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EDA Agenda 10-12-2016
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. WALKING TOUR OF DOWNTOWN AREA WITH PLANNING COMMISSION MEET IN THE ACADEMY ROOM AT CITY HALL Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Council members Tom Perrault and Lloyd Hilgart Staff. Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, EDA Executive Director Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Wayne Oberg Guest: Hill Capital Corporation 1. SPECIAL MEETING - Call to Order 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. WALKING TOUR OF DOWNTOWN SMALL AREA STUDY BLOCKS w/ Planning Commission 4. REGULAR MEETING — Call to Order and Roll Call 6:00 p.m. 5. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Regular Meeting — September 14th, 2016 6. Consideration of additional agenda items 7. Consideration of approving payment of bills 8. Consideration of Membership Dues to WCEDP 9. Consideration of 2017 Contribution to Initiative Foundation 10. Consideration of revised development plan/home for 413 — West 4th Street 11. Presentation by Hill Capital Corporation 12. Consideration of quotes for Phase II Limited Site Investigation (LSI) in Block 34 13. Consideration of Review of Industrial Land Inventory in City of Monticello 14. Consideration of Director's Report 15. Closed session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter - offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). 16. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, Tom Perrault, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Bill Tapper Staff: Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Jim Thares, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Regular Meeting —August 10th, 2016 TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 10TH, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. JAMES DAVIDSON SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0 WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items Angela Schumann requested the addition of updating the EDA on the HRA levy approved at the September 12th, 2016 City Council Meeting. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH AUGUST, 2016. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2016 -009 approving Amendment to Contract for Private Development between Masters 511 Avenue and the Monticello EDA related to Tax Increment Financing District 1 -35 and accompanying Resolution 2016 -010 approving a Modification to TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -35 Jim Thares stated Barry Fluth, President of Master's Fifth Avenue, provided plans with a proposed amendment to include a 23 -unit multi - family housing project. Thares noted a few corrections that needed to be made to the Modification No. 1 to Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -35 including removal of Section 32 and replacing the first paragraph of Section 2 -3 of the TIF Plan from three parcels to one parcel. An update was also applied to EDA Resolution No. 2016 -010 to change the date from March 10, 1997 to September 12, 2005. Lloyd Hilgart asked Fluth if any changes to the roofline or exterior were being proposed. Fluth stated that no changes were made, but changes are pending final approval from the City Council. Hilgart expressed concerns of the project warranting TIF as the City has rarely used TIF for completely residential projects. Angela Schumann reminded the EDA of previous discussions around the development stage PUD. The recommendation of City Staff and the Planning Commission was to change the siding from vinyl or steel siding to an EFIS or similar product, changing the rooftop on the garages, and changing the lighting and signage to a more urbanized appearance. The developer noted that some of the items were workable, where others required further discussion with City Staff. City Council minutes are available to refer back to for further details. Bill Demeules mentioned that the proposed language of the TIF 1 -35 amendment is specific and asked how flexible it would be to unanticipated changes. Thares noted any language that was approved would be binding and would require additional amendments if changes were necessary. Jim Davidson asked if the building could be changed in the future to another use and still receive TIF funding. Thares stated in order to receive TIF, the owner would need to stay within the language noted in the plan until the expiration of the district. Steve Johnson noted concern with density of the proposal and asked for the project to be scaled back. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 2016 -009 APPROVING THE 4TU AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE AND THE MONTICELLO EDA AS IT RELATES TO TIF DISTRICT 1 -35 WHEREIN LANGUAGE INCLUDES AN "11,000 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OR MULTI -USE CENTER ". TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -2 WITH STEVE JOHNSON AND JIM DAVIDSON VOTING AGAINST. Further discussion ensued regarding the flexibility of the project with the proposed modification to the TIF Plan. Tracy Hinz questioned the age restrictions of the proposed project. Thares stated there is no contractual agreement for the age of tenants, but would ensure the amended language would emphasize that the property is targeted, but not limited to people 55 years and older. Fluth reiterated this intent. Schumann stated that the EDA could table any modification to the TIF Plan, if desired, until the developer is ready to start construction. Davidson noted concern with slowing the development down by tabling action. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO TABLE RESOLUTION 2016 -010 APPROVING A MODIFICATION OF THE TIF PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 23 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT COMPLEX IN TIF DISTRICT 1 -35 PENDING INFORMATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. Further discussion regarding the specific language in the proposed TIF Plan modification followed. Thares stated if the EDA decided to table action, City Staff and the EDA Attorney would use the additional time to review the documents to ensure the verbiage for the TIF Plan modification is consistent with the Private Development Contract wherein the desired flexibility is maintained. He further noted that if the modification to the TIF plan is approved as currently written and additional changes to the development would occur such as commercial or mixed use development being proposed by the developer, another additional step of approval from the EDA would be required. Tracy Hinz rescinded her motion, with motion seconder consenting. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2016 -010 APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO THE TIF PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT 1 -35 WHEREIN LANGUAGE IS INCLUSIVE OF COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, AND MIXED USE AND PENDING CONSULTATION WITH CITY STAFF AND ATTORNEY FOR ADDITIONAL CHANGES TO RESTRICTIVE LANGUAGE TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY FOR THE DEVELOPER. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. 7. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2016 -011 approving First Amendment to the Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between the EDA and Taylor Holdings, LLC for 413 — 4th Street West Jim Thares noted there was a historic assessment recorded against the 413 4th Street West property. The assessment was for cleanup and demolition costs. The City Attorney recommended extending the timeline for the purchase agreement, which would allow the City Council to change, waive, or enforce the assessment at the September 26th City Council Meeting. Thares stated the EDA may want to consider changing the purchase price depending on the cost of the assessment at their next meeting on October 12th. The closing would be scheduled for October 18th Steve Johnson asked who paid for the demolition and cleanup. Bill Demueles stated the EDA paid for those costs. The assessment was placed by City Council on the property so that specific development would be conducted at the site. If the desired project would be constructed, the assessment was to be forgiven. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. EDA 2016 -011 APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT OF A PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TAYLOR HOLDINGS, LLC. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. 8. Public Comment Session - Outdoor Storage Standards in Otter Creek Business Park; Consideration of Allowing Limited Outside Storage in Otter Creek Business Park Jim Thares stated the initial idea of allowing a limited amount of outdoor storage was proposed by Groebner, Inc. At a prior EDA meeting, it was recommended that City Staff send letters to the businesses located in Otter Creek Business Park to provide comments and attend the EDA Meeting. Mary Barger, Suburban Manufacturing, commented about her concerns for allowing outdoor storage. Suburban Manufacturing is located in the Otter Creek Business Park. Barger noted that outdoor storage detracts from the quality, aesthetics, and property values of businesses located in the business park and expressed appreciation to keep the business park covenant restrictions in place. Lloyd Hilgart asked if outdoor storage is allowed in this park. City staff noted no outdoor storage is allowed. Hilgart asked if outdoor storage was taking place. City staff stated it was occurring. Hilgart asked how much land is available for industrial development and if other parcels were available for the business to build at. Angela stated there is limited industrial land in the City; she believes there is less than 80 acres remaining. She also noted that there are areas identified as Industrial /Business Campus in the City along 7th Street, but they are guided commercial. In the long term, available industrial land is shrinking. Thares stated that Groebner has looked at other sites in the City and has discovered that all of the remaining lots are too narrow. Tracy Hinz expressed appreciation for Suburban Manufacturing commenting on the request and inquired as to the opinion of the remaining businesses in the Park. Thares stated one business noted that they were okay with the change and two businesses did not have a preference either way. Steve Johnson asked if there were areas in the City that could be similar to Otter Creek Business Park, but would allow outdoor storage. Schumann stated there are areas planned for industrial development throughout the City, however infrastructure and utility improvements would need to occur. There are also other lots currently available where outdoor storage is allowed including Oakwood Industrial. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO NOT RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL FUTURE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THAT ALLOW LIMITED OUTSIDE STORAGE. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. 9. Consideration of Economic Development Assistance Contract with WSB & Associates for lead generation and financial assistance packnin2 consultation Jim Thares noted this item was considered at the regular EDA meeting on August 10th. It was recommended that a representative from WSB be present to answer questions about the proposed contract to the City of Monticello's EDA. The proposed contract is proposed for a term running from October 2016 through December 2017 for $10,500 Jim Gromberg, WSB, stated he met with Jim Thares to discuss the contract so that it meets the changing needs of the City of Monticello's EDA. Gromberg discussed how WSB could augment the EDA including attending meetings. These meetings are typically held in the Twin Cities area and require individual membership to be able to attend. WSB is also able to network with site selectors and businesses who are looking for projects and can help attract and work with existing businesses in Monticello. Bill Demueles asked what the cost of membership to different organizations would be if Monticello were to do this on their own. Gromberg stated that alone in economic development organizations the costs would be $50,000- $100,000, without staff time. With this proposal, WSB would also help the City of Monticello develop proposals and marketing. Tracy Hinz asked who would be the liaison from WSB on this contract. Gromberg confirmed he would be representing the City of Monticello. Steve Johnson asked how the City of Monticello would utilize the tools that WSB would provide. Thares stated he would stay in constant contact with Gromberg and would ask them to provide regular updates to the EDA at the meetings. Hinz expressed concern with the amount of services that would be provided at the $700 per month cost. Gromberg noted the proposed services and scope are significantly slimmed down from the previous market matching service that was provided by WSB the past two years. Gromberg noted WSB would be able to fulfill all obligations in the contract, but would possibly need to discuss a change if a major project would require more involvement by WSB. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK AND FURTHER DIRECT PREPARATION OF A 15 -MONTH CONTRACT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES BETWEEN WSB & ASSOCIATES AND THE MONTICELLO EDA. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED. THE MOTION CARRIED, 5 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING AGAINST. 10. Consideration of authorization to issue RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello Angela Schumann said the EDA has had a number of discussions over the past few years regarding the EDA's direction. The EDA has mentioned their primary focus would be the development and revitalization of the downtown. There have been discussions with the EDA regarding the constraints of the current Embracing Downtown plan. The plan is still an actively used plan especially the components of the transportation section, market study, and design guidelines. Broader concepts of the land use plan have also been utilized, but given recent investments in the downtown area, many things have shifted away from the plan. The proposed Request for Proposal (RFP) would include focusing on a specified core area of the downtown. There would also be a market component of the plan, which would include three alternative, market- tested concepts for this core area. Schumann also stated the importance of incorporating the updated plan back into the Embracing Downtown Plan, which may require additional updates to sections such as `Design Guidelines'. Schumann stated there have been funds set aside to pay for this proj ect. Bill Demueles asked if the consultant would make a presentation to the EDA before final selection. Schumann stated a selection process is included in the RFP, but could be re- written to include the entire EDA rather than a selection committee. Demueles asked if the $45,000 to $55,000 would be enough funds to cover the completion of the plan. Schumann stated in the RFP, the City of Monticello reserves the right to waive any irregularity in any submittal or reject any or all proposals. Schumann also noted a consultant that works with both private and public clients would help to weave both viewpoints in the proposed plan. Jim Davidson asked if City Staff would have the time and experience to complete the update in house. Schumann stated City Staff have the education and background to draw a land use plan and make amendments to the existing plan, but developing three alternative market tested concepts that maintain an unbiased view would be a different question. Tom Perrault mentioned he would like to add the hotel study in the resources portion of the RFP. Schumann confirmed that would be done and also mentioned the addition of the inclusion of the wells on Block 34 and the TIF 1 -35 update. Lloyd Hilgart questioned whether the EDA and the City Council would be able to implement a significant plan to the downtown. Schumann asked if it would be valuable to meet and discuss the initial challenges of the Embracing Downtown plan and a clarity of the expectation of what would want to be achieved in the update. Schumann also asked how the EDA would like the City Council involved with the selection process. Hilgart and Tracy Hinz agreed it would be a good to discuss the challenges and expectations. Steve Johnson stated he would like to move ahead in working with the RFP on refinements before releasing it. Demueles, Davidson, and Hinz were in agreement as to inviting the City Council and other City boards to be present during the selection process. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF RFPS FOR A SMALL AREA STUDY IN DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO, SUBJECT TO THE COMMENTS OF THE EDA. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION PASSED, 5 -1, WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING AGAINST. 11. Consideration of authorization to seek quotes for completion of a Phase II Limited Site Investigation (LSI) on Block 34 Jim Thares stated during the City 2016 Street Reconstruction and utility replacement work, an area of contaminated soils was discovered in Block 34. This finding was reported to the MPCA and a Leak File was opened as 4020142. As a next step, the MPCA is requiring a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) be conducted on the property. Thares stated there is a 10 -month timeframe to complete the LSI or consequences would ensue. Lloyd Hilgart asked why the City wouldn't move forward with collecting three quotes too receive the 90 percent reimbursement instead of the 80 percent the eligible costs. Thares stated because of the familiarity with WSB's work, it may be a good fit for efficiency to have them complete the work, but could also understand collecting three quotes. Steve Johnson asked if the site was a high priority site. Thares responded that this is not a high priority site; the allowed timeframe is 10 months to complete the LSL Johnson asked if it was possible to complete the LSI by May 2017. Thares stated it could be completed by then and may be possible accomplish yet this fall. Bill Demueles noted that the consultant could be selected at the October EDA Meeting following the proposal deadline. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SEEK QUOTES FROM QUALIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS TO CONDUCT A LIMITED SITE INVESTIGATION (LSI) RELATED TO LEAK 920142 ON EDA OWNED PROPERTY IN BLOCK 34. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. 12. Consideration of conceptual joint funding proposal (GMEF Loan) with Initiative Foundation for We Thrive Fitness Jim Thares recalled that We Thrive Fitness purchased the building from Fred's Auto. They have obtained preliminary approval for an $80,000 loan to help finance the purchase, however an additional $50,000 is still needed. The owner, Hallie Leffingwell, has indicated she would be interested in pursuing the City's GMEF loan fund and would be willing to inject the required 10 percent equity portion of the project funding, a total of $13,000. The Initiative Foundation has indicated they are willing to provide a loan of $18,500, if the EDA would also fund a loan of $18,500. An inter - creditor agreement would also be executed in this funding arrangement as the EDA and the Initiative Foundation would both share a second lien position on the real property. Bill Demueles noted that there are certain requirements to apply for the GMEF including increase in jobs or property values. Schumann also noted the City has not issued a GMEF loan in quite some time and that all previously funded GMEF loans are now closed. The EDA members agreed that this seems to be a reasonable way to proceed. The EDA has the tools available for them to be successful and staff should move forward with the funding proposal. 