditions for 30 days from the date of this report and then discarded unless other arrangements are made. All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted. All test results and QC meet requirements of the 2003 NELAC standard. MDH ( NELAP) Accreditation #027 - 123 -295 Prepared by, LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC Bach Pham Client Manager II bpham @legend - group.com Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received SP -1 1603084 -01 Soil 07/14/1610:30 07/14/16 16:02 Shipping Container Information Default Cooler Temperature ( °C): 4.9 Received on ice: Yes Temperature blank was present Received on ice pack: No Received on melt water: No Ambient: No Acceptable (IH /ISO only): No Custody seals: No Case Narrative: Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 2 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 DR018015D Legend Technical Services, Inc. IAnalyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I SP -1 (1603084 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Diesel Range Organics 500 40 8.5 mg /kg dry 5 136G1503 07/15/16 07/15/16 WI(95) DRO D -04 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 83.8 70 -130 % " Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 3 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 10 WI(95) GRO18015D Legend Technical Services, Inc. Analyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SP -1 (1603084 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Benzene <0.029 0.029 0.0047 mg /kg dry 1 B6G1412 07/14/16 07/14/16 WI(95) GRO Ethylbenzene 0.038 0.038 0.012 mg /kg dry 1 " Toluene <0.029 0.029 0.0047 mg /kg dry 1 " Xylenes (total) <0.087 0.087 0.0093 mg /kg dry 1 " Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 108 80 -150 % " Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 PERCENT SOLIDS Legend Technical Services, Inc. Analyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SP -1 (1603084 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 % Solids 86 % 1 136G1512 07/15/16 07/15/16 % calculation Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 5 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 DRO/8015D - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD Analyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G1503 - Sonication (Wisc DRO) Blank (B6G1503 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 Diesel Range Organics < 8.0 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.3 mg /kg wet 16.0 77.2 70 -130 LCS (B6G1503 -BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 Diesel Range Organics 58.8 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet 64.0 91.8 70 -120 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.0 mg /kg wet 16.0 74.9 70 -130 LCS Dup (B6G1503 -BSD1) Prepared: 07/15/16 Analyzed: 07/16/16 Diesel Range Organics 62.9 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet 64.0 98.3 70 -120 6.88 20 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.8 mg /kg wet 16.0 80.2 70 -130 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 6 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services T01 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 WI(95) GRO /8015D - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD ,nalyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G1412 - EPA 5035 Soil (Purge and Trap) Source: 1603114 -02 Blank (B6G1412 -BLK1) Benzene 91.6 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/14/16 Benzene < 0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg wet ug /L Ethylbenzene < 0.033 0.033 0.010 mg /kg wet ug /L Toluene < 0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg wet ug /L Xylenes (total) < 0.075 0.075 0.0080 mg /kg wet Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 17.6 ug /L 20.0 88.0 80 -150 LCS (B6G1412 -BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/14/16 Benzene 98.4 ug /L 100 98.4 80 -120 Ethylbenzene 101 ug /L 100 101 80 -120 Xylenes (total) 314 ug /L 300 105 80 -120 