Parks Commission Agenda Packet 08-10-2000 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, August 10,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room Members: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick 'l'raver and Nancy McCaffrey Call to order. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 20, 2000. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens requests. Parks Budget Review Items for 2001 Maintenance Items Adjourn . . . Minutes Regular Meeting - Parks Commission July 20, 2000 4:30 PM Members Present: Members Absent: S tafT Present: Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffrey Larry Nolan Greg Engle 1. Call to order by vice-chair Earl Smith. 2. Approval of Minutes. There were no minutes from the last meeting available for approval. Nancy McCaffrey will take minutes at this meeting. 3. Additions to the Agenda MCP - Fran Fair Safety Issue at City Ball fields - Mike Jacobson & Dale Harris 4. Citizens' Request: Safety hazard caused by back stop at City Ball Fields. Pole Cat Baseball players Mike Jacobson & Dale Harris described the difficulty players are experiencing in seeing fast moving baseballs that are hit down the first base line. There have been several incidents where baseballs hit, or just missed, first base players and coaches because the ball coming at them visually blends into the multi-colored backstop, which is a see-through chain link fence. Seeing the ball is also complicated by the movement of people see through the fence. The Pole Cats would like the backstop to be replaced with a solid color wall. Greg Engle agreed that it is a safety issue that afTects all users of the city Ball Fields, and that the backstop should be replaced with something. Greg also pointed out that the space in that area was tight, therefore limiting space for the fans. Installing a solid backstop screening would decrease fans' viewing area which may create another problem of fans dispersing to the sides for better viewing and add to safety issues. Greg Engle suggested installing a solid colored screening/wall as a backstop, and raising the bleachers to provide better viewing for fans. Considerations fiJr the bleacher situation are to purchase a new one for approximately $7,-8,000, retrofit and raise the current bleacher. or exchange with Freeway Field bleacher, or a combination thereof Pole Cat representatives were thanked for bringing this to the Parks Commission. 5. Parks Tour The parks tour was conducted July 12 at 4:30. Twenty four parks were visited. All . appreciated the progress made over the past year. Improvements have been recognized by the many nice comments from members of the community. The Parks Department staffis to be commended. 6. Budget Review Greg Engle reviewed the Special Revenue Fund for the 2000 Budget Park Fund which compared budgeted and real costs. He also stated that the budget book is available for review. Questions remain regarding "Misc. Operating Supplies" and "Pathway Maintenance", The City's Capital Improvement Plan was mailed previously to each Commissioner. Discussion topics included budgeted Park funds being removed and/or transferred without the Commission's knowledge, and whether some line items should be included in the Parks budget, i.e. pathway, cemetery, park land acquisition. It was decided that the City Administrator should be present to clarify questions. A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICK TRAVER, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR, THAT THE PARKS COMMISSION STRONGLY REQUESTS THE PRESENCE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXPLAIN THE P ARKS DEDICATION FEES AND BUDGETING PROCESS. Motion passed unanimously. Greg Engle continued discussion of the 2001 budget projections, and distributed copies of .- the individual park plans, discussing the current stage of each park. In addition to the general overview, there were discussions about: . Including a general AD A fund in the budget . The purchase of an turf aerator would benefit the Parks Department and save dollars . Pioneer Park--On August 1st, Gregg Engle will meet with the Lions Task Force to review the building plans and guidelines for the use of the shelter. . River Mill Park-The approved concept plan was cut by the Council: Next steps? . Park Side Park (near Meadow Oak park)-Is not a functional park; needs to be addressed . East Bridge Park-- The need for a permanent irrigation system was reiterated. As a City gateway park, it's time to move towards completion on improvements to both Bridge Parks. . West Bridge Park-Has received lots of positive feedback. Fran Fair invited Greg Engle to meet with MCP members to discuss progress of the park. A photo/art rendering of the gazebo redesign and landscape wall was reviewed. It could be completed within 2 weeks, upon approval by the Parks Commission. A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICK TRAVER, AND SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY, THAT GREG ENGLE GO FORWARD WITH THE GAZEBO AND LANDSCAPING CONCEPTUAL DESIGN. Motion passed unanimously. This review and discussion has prepared Commissioners for the August meeting, which will mark the beginning of the year 200 I budget process. A first draft of the 2001 budget will be . submitted to the Council for review in September, adjusted and resubmitted in October, with a final submitted December, for approval in January 2001. " . . . 7. Administrative Staff Support Commission unanimously agree that the City needs to address the importance of providing a City support staff person to assist with Commission meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, and communications. Earl Smith will ask Larry Nolan to address this issue with the City Administrator. 8. Park Maintenance Report Greg Engle reported that staff is updating the Parks Book with photos. He also reported all the maintenance items completed for the month. Special mention was made of the following: · Discussions have begun again bout paving the 4th Street Park rink for inline skating practice.. · Cardinal Hills Tot Lot is now completed. · The Baseball Association has purchased a drag that the Parks Department will most likely inherit in 2 years. · The lights are up at the City Ball Fields and awaiting final work by Lehn Electric. · Park staff will not dredge Balboul Park ponds because it will ruin the wetlands. It may become an issue at a later date. · Playground equipment has been ordered for Par West. · Eight skunks have been trapped, some of them being the adults. · There will be a Rotary Day this fall to plant flowers at the Otter Creek park gazebo and stone nng. 9. Park & Recreation Plan Greg Engle reported that the has not had time to gather information necessary as directed at the June 8th meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY NANCY MCCAFFREY, AND SECONDED BY EARL SMITH, THT THE REPORT BE DELAYED UNTIL THE REGULAR OCTOBER MEETING OF THE PARKS COMMISION. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Concert in the Park Greg Engle informed the Commission that he has approved a written application for a local church group to conduct a 2-day event which will include people, food and music on a flat- bed trailer in Ellison Park. He stated that we need to develop specific guidelines for park usage for such events 11. Added Item: MCP Announcements The Monticello Community Partners Garage Sale Fundraiser will be held Wednesday through Friday, August 2-4, from 2-7PM at 107W. Broadway. Good quality used items will be accepted for this sale (no clothing). Volunteers are needed for the August 11th street dance and party. Please let Fran Fair know if you can help in any way. 12. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR, SECOND BY RICK TRA YER, THAT THE MEETNG BE ADJOURNED. Motion passed unanimously. Nancy McCaffrey Parks Commission 7