13. Consideration of Director's Report Jim Thares provided an update from the City Council Meeting on September 12th. The City Council approved the final HRA Levy of $280,000, a difference of $22,000 from the recommendation of $302,000 provided by the EDA. It was noted the land sales could help to fill in the $22,000, but in the past, the budget has not been completely used. Angela Schumann reiterated the importance of communicating with the City Council. She also noted at the last City Council report it identified different ways to communicate with the Council and that information would be provided in a future director's report. Thares also mentioned there was a large international firm that is completing a site search. The City has offered a few possible locations for this company. Thares stated he is working with WSB on marketing the Monticello community. Steve Johnson asked if an update could be provided at the next EDA meeting. Johnson asked about the marketing piece that was proposed by the Monticello Times. Thares stated the City has been allotted about 7 -8 pages for informational content. The piece will be available in digital and paper copies by October Ist 14. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:35 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 -0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 12th, 2016 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 7. Consideration of approving payment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2016. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2016 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 41. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 03 U Q N Cl ^C� F+i a Q O o ri N 0 O O O O � O U o L. � z Q i O O O O O O o �D 00 V N 00 00 00 00 o a0 0 0 0 0 V V V V 00 M M N 0 0 0 0 0 o w a a a a v v M H 0 0 0 0 In. o In. o o w w w V E^ O O 00 W N O � U N � C3 C O 00 U C7 w Q w a u u u u o C7 C7 C7 C7 W � � Q Q Q Q O rx j c zzzz N N a M N � O N T � O � ; O O � o � Q o � Q d O O O O ClCD O = �p CD CD CD 0 0 0 0 Cl N N o U O 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 � M M M M M M ti ti ti ti ti ti Pate 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 S0UtF3 Sixth Street, SUI a X70 Minneapolis, MN 65402 Monticello CODA July 31, 2016 MN325-00032 Sale of 413 4t St, W. Through July 31, 2018 For All Legal Servipes As Follows; Hours Arrrount 7/2112016 MCMI Draft Purchase and Redevelopment Contract for 1.30 247.00 residential property. 712212016 MCMI MonticeIlo residential RDA drafting 3.00 570.00 712512010 MNI Finalize P&R Contract; circulate. 0.80 152 00 Total Services: $ 969.00 Tot,ai Services and Disbursements- S 969.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 3:26 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Hi Julie, they are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:59 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,528.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $1,045.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $969.00 Inv# M N 190-00101 - $988.00 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY Of } mo 1ikd 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 city of Monticello July 31, 2416 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through July 31, 2016 For All Legal Services As FoHows- Hours Amount VW2016 MNI Travel and meeting with EDA staff and Northland regarding 3.00 updated TlF management plan. 711112016 WINI Research on housing TIF districts for management plan. 1.00 712612016 MNI Marl thly finance call with EDA staff Total Services'. 1 20 570.00 19000 228.60 988.00 Total Services and Disbursements: S 988.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 3:26 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Hi Julie, they are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:59 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,528.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $1,045.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $969.00 Inv# M N 190-00101 - $988.00 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY Of } mo 1ikd 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Page: ennedy & Graven, Charten 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M1V 56402 Monticello EISA July 31, 2016 MN325-00031 Conveyance of Fred's Auto Property Through Jtjly 31, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows Hours 612712016 IVN l Draft notice of public hearing on lana sale for Fred's Auto 0.20 p rope rty. 711512016 MN l Phone conversation with J Thrares regarding Fred's Auto 0.30 conveyance status, busimf ss points_ 712 0120 1 6 MN I Phone conversation with J Thares regarding notice of 0.30 public hearing for Fred's Auto property conveyance. 712112016 IIVINI Moritkello nailce of pity For Fred's Auto and TeSldentlal 040 sale. 712512016 VINI Draft Purchase and Redevelopment Contract far Fred's 2.0C Auto property. 7Q612316 MMI draft Purchase and Redevelopment Contract 2.30 Total Services; Arnour)t 38.00 5700 5700 76.OG 380 00 437 00 $ 1,046.00 Total Services and oisl�urscmonts: S 1,045,00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 3:26 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Hi Julie, they are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:59 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,528.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $1,045.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $969.00 Inv# M N 190-00101 - $988.00 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY Of } mo 1ikd 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Page- 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Aa south rxth stmt, supe Ala Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA July 31, 2018 MN325-00030 Dahlheimer Property Conveyance Through July 01, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows Hours Amount 711112016 CER Review objection letter interoffice conference 025 31.75 711212018 IVNI Work with C Rocklitz and buyer's counsel on title 0.20 38.00 objection letter resolution. 711212016 MNI Monticello - Clear Creek We issues. 1.30 247.00 7x4212016 MN; Monticello office corxference with C RocklEtz regarding 040 7600 oblecrion letter for dear Greek, vorcemaiI to EDA staff regarding same. 7112MI E CBR Review bile objections. interoffice conference p+ one calls 1.25 15875 with CF Title examiner emeit to title 711812016 VINI Monbcellc - Clear Creek closing matters. 0.50 114-00 71181201$ CBR Interoffice conference, email regarding title Ofection s 0.25 3175 71191201$ MNI Email and voicemail correspondence with EDA staff 0.30 57.00 regarding closing quesbonS. plat status. 7121 QU15 MNJ Clear Creek title issues - phone and email 1.20 228.00 correspondence with buyer's CDunsel, EDA staff, office conference Yvith C Roc kIitz 7122/2016 MNJ Addrtional title Objection regarding survey frorn buyer's D 70 133.00 counsel 712712018 CBR Dfaft and revise closing documents; emails with title, 3.25 412.75 review supplemental carnrnitmeM, email to client Tota 15ervices: Total Services and Disbursements; $ 1,528,00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 3:26 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Hi Julie, they are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:59 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 - $1,528.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $1,045.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $969.00 Inv# M N 190-00101 - $988.00 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenpy@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY Of } mo 1ikd 213-46301-430400 213-46301-430400 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 CHECK REQUEST CHECK AMOUIY"f: - REQUEST DATE: Check to: Harry T. Lantto Vendor 4 907-2 nd Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meetlniz Worked: H 0 Dop, Planning C: ommiss on Date + U ) Time � Amount Due 11Q. FDA Meeting flue 00 10 LP Time Arnount Due LO 2 • Cite Council Date ', IV Timt o Nrnount flue CPO, 0-0 Cite Council Wte S iU Timt 3.51D Amount Due to a CO Total Due: 30-T Planning Commission. 101. L4 I el 10. 4 M clo 4. 11--*. EDA A 13. 4 U 3 01-43 1 01' 0 ( 2. Citi' Council l01. 4 l i I D, 43 1 0790 t -1 Authorizvd h-,-: Date TIME SHEETS ATTACHED MONTIC:ELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME SHEET Ernployee Mame HARRY LAIV170 Poi ;ilion PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT DATE TIME IN TIME OUT Hours Worked [Meeting gg i P / rm�y rk•1 Mectinp, Payment $ 0 for first 3 hours Agreement: 10 per hour for every hour after MEETING RECORDER, 14arry 'l-_ I.aniio DATE: AUTHOf IZED BY: - DATE: J �/ E;�� ff-:em Billing Address; F19fffltET-MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MDNTICELLD MN 55362-8822 Invoice Number luvoice Date 5-516-75958 Aun 17.2016 hippirlraAdrsss: Y FIRERNET MONTICELLO 11 B W 6TH ST M17NTiCELL0 MN 55362.8544 aunt Num 812-3934-3934-1 FedEx Tax Ip: 71-0427007 Invoit'a aiji3aions? Cnntm;t FedEx Revenue Services Mone. (600)1222-1147 M -F 7 AMto 8 PM CST Sa 7 Affil to 6 PM CST Fax. (800)54B-3020 Imice Sumnia ry Au g 17, 2016 Internet WWW.fe0a_corn E9AEjj nrgss Services Transportation Charges 49.77 Special Handling Charges 5.34 Total Charges USD X5.11 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $0.11 Other discounts may apply. Detailed descriptions of Surchar9eS can be Located atFedex.com iu_nsw= Lew o*inu il"jiyx= ..im r-� F *r- r, I m, Invoice Number Account Numbef �NmwOpficostmt:xUld PWQA--W659wtWw7LAwkvI.-Jtk . ] n- C11FAWd -ILW -' ' ., z • - Afti 40OW ,Am 3n �E MP 4812-3934-6 Remilftance Advice Your payrneut is due by Sep Ort, 2016 4&1239345516709S80400000SS1112 003822$ 01 ATQ196—ALF0 etl11i,jk+'-6$27.01-Cil W3d2£6•Ii FIB505 W L FF ST ST ALO 505 4WALNUT $T STE 1 MONT I CELLI) MN 55752 -un iiiiaiiariuuuuuiiuuiueiM Pefle Amount Due use K...1 11111, 11 1-1-11 111111111111111111111111111111 "tI FedEx P.O. Box 94515 PALATINE It fi0094•4515 1728.4 7.0640 MZ284WZ-00936?,1 nvoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Cage 5-516-70958 Aug 17, 2016 4812-3934-6 3 of 3 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type 10rigina4} Ship Date, Aug 0$ 2056 Cust. Ret- NO REFERENICt INFORMAT10N Fief.#2-. Payor: Shipper Rel_#3: • F uei Surcharge - FvdEk Us PDWe a hue, su rCharV at 7 91°4 io Ll N shipm-,n7. Qisiance Based Pricing. hne 2 Packs go Deliuere4 IQ RGCVIgnl hed rBss - 9 Etc a se Aumwimd Automation INUT Soil Tracking iD T7WD3 51739 Vwki Learhaff Catharine Pock litz ernoe Tyne FedEK First Overnight 505 Wain ut Street Kennedy & Graven, Ch orteia d Package Type FedExEnwelope MONTICELLOMN 55382 US 20U S 6TH ST STE 410 Zane Qi MINNEAPQLIS MN 55407 Lf$ Paekaggs t Rased weighl NIA Dar1aredVAia USO T04J00 TransportationCharg4� 49.77 i)eiiwerad AugC*,2016(V-31 CounmrF4okopChafg9 4.pp �vrAroa Al Tuel Sur chafl�e IN Signed by we above L}eflared Value Charge app FadExUse m11 $.hippef Subtotal Uhl $55,11 Total FedEx Express USD $55.11 1227 -01 -00 -Du e2194M1.0oaMM Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 3:32 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Fed Ex Inv# 5-516-70958 $55.11 Yes, okay to pay. Code to 213-46301-432200 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:19 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Fed Ex Inv# 5-516-70958 $55.11 Jim Attached is Fed Ex Inv# 5-516-70958. Okay to pay $55.11? Please provide coding. Thanks, _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY Of - Montke l Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 $ _ / z _u § \\) � \ \ } \ � � \ / R \ / ) 2 Q � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } rq 7.1 \ \ \ \ / � )\ ~ \ \ �f \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } z \ . / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant Number CMC 39305 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 10/12/16 183,500.00 PREMIUM 10/12/16 183,500.00- 07/15/16 REVERSE BINDER PREMIUM 10/12/16 183,500-00 07/15/16 FINALIZFD POLICY Total: $183,500.00 Payment/Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $183,500.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 58.517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458-1517 612-766-3000 FAX: 612-766-3281 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Covenant Number: CMC 39305 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF INVOICE #: 54248 DUE DATE: 10/12/16 UNPAID BALANCE: 183,500.00 AMOUNT DUE: 183,500.00 ®o INVOICE #: 54248 LEAGU E OF LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) PREMIUM NOTICE MINNESOTA C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC Invoice Date: 9/12/16 CITIES 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET Due Date: 10/12/16 SUITE 2700 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402-3332 612-766-3000 FAX: 612-766-3281 Bill To Agent 00329 MONTICELLO, CITY OF APOLLO INSURANCE AGENCY 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 611 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362-8821 MONTICELLO MN 55362-4574 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant Number CMC 39305 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 10/12/16 183,500.00 PREMIUM 10/12/16 183,500.00- 07/15/16 REVERSE BINDER PREMIUM 10/12/16 183,500-00 07/15/16 FINALIZFD POLICY Total: $183,500.00 Payment/Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $183,500.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 58.517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458-1517 612-766-3000 FAX: 612-766-3281 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Covenant Number: CMC 39305 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF INVOICE #: 54248 DUE DATE: 10/12/16 UNPAID BALANCE: 183,500.00 AMOUNT DUE: 183,500.00 INVOICE #: 54239 O O LEEAGU E O LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) PREMIUM NOTICE MINNESOTA C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC Invoice Date: 9/11/16 CITIES 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET Due Date: 10/09/16 SUITE 2700 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402-3332 612-766-3000 FAX: 612--766-3281 Bill To Agent 00329 MONTICELLO, CITY OF APOLLO INSURANCE AGENCY 505 WALNUT STREET, SUTTE 41 611 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362-8821 MONTICELLO MN 55362-4574 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant Number LLC 3256 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 10/09/16 6,112.00 PREMIUM Total: $6,112.00 Payment/Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $6,112.00 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458-1517 612-766-3000 FAX: 612--766-3281 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Covenant Number: LLC 3256 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF INVOICE ##: 54239 DUE DATE: 10/09/16 UNPAID BALANCE: 6,112.00 AMOUNT DUE: 6,112.00 LMCIT PREMIUM BREAKDOWN DATE: 08/22/2016 Coverage Period: 07/15/2016 - 07/15/2017 TO. CITY OF: MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVERAGE AVERAGE RATE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE PROPERTY (Per $100 Coverage)* $___ 65,002,181 EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN COVERAGE $ 65,002,181 MOBILE PROPERTY(Per $100 Coverage): SCHED.OVER 25,000 .35718 $ 1,802,702 UNSCHED_25,000 & LESS $ 342,413 MUNICIPAL LIABILITY SEE ATTACHED AUTO LIABILITY & PHYSICAL DAMAGE *SEE ATTACHED CRIME-INSIDE/OUT/FORGERY $ 250,000 BONDS $ 50,000 *These AVERAGE RATES are to be used TOTAL PREMIUM for ESTIMATES of PREMIUM ALLOCATION ONLY 08/20 PREPARED BY: PREMIUM $ 81,722 $ 9,093 $ 6,439 $ 2,587 $ 66,251 $ 16,930 $ 478 $ 183,500 SCHEDULE of VEHICLES - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 VEH# YR TRADE NM MODEL - ID - LIAB PHYD HNO HIRED/NONOWNED $ 58 $ VOL $ 178 $ 001 1982 FORD FIRE TRUCK 8643 $ 27 $ 107 002 1986 DRESSEN TRAILER 6599 $ $ 003 1988 AERIAL FIRE TRUCK 3743 $ 27 $ 645 004 1974 TREE SPADE TRAILER 1713 $ $ 005 1986 LGCH SERVICE TRAILER 2828 $ $ 006 1988 DANCO PLUS TRAILER 7438 $ $ 007 1995 FORD LS 8000 DUMP TRUCK 8673 $ 165 $ 115 008 1995 CHESSIS 1500 PUMPER TRK 2069 $ 27 $ 665 009 1999 DODGE CARAVAN 6653 $ 89 $ 52 010 1999 INT'L TRUCK 5350 $ 365 $ 512 011 2001 DODGE RAM PICKUP 8694 $ 145 $ 64 012 2001 FORD F350 PICKUP 9740 $ 145 $ 93 013 2003 CHEV SILVERADO 1867 $ 145 $ 52 014 2002 FORD F350 CREW CAB 6745 $ 27 $ 112 015 2000 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 7918 $ 165 $ 259 016 1998 TOWMASTER TRAILER 0663 $ $ 017 2001 BISON TRAILER 9764 $ $ 018 2002 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 1543 $ 165 $ 234 019 2000 BUILT -RITE TRAILER 2882 $ $ 020 2005 STERLING DUMP TRUCK 0277 $ 165 $ 326 021 2004 FORD F450 PICKUP 6166 $ 145 $ 86 022 1999 FORD F550 BUCKET TRU 2159 $ 145 $ 93 023 2003 FORD F150 PICKUP 3150 $ 145 $ 46 024 2003 FORD F450 PICKUP 6270 $ 145 $ 52 025 1990 FORD F350 TRUCK 7968 $ 27 $ 026 2003 FORD F250 PICKUP 5746 $ 145 $ 117 027 2003 CHEV 2500 PICKUP 2466 $ 145 $ 54 028 2005 FORD F150 PICKUP 1196 $ 27 $ 46 029 2006 KENWORTH TANKER - F 8981 $ 27 $ 402 030 2007 FORD F250 PICKUP 5698 $ 145 $ 78 031 1997 JEEP CHEROKEE 6474 $ 89 $ 032 2008 CHEV SILVERADO 8267 $ 145 $ 56 033 2007 FORD F150 PICKUP 1835 $ 145 $ 46 034 2008 FORD F450 TRUCK 9707 $ 145 $ 56 035 2008 FORD FOCUS 5575 $ 89 $ 52 036 2008 STERLING L8500 8269 $ 165 $ 432 037 2006 FELLING TILT TRAILER 6368 $ $ 038 1977 HALE TRAILER 7620 $ $ 039 2008 AG TRAILER 2438 $ $ 040 1997 DODGE CARAVAN 4586 $ 89 $ 52 SCHEDULE of VEHICLES - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 VEH# YR TRADE NM MODEL - ID - LIAB PHYD 041 2008 SPARTAN FIRE TRUCK 0515 $ 27 $ 1,702 042 2009 TYMCO 600 SWEEPER 5825 $ 165 $ 548 043 2004 CHEV SILVERADO TBD $ 89 $ 65 044 2002 CHEV BLAZER TBD $ 89 $ 65 045 2012 MACK HOOK TRUCK 1427 $ 165 $ 700 046 2011 INTERSTATE DECON TRLR 2978 $ $ 31 047 2013 FORD F550 0258 $ 145 $ 157 048 2013 FORD F550 0370 $ 145 $ 137 049 2013 PJ F8 DECKOVE 5883 $ $ 31 050 2009 FIRE PUMPER TBD $ 27 $ 1,297 051 2014 FREIGHTLINER FIRE TENDE 7893 $ 27 $ 816 052 2015 FORD F250 TBD $ 145 $ 126 053 2016 FORD F350 7966 $ 145 $ 31 054 2016 FORD F350 1282 $ 145 $ 137 055 2016 FORD F350 1280 $ 145 $ 137 056 2003 CHEV S10 3544 $ 145 $ 47 057 2011 FELLING TRAILER 6511 $ $ 31 058 1982 SLUDGE TRUCK 8643 $ 165 $ 259 059 2015 PJ TRAILER 8800 $ $ 31 060 2013 DOOLITTLE TRAILER 4382 $ $ 31 061 1999 FORD F350 3324 $ 145 $ 50 062 2003 FELLING TILT 9118 $ $ 27 TOTAL VEHICLES $ 5,570 $ 11,360 TOTAL AUTO PRM $ 16,930 MUNICIPAL LIABILITY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 --HAZARD-. EXPENDITURES $ FIREWORKS LAND USE SEWER BACKUP EMPLOYMENT TOTAL LIABILITY PREMIUM BASIS 23,047,106.00 1.00 4,860.00 4,121.00 77.00 ADVANCED PREMIUM $ 20,466 $ 238 $ 17,306 $ 13,540 $ 14,701 66,251 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION 001 001 