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 19.6 ug /L 20.0 98.1 80 -150 LCS Dup (B6G1412 -BSD1) Source: 1603114 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/14/16 Benzene 91.6 ug /L 100 91.6 80 -120 7.16 20 Ethylbenzene 90.9 ug /L 100 90.9 80 -120 10.1 20 Xylenes (total) 282 ug /L 300 93.9 80 -120 10.8 20 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 18.9 ug /L 20.0 94.4 80 -150 Matrix Spike (B6G1412 -MS1) Source: 1603114 -02 Prepared: 07/14/16 Analyzed: 07/15/16 Benzene 99.0 ug /L 100 < 99.0 80 -120 Ethylbenzene 98.7 ug /L 100 0.466 98.3 80 -120 Xylenes (total) 307 ug /L 300 0.550 102 80 -120 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 21.2 ug /L 20.0 106 80 -150 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 7 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 PERCENT SOLIDS - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD Analyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G1512 - General Preparation Duplicate (B6G1512 -DUP1) Source: 1603086 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 % Solids 93.0 % 93.0 0.00 20 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 8 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603084 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 07/18/16 Notes and Definitions D -04 The hydrocarbons present are a complex mixture of diesel range and heavy oil range organics. < Less than value listed dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis NA Not applicable. The %RPD is not calculated from values less than the reporting limit. MDL Method Detection Limit; Equivalent to the method LOD (Limit of Detection) RL Reporting Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference LCS Laboratory Control Spike = Blank Spike (BS) = Laboratory Fortified Blank (LFB) MS Matrix Spike = Laboratory Fortified Matrix (LFM) Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 9 of 10 r m m D m 0 D 0 v cn 51 _. CD N n (D W W O y 0 Vl O V1 �a 0 o � c (Du ma ti o N (D N � N N �a C)' (D N N W � av 0 �CD �a SZ En �. ID 00 a a O j Q N ((D 0 0 O pop LEGEND TE=CHNICAL SERVICES, INC 88 bripae Drive, Sl. Paul, MIN 55103 • Telephone: 651 -642 -1154. Fax 651-642-1239 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD MOM Now ` '�6so[■ T^4 pill TO: �I �V LEOEMD PNjoul I�lH Y61S Ij nArnnidTnb c„nl 2 RUSH Addrnre: 1 `�* �titi a Auf Addrsm 1�aaumt 'ha au. Doke. • 1 1% k }3l l I C �9MIi1 is HOMN .d: ,,tj Temp. NOM unrxeisohead eampin AM: �A 1 d U PO RKAlhd nn ca hemp No plank R+rie* Dn (De punk Rewwrq Dn men warar RIM%Amblenl �ifatl 19eule��ury1 Ue • 1y� r+ _ C42 LA^ Nfu}emlNow �` C� +• � �°�� s [ V � too Na 5emp ca➢edlm Dwo :,ample (Nadi+ Lau ID My ikne 1RGG +1Aat V .y 6 B T e 10 Ai�j* Iigewna lilt 0l pY er Tirm p.m.uEd gu et i -tf 711�lbp [lain 1 i TInld Pa dwd by Leh; comma: sp KoN, 7V r., o r 5 ,.+ j` — i 011! 1. PLEASE REVIEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON RACK BEFORE SIGNING Farm LA9•296.4 (W14) Wbdse Capp - C641 lnl A MPBAln! ShIPniarl iD LO Yallow Copy- Lnh Pink Cagy- Ggstnr t m fl(3Id Cady --I re (D n =73 m `D n- Q E) m C CL CD M c CD z 3 0 0) 00 x —mm v 3 4M4�zo N Cn (D � p O L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r o up - c m August 05, 2016 Mr. David Mueller WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Work Order Number: 1603085 RE: Analytical Services 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 Enclosed are the results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on 07/14/16. