City Council Resolution 2016-38CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -038 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ELECTION JUDGES AND APPOINTING ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD JUDGES FOR THE AUGUST 9, 2016 PRIMARY ELECTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello is required by MS 204B.21, Sec. 2, to officially approve the appointment of election judges and absentee ballot board members; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council hereby adopts the judges listed on the attached Exhibit A, hereto attached, as the official judges for the August 9, 2016 Primary Election with the understanding that amendments may be necessary to the appointments in order to fill vacancies and meet party requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Monticello that the names listed on Exhibit A, hereto attached, are the official Election Judges and that the names on Exhibit A that are highlighted are the official Absentee Ballot Board members for the City of Monticello for the August 9, 2016 Primary Election. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ON THIS 27TH DAY OF JUNE, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O ity Administrator