BLD 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD COVERAGE PREMIUM STORAGE BUILDING 1,670,956 3,460 001 001 CNT 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD 271,688 STORAGE BUILDING 864 002 001 BLD 312 STH STREET WEST 838,539 FIRE HALL 936 002 001 CNT 312 5TH STREET WEST 217,350 326 FIRE HALL 003 001 BLD 215 CEDAR STREET LICENSE BUREAU 272,256 304 003 001 CNT 215 CEDAR STREET LICENSE BUREAU 17,464 26 004 001 BLD 545 PINE STREET 1,145,645 911 LIQUOR STORE 004 001 CNT 545 PINE STREET LIQUOR STORE 571,832 613 005 001 BLD 1401 HART BLVD 22,705,515 9,733 WWT FACILITY (SEE MPCBP-216) 005 001 CNT 1401 HART BLVD WWT FACILITY (SEE MPCBP-216) 902,208 459 006 001 BLD 203 CHELSEA ROAD 200,787 1,970 ANIMAL SHELTER 006 001 CNT 203 CHELSEA ROAD ANIMAL SHELTER 16,308 160 007 001 BLD 205 PINE STREET CHAMBRER OFFICE 34,032 334 007 001 CNT 205 PINE STREET CHAMBRER OFFICE 7,949 78 008 001 BLD 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD 117,069 242 PARKS SHOP 008 001 CNT 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD 10,868 PARKS SHOP 34 009 001 BLD 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD 306,285 342 PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE 009 001 CNT 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD 54,338 81 PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE 010 001 BLD 918 GOLF COURSE RD 38,116 113 STORAGE 010 001 CNT 918 GOLF COURSE RD 54,338 246 STORAGE 011 001 BLD 132 BDWY. E., 207 CEDAR ST. 1,627,866 1,540 PUMP HOUSES 1 & 2 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION 011 001 ENT 132 BDWY. E., 207 CEDAR ST. COVERAGE PREMIUM PUMP HOUSES 1 & 2 9,129 10 012 001 BLD 205 CHELSA ROAD 813,934 771 PUMP HOUSE #3 012 001 CNT 205 CHELSA ROAD 9,237 PUMP HOUSE #3 11 013 001 BLD 120 DUNAS ROAD 583,222 552 WELL #4 014 001 SLD 207 CHELSA ROAD 1,824,100 1,222 BOOSTER STATION/RESERVOIR 014 001 CNT 207 CHELSA ROAD 1,088 BOOSTER STATION/RESERVOIR 1 015 001 BLD 5980 JASON AVE. NE 914,771 392 WATER TANK 015 001 CNT 5980 JASON AVE. NE 1,088 WATER TANK 1 016 001 BLD 1645 CO. RD. 39 NE 66,990 1,127 DWELLING 017 001 BLD 1645 CO. RD 39 NE 49,005 146 STORAGE 017 001 CNT 1645 CO_ RD 39 NE 21,735 98 STORAGE 018 001 BLD 1645 CO. RD. 39 NE 49,005 146 STORAGE 018 001 CNT 1645 CO. RD_ 39 NE 21,735 98 STORAGE 019 001 BLD 505 WALNUT ST 12,646,729 7,566 COMMUNITY CENTER 019 001 CNT 505 WALNUT ST 1,485,280 1,194 COMMUNITY CENTER 020 001 BLD 835 RIVER STREET WEST 107,370 46 LIFT STATION 021 001 BLD 105 RIVER STREET WEST 107,370 46 LIFT STATION 022 001 BLD 800 MEADOW OAK DRIVE 20,550 9 LIFT STATION 023 001 BLD 326 RIVERVIEW DRIVE 107,370 46 LIFT STATION 024 001 BLD 3176 CHELSEA ROAD WEST 130,230 S5 LIFT STATION 025 001 BLD 110 MARVIN ROAD 65,114 28 LIFT STATION 026 001 PIO 505 WALNUT DRIVE 129,670 1,091 COMMUNITY CENTER MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION COVERAGE PREMIUM 027 001 BLD 324 WEST STH ST 163,741 485 BLDG INSPECTION GARAGE 027 001 CNT 324 WEST 5TH ST 13,076 59 BLDG INSPECTION GARAGE 028 001 BLD 405 RAMSEY ST 1,085,244 1,027 PUMP HOUSE/WELL/GENERATOR 028 001 CNT 405 RAMSEY ST 5,977 6 PUMP HOUSE/WELL/GENERATOR 029 001 PTO 545 PINE STREET 32,414 273 LIQUOR STORE 030 001 PIO BRIDGE PARK EAST 9,083 76 PARK 031 001 BLD BRIDGE PARK WEST 24,657 345 GAZEBO 032 001 BLD BRIDGE PARK WEST 221,915 2,178 CONCESSION BUILDING 033 001 PIO BRIDGE PARK WEST 80,927 681 PARK 034 001 PIO FREEWAY FIELDS 84,407 711 PARK 035 001 BLD FREEWAY FIELDS 19,535 273 PARK SHELTER 036 001 BLD CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL) 141,082 1,977 CONCESSION STAND 036 001 CNT CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL) 24,452 342 CONCESSION STAND 037 001 PTO CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL) 499,255 4,203 PARK 038 001 PTO CITY VIEW PARK 2,191 18 PARK 039 001 PIO COUNTRY CLUB PARK 30,129 254 PARK 040 001 BLD ELLISON PARK 23,434 328 GAZEBO 041 001 BLD ELLISON PARK 123,287 1,209 RESTROOM 042 001 BLD ELLISON PARK 51,384 719 LOG SHELTER 043 001 PIO ELLISON PARK 111,093 935 PARK 044 001 BLD FOURTH STREET PARK 51,384 719 SHELTER/RESTROOM 045 001 PIO FOURTH STREET PARK 95,149 801 PARK MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION COVERAGE PREMIUM 046 001 TIO GROVELAND PARK 69,461 584 PARK 047 001 BLD GROVELAND PARK 53,460 748 PARK SHELTER 048 001 PIO HUNTER'S CROSSING 71,050 598 PARK 049 001 PIO MEADOW OAK PARK 35,213 296 PARK 050 001 PIO MISSISSIPPI PARK 3,640 30 PARK 051 001 BLD OTTER CREEK PARK 9,315 130 GAZEBO 052 001 PIO OTTER CREEK PARK 10,886 91 PARK 053 001 PIO PAR WEST PARK 34,295 288 PARK 054 001 BLD PIONEER PARK 167,679 1,645 CONCESSION BLDG. 055 001 BLD PIONEER PARK 11,622 163 SHELTER/RESTROOM 056 001 PIO PIONEER PARK 83,821 705 PARK 057 001 BLD RIVER MILL PARK 14,616 204 PARK SHELTERS (3) 058 001 PIO RIVER MILL PARK 83,742 705 PARK 059 001 PTO ROLLING WOODS PARK 26,406 222 PARK 060 001 PIO FRONT STREET PIER 17,103 144 PARK 061 001 PIO CITYWIDE 162,807 1,371 VARIOUS 062 001 BLD HILLCREST PARK 1,771 5 STORAGE BUILDING 063 001 BLD 101 CHELSEA ROAD 1,526,790 1,704 YOUTH SOCCER FACILITY 063 001 CNT 101 CHELSEA ROAD 5,625 8 YOUTH SOCCER FACILITY 064 001 BLD 8617 EDMONSON AVE 518,697 769 STORAGE BUILDING 064 001 CNT 8617 EDMONSON AVE 5,624 13 STORAGE BUILDING 065 001 BLD 8770 JASON AVE 336,089 318 PUMP BUILDING MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION COVERAGE PREMIUM 065 001 CNT- 8770 JASON AVE 140,598 157 PUMP BUILDING 066 001 PIO HWY. 75 91,214 768 VARIOUS 067 001 PIO RIVERVIEW 102,769 864 VARIOUS 068 001 BLD 6817 94TH STREET 107,370 46 LIFT STATION 069 001 BLD 3692 SCHOOL BLVD. 2,170,488 931 WATER TOWER 069 001 CNT 3692 SCHOOL BLVD. 1,088 1 WATER TOWER 070 001 BLD BRIDGE PARK EAST 26,730 374 GAZEBO 071 001 BLD BRIDGE PARK EAST 2,388 7 PARK SHED 072 001 BLD BRIDGE PARK WEST 705 10 KIOSK 073 001 BLD CITY BALL FIELD (XCEL) 17,364 51 STORAGE SHEDS (2) 074 001 BLD PAR WEST PARK 543 7 KIOSK 075 001 BLD HILLCREST PARK 4,341 13 STORAGE SHED 076 001 BLD ELLISON PARK 543 7 KIOSK 077 001 PIO SUNSET PONDS PARK 80,852 680 PARK 078 001 PIO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 88,421 745 CEMETERY 079 001 PIO HILLSIDE CEMETERY 59,861 504 CEMETERY 080 001 BLD RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 543 7 KIOSK 081 001 BLD 3698 SCHOOL BLVD 839,327 502 FIBERNET BLDG W/GENERATORS 081 001 CNT 3698 SCHOOL BLVD 2,658,394 2,136 FIBERNET BLDG W/GENERATORS 082 001 PIO 3698 SCHOOL BLVD 152,324 1,282 FIBERNET BLDG 083 001 BLD 118 WEST 6TH ST 690,706 1,104 OFFICE BLDG 084 001 BLD 349 W BROADWAY 90,816 1,331 GARAGE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF COVENANT Number: CMC 39305 COVENANT Period: 07/15/2016 TO 07/15/2017 LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION COVERAGE PREMIUM 085 001 PIO BERTRAM COL 50,750 427 PARK 086 001 BLD 200 6TH ST WEST 822,201 654 LIBRARY 086 001 CNT 200 6TH ST WEST 54,791 59 LIBRARY 087 001 PIO CARDINAL HILLS PARK 4,367 37 PARK 088 001 BLD FREEWAY FIELDS 15,416 108 PARK SHELTER 089 001 BLD GROVELAN PARK 15,416 216 PARK SHELTER 090 001 SLD CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT 4,931 69 SHELTER/RESTROOM 091 001 PTO CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT 15,609 131 PARK 092 001 PIO HILLCREST PARK 83,496 702 PARK 093 001 PIO 200 6TH STREET W 6,475 54 LIBRARY 094 001 PIO 901 GOLF COURSE ROAD 181,685 1,529 VARIOUS 095 001 BLD HUNTERS CROSSING 30,000 421 PARK SHELTER TOTAL PROPERTY 81,722 MOBILE PROPERTY - MONTICELLO, CITY OF LOC BLD COV DESCRIPTION COVERAGE 001 1983 CAT GRADER W/BLADE & WING #6449 203,800 002 1996 ELGIN SWEEPER #P2018D 142,440 003 1997 CASE 570 LXT LOADER 71,219 004 2006 CASE 430 SKIDSTEER #1918 29,392 005 2007 CASE 621D WHEEL LOADER #0338 197,854 006 2003 CASE 721D WHEEL LOADER #5773 216,524 007 2002 CASE 580 BACKHOE #3913 71,027 008 1999 KLAVER SNO-GO MP31) #3678 88,312 009 2002 STEPP TAR KETTLE #80-20 49,701 010 2008 CIMLINE MAGME 1100 MELTER 45,647 011 2005 JD 4310 TRACTOR #3920 30,626 012 2007 TORO 328D MOWER #0259 30,276 013 1999 MT -TRACKLESS #1536 35,270 014 1989 CUMMINS 125KW GENERATOR #J680 36,429 015 1999 CAT 125KW GENERATOR #C001 36,429 016 1991 CAT 125KW GENERATOR 36,429 017 2013 TORO 4100D 54,214 018 1994 NEAL PAVER 72,981 019 2002 STEPP BLACK TOP HOT BOX 31,278 020 2011 BOBCAT 58,072 022 2014 CHIPPER - BRUSH BANDIT MODEL 990XP 33,830 023 ARIES SEWER CAMERA SYSTEM 69,296 024 BOBCAT-TOOLCAT 58,636 025 CASE IH TRACTOR W/ATTACHMENTS 103,020 TOTAL MOBILE PROPERTY 1,802,702 CMC 39305 Mortgagee/Additional Insured/Lien holders 001 SFC CAPITAL GROUP CORPORATION ADMINISTRATION CENTER 2121 SOUTHWEST BROADWAY, STE 200 PORTLAND, OR 97201 RE: LEASE EXERCISE EQUIPMENT CONTRACT #1526751001 N181 002 MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS ATTN: MARILYN HOFFMAN 1310 MADRID STREET, STE 101 MARSHALL, MN 56258 RE: LEASE OFFICE EQUIPMENT N181 003 SFC CAPITAL GROUP CORPORATION ADMINISTRATION CENTER 2121 SOUTHWEST BROADWAY SUITE 200 PORTLAND, OR 97201 NO 14 RE: LEASED EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 004 RE: PIPELINE LICENSE AGREEMENT #03-25582 FOR TRUNK STORM SEWER AT TIMBER RIDGE. N86A 005 MONTICELLO ISD $#882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 N014 RE: USE OF MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL POOL. 006 SUPER 8 HOTEL 1114 CEDAR STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 NO 14 RE: USE OF MOTEL POOL. 007 BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND JONES, LANG, LASALLE GLOBAL SERVICES, INC. PO BOX 140528 KANSAS CITY, MO 64114 N57A RE: PIPELINE LICENSE AGREEMENT #03-25582 m �f � � 6 q X 4 4 N - � C fill U11 gill rig 3 .................................. .. _ o $s a x ............ .......... M» T o ti N,I y w�iY o _ . . . . . . . . sg 2 1 a4ao419MO '''WHiff g �� = �sssasa�s ass s ofl��$s a s s eases a s � CAMPBELL KNUT5ON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Federal "Tax I.D. #41-1562130 Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651) 452-5000 City of Monticello - , Page: 1 City Hal! �l .`e l ti August 31, 2016 505 Walnut Street' i ,Account # 2348-000G Monticello IVIN 55362 ll , 169 L) +2) PAY RE. ADP491tViSTRATIOdJ SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: 0810112016 JJJ Engineering - Emails Shibani re: stormwater maintenance HOURS agreement review and select other sampies 1.00 150.00 JJJ Staff ernails. review status of protects (St. Henry's) 0.50 75.00 08/0212016 JJJ Community Development - Emaiis and follow-ups Jim re: resolutions, deeds, etc. for sale ofarcels p 1 OG 150.00 i' .j ►rrt-�" JJJ Telephone call Brian Southwell re. garbage collection charges for park residents, telephone call Jeff. 0.50 75.00 JMO Review da abase and obtain additional stormwater motion agreements. e-mail same to Shibani 0.30 22.50 08/0412016 CJH Type resolution authorizing conveyance of city property, telephone conference with Preferretl Title recopy of deed to city for Lots 2 and 3, Block 29, Townsite of Monticello. 0.50 37.50 J,3J Finance • Emaiis Wayne re: water rneters.lbilling errors, 0.50 75.00 JMO Convert .pd` of resolution to Word format. 0.20 15.00 AMP Reviev draft of Resolution; email to Jim Thares. 030 45 00 ~3mT 08;12,12016 JJJ Emails Jeff re: LMC policy review, projects, gift laws question 1.00 150 00 JJJ Review protect list, update files. 0.50 75.00 08115/2016 JJJ Staff emails, review schedule, project list, 0.50 75.00 08i1612016 JJJ Community Development • Emails Angela re: development costs, review draft response. I b I . 41910 , 4-30 400 0.50 78.00 City of Monticello RE: ADMINISTRATION SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: Page: 2 August 31, 2016 Account # 2348-ODOG 169 � y C -C) J C Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5% per month (or an annual rate of 6%) Minimum charge - 50 cents. HOURS 0812212016 JJJ Emails staff. review schedule, project list 0.50 7500 JJJ Council - Review Council agenda and materials; emails and telephone call Jeff, re: land use Item. 1 OO 150.40 08124?2016 JJJ Personnel - Emails Tracy re; resignations. 050 75.00 JJJ Finance - Emails Wayne re: land rental and weed control. 050 75.00 08125/2016 JJJ Emails Jeff re: religious solicitations. 0.50 75.00 JJJ Community Development- Emails Angeia. follovr-up�,re: High School DA. an.'�[�✓^ C� SGh ���0.50 7500 y'� rU/.cam. air<U -, Mt5 tis 0 812 912 0 1 6 JJJ Review project list status of DA, St. Henry's. 0.50 75.00 0813012016 JJJ Community Development - Review draft DA emails Angela. 0.50 75.00 AMOUNT DISE ' 4191 1 i .80 1.695.00 TOTAL CURRENT WORK 1.695.00 PREVIOUS BALANCE $6,722.50 0811012016 Payment- thank you -4,792,50 08J2412016 Payment - thank you -1,930.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT -5,722.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,6$5.00 � y C -C) J C Amounts due over 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5% per month (or an annual rate of 6%) Minimum charge - 50 cents. Julie Cheney From: Wayne Oberg Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 2:51 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348 -DOG 169 $1,695.00 Okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 2:41 PM To: Wayne Oberg <Wayne.Oberg@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-OOG 169 $1,695.00 Wayne Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-000G 169 for administration legal services. Angela and Jim have coded their items and Jeff has reviewed. Okay to code remaining balance $1,275.00 to general legal? Thanks, JuCte Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us APeci.monticel lo.mn.us T', a I f rlh Mont*cdlo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 CAMPBELL KNUT ON Pro fassrional Associatic n Attorneys at Law Federal Tax 1.111), *41-1562130 Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651) 452-5000 City of Monticello City Miall 505 Walnut Street MonticelJo MAi 55362 RE- CHARLES AND DARLENE NELSON (PUR HA EA R) SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE; 081031201 '.1 Page; 1 August 31, 2016 Account # 2348-139 1 HOURS J H Telephone conference with Wright County Recorder's office; telephone conference with Donna at Preferred Title; ema4l from Donna with copy of dead when city acquired property. 0.20 15.00 CJH Revise purchase Agreement and open file. 0.40 30.80 AMP Review documents from Irn Thayer re; purchase agreerraenI; review information re: property; telephone call to Jim. draft purchase agreement; review informatian re_ resolution: draft rest lution: email to Jim re- draft documents; email from angels; revise resolution; email to Angeta. 2.20 330-00 AMP Review emelt frorn Jim re: resolution for conveyance of property to EIJA; telephone call to Jirn; prepare resolution; review county informOon. 060 90.00 AMOUNT QUE 3.40 465.00 TOTAL CURRENT WORK 465.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE x465.00 Amounts due over 30 stays will be subject to a Ifinance charge of 5% per month {or an annual rate of Belo). Minimum charge - 50 cents. Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:13 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-139G 1 $465.00 Julie, yes that looks okay. Code it to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:09 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-139G 1 $465.00 Jim Attached is Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-139G 1. Okay to pay $465.00? Please provide coding. Thanks! _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chengyeci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY Of - Montke l Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 INVOICE ##: 54239 00 SErC2;U OFLEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE 'TRUST (0011) PREMIUM NOTICE MINNESOTA C/o BERKLEY 1tISK ADMIN.CO. ,LLC Invoice Date: 9111/16 CITIES 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET Due Date: 10/n/16 SUITE 8700 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402-3332 612-766-3000 FAX: 612-766-3281 Bill TO Agent 00329 MONTICELLO, CITY OF APOLLO INSURANCE AGENCY 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 611 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO KN 55362-8B21 MONTICELLO KN 55362-4574 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant dumber LLC 3256 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN LL1E BATE AMOUNT DUE SND.DATE D39CRIPTION _0/09115 6,112,00 PREMIUM Tatial: $6,112,00 Payment/Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $6,112.00 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH XCL1R CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSUPANCE TRUST {4011) C/D BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS PSN 55456-1517 612-766-3000 FAX, 612-766-3281 Type of Coverage: MMICIPALITY Covenant Number: LLC 3256 Coverage Period: 7/15/16 To 7/15/17 Covered Darty: MONTICELLO, CITY OF INVOICE #: 54239 DUE DATE- 10/09/15 UNPAID BALANCE- 61112.00 AMOUNT DUE. 6,112.00 m �f � � 6 q X 4 4 N - � C fill U11 gill rig 3 .................................. .. _ o $s a x ............ .......... M» T o ti N,I y w�iY o _ . . . . . . . . sg 2 1 a4ao419MO '''WHiff g �� = �sssasa�s ass s ofl��$s a s s eases a s � l 2016 EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT VOU CITY OF MONTICELLO (Effective 111116) NAME J 1-+ ��r e S. DATE OF REQUEST O ! Address to Mail (if necessary) 01 . .-5a-t.x.�--- gC3�•,p eV tj 5 X37 9 ,e� PURPOSE/DATE E' m 'Cxi v r LOCATION dn�.�i r. t�-� Q_ AA hQ-A� � �.1 c�- UC—ft EXPENSES: (Please reference Travel and Reimbursement Policy) Mileage (S.54 per mile) S_ :5+ , (Total miles.. A city vehicle was not available. ❑ Traveling direction warranted personal vehicle use. Traveling conditions warranted personal vehicle use. 71 Other Parking Fee Meals (include dated, itemized receipts) Lodging $ y `� (include dated, itemized hotel bill) $ SUBTOTAL Account Number Z.1 5 433100 5 Other r v A Account` Descri Aon TOTAL TO PAY SIGNED 4'i✓� APPROVED NOTE. Attach copies of documentation, including invoices, receip DATE MILES WHERE TRAVELED &ts 31 ZDvo i.Q* I e. 6A t� Monticello City Hall to 300 3rd Ave NE Directions - MapQuest YOUR TRIP TO: 300 3rd Ave NE 59 MIN 1 47.8 MI Trip time based on traffic conditions as or 5:25 AM on August 31. 2016. Currant Traffic Light 0 1. Start out going northeast on Walnut StlCovnty Hwy -58 toward 51h St Then 0.13 miles �y 2. Take the 2nd right onto W 4th Sl, 1 - W 4th St is o, 1 miles past 51h St. ff you reach W 3rd SI you've gone a little too far. Then 0.08 miles 3. Take the 1st left onto Pine St1MN-25. Continue to follow MN -25. If you are on E 4th St and reach Cedar St you've gone a little too for. Then 3.25 miles 4. Turn right onto Jefferson BlvdiUS-10 E. Jefferson Blvd is lust past Putnam Ava. If you are on take St N and reach Martin Ave vou've pane about 0. 1 miles lco far. Then 0.19 miles 5. Take the 1st left onto Eagle Lake Rd N7County Hwy -5. Continue to follow County Hwy -5. County Hwy -5 is 0.1 miles past Powell St S. It you reach Phyllis Sl you've gone about 0.2 miles too far, Then 16.30 miles TS. County Hwy -5 becomes 160th AvelCounty Hwy -7 Then 2,02 miles 7. Turn right onto State Highway 951MN-95. $tate Highway 95 is 0,4 miles past 25th St. if you reach 40th S1 you've mono about 0.9 miles too far, Then 7.83 miles 8. Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto MN -95. Then 17.75 miles 9. Turn left onto Main St N. `1 if you are on 7st Ave E and reach Adams St S you've gone a little too for. Then 0.14 miles r+ 10. Take the 2nd right onto 3rd Ave NE. 3rd Ave NE mjusl past 2nd Ave NE. 6 you reach 411; Ave NE you've gone a little too far. Then 0.09 miles 11. 