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Results are not blank corrected unless noted within the report. Additionally, all QC results meet requirements unless noted. All samples will be retained by Legend Technical Services, Inc., unless consumed in the analysis, at ambient conditions for 30 days from the date of this report and then discarded unless other arrangements are made. All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted. All test results and QC meet requirements of the 2003 NELAC standard. MDH ( NELAP) Accreditation #027 - 123 -295 Prepared by, LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC Bach Pham Client Manager II bpham @legend - group.com Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received B -1 (6') 1603085 -01 Soil 07/14/16 10:30 07/14/16 16:02 S -1 (3') 1603085 -02 Soil 07/14/16 10:30 07/14/16 16:02 S -2 (3') 1603085 -03 Soil 07/14/16 10:30 07/14/16 16:02 Shipping Container Information Default Cooler Temperature ( °C): 4.9 Received on ice: Yes Temperature blank was present Received on ice pack: No Received on melt water: No Ambient: No Acceptable (IH /ISO only): No Custody seals: No Case Narrative: Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 2 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 DR018015D Legend Technical Services, Inc. IAnalyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I B -1 (6') (1603085 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Diesel Range Organics <7.6 7.6 1.6 mg /kg dry 1 136G1503 07/15/16 07/15/16 WI(95) DRO Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 77.6 70 -130 % " S -1 (3') (1603085 -02) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Diesel Range Organics 12 7.5 1.6 mg /kg dry 1 136G1503 07/15/16 07/15/16 WI(95) DRO L1 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 79.4 70 -130 % " S -2 (3') (1603085 -03) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Diesel Range Organics 7.6 7.2 1.5 mg /kg dry 1 136G1503 07/15/16 07/15/16 WI(95) DRO L1 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 80.4 70 -130 % " Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 3 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 S -1 (3') (1603085 -02) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 WI(95) GRO18015D Benzene <0.025 Legend Technical Services, Inc. Analyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes B -1 (6') (1603085 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Benzene <0.024 0.024 0.0039 mg /kg dry 1 B6G2703 07/27/16 07/28/16 WI(95) GRO Ethylbenzene <0.032 0.032 0.0097 mg /kg dry 1 " Toluene <0.024 0.024 0.0039 mg /kg dry 1 " Xylenes (total) <0.072 0.072 0.0077 mg /kg dry 1 " Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 123 80 -150 % " S -1 (3') (1603085 -02) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Benzene <0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg dry 1 B6G2703 07/27/16 07/28/16 WI(95) GRO Ethylbenzene <0.033 0.033 0.010 mg /kg dry 1 " Toluene <0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg dry 1 " Xylenes (total) <0.075 0.075 0.0080 mg /kg dry 1 " Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 121 80 -150 % " S -2 (3') (1603085 -03) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 Benzene <0.027 0.027 0.0043 mg /kg dry 1 B6G2703 07/27/16 07/28/16 WI(95) GRO Ethylbenzene <0.035 0.035 0.011 mg /kg dry 1 " Toluene <0.027 0.027 0.0043 mg /kg dry 1 " Xylenes (total) <0.081 0.081 0.0086 mg /kg dry 1 " Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 119 80 -150 % " Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 PERCENT SOLIDS Legend Technical Services, Inc. Analyte Result RL MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes B -1 (6') (1603085 -01) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 % Solids 95 % 1 136G1512 07/15/16 07/15/16 % calculation S -1 (3') (1603085 -02) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 % Solids 93 % 1 136G1512 07/15/16 07/15/16 % calculation S -2 (3') (1603085 -03) Soil Sampled: 07/14/16 10:30 Received: 07/14/16 16:02 % Solids 93 % 1 136G1512 07/15/16 07/15/16 % calculation Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 5 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 DRO/8015D - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD Analyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G1503 - Sonication (Wisc DRO) Blank (B6G1503 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 Diesel Range Organics < 8.0 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.3 mg /kg wet 16.0 77.2 70 -130 