IEDC Minutes 02-03-2009 1 MEETING MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTE Tuesday, February 3, 2009 7:00am, Boom Island Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Vice Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Zona Gutzwiller, Dan Olson, Patrick Thompson, Rich Harris, Dick Van Allen, Elaine DeWenter, Charlotte Gabler, Wayne Elam MEMBERS ABSENT: Elaine DeWenter, Don Tomann, Glen Posusta, Clint Herbst LIAISONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Monticello Chamber CITY STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett, Jeff O’Neill City Administrator, City Engineer Bruce Westby Call to Order IEDC Vice Chair Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. declaring a quorum. Vote to approve the January 6, 2009 IEDC minutes: MOTION BY BILL TAPPER TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 6, 2009 IEDC MINUTES SECONDED BY MARSHALL SMITH. MOTION CARRIED. 11 – 0. Transportation Plan Presentation by City Engineer Bruce Westby: Engineer Bruce Westby provided a power point presentation regarding the most recent Draft Transportation Plan. Members from the IEDC inquired about long range plans for Highway 25 and how such plans correspond to transportation plans in Big Lake. Much discussion ensued regarding roundabouts. Marshall Smith stated further discussion between the City and the hospi tal should occur prior to continuing to show Washington Avenue as a potential future bridge crossing. Members on the IEDC questioned why Washington showed more traffic than County Road 39. Staff was directed to craft a memo from the IEDC to the Planning Commission to be included as part of the public input process during the Public Hearing: 2 The IEDC meet on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 to discuss the draft Transportation Plan. The IEDC is generally supportive of the proposed plan with the following comments and insight: 1. A provision should be included requiring additional research and analysis on how an additional interchange would affect future industrial development. 2. The proposed Fallon Avenue overpass should show a more aggressive timeline for both implementation and construction. 3. Improvements along Highway 25 should be clearly established as a top priority. Roundabouts appear to be the favored option at this point, however additional research and education needs to be completed prior to moving forward with this improvement method. 4. A second river crossing may be important, however the implications of a second river crossing should be analyzed in detailed to determine the implications of this improvement. The City should take a close look at other similar communities that have two river crossings and ask the question ”what do we want Monticello” to look like and “who are we.” 5. The Monticello/Big Lake Hospital and the City of Monticello need to discuss the bridge option locating along Washington Street. The hospital has future expansion plans that could be majorly impacted by the location of a bridge. Coordination between these two entities is critical to further discussion regarding this improvement. 6. While the Transportation Plan is a guiding document, the plan should provide for a more pro-active and aggressive “implementation” section. The IEDC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed draft Transportation Plan. The committee desires to be pro-active in implementation strategies in order to make improvements outlined in the plan a reality. Economic Development Report: Chair Lynne Dahl-Fleming announced that Don Tomann resigned from the IEDC. MOTION BY TAPPER SECONDED BY DICK VAN ALLEN TO ADJORN THE MEETING. MOTIONED CARRIED. 11 -0. Adjourned at 8:45am