Planning Commission Minutes 09-06-2016MINUTES RF -GULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 Mississippi Room, Monticeilo Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Linda Buchmann, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Chuck Rickart (WSB) 1. GeneraG Business A. Call to Order Chairman Fyle called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — August 2nd, 2016 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2ND, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY LINDA BUCHMANN. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. b. Recessed Regular Meeting Minutes — August 2" d, 2016 BRAD FYLE MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECESSED REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2ND, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY SAM MURDOFF. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. C. Citizen Comments NONE. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda Council Member Gabler requested adding two items, including: Broadway Market by Kwik Trip and a Potential Multi -Unit Housing Project on the East Side of Monticello. 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the Monticello High School Addition Planned Unit Development, a request for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development for the Monticello High School campus area. Applicant: Wold Architects & Engineers Angela Schumann introduced Wold Architects & Engineers as the applicant on behalf of the Monticello School District. The proposal is for development and final stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) for expansions to the Monticello High School campus area. Schumann stated the existing and proposed site is consistent with the language set forth in the Comprehensive Plan under Places for Community. Schumann reminded the Planning Commission that the series of parcels were rezoned to PUD zoning district to maximize the public values and achieve more creative development outcomes that could not be achieved under standard zoning standards. Schumann briefly discussed the history of improvements at the Monticello High School campus. The school district previously received approval for preliminary and final plat with the recording of the plat in progress. The development and final stage PUD for Phase I was approved to construct a gymnastics facility at the High School and is currently under construction. The applicant noted in the PUD that subsequent phases of development would occur, requiring no amendment to the PUD. The Planning Commission and City Council held a joint meeting in June, 2016 to review Phases II -IV. Schumann also stated the applicant attended a concept review meeting with City Staff. The applicant has designed the site to be consistent with the City's feedback. Schumann then explained the proposed improvements for Phase II -IV. Phase II consists of an addition to Eastview School, which includes the addition of 13 classrooms and an alteration to the access point from School Boulevard to a right out turning movement. Phase III consists of the addition of athletic facilities, which will lie between Little Mountain and the High School. The addition includes a football /soccer /lacrosse stadium, a track, a ticket/restroom /concessions building, team room /storage building, three sets of permanent bleachers. Phase IV includes a new canopy and sidewalk entrance and enhanced security improvements to Little Mountain. Schumann requested the applicant provide further details about the existing uses at each school to better understand the site. Schumann also mentioned that City Staff recommended providing EFIS or a material consistent with institutional building materials requirements from the City's zone ordinance in place of vinyl and steel on stadium buildings and press boxes. Schumann then covered site parking and pedestrian and vehicle circulation. The site is bordered by collector routes including: School Boulevard, Chelsea Road, Fallon Avenue, and Fenning Avenue. She noted "no parking" conditions exist along School Boulevard, Chelsea Road, and Fenning Avenue. Schumann stated the stadium seating capacity is 2,990 seats. According to NAC, parking is calculated at a four people per one car ratio and should provide adequate parking spaces during events. In addition, City Staff recommended clarifying the bus parking locations for overflow; identifying internal pedestrian routing (and improvements) to accommodate cross - parking for peak periods of use, including a connection between the pathway and ticketing area; submitting additional information on site circulation overall and turning movement for Eastview; and providing parking access for the baseball field in narrative or site plan detail. Schumann also discussed site landscaping and noted it seemed consistent with the overall campus. City Staff recommended providing evergreen tree plantings along west and south side of the team room building and to provide 2 shrub line along School Boulevard to protect pedestrian routes from wind and snowdrifts. Schumann then spoke about signage and lighting. She noted that signage is minimal on the site and the proposal is within the requirements. The applicant is proposing four poles, two on each side of the football stadium, seventy feet in height, and ten fixtures per pole. A photometric was submitted and indicated that no light spread will illuminate surrounding property. City Staff recommends compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's letter which include stormwater management and circulation and construction level design on utility and stormwater and access design. Chairman Fyle asked for details about the elevated plaza. Eric Linner, Wold Architects & Engineers, explained the area is a green space and could be used for vendors or for children as a play area. Council Member Charlotte questioned the right turning movement from Eastview Elementary and asked if there would be traffic concerns along School Boulevard. Chuck Rickart stated that it shouldn't be a cause of concern. She also asked about parking at the existing ballfield along Chelsea Road. Linner stated that hasn't been looked into, but would work with the City in addressing this concern. Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Commissioner Murdoff asked for the amount of people that typically attend an event. Bruce Hanson, Monticello Public Schools, stated the amount fluctuates, but would estimate the maximum to be around 2,000 people. Commissioner Murdoff disagreed with the four people per vehicle standard and expressed concerns with inadequate parking spaces. Hanson stated the parking lot to the east of the High School and additional school parking lots would be available, if necessary. Council Member Gabler asked if tailgating would occur on the site. Hanson stated most of the tailgating would likely occur on the plaza. Chairman Fyle asked the applicant if they were able to review Exhibit Z and had any concerns. Linner stated they would consider using alternate materials for the buildings, but had not seen many examples of having a press box constructed without steel siding. Linner also stated bus parking would be also available at Little Mountain to allow for more vehicle parking. The school district has also considered having a shuttle program to and from Eastview and Little Mountain during large events. Linner verified the trees along the west and south side of team room building have been added to the bid package and was willing to work with the City on a possible shrub line. Wold Architects & Engineers are also working on addressing the City Engineer's report. Council Member Gabler asked if the structures were graffiti proof. Hanson stated that vandalism has not been a concern in the past and have been able to 3 take care of any damage at low costs. Schumann added the zoning ordinance does not include graffiti proof building materials. Kyle Walter, ICS Consulting, noted security concerns with planting a shrub line along School Boulevard. Schumann would like to work with the school district on what that could look like. She also noted the athletic improvements should also help with a wind and snow block along the pathway. Commissioner Simpson asked for the reason for constructing additional classrooms at Eastview Elementary. Linner stated the purpose of the project is to bring all kindergarteners in the district to one site, which will help to free up space at Pinewood and Little Mountain. Chairman Fyle asked City Staff if comments have been received from Mills Fleet Farm as their property will be adjacent to the athletic field. Schumann stated she has not received any comments. It was noted a large buffer would be between the two proposed sites. Hearing no additional comments, the public hearing was closed. Decision 1. Resolution No. PC- 2016 -033, LINDA BUCHMANN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2016- 033 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION, INCLUDING AN ADDITION TO EASTVIEW ELEMENTARY, ATHLETIC STADIUM COMPLEX ADJACENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL, AND ENTRY AND SECURITY CHANGES TO LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion pursued by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Murdoff questioned whether EFIS was necessary for the press boxes and asked if there would be weight concerns for other buildings to apply EFIS. Jay Pomeroy, Anderson - Johnson Associates Inc., noted they have installed several press boxes, which have used metal seam roof product. It is typically made of steel, comes in a variety of colors, and is low maintenance. There would be additional costs to include EFIS. Commissioner Buchmann amended her motion to remove including EFIS on "press boxes" from Exhibit Z, 2. Decision 1. Resolution No. PC- 2016 -033, LINDA BUCHMANN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2016- 033 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION, INCLUDING AN ADDITION TO EASTVIEW ELEMENTARY, ATHLETIC STADIUM COMPLEX ADJACENT TO THE 4 HIGH SCHOOL, AND ENTRY AND SECURITY CHANGES TO LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND SUBJECT TO THE REVISED CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. EXHIBIT Z Development Stage Planned Unit Development, Monticello High School Addition 5225 School Boulevard 1. Provide additional information in their narrative regarding such uses in order to document the uses occurring within the PUD as part of the approval. 2. Provide EFIS or a material consistent with institutional building materials requirements in place of vinyl and steel on stadium buildings. 3. Clarify bus parking locations for the stadium. 4. Identify internal pedestrian routing (and improvements) to accommodate cross - parking for peak periods of use, including a connection between the pathway and ticketing area 5. Provide evergreen tree plantings along west and south side of team room building. 6. Provide shrub line along School Boulevard to protect pedestrian routes from wind. 7. Verify signage on the ticketing building. 8. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's letter dated August 25t', 2016. 