LCS (B6G1503 -BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 Diesel Range Organics 58.8 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet 64.0 91.8 70 -120 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.0 mg /kg wet 16.0 74.9 70 -130 LCS Dup (B6G1503 -BSD1) Prepared: 07/15/16 Analyzed: 07/16/16 Diesel Range Organics 62.9 8.0 1.7 mg /kg wet 64.0 98.3 70 -120 6.88 20 Surrogate: Triacontane (C -30) 12.8 mg /kg wet 16.0 80.2 70 -130 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 6 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services T01 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 WI(95) GRO /8015D - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD ,nalyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G2703 - EPA 5035 Soil (Purge and Trap) Source: 1603085 -01 Prepared: 07/27/16 Analyzed: 07/28/16 Benzene Blank (B6G2703 -BLK1) Benzene 97.4 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/27/16 100 97.4 80 -120 Benzene < 0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg wet 90.9 ug /L 100 90.9 80 -120 Ethylbenzene < 0.033 0.033 0.010 mg /kg wet 100 ug /L 100 100 80 -120 Toluene < 0.025 0.025 0.0040 mg /kg wet 283 ug /L 300 94.2 80 -120 Xylenes (total) < 0.075 0.075 0.0080 mg /kg wet 24.2 ug /L 20.0 121 80 -150 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 22.2 ug /L 20.0 111 80 -150 LCS (B6G2703 -BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/27/16 Benzene 98.2 ug /L 100 98.2 80 -120 Ethylbenzene 95.0 ug /L 100 95.0 80 -120 Toluene 103 ug /L 100 103 80 -120 Xylenes (total) 298 ug /L 300 99.3 80 -120 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 24.5 ug /L 20.0 123 80 -150 LCS Dup (B6G2703 -BSD1) Source: 1603085 -01 Prepared: 07/27/16 Analyzed: 07/28/16 Benzene 93.1 Benzene 97.4 ug /L 100 97.4 80 -120 0.822 20 Ethylbenzene 90.9 ug /L 100 90.9 80 -120 4.38 20 Toluene 100 ug /L 100 100 80 -120 2.97 20 Xylenes (total) 283 ug /L 300 94.2 80 -120 5.22 20 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 24.2 ug /L 20.0 121 80 -150 ug /L 20.0 Matrix Spike (B6G2703 -MS1) Source: 1603085 -01 Prepared: 07/27/16 Analyzed: 07/28/16 Benzene 93.1 ug /L 100 < 93.1 80 -120 Ethylbenzene 87.1 ug /L 100 0.606 86.5 80 -120 Toluene 95.8 ug /L 100 0.368 95.4 80 -120 Xylenes (total) 268 ug /L 300 1.43 89.0 80 -120 Surrogate:4- Fluorochlorobenzene 23.6 ug /L 20.0 118 80 -150 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 7 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 PERCENT SOLIDS - Quality Control Legend Technical Services, Inc. Spike Source %REC %RPD Analyte Result RL MDL Units Level Result %REC Limits %RPD Limit Notes Batch B6G1512 - General Preparation Duplicate (B6G1512 -DUP1) Source: 1603086 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/15/16 % Solids 93.0 % 93.0 0.00 20 Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 8 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r❑ up - c m 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project: Analytical Services 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Project Number: 2596 -100 Work Order #: 1603085 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project Manager: Mr. David Mueller Date Reported: 08/05/16 Notes and Definitions L1 Results in the diesel organics range are primarily due to overlap from a heavy oil range product. < Less than value listed dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis NA Not applicable. The %RPD is not calculated from values less than the reporting limit. MDL Method Detection Limit; Equivalent to the method LOD (Limit of Detection) RL Reporting Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference LCS Laboratory Control Spike = Blank Spike (BS) = Laboratory Fortified Blank (LFB) MS Matrix Spike = Laboratory Fortified Matrix (LFM) Legend Technical Services, Inc. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 9 of 10 L E G E N D Technical Services, Inc. w w w. I e g e n d- g r o u p. c o rn N pCJL- Uji17 La � M � � Y F- � � rA L3 � � o � 4 Ln 0 -- Ln W W {I] 9 G] W 000 Q, 88 Empire Drive St Paul, MN 55103 Tel: 651 - 642 -1150 Fax: 651 - 642 -1239 Legend Technical Services, Inc. �3 LL E L7 x W w m L� � Q $ 4 } O 2 La C] d 2 4 C W � m 4J LLI } I U 3 6 a7 s The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 10 of 10 m � ti '&"w.rgn°Ola wquMry g' g _ _ _ F� r3 5! - Y E T 3 Ta E o 3 v a o n E� c c $ +•J 6 E Y +Q p t7 q � 14 -;��,-NL15 J Lr 47 W > „ f y y� _ 6 r 4W AL / e1 LI 1 �] 9 Legend Technical Services, Inc. �3 LL E L7 x W w m L� � Q $ 4 } O 2 La C] d 2 4 C W � m 4J LLI } I U 3 6 a7 s The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 5 Waste Manifests and Weight Tickets Vonco 1! 15301 140th Ave SE Becker, MN 55308 {763} 262 -8662 013494 Northdal.e Construction Co Inc 9760 71st Street NE Contract: 16-234-0 2596-100/Block 34 Monticello Reference: Scale In GROSS 67,780.00 LB Tare Out TARE 29,240.00 LB NET 38,540.00 LB 19.27 TN Quantity Description Rate 19.27 TN Contaminated Soils - Petrc 1.00 Environmental Fee 1.00 Sherburne County - CD 1.00 Sherburne County - IW TICKET #: 567070 Operator: Jm usseh 1 I n : 0712912016 9:41 am Cut: 07/29/2016 9 :41 am Vehicle: YBN3749 INBOUND INVOICE Work Order#: 0 Cell: 2C Signature: Extension Tax Total VONCO 11, LLC, PHONE: 763- 262 -8662 FAX: 763-262-3299 MPCA PERMIT 8W589 INDUSTRIAL/NON- HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL MANIFEST 1. Work site Name Block 34 - Monticello PROFILE #: 16 -234 -D Address 130 Broadway East CUSTOMER #: Monticello, MN 55362 3• Waste Disposal site VONCO 11, LLC. City, St., Zip Mailing Address 15301 -140th Ave. S.E. Contact's Name Jeff O'Neil City, St., lip Becker, MN 55308 Contact's Phone No. 763- 295`2711 Physical Site Location 2.5 miles west frorn Co. Rd. 11 (Be Specific) on Sherburne Ave. at Jct. of G 2. Consultant/Contractor WS & Associates, Inc .140th Ave. S.E. E Address 701 Xenia Avenue South, Ste 300 4. Responsible Agency MN Pollution Control Agency N city, st., zip Minneapolis, MN 55416 Address 520 Lafayette Road E Operator's Phone 763 - 287 -7162 city, St., zip St. Paul, MN 55155 -3898 R 5. Description of Materials S. Containers (No. -Type) 7. Total Quantity (ml or yd) A Contaminated soil - diesel Side /End Dump 30 CY T O R S. Special Handling.lnstructions and Additional Information 9. Disposal Cell Demo Emergency Contact - Ryan Spencer 612 -723 -3644 10. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and governmental regulations. The above listed materials)) is (tar not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR P 61 or any applic late law. Name & Title (Printed or Typed) art P Signal Date - T 11. Transporter 1 (Acknowledgement of receipt of materials) R A Nameliitle�f'll1Iy . I��� 61� - Signatur .�- Date "R N S Address City, St, Zip Phone No. 0 12. Transporter 2 (Acknowledgement of receipt of materials) TNamemtls Signatw Date Address City, St., Zip Phone No DISPOSAL Siff 14. Waste Disposal Site Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of non - hazardous 13. ` materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 13. Tons: f Yards: Name /title (Printed or Typed Ticket #, - v�� Signature Date �✓ �� r OMTRAr:TnR . WHrrE= TAANRPC)RTE -A - CIANARV WASTE✓ DISPOSAL SITE - PINK GENERATORIOPERATOFA � GOLD Vonco li 15301 140th Ave SE Becker, k!.1 553(-)� (763) 262 -8662 013494 Northdale Construction Co Inc 9760 71st Street NE Contract: 16 -234 -D 2596- 100113Iock 34 Monticello Reference: Scale In GROSS 63,460.00 LB Tare out TARE 26,320.00 LB NET 37,140.00 LB 18.57 TN Quantity Description Rate 18.57 TN Contaminated Soils - Petrc 1.00 Environmental Fee 1.00 Sherburne County - CD 1,00 Sherburne County - IW TICKET #: Operator: In: Out: Vehicle: INBOUND INVOICE Work Order#: 0 Cell: 213 Signature: 567055 Jmussehl 07/29/2016 9:11 am 0712912016 9:11 am YBL1506 Extension Tax Total VONCO 11, LLC. PHONE: 763-262-8662 FAX: 763-262-3299 MPCA PERMI 1 SW580 INDUSTRIAL/NON- HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL MANIFEST CONTRACTOR- WHITE TRANSPORTER - CANARY WASTE DISPOSAL St- P& GENERATORiOPERATOR -'GOLD PROFILE #: 16 -234 -D 1. Work Site Name Block 34 - Monticello 130 Broadway East CUSTOMER #: Address city, 5t., Zip Monticello, MN 55362 3. Waste: Disposal site VONCO 11, LLQ Mailing Address 15301 -140th Ave. S.E. Contact's Name Jeff O'Neil City, St., Zip Becker, MN 55308 Contact's Phone No. 763- 295 -2711 Physical Site Location 2.5 miles west frorn Co. Rd. 11 (Be Specific) an Sherburne Ave. at Jct, of G 2. Consultant/Contractor WSB AsSOCIateS, Inc 140th Ave. S, E. E Address 701 Xenia Avenue South, Ste 300 4. Responsible Agency MN Pollution Control Agency N city, St., Zlp Minneapolis, MN 55416 Address 520 Lafayette Road E Operator's Phone 763- 287 -7162 city, St., Zip St. Paul, MN 55155 -,3898 S. Description of Materials S. Containers (No.-Type) 7. Total 4uandty (m$ or yd') Contaminated soil - diesel Side /End Dump 30 CY A T 4 R S. Special Handling Instructions and Additional information 9. Disposal cell Demo Emergency Contact - Ryan Spencer 612- 723 -3644 10. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and governmental regulations. The above listed material(s) Is ( ) not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR P 261 or an app ' bie state law. Name & Title (Printed or Typed) Signat Date - T 11. Transporter 1 (Acknowledgement of receipt of materials) At4ame/Title ZV,6 , P�Q/� ° 0,-; Lc Signature 'G! -Date -7- z V6 N S Address City, St., Zip Phone No. 0 12. Transporter 2 (Acknowledgement of receipt of materials) Namefritle Signature Date RAddress City, St., Zip , Phone No. DISPOSAL SITE 14. Waste Disposal Site Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of non - hazardous 13, materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 13. Tons: C �. S� Yards: Namelritle (Printed or Typed) Signature Date Ticket #: CONTRACTOR- WHITE TRANSPORTER - CANARY WASTE DISPOSAL St- P& GENERATORiOPERATOR -'GOLD Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North I St Paul, Minnesota 55155.4194 1 651- 296 -6300 800-657-3864 Use your preferred relay service I info.pca@staMrnn.us I Equal opportunity Employer July 20, 2015 .Ms. Angela Schumann 'City of Monitcello 505 Walnut St, STE# 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Petroleum Storage Tank Release Site: Former Municipal Gas Facility, 130 Broadway East, Monticello, Wright County 55362 MPCA Site ID: LS0020142 Dear Ms. Schumann: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has learned there was-a petroleum tank release at the Site referenced above. As the owner /operator of the tank(s), you are responsible for the contamination caused by the release. According to state law, you must investigate and, if necessary, clean up the contamination. Your first step Complete and submit the enclosed Leaksite Ownership Form within 30 days. If you believe that you are not legally responsible for the release, please contact me immediately. Definition of legally responsible: You are considered legally responsible for a petroleum tank release if you owned or operated the tank either during or after the release, unless specifically exempted under the law. See Minn. Stat. §1150.021. Next steps Hire a qualified environmental consulting firm to help you investigate and address the contamination. A site investigation must fully define the extent and magnitude of the soil and /or groundwater contamination caused by the release. Investigation and cleanup guidance docurnents, standardized report forms, and related information are located at the following website: htt s: www. ca.state.mn.us waste etroleum-remediation- ro ram. Once the investigation is complete, your consultant should summarize the results in an MPCA report form, including a recommendation for additional investigation or monitoring, corrective action, or site closure. If your site is high priority (see below), you must submit the report to the MPCA within 90 days of the date of this letter. For all other sites, you must submit the report within 10 months. High- priority