City Council Minutes 05-23-2016REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 23, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from May 9, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the regular meeting minutes. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Brian Stumpf added 4C — Retaining Wall Color D. Citizen Comments • None E. Public Service Announcements • City of Monticello Memorial Day hours. • Walk -n -Roll event will be held June 11. • Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, provided a construction update. Glen Posusta commented about people blocking intersections when waiting for a signal light to change. Ms. Bisson noted that this may be improved with the next phase of construction. F. Council Liaison Updates • MCC Advisory Board. Brian Stumpf provided an update: Membership numbers are up 12.5% from last year. Discussion on Friendship Island. Discussion on Pickle Ball going down to one day of week for the summer. • FiberNet Advisory Board. Charlotte Gabler provided an update which included: Reviewed subscriber numbers. City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 1 1 7 Discussion on potential third party management and the Special City Council meeting to be held May 26 on the candidates • EDA. Lloyd Hilgart gave a brief overview of the meeting which included: Declaration of Covenants for Otter Creek - Purchase agreement for Clear Creek. Approved fann lease. • Councilmembers Hilgart and Gabler provided a positive overview of their trip to Washington D. C. as a part of the 1-94 Coalition. • Brian Stumpf noted that there was a meeting of the MOAA and they did approve a motion for denial of solar facilities in the orderly annexation area. G. Department Updates City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following items: 1. Coalition of Utility Cities and the method of taxing Power Generating Facilities. This year a bill failed, however, it is anticipated to be brought back to the Legislature next year. 2. All entities that are a part of the Highway 25 Joint Powers Agreement have signed the agreement except for Wright County. They are anticipated to approve the agreement at their next meeting. 3. The City Council will receive a packet of infonnation on the Arvig and CTC proposals for the special meeting on May 26. 4. The City is communicating with Wright County to receive approval for the Fire Department to burn down the `pink house' 2. Consent Agenda Tom Perrault moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items A, D, E, F, H, I, K, L, and O. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for MCC, Liquor Store, Water, Streets and Building and terminations for MCC, Community Development, and Community Center. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-033 approving donations from various sponsors for the Farmer's Market Power of Produce program, entertainment and City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 2 17 advertising as well as for Walk -n -Roll sponsors. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. E. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-021 accepting a contribution from the Monticello Lions Club towards the installation of a 200 amp electrical panel at west parking lot of the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. F. Consideration to approve request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Monticello Middle School; Conditional Use Permit for Schools, K-12 use; and Amendment to the Official Monticello Zoning Map for Rezoning from Agricultural Open Space (A -O) District to Single -Family Resident (R-1) District. Applicant: Wold Architects & Engineers. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Pen -nit for Schools, K-12 use; and Amendment to the Official Monticello Zoning Map for Rezoning from Agricultural Open Space (A -O) District to Single Family Residence (R-1) District. Recommendation: Approved the adoption of Ordinance No. 645 rezoning the property from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residential and approved a Conditional Use Permit. H. Consideration to adopt Ordinance No. 641 for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 4, as related to temporary use pen -nit requirements for special events. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 1. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 646 amending the City Code by establishing Title 3, Chapter 19 — Special Event Pen -nit. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. J. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 640 and Summary Ordinance 640A for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 5 — Signs, as related to community event signage. Application: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopted Ordinance No. 640 approving an amendment to Chapter 4, Section 5, and adopted Summery Ordinance No. 640A for publishing. K. Consideration to approve a license agreement with Great River Energy for the use of Outlot B. Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition for helicopter landing associated with installation of swan diverters on powerlines. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration to approve a special event pen -nit allowing use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park, core city public right of way, Community Center City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 3 17 parking lot and related city assistance in conjunction with the annual Riverfest community celebration on July 14-17, 2016. Applicant: Riverfest Committee. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. M. Consideration to authorize submittal of land use applications to the City of Monticello as related to a potential industrial use expansion on Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 1st Addition and Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition by Clear Creek Land Company, LLC. Recommendation: Approved the land use application. N. Consideration to accept Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Protections for Otter Creek Crossing Yd Addition. Recommendation: Approved the Amendment of Declaration of Protective Covenants and Protections for Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. O. Consideration to approve the purchase of Phases IX and X of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including funding of approximately $558,090 of purchase at closing, and to approve corresponding purchase documents: Phase IX Purchase Agreement; Phase X Purchase Agreement; and Seventh Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Monticello, Wright County, and the YMCA. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. Consideration to approve payment of bills. Tom Perrault noted that an expense on page three to Campbell Knutson was charged to the Liquor Store. This should have been coded to Liquor Licensing. Tom Perrault moved to approve the payment of bills. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-033 approving donations from various sponsors for the Farmer's Market Power of Produce program, entertainment and advertising as well as for Walk -n -Roll sponsors. Brian Stumpf recognized all of the donors. Brian Stumpf moved approval of Resolution 2016-033 approving donations. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. E. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-021 accepting a contribution from the Monticello Lions Club towards the installation of a 200 amp electrical panel at the west parking lot of the Monticello Community Center. City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 4 1 7 Brian Stumpf recognized the donor. There was a question on the source of funding for the balance of the electrical panel. Tom Perrault suggested that funds should be taken out of either the Parks or Community Center budget. Brian Stumpf concurred. Glen Posusta commented that regardless of department funding comes out of the general fund. Glen Posusta moved approval of Resolution 2016-021 accepting the contribution and having the balance of the electrical panel funded by the general fund. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. F. Consideration to approve request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Monticello Middle School; Conditional Use Permit for Schools, K-12 use; and Amendment to the Of Monticello Zoning Map for Rezoning firom. Agricultural Opel? Space (A -O) District to Single -Family Residence (R-1) District. Applicant: Wold Architects c& Engineers. Tom Perrault questioned if there is adequate parking. Steve Grittman, NAC, responded that there is enough parking. A revised resolution was provided for approval. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the request for Preliminary and Final Plat; a Conditional Use Permit; and Amendment to the Zoning Map. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. H. Consideration to adopt Ordinance No. 641, for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter S, Section 4, as related to temporary use permit requirements for special events. Applicant: City of Monticello. Tom Perrault pulled to note that the second decision did not note the ordinance number of 641 A (Summary Ordinance). Tom Perrault moved approval of Ordinance 641 to amend Chapter 5, Section 4, as related to temporary use permit requirements for special events and Summary Ordinance 641A. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. I. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 646 amending the City Code by establishing Title 3, Chapter 19 — Special Event Permit. Charlotte Gabler suggested, after discussion with staff, the ordinance be amended to address noise violations. The language proposed was `Special events shall not operate before 7: 00 a.m. or after 10: 00 p.m. unless a Special Event Permit (or other permit) for such activity has been approved by the City Council. Such permit supersedes the provisions of City Code 6-1-10 (B). City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 5 1 7 Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Ordinance 646 and Summary Ordinance 646A for publication with the amendment noted above. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. K. Consideration to approve a license agreement with Great River Energy for the use of Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing Yd Addition for helicopter landing associated with installation of swan diverters on powerlines. Tom Perrault questioned whether or not adjacent landowners were notified. Angela Schumann responded that this was not noted as a requirement in the agreement but the City Council could add that stipulation if desired. Glen Posusta moved approval of the license agreement. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. L. Consideration to approve a special event permit allowing use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park, core city public right of way, Community center parking lot and related city assistance in conjunction with the annual Rive�fest community celebration on July 14-17, 2016 Applicant: Riverfest Committee. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether the new Special Pen -nit approved this evening applied. Angela Schumann responded that this event falls under the provisions of the newly approved Special Event pen -nit ordinance. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the Special Event Permit. Glen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. O. Consideration to approve the purchase of Phases IX and X of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including funding o f approximately $558,090 o f purchase at closing, and to approve corresponding purchase documents: Phase IX Purchase Agreement; Phase X Purchase Agreement; and Seventh Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Monticello, Wright County, and the YMCA. Tom Perrault pulled the item to vote no. Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternative 1. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Tom Perrault voted against. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration to approve a request for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to allow Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial use in the B-3 (Highway Business) District; and a request for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Page 6 1 7 related to Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial use in the B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Next Level Baseball and Softball Training Inc. Steve Grittman, NAC, provided a brief overview of the request. He noted that the Planning Commission recommended the item be approved as a pennitted use but believes they would support a Conditional Use Pen -nit. Brian Stumpf questioned the distribution of taxes. Wayne Elam responded to the City Council that the owner communicated with Wright County and any space that is being leased out is taxable. Glen Posusta moved approval of Decision 1 — Alternative 2 and Decision 2 — Alternative 2. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-032 accepting bids and awarding contract for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Improvements, City Project 15C001. Shibani Bisson presented the item and noted that Northdale Construction Co. Inc. was the low bidder. There was some discussion on the project. Brian Stumpf questioned why parking was not allowed on River Street but is allowed on Washington Street and 4"' Street. Ms. Bisson responded that it pertains to street width but can obtain confinnation. Glen Posusta moved approval of Resolution 2016-032 accepting bids and awarding contract. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4- 1; Tom Perrault voted against. Mr. Perrault is opposed to the sidewalk on Cedar Street. C. ADDED ITEM: Approval of the retaining wall located along 7"' Street, Hi hway 25, and Cedar Street. Brian Stumpf noted that there was a consensus of the City Council at the earlier Special Meeting in regard to the retaining wall color. He added to the agenda for a formal motion. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Option 3 with additional red coloring. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Tom Perrault voted against. Mr. Perrault supported Option 4. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: City Council Minutes — May 23, 2016 Attest: ty d- ministrator Page 7 1 7