300 3rd Ave NE, Cambridge, MN 55008, 300 3RD AVE NE is on the left. u if you reach the end of 3rd Ave NE you've gone a little too for. 0 13 total miles 0.21 total miles 3 46 total miles 77 OK 3,65 total miles 19,95 total miles 21.97 total m,tes 29,80 total m4es 47.55 total m4es 47.69 total miles 47.78 total miles use of anachona and maps is subject m our Terms of use we don't quer..... accuracy, rouse candwns or usabihry you assume 0 rak of use Page 1 of 2 https://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/l /us/minnesota/business-monticello/monticello-city-hall-369504... 8/31/2016 Monticello City Hall to 300 3rd Ave NE Directions - MapQuest Page 2 of 2 ka 300 3rtl Ave St Cloud NE Monficelio City Hall https://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/I /us/minnesota/business-monticello/monticeI to -city -hall -369504... 8/31/2016 Jim Thares From: Sent: To: Subject: Should we both attend? Angela Schumann Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:51 PM Jim Thares FW: Invite to meeting on economic development resources for Wright, Sherburne, Chisago, Isanti and Mille Lacs Counties Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello 11'\VNV.C3.111011tiCel10.1111).US 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Don Hickman [mailto:DHickman@ifound.orgj Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 10:33 AM To: Nancy Hoffman <nancy@chisagocounty.org>; Sean Sullivan <SSullivan@cityofisanti.us>; sgustafson@ci.cambridge. mn.us; Dan Weber<Dan.Weber@co.sherburne.mn.us>; Duane Northagen <dnorthagen@wrightpartnership.org>; Jolene Foss <jfoss@princetommn.org>; jennifer.nash@ci.buffalo.mn.us; Steve Shurts <steve.shurts@ecemn.com>; Traci Tapani <ttapani@wyomingmachine.com>; David Monroy <david@monroylaw.com>; John E. Babcock<jebabcock@thebankofelkriver.com>; mn.us <laureen.bodin@ci.buffalo.>; Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Richard.Baker@co.mille-iacs.mn.us; Kent.Hanson@AnokaRamsey.edu Cc: Peter Frosch <Peter.Frosch@greatermsp.org>; Cecile Bedor <Cecile.Bedor@greatermsp.org>; Jeff Wig <jwig@ifound.org>; Kathy Gaalswyk <kgaalswyk@ifound.org> Subject: Invite to meeting on economic development resources for Wright, Sherburne, Chisago, Isanti and Mille Lacs Counties Dear Colleague, We would like to invite you to a meeting with key staff from the Initiative Foundation and Greater MSP to explore the economic development opportunities and challenges facing your community, and explore how we can best assist one another. The meeting will be on Wednesday, August 31St, 10 a.m. to noon at the Cambridge City Hall. We are inviting a select list of approximately two dozen economic development professionals, private sector leaders, and lenders from Wright, Sherburne, Isanti, Chisago, and Mille Lacs Counties (and constituent cities), but if you have a recommendation of someone you wish to participate you are welcome to share the name with me. Please come prepared to share a moment or two of your own reflections on the business climate in your community or service area. What are you most excited about? What areas need greater attention or investment? Representatives of the two host organizations will also make short presentations on the resources and forms of assistance that they can supply to support your efforts. Please RSVP to dhickman@ifound.org by Friday, August 26th. Light refreshments will be provided. Greater MSP (Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership, www.GreaterMSP.or) is a private non-profit organization (5016) dedicated to providing public and private sector leadership, coordination and engagement to grow the economy of the 16 -county Minneapolis Saint Paul region. With its economic development partners throughout the region, GREATER MSP is advancing a coordinated regional economic development strategy, a coordinated regional brand to promote the region's assets and a coordinated regional business retention, expansion, and recruitment program to stimulate capital investment and job creation in the region. The organization is also promoting a regional talent strategy to attract and retain talented workers. The Initiative Foundation (www.ifound.or ) is a regional community foundation which serves the 14 counties of central Minnesota. The foundation is also a U.S. Treasury certified Community Development Financing Institution (CDFI), able to provide loans and other financial tools to underserved populations and markets. The foundation works daily to strengthen the economy and communities of Central Minnesota: • Through loans and financing, we invest in businesses that create quality jobs. • Through grants and programs, we invest in organizations that make our economy strong. • Through donor services and charitable funds, we help people invest in their communities. We believe that local people have the greatest sum of initiative, knowledge and relationships to achieve a brighter future. Since 1986, the Initiative Foundation has invested millions throughout the region through targeted grants and business financing investments. Don Hickman Vice President for Workforce and Community Development Initiative Foundation 1 405 15t St SE I Little Falls, MN 56345 Office: (320) 632-9255 1 ifound.org igPaths to Civic Engagement Series Giving young people the tools to succeed in civic leadership is the goal of the July 20, Aug. 3 and Aug. 17 Paths to Civic Engagement workshop series, an in-depth extension of the Foundation's Emerging Leaders program. Register todayI N 0 0 0 x a� c 0 U o C'l 0 N 0 0 0 x F a. a� c 0 0 N z o� � o Q C CO j N O a c 0 N o F a. Vendor Date of Transaction f CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purr-haser; Amount Circle purchaser name, Jeff O'Neill Jacob Thunander Angela Schumann Vicki Leerhoff Tracy Ergen Wayne Oberg Salah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber 9irn TF��res Rachel Leonard EM Iovee signature ,-r , ., Circle expense code: 421990 +431950 431990 432200 433100 330 4437'00 44 990 Circle department code: 101-41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41800 101-41910 101-41920 101-41940 3-4500 213-46301 sir Date approved Special ProjKt # or pescription Other City Council Administration Elections Finance Human Rescurces Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Ecor�m�c Qevelopment HRA 15enera1Operating Suppiles. Newsletter Services MisceIIaneo us Prot Services Postage Travel/Trainin Ex erase Due$ MemberSrrip & Subscrip Ucense5 afr P-errni% Misc. Outer Expense Jim Thares From: BaJournals.com Subscription Services <circheIp@bizjaurna's.cnrn Sent: Friday. August 12, 2016 4:23 P To- Jim Thares Subject: Subscfiption Receipt Credit Card processed by' American City Business bizjournals Purchase Receipt Journals Confirmation #27448842 120 W. Morehead St. 08/12/2016 17:22:42 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-866-300-0826 Products Ordered Descri M1nneapolislSt_ Paul Business Journal - Thank You BiKjournal logo Need help? Call 1-866--8.53-3661 Thank You For Your Subscription Our Guarantee Page 1 of 1 • if for any reason, at any time you are dissatisfied. you may cancel your subscript ion and receive a full refund for unserved issues. Get Started I Create Your Account Your MinneapoIisl t. Paul Business Journal order confirmation: 27448842 About your subscription: • Create your accotint and access your online subscription iinmedialely by clicking on "Create Your Account" above. • Subscriber -only content is available online 2417 including access to lists and leads. • You will begin receiving your print subscriptions) within the next 2 weeks. • New issues are published every Friday. • A printable receipt has been emailed to your billing entail address. SFCURE n: --w^,$: C 2016 American Oily Business Journals. All rights reserved. Use of this Site constitutes acceptance of our User AAgreernem (updated 1212.3/13) and Pi-ivacy Policv (updated 12123113). our Call ltirllia 1}1-1vaui RIg-ht ,, The material on this site may not be reproduced. distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used. except with the prior written permission of American City Business Journals. Ad Choices, https.d/secure.bizjournals.comisubscribelprocess 8/12/2016 O O N N Im 1-6 M I I M C ^ll yJ Q 72 •--� C� U 1:1 o a T � � U O U � Q O O N N Im 1-6 M I I M C N E N T � � U O � N O O U Q C Q L (0 O c N N N U r4 � N T � � CD � O O Q Q c � � N a U O � � o � � N r a YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE ------- A S 0 N D J r M A M J J A DAILY AVERAGESset mer NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY 71°F Flap , of o 0,0 �y ergy� Xcel EI l SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 1MMEUI,1 51-0623082.8 08/30/2016 MONTICELLO EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST _ REIPONsI E BY NATURE* MONTICELLO, MN 55362.9356 STATEMENT NUMBER' STATEMENT DATE --- 511226942 08/03/2016 $18.00 YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE ------- A S 0 N D J r M A M J J A DAILY AVERAGESset mer Temperature 71°F ElectncitykWh 0,0 Electricity Cost $0.58 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite; XCElC-tergycorn Email us at CustomerserviceOxcelenergy.com Please Call, 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at. XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailed charges begin ora page 2) Electricity Service 07/04/16 - 08/02/16 6 kWh $18.00 Current Charges $18,00 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 07/04 $18.13 Payment Received Auto Pay 06101 -$18.13 CR Balance Forward $0,00 Current Charges $18,00 Amount Due $18,00 a INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. RETURN K17IIM PCP T i `1N W17u Yn LIP ua YVENT . Pi EASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CUPS Xcel Energry ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE 51.0623082-8 08/30/2016 $18.00 Automated Bank Payment Your bill is paid through an automated bank payment plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AV 01 023606 549908 92 A'*50GT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1111 I, 11111,,1111111111,1,11111111„,111111111111111111111111111 28 29 31 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 I�11„�I�II,I�II�,InnIIIIEI�”II�1�1111'I�"'1�'il,ul,lllil�ll XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51083016 06230828 0000000180000000001800 SERVICE ADDRESS r MOWICELLO EDA Xcel Ene a�� 349 W BROADWAY 5T MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) Pape 2 ni 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER 51-0623082-8 l 0813WB16 STATEMENT NUMBER 511226942 STATEMENT DATE 08/03/2016 $18.00 $10.00 Energy Charge Summer 6 kWh $0.087B70 C• Do -It -Yourself Night Audit Conducting a nighttime audit of your business can help save energy and cut costs. Check to see what lights, computers and other devices are on that shouldn't be. Source: energystar-gov SERVICE ADDRESS: 34%W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55352-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 09/02116 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0532578517 ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Summer 6 kWh $0.087B70 $0.53 Fuel Cost Charge 6 kWh $0.023333 $0.14 Affordability Chrg $0.97 Resource Adjustment $0.04 Rate Adj $0.82 _interim Subtotal _ $12.50 City Fees $5.50 Total $78.00 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 81 % of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. n Save $300 Annually with Saver's Switch° When you add Saver's Switch to yourcooling system, you Could see an annual discount of $300 on your electric bill, on average When our wirelessly -activated device is installed adjacent to your cooling system, your air conditioner is cycled on and off in 15- to 70 -minute intervals during Is peak demand times, approximately five to 15 days a year. Often times customers don't notice their Saver's Switch is cycling. Signing up is easy, participation is free, and the savings are big. Xcel Energy Is your building too hot or too cold? Might be time to consider an Xcel Energy -funded building Recommissionircl study. To offset your investment, we can help pay for the study — up to 75% of the cast (up to $25,000). Plus, for the improvements identified, you can earn rebates up to 60% of the cost of equipment and labor. Visit xceIenergy.com/ReComm or contact an energy efficiency specialist at 855, 639,8862 to get started. SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 11 Il I MONTICELLO EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO. MN 55362.9356 51-0623062-8 06130/2016 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT GATE i 511226942 08/03/2016 $16,00 Take Advantage of Summer Savings Things are heating up! As temperatures continue to rise, checkout the ways to keep your energy bill low. Our rebates, programs and energy -efficiency tips can help your business save energy and money this summer. Simple changes can amount to big savings, so get started today. Visit xcelenergy.com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. C Switch topabilling Enroll in eBill now through My Account By signing up for ebill, not only will you receive the convenience of paperless billing, you can also: • Receive text or email payment notifications • View your online bill history • Utilize online payment options It's quick, It's simple, It's a good time to go paperless. Just log in to My Account, click on "My Programs" and enroll in eBill. It's that easy. XcelEnergym RESPONSIBLE B NATURE. YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE S O N O .J F M A M J J 77 DAILYAYERAGES Last Year Temperature 67` F Electricity kWh 0.0 Electricity Cost $0 — QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR B11W See aur site: xcelenergy.com --- Email us at Customerservice@ celenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-DO50 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 Xcel Energy® NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY SERVICE ADDRESS Pace 1 of --- ACCOUNT NUMBER MONTICELto EOA , Sas W BROADWAY ST MORTICE! L0, MN 55362 9356 51-0623082-8 09/29/2016 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE , 514982831 09/01/2016 $18.01 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Electricity Service_ (detailed charges begin an page 2) Current Charges 08/02/16 - 08/31/16 6 kWh $18.01 X18.01 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 08/02 Payment Received Auto Pay 08/30 $18.00 Balance Forward 800 Current Charges $0.00 Amount Due - - — $18,01 $18.01 INFORMATION ABOUT�ILL Thank you for your payment. RETUPIJ SOTTOM PORTI ON W i TH YOOR PAYMENT . PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE DR PAPER CUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE r 51-0623082-8 09/29/2016 $18.01 Your hill is Paid through an automated bank payment plan. AV 01 020361 836473 97 A*•51)GT 1,11-11111111111,111'1111��lII�rlllll111�I1r�11'�Illl'r� III�II�I MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST 5TE i MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 Automated Dank Payment �1 2I3 4 5 B T 8 tV 10 11 12 13 14 ' 15 15 J 11 18 19 20 21 22 30 25 26 27 28 30 24 111�Il1�Ilh�"11�1��1�1111�nh1lhl�4l�II1�111'1�I�I�,pn1111 XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51092916 06230828 0000000180100000001801 I Plug electronics into a power striQ and convenient way to turn items on and off, helping your business use energy Only Plugging electronics into a power strip provides an easy when you need it. Source. energystar.gov aenrr%Ir --- 09129/2016 MONTICELLO EGA 51-0623082-8 Xcel Energy 349 W BROADWAY ST 9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT GATE IytTNTICELLO, MN 55362 514982831 09/01/2016 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 10/04/16 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0636758808 ' Read Gates'. 08J02/16-08/31116(29 Gays' USAGE METER 52995965 PREVIOUS READING CURRENT READING 42901 Actual 6 kWh L4290DESCRIPTIO 7 Actual T°tal Energy RATE: Sm Gen Svc !Metered) ELECTRICITY CHARGES CHARGE USAGE -UNITS f RATE DESCRIPTION $10.00 Basic Service Chg 6 kWh $0.087870 $0.53 Energy Charge Summer $0.15 6 kWh $0.024610 Fuel Cost Charge $D.97 ise sunlight to help heat Affordability Chrg $0.04 Pour business Resource Adjustment $0.82 ?pen window shades and curtains interim Rate Adj - - — - (12.51 the day to heat your business with Subtotal $5.50City luring At dusk, close the shades and —Fees--. __ _ sunlight. Total curtains to keep in the heat. INFORMATION ABORT YOUR BILLo -- ower plant costs, bill p For an average non -demand customers 72 (a of your refers s connected to your high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires to 12% to demand -billed customer, 81% of your total bill refers business. For an average 12% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires power plant costs, connected to your business. I Plug electronics into a power striQ and convenient way to turn items on and off, helping your business use energy Only Plugging electronics into a power strip provides an easy when you need it. Source. energystar.gov 7 Xce/Energy Is your building too hot or too cold? Might be time to consider an Xcel Energy -funded building Recommissioning study. To offset your investment, we can help pay for the study — up to 75% of the cost (up to $75,000). Plus, for the improvements identified, You can earn rebates up to 60% of the cost of equipment and labor. Visit xcelenergy.com/Recomm or contact an energy efficiency specialist at 855.839.8862 to get started. W SERVICEEpp ADD" M©NTfCELlO 349 W 890AOWAy ST MONi ICELLO. MN 55382-9356 A 51-0623082-8 514982831 1 09/01/2016 Don't be chilled by energy costs 09/29/2016 W-01 Cooler temperatures don't have to mean higher energy costs for your business. As temperatures continue to fall, check out the ways to keep your energy bill low. Our rebates, programs and energy -efficiency tips can help your business save energy an money this fall, Simple changes can amount to big savings, so get started today. Visit xcelenergy.com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. Switch to Paperless billing Enroll in eBill now through My Account By signing up for eBiil, not only will you receive the convenience of paperless billing, you can also: * Receive text or email payment notifications * View your online bili history • Utilize online payment options It's quick. It's simple. It's a good time to go paperless. Just log in to My Account, click on and enroll in eBili. It's that easy. "My Programs". EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 8. Consideration of approving 2017 Membership Dues to Wright County Economic Development Partnership (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving the 2017 Membership Dues for Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). The 2017 annual dues amount to $2,529.90. This is 3.5 percent increase ( +$84.00) over the 2016 dues amount of $2,445.90. The EDA has been involved with the WCEDP as a dues paying member for many years. In collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage additional economic development funding for projects and strengthens the local economy. They are also regional organizations such as MNCAR that the EDA can access through membership. With City staff now dedicated to leading economic development efforts, the EDA will be able to be more active with the WCEDP yielding potential leads and partnership opportunities. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2017 Membership Dues in the WCEDP amount to $2,529.90. These expenses were budgeted for in the Dues, Membership and Subscriptions line in the budget approved by the EDA and City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,529.90. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,529.90. 3. Motion to table the approval of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,529.90 for further research or until a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 91 wherein the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,529.90. By participating in the WCEDP, the EDA benefits through networking (broker events), information sharing and collaboration on development issues and leveraging funding for development projects. An example of this collaboration is the upcoming MNCAR Expo wherein Wright County will sponsor a booth and make available information on Monticello sites /information. D. SUPPORTING DATA: No Supporting Date provided EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 9. Consideration of approving 2017 Annual Contribution to Initiative Foundation (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving the 2017 Annual Contribution to the Initiative Foundation. In 2016, the EDA contributed $2,250 to the Initiative Foundation for use in community and economic development program activities. The 2017 contribution is proposed to be a $50.00 increase or a total of $2,300. While the proposed amount is lower (by $90.00) than the request from the Initiative Foundation, it is still a 2.3 percent increase over the 2016 contribution which is slightly above the current rate of inflation. The Initiative Foundation is active in the region as an economic development gap lender and a strategic community and human resources development planning and solution facilitator as well as a grant making entity. An example of their recent activity in Monticello is related to the joint loan to a prospective buyer of the Fred's Auto Building. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation contribution. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation contribution are included in the 2017 EDA budget under Dues, Membership and Subscriptions. The 2017 amount is proposed at $2,300 a $50.00 increase over the 2016 contribution. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation Endowment contribution in the amount of $2,300. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation Endowment contribution in the amount of $2,300. 3. Motion to table the approval of the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation Endowment contribution in the amount of $2,300 for further research or until a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 91 wherein the 2017 Annual Initiative Foundation Endowment contribution is approved in the amount of $2,300. By contributing to the Endowment Fund, the City reaps the benefit of economic impacts from Initiative Foundation funded projects in the amount of $8.78 for every local dollar contributed to the Fund. During the past 10 years, a total of $631,176 in grants have been awarded to entities located in Wright County. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Initiative Foundation Letter and Information Packet (320) 632 -9255 June 30, 2016 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8822 Dear Mayor Stumpf, City Council and Mr. O'Neill, Your partnership has proven to be a vital part of our ability to stimulate business growth, create and maintain quality jobs and ensure a climate for economic success. Together, we have provided favorable opportunities to advance community and economic health. We appreciate your past investment and request continued support in 2017. For 30 years the Foundation has focused on building strong local economies and vibrant communities. In Wright County, we have contributed a total of $1,374,057 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and local government projects; and provided $4,145,429 in business loans to secure 1,048 quality jobs. Our grant- making, lending and community development activities are designed to make Central Minnesota a destination of choice to live, work, and play. We look forward to the next three years with equal purpose and confidence. Our Board of Trustees and staff are pleased to present our Phase VIII Strategic Plan, designed to serve as a roadmap for the work we will carry out from 2017 through 2019. We have attached a summary of our strategic framework for your review. Please contact us if you have any questions or to request a presentation at an upcoming council meeting. We respectfully request that you consider a contribution by allocating $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation in your 2017 Budget. This appropriation is essential to our ability to provide a climate for economic success in our region. An Initiative Foundation contribution has historically earned a substantial return on investment. For every local dollar invested, the Foundation has returned $8.78 back to Wright County communities in grants, loans and scholarships. Thank you for your consideration. After your budget is finalized, please sign the enclosed commitment form and return it in the self- addressed envelope. All the best, Kathy Gaa Zk Carrie Tripp President Vice President for External Relations Enclosures ifound.org 10 Powering Possible Equal opportunity Lender, provider and employer. Strategic Framework , I 2017-2019 Action Plan for Powering Possible in Central Minnesota This strategic plan summary serves as a roadmap for the Initiative Foundation's 2017 -2019 work. Our Mission To empower people to build thriving communities and a vibrant region across Central Minnesota. Our Vision • Central Minnesota is recognized as the ideal place where people choose to live, work, give and play. Our Values • Our primary resources are local people who invest their time, talent and assets. • A shared vision among many partners is the best way to achieve lasting change. • Inclusiveness and respect for diversity enriches communities and the region. • We embrace our responsibility to introduce, promote and defend pioneering ideas - even when they incur risk. • We will remain responsive, nimble and ready to adapt to emerging needs and opportunities. Our Role • Convene people and organizations to elevate and advance emerging economic and community issues. • Provide access to strategic funding in the form of grants, loans, scholarships and fellowships. • Deliver expertise and build capacity through technical assistance, training opportunities and partner referrals. • Promote philanthropy and leverage resources through funding tools and volunteer opportunities. Our Mission Critical Outcomes We work to achieve the following outcomes ... • : Central Minnesota has an abundance of talented people and job- creating enterprises that contribute to economic growth and vitality. • Build Community: Central Minnesota is a thriving region where people choose to live, work, give and play. • Foster Philanthropy: The people of Central Minnesota give generously of their time, talent and resources. Uur 5 Key Priorities • Support and grow existing for profit and nonprofit businesses. • Support new entrepreneurs and the start-up of businesses and social enterprise ventures. • Improve the economic status of financially disadvantaged people. • Enhance kindergarten readiness for children (ages 0 -5) living in poverty. • Cultivate the next generation of leaders (ages 40 and under) working and living in our region. 0 Initiative FOUNDATION ifound.org 1 (877) 632 -9255 1 405 First Street SE I Little Falls, MN 56345 Equal Opportunity Lender, Provider, and Employer (, T Our Mission: Unlock the power of Central Minnesota people to build and sustain thriving communities. 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 (877) 632 -9255 ifound.org ® Powering Possible Initiative Foundation at work in WRIGHT COUNTY $650,9000 in local donations to the Initiative Foundation. $597 MILLION' returned to Wright County in grants and loans. Return on Investment For every local dollar contributed, the Initiative Foundation has invested $8.78 back into Wright County. Economic Impact [ 1986 to present] - Awarded 262 grants totaling $1.4 million - 66 loans totaling $4.15 million - Secured 1,048 quality jobs - Leveraged $26.4 million in private business financing Equal opportunity tender, provider and employer. WRIGHT C Highlight For a full listing of Initiatiue Foundation inuestments in Wright County, Contact us at (877) 632 -9255. Grants Thriving Economy, Thriving Communities Annandale Area Community Team Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central MN, St. Cloud City of Delano City of Maple Lake City of Montrose City of Rockford Crow River Org. of Water Joint Powers, Buffalo Delano School District Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Friendship Ventures. Annandale Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale Rivers of Hope, Monticello RiverWorks Community Development Organization, Rockford Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford Wright Technical Center, Buffalo Community Field Day event College Bound Developing Leaders for Life Senior transportation Industrial park feasibility study Mixed -use development project Business expansion and development Engaging youth in aquatic invasive species prevention Kids art program; RISE program for those with disabilities Marketing and site selection; youth CEO program Operating support Operating support Violence intervention and prevention Social enterprise venture Business outreach Career exploration and entrepreneurship for youth Business Financing Local Ownership Quality Jobs BK Properties dba IKER Manufacturing, LLC., St. Michael Bonin Properties. LLC. dba Cowgirl Tuff Company. Cokato Cinch Systems, Inc., St. Michael Clay Leasing, LLC Maple Lake Veterinary Properties, LLC Plug Technologies. Hanover The Asphalt Company, Inc., Monticello Charitable Funds Activating Generosity CNC machining Western clothes wholesaler Hardware /software company Aggregate equipment dealer Veterinary Clinic Manufacturer of rubber inflatable pipe plugs Asphalt coating and sealing Delano Area Community Foundation Delano Emergency Family Fund 'Manufacturing Fund of Central Minnesota Minnesota Pioneer Park Endowment Fund I Wright County Historical Society Fund Technical Assistance Investing in Talent Eden Medical, Howard Lake Pellco Machine, St. Michael Patent application and support International sales and marketing analysis Community Action The Power of Partnership Cokato -based Cowgirl Tuff has anew 30,000- square -foot office and warehouse thanks in part to an Initiative Foundation construction loan. Cowgirl Tuff designs and distributes fashionable western apparel with an emphasis on comfort. The company distributes its products through a network of more than 1,700 stores nationwide. The city of Howard Lake leveraged a $10,000 grant supported by a gift from the Xcel Energy Foundation and the Initiative Foundation to organize a new Chamber of Commerce, carry out downtown beautification, market its industrial park, enhance the lakeside Lions Park and complete a detailed retail area analysis. The Wright County Economic Development Partnership ( WCEDP) is moving forward with plans for a Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) program for area youth. With help from an Initiative Foundation grant, the WCEDP will invite business and civic Leaders into the mentorship program that will offer students hands -on business experience and a chance to build their own start-up over the course of the year. updated 3.31.16 Projects Funded in Wright County (through 3/31/2016) RECENT GRANTS AWARDED ... ORGANIZATION NAME CY 2015 Central MN Jobs & Training, Monticello City of Delano* City of Maple Lake City of Montrose City of Rockford Crow River Organization of Water Joint Powers, Buffalo Delano School District* Delano School District* Delano School District* Economic Development Partnership of Wright Cty., Rockford Economic Development Partnership of Wright Cty., Rockford* Greater Twin Cities United Way, Minneapolis MN Pioneer Park 725 Pioneer Park Trail, Annandale* Rivers of Hope, Monticello Rivers of Hope, Moniticello RiverWorks, Rockford Wright County Health & Human Services, Buffalo Wright Technical Center, Buffalo CY 2014 Annandale Area Community Team Central MN Jobs & Training, Monticello City of Cokato City of Montrose City of Rockford Cornerstone Women's Center, St. Michael* Friendship Venture, Annandale* HIS Healing Heart, St. Michael* Love Inc - Heartland, Delano MN Pioneer Park, Annandale* Rivers of Hope, Monticello* Rogers High School Band Booster Club* St. Cloud State University Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford CY 2013 Annandale Area Community Team Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central MN, St. Cloud City of Clearwater City of Howard Lake City of Rockford City of Waverly Delano School District* Friendship Ventures, Annandale* Friendship Ventures, Annandale HIS Healing Heart, St. Michael* Rivers of Hope, Monticello RiverWorks Community Development Organization, Rockford PROJECT TITLE FOUNDATION Capacity Building Support Transportation for Seniors (DACF) Industrial Park Feasibility Study Mixed Use Development Project Business Expansion & Development Engaging Generations X, Y & Z to Prevent AIS "Kid's Art Saturday" Program (DACF) Community Labyrinth Project (DACF) RISE Program for Individuals with Disabilities Marketing & Site Selection CEO Program in Wright County (DACF) Start Early Funders Coalition Operating Support Capacity Building Support Violence Intervention & Prevention Program for Elk River Area Youth AMOUNT 4,000 1,000 $4,000 2,500 2,500 57,468 900 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 850 4,000 5,000 Financial Resiliency through Social Enterprise Program Participation 7,500 Early Childhood Dental Outreach 1,000 Career Exploration and Entrepreneurship for Youth 3,000 Community Center Feasibility Study Workforce Devl, Education & Business Summit 2014 Regional Marketing for Business Retention & Attraction Small Businesses Consulting Services Local Businesses Consulting Support Wright County Pregnancy Resources (TRCF) Elk River Area Financial Assistance (TRCF) Equine Therapy for Elk River Area Families (TRCF) TOP Financial Resiliency through Social Enterprise Annandale Area Historical Park Operating Suppt (MPPEF) Adult Advocacy Program (TRCF) Student Scholarships & Instrument Upgrades (TRCF) Student Internship for Export Research Development of Marketing Materials Youth Entrepreneurial Training Opportunity Community Field Day Event College Bound Developing Leaders for Life Youth Engagement Economic Development Project Business Plan for Crow River Food Cooperative Downtown Revitalization Auditorium Restoration Project (DCF) Camps of Courage & Friendship for Elk River Area (TRCF) Operating Support Equine Therapy for Victims of Abuse (TRCF) Empowerment & Legal Advocacy (TRCF) Strategic & Business Planning 2,500 1,695 3,000 5,000 5,000 1,500 2,500 2,500 10,000 800 4,500 1,500 5,000 3,000 3,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 10,000 3,000 2,500 250 2,100 3,500 3,500 Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford CY 2012 Buffalo Housing Redevelopment Authority, Buffalo City of Clearwater City of Cokato City of Cokato City of Howard Lake City of Montrose City of Rockford Howard Lake Watershed Alliance Howard Lake - Waverly - Winsted School District MN Pioneer Park, Annandale* Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford CY 2011 Central MN Jobs & Training, Monticello City of Howard Lake City of Montrose Family Education Center of Wright County, Buffalo Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale* Wright County Historical Society, Buffalo* CY 2010 Beebe Lake Improvement Association, St. Michael City of Annandale City of Montrose City of Rockford Delano Public Schools Family Education Center of Wright County, Buffalo Love Inc. - Heartland Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale* Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale* Rivers of Hope, Monticello RiverWorks Community Development Organization, Rockford The Salvation Army, Buffalo FCY 2009 Annandale School District City of Delano City of Monticello City of Montrose City of Rockford Clearwater River Watershed District, Annandale Delano Public Schools Delano Public Schools Faith in Action of Wright County, Buffalo Family Education Center of Wright County, Buffalo St. Michael /Albertville School District Sustainable Farming Assn. of Minnesota, Starbuck Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Rockford Wright Soil & Water Conservation District, Buffalo Wright Soil & Water Conservation District, Buffalo FY 2008 Annandale Area Community Team City of Annandale City of Hanover City of Montrose Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale* PATH Minnesota, Monticello Business Outreach 3,000 Cooperative Food Market Feasibility Study 3,750 Housing Feasibility Study 4,000 Cokato Design Team Visit 3,500 Six Cities United 3,500 Thriving Communities Initiative 20,000 Business Retension & Expansion Project 10,000 Crow River Food Cooperative Market Study 3,000 Riparian Restoration 5,000 Buckets of Books -Early Childhood Literacy 2,000 Operating Support (MPPEF) 800 Project Building Capacity 500 Camps to Careers for Monticello Area Youth 2,500 Thriving Communities Partnership 5,000 Montrose Business Development & Hwy 12 Revelopment 10,000 Wright County Inside -Out Connections Coalition 5,000 Operating Support (MPPEF) 860 Support of the Wright County Historical Society (WCHS) 1,600 Lakewide Curlyleaf Pondweed Mgmt 5,000 Business Retention & Expansion 2,500 Business Recruitment & Hwy 12 Redevelopment 5,000 Implementation 10,000 Promoting Business Stability 2,500 Youth as Resources 5,000 Wright Cty Inside Out Connections Coalition 5,000 HOP GrowStrong 14,000 Operating Support (MPPEF) 1,000 Operating Support (MPPEF) 1,000 HOP StayStrong 7,500 HOP GrowStrong 14,000 Wright County Emergency Services 1,000 Youth as Resources 10,000 Healthy Communities Partnership Training 10,000 Business Retention and Expansion Program 5,000 Highway 12 Redevelopment Implementation 10,000 Rockford Chamber of Commerce 2,000 Curlyleaf Pondweed Water Treatment 5,000 Youth as Resources 10,000 Youth as Resources 7,500 2009 Marketing & Volunteer Recruitment Campaign 2,200 Wright County Inside -Out Connections Coalition 2,500 Mixed Roots 1,000 Garlic Festival at Howard Lake 1,000 Wright County Commuter Transit Study 5,000 Wright County CEDS Application 3,000 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Partnership Training 20,000 Camp Lake Phosphorus Filtration Project 5,000 HCP Implementation and Revisioning 10,000 Industrial Land Analysis 3,000 Implementation of Conservation Design 5,000 Healthy Communities Partnership Training 15,000 Operating Costs and Facilities Improvements (MPPEF) 4,400 Wright County Crisis Nursery Caregiver Recruitment 2,500 The Salvation Army, Roseville Wright County Community Action, Inc., Maple Lake FY 2007 Annandale Community Education Central MN Jobs & Training, Monticello Central