sites have one or more of the following conditions. See guidance document 1 -01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy for detailed descriptions of each condition. If you are uncertain whether your site is high priority, please contact me. • Existing or high risk of drinking water contamination • Existing or high risk of vapor intrusion into occupied buildings or risk of explosive vapor buildup • Surface water impacts • Recent or ongoing releases • Petroleum free product Paying for the work The Minnesota Petrofund helps tank owners and operators, and volunteer property owners, pay for the cost of investigating and cleaning up contamination from petroleum tank releases. You will receive a Ms. Angela Schumann Page 2 July 20, 2016 separate mailing from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, which administers the Petrofund, explaining eligibility criteria and how to apply for reimbursement. Please note that applicants are required to use an environmental consulting firm registered with the Petrofund and. obtain written competitive bids. Read the Petrofund mailing thoroughly so you know how to be eligible for the maximum reimbursement. Please respond Your timely response is important. If you do not submit the completed Leaksite Ownership Form within 30' days, the MPCA will assume that you do not intend to comply and will begin enforcement actions. Also, please be aware that failure to cooperate in a timely mahner will reduce your reimbursement from the Petrofund. Finally, should you fail to take necessary. corrective actions, the MPCA may take them on your behalf and request the Petrofund to recover the costs from you. If you have questions about this letter or the MPCA's requirements, please contact me at 507- 476 -4260 or nancy.hennen @state.mn.us. Additional contact information is listed below. Sincerely, Nancy Hennen Project Manager Petroleum Remediation and Redevelopment Section Remediation Division NH:kg Enclosures Cc: Jennifer Schreiber, Clerk, City of Monticello Daryl Gilles, Fire Chief, City of Monticello Sean Riley, Administrator, Planning/Zoning, Wright County Ryan -, §Sp9,9cerwASi3 andrA,ssaeiates; Minneapolisf Ginger Commodore, Department of Commerce (ec) Contacts and more information: Please have your MPCA Site ID available when calling about your site MPCA Project Manager for this site: 507- 476 -4260 or nancy.hennen @state.mn.us Petrofund: Reimbursement questions? 651 -539 -1515 or 800 -638 -0418, or go to http://mn.gov/commerce/industries/fuel/petrofund/index.isp MPCA Petroleum Remediation Program guidance documents: htt www. ca.state.mn.us index. h waste waste - and - cleanu cleanu cleanu - uidance.html MPCA Brownfields Program: Selling or redeveloping contaminated property? Go to http://www.pca.state.mn.us/lupg7f9 EDA Agenda - 09/14/16 12. Consideration of a GMEF Loan Concept for We Thrive Fitness (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider and offer direction to staff regarding a concept of a GMEF loan to We Thrive Fitness to cover the funding gap associated with the purchase and redevelopment of the Fred's Auto Property located at 349 West Broadway Avenue. Ms. Leffingwell has received a commitment for a loan for the purchase and redevelopment of the property from a bank in Elk River in the amount of $80,000. The remaining balance needing to be funded to cover all improvements and hazardous material abatement is approximately $50,000 + / -. She has indicated a willingness to put in 10 percent of the total project costs with that amount equaling $13,000. That leaves a remaining funding gap of $37,000 + / -. She is asking the EDA to consider funding half of that amount, $18,500 via the GMEF with the other $18,500 to be borrowed from the Initiative Foundation. Under this concept, the EDA and the Initiative Foundation would share a 2nd mortgage lien security position on the real property. An inter - creditor between the EDA and Initiative Foundation may also be a possible document as part of the