9. Conditions recommended by other City staff. Schumann stated this item will be brought to the City Council on the Consent Agenda on Monday, September 121h B. Public Hearing — Consideration to approve an Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 1 - Landscaping & Screening for adoption of regulations pertaining to native landscaping requirements. Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann explained this item was brought to the Planning Commission primarily for discussion and information on next steps. The Planning Commission previously reviewed proposed amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, as it relates to Native Landscapes. The zoning ordinance outlines landscaping requirements and includes a section that allows for alternative landscaping, specifically native landscaping. 5 The current ordinance is very specific and applies only to properties with unique conditions. The Planning Commission reviewed this possible amendment in December 2012, January 2013, and December 2013. The Planning Commission decided to table action to gather a better understanding of the demand for native landscapes in the community and to solicit community feedback. Schumann then discussed the language included in a typical native landscapes ordinance. An ordinance would include a description of the types of native plant landscapes, standards, and enforcement. An application process would also be required for those interested in planting native landscapes on their properties. Schumann asked the Planning Commission if they were interested in pursuing a discussion about native landscaping ordinance. She stated staff would be willing to work with their Communications Manager to reach out to the public to gauge their interest. This feedback would in -turn be provided to the Planning Commission. Chairman Fyle noted concern with the types of native plants that would be allowed. Schumann stated there would be a section of the ordinance that identified the allowable native plants. Council Member Gabler asked if the City has received any feedback from residents. Schumann stated she has received more requests in 2012, but occasionally receives inquiries. Council Member Gabler also asked how Minneapolis handles their native landscapes in their greenway and asked the City to investigate further into this. Chairman Fyle and Commissioner Bachmann mentioned their concerns for allowing this on residential properties. Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Schumann stated if the proposed amendment would not move forward, she would occasionally provide resources and information in the director's reports regarding native landscapes. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Chairman Fyle stated the Planning Commission would table any action. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of Recommendation for Appointment of Planning Commissioner Chairman Fyle noted that a special meeting was held prior to the regular Planning Commission meeting to interview applicants for the vacant Planning Commissioner position. Two individuals were interviewed. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPOINTMENT OF LUCAS WYNNE TO COMPLETE THE REMAINDER OF A THREE Co YEAR TERM ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. LINDA BUCHMANN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. This item will be brought to the City Council during their regular meeting on Monday, September 12tH B. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann discussed the Community Development Department's letter that was sent out on September 1St, 2016 to all property owners with floodplain on their parcel. The City of Monticello received notice from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stating that preliminary floodplain boundary maps have been prepared. FEMA posted notice of a 90- day period to review the data and appeal those boundaries. The map indicates 240 parcels that have floodplain on their property, with very few parcels that have structures located in this area. The City of Monticello will collect, review, and consolidate all appeals and send to FEMA. Schumann reiterated that floodplain maps are the responsibility of FEMA and not the City of Monticello. A final letter of determination will be sent by FEMA that states their intent on adopting floodplain boundaries. There are another series of steps residents and the City of Monticello may take during that time. 4. Added Items Broadway Market by Kwik: Angela Schumann explained that two parcels in this area are available for development. Those areas were slated to be a retail center and a bank, but approvals have since lapsed. Potential Multi -Unit Housing Proiect on the East Side of Monticello: Angela Schumann stated no formal applications have been submitted to the City, but inquiries have been received on the south side of the City. Other: Commissioner Simpson asked if any requests for the McDonald's site have been received. Schumann stated that no inquires have been received for this property. Commissioner Simpson also asked when Mills Fleet Farm would begin construction. Schumann stated that the applicant has received all City approvals. It is currently in the hands of the property owner and the developer. 5. Adjournment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:20 P.M. LINDA BUCHMANN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. 7 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 4, 2016 % EZIM /5,9119, Angela Scf*m�nt, Cpmmunity Development Director