Minnesota Workforce Center, Monticello Economic Development Partnership of Wright Cty., Rockford Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale Rivers of Hope, Monticello Rivers of Hope, Monticello Sustainable Farming Association of MN, Howard Lake Wright County, Buffalo Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District, Buffalo Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District, Buffalo Zion Lutheran Church, Buffalo FY 2006 Annandale Health & Community Services City of Annandale Delano Public Schools Maple Lake Public Schools Sugar Lake Association, Annandale Sustainable Farming Association of MN, Starbuck Wright County Family Emergency Services 1,500 Healthy Organizations Partnership Training (Multi -Year) 6,500 Youth As Resources 15,000 Fundamental Manufacturing Skills Development Prog. 5,000 Central Minnesota Business Resource Directory 5,000 Economic Dev. Finance Professional Certification 1,000 Facilities Improvements (MPPEF) 4,000 Youth Advocacy Violence Intervention and Prevention 3,850 Technology Enhancement Project 2,000 2nd Annual Minnesota Garlic Festival 1,000 Medical Minds and Meth Conference & MEADA Efforts 10,000 Healthy Lakes & Rivers Partnership Training 20,000 Granite Lake Stormwater Management Project 5,000 Faith In Action of Wright County Expansion 5,000 Faith In Action of Wright County 7,500 Community Initiatives Support 16,653 Youth As Resources 15,000 Intergenerational Connections 5,000 Lake Vegetation Management Plan 5,000 2006 Minnesota Garlic Festival 1,000 FY 2006 - PRESENT (111): $631,176 PRIOR YEARS (151): $742,881 TOTAL GRANTS (262): $1,374,057 * Denotes awards made from a Turn Key fund of the Initiative Foundation, in parenthesis. (See Key) RECENT BUSINESS FINANCING INVESTMENTS: BUSINESS NAME CY 2016 Clay Leasing LLC, St. Michael (Village Bank) CY 2015 Wolf Auto, LLC, Montrose (Citizens State Bank) Plug Technologies, Hanover CY 2014 BK Properties LLC, St. Michael (The Bank of Elk River) Maple Lake Veterinary Properties LLC (Wells Fargo) The Asphalt Company, Inc., Monticello (Falcon Nat'l Bank) CY 2013 Bollin Properties, LLC, Cokato (First MN Bank) Plug Technologies, Hanover FCY 2009 Cinch Systems, Inc., St. Michael (Great Northern Bank. St. Michael) Cinch Systems, Inc., St. Michael (Great Northern Bank, St. Michael) Cinch Systems, Inc., St. Michael (Great Northern Bank. St. Michael) Tapper's Inc., Monticello (Steams Bank) FY 2008 Trilite Stone Compnay, Howard Lake (Bremer Bank, Minneapolis) FY 2007 Adjust to Wellness, PLLC, Waverly (Citizens State Bank of Waverly) Snap Fitness, Howard Lake (Citizens State Bank of Waverly) Trillite Stone Company, Howard Lake FY 2006 John's Collision, Howard Lake (First Community Bank, Lester Prairie) Tapper's Inc., Monticello (Steams Bank) TriLite Stone Company, Inc. (Bremer Bank, St. Louis Park) Women's Fitness Express, Albertville (Citizens State Bank of Waverly) BUSINESS TYPE LOAN TYPE Aggragate equipment dealer Existing Auto Repair Shop Existing Manufacturing Existing CNC Machining Mfg Start-up Veterinary Clinic Existing Asphalt Coating & Sealing Existing Western Clothes Wholesaler Existing Working Capital Start-up Hardware /Software Company Start-up Hardware /Software Company Existing Hardware /Software Company Existing Manufacturer of Custom Cabinetry Existing Manufacturer & Distributor of Manmade Stone Existing Exterior Products Chiropractic Office Start-up Fitness Center Start-up Stone Exterior Manufacturer & Distributor Existing Autobody /Collision Repair Shop Start-up Cabinet Manufacturing & Parts Distribution Existing Manufacturing of Stone Products Existing Women's Fitness Center Existing FY 2006 - PRESENT (20): $1,838,417 PRIOR YEARS (46): $2,307,012 TOTAL LOANS (66): $4,145,429 Total Business Investment Leveraged: $26,410,635 Total Jobs Created or Retained: 1,048 GRAND TOTAL OF GRANTS & LOANS IN WRIGHT COUNTY $5,519,486 For business start-up and expansion projects, Initiative Foundation Business Financing Investments meet the "gap" between the financing a local lender is able to provide and the equity the owner is able to contribute. By offering gap financing to supplement owner equity and taking a position as a subordinate lender, Initiative Foundation business financing programs are a tool to help lending institutions better serve local businesses. EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 10. Consideration of approving a revised home plan related to the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello EDA and Taylor Holdings, LLC for conveyance of a residential lot located at 413 - 4tb Street West (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving a revised home plan related to the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement for conveyance of residential property located at 413 — 4tn Street West. At the August 10, 2016 EDA meeting, a Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement with a specific house plan incorporated therein was approved for the conveyance of the residential parcel to Taylor Holdings, LLC. The developer has concluded that it would not be economically feasible to construct the home plan that was approved by the EDA. Mr. Taylor would now like to propose a house plan that he believes is more marketable while still meeting the key zoning code requirements such as minimum foundation area, finished square footage and garage setbacks. The revised house plan is attached for further review. The developer has been asked to attend the meeting to discuss the request for the revisions. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the house plan revisions. A2. Budget Impact: The costs for consideration of the revisions are minimal and consist of preparation of the staff report and review of the proposed revised house plans. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve revised house plans related to the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and Taylor Holdings, LLC and the conveyance of a residential lot located at 413 West 4th Street. 2. Motion to deny approval of revising the house plans related to the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and Taylor Holdings, LLC and the conveyance of a residential lot located at 413 West 4th Street. Motion to table the approval of revising the house plans C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative 91 wherein a revised house plan would allow the developer, Taylor Holdings, LLC to move forward with the development project. The proposed plan with a completely finished basement appears to meet the zoning code requirements for this parcel. City staff will continue to work with Taylor Holdings to make minor plan adjustments as required to meet the codes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Revised House Plans B. Aerial hnage C. Map of Site with Zoning Z Z L C) w :3 -6 -1 6" PLATE AI UNLESS TM -ALL XILD016 TO FE THERMD-T—LI fGR C6 OFTTICHALi - SAFETY GLAZING RECD FOR ALL GLA55 WITHIN 24' ARD OF CCCR5 - SAFETY GLAZING RECD. FOR ALL WINOOW6 WITHIN IS" OF FLOOR bWRz , GREATER THAN I -PT. IN AREA L"ILIC F'RAR". RP.. - ALL GERMS , HEADERS -ALL ST -0 55 LOCATED IN 4 30` ELEAR ACE WIDTH 21611 81811 9 -�11 121-4 21-8 V2 FUTURE DEC< 13'-23/4 13 - 831411 MASTER SUITE 10'-2V4" BEDROOM -2 DINING Ploot-1 o 11 LIVING ROOM 'v-6" x 13'-0" <%% 131 1/81' PLATE I— — — — — — — — — - FLOORING LINE 9 C) IAUIT 5,1_011 LL _011 KITCHEN r_ljD -4" F, M, BATH ® `� __ -- � FOYER �.pi1J.l. - � -8 /a FAN, 10 1 0"' STELI 0 1 GGE I r 44\W SHOWER U BATH 8' -0y211 L EN COVERED FORCH CANT TRLJ55E5 OVER FORCH Oj 6x6 POST 2 CAR GARAGE MAIN FLOOR FLAN 9 - SCALE: 1/4" = V-O" 132(o SQ, FT, MAIN FLOOR ROOF TRU56ES 404 SQ. FT. GARAGE .24'0,/0, 136 5Q, FT, GOV, PORCH 1. —1- ED- 22'-0 52'-0" Z Z L C) w :3 -6 -1 6" PLATE AI UNLESS TM -ALL XILD016 TO FE THERMD-T—LI fGR C6 OFTTICHALi - SAFETY GLAZING RECD FOR ALL GLA55 WITHIN 24' ARD OF CCCR5 - SAFETY GLAZING RECD. FOR ALL WINOOW6 WITHIN IS" OF FLOOR bWRz , GREATER THAN I -PT. IN AREA L"ILIC F'RAR". RP.. - ALL GERMS , HEADERS -ALL ST -0 55 LOCATED IN 4 30` ELEAR ACE WIDTH I� * 0 6:12 FRONT TO BACK FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 11 -0" REAR ELEVATION Lu 5 SCALE: 1/" — li —OII 'WINDOW WELL WINDOW WELL+ WINDOW WE_L J V IF REOUIIRFO CONNECT IF REOeU IRED OWNNEOT IF REOlIRFO CCNNECT TO WEEPING TILE 8 fTYP.1 TO WEEPING TILES -TYP.) TO WEEPING TILES 'TYP.1 LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8° = II -O" RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" WINDOW WELL IF REOU IRE OOVNEOT TO WEEPING TILE, (TTF =.J u -- T gG- oo{s`tw qU�U� ENgomn�? I %�qr muwm ENi 120 —D��,o MpU olil0t 0 �m U'.6L � oSe —_ oSe —_ oSe —_ o! �o�= _ • _ o! unummun —off. —off= =o is moo• Boa �o•o �— s= =o Irmo �o•o I� -gym �� -���. BBB ®��. ate. FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 11 -0" REAR ELEVATION Lu 5 SCALE: 1/" — li —OII 'WINDOW WELL WINDOW WELL+ WINDOW WE_L J V IF REOUIIRFO CONNECT IF REOeU IRED OWNNEOT IF REOlIRFO CCNNECT TO WEEPING TILE 8 fTYP.1 TO WEEPING TILES -TYP.) TO WEEPING TILES 'TYP.1 LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8° = II -O" RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" WINDOW WELL IF REOU IRE OOVNEOT TO WEEPING TILE, (TTF =.J n- - m OI v _j J J z � z O O Lv Q Li �I W J ~a IN pals: 9/23/16 Revised: 10/3/16 Revised: 10 /5 /I6 Revl &ed: Kevl &ed: Revised: Plan Numbe: 1001 h35 Page N,.IF / Iof4 u -- T gG- oo{s`tw qU�U� ENgomn�? %�qr muwm ENi 120 —D��,o MpU olil0t 0 �m U'.6L v _j J J z � z O O Lv Q Li �I W J ~a IN pals: 9/23/16 Revised: 10/3/16 Revised: 10 /5 /I6 Revl &ed: Kevl &ed: Revised: Plan Numbe: 1001 h35 Page N,.IF / Iof4 O O A S2'-n" O J A - O zw O A > uj C) id --I __j -ALL WINDCUS, -0 6£ THI CIRD6 OFTIONAL) -42" MIN, FROST DEPTH KFOD - ALL NON HEATED FROST PCOTINGE _RFNFoRcEmEN OF FND. WA_L6 AS PER AL MCDF ,LID, BEARING REM D - ALL SEAM' eTFADFRS -SAFETY GLARING REM'A FOR ALL 6LA66 WITHIN 24" —C OF DOORS -SAFETY GLAZING REO D. FOR ALL WINDOWS WITHIN 19'' OF FLOOR EURIAOF 4 GREATER THAN S BC.FT, 11 AREA ALL �7D L5 TG BE LOCATED IN A aO CLEAR SPACE WIDTH —M PEI FOOTINGS �1 211 141 911 17' -811 12 1-51, ----- A., --------------------- I DO. RED �HNEST WELL WINDOW EMU TC FFT'INI TLrS (TIP ------------------------------- WINDOW WELL 17 REQUIRED CONNECT TO WEEPING TILES (TYP' ---- --------------------------------- BEDROOM 04 O BEDROOM #3 12'-41/2 23'-105/4" FAMILY ROOM ------------------------ 2 WALL 144 VANITY ri 07 S4 VANITY BATH ...... ---------- ------- .......... ----------------------- ----------------- CEILING PLR, UNDER T rl MECH, O UNEX. -------------- ---------------------------- p. ------ -------------------- 4' 2 12'-4 V2 11 a UNEXCAVATED SASE LENT FLOOR FLAN SCALE: 1/4" = I'-C'I 1305 SQ, FT, ----- ---------- ------------------------------------------ - ill-oll ----------------------------------------------------------------- 131 -011 1�1 -011 22'-C" O J A - O zw O A > uj C) id --I __j -ALL WINDCUS, -0 6£ THI CIRD6 OFTIONAL) -42" MIN, FROST DEPTH KFOD - ALL NON HEATED FROST PCOTINGE _RFNFoRcEmEN OF FND. WA_L6 AS PER AL MCDF ,LID, BEARING REM D - ALL SEAM' eTFADFRS -SAFETY GLARING REM'A FOR ALL 6LA66 WITHIN 24" —C OF DOORS -SAFETY GLAZING REO D. FOR ALL WINDOWS WITHIN 19'' OF FLOOR EURIAOF 4 GREATER THAN S BC.FT, 11 AREA ALL �7D L5 TG BE LOCATED IN A aO CLEAR SPACE WIDTH —M PEI FOOTINGS ;Beacon"" Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways — Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels Parcel ID 155010029020 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address n/a Sec/Twp /Rng 11- 121 -025 Class 958- MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER Property Address 413 4TH ST W Acreage n/a MONTICELLO District n/a Brief Tax Description Sect-11 Twp- 121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot-002 Block-029 LOT 3 &LOT 2 EX NWLY 33FTTHOF SD NWLY 33FT OF LT2 DES AS TH PRT OF LT2 LY NWLY OF LN DRWN PAR TO NWLY LN OF LT2 &33FT SELY 0 F SD NWLY LN OF LT2 BLK29 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 8/4/2016 Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation Legend BASE— Z- ON1_NG DISTRICTS Residential Districts Low Residentiaf Densities _ A-0 R -A R -1 -- Medium Residential Densifies T -iv �.. R -1 R -PUD -• High Residential Densities 0 R -3 _ R-4 M -H Business Districts B -7 B -2 — B -3 B -4 CCO Industrial Districts E7 18c I -1 I -2 PUDs pl� Swam River OVERLAY DISTFUCTS E_ _I Performance Based Overlay District Special Use Overlay District Mississippi Wild. Scenic & Rec Overlay District Shorefand District j`vl Freeway Bonus Sign District OTHER Water S -qw :X- IN -,qq W-44% "W ;W AA 413 4th Street West St S �~ J CA VA EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 11. Consideration to Presentation by Hill Capital Corporation, Austin Bo2estad (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Hill Capital Corporation has requested an opportunity to present their new community based venture capital funding program to the EDA. They have been busy providing presentations to EDAs, rotary clubs and other groups to build awareness of their mission of creating a pool of investment capital with an aim to increase local investment in local businesses. The attached materials give a snapshot of their mission and just a few of their current supporters. Al. Budget Impact: Limited; there is no cost to hear a presentation by Hill Capital Corporation. If the EDA chooses to support them with a $50.00 minimum donation, that would be a very minor impact to the annual budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Limited; preparation of the staff report and emails and phone calls with Hill Capital Corporation staff. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No Motion required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No staff recommendation is offered. The goal of Hill Capital Corporation is build awareness for active certified investors to purchase common stock in their public stock offering. They are utilizing a community oriented method to raise capital for a community based venture capital firm. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Information from Hill Capital Corporation website Hill Capital Corporation Hill Capital Intro Video #EmpireBuilder from Patrick Donohue 02:55 Simple. About Us Page 3 of 23 Hill Capital Corporation was founded by people who share the vision of creating a pool of capital to invest in growth companies and support entrepreneurship in the region served by Mr. Hill's Great Northern http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 Hill Capital Corporation Page 4 of 23 Railway. Hill Capital is conducting a direct public offering of common stock to create a regionally focused investment fund. Please review our offering circular for information about Hill Capital and the stock offering. Joining us as a founding shareholder simply starts by contacting us. Transparent. Hill Capital Corporation is a publicly reporting company. Material and periodic updates are made available to our shareholders and the general public. This is a link to our SEC filings. Hill Capital is your opportunity to increase local investment in local businesses. As a business development company, Hill Capital Corporation's shareholders will have opportunities to attend unique events, participate in the investment process, and share in the economic outcomes associated with our investments. Hill Capital's business model represents economic empowerment of the local community and aligned with James J. Hill's belief in the cooperation of the production, distribution and exchange of wealth as outlined in his writings. Kevin Spreng Board Chair Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 Hill Capital Corporation "Few things are more worthless or uneasy than capital unemployed, and wealth locked up in vaults in a great city is just as useless to its possessor as heaps of gold to Robinson Crusoe." - James J. Hill Page 7 of 23 http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 Hill Capital Corporation Page 15 of 23 ■ • TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS •WILLMAR• LAKES AREA chamber • of •commerce "In adva ale, uud promwe the urea -hide huoinv%s er,nt►►uuritr" Kandiyohi County & City of Witimar ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION /1�azto�t�ie Lakea 2 Mw �cedp 1,400 ' Wright County Economic Development Partnership http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 Hill Capital Corporation BRIDGING•THE•PAST AND*THEeFUTURE Page 19 of 23 http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 Hill Capital Corporation �� HAMBER Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce gets business Entrepreneur Fund Expanding your ability to grow f5oFEERGUS FALLS i;;:a r Chamber of Commerc FER FALLS ikg�� OMI C IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION Page 20 of 23 http: / /www.hillcapitalcorp.com/ 10/7/2016 EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 12. Consideration to authorize bid selection process for completion of a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) - MPCA Leak File #20142 on EDA -owned property in Block 34 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing the selection process for the most qualified and economical bidder for a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) of EDA -owned property in Block 34. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requires a LSI to be completed due to the contaminated soils encountered during the utility replacement component of the 2016 Street Reconstruction project that occurred in this area in mid - July, as well as the results of the Phase II analysis completed in June, 2016. The MPCA opened a file and assigned a Leak number, 20142, to the petroleum impact. The file is officially in an "open" status and pending further investigation. As noted, the petroleum impacted soils discovered during the utility replacement are consistent with the 2016 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) results. At the September 14, 2016 EDA meeting, staff were directed to obtain two or more quotes/bids from qualified consultants as to the cost of completing the LSI in Block 34. Bids /quotes were received from several firms. The bidders, shown below, were instructed to use the Standard Scope of Work found on the MPCA website to compile their bids. Liesch — Terracon Co. Braun Intertec WSB & Associates ATC Group METCO The EDA is being asked to authorize a bid selection process that is as follows: 1. All bids will be provided to the Minnesota Department of Commerce's Petrofund office for an apples to apples analysis for identification of the most qualified and economical bid among the five firms. 2. The identified most qualified and economical bidder will be informed of the selection. Using this process, it is possible that WSB may be deemed the most qualified and economical bidder due to their familiarity with the site and their actual presence on the site when the contaminated soil was discovered and removed. The EDA may still be able to receive the 90 percent reimbursement in this situation. Al. Budget Impact: As is typical for LSI work, the costs can be submitted to the Minnesota Petrofund for reimbursement in the amount of 80 to 90 percent of the total expense. All unreimbursed expenses will be coded against TIF 1 -22 per the EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 previously approved Interfund Loan Resolution 2014 -025, or alternatively, against a future TIF District per the previously approved Interfund Loan Resolution 2014 -095. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The work activities for this project consist of soliciting bids, organizing the file /materials and preparing the staff report(s). No additional staff will be needed to complete the LSI work activities. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the selection process involving MN Department of Commerce vetting of bids to identify the most qualified and economical bidder to perform a Standard Scope Limited Site Investigation (LSI) related to Leak 20142 on EDA owned property in Block 34. 2. Motion to table authorization of the selection process involving the MN Department of Commerce in vetting of the bids to identify the most qualified and economical bidder to perform a Standard Scope LSI related to Leak 20142 on EDA owned property in Block 34 ... until a later date or for gathering of more information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 91. In the interest of an accurate qualifying process, it is prudent to use the Minnesota Department of Commerce's Petrofund staff to help identify the most qualified and economical bidder for the LSI work. By authorizing the selection process seeking the most qualified and economical bidder to perform the LSI, the EDA will be carrying out its responsibility to complete the investigation of discovered contamination on property it currently owns. Completion of the LSI will increase the knowledge about the EDA land holdings and the extent of possible environmental issues and therein reduce the unknowns so the land can eventually be transferred to a developer for a redevelopment project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Sample Letter (9- 16 -16) soliciting Standard Scope LSI bids B. Letter (7- 20 -16) from MPCA regarding required steps for Leak 20142 CITY OF MontceY September 16, 2016 Scott Tracy Braun - Intertec 11001 Hampshire Avenue, South Minneapolis, MN 55438 RE: Request for Bids — Limited Site Investigation (LSI) Former Municipal Gas Facility 130 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362 PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAx:763- 295 -4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is seeking bids for the service of performing a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) to be completed at the site of the former Municipal Gas Facility, 130 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362. A Leak File # has already been established for this site. It is Leak File #20142. The contamination at this site was discovered in mid -July during water main replacement work as a component of the 2016 Street reconstruction work. An aerial photo of the site is attached. The EDA is asking bidders to conform their proposed scope of work /services to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) technical guidance manuals for LSIs so that the EDA will be in a position to be eligible for the full 90 percent of reimbursements of allowed costs. Bids with a scope of work are requested to be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 2016. You may submit them either by mail to: Attn: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 Or by Email to: Jim.thares @ci.monticello.mn.us If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 763 - 271 -3254. Thank you for your time and interest in submitting an LSI bid. incerej, J( im Thares Ec nomic Development Manager Enc. Aerial Photo of Site www.ci.monticello.mmus w � Y • f r r % rr l'f IL� . •' , yea ; R4b 014 rl • '` yA - I CITY OF Figure 1- Project Location Block 34 Watermain Replacement MontiCe O Monticello, MN ! 02596 -100 r • 00 r 4W Legend Block 34 Location N . A 0 235 470 WSB Feet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North I St Paul, Minnesota 55155.4194 1 651- 296 -6300 800-657-3864 Use your preferred relay service I info.pca@staMrnn.us I Equal opportunity Employer July 20, 2015 .Ms. Angela Schumann 'City of Monitcello 505 Walnut St, STE# 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Petroleum Storage Tank Release Site: Former Municipal Gas Facility, 130 Broadway East, Monticello, Wright County 55362 MPCA Site ID: LS0020142 Dear Ms. Schumann: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has learned there was-a petroleum tank release at the Site referenced above. As the owner /operator of the tank(s), you are responsible for the contamination caused by the release. According to state law, you must investigate and, if necessary, clean up the contamination. Your first step Complete and submit the enclosed Leaksite Ownership Form within 30 days. If you believe that you are not legally responsible for the release, please contact me immediately. Definition of legally responsible: You are considered legally responsible for a petroleum tank release if you owned or operated the tank either during or after the release, unless specifically exempted under the law. See Minn. Stat. §1150.021. Next steps Hire a qualified environmental consulting firm to help you investigate and address the contamination. A site investigation must fully define the extent and magnitude of the soil and /or groundwater contamination caused by the release. Investigation and cleanup guidance docurnents, standardized report forms, and related information are located at the following website: htt s: www. ca.state.mn.us waste etroleum-remediation- ro ram. Once the investigation is complete, your consultant should summarize the results in an MPCA report form, including a recommendation for additional investigation or monitoring, corrective action, or site closure. If your site is high priority (see below), you must submit the report to the MPCA within 90 days of the date of this letter. For all other sites, you must submit the report within 10 months. High- priority sites have one or more of the following conditions. See guidance document 1 -01 Petroleum Remediation Program General Policy for detailed descriptions of each condition. If you are uncertain whether your site is high priority, please contact me. • Existing or high risk of drinking water contamination • Existing or high risk of vapor intrusion into occupied buildings or risk of explosive vapor buildup • Surface water impacts • Recent or ongoing releases • Petroleum free product Paying for the work The Minnesota Petrofund helps tank owners and operators, and volunteer property owners, pay for the cost of investigating and cleaning up contamination from petroleum tank releases. You will receive a Ms. Angela Schumann Page 2 July 20, 2016 separate mailing from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, which administers the Petrofund, explaining eligibility criteria and how to apply for reimbursement. Please note that applicants are required to use an environmental consulting firm registered with the Petrofund and. obtain written competitive bids. Read the Petrofund mailing thoroughly so you know how to be eligible for the maximum reimbursement. Please respond Your timely response is important. If you do not submit the completed Leaksite Ownership Form within 30' days, the MPCA will assume that you do not intend to comply and will begin enforcement actions. Also, please be aware that failure to cooperate in a timely mahner will reduce your reimbursement from the Petrofund. Finally, should you fail to take necessary. corrective actions, the MPCA may take them on your behalf and request the Petrofund to recover the costs from you. If you have questions about this letter or the MPCA's requirements, please contact me at 507- 476 -4260 or nancy.hennen @state.mn.us. Additional contact information is listed below. Sincerely, Nancy Hennen Project Manager Petroleum Remediation and Redevelopment Section Remediation Division NH:kg Enclosures Cc: Jennifer Schreiber, Clerk, City of Monticello Daryl Gilles, Fire Chief, City of Monticello Sean Riley, Administrator, Planning/Zoning, Wright County Ryan -, §Sp9,9cerwASi3 andrA,ssaeiates; Minneapolisf Ginger Commodore, Department of Commerce (ec) Contacts and more information: Please have your MPCA Site ID available when calling about your site MPCA Project Manager for this site: 507- 476 -4260 or nancy.hennen @state.mn.us Petrofund: Reimbursement questions? 651 -539 -1515 or 800 -638 -0418, or go to http://mn.gov/commerce/industries/fuel/petrofund/index.isp MPCA Petroleum Remediation Program guidance documents: htt www. ca.state.mn.us index. h waste waste - and - cleanu cleanu cleanu - uidance.html MPCA Brownfields Program: Selling or redeveloping contaminated property? Go to http://www.pca.state.mn.us/lupg7f9 EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 13. Consideration of Review of Industrial Land Inventory in City of Monticello (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is presented to better inform the EDA about the industrial land inventory in the City of Monticello. The attached materials provide an indication of the land that is zoned for industrial uses in the City. One attachment is the City Land Use Plan. The second item is a marketing piece showing industrial parcels with live links for more details about the property. Staff also created a table for presentation at the meeting with further discussion wherein parcels are organized into the available industrial sites located in the generally recognized local geographies in the community. A summary of the available industrial acreage by zoning district is shown below. Zoning Designation Industrial Business Campus Light Industrial Sites (I -1) - Shovel ready Light Industrial Sites (I -1) — Un- platted; neec Heavy Industrial Sites (I -2) Industrial Land Guidance per Land Use Map Industrial Land Guidance per Land Use Map Acres 15.93 29.80 l infrastructure extensions 40.93 24.07 — Not yet zoned P @M — Overall total acres P @M Note: Draft of tabular information; not a guarantee of all available parcels B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. None required; for informational and discussion purposes. 2. Motion if the EDA feels direction is needed on findings in the presentation C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation requested; informational only. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. City Land Use Map B. Industrial Properties Marketing piece prepared by WSB C. Table presenting local geography of available industrial parcels WE Ilk First � � f I � Lake \ , �4iim�a`"111 Mud S Lake 10 �■ Miles a� N � ', iiin`iU1 �r Amended by City C—dl Resotudon 2014062, June 9, 2014 co Big Lake . o rn � a n o a S Q M 5 n I� II' ON Legend Places to Live iPlaces to Shop iPlaces to Work iPlaces to Recreate iPlaces for Community iDowntown i Mixed Use iInterchange Planning Area Urban Reserve iInfrastructure Rivers and Streams SPublic Waters Inventory Wetlands (National & Public Waters Inventories) Potential Greenway OPotential Interchange 13 Future Bridge **%wI Existing Arterial or Collector Road f +., Proposed Arterial or Collector Road Powerline Monticello City Boundary Orderly Annexation Area Land Use Plan J.2B.1JCDJ.2J.3 %1/11J.2%1/11J.2%1/11J.2%1/11J.2%1/11J.2%1/11J.2%1/11%1/11%5-563/11J.3%5-275/11%4-413/11%6-:59 Hvjefe!JoevtusjbmHvjefe!Joevtusjbm Qspqfsujft!gps!TbmfQspqfsujft!gps!Tbmf 21/982/946/395/::7/7827/2!Efw%1/11J.26/123/4324/785/4:8/362/295/6 Tj{f!)Bdsft*3124!Ubyft\[pojoh Pxofs Djuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpDjuz!pg!NpoujdfmmpNpoujdfmmp!Joevtusjbm!Qbsl!JodTdivmu{!'!Tdivqq!MMDTuboe bse!Jspo QJE 266.2:5.111121 266.2:2.111131Djuz!pg!Npoujdfmmp266.334.111121266.2:5.111121266.2:5.111131266.282.111161266.2:5.111151266.296.111121266.282.111171266.129.114131Lfoofui!'!Ufsftb!Tqbfui266.254.112131266.149.112171266. 129.113181 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/:/21/22/23/24/ 22/ 24/ 23/ 21/ Eftujobujpo!gps!Joopwbujpo 9/ 8/ :/ 7/ 5/ 6/ 4/ 3/ 2/ Vqebufe;!503127 Relative Location hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ Parcel ID 155194000010 Total Acreage 10.87 Total Developable Acreage N/A I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Otter Creek Location 155223000010 Parcel ID 5.28 Total Acreage Total 4.2 Developable Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Y Availability Relative Otter Creek Location 155238001030 Parcel ID 6.19 Total Acreage Total 5.8 Developable Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Y Availability Relative Otter Creek Location Parcel ID155194000020 Total Acreage 6.67 Total Developable 5.5 Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Otter Creek Location 155171000050 Parcel ID Area 1 7.72 Total Acreage Total N/A Developable Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Y Availability Relative Otter Creek Location 155171000050 Parcel ID Area 2 12.13 Total Acreage Total N/A Developable Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Y Availability Relative Otter Creek Location 155171000050 Parcel ID Area 3 5.02 Total Acreage Total N/A Developable Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Y Availability Relative Otter Creek Location Parcel ID 155185000010 Total Acreage 2.32 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Oakwood Location Industrial Parcel ID 155018003040 Total Acreage 3.21 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Oakwood Location Industrial Parcel ID155018003020 Total Acreage 4.39 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Oakwood Location Industrial Parcel ID 155018002110 Total Acreage 5.06 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Oakwood Location Industrial Parcel ID 155060001030 Total Acreage 1.93 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative Oakwood Location Industrial Parcel ID 155018002070 Total Acreage 3.00 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative I-94 Business Location Campus Parcel ID 155038001110 Total Acreage 4.58 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-1 (Light Zoning Industrial) Availability Y Relative I-94 Business Location Campus Parcel ID 155011000171 Total Acreage 28.3 Total Developable N/A Acreage B-2 (Limited Business), IBC (Industrial and Zoning Business Campus District) Availability Y Relative I-94 Business Location Campus Parcel ID 155011000111 Total Acreage 7.76 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 Business Location Campus Parcel ID 155011000101 Total Acreage 4.76 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 Business Location Campus Parcel ID 155143001020 Total Acreage 7.25 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 N Location Parcel ID 155029002090 Total Acreage 2.28 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 N Location Parcel ID 155029002100 Total Acreage 2.20 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 N Location Parcel ID 155029002110 Total Acreage 2.11 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative Relative II--94 94 NN LocationLocation Parcel IDParcel ID 155029002120155029002120 Total AcreageTotal Acreage 2.032.03 Total Total Developable Developable N/AN/A Acreage Acreage IBC (Industrial and IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Business Campus ZoningZoning District)District) AvailabilityAvailability YY Relative I-94 N Location Parcel ID 155029002130 Total Acreage 4.18 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Relative I-94 N Location Parcel ID 155050000020 Total Acreage 3.13 Total Developable N/A Acreage IBC (Industrial and Business Campus Zoning District) Availability Y Northwest Relative Heavy Location Industrial Parcel ID 155500042400 Total Acreage 6.48 Total Developable N/A Acreage I-2 (Heavy Industrial) Zoning Availability Y Total Relative Total Developable Location Parcel ID Acreage Acreage Zoning Availability I-1 (Light 155194000010 10.87 N/A Industrial) Y hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ I-1 (Light 155223000010 5.28 4.2 Industrial) Y hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ I-1 (Light hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ 155238001030 6.19 5.8 Industrial) Y I-1 (Light 155194000020 6.67 5.5 Industrial) Y hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ I-1 (Light hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ 155171000050 34.12 N/A Industrial) Y I-1 (Light 155185000010 2.32 N/A Industrial) Y hƷƷĻƩ /ƩĻĻƉ 65.45 ƚƷğƌʹ I-2 (Heavy hğƉǞƚƚķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ 155018003040 3.21 N/A Industrial) Y I-2 (Heavy 155018003020 4.39 N/A Industrial) Y hğƉǞƚƚķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ I-2 (Heavy 155018002110 5.06 N/A Industrial) Y hğƉǞƚƚķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ I-2 (Heavy 1.93 N/A Industrial) Y hğƉǞƚƚķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ЊЎЎЉЏЉЉЉЊЉЌЉ I-2 (Heavy 3 N/A Industrial) Y hğƉǞƚƚķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ЊЎЎЉЊБЉЉЋЉАЉ 17.59 ƚƷğƌʹ I-1 (Light 155038001110 4.58 N/A Industrial) Y LΏВЍ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ /ğƒƦǒƭ B-2 (Limited Business) ,IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 155011000171 28.3 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ /ğƒƦǒƭ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 155011000111 7.76 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ /ğƒƦǒƭ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus LΏВЍ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ /ğƒƦǒƭ 155011000101 4.76 N/A District) Y IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 155143001020 7.25 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ .ǒƭźƓĻƭƭ /ğƒƦǒƭ ƚƷğƌʹ ЎЋ͵ЏЎ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus N/A District) Y LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЋВЉЉЋЉВЉ Ћ͵ЋБ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 2.2 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЋВЉЉЋЊЉЉ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЋВЉЉЋЊЊЉ 2.11 N/A District) Y IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 2.03 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЋВЉЉЋЊЋЉ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus 4.18 N/A District) Y LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЋВЉЉЋЊЌЉ IBC (Industrial and Business Campus LΏВЍ b ЊЎЎЉЎЉЉЉЉЉЋЉ 3.13 N/A District) Y 15.93 ƚƷğƌʹ I-2 (Heavy bƚƩƷŷǞĻƭƷ IĻğǝǤ 6.48 N/A Industrial) Y LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ЊЎЎЎЉЉЉЍЋЍЉЉ 6.48 ƚƷğƌʹ EDA Agenda: 10/12/16 14. Consideration of Director's Report (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 1. A review of the large international site search is first up this report. The due date for submittals was September 22, 2016. That is a short turnaround time line. Staff collaboration was required among various City departments to answer the questions /site requirements (see attached) posed in the site search questionnaire and also discuss and select a best possible site. Specifics of the site search are included in the attachment and the complete packet. The City's site proposal packet that was provided to the Greater MSP contact person for this search is also included for your review (Exhibit B). As of October 5, 2016, the City was informed that a first cut of sites has been completed and the Monticello site still remains among 30 Twin Cities area sites for further review and consideration. 