concept. Obtaining the gap funding will be crucial for We Thrive to move ahead with the property purchase and redevelopment project. To date, the funding search is causing a delay in the desired and optimal timeline for the moving forward on the project. It is likely that the delays will result in a request for an amendment of the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement extending the timeline for conveyance of the property being presented at the October EDA meeting. It should be noted that if the EDA endorses the proposed loan concept, Ms. Leffingwell will be required to fill out the GMEF loan application which will then be a separate consideration for the EDA at an upcoming meeting. Al. Staff Impact: Minimal, limited to preparation of the report and internal staff discussion A2. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact a a result of discussing the loan concept. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No motion required; discussion only; feedback desired regarding the funding concept 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. A SUPPORTING DATA: N/A EDA Agenda — 09/14/16 13. Consideration of Director's Report (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Activities that warrant a brief comment in the month include: 1. Follow up contact with Bill Gorton, Keller Williams, regarding Block 34 and 52 2. Several business site visits completed 3. Continued assistance to Merrill Busch for residential housing development concept at Rand House property 4. Event: Initiative Foundation 30 Year Anniversary Event — Friday, October 7, 2016 5p.m. to 8:30 p.m. River's Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN. Al. STAFF IMPACT: No unusual staff impact; normal business activity A2. BUDGET IMPACT: No extraordinary budget impact; normal budgeted business costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. None requested or required 2. Motion if the EDA feels direction is needed on items 1 -4 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation requested; information presented as an update and /or discussion D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Initiative Foundation 30 Year Anniversary Event Flyer 2016 Initiative Foundation 30 -Year Celebration 2016 Initiative Foundation 30 -YEAR CELEBRATION ( /whatifmn /) THE EVENT ( /WHATIFMN /EVENT /) SPONSORSHIP ( /WHATIFMN /SPONSORSHIP /) TICKETS ( /WHATIFMN /TICKETS /) THE VENUE ( /WHATIFMN /VENUE /) THE HISTORY ( /WHATIFMN /HISTORY /) PAST RECOGNITION ( /WHATIFMN /PAST - RECOGNITION /) JOIN US FOR OUR 30 -YEAR CELEBRATION FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 2016 5 to 8:30 P.M. River's Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud Get Your Tickets ( /whatifmn /tickets /) Sponsorship Opportunities ( /whatifmn /sponsorship /) https://www.ifound.org/whatifmn Page I of 5 9/7/2016 2016 Initiative Foundation 30 -Year Celebration LEGACY SPONSORS =-I MWIN D1 WENNELt&VO, (http://www.swcocl2as.com/) CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Brei. - h tt s. / /www.bremer.com/ Ba4f,11.k RECEPTION SPONSOR 100 (http: / /www.gpmLaw.com /) INVESTOR SPONSORS Page 3 of 5 https: / /www.ifound.org /whatifmn 9/7/2016 2016 Initiative Foundation 30 -Year Celebration your organization's logo here LEARN MORE ( /whatifmn /sponsorship /) EXECUTIVE SPONSORS your organization's logo here LEARN MOPE > ( /whatifmn /sponsorship /) SHARE YOUR "What if !" VISION FOR CENTRAL MINNESOTA Tag us on Facebook (aifound or Twitter (uifoundmn and use the hashtag #WhatlfMN • lnitiative(https://www.ifound.org) F 0 U N D A T 1 0 N 405 First St. SE, Little Falls, MN 56345 (https: / /goo.gL /maps /CmOAQFQompj) Page 4 of 5 https: / /www.ifound.org /whatifmn 9/7/2016 2016 Initiative Foundation 30 -Year Celebration (877) 632 -9255 (te1:8776329255) • info@ifound.org (maiko:info@ifound.org) 6 -201 L q8�A 6 Copyright 2016 Initiative Foundation. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 5 https: / /www.ifound.org /whatifmn 9/7/2016