Parks Commission Agenda Packet 06-15-2000
Thursday, .June 15,2000 - 4:30 p.m.
Monticello City Hall, Academy Room
Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver and Nancy McCafTrey
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on May 18,2000. (JefTwill have minutes
at the Parks Commission Meeting.)
. 8.
Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
Citizens requests.
Presentation hy Tim Maki - President ofNational Disk Golf Association.
Discussion on selection of meeting time for Annual Tour.
Discussion on Plaque Dedications in our park system.
Soccer Field construction update. (JeflO'Neill)
Discussion on Tennis Court Lighting at Pinewood. (Jeff)
West Bridge construction update. (Gregg Engle)
Cardinal Hills Tot Lot construction update.
Pioneer Park construction update. (Gregg)
Ellison Park tree and signage update. (Gregg)
Park maintenance repOli. (Gregg)
Limited discussion on recreation concept ideas.
Regular Meeting - Parks Commission
May 18, 2000
4:00 PM
Members Present:
Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Rick Traver
Members Absent:
Nancy McCaffrey, Earl Smith
Stafl Present:
JefT O'Neill, Greg Engle
Call to order
After discussion motion by Fran Fair and seconded by Rick Traver to approve the April
21, 2000 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Consideration of adding items to agenda. None added
Review status of tree preservation ordinance, tree planting requirement and shade tree
O'Neill reported that progress on the tree preservation ordinance stopped some time ago
prior to the Wildwood Ridge Development in part hecause the developer was willing to
work with the city in saving trees. The city and developer were successful in saving trccs
in this area. In the last action relating to the tree preservation ordinance, the Planning
Commission requested a meeting with interested developers to discuss the proposed
ordinance further.
With regards to the tree planting requirement. O'Neill noted that thc building department
is taking inventory of the developed lots with home in place that have not completed the
tree planting requirement. Developers responsible for tree planting will be contacted
The Shade Tree Program is at a stand still with no funds budgetted for 2000. O'Neill
noted that previously the Parks Commission suggested another tree planting project for
2001. Wanda's departure and questions relating to the filling of the position may make it
diflicult to complete this important project. O'Neill noted that staff is continuing to
evaluate Wanda's position in terms of demands at city hall and will be reporting back to
the Parks Commission accordingly.
Review preparations for Walk and roll and Community Center Grand Opening.
O.Ncill provided information to the Commission on the schedule for both events.
Review status of ISTEA project - Funding
O'Neill reported that the City Council authorized plans for the the project but is still
looking at funding sources. At this point in time it appears that the cost of the project
will be funded by an increase in taxes and or a reduction in park budget.
7. Review status of Soccer field development
O'Neill reported that the soccer field development is progressing at the School level.
O'Neill noted that the budget for this item was redueed to $25,000 from $30,000 at the
end of the budget process. He noted that he was not aware of the reduction that was made
at adoption of the final budget which resulted in a promise of funds in excess of what is
available in the budget. Jeff noted that he would be working with the City Administrator
to see where funds could be found that have been saved elsewhere. Otherwishe, at some
point in the future, consideration will need to be given to shifting funds to the soccer field
line item so that the promise can be accomodated.
8. Discuss format for planning meeting scheduled for Jun 1, 2000.
O'Neill and Engle reported that they would prepare an outline for presentation to the City
Council indicating park development and maintenance issues and possible solutions.
Update on Maintenance items.
Discussion focused on the Par West Park play structure which is an item in the city
budget.. After discussion a motion was made by Rick Traver and seconded by Fran Fair
to approve the plan for construction of a play structure in the approximate amount of
There being no further discussion, meeting was adjourned
Jeff O'Neill
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