2. Opportunities /channels for EDA communication with the City Council was briefly discussed at the September EDA meeting as part of the budget report. Since the City Council has authorized the use of a tax levy to support EDA activities, it is essential that the Council remain informed. A listing of communication opportunities is shown below. a. Filing of annual budget (required) b. Joint meetings for purchase or sale of property c. End of year Economic Development Activities report d. Work Plan ratification (required) e. Annual consideration for adoption of levy (required) Other Activities during the month include: 3. Several Business /Site visits completed (3 as part of the Industry of the Year Event) 4. Helped organize and prepare for Industry of the Year Event 5. Attended Greater MSP sponsored MMMP designation benefit review in Plymouth, MN 6. Follow up contact with Bill Gorton, KW Midwest regarding Block 52 7. Discussion with property owner in Block 52 about progress points 8. Small area study RFP packet revisions nearing completion; mailing expected in mid - October 9. Scheduled special EDA and Planning Commission meeting 4:30 p.m. on 10 -12 -2016 for a walking and discovery tour of downtown area Al. Staff Impact: Minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report A2. Budget Impact: No extraordinary budget impact; normal business activity B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. None requested or required. 2. Motion if the EDA feels direction is needed on items 1 -8. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation requested; informational only. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. International Firm Site Search Request B. City of Monticello Proposal for International Firm Site Search 2 Jacob Thunander From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 4:11 PM To: Jim Thares; Angela Schumann Subject: FW: Company Seeks 35 -60 acre Industrial Site for Manufacturing Facility (Project #556) Please look into this.. perhaps a call to Jim Gromberg at WSB to see if this is worth pursuing ... good Speich property candidate. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator Monticello, MN 763- 271 -3215 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Valerie Vannett [mai Ito: info @greatermsp.org] Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 3:27 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Company Seeks 35 -60 acre Industrial Site for Manufacturing Facility (Project #556) 1 Dear Greater MSP, GREATER MSP has been contacted about an international company considering the Greater MSP region, along with other regions, for a manufacturing project. The company is a universally recognized brand with over $26 sales in 2015. The company is experiencing rapid growth in North America. The company's history has a large focus on R &D (many new products and patents annually) and partnerships with local universities and research institutions for training programs. The company is looking at approximately a $265M capital investment, 700 full -time jobs, a R &D center with 30 scientists and a training program of $30M. Jobs planned at long term full- capacity are as follows; • Unskilled operators — 383 • Supervisors — 22 • Skilled operators — 134 • Technicians — 82 • Engineers — 41 • R &D Scientists — 31 • Support Staff - 21 The company would like to make a site decision by the end of 2016 with construction beginning the latter part of 2017. This project has many information requests. The Business Investment and Research teams at GREATER MSP will be covering many of these requests, however, we do need all of your help in identifying sites that can accommodate the following requirements for new construction only: Site • 35 -60 acre industrial site for a 532,000sf to 861,000sf building. Ceiling heights of 23' to 33' with a small section going to 36'. Electrical Enerqv Requirements (potential for a renewable energy supply preferred) • Power Factor of 95 -100% • Power Capacity demand of 9.81VIVA • Annual electrical usage of 49,600MWh • Looking for dual feed and underground service Thermal Enerqv Requirements • Max hourly usage of 11,942,000 BTU, or 3,500KWh • Max daily usage of 214,956,000 BTU, or 63,000KWh Water Service Requirements • Daily usage of 31,700 gallons • Annual usage of 11,359,398 gallons • Maximum daily usage of 39,625 gallons • Required delivery volume of 44GPM • Required delivery pressure of 80PSI No specific requirements for sanitary sewer `! Data Service Requirements I 2 • Fiber with bandwidth >100Mbps If your community has a site that can accommodate this request, please provide a complete response to Joel Akason by 5:00pm on Thursday, September 22. A complete response will include verified answers to the requirements listed above from energy providers, land owners /developers, etc. Please also list any and all local financial assistance that will be provided for this project. Thank you. Val Vannett Director of Research & Analysis For questions: please contact Joel Mason, GREATER MSP Director of Business Investment, at 651- 287 -5807 or loel.akason(Wgreatermso.org. Back to too ^ ph:651.287.1300 1 400 Robert Street North GREATER >> M$P` I toll free: 1.855.287.1300 Suite 1600 e: inroCO)greatennsp.o!9 Saint Paul I MN 55101 This email was sent to ieff .oneill(5)ci.monticello.mn.us. To ensure that you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your address book or safe list. manage your preferences i out out using TrueRemoveo. Got this as a forward? Sign up to receive our future emails. a MonCITY ticello City of Monticello, MN Site Proposal for Project #556 1 A C� CITY ()F _) .MontiCeflO September 22, 2016 Joel Akason Director of Business Investment GREATER MSP 400 Robert Street North Suite 1600 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Regarding: Project #556 Dear Mr. Akason; Proposal Project #556 Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to provide information concerning the possible location of the new manufacturing facility for Project #556 in the City of Monticello. This project would be an excellent fit with our existing business community and available workforce in the Monticello area. Based upon the information that was provided in the RFP, the City of Monticello has identified the following site that would allow for the construction of the proposed facility exceeding 861,000 square feet of building. The complete information for the proposed site is listed on the attachments including an aerial photo, utilities information and possible assistance programs for the currently described project. The infrastructure required for the project would be constructed in conjunction with the development of the facility. This will allow for the design of the infrastructure to be developed to the exact specifications for the project. Also included in the information provided is a map showing the location of the site to Minneapolis /St. Paul International airport and the community profile highlighting the proposed site for the project. In addition to the City assistance listed, please note that Minnesota does not have personal property tax, manufacturing equipment is exempt from sales tax, and there is no sales tax on energy used in the manufacturing process. These financial incentives coupled with Minnesota's well- educated workforce will continue to give the company a competitive advantage if it chooses the City of Monticello to grow into the future. Again, we are pleased you have engaged the City of Monticello as a possible location for the development of Project #556. Should you have any questions concerning the proposed assistance package, please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 271 -3254. Sincerely��J�� Ji �Thar>es Monticello Economic Development Manager ITV OF MontiCeflo Proposal Project #556 Project Overview The proposed project is the development of a new manufacturing facility of 532,000 to 861,000 square feet of space. The project would consist of the following parameters: • $265 million in capital investment • The creation of 700 fulltime positions consisting of the following types: o 383 Unskilled operators o 22 Supervisors 0 134 Skilled operators o 82 Technicians o 41 Engineers o 31 R &D Scientists o 21 Support Staff • Research and development facility with 30 scientists which will include a $30 million training program. • Decision year end 2016 and construction starting in late 2017. The company has the following infrastructure needs for the proposed project: • Site 0 35 -60 acre industrial site for a 532,000sf to 861,000sf building. o Site must allow for 36' high walls. • Electrical Energy Requirements • 95 -100% power Factor • Power Capacity Demand 9.8MVA • Annual electrical usage of 49,600MWh • Dual Feed and underground service • Available renewable energy source preferred • Thermal Energy Requirements • Max hourly usage of 11,942,000 BTU, or 3,500KWh • Max daily usage of 214,956,000 BTU, or 63,000KWh • Water Service Requirements • Daily usage of 31,700 gallons • Annual usage of 11,359,398 gallons • Maximum daily usage of 39,625 gallons • Required delivery volume of 44GPM • Required delivery pressure of 80PS1 • No specific requirements for sanitary sewer • Data Service Requirements o Fiber with bandwidth >100Mbps September 22, 2016 Page 2 of 5 (` CITY OF MontiCek Proposal Project #556 Estimated Project Assistance: Based upon the above project scenario, the project could qualify for the following assistance: Tax Increment Financing (TIF): Based upon the current project parameters, the project could be eligible for TIF assistance for qualified costs associated with the project. This assistance would be based upon the new property tax increment the expansion would create and the project having qualified costs equaling any proposed TIF assistance. The determination of the available assistance would be calculated after the final project parameters are determined and increment generation projections are completed. The City's current policy would allow for up to 90% of the new increment being created to be used to assist the project. This program does require that the community complete a "but for" finding to allow for the assistance to be awarded. Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF): The City of Monticello offers the GMEF to qualifying businesses to help them meet a portion of their financing needs. Qualifying businesses are eligible for a maximum loan amount of 50% of the current GMEF balance. The level of assistance will be determined by the number of new positions that are created meeting the salary guidelines and the level of new tax based created by the project. The current GMEF balance is approximately $1,160,000 however; any final assistance award would be based upon the funds available at the time of application. Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF): Based upon the above project parameters, the project could be awarded a loan, which may become forgivable, currently estimated at $1,000,000. The amount of the final award would be based upon the jobs created and those positions meeting the required salary levels (currently estimated at 700 above $15 /hour) and having the required privately funded capital expenditures (currently estimated at over $265,000,000) to achieve a 1:1 ratio for the assistance. Depending on the final project parameters and the company meeting those requirements, the loan could become forgivable. Traditionally, the company has 2 years to fulfill the requirements of the loan agreement at which time the determination of forgivably would be completed. This assistance would assume that the MIF has sufficient funds for the award at the time that the project is announced. This program does require that the community complete a "but for" finding to allow for the assistance to be awarded. Minnesota Job Creation Fund (JCF): The JCF program would allow for the company to receive a 5% rebate on the capital expenditures (construction costs, materials etc.) up to $500,000. In addition, this program allows for up to $500,000 in job creation rebates based upon the jobs created and their salary levels. Using the current project parameters with $265,000,000 in capital expenditures for the project could qualify for up to $500,000 in capital rebates. This projection is based on all of the capital expenditures qualifying for the 5% rebate and would be adjusted as the final breakdown of expenditures is determined. The company may also qualify for a job creation rebate of a total of $500,000. If the project is determined to be a large project the amount of the possible rebate could be increased to a maximum of $2,000,000 ($1,000,000 for each component). This estimated award would be contingent on JCF having sufficient funds for the award at the time that the project is announced. Minnesota Job Skills Training (MJSP): The Minnesota also has the Job Skills Partnership that provide up to $400,000 in grants for the training and /or retraining of workers for the updated facility. These funds would be available in conjunction with an accredited educational institution that would be helping to develop the training program. The funds would be awarded to the accredited institution for use with the company. This program does require a match from the company which is generally covered by the company paying the employees to attend the training. Depending on how the training program is structured the training could occur at your facility making it even more convenient. This program does allow for continued access of funds as each training program is completed. September 22, 2016 Page 4 of 5 \\ � CITY C)F - Moi4ice o Proposal Project #556 ba. N RIVER ST W PRAIRIE fRLtlEBf 1O RD TOP DR Z Z U, '"�-"' SANDY W V • , Monticello ffUUflTnTrrrrfl = Proposed Manufacturing Site (188 Acres) Property Tax Number 213100043100 Property Owner Premier Bank Total Property Size 188 Acres Current Estimated Market Value /Sale Price N/A dam._ CITY OF M onticello { A i �... j ¢ , t September 22, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Electrical Service Requirements Power Factor 95-100 YES Power Capacity Demand 9.8MVA YES Annual Electrical Usage 49,600MWh YES Dual Feed and Underground YES Service Generation Mix Renewables 51% (100% renewable program) Water Service Requirements Daily Usage 31,700 Gallons YES Annual Usage 11,359,938 Gallons YES Maximum Daily Usage 39,625 Gallons YES Required Delivery Volume 44 GPM YES Required Delivery Pressure 80 PSI YES Thermal Service Requirements Maximum Hourly Usage 11,942,000 BTU YES Maximum Daily Usage 214,956,000 BTU YES Data Service Requirements Bandwidth = 1 Gig* YES Fiber (Multiple Providers: FiberNet & (City provided service) TDS) September 22, 2016 Page 5 of 5 Eftujobujpo!gps!Joopwbujpo Kpjo!uif!nboz! Npoujdfmmp-!b!eftujobujpo!gps!joopwbujpo!boe!mfbejoh! Njooftpub!ufdi!dpnnvojuz/ Eftujobujpo!gps!Joopwbujpo Dpnnvojuz!Tobqtipu 2!pg!uif!Gfx!Djujft!jo!V/T/!! 23-86: 43!zfbst xjui!Nvmujqmf!Gjcfs!Pqujd!Qspwjefst! Npoujdfmmp! up!Ipnf!boe!Cvtjoftt Qpqvmbujpo Nfejbo!Bhf %2:3-611 21-481!! 3:!Djuz!Qbslt Nfejbo!Ipnf!Wbmvf Bdsft!pg!Sfhjpobm!Qbslmboe Ipvtfipmet 5-7:4 28! %7:-758 Nfejbo!Ipvtfipme! Njmft!pg!Usbjmt Source: ESRI Business Analyst Online Mississippi River Access Jodpnf Fevdbujpo 1 8 Ubyft;!Uif!Dptu!pg!Epjoh!Cvtjoftt!jo/// 7 , Some College Associates degree *Based on 1 Million Dollar Industrial Property Valuation 2 4 Source: Wright and Sherburne County Assessor’s Office $ Bachelor’s degree High school graduate 6 $42,000 4 6 ,Post graduate degree 9 $41,000 0 3 Source: American Community Survey (2007-2011) 0 $ 0 $40,000 3 , 0 8 9 , $39,0003 7 $ 0 3 0 $ $38,000 2 Qpqvmbujpo!Hspxui!Qspkfdujpot!gps! , 6 3 Xsjhiu!Dpvouz $37,000 0 $ 0 4 , $36,000 4 Total PopulationPercent Change 3 $35,000$ 20102020203020402010-20202010-2040 $34,000 $33,000 124,700147,422171,416193,67918.2%55.3% $32,000 Wright County had the fastest growing labor force in Minnesota from $0 2002 to 2012 at +22.6%. Neighboring Sherburne County was the 4th ol o oe le l l el gk l a ei a e fa fastest labor force growth at +18.5% cv h f s L i t ct t u r i g n eO Bi Source: Positively Minnesota oM b B l . M t A S Ipx!up!Hfu!Ifsf Air: Located 51 miles north west of the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport or 23 miles from the St. Cloud Regional Airport. Passenger Rail/Light Rail: Connected to the North Star passenger rail line that runs to the Twin Cities and connecting LRT lines. Interstate/Highway: Monticello is located off of Interstate Highway 94 and Highway 25, and 2 miles from Highway 10. Rail: The BNSF rail line is a class 1 freight railroad that connects north to St. Cloud and South to the Twin Cities. Nbq!pg!Esjwf!Ujnft Eftujobujpo!gps!Joopwbujpo Tjuf!Tfmfdujpo!Sfrvftufe!Dsjufsjb Percent of !Xsjhiu!Dpvouz! Population Employed Xbufs!Tfswjdf!Sfrvjsfnfout • Daily Usage – 31,700 Gallons 64,309 Civilian Employed Population (16+ yrs) • Annual Usage - 11,359,938 Gallons employed • Maximum Daily Usage - 39,625 Gallons Construction19 % • Required Delivery Volume - 44 GPM Manufacturing17 % Wholesale Trade13 % • Required Delivery Pressure - 80 PSI Retail Trade9.2 % Transportation Warehousing9 % Ebub!Tfswjdft!Sfrvjsfnfout Information7.6 % • Bandwith > 100 Mbps Finance, Insurance, Real Estate6 % 4.5 % Educational Services, Health Care, Social Services4.4 % Fmfdusjdbm!Tfswjdft!Sfrvjsfnfout Arts, Entertainment, Recreation4 % • Power Factor - 95-100 Public Administration1.5 % • Power Capacity Demand - 9.8 MVA Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Mining1.4 % • Annual Electrical Usage - 49,600 MWh Other1.5% • Dual Feed and Underground Service Generation Mix Source: American Community Survey (2007-2011 5 yr Estimates) Uifsnbm!Tfswjdf!Sfrvjsfnfout • Maximum Hourly Usage - 11,942,000 BTU • Maximum Daily Usage - 214,956,000 BTU 242!Bdsf!Tjuf!dbo!bddpnnpebuf!b!cvjmejoh!pg!?!2N!Trvbsf!Gffu Eftujobujpo!gps!Joopwbujpo Mpdbm!Bttjtubodf!Qsphsbnt Uif!Djuz!pg! Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Assistance for land write-down and or site improvements for qualified businesses. Npoujdfmmp!tfflt!up! Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Below Prime Interest Rate Loan. dsfbuf!qbsuofstijqt! Sfhjpobm!Bttjtubodf!Qsphsbnt xjui!qsjwbuf! Wright County Enterprise Fund A county funding course to assist industrial businesses with financing real property acquisition and development, jowftupst/ machinery and equipment or working capital. Minnesota Investment Fund Bttjtubodf!nbz!jodmvef;! Low interest loans to industrial, manufacturing and • Acquisition of land technology businesses. • Preparation of sites for development Small Business Development Loan Program • Construction or reconstruction of public improvements a Agricultural and Economic Development Board who issue • Removal of polluted lands as needed • tools available to the city Small Business Administration (SBA) • Fiber subsidy available Assistance with SBA loans. • Site preparation (platting) • Revolving loan Helpful Links: Building Business in Monticello- http://www.buildingbusinessinmonticello.com Greater MSP- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JDH5il6FFiM The City of Monticello’s Economic Development Authority provides comprehensive services to prospective and existing businesses by assisting with site and building process. Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager City Hall Address: Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 271-3254