Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-20-2000 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION APRIL 20, 2000 4:30 a.m. Members: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffrey 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the regular meeting March 6, 2000. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Discussion with the Football Association. - Jeff Houselog and JefTBestland 5. Report on the March 30, 2000 Baseball/Softball organization meeting. - Jeff 6. Discussion on recreational items for Par West Park (golt~ playground) - Gregg 7. Adopt*A*Park - Gregg, Wanda A. MCP request to adopt East Bridge Park B. Girl Scouts/Master Gardener's Ellison Park C. Resident planting at River Mill Park . 8. Discussion on the focus of the Parks Commission. .- /" . I, c.J-,,-l,~ - \........ c..,,. (' A. Joint meeting with the township and city to discuss area recreation needs ;.. B. Change focus to Park and Recreation C. Combine Parks Commission and Community Center Board 9. Updates: A. ISTEA Pedestrian Bride/Pathway Project. - Jeff B. User fees for Ellison Park (minutes attached) C. Joint Soccer Fields with the School District - Jeff D. Sign for Ellison Park - Wanda 10. Maintenance update - Gregg 11. Added items. 12. Adjourn. 13 "Tree PIGldl/"?/ - ()fJ./1Of/' f' I '-I - l;Jo.. I k + -Roll . J). LJ Of'- J (\ ioo Lc VI (L v0 ) () l.::.- . . . 5. '.- MINUTES REG ULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION MARCH 16,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Members Absent: Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffrey Larry Nolan 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Earl Smith. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the regular meeting Februarv 17,2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17,2000. SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. Motion passed unanimously. .., ,). Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agcnda for discussion: rental fees for the park shelters and Monticello Community Partners March 15, 2000 meeting, posting signs in the park stating park rules. 4. Discussion with the Hockev Association. Vance Ellis and Todd Banek, representatives from the Hockcy Association, attended the meeting to report on the past hockey season and maintenance projects for the next season. The association was very pleased with the scason this year. They commented the Parks Department did a fantastic job keeping everything maintained. The warming house was kept in good order, the ice was excellent, and the attendants were very well trained. They estimated 30 to 70 kids were skating each day. In the past the organization has assisted with maintenance projects during the summer or early fall. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, statcd that it is very important to keep working together and have the hockey players take ownership in thc 4th Street Park by helping with the maintenance each year. The Hoekey representatives were opcn to Mr. Engle presenting projects to the Hockey Board for funding and volunteer help. There was discussion on the possibility of hard surfacing the 4th Street rink for street hockey in the summer. The Commissioners explained this idea had been researched in the past and not completed due to maintenance and the surface material causing the ice to melt faster. It was also added that the surfacing costs are not in the 2000 budget. The Hockey Association would look into these issues and report back to the Parks Commission. Discussion with the Baseball Board on this year's season. Paul Kleinwachter, representative for the Monticello Baseball Board, attended the meeting to Page I ~"'''-._----......J..&",.,.~ Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 . give an outline of the baseball program and discuss current issues with the Commissioners. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, did inform the Commissioners there would be a meeting on March 30, 2000 at City Hall with the baseball and softball organizations to discuss the procedures at the fields, lighting, concessions, fees. and future changes. There has been a contract for concessions between the City and the softball organization that will expire in 200 I. Mr. Engle invited the Parks Commissioners to attend this meeting. Commissioners Earl Smith and Fran Fair volunteered to represent the Commission at the March 30 meeting. Mr. Kleinwachter reported he has been with the youth baseball program for six years. Each year the number of children in the program has increased. There are about 350 children that will be enrollcd this year. Mr. Kleinwachtcr added there will be a need in the near future for more fields. He did volunteer the organization to help the park crew with the labor on large projects that are needed at the ball fields. Jeff O'Neill. Deputy City Administrator. added there would be