City Council Minutes 07-25-2016 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 25, 2016 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, City department heads: Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, John Rued, Jim Thares, Carolyn Granger, Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Sarah Rathlisberger 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Purpose of Meeting: Overview of proposed 2016 budget Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, introduced the budget discussion, noting that he has prepared baseline information for the 2017 budget. He led the presentation which included a projected schedule for the budget process and new budget impacts involving Police inflation and additional hours and possible new positions. The format for budget presentations will relate to: 1) Serve the public; 2) Manage the resources; 3) Run the business; and 4) Manage the people. 3. Workshop: Budget Overview Tracy Ergen, Human Resource Director, presented the highlights of the HR budget and goals for 2017. The one addition to the budget was for the purchase and implementation of Insight — Recruit & Applicant Tracking Software offered by Neogov. A couple of goals mentioned were to laserfiche Safety Committee minutes and Union Contract Information and Continuation of the Leadership Training Program. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented the budget highlights for Planning & Zoning and Reception Services. Economic Development and Building will be presented separately. There is no projected budget increase for the Planning & Zoning Department. Some of the 2017 goals mentioned were: explore grant opportunities; complete acquisition of BOOL; analyze website for improvements; community outreach; customer service; laserfiche; and department meetings. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjournat 6:10 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Burrows Schreiber Approved: Attest: LYM ,.iaf • City Council Special Meeting Minutes —July 25, 2016 Page 1 1 1