City Council Minutes 06-13-2016REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 13, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Torn Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2016 Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Regular Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes. Charlotte Gabler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Brian Stumpf added discussion at the end of the meeting in regard to escrows. D. Citizen Comments • Presentation by Nate Vassar, CenterPoint Energy, on donation of $1,000 for Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) for the Community Center. E. Public Service Announcements • Kitty Baltos remarked on the upcoming Movie in the Park — Star Wars: The Force Awakens which will be playing on 6/25/16 in Pioneer Park. The Monticello Times is sponsoring the event. • Shibani Bisson gave an update on construction at the TH 25/CSAH 75 intersection. Construction is scheduled to begin on 6/14 and be completed by 6/24. Glen Posusta expressed concern that the intersections were being blocked. Ms. Bisson responded that both Wright County and the State Highway patrol are monitoring this. Two members of the public addressed the City Council with concerns. Ms. Mason, 119 E. 4t' St. questioned where individuals should cross the road. Ms. Bisson noted that City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 1 18 she would look into additional signage that could direct individuals to cross under the bridge. Steve Reishus also addressed the Council He was concerned about the timing of the signal lights. He questioned who was responsible for the timing. Brian Stumpf responded that MnDOT controls the signal lights. • Ms. Bisson subsequently provided an update on the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project. The first phase starts the week of June 13 and has an expected completion date of August 31. The second phase is expected to be complete by October 31, 2016. • Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, noted that there is a Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on Thursday, June 23 at 6 p.m. • Charlotte Gabler provided a recap of the Walk N roll event which took place on June 11. • Brian Stumpf mentioned the he and Charlotte Gabler attended the dog park ribbon cutting. F. Council Liaison Ubdates • Parks Commission. Tom Pawelk stated that the commission discussed the interim improvements at BCOL and the new shelter at Ellison Park final design. • IEDC. Brian Stumpf provided a recap. Items included: Chamber of Commerce provided an update on golf tournament; Dr. Jim Johnson, Monticello School Superintendent, provided an overview of future school projects. • Planning Commission. Charlotte Gabler provided a list of items that were approved at the Planning Commission meeting. They were: Preliminary and Final Plat for Clear Creek Addition and Preliminary and Final Plat for the Monticello High School. • EDA. Tom Perrault stated that the EDA discussed the meeting held between the City and EDA. • Tom Perrault reported that the WWTF upgrade project is 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule. • MOAA. Brian Stumpf noted that the Laestadian Lutheran Church was approved to relocate to the old Silver Spring golf course. • BCOL. Brian Stumpf noted that the following items were discussed: schematic design for the four season rental property (County project); access of parking construction bids; land alteration pen -nit for athletic complex; Bertram Blast has 70 registrations; and the YMCA Camp Manitou is hosting an open house on June 18 from 1 — 4 p.m. G. Department Updates City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following items: 1. Wright County Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in regard to an expansion of a feed lot. City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 2 18 2. Final contract with Arvig has been drafted. This item will be brought forward for approval at the next City Council meeting. 3. All five entities involved with the Highway 25 Coalition have approved and signed the agreement. 4. The Prairie Conference Center is being inspected for water/mold. FiberNet staff has been moved out of the building. 5. The Coalition of Utility Cities annual meeting will be on August 17. • Building Department Update: John Rued, Building Inspector, gave a presentation depicting activities of the Building Department. 2. Consent Agenda Tom Perrault moved approval of the consent agenda excluding F, J, L, and P. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $974,755.50. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires and departures for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-033 approving donations from various sponsors for Walk N Roll Bike Sponsors, Famer's Market Power of Produce program and entertainment and advertising. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the donations. E. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016-034 approving grant/donations from CenterPoint Energy for the purchase of an Automatic External Defibrillator. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the donation. F. Consideration to approve quote from Right Way Caulking Library Building Caulking Project in the amount of $12,029. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration to approve a policy for new customer water meter billing. Recommendation: Approved the policy for new customer water meter billing. H. Consideration to approve discounts for utility billing customers that sign up for ACH and electronic bills. Recommendation: Approved discounts for utility billing customers with ACH payments and electronic bills. City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 3 18 I. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-035 in support of Wright County supporting a regional partnership in pursuit of an application to the Federal EDA Short Term Planning Program to assist in the completion of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution in support of Wright County's involvement in a regionally developed Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. J. Consideration to approve Massage Therapy Enterprise Licenses and approved Ordinance No. 647 amending the Therapeutic Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists Ordinance by amending Section 3-18-10: Term, Renewal of License. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. K. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016-036 accepting a petition for vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lot 1, Block 1, of Otter Creek Crossing I" Addition and calling for a public hearing. Applicant: Rocky Mountain Exchange. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the petition and calling for a public hearing on June 27, 2016. L. Consideration to approve an amended license agreement with Great River Energy for the use of Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing Yd Addition for helicopter landing associated with installation of swan diverters on powerlines. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. M. Consideration to approve a Special Event Permit allowing use of Ellison Park and related assistance in conjunction with Art in the Park/Taste of Monticello on Saturday, July 16, 2016. Applicant: Chamber of Commerce. Recommendation: Approved the Special Event Permit for an event on July 16, 2016. N. Consideration to approve Change Order #1 to the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15C001. Recommendation: Approved the Change Order to Northdale Construction Co. O. Consideration to approve Verizon Construction Documents for replacement of existing communication facilities at the communications tower at Public Works. Recommendation: Approved the Verizon Construction Documents for replacement of existing communication facilities at the communication tower at Public Works. P. Consideration to approve plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park — Athletic Park and to authorize advertisement for bids. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. Q. Consideration to approve pathway micro -surfacing improvements in Meadow Oaks and CSAH 18. Recommendation: Accepted the quoted from Asphalt City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 4 18 Contractors, Inc. for pathway micro -surfacing improvements along CSAH 75 and CSAH 18. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. F. Consideration to approve quote from Right Way Caulking library building caulking project in the amount of $12,029. Glen Posusta pulled the item with a question in regard to the weep ropes. The document noted that these were removed and Mr. Posusta wondered if they would be put back in. John Rued will check on this before the job begins. Glen Posusta moved approval of the quote received and contract the work requested to Right Way Caulking with the stipulation that the Building Inspector researches the weep ropes. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. J. Consideration to approve Massage Therapy Enterprise Licenses and approve Ordinance 647 amending the Therapeutic Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists ordinance by amending Section 3-18-10: Term, Renewal of License. Andrea McDowell Poehler, Campbell Knutson Law Finn, represented City Attorney Joel Jamnik and addressed the City Council on the Massage Ordinance. Ms. Poehler stated that she reviewed the applications and the background information provided and it appears that they met the requirements of the city license. Therefore, the City Council would be required to grant the licenses. Denial would only be allowed if there was clear evidence that there was a failing of the applicant on the requirements. Brian Stumpf questioned whether or not they could hold a license over since it wasn't in compliance with building code. Ms. Poehler noted that this wasn't an initial requirement of the license. However, once they are provided a license they would need to be brought into compliance. Members of the public requested to speak on the issue. The following testified: Amanda Stachowicz Ms. Stachowicz read a prepared statement in regard to sex trafficking and how it relates to massage businesses. Her statement alleged that one of the applicants applying for a massage license is involved with such an activity. She provided examples of inappropriate activity at the mentioned location and requested that they be denied a license. LeAnn Balmanno Ms. Balmanno is the owner of Bliss Salon. Ms. Balmanno inquired on who the contact would be for complaints on a massage business. Brian Stumpf responded that anything associated with an illegal activity should be forwarded to the Wright County Sheriff's City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 5 18 Office. Any other licensing issues should be forwarded to Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk. Sarah Colford Ms. Colford represented the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center and was present to bring awareness of their agency. She noted that they can be a resource for individuals who have been sexually abused. Kathy Storkamp Ms. Storkamp is a massage therapist in Elk River. Ms. Storkamp is in favor of licensing massage therapists. She is concerned that everything in regard to massage therapy remain legitimate. Ms. Mason 119 E. 4"' Street. Ms. Mason talked about the struggles that it took to get into the massage business. She noted the schooling required for massage therapy. Wright County Sergeant Todd Sandin addressed the City Council and noted that the Wright County Sheriffs Office has received complaints on one of the massage businesses. It was mentioned that they investigate every complaint they receive. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether or not the license could be held based on illicit advertising that was found on one of the businesses. Ms. Poehler responded that the license should be approved or denied based on the application before them. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, commented that, in addition to the establishment's license, each individual massage therapist must complete an application which requires training, a background check, and other stipulations. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the Therapeutic Massage Enterprise Licenses of Massage Island, Body Rhythms, Lux Salon Spa, Lisa G's Styling Studio, and Live Well Massage Therapy as presented and as directed by the City Attorney. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Tom Perrault moved approval of Ordinance 647 amending Section 3-18-10: Term, Renewal of License. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. L. Consideration to approve an amended license agreement with Great River Energy. Tom Perrault noted grammatical errors that were corrected. Tom Perrault moved approval of the amended license agreement. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. P. Consideration to approve plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park — Athletic Park and to authorize advertisement for bids. City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 6 18 Tom Perrault pulled the item in order to vote no. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the plans and specifications for interim improvement at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Tom Perrault voted against. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration to approve Access Services Agreement with IRET governing provision of telecommunication services to Monticello Crossings 202 unit apartment development. Jeff O'Neill provided an overview of the agreement and mentioned that the agreement has an eight year tenn with year to year renewals. Paul Reinke, IRET Properties, was also present to address the City Council. There was some discussion on the E-7 cards and occupancy rates. Mr. Reinke noted that in one year from opening they are hoping for 50% occupancy and have a goal of 90% occupancy after two years. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the Access Services Agreement with IRET as proposed subject to review by the City Attorney. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration to authorize a match of $9,000 for approximately three acres of Bertram Lake Shoreland for inclusion in the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park_ Jeff O'Neill introduced the item. Tom Pawelk gave a brief overview of the purchase. It was noted that this will be a joint ownership with Wright County who approved the corresponding $9,000 in May of this year. Glen Posusta moved approval of the match of $9,000 for Bertram Lake Shoreland. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Tom Perrault voted against. C. Consideration to approve internal rent for Prairie Center building. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the item and noted that the rent it determined by space occupied and intensity of use. In addition, all expenditures should be allocated to users, not potential users. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the schedule format for distributing expenditures. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 7 1 8 Added Items: • Brian Stumpf brought forward discussion on how the City collects escrows. He commented that some escrows seem low and some appear high. Mr. Stumpf, with consensus of the City Council, would like staff to review the current escrows and policies and revise where needed and bring back to the City Council at a future date. • Tom Perrault questioned the status of the City's membership in the Broadband Alliance. Jeff O'Neill responded that this will be brought forward after an agreement with Arvig is in place. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreib Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes —June 13, 2016 Page 8 18