significant residential growth in the area behind Gould Brothers Chevrolet/90th Street area in the next five years. If there are not funds for ncwfield development the playing time of the existing fields will need to be stretched in ways sllch as adding lights. Mr. Engle added the School District and the City did work together last year to expand the use of the school ball fields. The city crews assisted the school staff by dragging the ball fields in the summer when school was not in session. There was discussion on ajoint meeting with the Township and the City for field development. It was agreed the school had done an excellent job in the past but the acreage on the school campus for field development is maxed. There will be a need for another large ball field complex similar to the City Fields in the near future. . The Commissioners also spent a few moments discussing the focus of the Parks Commission changing from Parks only to Park and Recreation. This will be discussed further at the April meeting. 6. Review Budget items. There was no discussion on this item. 7. Review status of ISTEA Grant for the pedestrian bridge and pathwav svstem. Jeff O'NeilL Deputy City Administrator. reported that the City Council authorized WSB Engineering firm to prepare the plans necessary to keep the Pedestrian Bridge project moving forward. Mr. O'Neill added the City Council was still reviewing the project costs. however. did think it was a necessary project fix the safety of the young children that ride their bikes over the bridge with the traffic. The City COllncil suggested City Staff attend the next school board meeting and discuss possible funding from the school district. . Page 2 ...,~t. . .. ''tI.'. . . , Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 8. Update on seminar for landscaping grant. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, attended a seminar conducted by MNDOT explaining grants available for landscaping in the right of way. This could be used along the right-or-way at East and West Bridge Park. Mr. Engle would request the information on the available grants and city staff would review it. 9. Update on soccer field development. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported on the joint soccer field project between the school and the city. Mr. O'Neill stated they were still waiting for grading plans to know the scope of the project. There has been Mighty Kicks money approved by the state. This would be allocated for soccer field development in project such as the one Monticello is researching. Mr. O'Neill would keep the commission updated on this issue. 10. Communitv Take Pride (Citv-wide clean up). Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported on the annual city wide clean-up which is Project "Community Pride". The week of April 24 to April 29 has been dedicated to many clean-up projects. All three elementary schools have chosen a day during the week to pick up litter on the school grounds, all the classes at the middle school will be participating, the junior class at the high school will be helping with the grounds at the high school. Many organizations, church groups, and individuals will be participating on Saturday in the downtown and park areas. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, added many civic organizations also have events planned at other times in April and May such as: Rotary Day at Otter Creek Park, Lion's Spring Fling at Pioneer Park in May, the Master Gardeners and Girls Scouts joint planting project at Ellison Park, Monticello Community Partners assistance at East Bridge Park, City Ballfield Spring Clean-up Day, NSP County Road 75 cleanup, and Residential Involvement Day at River Mill Park. 11. Update on maintenance items. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on all of the maintenance items completed during the month. He added that many of the picnic tables would be placed in the parks next week. He did ask for a vote on the parking project on Walnut Street along the West side of Bridge Park. Did the Commission prefer angled or straight-in parking? After a short discussion, NANCY MCCAFFREY MADE A MOTION TO INSTALL ANGLED PARKING ON WALNUT ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF BRIDGE PARK. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) Commissioner Smith inquired if the path at Otter Creek Park to the wild flower gardens could be Page 3 -<.. '-~.,......o:-....'- Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 . changed so it is not under water during certain times of the year? Mr. Engle replied that the finish grade and seeding would be completed in the park this year and that should help. Mr. Engle added besides maintenance items he was taking bids to finish the pathway to Montissippi Park and initiated a program to inspect park buildings so repairs could be budgeted for over time. He also brought sample signs that would be posted in the parks this spring stating the park rules. Mr. Engle would write a letter to the Wright County Sheriffs department informing them of the signs and requesting enforcement. Mr. Engle added that the 4lh Street Park will need added playground equipment. He stated that the plan was to retro fit a new section of playground equipment with the equipment already there. This would be less expensive and still enhance the 4lh Street Park. Mr. Engle also brought pictures of a variety of playground ideas for Par West Park. It was agreed to continue the discussion on park equipment at the April meeting. 12. Added items. Commissioner Fair, Parks Commission and Liaison to the Monticello Community Partners, reported that Monticello Community Partners, MCP, would like the Parks Commission to apply for a grant through the Riverfest Committee to purchase landscape material for West Bridge Park. The Commissioners all agreed that East and West Bridge Park were a priority this year because the parks were the north entrance to the City. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY, TO APPL Y FOR A GRANT FROM THE RIVERFEST COMMITTEE TO PURCHASE LANDSCAPE MATERIAL FOR WEST BRIDGE PARK. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) .,.", '. Commissioner Smith requested information on the process for charging fees for the shelters at Ellison Park at the next meeting. 13. Adiourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR AND SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. [1,)iA.;u(, ~'tlin1(r Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant . Page 4 ,~"'" ~ -.,,:, . . . . 7. Adopt-A-Park. Grcgg Englc and Wanda Kraemer A. MCP request to adopt Bridge Park. Parks Commission Agenda - 04/20/00 . . . ADOPTwAN-AREA APPLICATION FOR EAST BRIDGE PARK BY MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS MARCH 20, 2000 In the interest of continuing downtown revitalization, the Monticello Community Partners has voted to "adopt" East Bridge Park for two more years, 2000 and 2001. Monticello Community Partners agrees to provide volunteer labor to accomplish the following: Collect seasonal debris from East Bridge Park (i.e. sand and salt in the spring and shrub trimmings in the fall) and either dump them in the on-site garbage can or pile them for city collection in the parking lot. Collect trash on a weekly basis. Buy all needed supplies and transport them to East Bridge Park. Prepare the annual flower beds. This includes roto-tilling, spreading needed soil additives such as peat moss, as well as applying fertilizer and weed preventer. Design the color scheme and layout and choose the appropriate annuals. Plant the annuals. See attached site plan. Re-setting and replacing the identification stakes. Weeding, mulching, and watering all beds. (Watering until such time as irrigation system is installed.) Trimming the shrubs in the fall, lilacs after bloom in the spring. Pulling the annuals in the fall. Dividing the perennials as needed. (Every 3-4 years.) Repairing any damage by vandalism. Typical vandalism has included theft and damage due to skateboards and bicycles. It is our understanding that the City will maintain the hard scape, such as the stairway, the railing, the benches and the curbs. The City will collect debris piled in the parking lot if it is too big to fit in the on-site garbage can. It is also our understanding that if the City will provide soil and wood chips, MCP will provide the labor to distribute it in the garden beds. . . . Below is a list of items needed. In an effort to streamline record keeping we will use Cedar Street Garden Center as our primary supplier. The following is an estimated cost list. 15 flats of annuals / 12 packs ea = 180 packs @ $1.49 ea 8 - 1 gal shrub @ $10.00 2 pints Round-up weed killer @ $16.00 Soil Enhancements (peat Moss, Compost) 2 - 2 cU.ft. Bags @ $7.49 5# Miracle-Oro plant starter 40# Fertilizer (10-10-10) 2 @ $10.00 20# Weed Preventer (Treflan) 2 @ $16.00 8 - 2 cU.ft bags cocoa mulch for Hostas @$6.00 Wood Chips and Soil (provided by City) 2 ~ 3 Hostas to fill in empty spots 4 - 6 shrubs to replace dead or damaged (if necessary) $268.20 $80.00 $32.00 $14.98 $13.49 $20.00 $32.00 $48.00 N/C $10.00 $100.00 $618.67 Enclosed please find a drawing of East Bridge Park with proposed work listed. MCP begins with a clean-up day in the spring. Then, each week during the season, three to five volunteers spend Monday mornings maintaining the annuals, perennials, and shrubs. In the fall, one day is devoted to trimming the shrubs. ~ - - -. \ o.n (). ':. / ":t. Q '\- U :. ':t -....; ",. ., I 1 V\ f .. '" \ :J L \ ~ (t \ / / / "" D / , I l I I I I / / / / / / / / ,I / I \ Q ~ "'" '3 q. " ~ oj. 0.. "X V) i ..l <t -:s. \.. -; ~ 't. 'Olo Q.. ~~ .0 ... ~ '" <I: ~ f. ()o &- f'4. ..!) ~ ,..., <l :. ~ t. a ~~ "t J t) Q '1 .... -z: "0 ..