City Council Minutes 09-12-2016 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, September 12, 2016 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta
Absent: None
Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, City department heads: Angela Schumann, Shibani
Bisson, John Rued, Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Torn Moores, Sarah
Rathlisberger, Ann Mosack, Jim Thares, Matt Theisen, and Torn Pawelk
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. Workshop: Budget Overview.
Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief overview of the fourth 2017 budget
meeting. In his budget presentation he noted that the City Council will review the
proposed 2017 preliminary tax levy at the regular meeting following the special meeting.
His presentation touched on, among other items, tax base changes, tax capacity values
and rates, and the debt service levy.
A. Monticello Community Center
Ann Mosack, Monticello Community Center Director, gave a brief presentation. She
announced that her budget will include four service areas: Aquatics; Programs; Rentals
and Events; and Operations and Maintenance. She then reviewed her budget highlights
and goals for 2017.
B. Engineering
Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, presented an overview of the Engineering
Department and vision for 2017. She briefly touched on her measures of serving the
public, managing resources and people, and running the business. Much of her
presentation covered the 2017 Capital Improvement Plan projects and 2017 planning
projects. This included a Capital Improvement Plan map.
3. Adjournment
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
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City Council Special Meeting Minutes —September 12, 2016 Page 1