IEDC Minutes 09-06-2016MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, September 6th 2016 — 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Darek Vetsch, 011ie Koropchak - White, Jason Kisner, Mari Lou McCormic, Andrew Tapper, Pete Gardner Absent: Don Tomann, Jim Johnson Other: Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson, Dave Tomber 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. August 2, 2016 OLLIE KOROPCHAK MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 2ND, 2016 IEDC MEETING. DICK VAN ALLEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. 4. Reports: (Verbal Reports) a. Economic Development Report Jim Thares provided the economic development report by first explaining the Dahlheimer Beverage expansion project. The project is to expand the facility 97,150 square feet with the creation of five new jobs following the expansion. Thares then explained about a small area study that will be completed for the downtown area; Blocks 34 and 52, among others, will be included in the study. He noted that Block 34 has environmental contamination issues and is in the process of a study and assessment. Thares also mentioned residential land sales were approved at two locations: 413 West 4a' Street and 1022 West River Street. The EDA also approved the sale of 349 West Broadway to We Thrive Fitness. The closing of all three properties should occur over the coming months. b. Planning Commission Agenda — Report i. Interviews for vacant P.C. position on Sept. 6, 2016 Jim Thares provided an update on behalf of the Planning Commission. Thares stated two public hearings will be held including: the Monticello High School Campus additions and a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance pertaining to native landscapes. A special meeting will also be held prior to the regularly scheduled meeting to conduct interviews for the Planning Commission. c. City Council Jeff O'Neill summarized the City Council meetings held on August 8th and August 22"a The Hwy. 25 Coalition has agreed to allocate $150,000 to study Highway 10 and Interstate 94 for river crossing improvements. A request for proposal will be advertised soon. O'Neill also stated that the City of Monticello's Northwest Corridor River Crossing will be on hold until the best point of crossing can be determined. O'Neill then mentioned the City Council authorized a facility needs study for the Monticello Fire Department. He also explained the overpass along Fallon Avenue near St. Henry's Catholic Church is moving along. O'Neill encouraged IEDC members to visit the Bertram Chain of Lakes. He noted that irrigation was a concern, but with the amount of rain that has occurred, the area with the new grass is healthy and off to a nice start. Lastly, he mentioned that IRET Apartments have completed the first phase of construction and are filling up with tenants. d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marcy Anderson provided an updated on behalf of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She noted they are preparing for the 2016 Chamber Downtown Trick or Treat Event, which is scheduled for October 27th, 2016. Anderson then stated the Chamber Lunch will be held on September 20th and participants will be hearing from Wright County Law Enforcement. In the past, this event has had high attendance. Anderson also stated Hybrid Martial Arts LLC has joined the Chamber. Consideration of allowing limited outside storage in Otter Creek Business Park Jim Thares provided background on allowing outdoor storage in Otter Creek Business Park. Currently, the park has restrictive covenants prohibiting outdoor storage. The EDA directed staff to seek feedback from the IEDC regarding their support/concerns for the possibility of allowing limited amounts of outside storage in the covenants. The consideration stems from a request by Groebner, Inc. to explore the possibility of building a new facility in Otter Creek Business Park, if they can obtain permission for limited outside storage. The concern is balancing the concept of being more flexible and allowing outside storage versus the original vision of a Park featuring complete restrictions against outside storage. Don Roberts expressed support for flexing the covenants and felt a few of the recommendations were in need of review for the degree of restrictiveness. He encouraged staff to review some of these standards. DON ROBERTS MOVED TO SUPPORT THE EDA IN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THAT WILL ALLOW OUTSIDE STORAGE OF UP TO 50 PERCENT, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT CITY STAFF WILL FURTHER INVESTIGATE THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A (OUTDOOR STORAGE — POSSIBLE STANDARDS) REPORT. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 12- 0. 6. Consideration of an update regarding 2016 City Construction Proiects (Verbal Report) Jim Thares noted the IRET Apartments and Aspen Dental construction continues to progress. He responded to questions about Mills Fleet Farm's construction start date indicating that it is currently in Mill's control and they have previously indicated that they want to be in the ground yet this fall and be open by the 2017 Fishing opener (early May, 2017). Thares also stated Sherburne State Bank is proposing developing a new bank on the lot just north of the Pizza Ranch. This proposal will be brought forward at the October Planning Commission Meeting. 7. Industry of the Year Planning Update — Note a 2nd IEDC Meeting to be held on Sept. 26 Jacob Thunander updated the IEDC on the progress of the 2016 Industry of the Year. He noted that nominations were due on September 1st, 2016. The City received nominations for JME, Vector Tool Manufacturing, and WSI. The IEDC subcommittee is currently waiting to receive written surveys from each of the businesses and will be scheduling tours for the IEDC members to participate in. The Industry of the Year event is scheduled for October 5", 2016 at 7 a.m. in the Mississippi Room of the Monticello Community Center. Steve Johnson called for a special meeting to be scheduled on September 26th at 7 a.m. This meeting will be to vote for the 2016 Industry of the Year finalist. Consideration of a report regarding Wright County Minnesota Cities Participation Program - First Time Homebuyer Lending Program (Verbal Report) Jim Thares discussed the Minnesota Cities Participation Program (MCPP) as it relates to Wright County. He noted MCPP is both a program and a funding source for first -time homebuyers. The MCPP is administered by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. For 2016, Wright County received an allocation of $2,262,463 and has exceeded this amount by $1,681,977. The oversubscribing by Wright County (23 loans as of 7 -31 -2016) is not an issue as MHFA uses other available funds to continue to make the loans to borrowers (the program has changed from the past years, so in effect it does not run short of funding). Their niche market is low and moderate income households wanting to purchase their first homes. The first point of contact is through the local financial institutions in the community. That can be found on the MHFA website via a zip code search or by calling the local financial institutions. Mari Lou McCormic mentioned that RiverWood Bank participates in the program and she is involved in teaching the first -time home -buyer classes sponsored by Wright County Community Action (WCCA). Unfortunately, due to a lack of participation, several recent sessions have been cancelled. It was asked if the City of Monticello could place the information on the City newsletter or its website to help market the program. Jeff O'Neill stated the City would be willing to do that. 9. Adiournment DICK VAN ALLEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:11 P.M. DON ROBERTS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 15 -0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 4, 2016 Attest: �G�w 6Ti,�` h ares, Economic Development Director