-, ~ - .J "" t,J . Ul,j '"l ..., <:(, \... V\ ():t % ~ -3 ~ Q 't C .:;! ~ Q ~ ) ~ (j -:s <! ~ .J ~ ~ V\ ~ ty .y.. ),( Q( cr ~ \-~ "'0 ...- 3Q1 ~ .l /' / l I I : i \ '\ \ \ ''-, " .'~ ..." a.... '" '"Z o -' .----....... --1 .0 ~ ~ '" <;) -::t: " t v\ ~ ~ \.l <r .J ..j ':f c:L E '--.., , ) ~ .,./ ~ .' ~- rot) 'f) · tl ~ ..... ........--.............---............- . . . Parks Commission Minutes - OS/23/96 Wright County Parks Commission, and County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke regarding the future of the NSP land adjacent to Montissippi Park and a 2000 foot strip along the river. 7. Update on Prairie West Addition. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the Prairie West Addition is being developed by John Komarek. It will be on along County Road 75 and the Monticello Golf Course. It will consists of 20 unites, 6 twin homes and 2 quads. There will possibly be a 3.8 acre park in the area of the pathway bridge over Otter Creek. The Parks commission will be asked to make a recommendation as to the design of this park. 8. Update on a Lion's park. Commissioner Smith reported that the Lions were still interested in sponsoring a "Lion's Park". The park would be dedicated to the Lion's organization and would be maintain by the members. The commissioner discussed the request from the Lions. The size, funding, and type, of the park would need to be determined before the Park's Commission could recommend any action. It was decided to form a sub-committee to research the options before a recommendation could be given to the Lions. It was decided that the sub- committee would be Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Nolan, and Park Superintendent Mack. 9. Added items. Steve Andrews inquired if the city parks were reaching saturation levels. Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, reported it was getting difficult to keep the grass in good condition at Ellison because of all the use. Mack also added that the play ground equipment is in need of updating. The Commission will need to research the use in the near future and decide if there should be a fee to reserve the parks for groups from outside of the city limits and also what improvements will need to be budgeted for. Fran Fair reported the MCP had been really working to educate the area on who and what the MCP is. There will soon be buttons and t-shirts available for sale. It will be important for everyone to support the group with pledges and time. 10. Acijoum. Earl Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Fran Fair. Respectfully submitted, j)andc. j(~~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 2 Cl- \ . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/15/98 (south of the intersection ofHwy. 25 and Oakwood Drive). Bridge Park will be a main focus area for this year and in the future. The Commission directed the City Planner to Gontinue with the design for this park which would include the specific items from the past subcommittee meetings. 6. Discussion on adopt-a-park ~idelines. Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, reviewed the guidelines for adopting parks, pathway, and/or public areas in the city limits with the Commissioners. Kraemer would revise the draft for the next meeting. 7. Discussion on user fees for the parks. Earl Smith and Fran Fair reported on the suggested changes made by the subcommittee. The sub-committee's recommendation was to charge for the use of all buildings and shelters in the parks. This was recommended because of the increased use causing a need for sprinkler systems and increased maintenance. 8. Discussion on bud~et items for 1998. Pathway Bids - Chairman Larry Nolan requested the pathway segments in this year's budget be bid in February or March. Nolan requested City staff to contact John Bondhus regarding the pathway because of his office in this area. 9. Consideration of submittin2' a LCMR Grant Proposal. Discuss ~ant application ideas. (Klein Farms. Montissippi. ect. ) Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, asked if there were any preferences or ideas for the LCM~ Grant Proposal. Kraemer stated that Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, had suggested reviewing Klein Farm Park as a good example for a LCMR Grant Proposal. The Commissioners were interested in the grant and suggested staff proceed. 10. Update: A. Tree planting project - Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, reported the project was on schedule for April 25, 1998. At the end of January letters were going to be mailed to organizations, church and school groups to be returned by March 16, 1998. The parks maintenance crew would soon be mapping the blocks where trees would be planted. NSP had "officially" volunteered to dig all the holes for the trees. Tree Trust would be available for training the volunteers. B. Community Center - This item was not discussed in detail but would be added to the next meeting. Page 2 q-~ . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/19/98 EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO INTEGRATE THE BRIDGE PARK CONCEPT PLAN WITH THE DECEMBER 18,1997 PARK PLAN. SECONDED BY RICK TREVOR. Motion passed unanimously. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO HAVE THE CITY ENGINEER PHASE THE PROJECT, ESTABLISH COST ESTIMATES AND TIME SCHEDULES. SECONDED BY RICK TREVOR. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion on Hillhway 25 Project Pathway Plannin~ - Steve Grittman Steve Grittman, City Planner, informed the Commission that the pathway along the Highway 25 Project would not be constructed on both sides of the highway as requested by the Commission at the January meeting. Due to the costs, only the east side would be in the final plan from School Boulevard to the interstate and along the north side of Chelsea Lane. 8. Discussion on the final draft of the adopt-a-park guidelines - Wanda Larry Nolan requested directional and informational signs be added to the list of signs that could be used in the guidelines. A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE ADOPT-A-P ARK GUIDELINES. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. JENNIFER FEARING MADE A MOTION TO RECOMMEND THE RESERVATION POLICY BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. 9. Discussion on the Tree Planting Project - Wanda Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, reported to the Commission that letters and forms to assist with the Tree Planting Project on April 25, 1998 had been mailed to organizations and church groups in the area. The information will also be mailed in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter. 10. Update: A. Islands across from Bridge Park - Wanda Kraemer reported to the Parks Commission that the DNR was requesting a detailed plan of the plan to remove the fallen trees from the island. The Commission discussed the item and decided to revisit this topic mid summer. B. Irrigations Systems - Roger Mack reported he could get a price on irrigation for Page 2 c~_ ~ . . . Council Agenda - 3/23/98 5A Consideration of establishine- park use fees for reservina- shelters in West Bridae Park and Ellison Park. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Parks Commission has reviewed the current program for charging fees for use of shelters in these parks and has determined that due to frequency of use and associated cost, it is time to consider charging. Please see the attached information from the Parks Commission defining the proposed fee structure. City Council needs to determine whether or not it is appropriate to be charging fees for use of the sheltered areas in the parks. As you know, many communities do charge fees for special use of facilities that requires extra maintenance and attention by city staff as a result of semi-private use. Obviously, charging the fees helps to recover some of the City's cost associated with providing facilities. There is also the issue relating to use of the facilities by city vs. non-city residents. As you can see, the fee structure charges a higher amount for non- city residents. It may make sense to have non-residents pay a slightly higher fee for use of the facilities due to the fact that their property tax dollars do not go toward maintenance of our park system. B. ALTERNATNE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the fee structure as submitted by the Parks Commission. 2. Motion to deny changes to or adoption of the fees for use of the parks. 3. Motion to modify and adopt the fee program submitted by the Parks Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator has reviewed the proposed fee structure and supports the recommendation by the Parks Commission. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Fee structure and information provided by the Parks Commission. q-~ . . . MONTICELLO PARK RESERVATION POLICY 1. Reservations A. January through April only city residents can make advanced reservations. In May reservations will be open to anyone. B. A list of people and times the shelter has been reserved will be posted on the shelter the beginning of each week by the Parks Maintenance Department. The person scheduling the reservations will prepare the typed list for the Parks Maintenance Department and place it in the Park Superintendent's mailbox. 2. ~ A. B. C. D. City Residents ($50 per 4/hours) 1., S Non-residents ($100 per/4hours) Non-resident commercial ($200 per/4 hours,) -Chu.u.Jn:n3 ($10 per 4/hours) L Ar(jN~P/W f', f) /' \ : ~'-,~.~~{I' 3. Exempt from fees A. Organizations that are supported indirectly or directly through annual appropriations. (Examples: Community Education, Monticello Community Partners, Senior Center) B. Large community events (Riverfest, Art in the Park) 4. Maintenance The Parks Commission requested the Park Maintenance department include a person to keep the shelters and restrooms clean on a daily basis. This would include more than one visit on the weekends. J~ t~ RESERVE.POL 1/1/98 C\_ !j CounciIAgenda-3~3/98 . 