Parks Commission Agenda Packet 02-17-2000 . Members: l. 2. -. j. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION February 17,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffrey Call meeting to order. Consideration of approving the minutes for the regular meeting December 16. 1999. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Review status of ISTEA Grant (include John Simola and Rick Wolfsteller) Discuss entrance signs and landscaping Compile a list of Goals for 2000 Update on soccer field development. Jeff O'Neill Review Grant proposal Community Take Pride (City-wide clean up) - April 29, 200n Walk & Roll - Saturday, May 20, 2000 from 10 to Noon Update on maintenance items. Added items. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 16,1999 - 4:30 p.m. Members: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffl-ey 1. Call meeting: to order. Thc mccting was callcd to ordcr by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving the minutcs for thc regular meeting November 18. 1999. TIlE MINUTES WERE APPROVED BY RICK TRAVER AND SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Discussion on Hillcrest Park skating rink. 4. Update on soccer field development. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, had sent an update to the City Council on the progrcss of joint soccer field dcvelopment with the city and the school. Thc athletic director for thc school was in the process of designing the field layout. 5. Goals for 2000. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, requested each Commissioner bring a list of goals for next year to the January meeting. He would then put together a work plan and schedule for 2000. The Commissioners also requested that each agenda include the budget and the balance in the dedication funds. A subcommittcc was formed to research ideas for improvements to Wcst Bridge Park. The committee was formcd of the following members: Rick Traver, Fran Fair, Earl Smith and Gregg Engle. Rick Traver would be the chair and contact the mcmbers as to the time and date of the meeting. 6. Entrance signs. The Commissioners discussed loeations for welcome signs at the entrances to Monticello. Grcgg Engle, Park Superintendent, had taken pictures he would bring to the next meeting of possible sites and cxamples of other communities entrance signs. Monticello Page I . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 12/16/99 Community Partners and the Design Advisory Team has also worked on ideas for entrance signs in their work plans. It was suggested to form a subcommittee and meet with members of MCP and DA T to try and accomplish this goal. A subcommittee of Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Nancy McCa1It'ey, ffild Gregg Engle was formed. Fran Fair would be the Chair and coordinate the meeting time. There were questions on where the signs could be placed according to the city ordinance. JefIO'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, would research this and inform the committee where the signs could be placed at the January meeting. Mr. O'Neill would also talk to Residential Developers Inc., RDI, about this project and inquire if they had land available for an entrance sign. RDI is developing the River Mill subdivision on the east side of Monticello. 7. Update on Community Center. JeLf O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported that City Hall would be moving to the Community Center on December 21, 1999. The entire Community Center is due to open the end of January. The grand opening will be scheduled approximately a month after the center opens. 8. Update on maintenance items. Greg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on all of the maintenance items for December. The city ice rinks would be open on Monday, December 27, 1999. There was a shortage of rink attendants applying for the positions at the warming hOllse. Mr. Engle has requested the city lower the age requirement to 16 for working at the warming house. It is currently at 18 and there are not many people applying. Mr.Engle had worked with skating rink employees that were only 16 in the past and it has worked well. The Hockey Association was working with the Park Department on maintaining the 4th Street. A new rink in the Cardinal Hills Park was added. The new flood truck would also help with the maintenance of the rinks this year. There was also discussion on how the section of pathway that was seal coated last summer could be made smoother. Mr. Engle assured the Commissioners that there would be a noticeable difference after the winter season. It was discussed to explore the possibilities of providing a path from W. River Street through Mississippi Park. Mr. Engle would eontact the Park Superintendent from Wright County to discuss this idea. The commissions requested the pathway on the east side of Monticello at the entrance of the new Shermer Plat should be checked for debris. There was also discussion on paving the pathway along County Road 18. The Commissioners thought this was an important link to the City's pathway system. It could be added to the bid specs for the pedestrian bridge and pathway project that will be bid in the spring 01'2000. Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 12/16/99 A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH AND SECONDED BY RICK TRA VER TO INCLUDE THE BID '1'0 PAVE THE P A THW A Y ALONG COUNTY ROAD 18 AS AN AL TERNA TE WITH THE ISTEA BRIDGE AND P A THW A Y GRANT. Motion passed unanimously, JeLf O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, will prepare a City Council update and inform the City Engineer of this request 9. Added items. Clint Herbst, City Council Member, has requested an update on the skating rink at llillcrest Park. Greg Engle, Park Superintendent, informed the Commission that the Hillcrest Park skating rink would be one of the rinks maintained by the Parks Department this winter. 10, Adjourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICK TRAVER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously, Wanda Kraemer Administrati ve Assistant Page 3 . . . .. wss 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Btet A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray. P.E. & Associates, Inc. 612.541.4800 FAX 541-1700 January 27,2000 Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick: I am sending you this letter to advise you of a number of grant programs that are available that may be able to help the City fund various projects/programs. Please find outlined below a brief description of the grant programs and the type of projects that may be eligible. MnDNR Conservation Partners Grant Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) Conservation Partners Grant is a SO/50 match grant with a minimum grant amount of$I,OOO and a maximum grant award of$20,000. The application deadline is March 31, 2000. Grant awards will be announced in the Fall of2000. Programs/projects that may be eligible for funding include the following: . Restoration of natural plant communities . Protection of wetlands . Establishing native plant buffer strips along streams and lakes . Abatement of soil erosion . Monitoring environmental indicators · Surveying plant and animal populations · Evaluating enhancement projects . Researching methods to conserve or enhance fish, wildlife, and native plant habitat . Monticello Water Quality Monitoring Program MnDNR Community Environmental Partnership Grant The MnDNR Community Environmental Partnership Grant is a SO/50 match grant with a minimum grant amount of $1 ,000 and a maximum grant award of $20,000. The application deadline is March 31, 2000. Grant awards will be announced in the Fall of2000. Programs/ projects that may be eligible for funding include the following: . Water quality monitoring, sampling, and other environmental indicator monitoring · Stormwater drain stenciling · Erosion control efforts to enhance native habitat . Preparation and production of environmental education products such as handbooks, manuals, videos, brochures and newsletters . Monticello Water Quality Monitoring Program Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\ WPWINlMorkelinglO 11700-g'ants-monl. frm . Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello January 27,2000 Page 2 MPCA Clean Water Partnership The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Clean Water Partnership (CWP) program is awarded in two phases. In the first phase, a diagnostic study and implementation plan are completed; the second phase involves putting in place the Best Management Practices identified in the first phase. Under the CWP, grants are awarded for up to 50 percent of project costs. Low interest loans are also supplied which can cover the entire cost of the implementation phase or supplement a grant. Total grant funds to be awarded under this program is approximately $2.4 million; there is no maximum award limit. Approximately $4 million will be available in low interest loans. The first phase application deadline will be in September 2000. Awards are generally announced in February of2001. Programs/projects that may be eligible for funding include the following: · Individual septic treatment system projects · Stormwater treatment basin projects · Stream-bank stabilization · Erosion control practices · Water resource protection through education . MPCA 319 Program The MPCA 319 Program is a 50/50 match grant. Total grant funds to be awarded under this program equal $3 million; there is no maximum award limit. Changes to the application deadline are currently being made; the deadline is anticipated to be in August 2000. Grant awards will be announced in the Fall of2000. Programs/projects that may be eligible for funding include the following: · Implementation of nonpoint source pollution control measures · Water quality restoration · Stormwater treatment basin projects . Water treatment system projects Metropolitan Council Metro Environment Partnership Grant Program . The Metro Environment Partnership Grant Program can fund up to 75 percent of project costs. There is no maximum award limit. The deadline is anticipated to be in the Fall of 2000; a grant application packet will be mailed out to a broad list of possible applicants prior to that time. Programs/projects that may be eligible for funding include the following: . Implementation of nonpoint source pollution control measures · Nonpoint source pollution research and monitoring projects · Water treatment system projects · Preparation of educational products about nonpoint source pollution such as handbooks, manuals, videos, brochures and newsletters F:\ WPWINlMar<eling\O 11700.g,ants.mont. frm ., . . . Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello January 27,2000 Page 3 Ifthe City would like to try to obtain funding through any of these grant programs for a specific project, we recommend formalization of a concept plan before proceeding with the application process. We would be happy to assist in the determination of grant eligibility and in the application process of specific projects. Please contact me at (612) 541-4800. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~ Peter R. Willenbring, P .E. Vice President lt/kd cc: Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello F:I WPWINlMorket;nglO 11700.gr3J\ts.mont. frm .,