5B. Consideration of acceptinll adout-a-vark policies. (J.D.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Parks Commission submits to the City Council modifications to the existing adopt-a-park policies. The adopt-a-park policies are intended to provide organizations and individuals with guidance as to how the City and organizations will cooperate toward development and improvement to public lands within the city of Monticello using the assistance of volunteers. The development of this policy stems from considerable discussion by the Parks Commission, and it represents an improvement to a policy established by the City Council a few years ago. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the adopt-a-park policies. . Under this alternative, this document will become the foundation of future relationships between the City and organizations like the Lions Club, the Rotary Club, and others that wish to share in the development of our park resources. 2. Motion to deny the adopt-a-park policies. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends adoption of these policies. As soon as they are adopted, they will be implemented in conjunction with the park being developed in the Klein Farms area by the Lions and also the Prairie Creek Park developed just west of the Prairie West development along the pathway. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of adopt-a-park regulations. . 2 q-12 . . . ADOPT-AN-AREA GUIDELINES FOR PRIVATELY-FUNDED IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY PARKS, PATHWAYS, OR OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, from time to time, private groups or individuals (volunteers) may recognize an opportunity to improve public park areas, pathways, and/or a public property and seek to provide free labor and supply materials necessary to complete an improvement project, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello appreciates the willingness and efforts made by volunteers to beautify and improve city parks, pathways, public property and WHEREAS, city park improvement projects, maintenance, or activities undertaken by volunteers will be conducted on public lands and, therefore, need to be coordinated with City park planning and operations, and WHEREAS, a common understanding must be established between the City and volunteers regarding each city improvement project in terms of project design, financing, maintenance, etc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, that the following guidelines shall be followed in regulating city park, pathway, or public improvement projects completed by volunteers: 1. Eli~bility. Anyone interested in undertaking a park improvement project is eligible. 2. Project Duration. Volunteers shall commit to maintaining the project site for a period of two years with renewal each year. (See lIB) 3. Plan Preparation. A. A set of plans shall be prepared that provides detail necessary to understand the scope and design of the project. B. A maintenance plan providing details of maintenance, repair, and appearance. This should also include a vandalism plan. 4. Pathway Benches. Pathway benches must meet city specifications. Benches shall be placed along the pathway at locations in accordance with the City's Pathway Plan. Anyone interested in donating a bench can obtain the required specifications and costs at City Hall. A plaque or inscribed message can be placed on the back of the bench stating who donated the bench. C:\OFFICE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL Page 1 C\-1 . 5. . . Guidelines for Adopt-An-Area Si~s. The following signs may be allowed after review by the City Staff and the Parks Commission: A. Plant identification signs. B. Area identification sign, directional signs, informational signs C. Adopt-a-Park signs that state the name of a business, logo, or slogan are allowed. (This will be below the main park sign) D. Adopt-an-area signs allowed for maintenance projects will be 6" x 8" temporary signs for recognition. 6. Review Process. Park project plans shall be submitted to City staff for review. If plans are complete as defined by City Staff and the Park Superintendent the proposal will be submitted to the Parks Commission for review. At the discretion of the Parks Commission and/or City Administration the project will be reviewed by the City Council. 7. Financine-. Generally, the total cost in terms of materials and supplies shall be paid entirely by the volunteers; however, the City has the option of cooperating financially through separate funding, labor, and/or materials on a case-by-case basis. If City financing is being requested the amount should be requested at the time the plans are submitted. 8. Maintenance Projects It shall be the responsibility of the volunteers to maintain the areas according to the maintenance agreement agreed to at the beginning of the project. 9. Vandalism. A plan for vandalism will be addressed under the main maintenance plan. 10. Termination of Project. A. Since the project is located on public property, any labor or materials placed on the property becomes the property of the City of Monticello. The City reserves the right to terminate the project after a 30 days notice without reimbursement if it is deemed by the City Council to be in the public interest to do so. B. Each volunteer group shall appoint an individual responsible for coordinating group installation and maintenance of the project. The responsible volunteer shall also be responsible for understanding and complying with city guidelines. Each year in January a renewal letter will be sent to the contact C;\OFFICE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL Page 2 q~<6 . . . Guidelines for Adopt-An-Area person for each project that has been "adopted. This will determine if there is still an interest to continue the project. C. The Park Superintendent shall be responsible for overseeing that the maintenance plan is being followed. Consistent failure to properly maintain the project as defined by the agreed plan may result in the project being deemed abandoned. If the project is found to be abandoned, then the City Administration and/or the Parks Commission may at its discretion remove all or a portion of the improvements installed with the project. (Adopted this 9th day of September, 1991. REVISED Feb. 1998) City Administrator Mayor C; \OFFICE\P ARK\ADOPT2.POL Page 3 ~-q Council Minutes - 3/23/98 i Ii .:1 A. Consideration of establishin~ park use fees for reservin~ shelters in West Brid~e Park and Ellison Park. Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. B. Consideration of acceptin~ adQnt-a-nark nolicies. Recommendation: Approve the adopt-a-park policies as proposed. C. Consideration of a resolution approvin~ plans and authorizin~ advertisement for bids for extension of sanitary sewer and water to the Resurrection Church and Methodist Church sites. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving plans and authorizing advertisement for bids for extension of sanitary sewer and water to the Resurrection Church and Methodist Church sites. SEE RESOLUTION 98-9. i:! D. Consideration of annointine: Council renresentative for union contract ne~otiations. Recommendation: Reappoint Councilmember Clint Herbst as the Council representative to the union contract negotiating committee. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE ITEMS 5B, 5C, AND 5D OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae-enda for discussion. 5A. Consideration of establishin~ park use fees for reservin~ shelters in West Brid~e Park and Ellison Park. Council reviewed the park shelter reservation policy and discussed the proposed fees for residents and non-residents to reserve the park shelters. It was noted that a tally of 1997 shelter reservations showed more non-residents reserving the shelters than city residents. In addition, the Parks Commission anticipated that the fees would cover the cost of additional maintenance in the parks. :1 I ~ !' AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO MODIFY THE CITY RESIDENT RESERVATION FEE FROM $50 TO $35/4 HOURS AND ADOPT THE PARK SHELTER RESERVATION POLICY. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 C\\-\D !!. " CITY OF MONTICELLO P ARK RESERVATION PERMIT -- MONTICELLO Facility: Date: Time: Name: Resident: Non-resident Address: Phone: Payment: Check# Cash: Amount: Key for community room or restrooms: Kcy# Date fee refunded:___._.___.._.__ (If applicable-30 days cancellation policy) POLICIES 1. A copy of this permit must be brought to the facility as proof of reservation. . 2. A non-refundable fee of $35/4 hrs.-(residents) and $100/4 Ilfs.- (non-resident) will be charged. Churches will be charged $10/4 hrs. 3. For Commercial use a non-refundable fee of $35/4 hrs. - (residents) and $200/4 hrs. - (non-residents ). 4. Non-profit organizations exempt. Require non-profit ID# 5. Cancellations-full refund if canceled 30 days prior to reservation. 6. No alcohol is permitted at the City parks. 7. The park opens a 8:30 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m. **Note: It is necessary to pick up a key for the Community Room/Restroom @ West Bridge & a key for Ellison Park Restrooms. Water faucet located at Ellison. ** Make sure the restrooms and community room doors are locked before you leave! Signature of applicant Issue by: Date: . Parks permit f:Irecept Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello,MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Publi<.: Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax:: (763) 271-3272